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人教版八上书面表达写作范文 (1)

人教版八上书面表达写作范文 (1)
人教版八上书面表达写作范文 (1)


Unit 1

请根据下列所给的信息提示, 以“ How to keep healthy” 为题写一篇70个词左右的短文.

How to keep healthy?

No sports, no life. Do you hear of that? That is to say, we should take more exercise every day. We can walk, run, swim, skate, or play ball games.

An apple a day keeps doctors away. It’s also a famous proverb. That means we should have good eating habits. Try to eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, eat less meat or junk food. Have enough sleep every night. If you do these, I think you can keep healthy.

Unit 2


a. toothache

b. stressed out

c. have a cold

d. tired

e. have a sore throat

Lily is my friend. She never exercises. She is always stressed out. She should exercise every day. She should sleep eight hours every night. She shouldn’t just stay at home or school. She should go out with her friends. She should eat some healthy food. She shouldn’t eat too much junk food. I think it’s important to stay healthy.

Unit 3

根据下列表格内容写一篇短文,介绍你的周末计划, 不少于60词。

I am going to have fun this weekends. On Saturday morning I’m going bike riding with my best friend. In the afternoon I’m going fishing with my father. I like fishing very much. And in the evening, I’m going to the movies with my family. We’re going to watch a comedy. I think it’s very interesting. Then on Sunday , I am going sightseeing in our city all the day. Maybe it can help me know much about our city. And on Sunday evening I’m going to have a rest,


根据下列上海普陀中学八年级(1)班学生上学方式的调查表,用英语写一篇短文。不少于70 个单


There are fifty students in Class 1, Grade 8 at Yuying Middle School. Every day they go to school in different ways. Fifteen students take buses because they live far from the school. Ten students walk. They think walking is good for their health and they live near the school. Twenty-five students ride their bikes to school because they like riding bikes very much and their homes are not very far from the school. No one goes to school by car.


根据提示写一封60-80字的信。Tom 邀请Li Ping 参加他这周日的生日宴会,但Li Ping的父母出差要到下个月回来,奶奶又卧病在床,需要人照顾。再说英语考试即将来临,因此,无法前去参加生日宴会。Li Ping感到很抱歉,只好写信辞谢。

Dear Tom,

Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party. I'd love to go but I can't. My parents…

Dear Tom,

Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party. I'd love to go,but I can't. My parents are out on business. They are coming back next month. And now I have to look after my grandma because she is ill in bed. And I also need to study for my coming English exam. I'm very sorry but I can't go to your party. Thank you for asking me. I hope you can have a good time.

From Li Ping


请以“My best friend”为题写一篇介绍你的朋友的短文。短文要运用课文所学的有关句式,把你的朋友和你的长相(包括身高、头发、眼睛等)、体格(包括强壮强度等)、性格(开朗、文静等)、学习情况等方面进行比较。词数70左右。

My best friend

My best friend is Li Ming. We are in the same class..He is as old as me, but he is taller and stronger than me. Both of us have black eyes and black hair, but his hair is shorter than mine. Li Ming likes sports. He often exercises after school. He is more outgoing and more athletic than me. But I think I’m smarter than him. Most of my subjects are better than his.

Unit 7


three bananas, three apples,a watermelon,a bowl,honey,yogurt.

How to make fruit salad?

First cut up three bananas three apples and a watermelon. Next put the fruit in a bowl. Then put in two teaspoons of honey and a cup of yogurt. Finally mix them all up. And you can enjoy the delicious fruit salad.

Unit 8

上个星期六学生们去西山进行了一次野餐, 请参考所给词语, 描述此次活动.

go to West Hill, by bike, a short rest, after, the foot of , sing, dance, climb, see, hear, happy

Our class had a picnic last Saturday. We went to West Hill by bike. We had a short rest after we got to the foot of West Hill. First we had our picnic lunch. After lunch we sang and danced happily. Then we began to climb the hill. We saw many beautiful flowers. We heard the birds singing and got a lot of wild fruits. We had a wonderful time.

I felt very tired when I got home, but I was very happy.

Unit 9

A famous pingpong player.

Zhang yining is a famous ping-pong player. She was born in Beijing on October 5 1982. She is 1.68 meters tall. She started to play ping-pong when she was 6 years old. In 1991 she joined the Beijin table tennis team. At the age of 11, she joined the national table tennis team,. At the age of 16, she became a ping-pong champion. In 2004, she took part in the 28th Olympic Games in Athens and won two gold medals.

Unit 10

根据汉语提示及要求,以"My Dream Job"为题用英语写一篇短文。

提示:1. 想成为一名记者。

2. 打算给报纸、杂志写文章。

3. 高中毕业后想去北京上大学。

4. 想在一家电台工作并环游世界。

要求:1. 条理清楚,语句通顺,语法正确,书写规范;

2. 提示内容全部体现在文章中;

3. 不少于60词。

My Dream Job

When I grow up, I'm going to be a journalist. Next year, I'm going to write articles for magazines and newspapers. I'm going to a university in Beijing after high school. Maybe I'm going to find a part-time job and save some money. Next, I'm going to work for a TV station as a journalist. Then I'm going to travel all over the world.

Unit 11


Good morning! Now let me report the discussion work in our group. Wu Jun cleans his room at weekends.Jia Wei likes cooking dinner with his mother. Wang Ping sometimes does the dishes.She thinks it’s relaxing. As for me I make my bed every morning.

In my opinion, it is necessary for our students to do some housework. By doing it, we can help our parents and understand them better. We will also learn to take care of ourselves.

Unit 12.

以“My subjects”为题,谈一谈你所学习的课程。

内容包括:(1)你最喜欢什么学科? (2)什么学科最有趣?(3)什么学科最枯燥?

(4)什么学科最难? (5)什么学科最重要和有用处?

My Subjects

I’m a middle school student. I’m learning many subjects in school. They are Chinese, English, history, geography, math, music and P. E.

My favourite is English. I think English is the most interesting of all. I don’t like history or geography. They are the most boring subjects. I like math, too, though it is the most difficult. I think Chinese is the most useful subject and P. E is the most important to our health。


人教版英语八年级上册期末专题复习资料:书面表达 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? 新目标人教版八上书面表达(1) I had a good weekend. On last Saturday morning I went bike riding with my best friend. In the afternoon I went fishing with my father. And in the evening, I went to the movies with my family. We watched a comedy. I thought it was very interesting. Then on last Sunday, I went sightseeing in our city all the day. And on last Sunday evening I had a rest. What a wonderful weekend I had ! 新目标人教版八上书面表达(2) 假如你叫军,你的美国笔友Tony来信询问你上个周末的情况。请你根据以下要 点给他写一封回信。 1. 周六和父母去看望爷爷奶奶,并帮他们打扫房子; 2. 周日上午去了历史博物馆,学到了很多东西; 3. 周日下午在家做作业、看书。70词左右。 提示词:las t week end, visit grandparents, clean the house, history museum, do homework, read books Dear Tony, I’m very happ y to t ell you about my last weekend. Yours, Li Jun

2020八年级语文上册 写作《写一则消息》写作指导(附范文) 语文版

小专题写作写一则消息 【写作导航】 消息是一种以最简洁的文字和最快的速度报道新近发生的、有价值的和民众最关心的事实的文体,是一种世界上运用范围最广、读者最多的文体。由于它报道迅速,传播面广,篇幅短小,在新闻报道中被广泛使用,成为新闻报道中使用最多的一种文体。怎样写好一则消息呢?我们需要注意以下几点: 一、“货真价实”——真实准确 毫不夸张地说,真实准确是消息的命脉,有了它,消息才有意义。所以,消息的写作,应立足于事实,让事实说话,切不可添枝加叶,也不可移花接木,将自己的喜好强加于事实之上,更不可捏造、虚构故事。构成消息的事实,包括人物、事件、时间、地点的每个细节,都必须完全真实,确凿无误,是名副其实的“货真价实”。比如,如果为了渲染场面的宏大,将三百人的事实,硬说成是五百人,这就是假新闻。 二、超短的“保质期”——迅速及时 消息是新闻的一种。资深新闻人胡乔木曾说过:“新闻的发表不光是论日子,而且要论钟点。”“今天的新闻是金子,昨天的新闻是银子,前天的新闻是垃圾。”我们要善于抓住生活中的新元素,比如新人、新事、新风尚,必须敏锐发现,尽快把握,迅速反映,否则就是“旧闻”了。很多重大新闻往往在时间上都精确到点,比如有关香港回归的报道,“新华社香港7月1日凌晨电”即是明证。现在更有实时新闻、直播新闻,这都是讲求“迅速及时”的具体体现。 三、童话中的“小矮人”——短小精悍 写消息,最怕写成老太婆的裹脚布——又臭又长。消息写作时应以叙述为主,叙述努力做到:概括而不抽象;简洁而不疏漏;取材要典型,能以一当十;用词造句要概括精练;除了必须交代的时间、地点、人物、结果、意义外,事件发生的环境、条件和过程只需要写出一个轮廓即可。 四、别致的模样儿——“倒金字塔”结构


书面表达范文 1.假设你在美国留学,请根据以下提示内容写一篇有关自己的报告。80个词左右。提示:你叫张升,来自中国湖北,14岁,是一名中学生。你有许多爱好,如踢足球、听音乐、绘画等。你正在学英语,想同别人用英语交流,但感觉困难很多。你虽然认识许多英语单词,但口语不太好,心里很着急。你不知道怎样提高英语水平,希望得到同学们的帮助。 My name is Zhang Sheng. I come from Hubei,China. I’m 14. I’m a middle school student. I have many hobbies. I like playing football,listening to music,reading and so on. Now I am studying English. It is hard for me to talk with others in English. I know a lot of English words,but I can’t speak English well. I am very worried. I don’t know how to improve my English. I want to make friends with you and get help from you. Thanks. 2. 寒假离我们不远了。这个寒假你有什么计划呢?请整理一下头绪,谈谈你的寒假计划。单词:holiday, plan, rest, learn, knowledge, spend, activity, housework, help. 短语:winter holiday, be going to, spend time doing…,communicate with, help…do…, take part in, think of The winter holiday is coming. I’m going to do what I want to do. Let me tell you something about my plan for the winter holiday. First, I’m going to have a good rest and relax myself. I will read more useful books because reading is interesting and it can make me learn more knowledge. Next, I am going to spend more time communicating with my parents and help them do some housework. I’ll try my best to help them. Then, I’m going to take part in some social activities because I can learn more about the society. What do you think of my holiday? I’m sure I will be happy every day in the winter holiday. 3. 假设你是Lisa,你是北京新华中学的一名学生,请根据以下相关内容提示写一篇自我介绍。(1)你喜欢的学科及原因。(2)你的特长。(3)你对未来的憧憬。 My name is Lisa. I’m a student at Beijing Xinhua Middle School. I like science best because I like making things. I often make model planes at home. I got a prize in my school for my model plane. I’m good at maths. I got first in the maths exam. I also like music. I often listen to CDs in my free time. I have many dreams. I want to go to college. In the future, Iwant to be a good maths teacher. 4. 请根据下面的提示,以“Our Hobbies”为题,写一篇60词左右的短文。(1)几乎每人都有一种爱好。爱好能带给我们乐趣、友谊、知识和放松。(2)不同的人有不同的爱好。 Almost everyone has a hobby. A hobby is just something you like to do. It’s not something you need to do. I t’s fun. It can make your life happy and interesting. A hobby can give us enjoyment,friendship,knowledge and relaxation. Different people have different hobbies. For example, some like drawing pictures,some like singing popular songs,some like gardening,some like going fishing,and so on. I have my hobby. I like sports very much. Sometimes I play football, sometimes I go running in the morning. Sports make me stronger and stronger. What’s your hobbies?


初二上英语作文 集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-

请以“Talking about English Learning”为题,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈你对英语学习的看法以及你学习英语成功的经验,并给学习有困难的同学提几条学好英语的建议。要点 如下: Why do you learn English How do you learn English Your suggestion(建议)。 要求: 1.短文应包括所有要点,要点顺序可以自己安排。词数80左右。短文开头已给 出,不记入总词数。 2.要求语句通顺连贯,能表达自己的真实思想。 3.所提建议应不 少于两条。 Talking about English Learning English is the most important and useful language in the world. It is also one of the subjects in schools. So I have learn English for many years. In class, I try to listen to the teacher carefully and speak English as much as possible(尽可能多的). After class, I often go over the lessons, listen to English tapes, watch English programmes on TV, read English newspapers and so on. I study hard, so I’m good at it. By the way, here are some suggestions about how to learn English well for you. First, believe yourself, try to read or speak English loudly. Second, you had better learn English words by heart. Third, it is a good idea to use English as much as possible. Finally, why not find an English pen friend and write email messages to each other in English Nothing is impossible if you


【篇一: 如何写一篇新闻稿】 如何写新闻稿 掌握新闻写作的一般技巧,提炼新闻主题,是写好第一篇新闻稿的关键 第一、基本掌握标题的制作技巧。标题是文章的眼睛,一篇新闻稿若有一条新颖别致的标题,就能象磁 石那样牢牢地吸引编辑和读者的注意力。 第三、理解和掌握新闻写作的基本方法——用事实说话。摆事实,用事实说话,这是新闻独特魅力所在, 也是新闻事业不可代替的价值所在。 1.新闻稿的结构 2.怎样选好新闻稿的主题 要写好新闻,事先要想好文章的中心思想写什么,无论是写消息、特写,还是通讯,都要表达一个中心思想,这就是主题。比如写一篇消息时,写什么内容,要先把意思想明白,这就是立意。立意就是主题。主题对新闻稿起着决定性的作用,它是文章的灵魂,是文章的纲。它就像一根红线,贯穿全篇,成为这篇文章的中心。所以说,主题是新闻稿件的统帅,新闻稿件的结构安排、遣词造句要受它的“调遣”,即文章的造词、结构、语言、表达等等,都要以主题为依据,受主题的约束。因此,“意在笔先”,主题明确了,才好伏案动笔。 4.重视背景的结构特色 新闻背景是为了描述新闻事件的来龙去脉,写出它同其他事物有联系的历史事件、社会环境、政治原因、科学知识等客观背景,全面的揭示事物的意义。写好写活新闻背景,可以起到烘托、深化新闻主题的作用。

5.怎样写好新闻主体 新闻主体顾名思义是新闻稿件的血肉之躯,是文章的主要部分。要写好新闻主体,首先要有丰富的材料,“巧妇难为无米之炊”嘛!要获得丰富的材料,就要深入生活、工作、学习中去搜索、摄取。当然,稿件的材料,不是写什么要什么,而是会挑选,把那些能够表现稿件主题的材料选出来。和主题有关系并能有力地说明、烘托突出主题者,选而留之;和主题无关不能说明主题者,“扣”而舍之。有了材料后,把握好新闻稿件的语言特色,是作者表达写作主题、展示文章功力的最直接的手段,也是写好新闻稿件的关 键。新闻语言要明快、准确,快速切入实质内容,注重用事实说话,不要过分修饰,过分追求华丽,但这决不是要放弃对语言的推敲。切忌无限上纲上线、大加评论,自己先给出结论,要把结论留给读者得出。 6.用简练的语言写好结尾 第二届电脑节新闻稿件范例 新闻稿一 4月1日上午,广东财经职业学院举办了以数码生活、链接你我、共创辉煌第二届电脑节。本届电脑节的举办是学院在成功举办首届电脑节的基础上的又一次大胆创新,开创了大专院校电脑文化与校园文化相结合的先河。本届电脑节为期六天,其中包括平面创作大赛、会计电算化操作技能大赛、flash创作平面创作、网页设计、应用软件设计、资讯会展、电脑征文、打字比赛、it知识擂台、flash创作大赛、photocard创作大赛等六大主题共十七项活动,充分展现信息时代对相关的要求。学院领导将参加了本次电脑节的开幕式。 新闻稿二 广东财经职业学院于4月1号隆重举行了该院“第二节电脑节”开幕式。学院领导参加了开幕式。本届电脑节围绕“数码生活、链接你我、共创辉煌”的主题开展了六大主题共十七项活动,其中包括: 平面创作、网页设计、应用软件设计、资讯会展、电脑征文、打字比赛、it 知识擂台、flash创作大赛、photocard创作大赛等。通过各项活动提供的创作平


书面表达4 susan 是一名初三的学生,她们学校正在征集对校服的款式和颜色的搭配的以及。请你根据下面表格的提示以susan的名义给校长MR Lin写一封信,说明她关于校服设计的想法 I’m writing to tell you something about our school uniforms. I think boys should wear shirts and pants. The shirts should be white so that they could wear them with red ties. Black pants are really suitable for them to wear. As for girls, I think they should wear blouses and skirts. The color of the blouses should be white. The blouses should be made of silk. The skirts should be pink or light blue. What do you think of my ideas? Yours, Susan 书面表达5 根据以下提示给一家服装店写一则英文广告:1 衣服种类繁多,可以任意选购 2 可以试穿衣服 3.付款前请勿把衣服带出商店。4 在休息室lobby可供休息 There are many different kinds of clothes on sale in our shop. You can choose what you like. You can try on your favorite clothes. There is a lobby foooor you to rest. Please don’t take clothes out of the shop before you pay for it. Everyone is welcome. 书面表达6 张洁的学校下周要举办第一届时装秀,她们正在积极的准备,今天张洁和她的同学买了各式各样的衣服。请你以她的语气写篇日记,描述下所买的衣服 Saturday, May 21st Sunny Our school will have the first fashion show nest week. We are very excited and begin to prepare for it. Today my classmates and I went to a big store to buy new clothes. We bought lots of nice clothes. Zhu Yanli bought a silk dress. I think she looks more beautiful when she wears it. Lucy likes cotton skirts, so she bought one. Li Tao got a T-shirt. I bought an overcoat. It’s made of natural material. I also like its color. Some other students bought Hanfu. W e all had a good time today. 书面表达7 假设你叫 Dear Jack, How are you ? I know you have some problems. You are too fat and unhealthy. What’s more, you feel tired all the time. I think you should change your lifestyle. Don’t play computer games or watch TV too much. You’d better do more outdoor activities and play more sports. They can help you lose weight and keep you active. Healthy eating is important for you. You have to eat more vegetables and fruit. They make you more healthy. Fried meat , chips and ice cream a re delicious, but you shouldn’t eat too much. Eating too much of them is bad for your health. Here is my


八年级上册英语作文范文(12个话题) 话题一:谈论以前的假期 假设你的名字叫小明。你很喜欢旅游,你和家人去年夏天去了长城。请以“The visit to the Great Wall”为题,写一篇不少于80词的英语短文。 The visit to the Great Wall My name is Xiaoming and I like traveling very much. Last summer, I went to the Great Wall with my family. It was fine that day. We went there by bus early in the morning. When we got there, there were many other visitors there. When my family and I went onto the Great Wall, we saw beautiful scenery(风景). And we took quite a few photos there. The time flew by, and soon we had to go back. I was tired after traveling, but I really enjoyed visiting the Great Wall! 我的名字是小明,我很喜欢旅行。去年夏天,我和家人去了长城。 那天天气很好。我们早上很早就坐车去那里了。当我们到达那里时,那里还有许多其他的游客.。我和我的家人去到长城的时候,我们看到了美丽的风景(风景)。我们在那里拍了不少照片。 时间飞逝,很快我们不得不回去了。旅行后我很累,但我真的很喜欢游览长城.! 话题二:谈论生活方式 My Lifestyle I am a 14-year-old middle school student. I have a healthy lifestyle. I often eat fruit and vegetables. Apples and carrots are my favorite. I love junk food, too, but I only eat it two or three times a week. I sleep less than seven hours every day. I feel sleepy sometimes. I run in the morning and play ping-pong after school. In my free time, I enjoy reading books.


第一单元体育运动综合演练 Task 1 很多同学都看过李连杰(Jet Li)的电影,假如你是一名记者,今天有机会采访他。请根具下面的表格内容 思路点拨:本文属于材料作文,所叙述的活动是有关李连杰的日常生活,作文首先可以对李连杰做个简单的介绍,然后列举他的日常活动,可适当发挥。 第一步:四个“确定” 1.文章体裁: 2.主体时态: 3.中心人称: 4.内容要点: 第二步:拟定提纲 1. 亮出观点: 2.日常活动: 第三步:连句成文 Task 2 假如你是初二(1)班的林涛,你原来身体状况不好,经常感冒。经过一段时间的锻炼,你现在很健康,学习效率也有了明显的提高。请你以“Sports and Health ”为题,为校英语报写一篇文章,描述一下你参加体育活动的感受。要求;意思连贯,语法正确,70词左右。 Task 3 俗话说“饭后百步走,活到九十九”。散步是一种很好的锻炼方式。请根据自己的了解,写一篇英语短文,介绍一下散步的好处,题目自拟。要求:语句通顺,句意连贯,80词左右。

第二单元健康状况综合演练 Task 1 某中学对学生的健康状况进行了调查。调查结果表明肥胖学生的人数占了学校总人数的20%,这一问题引起了家长和老师的重视。请你更具一下提示写一篇短文发表自己的看法。 提示:1.肥胖(obesity)会带来很多烦恼,甚至疾病(illness) 2.分析造成学生肥胖的原因,并简要给出建议。80词左右。 思路点拨:本文要求写一篇关于自己对“肥胖”的看法的文章,并阐述自己的观点和看法,这样就不能只限于对事物本身的描述,还要表明你的态度并说明理由,达到以理服人。 第一步:四个“确定” 1.文章体裁: 2.主体时态: 3.中心人称: 4.内容要点: 第二步:拟定提纲 1.主题句(点明调查的结果) 2.阐述肥胖的危害 3.分析肥胖的原因 4.提出合理的建议 第三步:连句成文 Task 2 有的学生不爱在家里或学校食堂吃午饭,常到外面去吃。但是有些食物并不利于他们的健康。“英语角”打算针对这个问题展开讨论。请你准备一篇讨论稿,谈谈你的看法和建议。80词左右。 Task 3 李明是校报的记者,最近了解到很多同学由于忙于学习而顾不上吃早餐。请你以李明的身份来写一篇相关报道,陈述不吃早餐的利害。90词左右。


校园消息范文校园新闻消息的范文 人物消息: 张龙龙刷新我校25年的跳高记录 本报讯又是一场欢呼,10月13日上午,研究生院研一学生张龙龙在我校男子组跳高比赛中以1.83米的优异成绩打破了尘封25年的1.81米的原记录。 张龙龙每年都参加运动会,除了大二那一年的失常发挥,其余每届都是跳高赛的冠军。但是往年他都没能破前辈创下的记录。对此,他说:“那一直是我的目标。” 在前面的预赛中,他都过的比较轻松,一脸从容淡定样子。到最后的决赛,剩下他一个挑战记录的时候,他往后退,拉长了助跑的距离,助跑前,他站在那里看着标杆,若有所思。第一跳,由于他的脚没有收缩好,碰到了标杆,标杆掉下来了。第二跳,是他又拉长了助跑的距离,在助跑点注视标杆很久,似乎在和标杆对话,他跑过去了,脚收缩的很好没有再碰到标杆,腰部发力到位,可是他的手却又碰到了标杆。还剩最后一次机会,要是还没有过,破记录的目标就只能等到明年了。从什么下来后,他缓缓走到起跑点,一直往后退,退了很长一段距离后,他站定,做好起跑的姿势后又起

身放松一下,再俯身,他凝视着标杆,看了许久。终于,他冲过去了,在起跑点一跃,过了以完美的姿势! 在事后看视频时发现,这一跳超过了一米八三的标杆好多,于是他给自己定的下一年目标是冲刺一米九。 事件消息: 我校首届校园管乐节圆满成功 本报讯 5月15、16两日,悠扬而动感的音乐打破了校园昔日的沉寂。由校团委主办的以“迎农大七十周年庆,展校园管乐风采”为主题的我校首届校园管乐节成功举办。 15日晚,管乐节专场音乐会在大礼堂开幕,会场嘉宾云集。南昌大学军乐团、城市学院交响管乐团及其韩籍教授李根浩应邀出席,我校副校长王华林教授、廖为明教授,校长助理胡春晓教授、徐斌华教授及我校上千师生观看了演出。 本次专场共安排有18首精彩曲目,伊始军乐团一队队员以其精湛的技艺,高超的水平演奏《鼓乐》、《春天的故事》等四首曲


八年级英语上册作文范文 一、关于旅行需注明:时间、地点、人物、天气、事件、食物、感受。 My Vacation To Beijing Last summer I went to Beijing on vacation with my family. The weather was sunny and hot. We visited the Great Wall on the first day. There were many people on the Great Wall. The next day, we visited the Palace Museum and Tian’an Men Square. We took many photos there. We also visited some other interesting place—Beijing Hutong. For dinner, we ate something special—Beijing duck. It was delicious. We had great fun there. I hope to go there again. 二、关于朋友的短文可以提及:名字、外貌、他喜欢做什么、与你有哪些相同和不同,最好加一些对朋友的看法. My best friend and I Every one needs friends, so do I. I have many friends, but Mary is my best friend. Let me tell you something about her. She is 14 years old. She is tall and thin. She has two big eyes. She is smart. And she is very funny. she likes telling jokes, and she often makes me laugh . We have many things in common. We are both outgoing in our class. We both like sports and math. And we both enjoy playing computer games. However, we also have some differences. She is good at playing tennis, so she always wins in tennis. I am smarter than her, so I always get better grades than her. I think friends are like books, you don’t need a lot of them as long as they are good. So I hope we can be friends forever. 三、写频率相关的作文:会使用频率。例文:介绍你的朋友Kate的生活习惯 Kate’s habits Kate is my best friend. She studies hard at school, and she likes reading very much. She often reads some useful and interesting books at home. Sometimes she uses the Internet. She can listen to music on the Internet. It’s relaxing. She is pretty healthy. She exercises three or four times a week. She walks to school every day. She has good eating habits, too. She eats vegetables and fruit every day. 四、我最会喜欢的电视节目:写出节目名、叙述内容以及喜欢的原因 My favorite TV show My favorite TV show is China’s Got Talent. The talent show tries to look for the best singers, the most exciting magicians, the funniest actors and so on. All kinds of people join the show to show their talents. Some people are truly talented. When you watch the shows, you can play a role in deciding the winner. The winner usually gets a good prize. I like it because it gives people a way to make their dreams come true. 五、影评:需注意时态;介绍电影类型、主人公、故事大意、以及个人看法。 The Lion King The Lion King is a great movie. I like it very much. It’s a cartoon. It ‘s a story of Simba. Simba’s father was the king. But his uncle Scar killed his father. When Simba grew up, he came back to the forest and became the true king of the forest. Simba is hard-working, and he has many good friends. He is also kind so he can becomes the true king. I think it is fantastic. And if you plan to watch a movie, choose The Lion King.


第1单元书面表达 你的朋友Jack因为长时间玩电脑游戏,现在头痛、眼睛不舒服、腰背酸痛,并且睡不好觉。写一篇短文介绍一下他的情况,并给出你对他的建议。 要求:(1)内容包含所提供的信息,可适当发挥; (2)书写认真,句子通顺; (3)词数:60词左右。 Jack is my friend. He likes playing computer games very much. He often sits in the same way for too long without moving. Now he has a headache, sore eyes and a sore back. He doesn’t sleep well at night, so he feels tired every day. I think he should take breaks away from the computer. He shouldn’t use the computer for a long time. He should do eye exercises to relax his eyes and go to bed early at night. I think if he has a good rest, he will feel well soon. 第2单元书面表达 根据汉语提示及要求,以Lily’s Dream为题写一篇短文. 提示: 1.Lily是一个中学生,她想成为一名职业演员. 2.她也是一名志愿者,经常参加一些志愿者服务活动,业余时间 她还上表演课. 3.现在她遇到了一些麻烦,无钱上表演课,她想出了很多办法, 如:电话给家长、主动辅导孩子的美术、张贴启事寻找工 作挣钱等。 4.问题解决了,她能够继续上课了,她的梦想回实现的。 要求:1.条理清晰,语句通顺,语法准确,书写规范。2.很多于80个单词。 Li ly’s Dream Lily is a high school student. She wants to be a professional actress. As a volunteer, she often volunteers her time to help other people. At the same time she takes acting lessons. Now she has run out of money for acting lessons. She needs to come up with ideas for making money. She called up parents to offer children art lessons. She even put up signs for asking for jobs. Now she’ll be able to continue her lessons, and she can become a professional actress one day. 第3单元书面表达 当前中学生学习任务重,压力大,而丰富多彩的业余生活,有利于开拓视野,调节身心,提升学习效率。请以“My Spare Time”为题,写一篇作文谈谈你的业余生活,如看书、看电视、玩电脑、做运动、做家务等。 写作要求:⑴包含提示所给要点,语言流畅,意思连贯,不必逐字逐句翻译,能够适当发挥拓展;⑵词数80词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。 My Spare Time I am a middle school student. Though I’m busy with my lessons, my spare time is still colorful. After school I usually play sports. Sports help me to keep healthy and study better. I often do some reading in the evening. I think books give us much knowledge. So reading books is the best way of spending my spare time. Sometimes I watch TV or surf the internet. On weekends, I often help my parents with the housework. I sweep the floor, wash the clothes and learn to cook. I enjoy myself in my spare time.


校园活动新闻稿范文 “父亲如山,感恩永远”征文演讲比赛活动掠影 每年6月份的第3个星期日是父亲节。这个由外国人率先设立的节日,它表达了全世界人民对父亲的尊敬和对长辈的爱戴,它同样符合我们中国人。因为我们每个人都是在母亲和父亲的关怀呵护下健康成长的。 伊通县第九中学以此为契机,举行了以“父亲如山,感恩永远”为主题的征文演讲比赛活动。学校首先发动全体学生进行“感恩父亲”征文撰写,后由各班初评后择优上报。组委会共收来稿218篇,最终有18篇征文入选决赛。在父亲节即将到来的前两天即6月19日中午,学校组织入选的18位文章作者在大会议室隆重举行了“‘父亲如山,感恩永远’征文演讲比赛”活动。 通过演讲者的真情表白,全体同学产生了共识,即在人类爱的长河里,父爱和母爱同样伟大。回想一下自己的成长历程,教我们坚强、教我们自立、教我们树雄心立大志的是父亲;父亲是勇气和力量的源泉,是希望和信心的化身。尤其在做人、求学的岁月里,父亲留给我们的是坚强和忍耐,如同巨石山峰,能抵挡住风雨的洗礼、雷电的怒吼、波涛的汹涌。无论春夏秋冬,不管爸爸在哪里,一个电话,一句教导,一个叮嘱都证明了父亲的爱是无限的。难怪人们会选择一年之

中阳光最炙热的6月来过父亲节,原来它蕴含着的是父亲给予子女的最真挚、最火热的爱。 最后,组委会领导在总结环节上做了声情并茂讲话,他说:父爱就像一本震撼心灵的书,读懂这本书,就读懂了整个人生。这个美丽的节日虽然只有一天,但是,对长辈的尊敬和爱戴却是永远。同学们,爸爸妈妈给了我们生命,他们用双手抚养我们长大,他们的叮咛时时伴在我们耳边??爸爸妈妈爱我们,我们是不是也应该像鸟儿和树叶一样知恩,用同样的爱回报他们呢?如果愿意,用我们热爱生活、热爱学习的精神面貌驱逐他们心中的烦恼,给他们带来快乐和欣慰吧!希望我们能够在以后的学习、生活中记得父母的养育之恩,并用一种感激的心态对待父母为我们所做的一切。在父母生日的时候,在父亲节即将来临的时候,别忘了为他们送去一声祝福,一声问候。 (李红星供稿) 校园新闻稿的一般写法xx.10 新闻是对新近发生或发现的有社会意义的事实所作的报道。那么校园新闻也就是学校里新近发生或发现的有意义的事实所作的报道。它具有一般新闻的特点:真实性、及时性和准确性。


1、第一单元书面表达 ★你的朋友Jack由于长时间玩电脑游戏,现在头痛、眼睛不舒服、腰背酸痛,并且睡不好觉。写一篇短文介绍一下他的情况,并给出你对他的建议。 要求:(1)内容包含所提供的信息,可适当发挥; (2)书写认真,句子通顺; (3)词数:60词左右。 Jack is my friend. He likes playing computer games very much. He often sits in the same way for too long without moving. No w he has a headache, sore eyes and a sore back. He doesn’t sleep well at night, so he feels tired every day. I think he should take breaks away from the computer. He shouldn’t use the computer for a long time. He should do eye exercises to relax his eyes and go to bed early at night. I think if he has a good rest, he will feel well soon. 2、第二单元书面表达 ★根据汉语提示及要求,以Lily’s Dream为题写一篇短文。 提示:1. Lily是一个中学生,她想成为一名职业演员。 2. 她同时也是一名志愿者,经常参加一些志愿者服务活动,业余时间她还上表演课。 3. 现在她遇到了一些麻烦,无钱上表演课。她想出了许多办法,如:打电话给家长、主动辅导孩子的美术、张贴启事寻找工作挣钱等。 4. 问题解决了,她可以继续上课了,她的梦想会实现的。 要求:1、条理清晰,语句通顺,语法正确,书写规范。2、不少于80个单词。 L ily’s Dream Lily is a junior high school student. She wants to be a professional actress. As a volunteer, she often volunteers her time to help other people. At the same time she takes acting lessons. Now she has run out of money for acting lessons. She needs to come up with ideas for making money. She called up parents to offer children art lessons. She even put up signs for asking for jobs. Now she’ll be able to continue her lessons, and she can become a professional actress one day. 3、第三单元书面表达 ★目前中学生学习任务重,压力大,而丰富多彩的业余生活,有利于开拓视野,调节身心,提高学习效率。请以“My Spare Time”为题,写一篇作文谈谈你的业余生活,如看书、看电视、玩电脑、做运动、做家务等。 写作要求:⑴包含提示所给要点,语言流畅,意思连贯,不必逐字逐句翻译,可以适当发挥拓展; ⑵词数80词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。 My Spare Time I am a middle school student. Though I’m busy with my lessons, my spare time is still colorful. After school I usually play sports. Sports help me to keep healthy and study better. I often do some reading in the evening. I think books give us much knowledge. So reading books is the best way of spending my spare time. Sometimes I watch TV or surf the internet. On weekends, I often help my parents with the housework. I sweep the floor, wash the clothes and learn to cook. I enjoy myself in my spare time. 4、第四单元书面表达 ★请你给杂志社写一封信,来表述你对家长们把孩子送到各种各样的课外辅导班这件事的看法。要求:1. 80 词左右。 Dear Sir or Madam,

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