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外贸证明及外贸单证英文名称大全 1 分析证书certificate of analysis 2 一致性证书pontificate of conformity 3 质量证书certificate of quality 4 测试报告test report 5 产品性能报告product performance report 6 产品规格型号报告product specification report 7 工艺数据报告process data report 8 首样测试报告first sample test report 9 价格/销售目录price /sales catalogue 10 参与方信息party information 11 农产品加工厂证书mill certificate 12 家产品加工厂证书post receipt 13 邮政收据post receipt 14 重量证书weight certificate 15 重量单weight list 16 证书certificate

17 价值与原产地综合证书combined certificate of value adn origin 18 移动声明A.TR.l moveme nt certificate A.TR.l 19 数量证书certificate of quantity 20 质量数据报文quality data message 21 查询query 22 查询回复response to query 105 订购单purchase order 110 制造说明manufacturing instructions 120 领料单stores requisition 130 产品售价单invoicing data sheet 140 包装说明packing instruction 150 内部运输单internal transport order 190 统计及其他管理用内部单证statistical and other administrative internal documents 201 直接支付估价申请direct payment valuation request 202 直接支付估价单direct payment valuation


补充:英语写作常用句型: 句子写的好坏,是文章写作成败的关键。以下一些惯用句型,实用性较强。 一。开头句型: 1.As far as…is concerned,…就……而论 When it comes to sth/doing sth. 当谈论到…… 1)As far as the role of information in the future is concerned, I believe that information will play a more and more important part in people’s decision-making. 2)As far as what was mentioned above is concerned, how can we ignore the advantages travelling brings forth? 就前面所提及的而言,我们怎么可以忽视旅游带来的裨益呢? 2.It goes without saying that…不用说 1)It goes without saying that practice makes perfect. 2)It goes without saying that reading makes a full man. 3. It can be said with certainty that…可以肯定的说 1)It can …… that cultivating a hobby can add fun to our life. 2)It can ….… that because of the knowledge, we can now enjoy a comfortable life which is brought about by advanced technology. 可以肯定地说,正由于知识我们才能享受科技进步所带来的舒适生活。 4. As the proverb says, …有句谚语说 As the saying gose, …俗话说 As the saying puts it, …俗话说 1) As the proverb says, “Honesty is the best policy.”诚实为上策。 2) As………goes, “Diligence makes up for deficiencies.”俗话说:“勤能补拙”。 3)An English proverb says, “Lost time is never found again.” 英国有句谚语说的好:“光阴如流水,一去不复回。” 5. It has to be noticed that …必须注意的是…… 1)It has to be noticed that the air we breathe is already seriously polluted by the exhaust factories and vehicles give off. 必须注意的是:我们呼吸的空气已经被工厂和交通工具所释放的废气严重污染了。 2) It has to be noticed that market all over the country are swamped with fake and poor quality products and this has greatly harmed the state’s interests and people’s health. 必须注意的是:假冒伪劣的产品充斥全国市场,这种情况大大损害了国家利益和人 民的健康。 6. It’s generally recognized that …人们普遍认为 1) It’s generally recognized that college students shouldn’t try to reach after what is beyond their grasp when they choose to find a good job after graduation.人们普遍认为大学生 在大学毕业后想找一个好工作时,不应该追求超出他们能力以外的目标。 2)It’s generally recognized that lazy hands makes a man poor, while diligent hands bring


外贸单证实训总结 ----WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改复制---- 在考试结束之后,我们迎来了盼望已久的实习。这次实习从第十七周持续到二十周,由我们国际经济与贸易专业的全体老师轮流指导我们在erp实验室和实践基地完成。我认为,实习是十分必要的。实习中的各类单证如信用证、汇票、海运提单、商业发票等等都是我们专业知识的凝聚和承载。因此,认真地履行实习要求,努力完成实习,不仅有利于我们巩固本学期所学到的国际贸易实务和国际结算的专业知识,更利于我们预先观察日后工作中的主要内容、方法以及各种困难,利于我们察觉到自身存在的不足和缺陷,以便我们更好地进行学习和工作,利于我们更快地把所思所学转化为实践动手的能力,把专业知识和技能转变成工作能力和实际经验,而且,相对于出外到某些单位进行工作实习,这种实习的方法可行性更好,针对性更强。 在这四个星期中,我认真地完成了实习的全部内容。实习中的大部分题目我都能按照要求以较高的质量完成,但也有部分题目让我费尽脑筋。比如, 信用证开立和商业发票的填写等问题,主要是对基础知识和细节问题的考察,因此,我能比较顺利地完成。而诸如填制海运提单等问题,由于格式比较灵活,且填写步骤较复杂,因此使我遇到了不小的阻力。总的来说,这次实习的过程比较流畅顺利。这说明,经过这次实习,我们的专业基础知识得到了巩固,专业技能得到了提升。当然,我们还须要从实习中发现自己的不足之处,争取利用假期和日后

的学习来弥补,真正地锻炼自己、提高自己。同时,我们也应该珍惜利用每一个机会,利用各种实习来帮助自己消化专业知识、塑造专业素质。 这四周的实习让我获得了很多颇有意义的实际经验。这次实习不但巩固了我们平时所学,也为我们日后的专业工作提供了十分实际的便利。作为一名大学生,应当具备较强的举一反三的能力,而在这些实习中,恰有很多单证的填写是相互联系、相互依靠的。例如,一般原产地证书和普惠制产地证书的基本格式具有较大的相似性。两者都需要填写进出口双方的公司名称、运输方式、唛头、货物描述等等,甚至连具体需要填写的空白位置都相似。因此,我们应当举一反三,利用诸多单证格式和填写原理类似这一特点,将各类单证的填制和审核紧密联系到一起。这样做无疑可以大大提高我们的学习效率。也可以使我们的实习结果相互对应,利于即使查缺补漏,保证单证记录内容的准确有效。再以商业发票为例,商业发票是出口商向进口商开立的说明货物名称、数量、价格的清单。商业发票在出口商必须提供的单据中起核心作用,其他单据均需要参照它来进行缮制。在整个实习中,商业发票是我们重点练习的一个环节,因为商业发票记载的各项内容是其他单据核心内容的重要依据。比如,发票中关于合同规定货物的各属性描述(货物价格、货物包装等等)是汇票、产地证、海运提单等贸易单据填写的参照。因此,我们还必须能够以一项单据的填写来影响到其他单据的填制。只有保证核心单据的准确、系统、完整,才能利于其他单据的制作,促进整个贸易流程顺利开展。当然,我们


外贸单据词汇的中英文 对照 Document number:NOCG-YUNOO-BUYTT-UU986-1986UT

外贸单据词汇的中英文对照 船舶登记证书 certificate of registry 船用物品申报单 ship's stores declaration 出口许可证申请表 export licence, application 出口许可证 export licence 出口结汇核销单 exchange control declaration, exprot T出口单证(海关转运报关单)(欧共体用) despatch note moder T T1出口单证(内部转运报关单)(欧共体用) despatch note model T1 T2出口单证(原产地证明书) despatch note model T2 T5管理单证(退运单证)(欧共体用) control document.nbspT5 铁路运输退运单 re-sending consigment note T2L出口单证(原产地证明书)(欧共体用) despatch note model T2L 分析证书 certificate of analysis 一致性证书 cettificate of conformity 质量证书 certificate of quality 测试报告 test report 产品性能报告 product performance report 产品规格型号报告 product specification report 工艺数据报告 process data report 首样测试报告 first sample test report 价格/销售目录 price /sales catalogue 参与方信息 party information


英语固定搭配注意:黑色粗体部分是着重要记忆的部分 一、接不定式(而不接动名词)作宾语的24个常用动词afford to do sth. 负担得起做某事 agree to do sth. 同意做某事 arrange to do sth.安排做某事 ask to do sth. 要求做某事 beg to do sth. 请求做某事 care to do sth. 想要做某事 choose to do sth. 决定做某事 decide to do sth. 决定做某事 demand to do sth. 要求做某事 determine to do sth. 决心做某事 expect to do sth. 期待做某事 fear to do sth. 害怕做某事 hope to do sth. 希望做某事

learn to do sth. 学习做某事 manage to do sth. 设法做某事 offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事 plan to do sth. 计划做某事 prepare to do sth. 准备做某事 pretend to do sth. 假装做某事 promise to do sth. 答应做某事 refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事 want to do sth. 想要做某事 wish to do sth. 希望做某事 二、接动名词(不接不定式)作宾语的34个常用动词admit doing sth. 承认做某事 advise doing sth. 建议做某事 allow doing sth. 允许做某事 appreciate doing sth. 感激做某事 avoid doing sth. 避免做某事


外贸单证英语常用词汇缩写收集 F/P fire policy火灾保险单 E.P. floating policy总括保险单 F.P.A. free from particular average平安险 F.;Fr. franc法郎 frt.;frit.;fgt. freight运费 frt.ppd freight prepaid运费已预付 ft. foot英尺 ft.-lb. foot-pound英尺磅(功的单位) f.w.d. fresh water damage淡水损失 fwd. forward前面;接下页 F.X. foreign excharge外汇 跟单常用语中英文对照 1.What’s the size?多大尺寸? 90X90 (Ninety by ninety)九十乘九十。 2.What’s the CMB?体积多大? 0.07M3 (zero point zero seven cube meter) 0.07立方米。 what’s the dimension? 3.What’s the best/last price?最低价是多少? ¥2.5 (Two point five)两块五。 4.How many designs?有几个款式? 3 designs .三个款式。 5.How many colors?有几种颜色? 3 colors. Red, yellow and blue. 3种颜色,红、黄、蓝。 6.How many pcs one CTN? 一箱装多少件? 12 dozen, 144pcs. 12 12打,144件一箱。 7.When shall we deliver?什么时候交货? 8.Where shall we deliver?货送到什么地方? Where is your warehouse?仓库在哪儿? When will the foods be in our warehouse? 外贸单证英语常用词汇缩写收集(B) E.O.S. end of season季末 eq. equivalent等值的,等量的 e.q.m. equal quantity monthly每月相等的数量 Et.seq. Et sequentia(and other things)及以下所棕述的 Et.al. Et.alibi(and elsewhere)等等 e.t.a.;eta;ETA estimated(expected)time of arrival预计到时间 etc. et cetera(L.)=and others等等 ETCL;etcl expected time of commencement of loading预计开装时间etd;ETD estimated(expected)time of departure预计离港时间ETDEL expected time of delivery预计交货时间 ETFD expected time of finishing discharging预计卸完时间

外贸单证英语(常用英语词汇及缩写) 大全

外贸单证英语(常用英语词汇及缩写) 大全 1.revocable L/C/irrevocable L/C可撤销信用证/不可撤销信用证 2.confirmed L/C/unconfirmed L/C 保兑信用证/不保兑信用证 3.sight L/C/usance L/C 即期信用证/远期信用证 4.transferable L/C(or)assignable L/C(or)transmissible L/C /untransferable L/C 可转让信用证/不可转让信用证 5.divisible L/C/undivisible L/C 可分割信用证/不可分割信用证 6.revolving L/C 循环信用证 7.L/C with T/T reimbursement clause 带电汇条款信用证 8.without recourse L/C/with recourse L/C 无追索权信用证/有追索权信用证 9.documentary L/C/clean L/C 跟单信用证/光票信用证 10.deferred payment L/C/anticipatory L/C延付信用证/预支信用证 11.back to back L/Creciprocal L/C对背信用证/对开信用证 12.traveller's L/C(or:circular L/C)旅行信用证 跟单文据 1.available against surrender of the following documents bearing our credit number and the full name and address of the opener 凭交出下列注名本证号码和开证人的全称及地址的单据付款 2.drafts to be accompanied by the documents marked(×)below 汇票须随附下列注有(×)的单据 3.accompanied against to documents hereinafter随附下列单据 4.accompanied by following documents随附下列单据 5.documents required单据要求 6.accompanied by the following documents marked(×)in duplicate 随附下列注有(×)的单据一式两份 7.drafts are to be accompanied by…汇票要随附(指单据)…… 汇票种类 1.the kinds of drafts汇票种类 (1)available by drafts at sight凭即期汇票付款 (2)draft(s) to be drawn at 30 days sight开立30天的期票 (3)sight drafs 即期汇票 (4)time drafts 原期汇票


英语常用固定搭配年考 生必备 Company number【1089WT-1898YT-1W8CB-9UUT-92108】

英语固定搭配 目录: 1. 非谓语动词固定搭配 2. 初中英语固定搭配 3. 高中英语固定搭配 4. 常用英语固定搭配 非谓语动词固定搭配 一、接不定式(而不接动名词)作宾语的24个常用动词 二、afford to do sth. 负担得起做某事agree to do sth. 同意做某事 三、arrange to do sth.安排做某事ask to do sth. 要求做某事 四、beg to do sth. 请求做某事care to do sth. 想要做某事 五、choose to do sth. 决定做某事decide to do sth. 决定做某事 六、demand to do sth. 要求做某事determine to do sth. 决心做某事 七、expect to do sth. 期待做某事fear to do sth. 害怕做某事 八、help to do sth. 帮助做某事hope to do sth. 希望做某事 九、learn to do sth. 学习做某事manage to do sth. 设法做某事 十、offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事plan to do sth. 计划做某事 十一、prepare to do sth. 准备做某事pretend to do sth. 假装做某事 十二、promise to do sth. 答应做某事refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事 十三、want to do sth. 想要做某事wish to do sth. 希望做某事


出口信贷 export credit 出口津贴 export subsidy 商品倾销 dumping 外汇倾销 exchange dumping 优惠关税 special preferences 保税仓库 bonded warehouse 贸易顺差 favorable balance of trade 贸易逆差 unfavorable balance of trade 进口配额制 import quotas 自由贸易区 free trade zone 对外贸易值 value of foreign trade 国际贸易值 value of international trade 普遍优惠制 generalized system of preferences-GSP 最惠国待遇 most-favored nation treatment-MFNT 货运用语中英文对照 英语船务术语简缩语 外贸英语:保险 Insurance 外贸英语:佣金 Commission -------------------价格条件---------------------- 价格术语trade term (price term) 运费freight 单价 price 码头费wharfage 总值 total value 卸货费landing charges 金额 amount 关税customs duty 净价 net price

印花税stamp duty 含佣价price including commission 港口税port dues 回佣return commission . 装运港port of shipment 折扣discount, allowance 卸货港port of discharge 批发价 wholesale price 目的港port of destination 零售价 retail price 进口许口证import licence 现货价格spot price 出口许口证export licence 期货价格forward price 现行价格(时价)current price prevailing price 国际市场价格 world (International)Market price 离岸价(船上交货价)FOB-free on board 成本加运费价(离岸加运费价) C&F-cost and freight 到岸价(成本加运费、保险费价)CIF-cost,insurance and freight --------------------交货条件---------------------- 交货delivery 轮船steamship(缩写S.S) 装运、装船shipment 租船charter (the chartered ship) 交货时间 time of delivery 定程租船voyage charter 装运期限time of shipment 定期租船time charter 托运人(一般指出口商)shipper, consignor


Sgd. Sifned 已签署;签字 Sld. Sailed 已开航 Sling L. Sling loss 吊钩损失 S/N shipping note 装船通知 S.O. shipping order 装货单;下货纸 S/O ship owner 船东 sq.cm. square centimeter 平方厘米 sq.ft. square foot 平方英尺 sq.in. square inch 平方英寸 sq.km. square kilometer 千平方米;千平方公尺 sq.yd. square yard 平方码 S.R. Strike risks 罢工险 S.R.C.C. Strike Riots and Civil Co mmotions 罢工、暴动、内乱险 s.s;ss.;s/s steamship 轮船 s/t;s.t.;sh.t.short ton(2 000 1b.)短吨 st. street 街 std. standard 标准 stg. sterling 英币 S/W Shipper's weight 发货人提出的重量 S.W.D. Sea Water damage 海水损失 str. steamer 轮船 supp. supplement 补遗;附录;补充 T.ton 吨 tal.qual.talis quality=just as they co me;average quality 平均品质 teleg. telegram,telegraph 电报 thro. through 经由;联运 thru. through 经由;联运 TOFC Trailer on Flat Car 平板车装运载箱拖车


很全的外贸单证中英文互译 〔.Commercial invoice 商业发票 2.Proforma invoice 形式发票 3.Received invoice 收讫发票 △.Certificate invoice 证实发票 5.Detailed invoice 详细发票 6.Neutral invoice 中性发票 7.Manufacture invoice 厂家发票 8.Bank ' s invoic M行发票 9.P reliminary /pr ovisional invoice 临时发票 10.Customs invoice 海关发票 ".Consular invoice 领事发票 12.Packing list 装箱单 13.Weight list 重量单 14.Measurement list 尺码单 15.Insurance p oliy 保险单 16.Insurance Certificate 保险凭证 https://www.doczj.com/doc/9618625033.html,bined Insurance Certificate 联合保险凭证 18.Open policy预约保险单 19.Cover note 暂保单 20.Endorsement 批单 21.Certificate oforigin of the Pepo les 'Re中华人民共和国原产地证

22.Generalized system of pr eferences certificate of orgin from A 普惠制产地证

23.1s pection certificate 商检证书 24.Qulity certificate 品质检验证书 25.Quanty certificate 数量检验证书 26.Weight certificate 重量检验证书 27.P hytosanitary certificate 植物检疫证书 28.Veterinary certificate 兽医检验证书 29.Sanitary/Health certificate 卫生/ 健康检验证 书 3O.Disinfection certificate 消毒检验证书 31.Fumigation certificate 熏蒸证书 32.Certificate of analysis 分析证 34.Ex port /import license 进出口许可证 35.S pecial customs invoice 美国海关发票 36.Canada customs invoice 加拿大海关发票 https://www.doczj.com/doc/9618625033.html,bined certificate of value and origin 澳大利亚海关发票 38.From59A certificate of origin for exp ort to Newzealand 新西兰海关发票 39.FromC西非海关发票 40.L/C=letter of credit 信用证 41.Bill of exchange / draft 汇票 42.Beneficiary ' s certificate/statem受i益人证明/寄单证明 43.Booking note托运单/下货纸 44.B/L提单 45.Direct B/L直达提单 46.Transhipment B/L 转运提单 https://www.doczj.com/doc/9618625033.html,bined trans port B/L 联合提单


1. 随着经济的繁荣 with the booming of the economy 2. 随着人民生活水平的显著提高 with the remarkable improvement of people's living standard 3. 先进的科学技术 advanced science and technology 4. 为我们日常生活增添了情趣 add much spice / flavor to our daily life 5. 人们普遍认为 It is commonly believed that… 6. 我同意前者(后者)观点 I give my vote to the former / latter opinion. 7. 引起了广泛的公众关注 Sth. has aroused wide public concern. / Sth has drawn great public attention. 8. 不可否认 It is undeniable that… 9. 热烈的讨论/ 争论 a heated discussion / debate 10. 有争议性的问题 a controversial issue 11. 就我而言/ 就个人而言 As far as I am concerned, / Personally, 12. 有充分的理由支持 be supported by sound reasons 13. 双方的论点 argument on both sides 14. 发挥日益重要作用 play an increasingly important role in… 15. 对…必不可少 be indispensable to … 16. 正如谚语所说 As the proverb goes: 17. 对…产生有利/不利的影响 exert positive / negative



390种外贸单证名称中英文互译 https://www.doczj.com/doc/9618625033.html,mercial invoice 商业发票 2.Proforma invoice形式发票 3.Received invoice收讫发票 4.Certificate invoice证实发票 5.Detailed invoice详细发票 6.Neutral invoice 中性发票 7.Manufacture invoice 厂家发票 8.Bank’s invoice 银行发票 9.Preliminary /provisional invoice 临时发票 10.Customs invoice 海关发票 11.Consular invoice 领事发票 12.Packing list 装箱单 13.Weight list 重量单 14.Measurement list 尺码单 15.Insurance policy 保险单 16.Insurance Certificate 保险凭证 https://www.doczj.com/doc/9618625033.html,bined Insurance Certificate 联合保险凭证 18.Open policy 预约保险单 19.Cover note暂保单 20.Endorsement批单 21.Certificate of origin of the Peoples’ Republic of China中华人民共和国原产地证 22.Generalized system of preferences certificate of origin from A 普惠制产地证 23.Inspection certificate商检证书 24.Quality certificate品质检验证书 25.Quantity certificate数量检验证书 26.Weight certificate重量检验证书 27.Phytosanilary certificate植物检疫证书 28.Veterinary certificate兽医检验证书 29.Sanitary/Health certificate卫生/健康检验证书 30.Disinfection certificate 消毒检验证书 31.Fumigation certificate熏蒸证书 32.Certificate of analysis 分析证 34.Export /import license进出口许可证 35.Special customs invoice 美国海关发票 36.Canada customs invoice 加拿大海关发票 https://www.doczj.com/doc/9618625033.html,bined certificate of value and origin 澳大利亚海关发票


英语固定搭配 一、接不定式(而不接动名词)作宾语的24个常用动词 二、afford to do sth. 负担得起做某事agree to do sth. 同意做某事 三、arrange to do sth.安排做某事ask to do sth. 要求做某事 四、beg to do sth. 请求做某事care to do sth. 想要做某事 五、choose to do sth. 决定做某事decide to do sth. 决定做某事 六、demand to do sth. 要求做某事determine to do sth. 决心做某事 七、expect to do sth. 期待做某事fear to do sth. 害怕做某事 八、help to do sth. 帮助做某事hope to do sth. 希望做某事 九、learn to do sth. 学习做某事manage to do sth. 设法做某事 十、offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事plan to do sth. 计划做某事 十一、prepare to do sth. 准备做某事pretend to do sth. 假装做某事 十二、promise to do sth. 答应做某事refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事 十三、want to do sth. 想要做某事wish to do sth. 希望做某事 十四、注:有些不及物动词后习惯上也接不定式,不接动名词: 十五、aim to do sth. 打算做某事fail to do sth. 未能做某事 十六、long to do sth. 渴望做某事happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事 hesitate to do sth. 犹豫做某事struggle to do sth. 努力做某事 十七、接不定式作宾补的36个常用动词 十八、advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 十九、ask sb. to do sth.请(叫)某人做某事bear sb. to do sth.忍受某人做某事 二十、beg sb. to do sth. 请求某人做某事cause sb. to do sth. 导致某人做某事 二十一、command sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事drive sb. to do sth .驱使某人做某事二十二、elect sb. to do sth. 选举某人做某事encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事二十三、expect sb. to do sth. 期望某人做某事forbid sb. to do sth. 禁止某人做某事二十四、force sb. to do sth. 强迫某人做某事get sb. to do sth. 使(要)某人做某事二十五、hate sb. to do sth. 讨厌某人做某事help sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事 二十六、intend sb. to do sth. 打算要某人做某事invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事二十七、leave sb. to do sth. 留下某人做某事like sb. to do sth. 喜欢某人做某事 二十八、mean sb. to do sth. 打算要某人做某事need sb. to do sth. 需要某人做某事 二十九、oblige sb. to do sth. 迫使某人做某事order sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事 三十、permit sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事persuade sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事三十一、prefer sb. to do sth. 宁愿某人做某事request sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事三十二、remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事teach sb. to do sth .教某人做某事 三十三、tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事train sb. to do sth. 训练某人做某事 三十四、trouble sb. to do sth. 麻烦某人做某事want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事 三十五、warn sb. to do sth. 警告某人做某事wish sb. to do sth. 希望某人做某事 三十六、注:不要受汉语意思的影响而误用以下动词句型: 三十七、汉语的“原谅某人做某事”,英语可说成excuse [forgive] sb. for doing sth.。三十八、汉语的“希望某人做某事”,英语可说成wish sb. to do sth.。 三十九、汉语的“建议某人做某事”,英语可说成advise sb. to do sth.。 四十、汉语的“安排某人做某事”,英语可说成arrange for sb. to do sth.。 四十一、汉语的“要求某人做某事”,英语可说成demand of sb. to do sth.。


外贸单证常用英语缩写 活,下面小编给大家带来外贸单证常用英语缩写。 外贸单证常用英语缩写1 cu.ft.;cb.ft. cubic foot 立方英尺 cur.;curt. current(this month) 本月 cur. currency 币制 cu.yd.;cb.yd. cubic yard 立方码 C.W.O. cash with order 订货时付款 c.w.t.;cwt. hundredweight 英担(122磅) CY Container Yard 集装箱堆场 d. denarii(L),panny or pence 便士 D/A Document against Acceptance 承兑交单 d/a days after acceptance 承兑后若干天(交款) D.D.;D/D Demand draft 即期汇票Delivered at docks 码头交货 D/d documentary draft 跟单汇票 Dec. December 十二月 deld. delivered 交付 dept. department 部;股;处 destn. destination 目的港;目的地 D/f dead freight 空舱费

drt. draft 汇票 diam. diameter 直径 diff. difference 差额;差异 dis.;disc't discount 贴现;折扣;贴现息 dis.;Dolls. dollars 元 Dmge. Damage 损坏 外贸单证常用英语缩写2 destn. destination 目的港;目的地 D/N debit note 久款帐单 doc. document 单据 doc.att. document attached 附单据;附证件dols.;dolls. dollars 元 D/P document against payment 付款交单 doz. dozen 打 d.p. direct port 直达港口 d/s;d.s.;days.st. days after sight 见票后若干天付款ds.;d's days 日 dto.;do ditto 同上;同前 d.t. delivery time 交货时间 dup.;dupl.;duplte. duplicate 誊本;第二份;两份 D.W.T. dead weight tonnage 载重吨 D/Y delivery 交付;交货


registryof船舶登记证书certificate declarationstores ship''s船用物品申报单applicationlicence,export出口许可证申请表 licenceexport出口许可证 exprotdeclaration,control出口结汇核销单exchange T note moder)(欧共体用)despatch T出口单证(海关转运报关单 T1model欧共体用)despatchnoteT1出口单证(内部转运报关单)( T2model)despatch noteT2出口单证(原产地证明书 nbspT5document.欧共体用)control T5管理单证(退运单证)( noteconsigment铁路运输退运单re-sending T2Lmodel note(原产地证明书)(欧共体用)despatchT2L出口单证analysis certificate of分析证书 conformity cettificate of一致性证书 quality of质量证书certificate reporttest测试报告 reportperformance产品性能报告product report product specification产品规格型号报告 report data工艺数据报告process reporttest first sample首样测试报告 cataloguesales/价格/销售目录price information参与方信息party certificate mill农产品加工厂证书. receipt家产品加工厂证书post receipt邮政收据post certificate重量证书weight list重量单weight cerificate证书 origin adncertificate of value价值与原产地综合证书combined 1..TR certificate A移动声明A.TR.1movement quantityof数量证书certificate messagedata质量数据报文quality query查询

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