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3.3 m9u1 教案

3.3 m9u1 教案
3.3 m9u1 教案

Teaching steps:

Step 1 : Warmer


T: Ok,Let’s begin our class. Good morning, boys and girls!

Ss: Good morning, Ms Ren!

T: How are you today?

Ss: I’m fine, thank you. And how are you?

T: I’m fine, thanks. Let’s say a chant and do some actions , ok?

Ss: OK!

T : Are you ready? Ss: Yes!

Make a cake, Make a cake, put it in the pan.

Make a cake, Make me a cake, as fast as you can.(动作指导:边唱边拍手 )


Step 2. Presentation


1、 T:The cake is very nice ,I’m hungry, Are you hungry?


2、T:(老师出示食物图片)Do you want some

cake/rice/milk/dumplings/vegetables ?(抽生回答,复习以前学习的食物单词)

3、老师边问 Do you want some soup?边出示图片。教授新单词soup 并且用这种方法教授新单词sweets、bread ,biscuit 、fruit.

4、Say a Chant:

Soup, soup , have some soup .

Bread , bread , have some bread.

______, _____, have some ______.

______, _____, have some ______.

______, _____, have some ______.

(设计意图:教师运用本课的新单词将chant 补充完整,给学生做出示范后,要求学生四人小组)

5. T: Boys and girls, let’s play a game – Lucky animals, ok? Ss: OK!

T: Look ,lost of delicious food. Do you like them?

Ss: Yes.

T: Do you want to have them?

Ss: Yes.

T: You can use “Can I have some…?” to tell us what you wa nt to have. Then you can choose one of animal . There is a piece of paper behind the card. You can get the answer from it.

e.g. S1: Can I have some biscuits?

S1 chooses a dog.

Sa: Yes, you can.

(设计意图 : 利用游戏“Lucky animals”向学生渗透句型Can I have some ... ...?)


T : Look, boys and girls ! Today is December,21th.Can you guess whose birthday is today? Is it Daming’s birthday? Is

it Sam’s birthday? Let’s listen to The tape and answer my question.

(1) Listen and answer



Questions:①Can you guess whose birthday is today?

②What does she want to eat?

③How does she ask for food?

(2)跟录音朗读课文, listen and answer my questions.

①Today is Amy’s birthday.

②She wants to eat sweets\soup\bread.

③Can I have some sweets\soup\bread?




Can I have some ________?

Yes, you can.

Sorry ,you can’t.

在学习难点句子时,老师利用肢体语言帮助学生理解句意,Turn on the

light .(做开灯的动作) I can’t see . It’s very dark.(双手伸出做摸


Step 3: Practise

1、Game: Share food.

开展“分享食物”游戏,规则是在课本P34 activity 3 呈现的食物图片中,选出自己最喜欢的两个事物并悄悄地圈出来,让其他同学猜,老师用“吊小人”的规则负责记录学生猜的次数,如果小人被最终吊起,同学还没有猜中他选择的食物,并得到“Sorry ,you can’t.”的委婉拒绝,老师则宣布游戏失败。

要求:学生询问食物时需用到本课学的句型:“Can I have some…?”

如果猜对了,讲台上的同学就要用“Yes, you can.Here you are.”分享他的食物。


2、Draw and guess.学生画自己喜欢的食物,小组内成员猜食物。



Step 4 : Consolidation(巩固活动)

用 <两只老虎> 的语调唱出本节所学的重点句型: Can I have some soup? Can I have some soup?

Yes,you can. Yes,you can.

Can I have some sweets? Can I have some sweets?

Sorry,you can’t.Sorry,you can’t.


Step 5. Homework

1). Find out your mother or your father’s birthday

And make something for them.

2). Listen and read to your parents

Step 6. 板书设计

Module 9 Happy Birthday!

Unit 1 Can I have some sweets?

Can I have some (图片略)?

Yes, you can.

Sorry, you can’t.

Biscuits and sweets Bread ,soup,cake

are very very nice. are also very nice.

Can I have some? Can I have some?

Yes, you can. Sorry ,you can't.

1)T: Look, we are in the restaurant now. Miss geng is a waitress. Who wants to be customers?

Ss: Me.

T: Welcome!

Do you want some water?

S1: Yes, please.

S2: No, thank you.

T: Do you want some bread?

S2: Yes,please.

T: Ok, you want some water. And you want some bread.

S1: Can I have some soup?

T: Yes, you can.

2)T: Suppose today is your birthday. You will hold a big party with your friends.


Free talk后,出示chant “Noodles and rice.”学生跟着老师打着节奏说唱,通过韵句既活跃了课堂气氛,又引出与本课学习内容相关的食物。问学生:Do you like noodles? Do you like rice?生回答后接着导入下一环节的教学:Today I take some other food for you. Look!


从事先准备好的袋子中一样一样地拿出实物,展示并学习课文中新的食物单词:fruit/bread/ soup/sweets/ biscuits,在认读单词时,可采取学生试读、教师教读、小老师领读、高高低低等方式学习,全部出示后,再看卡片读、看实物说单词、看口型猜单词等方式综合记忆。



T:These food are very very nice, Do you want some?

Ss: Yes.

T: Today we will learn how to ask for food politely. Open your books, Module 9 unit1.

1.Look,(指图片介绍),Amy is very hungry, she wants to have some food. How does she ask her mother? Let’s listen and find.让学生带着疑问听前三幅图片。

听完后学生汇报,教师出示本课主要句型:Can I have some…并板书。再接着询问妈妈的回答:Sorry, you can’t.板书。

2.通过询问Why? 呈现后半段课文。呈现时,先让学生听音圈出新单词dark/well/come/turn on light,将这些单词在课文的语境中学习,同时通过演示开灯让学生理解turn on the light,通过多媒体课件演示让学生理解dark.


Can Amy have some soup/sweets/bread/biscuits/fruit/cake?启发学生正确转换人称Yes, she can.


4.将学生分成两大组,一组当Ms Smart,一组当Amy,分角色朗读课文。并进行评价。


1.拿出一些糖果,Look, some sweets, do you want some? If you want to have some sweets, how to ask?将刚才留给学生的问题再次呈现出来,让学生通过刚才的所学自己解决问题。

S1:Can I have some sweets?

T: Yes, you can .同时将糖分给问问题的孩子,此时学生的学习热情一下激发起来,孩子们开始争先恐后的举起手。教师随即板书:Yes, you can.

T: Now ,Let’s play a game, Look, I put two kinds of food in the bag ,If you want ,you can ask me. If you guess right, you can get it.





3.Let’s chant 总结

“Can I have some bread? Can I have some soup?”

“Yes,you can, Yes,you can,”

“Can I have some sweets? Can I have some biscuits?”

“Sorry,you can’t, Sorry,you can’t,”



喜羊羊开了一家百货店。货品可丰富了,有:……(出示各种物品单词如文具类、食品类、水果类等,供学生选择),But today some have sold out. What can you buy today? Let’s try.课件出示喜羊羊在百货店的场景。柜台上摆着一个个的盒子,让学生问:Can I have some…?如果该物品有的话,就点开该盒子,同时出现声音Yes, you can.否则就是Sorry, you can’t.




(一) warmer



1. PPT 出示所有的食物图片

T:I have a headache, I have a sore throat.。(老师咳嗽)So, can I have some sweets ?

Ss: No,you can’t .

T: Y ou can say ---- Sorry ,you can’t .(引导学生理解礼貌用语)

T:can I have some pears ?

Ss: Y es, you can .

T: Thanks for your suggestion. When we ask for something , we should say : Can I have some … ? That’s what we’ll learn today .(板书课题,齐读课题)

设计意图:借热身环节的食物单词,直接进入本课主题。老师因感冒,嗓子痛,征求学生意见,哪些食物可以吃,哪些食物不宜吃。这样自然真实地让学生感知理解本课主要句型的运用功能,并引导学生正确回答,注意礼貌用语的运用,为后边的语言内容学习做好铺垫。2.T:Today , Amy is very happy .She ask mother for some food .But mum didn’t agree .Why? Let’s see together .

(1) Listen and circle the words about food .


(2)小组内讨论找到的食物单词有那些,哪些是Amy 想要的食物,哪些是妈妈准备的食物,现在小组内互相帮助学习单词。



3. T: When Amy ask for soup ,How does she say ?

Ss: Can I have some soup ?

老师板书句子,领读句子,在句子前面贴上Amy 的头像。

老师拿出Ms Smart的头像问:Mum said ?

Ss:Sorry , you can’t . (老师板书)

4. 老师扮演Ms Smart ,学生扮演Amy ,让学生用Can I have some soup/sweets/bread/ ?提问,老师来回答。

5. 同桌两人扮演角色一问一答。并让几组学生展示,老师及时指导。


6.T:Why did Ms Smart say : Sor ry ,you can’t .

学生可以用汉语解释,老师补充:Today is Amy’s birthday .Mum want to give her a surprise,look .

PPT 出示课文第四幅插图(妈妈想制造惊喜所以没有开灯,图片中黑暗一片)

T:Can you see something ?

Ss: No .

T: Oh.It’s dark .( 教学新单词dark)

T:So ,Mum should turn on the light .

现场演示开灯动作,学习练说短语turn on the light

PPT出示课文中生日场面,T:,look,We should say …

Ss : Happy birthday ,Amy .

T: Now Amy can have some …

Ss: biscuits , fruit and some cake .

设计意图:借助课文中的插图,让学生理解妈妈不给Amy食物的原因,并且学习新词dark,turn on the light .

7. Listen and repeat .

8. 小组内分角色读课文并展示。


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