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训练4 议论文


Everybody knows the importance of drinking enough water.As we all know,drinking water benefits your skin,muscles and organs.__1__

The major reason for that is related to human biological needs.When you're a baby,you're 75 percent water.Then,as the years get higher,you get drier.__2__ It helps you lose weight,according to a study from the University of Birmingham.

The researchers found that drinking 500 ml of water thirty minutes before a meal helped participants lose 10 more pounds than those who did not.__3__ All participants were advised to improve their diet and physical activity levels.84 overweight adults were involved.Among them 41 were told to “preload” with water,while 43 were told to control their water intake before eating.After 12 weeks,the participant s instructed to “preload” with water lost 2.87 pounds more than those in the control group on average.In addition,the participants preloading with water before each of their three main meals every day lost 9.48 pounds over the 12 weeks.__4__

Dr Helen Parretti,a lecturer at the University of Birmingham,had this to say of the study:__5__Just drinking 500 ml of water,three times a day,before your main meals may help reduce your weight...and this could be an easy way for weight loss.Furthermore,it can be significant for an individual to lose extra weight,making a potential contribution to public health.

A.Another reason to drink water is right here.

B.The study began with a weight management consultation.

C.The beauty of these findings is that losing weight is simple.

D.But not everyone can get access to tap water in some areas.

E.It also helps prevent certain diseases and improve your mood.

F.In contrast,those preloading once a day or never,lost just 1.76 pounds.

G.So kids should drink more water instead of coke to keep healthy.



指上文中的“drinking water”。


2.解析:根据本段开头的“The major reason for that”和下文内容可知,空处讲的是喝水的另一个原因。故选A项“饮水的另一原因在这儿”。






5.解析:根据空前的“had this to say of the study”和上文的实验可知,选C项“这些发现的美好之处在于(告诉我们)减肥很简单”。



As those with experience know,children with special needs can require extra help during the holidays.__6__ Here are some suggestions that may help.

Allow the child to have as much of their routine as possible.A treasured stuffed animal by the child's side can go a long way towards helping him or her feel centred in the busy holiday rush.A beloved blanket can help a child who feels upset feel secure.

Parents like their children to look good,but remember that sensory issues can cause a child discomfort,which can lead to a breakdown.__7__Soft cottons and velours (天鹅绒) are comfortable.Avoid nylon and netting.Not all children with special needs have a problem with these,but if yours does,sacrifice fashion for peace of mind for you both.

Limit holiday parties and try to keep to a regular bedtime.Have familiar foods available for the child,amid all the other holiday choices.If entertaining at home,help the child go through his or her toys and put away the most important ones.__8__Another alternative is to set out toys in a common area that are okay to share.

__9__Crowds and noise can be bad for kids with autism (自闭症).If you must shop,stick to smaller stores away from the large metropolitan malls.

Consider reducing the amount of presents.Kids don't care as much as parents do about the number of gifts.For the child with autism,who may have a limited attention span,set him up for success.__10__

The holidays can be a magical time.With a bit of planning,the holidays can be memorable and successful for your child.

A.These are toys no one else can use.

B.Concentrate on the fun of the gifts rather than the quantity.

C.Compromise with clothes that look good,but feel good,too.

D.The more toys you have,the happier they will feel.

E.The lack of routine,novel situations and unexpected guests can throw off their peace.

F.Pay special attention to what your child likes most.

G.Try to avoid taking the child for shopping during this time of year.


6.解析:从上文中的“children with special needs can require extra help during the holidays”以及下文中的“Allow the child to have as much of their routine as possible”可推知选E项。


7.解析:由上文中的“Parents like their children to look good,but remember that sensory issues can cause a child discomfort,which can lead to a breakdown”和下文中的“Soft cottons...”可知,需要对衣服折中一下,既要好看,又要舒服。故选C项。


8.解析:由上文中的“help the child go through his or her toys and put away the most important ones”可知选A项。


9.解析:由下文中的“If you must shop,stick to smaller stores away from the large metropolitan malls”可知选G项。


10.解析:由上文中的“Consider reducing the amount of presents”可知应选B 项“把注意力放在礼物(所带来)的乐趣上而不是数量上”。



We all feel lonely sometimes,but you can do something about it.__11__

When you feel left out

You're with your friends,but you feel invisible,as if everyone is talking around you.Or you hear your friends talking about the weekend and realize they are together...without you! Being left out is a lonely feeling,but before you start feeling sorry for yourself,take a good look at what's really going on.Your friends might not be trying to leave you out.But what if you keep getting left out,again and again?__12__But you'll only know if you ask.Take one friend aside and tell him how you're feeling.It may be scary,but you need to know if something is wrong —otherwise,how can you fix it?

When you're lonely for no reason

Sometimes you just feel lonely without really knowing why. Maybe there's no one to hang out with,or you're just in a bad mood.__13__For example,connect with the people you care about or write an old-fashioned pen-and-paper letter to your friend who moved away.

__14__Draw,write,or read your favourite https://www.doczj.com/doc/9512275921.html,e it as a chance to enjoy your company,and you might find you've changed a lonely,sad moment into happy “just for me” time.No matter why you're feeling lonely,there's almost always a way you can change your situation.You're in charge of your feelings,so refuse to let them beat you.Do something.__15__

A.You might have a bigger problem.

B.Here is how you can deal with your loneliness.

C.You must do something that impresses your friends.

D.If reaching out doesn't appeal to you,reach within.

E.You'd better enjoy yourself by hanging out with friends.

F.Instead of sinking into sadness,try to think of a fun way.

G.You may choose to be alone—but you never have to be lonely!




12.解析:根据前文的“But what if you keep getting left out,again and again?”可知,此处应是指如果你一而再、再而三地感到被冷落,那就说明你遇到了更大的问题,故选A项。A项中的“你可能有一个更大的问题”与空后的“但你只有问了才知道”相呼应。


13.解析:由本段的小标题“When you're lonely for no reason”及后文中的“For example,connect with the people you care about or write an old-fashioned pen -and-paper letter to your friend who mov ed away.”可知,F项“努力想出一个有趣的方式,而不要深陷于悲伤中”符合语境。


14.解析:空处是本段的主旨句。根据后文的“Draw,write,or read your favourite https://www.doczj.com/doc/9512275921.html,e it as a chance to enjoy your company,and you might find you've changed a lonely,sad moment into happy ‘j ust for me’ time”可知,此处指的是如果你不喜欢向他人表达,那就求助于自己的内心。





Vacations are important.We need to take time out from work to relax,and just be ourselves.__16__ We should all be allowed to leave our jobs behind us—at least for a few weeks each year—and just have fun.This might be something as simple as reading a good book in front of a warm fireplace and travelling to the most interesting places on our planet.Whatever we fancy doing is worth taking time out for.

Workplace stress is on the rise.__17__ These include disease,depression and even death.We all seem to be running from one place to the next,never finding out where we want to go in the first place.I intend to break that trend in the coming days.

__18__I will sleep late,write,watch movies,drink the occasional glass of wine,and eat to my heart's content ignoring calorie counting.My plan is to just enjoy the fleeting moments of being alive.

__19__ Spend your next vacation the way you want.Do what will restore your mental health.You're very valuable to the people who are close to you,and to those who depend on you.Like it or not,we are all interdependent in this great life of ours.

You are valuable.Just remember that the next time you look at the mirror and take a deep breath.Remind yourself that there will never be anyone like you ever on this earth again.

__20__ All you have to do is just ask yourself what you want to do.

A.With it come many health problems.

B.When you finally get home you'll be greatly refreshed.

C.I challenge each one of you to do the same.

D.Draw up a detailed plan so you can see more.

E.Life is not all about work,or at least it shouldn't be.

F.And only you know how to vacation your way.

G.For my next holiday,I will do all the things that I love doing.






18.解析:根据空后的“I will sleep late...ignoring calorie counting”可知,应选G项“在接下来的假期中,我要做所有我喜欢的事情”。







Life is like a road.There are long and short roads; smooth and rocky roads; crooked (弯曲的) and straight paths.

__21__There are roads to happiness as there are roads to sadness,roads towards victory,and roads leading to defeat and disappointment.

__22__There are no guarantees.Nobody said that choosing to do the right thing all the time would always lead you to happiness. Loving someone with all your heart does not guarantee that it would be returned.__23__Accepting a good word from an influential superior to cut your trip short up the career ladder does not always work.There are too many possible outcomes,which you really cannot control.The only

thing you have power over is the decisions that you will make and how you would act and react to different situations.

Life offers no guarantee and you would never know that your decision would be wrong or right until you have made it.__24__ It is definitely better than keeping yourself in prison.Although it is true that one wrong turn could get you lost,it could also be that such a turn could be an opportunity for an adventure,moreover open more roads.It is all a matter of perspective (观点).You have the choice between being a lost traveller or an accidental tourist of life.But take caution that you do not make decisions adventurously.__25__

A.But do not regret it whatever the result is.

B.Taking risks is not about being careless and stupid.

C.You do not really know where a road will lead you until you take it.

D.In our life many roads would come our way as we journey through life.

E.Now that you have made a decision,be ready to face its consequences:good and bad.

F.Gaining fame and fortune does not guarantee happiness.

G.It's natural that you should take the risk and make the thoughtful decision.

答案:21.D 22.C 23.F 24.G 25.B


(2016·豫东、豫北十所名校联考)Whatever burdens you're carrying now,let them down for a moment if you can.__26__

Do your most difficult task first in the morning.Pushing a challenging task back is like holding a glass of water in an outstretched arm.At first nothing happens,but if you do it for hours or even days,you will soon feel the stress.Get the most annoying task done first and you'll enjoy the peace of mind for the rest of the day.

Let go of things you can't control.You make plans to go outside with friends.But at the last minute,it starts raining.Some people become upset and start complaining.You'd better not.The rain won't stop just because of your complaint.__27__What I do in such situation is going for a quick walk in the park or just lie in bed reading a good book,listening to the rain beating on my window.

__28__Just make a list of three simple things about any part of your life that you love.This is a great technique if you're ever bored while stuck in traffic,or waiting in the grocery store checkout lane.You can immediately transform boredom into happiness and peace of mind!

Relax your body.Just walk to a window,look outside,and then take a single deep breath,focusing only on that breath and nothing else in the whole world.__29__ Talk to friends about your stress.Talking to friends about your worries can often be beneficial.__30__The simple act of speaking about anxieties can make them seem more manageable.

A.With physical relaxation,you can also increase your peace of mind.

B.Instead,make the best of the situation.

C.Those who care about you can offer support.

D.Avoid situations that cause you to feel anxious.

E.Here are some simple ways to increase your peace of mind.

F.Don't worry about what others are thinking of you.

G.List three things you love.

答案:26.E 27.B 28.G 29.A 30.C


2018年高考英语真题分类汇编专题12:议论 文类阅读理解 一、阅读理解 1. (2018?卷Ⅱ)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 D We've all been there: in a lift, in line at the bank or on airplane, surrounded by people who are, like us, deeply focused on their smartphones or, worse, struggling with the uncomfortable silence. What's the problem? It's possible that we all have compromised conversational intelligence. It's more likely that none of us start a conversation because it's awkward and challenging, or we think it's annoying and unnecessary. But the next time you find yourself among strangers, consider that small talk is worth the trouble. Experts say it's an invaluable social practice that results in big benefits. Dismissing small talk as unimportant is easy, but we can't forget that deep relationships wouldn't even exist if it weren't for casual conversation. Small talk is the grease (润滑剂) for social communication, says Bernardo Carducci, director of the Shyness Research Institute at Indiana University Southeast. "Almost every great love story and each big business deal begins with small talk," he explains. "The key to successful small talk is learning how to connect with others, not just communicate with them." In a 2014 study, Elizabeth Dunn, associate professor of psychology at UBC, invited people on their way into a coffee shop. One group was asked to seek out an interaction(互动) with its waiter; the other, to speak only when necessary. The results showed that those who chatted with their server reported significantly higher positive feelings and a better coffee shop experience. "It's not that talking to the waiter is better than talking to your husband," says Dunn. "But interactions with peripheral(边缘的) members of our social network matter for our well-being also." Dunn believes that people who reach out to strangers feel a significantly greater sense of belonging, a bond with others. Carducci believes developing such a sense


议论文阅读理解 【基础再现】 议论文就是议论说理的文章,是以议论为主要表达方式的一种文体,它主要通过摆事实,讲道理,运 用事实材料、逻辑推理来阐发作者的观点,表明赞成什么,反对什么。 议论文有三要素,即论点、论据和论证。论点的基本要求是:观点正确,认真概括,有实际意义,恰 当地综合运用各种表达方式;论据基本要是:真实可靠,充分典型;论证的基本要求是:推理必须符 合逻辑。 1、论点:是作者对所论述问题的见解和主张,也是文章阐述的中心问题,它是议论文的灵魂。 常见题目是:A、本文的论点是什么?B、文章是怎样提出论点的? C、本文分论点之间的关系怎样? D、分论点和中心论点的关系怎样? E、对论点的评述。(这是开放性试题) 2、在什么地方寻找文章的论点? 文章的论点可以安排在开头,也可以安排在文章的中间或结尾。有些文章的题目就揭示了论点从常见位置寻找文章的论点, 3、论点的呈现方式: 明确表述式:在文中可以找到现成的表示作者观点、态度的句子。有四种常见提出方式:有的文章标 题就是中心论点;有的文章开头第一句话就提出中心论点(有时是作者自己的话、有时引用名言表明); 有的文章是叙述现象后稍加分析提出论点;有的是在摆出对方错误观点分析否定后提出的中心论点。 4、如何归纳提取文章的论点:找出论题,判断作者对此问题的倾向。观察论据,根据论据与论点之 间所具有的支持与被支持的逻辑关系,从中推断它所支持的观点。 5、论据:论据是作者用来证明论点的材料,是论点赖以成立的基础,是文章的主体。分为道理论据 和事实论据(也称事理论据)两种。 常见题目:A、本文为了证明论点用了哪些论据? B、这个论据(材料)在文中有什么作用(阐明什么道理、目的)?分析论据能不能为证明论点服务。 C、围绕论点补充论据。(这是开放性试题) 、 5、论证:论证是运用论据来证明论点的过程和方法。是论点和论据之间的逻辑关系纽带。论点是解决“需要证明什么”,论据是解决“用什么来证明”,论证是解决“怎样证明”。


初中语文议论文阅读专题训练专项训练及答案及解析 一、中考语文议论文阅读专题训练 1.阅读下文,完成各题。 ①在中国人的精神谱系里,国家与家庭、社会与个人,都是密不可分的整体。 ②家是温馨的港湾。在步履匆匆的返乡途中,在“爸妈装的行李箱”中,在难改的口味与乡音中,人们感受家的温暖,体悟家的意义,真诚感叹“有家真好”。但不要忘记,无论是“修身齐家治国平天下”的人生追求,还是“老吾老以及人之七”的爱意延伸,这种由私而公的家国情怀,一直是中华传统文化所倡导的价值理念。每个人孝亲敬长、安居乐业,每个家庭都为中华民族大家庭作出贡献,才能聚沙成塔,汇聚成同心筑梦的强大力量。 ③爱家不能小家子气,更不应局限于小情怀之中。公益短片《家国与边关》曾在全国上万家影院播出,感动了无数观众。在海拔5380米的神仙湾、最低气温达零下57度的伊木河,边防战士与恶劣环境、枯燥孤寂搏斗,无怨无悔,只因脚下站立的地方是祖国。现实中,执勤交警、电力工人,白衣天使,他们都是普通人,________________________________________。而这,何尝不是对家国情怀的有力诠释。 ④“没有国家繁荣发展,就没有家庭幸福美满。同样没有千千万万家庭幸福美满,就没有国家繁荣发展。”读懂家与国的辩证法,涵养深沉的家国情怀,我们就能把爱家和爱国统一起来,汇聚亿万人民的智慧与热忱,用奋斗托举美好未来。 (选自《人民日报》,有删改,作者:石羚)(1)本文的中心论点是什么? (2)概括第②段的论证思路。 首先________,然后________,最后________。 (3)请在第③段划线处写一段话,使之与上下文意思连贯。 【答案】(1)国家与家庭、社会与个人,都是密不可分的整体。 (2)直接提出家是温馨的港湾的观点;列举让人感受到家的温暖和意义的种种情形论证“家是温馨的港湾”的观点;引用名言说明家国情怀是中华传统文化倡导的价值理念 (3)坚守平凡岗位,守护万家灯火。 【解析】【分析】(1)结合文章第①段“国家与家庭、社会与个人,都是密不可分的整体”,并结合全文内容分析可知本文的中心论点是国家与家庭、社会与个人,都是密不可分的整体。 (2)解答此类题,按照议论文的一般结构,分析先论证什么,接着论证什么,然后论证什么,最后如何总结全文,最后套用运用答题模式概述。第②段开篇提出家是温馨的港湾,这是直接提出了本段的分论点,结合第2句“在步履匆匆的返乡途中,在“爸妈装的行李箱”中,在难改的口味与乡音中,人们感受家的温暖,体悟家的意义,真诚感叹′有家真好′″来论证了“家是温馨的港湾”的观点,紧接着,引用了″修身齐家治国平天下”和″老吾老以及人之老”这两个名言,说明家国情怀,一直是中华传统文化所倡导的价值理念。将这些内容运用答题模式进行概述即可。 (3)要结合前文“他们都是普通人”,他们的工作岗位也是普通的工作岗位,由此可以概括上一句为“坚守平凡岗位”,结合下文“何尝不是对家国情怀的有力诠释”,要连接下文,必须要能体现家国之间的整体关系,再结合本段的开头,可以概括下一句为“守护万家灯


2018年全国高考英语I卷CII卷D议论文阅读议论文 篇高考真题集 议论文篇(2018年全国I卷C) Languages have been coming and going for thousands of years, but in recent times there has been less coming and a lot more going. When the world was still populated by hunter-gatherers, small, tightly knit (联系) groups developed their own patterns of speech independent of each other. Some language experts believe that 10,000 years ago, when the world had just five to ten million people, they spoke perhaps 12,000 languages between them. Soon afterwards, many of those people started settling down to become farmers, and their languages too became more settled and fewer in number. In recent centuries, trade, industrialization, the development of the nation-state and the spread of universal compulsory education, especially globalisation and better communications in the past few decades, all have caused many languages to disappear, and dominant languages such as English, Spanish and Chinese are increasingly taking over. At present, the world has about 6,800 languages. The distribution of these languages is hugely uneven. The general rule is that mild zones have relatively few languages. Often spoken by many people, while hot, wet zones have lots, often spoken by small numbers. Europe has only around 200 Languages: the Americas about 1,000. Africa 2,400; and Asia and the Pacific perhaps 3,200, of which Papua New Guinea alone accounts for well over 800. The median number (中位数)of speakers is a mere 6,000, which means that half the worlds languages are spoken by fewer people than that.z.x.xk Already well over 400 of the total of, 6,800 languages are close to extinction(消亡), with only a few elderly speakers left. Pick, at random, Busuu in Cameroon (eight remaining speakers),Chiapaneco in Mexico(150). Lipan Apache in the United States(two or three)or Wadjigu in Australia (one, with a question-mark): none of these seems to have much chance of survival. 28. What can we infer about languages in hunter-gatherer times?


专题三、议论文阅读理解 时间:1课时 ⒈议论文的三要素:论点、论据、论证 ⑴论点:是议论文作者对所论问题的见解和主张。 ①分清论题和论点:如《谈骨气》中“骨气”是论题,“我们中国人是有骨气的”是论点。 ②论点的表达方式:应该是一个完整陈述的表达明确判断的完整的句子。 ③中心论点的位置: ④分清中心论点和分论点: ⑵论据:是用来证明论点的材料,包括事实论据和道理论据 ①事实论据:具有代表性的事例、史实以及统计数据。 ②道理论据:经过实践检验的精辟理论、名言警句、民间谚语以及公认的公式、定理等。 ⑶论证:用论据来证明论点的过程和方法。 论证方法:通常是摆事实、讲道理。根据具体内容分为:举例论证、引用论证、比喻论证、对比论证等。 ⒉议论文的论证方式:立论、驳论 ⑴立论:正面提出并阐述自己的见解和主张。 ⑵驳论:批驳片面的错误的甚至反动的见解和主张。分为三种方式: ①驳论点②驳论据③波论证 ⒊议论文的结构: ⑴纵式:①层层深入②起承转合 ⑵横式:①总分总②总分③分总 ⒋议论文的语言:严密、准确、鲜明、生动、概括性强。 ⒌论证方式和论证方法不同: ①论证方式指的是立论和驳论。 ②论证方法通常是摆事实、讲道理。根据具体内容采用:举例论证、引用论证、比喻论证、对比论证等。 议论文阅读练习 (一)让雷锋精神在我们的时代发扬光大 瞿方业 学雷锋,树新风。这是多年来人们耳熟能详的一句话。每年的三月,社会都会举办各种纪念活动,宣传雷锋精神。但是,年轻一代对于雷锋精神所蕴含的价值还是缺乏深刻的认识和体会。许多人的理解停留于“学雷锋做好事”这一层次。的确,雷锋生前做好事无数,无私奉献做好事也是其精神的内核之一,但这并非雷锋精神的全部。只有搞清楚雷锋精神的内涵,才能更好地追随这位先行者的脚步,与他的崇高精神无限地接近。 雷锋的精神内涵非常丰富,包括无私奉献精神、“钉子精神”、“螺丝钉精神”、勤俭节约、艰苦奋斗等等。无私奉献,就是愿意尽可能地服务他人,方便他人。常说的“学雷锋做好事”,正是其无私奉献精神的生动诠释“钉子精神”,就是要像钉子一样刻苦学习和钻研业务,尽量挤出时间学习,补己之不足“螺丝钉”精神就是愿意在平凡岗位上踏实工作,刻苦钻研,像一颗螺丝钉一样,干一行爱一行。 完善的市场经济,一方面要求人们通过市场为自身的聪明才智寻找出路,获取财富,实

人教版中考 语文议论文阅读专题训练专项训练

人教版中考语文议论文阅读专题训练专项训练 一、中考语文议论文阅读专题训练 1.阅读下文,完成小题。 一起做“读书种子” ①“读书种子”一词的“发明权”,当属宋代的黄庭坚。他在《山谷别集》中说:“四民①皆当世业②,士大夫家子弟能知忠信孝友,斯可矣,然不可令读书种子断绝,有才气者出,便名世矣。” ②做一粒“读书种子”,让阅读成为一种力量,推动文化传统薪火相传,可以说正是读书人的自我期许。从“每有会意,便欣然忘食”的陶渊明,到“读书破万卷,下笔如有神”的杜甫,再到“不是老夫朝不食,半山绝句当朝餐”的杨万里,无不是“读书种子”的精彩写照。读书滋养美好心灵,可以遇见更好的自己,看到更美的世界。所谓“耕读传家久,诗书继世长”,重视学习、重视诗书,千百年来融入中国人的血脉里,成为中国特有的文化禀赋。 ③在老一辈无产阶级革命家中,不少人是“读书种子”。彭德怀带兵打仗“横刀立马”,平时非常注重抓学习,而且还经常督促身边工作人员养成读书习惯。他常用吕蒙“士别三日,即更刮目相待”的故事激励大家,乐于把自己收藏的书拿出来共享。为了检查大家是否认真读过了,他用饭粒把书中的页码粘起来,如果发现有人读书做样子,没有把粘饭粒的书页打开,他就会提出严厉的批评。在彭德怀关心督促下,在他身边工作的同志都养成了读书习惯,以至终身受益。 ④“童心便有爱书癖,手指今馀把笔痕”。植物种子是有形的,延续繁衍,生生不息;读书种子则是一种无形的东西,不知不觉中变化气质、增长才干,承接弘扬中耳濡目染、潜移默化。正因为这样,文明薪火不断发扬光大。黄庭坚所处的北宋,上推文治、下重文教,造就了一片孕育“读书种子”的沃土,于是就有了国学大师陈寅恪所说的,“华夏民族之文化,历数千载之演进,造极于赵宋之世”。做一粒“读书种子”,静下心来读一点书、做一点学问,因为其中有优秀传统文化的承袭,对高雅生活的追求,对时代潮流的引领。 ⑤“善学者尽其理,善行者究其难。”研究植物种子的钟扬不拘泥于书本知识,在科学上敢于“奇思妙想”,在被认为无法种植红树林的上海滩涂中栽种成功。钟扬的故事向我们所展示的,不只是知识的力量,更有实践的力量、创新的力量,赋予“读书种子”以新内涵。世人常常说,“知识就是力量”,但知识必须与实践结合,使之变成能力或本领之后,才能产生力量。“读书种子”与实践“沃土”的紧密结合,必能孕育壮苗、结出硕果。 ⑥阅读是一种超越世俗的力量。今天我们提倡多读书、读好书,并不是为了满足“书中自有黄金屋”的功利心,缓解“书到用时方恨少”的紧张感。读书足以怡情,足以长才。少一点对物欲的追求,多一点对知识的渴求;少一点无谓的应酬,多挤一点时间读书;少一点人云亦云的跟风,多一点独立思考的精神,人生境界就能达到崭新高度,活出不一样的精彩自我。 (作者:向贤彪。有删改)【注】①四民:士、农、工、商。②世业:世代相传的事业。 (1)从全文看,作者的主要观点是什么?用自己的话简要概括。 (2)第①段在文中有什么作用?请简要分析。 (3)第③段中画线句子运用了哪种论证方法?有什么作用?


济宁市育才中学2006级专题复习---议论文阅读训练学生自主作业 高考英语议论文阅读攻略 一、议论文阅读理解的语篇特点 议论文是英语中的重要文体,在每年的高考阅读理解中占有一定的比例。相对于其它文体,议论文阅读要难一些,因此要多加重视。 议论文就是说理性的文章,一般由论点、论据和论证过程组成。议论文都要提出论题、观点、提供充分的证据,使用一定的逻辑方法证明观点或得出结论。 二、议论文阅读理解的主要题型 从近几年观的高考英语试题来看,议论文类阅读理解的命题类型主要有: 1. 主旨题 考查考生对于议论文基本观点的理解,是主旨题设题的目的。做这种类型的题目要弄清作者想说什么,即作者写此文章的目的。 2. 推理判断题 这种题型的特点是以事实为依据,但其结果有绝不是事实本身。它主要测试考生的逻辑思维能力,侧重于推理。 3. 细节题 细节题也是议论文试题的主要题型。这种题要求考生理解文中的具体观点和具体事实。 三、议论文阅读理解题解题技巧 第一,抓论点、寻论据 阅读议论文我们要抓住论题,即作者提出的观点、给出的例证及最后得出的结论。抓住了论题,我们就把我了中心。 第二,注重文章结构,理清文章脉络。 把握文章结构,有利于对文章大意的理解。从论证方法上讲,常见的议论文结构有以下两类: 1. Put forward a question →Analyze the question →Solve the question这就是“提

出问题、分析问题、解决问题”的过程。 2. Argument/Idea →Evidence →Conclusion/Restating the idea这就是“由论点到论据到结论或者强调论点”的过程。 第三,体会文章语言特点,把握作者写作态度,准确进行推理判断。 能否正确把握作者的观点和态度是体现阅读能力的重要方面。一般来说,对作者的总的态度和倾向,必须在通读全文,掌握了论点和论据后,方能做出判断。在判断作者观点态度时,我们应注意,有时候作者的观点和态度并不是明确地表达出来的,需要我们认真体察。做推理判断时,一定要遵循逻辑规律,以事实为依据进行合理的推理。 下面我们结合2008年高考试题看一下议论文阅读理解的方法。 1. 2008 重庆E篇 Almost every day we come across situations in which we have to make decisions one way or another. Choice, we are given to believe, is a right. But for a good many people in the world,in rich and poor countries, choice is a luxury, something wonderful but hard to get, not a right. And for those who think they are exercising their right to make choices, the whole system is merely an illusion, a false idea created by companies and advertiser, hoping to sell their products. The endless choice gives birth to anxiety in people’s lives. Bu ying something as basic as a coffee pot is not exactly simple. Easy access to a wide range of everyday goods leads to a sense of powerlessness in many people, ending in the shopper giving up and walking away, or just buying an unsuitable item(商品) that is not really wanted. Recent studies in England have shown that many electrical goods bought in almost every family are not really needed. More difficult decision-making is then either avoided or trusted into the hands of the professionals, lifestyle instructors, or advisors. It is not just the availability of the goods that is the problem, but the speed with which new types of products come on the market. Advances in design and production help quicken the process Products also need to have a short lifespan so that the public can be persuaded to replace them within a short time. The typical example is computers, which are almost out-of-date once they are bought. This indeed makes selection a problem. Gone are the days when one could just walk with case into a shop and buy one thing; no choice, no anxiety. 72. What does the author try to argue in Paragraph 1? A.The exercise of rights is a luxury. B.The practice of choice is difficult. C.The right of choice is given but at a price. D.Choice and right exist at the same time. 73. Why do more choices of goods give rise to anxiety? A.Professionals find it hard to decide on a suitable product. B.People are likely to find themselves overcome by business persuasion.

议论文阅读训练 (针对初一学生) 附答案

(一)感恩:生命中的心灵之花(11分) ①“滴水之恩,涌泉相报”,这是一句并不深奥的话,可是真正理解并做到的人能有多少呢?生活中关于翻脸不认人或以怨报德的“白眼狼”的传说,每每有所耳闻,令人徒然唏嘘不已。于是,说某某人“不知好歹”、“良心被狗吃了”的斥责与评论,就在口头传播中无形地为某人画了像,其人品足以让他失去亲友的关爱与尊重,让他的事业和生活面临很多困难。 ②现在谈论感恩这个话题,具有相当广泛的社会意义。一方面,不少成年人被“金钱万能”所左右,自私自利,只认钱不认人,只讲索取不讲回报,淳朴之风、感恩之心日渐淡化;另一方面,独生子女过分受宠,衣来伸手、饭来张口,不知体贴和心疼父母,虽然能背诵“谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦”、“慈母手中线,游子身上衣”这样的古诗,可是自我中心意识在家人的不断纵容中强化。因此,感恩教育要将学校教育、社会教育、家庭教育结合起来,决不是仅仅靠书本知识就能奏效的。在价值多元化的状况下,如何弘扬感恩美德,培育青少年感恩的人格并自觉形成感恩的伦理观,这是构建和谐社会的深层次内容之一。 ③感恩不是浅层次的庸俗的“投桃报李”,更不是表面的甜言蜜语。它是人类在生命延续过程中的心灵之花,散发出沁人心脾的芳香;它是人性中真善美的乐章,将爱心传递,使人的理智与情感本身具有了审美的意义;它是为人父母者的幸福与欣慰,是为人子女者的本分与情操,是人与人之间的虔诚。假如没有感恩,人类的繁衍与生存就成为纯粹生物学意义上的基因复制,陷入鸡生蛋、蛋生鸡的简单怪圈。这样,就诞生不了朱自清的美文《背影》,就品味不了朱德感人肺腑的《母亲的回忆》,也欣赏不了童话般的校园歌曲《外婆的澎湖湾》。 ④由此看来,感恩实在是不用勉强的,它是我们人生的必修课,更是一个高尚的人应该具有的境界与素质。 ⑤父母养育子女,并非“施恩图报”,父爱母爱如山高比海深。那么,子女对父母的感恩就是绿叶对根的情意,孝敬在言行上,也在心灵深处。有智者说,看一个人品行如何首先就看他是否孝敬父母,一个人如果连父母都不孝敬,那就既不能做朋友,也不能扛重任。诚哉斯言! ⑥感恩,就是孝敬父母,就是怀念恩师,就是报效祖国,就是对于成长的一种回馈。感恩,将使我们的心灵永远温暖如春。 1.本文主要观点是什么?(2分) ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 2.第四段在文中起什么作用?(2分) ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 3.第三段主要采用了什么论证方法?有什么作用?(3分) ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 4.如何理解“感恩就是对于成长的一种回馈”这句话的内涵?(2分) ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 5.阅读本文,相信你对感恩有了更深的了解,请说说你在生活中感恩的一件事或准备感恩的一件事。(2分) ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________


中考语文议论文阅读专题训练解题技巧及练习题含解析 一、中考语文议论文阅读专题训练 1.阅读下面的文章,完成下列小题。 跳出心灵的“井口” 刘元通 ①人生需要参照。没有参照就没有比较,缺乏比较就容易迷失自我。 ②《庄子》里讲了一则寓言故事:有一位河伯,以为天下一切美好的东西全都聚集在自己这里,欣然自喜,等到看见茫茫大海后,才发现自己的可笑。类似故事还有“井底之蛙”,由于坐井观天,目力所及怎么也超不过井口。这启示我们,自觉拓宽思维与行动的边界,才能跳出“井口”。 ③其实,每个人内心都有一把标尺,既衡量着自己,也丈量着他人。这把标尺,在一定程度上影响着人生格局、发展后劲。格局在井中,心灵便容易被点滴成绩或些微挫折填满,要么骄傲自大,要么畏葸不前。从井底跳出来,努力拓展格局,成长的半径才会不断延伸,一切也就皆有可能。 ④现实中,自我设限的“井口”时常可见。有的人吃不得苦,经历一些艰辛挫折就难以承受,殊不知美好生活总是来之不易;有的人经不住夸,稍微取得些成绩、得到一点赞赏,就开始飘飘然;有的人沉不住气,急功近利、心浮气躁,缺乏持之以恒、久久为功的坚韧……凡此种种,往往是因为看不到山外有山,也不懂得止于至善。类似“井口”心态一旦固化,就会在无形中为成长进步设置了天花板。 ⑤跳出心灵的“井口”,应该始终保持对未知事物的好奇。科学家牛顿曾自喻为一个在海边玩耍的小孩,不时为拾到比通常更光滑的石子或更美丽的贝壳而欢欣鼓舞,却对不远处的“真理大海”一无所知;国画大家李可染晚年自称“白发学童”,仍然保持一种孩童般的“空杯”心态。他们深知,世界无比广阔,有无垠的疆域等待自己去开拓,因而保持着谦逊、进取的姿态。目光高远,向着地平线不断迈进,一个人就不会在意眼前的波涛。 ⑥跳出“井口”,并不意味着跳到另一口“更大的井”里。因而,还应明确奋斗的方向,校准人生的参照系。实际上,对一个人来说,比所处位置更重要的,往往是正确的方向。一旦参照错了对象,规划错了路径,无异于缘木求鱼,达不到超越自我的目标。譬如,为官者与商人比财富,求学者与富人比安适,就是南辕北辙,越用力反倒陷得越深。 ⑦智者总是努力在正确的道路上找寻各种可能性,庸者只会安于现状、消极懈怠。人生的“井口”,某种意义上也会营造出一个“舒适地带”,如同“温水煮青蛙”一般,逐步令人失去进取心,阻塞向上跃升的通道。诚然,每个人都有资格对已取得的成就感到自豪,但切不可因此而自满,更不能困于功劳簿的“井口”之下。砥砺实干家的姿态、睿智者的心态,胸怀天下、登高望远,我们才能不断书写人生的新篇章。 ⑧有人说,错的并不是我的身体,而是我对自己的人生设限,因而限制了我的视野,看不到生命的种种可能。从即刻出发,让自己动起来,勇敢跳出心灵的“井口”,你会发现,世界正绽放不一样的光彩。 (选自《人民日报》2018年7月2日)(1)下列句子中的划线词语或短语不能体现议论文语言严密性特点的一项是() A.这把标尺,在一定程度上影响着人生格局、发展后劲。


高考英语满分作文大全:关于读书的好处 if we have a book ,we will not be felling of being longly When I‘m free or in trouble, I always take out a book and read quietly. In no time, I‘ve put my heart into it so that I‘ll forget all the troubles. It‘s in this way that I‘ve formed the habit of reading in any time. Little boys as I was, I was interest in picture books and storybooks. I was struck by them. No sooner had I entered the middle school than I began to read novel, plays, essays and so on. I found I could get much from them. Little by little I took great interest in literature and last term I won the first prize in the composition contest among middle-school students in Zhe Jiang.

Reading “The Emperor‘s New Clothes”, I had to let out a burst of laughter over his fool. “The Little Match Girl” couldn‘t keep me from crying for her misery. “ Robinson Crusoe” took me into a strange world full of danger. And I was also deeply impressed by Helen Keller‘s patience and perseverance… Besides these, books also tell me other thing -how to be a man and how to tell the difference between right and wrong. In a word, good books can make me know what I didn‘t before. So I think of a good book as my best friend. I‘ll never forget this famous saying,“ Good books are best friends who never turn their backs upon us.”


中考议论文阅读训练(选择题)(含答案) ①改革开放30多年来,我国经济发展成就举世瞩目,但发展的高碳特征也非常明显。高碳不仅加剧气候变暖,而且与污染有强相关性。今天我们已认识到,光讲发展是不够的,还要讲发展方式、选好发展路径。如果中西部地区沿袭东部一些地区过去的发展路径,我国经济发展就会更高碳。为 了可持续的未来,我国转向低碳发展已刻不容缓。 ②从能源经济学的角度看,发达国家可分成两类:一类是美国、加拿大等国家,现在年人 均能耗近10吨标准煤;另一类是欧洲和日本等国家,现在年人均能耗是5吨标准煤左右。两类国家人均能耗相差一倍之多,而人均碳排放相差还不止一倍。一些人经常以美国的发展为标准,但如果 世界其他国家都达到美国那样的人均能耗水平,那就得4个地球才能养活人类。所以,美国这种高 能耗发展模式是不能模仿、不可推广的。对我国来说,控制总量,坚持高效、洁净、低碳,是低碳 发展非常重要的内涵。可再生能源、核能、天然气是低碳能源的“三匹马”,它们之间的关系不是 相互排斥的,而是需要并驾齐驱、形成合力。惟有如此,才能更多地替代煤炭。 ③在我国,目前已有许多低碳发展方面的实践。近些年,我国产业结构调整力度很大,淘 汰落后产能也取得了一定成效。“十一五”期间,我国能源强度下降19.1%,2014年碳强度下降5%;工业余热替代北方传统供暖规模试点成功;低碳城市试点初见成效;等等。低碳发展使经济增长更 理性、质量效益更高。所以,国际和国内的实践都表明:低碳发展之路可以通向现代化。低碳发展 以一种新的经济增长方式重塑经济,实现高质量、高效益的发展。走低碳发展之路,既是为了应对 气候变化,更是为了国家和人类的可持续发展。 ④事实上,低碳发展不仅会促进经济发展方式转变,还会带来社会治理和人们思想观念的深刻变革,促进形成低碳社会。低碳社会的基础是城乡一个个低碳“细胞”,包括低碳社区、低碳企业、低碳乡村、低碳家庭等。如果每个“细胞”都能达到低碳水平,就会带来社会治理、公民素质、人们生活方式和思想观念的深刻变革,意义非常重大。我国是人口大国,自然也是生产和生活废弃 物排放大国。废弃物不是无用的东西,而是放错了位置的资源。废弃物减量化和资源化利用具有可 行性,可以带来巨大的环境、经济和社会效益,是低碳社会中意义重大的新兴产业,是建设美丽中 国的基础性产业。废弃物分类资源化利用能不能实现,又与人们的生活方式和生活理念有很大关系。所以,走低碳发展之路,需要人人参与。 ⑤当今世界,无论发达国家还是发展中国家,都在努力转向绿色低碳发展。这是一个总趋势,也可以说是一场竞赛。在这场竞赛中,我国不能落伍,而必须尽快抢占新的战略制高点,切实 迈向生态文明。 (选自2015年4月22日《人民日报》,有删改) 1.对本文论点的概括,最准确的一项是( ) A.为了可持续的未来,我国必须走低碳发展之路。 B.走低碳发展之路,就可以通向现代化。 C.低碳发展可以促进经济发展方式转变,促进形成低碳社会。 D.走低碳发展之路,需要我们人人参与。 2.对本文理解不正确的一项是( ) A.本文从高碳发展加剧气候变暖、污染环境说起,从而引出我国经济发展要努力转向低碳发展, 语言简明,有较强的说服力。


议论文阅读训练10篇 阅读下面的文段,完成后面的题。 (一)“舌尖”上的争议 常江 ①纪录片《舌尖上的中国》第二季开播,最终变成了一场全民狂欢。所谓树大招风,与第一季几乎是一边倒的赞美相比,第二季争议颇多。最大的争议有两个。一是食物与故事之间的关联性。不少观众批评该片在一味用痕迹明显的故事大肆煽情的同时,却忽略了最重要的主题:食物。一些食物被指做法错误,一些食物匆匆登场又匆匆离场,令人直呼“看都没看饱”。第二个较为隐晦,不少观察者和评论者认为该片一味追求对各种菜系的“全面”“公正”呈现,其实已演变成了一种国家主义的教育,背离了其作为美食节目的初衷。其实无论哪种争议,最终都可归结为一个命题:在“好看”的前提下,电视节目应当在多大程度上发挥教化的功能。 ②这个命题并不新鲜,它几乎伴随着中国电视发展的全部历史。早在第一季中,“舌尖”便已流露出与上世纪80年代的“文人电视”十分相似的气质:唯美的画面、华丽的解说词、借物咏志的手法,并最终落脚于知识分子的家国意识。在多数人将看电视首要地视为娱乐的背景下,这种气质显得有点不合时宜,甚至矫情。当解说词把“去买菜”这么一个简单明了的动作,说成是“去市场上挑选新鲜时令食材”时,很多观众就崩溃了。而这种表达方式,在上世纪80年代被认为是改造日常生活,将日常生活美学化的重要手段。虽然有些浮夸,但对快节奏的、粗鄙的现代生活,未尝不是一种矫正。 ③很多人说第二季不如第一季,因为它变“复杂”了,创作者要表达的东西太多,这话说得对。任何事情都有从简单到复杂的过程,一个节目从默默无闻到名满天下,也需要面对很多随之而来的东西:权力的介入、资本的力量、观众的干预,以及创作者微妙的心态。就像一个无人问津的穷小子突然中了巨奖,身边一定会冒出许多莫名其妙的亲戚朋友簇拥着他一样。因此,渴望“舌尖”在中国的电视经济与电视文化领域保持纯粹几乎是一个悖论。 ④尽管第二季还没有播完,且已经播出的几集水准并不完全一致,但我本人总体上还是对这一类型的纪录片持欢迎的态度。“舌尖”的成功,意味着在电视文化领域,几乎消失殆尽的文人气质的强势回归,尽管这一过程不可避免地伴随着商业、娱乐和各种意识形态的博弈。毕竟,它在梳理一项民族文化传统的同时,源源不断地提供着建设性的力量。如果你是家长,你更希望自己的孩子看美轮美奂的益智片,还是那个名叫“喜羊羊与灰太狼”的卡通片呢?答案不言自明。 ⑤在时下浓重的商业主义氛围中,“舌尖”透露出的十分稀薄的文人气质,我们应当珍惜。 1.下列说法不符合原文的一项是() A.尽管《舌尖上的中国》第二季还没有播完,且已经播出的几集水准并不完全一致,但作者对此持赞赏的态度。 B.纪录片《舌尖上的中国》第二季引发的最大争议是食物与故事之间缺乏关联性,且主题隐晦。 C. “舌尖”第二季的“教化功能”主要表现为两点:进行国家主义(家国意识)的教育;矫正快节奏、粗鄙的现代生活。 D.作者认为:《舌尖上的中国》第一季,文人气质几乎消失殆尽。

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