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Unit 4 Earthquakes

The First Period Warming up and Pre-reading


1. 语言目标:Learn the use of the following words and phrases.

right away well(n) burst as if at an end ruin in ruins injure destroy shock rescue trap dig out bury a (great) number of useless

2. 能力目标:Talk about earthquake and other disasters in English.

Try to finish the following according to your experiences;

1. Have you ever experienced any natural disasters? Give the names of the natural disasters you know. (____________________________________________________ )

2. Imagine there is a big earthquake. What might happen to all the things? (Houses will _______; roads will get _________; bridges will be ________; people will be ________or________)

4. Imagine there is an earthquake now. Your home begins to shake and you must

leave it right away. You have time to take only one thing. What will you take?

Why? (discussion)

5. Look at the pictures of new Tangshan, do you know what happened to it in 1976?


Look at the pictures on Page 25. What do you think will happen before an earthquake.

A.The water in the wells ____ and ____. And some deep ______ could be seen in the

well walls. A ______ gas came out the cracks.

B. Mice ran out of the fields __________ places to hide. Fish _________out of bows and ponds.

C. The chickens and even pigs were ______ nervous _____eat. The dog was ________

loudly again and again.

D. People could see _______lights in the sky.


I. Read and recite the following patterns. Try to make sentences with them.


1. I would like to express my thanks to …..who…

2. Here, I wish to express my thanks for the great efforts…..

3. I’d also like to thank……

4. No words are strong enough to express our….

II. Finish the following words and phrases:

1. 骑自行车的人_____________

2. 祝贺v.___________ n.___________

3. 地震_______________

4. 立刻,马上______________

5. 井_________

6. 爆发_____________

7. 百万_____________千_________ 百____________

8. 事件,大事__________

9. 结束,终结___________

10. 民族,国家_______________

11. 严重受损,破败不堪_____________

12. 苦难,痛苦n._______________

13. 极度的adj.______________

极度地adv. ___________

14. 损害,伤害______________

15. 破坏,毁坏_____________

16. 无用的,无益的____________

17. 震惊_______________

18. 援救,营救____________ 19. 使陷入困境,陷阱_____________

20. 电,电流,电学____________

21. 掘出,发现__________________

22. 埋葬,掩埋__________________

23. 矿井____________


24. 许多,大量的___________

25. 记者__________________

26. 损失,损害_______________

27. 使惊吓,吓唬______________



28. 法官,判断_____________

29. 表达,快车____________

30. 避身处___________

31. 真诚地,真挚地______________

32. 死难者_______________ 33. 准备,预备______________


I am anxiously expecting your letter, and at last76._______

it reached to me. I'm very glad to know that77._______

everyone at home is enjoying good health as usually.78._______

Things here are same now as they were before.79._______

The final examination will take place in next week.80._______

So I am now busy prepare my lessons. It's nice81._______

to think that the summer vacation is coming near.82._______

I can't say now how many I want to see you all again.83._______

I'm looking forward to spend summer days with you.84._______

Give my loves to father, mother and others at home.85._______

答案:76.am→was77.去掉reached后的to78.usually→usual79.same 之前加the80.去掉介词in81.prepare→preparing82.√83.many→much 84.spend→spending 85.loves→love

ⅣRemember the following words:

earthquake snowslide tornado fire mudflow flood typhoon volcano sandstorm hurricane

Teaching and Learning design for Unit 4 Earthquakes

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