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如何成为一名好老师高中满分英语作文篇一How to Be a Good Teacher

Teaching is the greatest profession under the sun, because nothing is more important than education to a nation. Sometimes, it seems easy to be a teacher, but I always find it’s difficult, because only knowledge can’t make us a good teacher.


As teachers, we must not only have a wide range of knowledge, but also have comprehensive skills and positive attitudes. For one thing, we must be equal to every student. Don’t judge the students by their grades and behaviors. Our duty is to educate them, not to criticize them.

For another, we are no longer the candles, but the matches. We shouldn't do the presentation work all the time in class. We must give the classes to the students. For example, we should make a real atmosphere to attract the students’ interests. Since most students like doing things with their hands, we can assign them some tasks to do. Sometimes we can also do some activities with them. I believe the students will learn best when they are happy.


Sometimes, we may be troubled by some naughty students. Therefore, we must have patience. We have to lead them in the right way. However, if they don’t pay attention to us, we ought to be strict with them, until they are well-behaved.



These are my personal ideas. Maybe they are correct in a way, while they are not enough for us. So I will devote more diligence to my work and get more experience from teaching.


如何成为一名好老师高中满分英语作文篇二A good teacher, in our minds,means that giving us all knowledge he knows absolutely, supervising studentsstrictly, teaching students by holding their hands, assigning proper homeworkto students and being kind enough to give students time to relieve pressure and so on. Of course, these are my previous ideas which show myimmaturity to a certain extent. But those ways catering to examination-orientededucation are necessary before stepping into university. With the age andexperience growing, my thoughts become mature gradually.



From the perspective of a collegestudent, it’s quite ridiculous that a college teacher still follow the teachingpatterns of middle school because of the freedom and open of university. In myhumble opinion, first of all, as a college teacher, the most basic is thatteachers should possess good professional quality and be proficient in theirteaching subjects, which means that they will not only explain the textthoroughly, but also tell students more extracurricular knowledge on the topicto broaden their horizons and make them throw light on the text deeply.Meanwhile, teachers should mobilize the enthusiasm and initiation of studentsto make the whole class lively and be good at asking questions to encouragestudents to think on their own and foster their creativity, rather than letthem learn by rote. What’s more, in university---- an academic palace, teachersshould regard students as their friends to establish good relationship betweenteachers and students, and create an equal platform for students to speak theirmind freely. This way of teaching benefits teachers as well as students.



To sum up, college is differentfrom middle school, so there is a great difference between them in teaching. Accordingly,college teachers should hold different teaching methods towards collegestudents. Only this can make a good college teacher.


如何成为一名好老师高中满分英语作文篇三When I was a child,my ideal was to be a teacher. Now I am pround of I have became a teacher,however,I also have to face many difficulties. And the most crucial is that how to be a good teacher. After careful consideration ,I Hold the opinion that to be a good teacher shuold have the following condition.

Firstly,Teacher is the example of the students ,so a good teacher should make herself observe the rules that school had established.Only

you just do that ,the students would like to follow you .

The second,to be a good teacher should no only work with the brightest students,but also put their effort into helping those who have difficulty coping.

thirdly,a good teacher should koow that their job is not just to impart knowledge, they should understand that teaching is more that just instructing. Good teacher inspire in their students a love for learning through their enthusiasm and passion for their subject ,and through their own efforts to continually develop new skills and embrace new ideas in order to bring a fresh perspective to every lesson.

Above all else, a good teacher should make his every student feel that he is a winner, they have faith in their students' abilities,and believethat every child has the potential to be anything he wants to be, encourage them to dream ,and show them how to pursue those dreams.

如何成为一名好老师高中满分英语作文篇四I have been an English teacher in middle schools for several years, and I know that it is not easy to be a good teacher, because a good

teacher is required to have many qualities as follows.

Firstly, a good teacher must have a good personal quality such as being patient to tolerate the students who have made some mistakes, showing enthusiasm in class, being humorous, having a quick response to the immediate emergency, being open-minded, etc. Probably, the teachers with these personal qualities will attract students and be liked by them.

Secondly, a good teacher should have the teaching faculty. In order to have this capability, a teacher should acquire enough knowledge. On the one hand, he should acquire the wide knowledge of philosophy, psychology, education (how to teach), culture, history, geography, etc. On the other hand, he must master much deeper theories in his research field. Apart from this knowledge, an English teacher should possess the necessary skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating, among which speaking is of paramount importance. In addition, a good English teacher may have the means to activate his class and give students the opportunities to practice English. Only in this way students can use English and improve their communicative competence.

Thirdly, a good teacher should have the awareness of learning. We are in an information age, and the knowledge is

changing quickly. If a teacher doesn’t charge himself from time to time, his theory may be out of date, and he may not keep the pace with development of our society. At present, a teacher is required not only to know how to teach, but also to do research in his field. So, he should update his theory and know the newest one in the world.

Finally, a good teacher should have moral quality, that is to say, a good teacher should be a model and set a good example to his students and others. A good teacher will be a good citizen, for example, complying with the laws of our country and the rules of the school, offering seats on the bus, helping others, and so on. For a good teacher the most important moral is to love students and to love the course of teaching. As long as he has the innate love for his profession, he may has enormous zest for his students, and become an excellent teacher.

With reference to the above aspects, manifestly, I am not a good teacher. But fortunately, I am trying my best to reach the goal.


我的父亲高中满分作文 “总是向你索取却不曾说谢谢你,直到长大以后才懂得你不容易……”每当我听起筷子兄弟的《父亲》这首歌的时候,总是想起我的爸爸。 爸爸个子不高,但是他在我心目中总是很伟大。我家住在农村,以种地为生。爸爸单独一个人撑起我们的家,想一想我的眼泪就想脱眶而出。爸爸头上那一根根雪白色的头发,代表着这些年他为这个家付出了多心血,操过多少的心。还有他那略有些驼背的身躯,从这里就可以看出来他为这个家也为了我,付出了比一般的父亲还要多的力气。爸爸为了能让我好好上学,在学校吃饱喝好,不让我担忧家里,我每次去上学出门前爸爸总是轻松而快乐的样子送我出门,而且左吩咐右吩咐“带上厚衣服,钱别掉了,也别乱花…”我总是不经意的:“哦哦,知道了”!其实我知道,爸爸是装出来的,他内心其实很累了。 爸爸把我当成一个宝贝,有点什么活尽量不让我干,不过他实在忙不过来的时候,也让我去帮忙,忙完一天,爸爸买好吃的让我吃。在我记忆中,我从刚刚懂事到现在,我是衣来伸手饭来张口,我要什么他就给我买什么。有时候我需要新衣服了,即便爸爸妈妈再没有空,爸爸也会催着妈妈抓紧给我去买。但是爸爸身上总是穿着一件陈旧的衣服,把他用来买衣服的钱都给我买了衣服。爸爸对我这么好还不是让我好好学习,考上大学给他争光。我现在也没辜负爸爸对我的期望,我虽然现在读高中中学,但是我在班里成绩排在前五名,班主任对我说照这样学下去一定能考上好大学。我回家告诉爸爸,爸爸心里也很

快乐。我心中也铭记着爸爸对我说过的最多的一句话“只要你好好学习,考上好大学,爸爸下再大的力,吃再多的苦我也愿意”。我带着这句话一直走到现在,它寄托着对我的希望,我不能弃它于不顾。 爸爸,我多想对你说:“这些年你这么累,等我工作挣钱了,你就可以歇着了”。我有一个这么好的爸爸,我觉得这是我的荣幸。 网络搜集整理,仅供参考


写作指导(7) 说明文 1.说明文是以说明为主要表达方式,用简洁明了的语言来解说事物、阐明事理,从而给读者提供知识的一种文体。 2.在高考书面表达中,其主要命题形式为图表式作文,有时也以图画式和提纲式作文来呈现写作材料。 3.它要求语言要简明扼要,通俗易懂,说明过程讲究层次性和条理性。 4.这种文体通常用第三人称,时态以一般现在时为主。 根据以下图画,写一篇英语短文,描述今昔通讯方式的变化,以及这些变化给人们生活带来的影响。

注意:1.词数:100左右; 2.参考词汇:通讯communicate (with sb.)vi.,communication n.;互联网the Internet n.。 案例分析⊙ 从材料的呈现方式(两幅图对比)及材料所提出的要求“描述变化及影响”可知,本文应该用说明文体来写作。时态的把握是本文的一大难点,一般情况下,说明文应用一般现在时,但本文描述的是今昔通讯方式的变化,所以在描写过去通讯方式的时候要用一般过去时,例如:In the past,people kept in touch with each other mainly by writing letters or using the public telephone及 It used__to__take several days to hear from each other.在描写过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响时,谓语动词要用现在完成时,例如本文的起始句可用“Great changes have__taken__place in the

way of communication in people’s life in recent years”及讲述影响的过渡句“With these changes,people’s pace of life has__been__quickened__and people’s work has__been__made more efficient ”。相对来说,本文用第三人称容易把握。 Great changes have taken place in the way of communication in people’s life in recent years. In the past,people kept in touch with each other mainly by writing letters or using the public telephone.But now almost everyone has his own mobile phone.People can communicate with each other almost at any place and at any time.What’s more,people have easy access to the Internet,which enables them to send and receive emails whenever they like.With these changes,people’s pace of life has been quickened and people’s work has been made more efficient.It used to take several days to hear from each other,but now it takes only


小学生关于老师的英语作文 【篇一】小学生关于老师的英语作文 As the saying goes: water is to fish, the birds leave the tree, my growth path nature is inseparable from the teacher. In my study, so Im impressed with a teacher. She has a head of curly hair, a pair of jiongjiongweishen eyes. For homework, she is very serious, for strict requirements for quality and writing, must not be any careless, on the question paper winding noodles to write neatly and orderly, in order to avoid penalty points, she is my Chinese teacher, teacher jean valjean. The teacher looked at us every class, ran, eyes always so clear, smiling with us a lecture. Her reading voice, sometimes like a spring ding-dong, sometimes like rolling waves, call a person to hear and incomparable. Ran the teacher write a word, the rows and rows of delicate and pretty neat, asing if is a flash picture, let me enjoy.【篇二】小学生关于老师的英语作文 Miss Qin is my favorite teacher. She teaches us Chinese. She is lovely lady in her thirty-two years old. Her warm smile and black long hair are her symbols. My classmates like her very much, because she is always kind to us. In my view, she is a wise teacher. She tells


高中关于我的父亲作文 再有两天就是父亲节了,人们总喜欢用“父爱如山”来形容父亲对儿女无私的关爱, 我总觉得即使用海纳百川也是无法形容父爱的博大情深。提到父亲,总会令我想到伟岸的山、荒原的树、无际的海、挚天的伞。即使父亲的脊梁不再挺拔,他依然是家庭最有力的 支撑。我 的父亲今年75岁了,很幸运“子欲养而亲还在”。自从他总说腰酸背疼后,眼睛患 有严重的青光眼常疼时我才真正意识到父亲真的老了,一个半米的沙袋都能 将他征服,老看不清楚是谁打的电话,更看不清楚短信,所以我给父亲打电话时,先 叫声爸,我是老二。每次在电话里听到父亲的声音,我都忍不住掉泪,感觉父亲的声音好 孤单和凄凉。母亲去世已经8年了,自从辛苦勤劳了一辈子的母亲离逝,,我们这个家就 支离破碎了。父亲跟随大弟和三弟回了河南老家,把我和二弟丢在了这里。我好渴望家的 温暖,渴望父爱,渴望父亲的怀抱。自我记事起,父亲就很少说话,也很少在家。平田整地,农业学大寨,父亲一直在外面工作。 那时最大的快乐就是盼着父亲回家,给我们带糖果吃。由于和很少父亲在一起生活, 所以和父亲之间有了距离,直到现在大弟不肯叫声爸不是不叫,是叫不出来。 那个艰难困苦的时代,我记得很清楚,我和父亲一起到山上刮榆树皮压和捞面吃。依 稀记得,父亲不在家,母亲到山上拾扛树籽喂猪,我们姊妹几个吃大锅饭 吃坏了肚子,一个个呕吐不止。那时能看场电影就是最大幸福。有天晚上看完了电影,天下起了大雨。我们家住在一条沟的对面,父亲背着小弟踩着泥泞的小路下坡,不小心滑 到了,我立刻哭了起来。父亲和母亲训斥我哭什么。这是我内心藏了40几年的一个个秘密:我当时是因为心疼父亲而哭的,我希望摔倒的是我,而不是父亲。 没人能读懂我哭的缘由。我承认我是一个不孝顺的女儿。每年都许愿去看望父亲的, 可每年都没能回去。虽然经常的打电话,节日寄些钱回去,所有的这些都不如亲自给父亲 做一顿饭,倒一杯水实在。 父亲的身体状况已大不如以前了,每每想到这点,心里觉得很愧疚,深深地自责。内 心好多次都萌生了 想把父亲节到我身边的想法,种种原因以至于现在父亲还生活在老家。父亲,就是一 座伟岸的大山,拥有厚实的胸怀和深沉的力量;父爱蕴藏着的,是太阳的光泽,是莽莽苍 苍山林的气息。父爱如伞,为我们遮风挡雨;父爱如雨,为我们濯洗心灵;父爱如路,伴我 们走向人生旅途……父爱比天高,比海深,无法用语言来表达。他用自己的行为感染并教 育着我,让我学会了用爱感动生活,用爱感知世界。这种伟大而无私的爱,子女穷其一生


新学期到了,你们有新的老师了吗?下面是XX为大家精心整理的关于我的新老师高中英语作文,希望能够帮助到你们。 My new teacher The new semester has begun. Every thing seems the same as before, except one thing. That is our class has a new English teacher. His name is Yang yang, but we always call his English name, Robert. He is a young and sunshine. He just graduated from university. His pronunciation is very good and I like his spoken English. Robert is humorous and his class is interesting and lively. Except for the textbook, he finds many other articles for class teaching, such as songs, movies and cartoons. He says that we can learn more from what we are interested in. I like this new teacher. 新学期已经开始了。除了一件事以外,每一件事看起来都和原来一样。那就是我们班来了个新的英语老师。他的名字叫杨阳,但是我们经常叫他的英文名Robert。他年轻阳光,刚刚从大学毕业。他的发音很标准,我很喜欢他的口语。Robert很幽默,他的课堂生动有趣。除开课本,他还找了很多文章进行课堂教学,比如歌曲,电影和卡通。他说我们可以从我们感兴趣的东西学到更多。我喜欢这位新老师。 My new teacher is science teacher. He’s very strong. He has a big mouth, two big ears, two big eyes and a not too big and not too small nose. He often wears a black new shirt and brown pants, with two big shoes。 我的新老师是科学老师。他是非常强壮的。他有一个大嘴巴,两个大耳朵,两个大眼睛和一个不太大的也不太小的鼻子。他经常穿着一件黑色的新衬衫和棕色的裤子,还有两双大鞋子。 My science teacher is very kind. And he is very smart, isn’t he? Today, we have science class. We are very happy. Because he is so funny. Who is he? He’s a Mr. Zhou . 我的科学老师很和蔼。他很聪明,是吧?今天,我们有科学课。我们非常高兴。因为他非常有趣。他是谁?他是周老师。 This semester my class has a new English teacher. She is a young and beautifullady. We have a great impression on her. However after several classes later things have changed. Firstly she always talks in English. We don’t understandher words. We tell her that but nothing changes. Besides she always asks usin English. The result is that we can’t answer her question because we can’t understand her. In addition she is serious and never smiles to us. We feel so depressiveto have her lesson. Therefore all students are afraid of having Englishlesson. 这个学期,我们班换了新的英语老师,是一位年轻美丽的女老师。我们对她的第一印象很好。但是,几节课过后,情况就变了。第一,她总是用英语说话,我们根本听不懂她说什么。我们和她说了这个问题,但是并没有用。第二,她总是用英语问我们问题,结果就是我们都回答不上来,因为我们还是听不懂。第三,她很严肃,从来不会对我们笑。上课时,我们都很压抑。因此,现在全班学生都害怕上英语课。 我的新老师高中英语作文


我的父亲作文 从懂事起就想写一写自己的父亲,我做父亲后,女儿一天天长大,我也更成熟了,这种想法也就更强烈了,今天,参加了学校举行的感恩歌曲合唱比赛,听了九(3)班合唱的《父亲》,终于和着泪水,完成了这个多年的心愿。 ——题记 可能是因为父亲在不到3岁的时候就没有了父亲的缘故吧,在我的记忆中,父亲对我们姊妹的宠爱似乎更超过了母亲,父亲对我们的爱近乎于溺爱。在三十多年里,我还没见过父亲发火的样子,我记得的只是他对我们几个孩子的慈祥的笑容,和人前的卑微的笑容,如果说还有第三种表情,那就是为我们的学费所困时的愁容。 小时候,父母都在生产队集体劳动,我至今还记得父亲常用一个长长的、黑色的毛巾将他的宝贝儿子缠在背上赴着牛耕田,为此,他经常挨生产队长的批,可他始终没有改正这个错误,直到我能和小伙伴一起玩耍了。 母亲说,小时的我体弱多病,她常和父亲在三更半夜里把我背到卫生所,这常让那个乡村医生很不耐烦,为此,懦弱的父亲竟没少和他吵架! 后来我们上学了,学费一年比一年的贵,93年我上大学的时候,父亲已经五十一岁了,那时妹妹也上高中了,可父亲靠着四处借钱和打5块钱一天的零工,硬是让我和妹妹在学校没有受一点委屈,只是,他那儿时受过伤的背弯得几乎就要够着地了! 今年三月的一天,我到信用社取钱,看到一个衣着破旧的父亲在办理贷款手续,抖抖索索的在贷款申请里歪歪扭扭的写着:“因为日子读书,要贷4000块钱的款,下年里卖猪子后还……”,信用社的工作人员看了看后,从柜台里扔出他的申请说:“你连儿子的儿都没有写对啊!”,这位父亲呐呐的说:“我没有读过几天书……”,我的心一

阵抽搐,不由得想到了我那没上过一天学的父亲,在我求学期间,他在信用社是怎样办的贷款手续,在邮局又是怎样填写的汇款单?他该受到过别人多少白眼啊! 每次回到家里,他和母亲总是忙前忙后,想方设法做出最好的给我们吃,生怕委屈了儿子、媳妇和他的宝贝孙女儿。过年和我女儿的每一个生日,他总要从贴身的口袋里掏出一张摸得平平崭崭的50或100的钱塞在女儿的手里,听到女儿甜甜的说谢谢爷爷的时候,他那满是皱纹的脸就会露出满足的笑容,也就裂开了他那没牙的嘴。而在逢年过节,我和妻子要给他们一些钱的时候,他总会以我们还困难或他们不缺钱为由拒绝。我知道,他和母亲一直因为我和妻子结婚时没能给妻子置办一分钱的彩礼而自责,可那时,他们正在替我偿还我读书时欠下的债啊!他们也该知道妻一直是不在乎的啊! 上次回家时,父亲更老了,没了生活压力的他,佝偻的腰却弯的更低了!父亲已经快七十了,留给他的日子不会太多了,而我,却不能膝前尽孝!耳边再次响起了我的学生们充满深情的歌声,我不由得又泪流满面了!唯愿儿子这颗感恩的心,能让他和母亲健康、长寿! 湖北宜昌长阳县长阳二中高三:白邓李 我的父亲作文(2) 我的父亲是一本厚重殷实的书,其中蕴含着深邃的人生哲理,让我受益良多。他对我的爱比海深,比山高,千言万语道不出他为我付出的一切。 父亲出生在一个贫苦的农民家庭,有三个姐姐,一个哥哥。由于家境问题,父亲早早就辍学了。经人介绍,父亲和母亲结婚了。 两年之后,我出生了。怀孕的母亲从没吃过好东西,因而我一出生就贫血。为之父母在我身上花了不少心血。我深知他们的辛苦,因此我格外的懂事。


关于我的老师英语作文5篇 英语作文,是指用英语针对某一内容写出一篇文章,是英语考试最常见的一种题 目类型,下面为大家分享我的老师的英语作文,欢迎借鉴! 我的老师作文1 The first day when I started my middle school life, I felt so lonely, because I didn’t know anyone who was around me. My teacher Miss Li was like our parent, and she arranged everything for us. The first lesson she gave was to let us introduce each other, soon we became familiar with each other. Miss Li was very good at telling jokes. She made the atmosphere so lively and funny. We laughed out loudly. I was no longer feeling lonely and made many friends. Miss Li is favored by everyone. She is such a nice teacher. I am so lucky to be one of her students. 当我第一天开始我的中学生活时,我感到很孤独,因为我都不认识周围的人。李 老师是我的老师,她就像我们的父母一样,为我们安排好一切。第一节课她让我们互 相介绍自己,很快我们就彼此熟悉了。李老师很擅长讲笑话,她把气氛弄得很活跃、 有趣,我们都大声笑了出来。我不再感到孤独也交了很多朋友。每一个人都喜欢李老师,她是一个好老师,我很幸运能够成为她的学生。 我的老师作文2 My favorite teacher is Miss Huang. She is a beautiful lady. She has two big eyes, a high nose and a small red mouth. There is always a smile on her face. 我最喜欢的老师是黄老师。她是一位美丽的女士。她有一双大大的眼睛,一个高 高的鼻子和一个小小的红色的嘴巴。她的脸上总是带着微笑。 Miss Huang likes singing and collecting posters. She is good at playing the piano. In the evening, she always sits in front of the piano and plays nice music. She is good at dancing, too. Sometimes she teaches us dancing. 黄老师喜欢唱歌和收集海报。她擅长弹钢琴。傍晚的时候,她总是坐在钢琴前面 弹奏优美的曲子。她还擅长跳舞。有时候,她会教我们跳舞。 Miss Huang likes dogs very much because the dog is very friendly and cute. Her favorite color is blue. Because blue is the color of the sky and the sea. 黄老师非常喜欢小狗,因为小狗很友好,很可爱。她最喜欢的颜色是蓝色。因为 蓝色是天空和大海的颜色。


我的父亲母亲_写亲人的作文700字高中 我的父亲母亲_写亲人的作文700字高中篇一 在人生的长河中,有无数个关爱我、帮助我、教导我、引领我的人.她们有我的亲人、老师、同学,对我的引领各有不同.我觉得父爱如山、母爱如水、哥哥对我的溺爱,这是家人对我的爱.老师就如蜡烛一般一直浪费着青春和汗水在教导我们,同学用一点一滴的小事教会我们与人相处的道理,我一直记在心中,但对我的人生影响最大的却是我那敬爱的父亲于母亲.是他含辛茹苦的抚养我长大,在我困难的时候是我避风的港湾,在我哭泣的时候是我依靠的肩膀,在我回家时是我最温暖的巢穴,在我沉迷是他伸出厚大的手掌把我我拥护在怀中,我想对父亲说一声父亲您辛苦了.我不会忘记你对我的教导,我会谨记你的人生格言. 在我沉迷的时候你用你那厚大的手掌拉出了我,在初三的时候我沉迷于网络游戏无法自拔,天天在网吧玩不知回家,电脑游戏成为了我忠实的朋友,我不知何却何从,我在家与网吧之间徘徊,是你们在这时候出现在我的身旁,把我从恶魔的魔掌中拯救出来,我对你们的爱已无法用语言表达,在此我只想对父亲母亲说一句.你们辛苦了. 在我无助的时候你们总是及时出现在我的身旁,又一次,我在小学时,我不知为啥感冒了,你们在千里迢迢的临汾无法工作却在思念着我,等我第二天醒来,你们却出现在我的身边,我的心里十分激动,因为你们对我的爱不是在天涯海角而是早我身边,我却不知道,在此我想对你们说一句父亲母亲我爱你们,谢谢你们在我无助的时候不顾工作依然会来陪我,我爱你们. 在我成长的道路上,我不会忘记你的津津教诲,不管在工作、生活、还是爱情等,我都不会忘记你们对我的爱与教导,我想对天下孩子说天下最爱你的人是你的父母,们有人能够替代,请你们爱你的父母,不然后悔莫及. 写给最重要的人_写亲人的作文800字高中篇二 读一句北堂种萱草,花开不见还.竟戳到了心底,一时间泪流满面. 挥不去你高高瘦瘦的身影,梦醒时想起你数不清的白发.母亲啊,您眼角的皱纹究竟包容了多少岁月,那些日子,又有多少我的任性与胡闹?我的母亲,您纵横沟壑的手,又牵引着我走过多少次没有灯的路?我知晓错过了太多,幸好,还是走了回来.花开了,真好. 吻是凉的,如你的日子,你承受的风.那一刻,凉意透过唇传入心底,成了我刻在心底的软弱.你总嫌我矫情,那就矫情吧,我不知再有什么方式,来表达对您的心疼,和对昨事的歉疚.您看着那个骄傲的我撞的头破血流,和那个胡思乱想的我日渐枯萎,却又打不得,说不得,那般无可奈何的包容我所有任性,一定很难过吧.那个骄傲的我不屑于您所谓的经验,那个胡思乱想的我总是曲解您的.亲爱的母亲,我把她们都杀死在了昨天.现在,花开,人归. 手是痛的,如岁月刻出的棱角.刺痛一直蔓延到心底也不愿松开,我怕再走丢,找不到回来的路,没有一个您可以让我的心放下,真的怕极了.我的母亲,捻不出那厚厚的茧子里有多少苦涩,又有多少汗渍是为我而生.痛到深处,亦是爱.那个总是爱幻想的姑娘,一直以来生活就像小


关于我的老师优秀英语作文5篇 在英语写作考试中,人物类话题的英语作文也是常考的。老师是为学生传授知识的园丁,下面小编为大家带来了我的老师英语作文Z 欢迎大家阅读。 我的老师优秀英语范文篇一 My English teacher appears Very beautiful and She IOOkS about 40 years old.She has a SOn.Our English teacher is Very StriCt With US f ancl SOmetimeS r She is Very friendly and kind to us.She is also HUmOrOUS.On the APril FOOlS Day f She Said to US f yOU are going to HaVe a HOliday this after no On.Many StUdents thought it true.Many StUdentS dare not talk z because She is Very StriCt.We are afraid that We CannOt PaSS the exam z because the teacher Will CritiCiSe US if We dont pass.She doesnt give US too much HOmeWOrk,and She does nt give US too much PreSSUre.Sometimes,we Iike OUr Engllish teacher. I Iike English,and I Iike my English teacher. 我的英语老师长得很漂亮看起来大概40多岁,他有一个儿子。英语老师对我们很严格,但是有时她对我们很和蔼,很友好。她也很幽默,在愚人节那天,她对我们说:下午放假很多同学都当真了。在上课的时候很多同学都不敢说话,因为老师很严格。我们害怕考试不及格,因为老师会批评我们。英语老师布置的作业不是很多,没有给我们太大的压力。有时我们很喜欢英语老师。 我的英语老师英语篇二


My Teacher My English teather is Mr Xu, his English name is Martin. His English is very good. And he always wears a pair of glasses. He likes wearing blue trousers. My teacher is handsome. He often plays with us after class. He often reads books and English. His hobby is reading books. Mr Xu likes drinking Coke and eating chips. Sometimes he is angry, because we are naughty. Sometimes he is happy, because we are good. Our art teacher is not too old and not too young. He’s tall and strong. He has a big mouth and small ears. He likes wearing a hat. He is good at drawing. He’s very funny. We all like him. My new teacher is science teacher. He’s very strong. He has a big mouth, two big ears, two big eyes and a not too big and not too small nose. He often wears a black new shirt and brown pants, with two big shoes。 My science teacher is very kind. And he is very smart, isn’t he? Today, we have science class. We are very happy. Because he is so funny. Who is he? He’s a Mr. Zhou . My English teacher I have a very good English teacher. Our class all like her very much. Though she’s our English teacher, but we often call her name Holly. She is very friendly to us. We all like to have English classes very much. She is so young and beautiful. She looks like a middle school student. She has two big eyes and long hair. She likes wearing T-shirts and jeans. She teaches English very well. In class, she looks like our elder sister. We usually learn new things by playing games and singing songs ,so we always have fun in English class. She often helps us to solve problems. After class, she looks like our friend. We often play games together. Now , you see , do you like our English teacher too? My favourite teacher is Miss Huang. She is a beautiful lady. She has two big eyes, a high nose and a little red mouth. There is always a smile on her face.

话题作文 高中作文我的父亲(5篇)

话题作文高中作文我的父亲(5篇) 第一篇:我的父亲 有一种爱,深沉而又默默无闻; 有一句话,简单却又意味深长; 有一个人,严厉而又不是慈爱,始终呵护你一生,这个人便是——父亲。 严父慈母,这仿佛就是人们眼中对于父母的认识。许多人认为父亲除了严厉还是严厉,似乎就从来没有关爱过他们,殊不知,这样的想法大错特错!严厉也是一种爱,只不过深沉,不易察觉罢了。况且,父亲也在呵护,关心着你我。 现在回忆起生活的点点滴滴,父亲又何尝不是在无形之中给予我巨大关爱,陪伴我逐渐长大呢? 朝朝暮暮,春去秋来,我的每一点进步,都是父亲心血的结晶。父亲用他那有力的臂膀为我撑起了一片自由的天空,遮挡了无数的风雨,父亲用他那坚实的步伐踏开我前进路上的荆棘。而我的每一次跌倒都会毫不留情的在父亲脸上增添一道深深的皱纹。我看到

我从一个幼稚无知的孩童成长到一个成熟的中学生,可是我也看得到父亲昔日那自信的容颜在消逝,父亲头上的银发在逐渐增多! 我细细品味了我与父亲的往事,愈发感到父亲的神圣与伟大。 父爱如山。 记得那次我们去北京旅行,在山上游玩时,不小心碰上了胳膊,血不住地流,痛得我直咬嘴唇,父亲连忙背我下山。等到下山来已经是夜幕降临了。由于是跟随旅行团来的,只能步行去医院。当时是初春乍暖还寒,再加上是傍晚天气已是十分寒冷了。我那弱小的身躯在寒风中冻得瑟瑟发抖。父亲见了,连忙将大衣脱下来给我披上。 "爸——不用了"。我说。 "不,披上。"父亲用命令的口吻说。他并没有说过多的话,然而这三个字却胜似任何话语。顿时,我被一股浓浓的父爱包围着,它驱走了所有的严寒,我内心感到无比温暖。可是父亲却在寒风中,在路灯的照射下颤抖着。 借着余光我看到了父亲头上那一道深深的皱纹。那是怎样的皱纹啊:它们仿佛一道道深深的沟壑布在父亲的额头上,它们满载着父亲的重担与艰辛,经历和见证了一次又一次


我的高中英语老师英语作文 My high school headteacher teaches my English. He is handsome. And he is very thin for hardwork. He is about forty years old. He looks serious. But in fact, he is kind, nice and warmhearted. 我的高中班主任教我们英语。他很帅气。因为工作辛苦,所以他很瘦。大概40岁左右。他看起来很严肃,但实际上他是很友好、善良、热心肠的 On the one hand, he is serious on study. Whoever doesn’t finish the homework or cheat in the exam, he will punish him or her badly. Sometimes he will let those students do doble homework or have another exam. Sometimes he will ask those students write reports on that behavior. But when teaching us in class, he is so patient. It’s the same when asking him questions. On the other hand, he will play with us after class. Meanwhile, if anyone has any difficuty in study or daily life, he will give a hand without hesitation. 一方面,他在学习上是很严格的。不管是谁没完成作业或者在考试中作弊他都会重重 是惩罚他或她。有时候他会让他们做双倍的家庭作业或者重新再参加过另一个考试。有时 候他会让他们对自己的行为写报告。但是,在课堂上教我们的时候他是很有耐心的。我们 向他请教问题的时候也是一样的。另一方面,在课后他会和我们一起玩。同时,如果我们 任何人有任何关于学习或者日常生活上的困难,他都会毫不犹豫的伸出援手 All in all, we love our headteacher, though sometimes he is serious. We like his responsibility. We also appreciate his spirit to work for students heart and soul. 总之,虽然有时候他很严肃,但是我们爱我们的班主任。我们喜欢他的责任心。我们 也欣赏他为了学生全心全意工作的精神。 Miss Hou is my high school English teacher. Her English name is Jenny. She looks so weak that a strong wind may blow her away. She is not too tall, about 150cm. She is experiened of English teaching. She teaches me for three years.In the other word, she is the only English teacher during my high school study. She is special. She will show an English song to us before her class. A few days later, she will ask us to follow the singing on the tape. I can still remember some songs she taught us. It is strang that she looks so weak, but no one in my class will against her word. I think maybe is because her own personality.Everyone respects her.


小学生英语作文:我的英语老师 My English teacher, Mr. Jones, is a middle-aged man with thick glasses above his nose. We all like his classes, for he is always very active and has many ways to make his lessons lively and interesting. After class, he often plays table tennis with us. And at night, he usually works late and prepares the lessons carefully. When we told him that we had passed the entrance examination of senior middle school, he Was so happy that he jumped like a child. We all get along well with him. All of us still miss him very much after we have left the junior middle school. 【篇二】 My English teather is Mr Xu, his English name is Martin. His English is very good. And he always wears a pair of glasses. He likes wearing blue trousers. My teacher is handsome. He often plays with us after class. He often reads books and English. His hobby is reading books. Mr Xu likes drinking Coke and eating chips. Sometimes he is angry, because we are naughty. Sometimes he is happy, because we are good. Mr. Xu is very good and handsome. We all like him. 【篇三】 My favourite teacher is my English teacher Ms Wu .Her English name is Lannie .She is a beautiful lady. She is very humorous.


高中英语作文写老师三篇 老师的可敬,则在于总是给别人提供方便。其实老师的英语作文并不难写。下面是给大家精心挑选的高中英语作文写老师三篇,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读! Is our parents, our parents, can teach us learn is that we love the teacher, the teacher is our second parents, if not the teacher's help, we may now also can only say a few words of parents teach, even the most simple method of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. I can count on is honesty and a half, half the naughty students, occasionally make a mistake to provoke the teacher not happy, but I was change, but progress is a bit slow. One day I go to school carrying bag, to the school gate, I remembered that one thing, last night the teacher of the two big word list, I forgot to take, and at that time I don't know what to do, go home to take! Have enough time, let my father sent! No, his father was working, ah! So I had to from recognize unlucky, carrying a bag into the school, but god never shuts one door but he opens another, collect your homework today, not the teacher but, English lesson

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