当前位置:文档之家› 2016年湖北普通专升本历年真题汇编---英语一





1.I got to the theatre just before the end of ______.

A. the act two

B. act two

C. act second

D. the act second

2.The United States of America has a population of over


A. two hundred million

B. two hundred millions

C. two hundreds million

D. two hundred millions people

3.It is reported that ______ people have entered for the competition.

A. hundreds

B. hundred

C. hundreds of

D. several hundreds

4.It is reported that ______ people in this area were saved in the flood.

A. hundreds of

B. hundred

C. some

hundreds D. hundred of

5.Mary is a ______ girl.

A.seven years old

B. seven-years-old

C. seven-year-old

D. seven-year old

6.The homework for the next period is to write a two-hundred-words composition about your hometown

7.We can go there on foot. It is only ______ walk.

A. twenty minute

B. twenty minutes

C. a twenty-minute

D. twenty minutes of

8.A one-year-old baby can recognize its mother by smell.

9.The hero of the film is a professor in his ______.

A. thirties

B. thirtieth

C. thirty

D. thirty‘s

10.When he was in his ______,he got the chance to go abroad to study.

A. forty

B. forty‘s

C. forty’s years

old D. forties

11.The world population will pass six billion by the end of twenty century.

12.About ______ of the energy is absorbed by the atmosphere of the earth.

A. nine-ten

B. nine-tenth

C. nine-

tenths D. ninth-ten

13.Three times seven is twenty-one.

14.David helps his mother with her housework every Saturday for about ______.

A. one and half hours

B. a half and an hour

C. an hour and half

D. one and a half hours

15. We can go there on foot. It is only ______ walk.

A. twenty minute

B. twenty minutes

C. a twenty-minute

D. twenty minutes of


1. B






7.C 9.A 10.D 11.D:the twentieth 12.C 14.D 15.C


河南省2016 年普通高等学校 专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习考试 公共英语 Part Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure ( 1 x 40 ) Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence, and then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.- 1.Jane hadn't been to London before. ______ had her husband. A. Neither B. Either C. So D. Or 2.No sooner had he arrived in Rome ______ he heard of the good news. A. when B. than C. then D. until 3.I?m for the suggestion that a special board_____to examine the problem. A. be set up B. will be set up C.must be set up D.has to be set up 4.The disabled children need many things, but____ , they need love. A. first of all B.not at all C.after all D. All in all 5.The coal industry in the north of China is now barely half its ____size. A. Formal B.former https://www.doczj.com/doc/9415804277.html,tter D. later 6.The football player is hoping to____ to another team soon. A. Transfer B.transport C.transplant D. transact 7.____the garden, the old man went to have a rest. A. Having been watered B. Watering C. Having watered D. Being watered 8.Her_____to the job left her with very little free time. A. devotion B.faith C.trust D.interest 9.The children have been ____since their father left. A.out of style B.under control C.out of control D.in style 10.It is reported _____ great changes have been made with the application of the new policy. A.which B. that C. while D.what 11.The manager promised to keep me _____ of how the project was going on. A. be informed B. Informed C. inform https://www.doczj.com/doc/9415804277.html,rming


2005年重庆专升本高等数学真题 一、 单项选择题(本大题共6小题,每小题4分,满分24分)、 1、 下列极限中正确的是( ) A 、0lim x →1 2x =∞ B 、0lim x →12x =0 C 、0lim x →=sin 1 x 0 D 、0 lim x →sin x x =0 2、函数f (x )={x-1 2-x (0≦x ≦1) (1﹤x ≦3) 在x=1处间断是因为( ) A 、f (x )在x=1处无定义 B 、1lim x - →f (x )不存在 C 、1 lim x →f (x )不存在 D 、1lim x + →f (x )不存在 3、y=ln (1+x )在点(0,0)处的切线方程是( ) A 、y=x+1 B 、y=x C 、y=x-1 D 、y=-x 4、在函数f (x )在(a ,b )内恒有f ′(x)﹥0 , f ″(x)﹤0,则曲线在(a ,b )内( ) A 、单增且上凸 B 、单减且上凸 C 、单增且下凸 D 、单减且下凸 5、微分方程y ′-y cotx=0的通解( ) A 、y=sin c x B 、y= c sinx C 、y=cos c x D 、y=c cosx 6、n 元线性方程组Ax=0有非零解的充要条件是( ) A 、方程个数m ﹤n B 、方程个数m ﹥n C 、方程个数m=n D 、秩(A) ﹤n 二、 判断题(本大题共4小题,每小题4分,满分16分) 1、 若极限0 lim x x →f (x )和0 lim x x →f (x )g (x )都存在,则0 lim x x →g (x )必存在( )


河南省 2016 年普通高等学校 专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习考试 公共英语 Part Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure ( 1 x 40 ) Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence, and then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.- 1. Jane hadn't been to London before. ______ had her husband. A. Neither B. Either C. So D. Or 2. No sooner had he arrived in Rome ______ he heard of the good news. A. when B. than C. then D. until 3. I’m for the suggestion that a special board_____to examine the problem. A. be set up B. will be set up C.must be set up D.has to be set up 4. The disabled children need many things, but____ , they need love. A. first of all B.not at all C.after all D. All in all 5. The coal industry in the north of China is now barely half its ____size. A. Formal B.former https://www.doczj.com/doc/9415804277.html,tter D. later 6. The football player is hoping to____ to another team soon. A. Transfer B.transport C.transplant D. transact 7. ____the garden, the old man went to have a rest. A. Having been watered B. Watering C. Having watered D. Being watered 8. Her_____to the job left her with very little free time. A. devotion B.faith C.trust D.interest 9. The children have been ____since their father left. A.out of style B.under control C.out of control D.in style 10. It is reported _____ great changes have been made with the application of the new policy. A.which B. that C. while D.what 11. The manager promised to keep me _____ of how the project was going on. A. be informed B. Informed C. inform https://www.doczj.com/doc/9415804277.html,rming


[试题分类]: 专升本《公共管理学》_ [题型]: 单选 [分数]:2 1.()是国家执政党及其他政治团体在特定时期内,为实现一定的社会政治、经济和文化目标所采取的整治行动或所规定的行为准则。 A.公共事务 B.公共政策 C.政策分析 D.公共分析 答案:B 2.公共管理的基本特征是()。 A.公共管理主体的多元化 B.重视自身的改革、方式创新与制度创新 C.与时俱进,不断为公民提供充足优质的公共服务和公共产品 D.强调公平与效率、自主与责任的统一 答案:A 3.1979年,()开展了著名的“雷纳评审”,目的是为了提高组织的经济和效率水平。 A.克林顿政府

B.撒切尔政府 C.xx政府 D.xx政府 答案:B 4.在公共管理中,政府管理职能的最终发展方向是()。 A.社会管理职能 B.经济管理职能 C.xx管理职能 D.政治管理职能 答案:C 5.()的特点是单一垂直领导,其结构简单,领导隶属关系明确,结构中每个层级的个人或组织只有一个直接领导,不与相邻个人或组织及其领导发生任何命令和服从关系。 A.矩形结构 B.直线职能结构 C.直线结构 D.职能结构 答案:C 6.新公共管理与新公共服务共同的理论基础是()。 A.科层制理论与民主主义理论 B.公平理论与市场经济理论

C.政治与行政分离理论与公共选择理论 D.自由民主主义理论与市场经济理论 答案:D 7.公共管理的主体是()。 A.准公共组织和企业 B.社会 C.公共组织和私人组织 D.公共组织和准公共组织 答案:D 8.矩阵式组织结构是在()的基础上发展起来的一种新型组织结构形式。 A.职能式结构 B.扁平式结构 C.直线式结构 D.直线——职能式结构 答案:D 9.1887年,发表著名的《行政学研究》一文的作者是()。 A.xx B.W·威尔逊 C.xx因 D.威洛比 答案:B


单选 1.I didn’t know what to do at first but an idea suddenly ( ) to me. A.occurred B.entered C.happened D.hit 2.-What do you think of the book recommended by Professor Smith? -Excellent! It’s worth ( ) a second time. A.to read B.reading C.to be read D.being read 3.I will stay with my parents for( )this summer to take care of them. A.Sometimes B.some time C.sometime D.some times 4.-Alice,why didn’t you come yesterday?I tried to look for you. -I ( ),but I had an unexpected visitor. A.had B.will C.did D.was going to 5.A healthy life is generally thought to be ( ) with fresh air,clean water,and homegrown. A.joined B. bound C. involved D. associated 6.The test is difficult for us,so our teacher tried to explain it sentence( )sentence. A.in B.through C.by D.with 7.-I need some help with my homework. -( )I’ve got lots of work to do myself and besides,it’s your problem,not mine! A.No problem,just a moment. B.Sorry,I can’t help yo right now. C.Yes,I need your help right now. D. Wait,it ‘s a piece of cake for you. 8.The evening news comes on at 7o’clock and ( )for thirty minutes. A.keeps B. ends C. finishes D. lasts 9.The news reporters hurried to the airport,only( )the movies stars they wanted to interview had left. A.to find B.to be found C.to finding D. found 10.The bridge was named( )the hero who had given his wife for the construction of it. A.after B. for C. with D.before 11.Without water and sunshine,plants on the earth( )at all. A. would not grow B. will not grow C. had not grown D. would not be grown 12.Not only I but also Jane and Mary( )tired of having one examination after another. A.is B. are C.am D.be 13.It happened to be very cold( )the morning of the sports meeting. A.at B.in C.on D.with 14.He was( )serious injured in the accident that he had to be treated in hospital for a couple of weeks. A.so a B.such a C.such D.so 15.-Which do you want,the red one or the black one? -( ).How about showing me another one. A.Either B. Both C.Neither D.None 16.He never( )to read the news section but turned at once to the crossword puzzle on the last page. A. is bothering B.bothers C.can bother D.bothered 17.Yesterday morning she( ) an old friend of hers on her way to the subway station. A.looked up to B.built up C.led to D. came across


全国教师教育网络联盟入学联考 (专科起点升本科) 高等数学备考试题库 2012 年 、选择题 1.设f (x)的定义域为0,1,则f(2x 1)的定义域为( 1 A: -,1 2 B: 1 , C: ,1 2 1 D: 1 2.函数f()x arcsin sinx的定义域为( ) A:, C: ,— 2 2 D: 1,1 3.下列说确的为( ) A:单调数列必收敛; B:有界数列必收敛; C:收敛数列必单调; D:收敛数列必有界? 4?函数f(X) A:有界 B:单调 C:周期 sinx不是(

D:奇 5?函数y sin 3e 2x 1的复合过程为( ) A: y 3 sin u v ,u e ,v 2x 1 B: y 3 u , u v sine ,v 2x 1 C: 3 2x 1 y u ,u sin v,v e D: y 3 u ,u sin v,v e w , w 2x 1 x 0 ,则下面说法不正确的为 ( ). X 0 A:函数f (X )在X 0有定义; B :极限1X 叫f (x )存在; C:函数f (X )在X 0连续; D:函数f (x )在x 0间断。 sin 4x 7.极限 lim =( ). x 0 x A: 1 B: 2 C: 3 D: 4 8. lim(1 n A: 1 B: e C: e 5 D: 9. 函数y x (1 cos 3 x )的图形对称于( A: ox 轴; B:直线y=x ; C:坐标原点; D: oy 轴 3 10. 函数 f (x ) x sinx 是( ). A:奇函数; B:偶函数; C:有界函数; sin4x 6.设 f (x) —X — 1


2003—2014年河南省普通高等学校 选拔优秀专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习考试 管理学试卷 2003年河南省普通高等学校选拔优秀专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习考管理学试卷 一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共40分,在每小题的备选答案中选出一个正确答案,并将其代码写在题干后面的括号内。不选、错选或多选者,该题无分) 1.决策理论学派的代表人物是() A.法约尔 B.巴纳德 C.西蒙 D.卡斯特 2.管理是一门艺术,这是强调管理的() A.有效性 B.精确性 C.复杂性 D.实践性 3.定期修订未来计划的方法是() A.指导计划法 B.滚动计划法 C.作业计划法 D.战略计划法 4.一个组织的()可以看做是它最基本的目标,也是一个组织存在的基本理由。 A.使命 B.战略 C.宗旨 D.政策 5.受决策者个性影响最大的决策类型是() A.不确定型决策 B.确定型决策 C.多目标决策 D.程序化决策 6.利用有关数学工具,为企业寻得一个有效数量解,着重于定量研究的学派是( A.科学管理学派 B.管理科学学派 C.社会技术系统学派 D.权变理论学派 7.()学派认为没有一成不变,普遍适用的管理理论和方法。 A.管理过程学派 B.权变理论学派 C.社会合作系统学派 D.行为管理学派 8.管理中出现冲突大多是由于() A.权力过于集中 B.沟通不足 C.权责明确 D.职能过细 9.上层人员着重培养()能力,下层人员着重培养()能力。 A.管理、管理 B.管理、职业 C.职业、职业 D.职业、管理 10.集权会引起() A.交易成本降低 B.交易成本增加 C. 管理层次增加 D.管理层次减少 11.人力资源管理中职业生涯设计体现了() A.终身教育理念 B.以人为本的理念 C.细致、严格管理理念 D.文化价值理念 12.旨在提高受训人员全面了解组织中的工作,提高协调能力的培训是() A.专业知识培训 B.专业技能培训 C.职务轮换培训 D.提升培训 13.职能职权通常较多地是由() A.高层人员行使 B.低层人员行使 C.专业人员行使 D.直线人员行使 14.某公司有员工81人,假设管理幅度为9人,该公司管理人员的人数应为() A.10 B.7 C.9 D.8 15.组织中的最高决策权交给两位以上的主管人员,也就是把权力分散到一个集体中去,即为() A.个人负责制 B.委员会制 C.集权制 D.专制 16.单线型组织结构是指() A.职能制 B.事业部制 C.矩阵制 D.直线制 17.一般来说,主管人员面对的问题越复杂,其直接管辖的人数() A.不宜过多 B.不宜过少 C.多少都无影响 D.以上均不对 18.在下列哪种假设下管理者宜采用“胡萝卜加大棒”的政策() A.社会人假设 B.复杂人假设 C.经济人假设 D.自我实现人假设 19.下列属于保健因素的是() A.成长的可能性 B.责任 C.成就 D.薪金制度 20.下列不属于正强化手段的是() A.提升 B.表扬 C.降级 D.改善工作条件 二、多项选择题(每小题3分,共30分。每小题提供的五个备选答案中,至少有两个以上的答案是正确的,请将其代码写在题干后面的括号内。多选、少选、错选或不选者,该题不得分)


2016年全国各类成人高考专升本英语试卷(模拟) 试卷总分:150分答题时间:120分钟试卷年份:2016年 一、Phonetics(5 points) Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 第1题 A.chin B.bite C.alive D.side 第2题 A.gate B.hate C.made D.staff 第3题 A.either B.eight C.neither D.height 第4题 A.child B.character C.church D.chicken 第5题 A.trouble B.soul C.double D.enough 二、V ocabulary and Structure(15 points) Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 第1题The committee is totally opposed any changes being made in the plans. A.of B.on C.to D.against 第2题We’ll visit Europe next year we have enough money. A.lest B.until C.unless D.provided 第3题The room is in a terrible dirty surroundings;it cleaned. A.can’t have been B.shouldn’t have been C.mustn’t have been D.wouldn’t have been 第4题That was so serious a matter that I had no choice but the police. A.called in B.calling in C.call in D.to call in 第5题It’s already 5 o’clock now.Don’t you think it’s about time ? A.we are going home B.we go home C.we went home D.we can go home


高等数学试题及答案 一、单项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.设f(x)=lnx ,且函数?(x)的反函数1?-2(x+1) (x)=x-1 ,则 []?=f (x)( ) ....A B C D x-2x+22-x x+2 ln ln ln ln x+2x-2x+22-x 2.()0 2lim 1cos t t x x e e dt x -→+-=-?( ) A .0 B .1 C .-1 D .∞ 3.设00()()y f x x f x ?=+?-且函数()f x 在0x x =处可导,则必有( ) .lim 0.0.0.x A y B y C dy D y dy ?→?=?==?= 4.设函数,1 31,1 x x x ?≤?->?22x f(x)=,则f(x)在点x=1处( ) A.不连续 B.连续但左、右导数不存在 C.连续但 不可导 D. 可导 5.设C +?2 -x xf(x)dx=e ,则f(x)=( ) 2 2 2 2 -x -x -x -x A.xe B.-xe C.2e D.-2e 二、填空题(本大题共10小题,每空3分,共30分) 请在每小题的空格中填上正确答案。错填、不填均无分。 6.设函数f(x)在区间[0,1]上有定义,则函数f(x+14)+f(x-1 4 )的定义域是__________. 7.()()2lim 1_________n n a aq aq aq q →∞ +++ +<= 8.arctan lim _________x x x →∞ = 9.已知某产品产量为g 时,总成本是2 g C(g)=9+800 ,则生产100 件产品时的边际成本100__g ==MC 10.函数3()2f x x x =+在区间[0,1]上满足拉格朗日中值定理的点ξ是_________.

河南专升本公共英语真题 翻译极具参考价值

2001 61. In addition, 75% of the world’s mail is written in English; 60% of the world’s radio stations now broadcast in English. 而且,世界邮件的75%是用英语写的,世界广播电台的60%用英语播音。 62. A supermarket is different from other types of stores in several ways. 超市在许多方面不同于其它类型的商店。 63. A product that is placed at eye level on a shelf sells much better that one which is placed on a lower or higher shelf. 放在与人眼同等高度货架上的商品比放在低于或高于人眼货架上商品畅销。 64. How men first learned to invent words is unknown, in other words, the origin of language is a mystery. 人们最初如何发明了词语还不为人知,也就是说,语言的起源还是个迷。 65. We should, therefore, learn to choose our words carefully and use them accurately, or they will make our speech silly and vulgar. 因此,我们应该学着斟酌字词,精确用词,否则这些词汇会使我们的语言显得愚蠢粗俗。 66. 学好一门外语是非常重要的。 It’s very important to learn a foreign language well. acquire 67.他用了大约半年的时间才完成这篇论文。 He spent about/approximately half a year to complete the paper. 68. 你让我做的事情我都已经做完了。 I have finished what you made me do./ those things that you made me do. 69. 一旦他适应了新环境,他就会取得更大的进步。 Once he adapted to the new environment, he'll make greater progress. 70. 无论贫富,人人都有教育的权利。


《管理学基础》试题 一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共20分) 1.由于管理的广泛性和复杂性及研究的侧重点不同,对管理所下定义也各异。法约尔认为,()。A.管理就是要确切地知道要别人干什么,并注意他们用最好最经济的方法去干 B.管理就是实行计划、组织、指挥、协调和控制 C.管理就是决策 2.梅奥等人通过霍桑试验得出结论:人们的生产效率不仅受到物理的、生理的因素的影响,而且还受到社会环境、社会心理因素的影响。由此创立了()。 A.行为科学学说 B.人文关系学说 C.人际关系学说 3.环境研究对组织决策有着非常重要的影响,具体表现在可以提高组织决策的() A.有效性、及时性、稳定性 B.前瞻性、有效性、稳定性 C.正确性、及时性、稳定性 4.系统管理学派认为,组织是由一个相互联系的若干要素组成、为环境所影响的并反过来影响环境的开放的()。 A.社会技术系统 B.社会经济组织 C.社会经济系统 5.法约尔的一般管理理论对西方管理理论的发展有重大影响,成为后来管理过程学派的理论基础,他的代表作是()。 A.《社会组织与经济组织理论》 B.《工业管理和一般管理》 C.《科学管理理论》 6.企业在长期的生产经营和管理活动中创造的具有本企业特色的精神文化和物质文化就是 ()。 A.企业精神 B.企业价值观 C.企业文化 7. 1990年,美国麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院的彼得·圣吉教授出版了一本享誉世界之作,引起世界管理界的轰动,这就是()。 A.《企业再造工程》 B.《管理的革命》 C.《第五项修炼--学习型组织的艺术与实务》 8.中层管理者比低层管理者更多地依靠() A.正式权力与沟通技巧


山东省2016年普通高等教育专升本统一考试 英语试题 本试卷分为第I卷和第II卷两部分,共12页。满分100分。考试用时120分钟。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必用0.5毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、考生号、身份证号填写到试 卷规定的位置上。 2. 第I卷每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号,答案不能答在试卷上。 3.第II卷答题必须用0.5毫米黑色签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应的位置;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不能使用涂改液、胶带纸、修正带。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 第I卷 第一部分:听力理解(Part1 Listening Comprehension. 本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) Section A Directions: In this section, you mil hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the endof each conversation, one or more questions mil be asked about what Was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C), and D),and decided which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Short Conversations 1. A) In a shop. B) At a bank.C)in a hospital. D) At a booking office. 2. A) A farmer. B) A clerk.C) a salesman. D) A grocer. 3. A) By using signals.B)By using gestures. C) By writing.D)By drawing. 4. A) The man doesn't like painting. B)Painting proves easy. C)The woman suggests the man stop his part-time job. D)The woman wants the man to take a part-time job. 5. A) Noise pollution.B) Advertising. C) Dullness.D) Air pollution. 6.A) Talking aloud. C) Listening to the speakers. C) Playing a game D) Being crazy. 7.A) Lucy is at home. B)Lucy is reading books. C)The woman doesn't allow Lucy to lend books to others. D)Lucy will be home soon. 8. A) On a train.B) On a plane.


高等数学(二)命题预测试卷(二) 一、选择题(本大题共5个小题,每小题4分,共20分。在每个小题给出的选 项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的,把所选项前的字母填在题后的括号内) 1.下列函数中,当1→x 时,与无穷小量)1(x -相比是高阶无穷小的是( ) A .)3ln(x - B .x x x +-232 C .)1cos(-x D .12-x 2.曲线x x y 1 33+ -=在),1(+∞内是( ) A .处处单调减小 B .处处单调增加 C .具有最大值 D .具有最小值 3.设)(x f 是可导函数,且1) ()2(lim 000 =-+→h x f h x f x ,则)(0x f '为( ) A .1 B .0 C .2 D . 2 1 4.若1 )1(+=x x x f ,则?10)(dx x f 为( ) A .2 1 B .2ln 1- C .1 D .2ln 5.设x u xy u z ??=, 等于( ) A .z zxy B .1-z xy C .1-z y D .z y 二、填空题:本大题共10个小题,10个空,每空4分,共40分,把答案填在 题中横线上。 6.设2yx e z xy +=,则 ) 2,1(y z ??= . 7.设x e x f x ln )(+=',则='')3(f . 8.x x x f -= 1)(,则=)1 (x f .

9.设二重积分的积分区域D 是4122≤+≤y x ,则??=D dxdy . 10.x x x )211(lim - ∞→= . 11.函数)(2 1 )(x x e e x f -+=的极小值点为 . 12.若31 4 lim 21=+++-→x ax x x ,则=a . 13.曲线x y arctan =在横坐标为1点处的切线方程为 . 14.函数?=2 sin x tdt y 在2 π = x 处的导数值为 . 15.=+?-1 122cos 1sin dx x x x . 三、解答题:本大题共13小题,共90分,解答应写出推理、演算步骤。 16.(本题满分6分) 求函数??? ?? =≠==0 00 1arctan )(x x x x f 的间断点. 17.(本题满分6分) 计算1 21lim 2 --++∞ →x x x x . 18.(本题满分6分) 计算?? ????++→x x x x 10 )1(arcsin ln lim .


2014年甘肃专升本考试公共课英语试题[真题] Part ⅠReading Comprehension (40points) Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should make the correct choice and put the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Passage 1 Many students who participated in the 2010 civil service exams(公务员考试)in China saw them as the “most difficult”due to their emphasis on general knowledge. This year, the Chinese central governmen t offices have opened 15,000 posts but it’s not large enough to find a home for the one million people applying. According to a 2009 Washington post report, US students are also giving government jobs a hard look. “T he Partnership for Public Service”poll(民意调查) found that about 90% of US students are interested in federal (联邦政府的) jobs. Nearly 84% gave the security offered by federal jobs as a reason. The same goes for students in the UK. A 2008 Daily Mail report found that applications from college graduates for government civil service jobs have surged 33% over 2007. Besides providing financial security, civil service jobs usually offer other benefits, especially in Asia. In India, for example, the average annual income is about $8, 116-more than 10 times higher. Plus, civil servants get a one-month paid holiday every year, 20 days of medical leave and 20-day half-paid vacation. 1. The 2010 civil service exams in China were thought the “most difficult”because A. most of the students hadn’t prepared we ll. B. the exams emphasized general knowledge. C. too many people were interested in civil services. D. students were not good at answering the questions. 2. US students are also giving government jobs a hard look, according to A. Washington post B. Daily Mail C. the US federal government D. the Chinese central government 3. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “surged” (in Para.3)? A. Improved B. Failed C. Increased D. Decreased 4. The civil servants’ annual income in India is A. as much as 8,116 dollars B. no more than 720 dollars C. less than the average annual income D. the same as the average annual income 5. This passage is mainly about . A. what benefits a civil servant can enjoy B. how to get a desirable salary as one expects C. why the students complained about the exams D. why so many people want to be civil servants Passage 2 I once knew a young man, nineteen years of age, who lived with absolute outward(外表的)confidence and self-possession for a number of years before I discovered that he could not read or write. His various methods of trick, which were also skills of self-protection, were so skillful and so desperate(绝望)that neither I nor any of his other adult friends were aware of

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