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5.Rose 是一位年轻的科学家,她每天工作繁忙,但卓有成效。下面记录的是她昨天一天的主要工作,请以 A Busy Day 为题,以短文的形式描述她的生活。

Possible version:

1. Liu Min, who was born in a small town in the north of Fujian Province, graduated from the Department of Physics of Beijing University. When he was in the university, he did very well in

all the subjects, especially in English and computer. He even won the national prize because of

his essay. In his spare time he liked to play football.

2. Tom was born in New York. There are many people in his family.(His family is a big one.)

Every day, he goes to school by bike.(He rides to school every day.) His hobby is playing

basketball in his spare time. He hopes to have a chance to go to visit China one day.

3. Mr Lin is my chemistry teacher. He is in his fifties now. He always encourages us to raise questions in his class. His lessons are so lively that all of us like to study chemistry. He is very

strict with us, but we all respect and love him.

4. Li li is regarded as one of the best students in our class. She is always ready to help others. She

is not only good at her studies, but also she plays the violin very well. Two of her compositions

have been published in the newspaper. She sets a good example to us all.

5. A Busy Day

Rose had a busy day yesterday. She got up at seven o'clock in the morning, and quickly

washed her hands and face. She drove to the airport and flew to New York to attend an

important meeting. It was 10 o'clock when she got off the plane. Mr. White met her at the

airport, and they had lunch in a fast food restaurant. They got to Professor Read's office at

12:50. The meeting began at 1 p.m. and lasted for 4 hours. All the experts were satisfied with

Rose's report. Professor Read gave her some good advice on her research. After dinner, Rose

flew back and it was already 11:00 at night when she got home. She was tired, but very

happy.She likes to keep busy.


1. 那天我的妹妹在河边玩。她突然掉到了水里。我的狗阿福跳到水里,把她推到岸边。妹妹被狗救了。.









1. 文章的开头已为你写好,不必抄写,不计词数;

2. 故事必须包括图画所表现的主要内容,可以适当增减细节,使其连贯、完整;

3. 可加自己的想象与议论;

4. 词数在120左右

One day, Tony was walking home from work late at night when he heard someone walking behind him.

Possible version:

1.That day, my sister was playing by the river when suddenly she fell into the water. Ah Fu, my dog, jumped into the river at once and pushed my sister to the bank. Thanks to Ah Fu's help,

my sister saved.

2.Last Sunday, my father and I went to the park.. On the way we met a stranger standing by the roadside. She wanted to go to Beihai Park. But she didn't know how to get there. We told her

that she could take the No 103 Bus to get there.

3.Last Friday, we saw an old lady lying on the ground on our way home from school. The lady was seriously ill. We decided to help her and took her to the nearest hospital.

4.It is Sunday today. My classmates and I went to school to plant trees. Some of us carried

earth and some of us watered the young trees. We sang as we were working. I had a good time today.

5.It is fine today. I went to the hospital to see Mr Liu. Mr Liu has been teaching us English for three years. He is badly ill because he has been working too hard. I bought some fruit and food (refreshments) for him. He was delighted to see me.

6.Once a man was crossing the river by boat. Suddenly his sword fell into the water. He

quickly took out his knife and made a mark on the edge of the boat. He said, “I'll jump into the

river to look for my sword after the boat gets to the bank.”

7.Jack got (traveled) to a strange place. He wanted to go to the post office, so he asked a

passer-by the way. The man told him to turn left at the first street corner after he walked past

the cross and then walk along the street until he got to the traffic lights. Jack thought the post

office was right at the traffic lights, but the man explained to him that he had to walk across

the road. The post office was next to the department store on the other side of the street.

Hearing what the man told him, Jack felt it would be very difficult for him to find the post

office and he would have to take a taxi. The warm-hearted man also considered it better to

take a taxi. Jack thanked the man very much all the same.

8.One day, Tony was walking home from work late at night when he heard someone walking behind him. He looked back, but it was too dark to see clearly. He started to feel nervous and

began to walk more quickly. Just then, he could hear the person behind him walking faster. He

got scared and began to run. Until that moment, he hadn't really noticed that a woman carrying

a shopping bag was walking slowly in front of him. The moment he began to run, she screamed, dropped her shopping bag and turned to face him with a look of terror on her face. He stopped

running and tried to smile at her. At that moment, the person he thought had been following him walked by, looking curiously at Tony and the woman. Tony picked up the woman's packages

and apologized for frightening her, but she still looked very annoyed.


1. 这所中学是20世纪60年代建立的。全校目前有21个班,121位老师和1,031名学生。学生每天上七节课,放学后还有一小时的体育活动时间。该校的足球队是全市的冠军。

2. 本厂具有85年历史。本厂生产的“西湖”收音机畅销全国。它便于携带,质量优良,价格合理。“西湖”为您全家带来欢乐。

3. 我的家乡是一个小镇。它位于河北的西部,天津的南面。以前它很穷,现在它发生了很大的变化。这里盖了许多新的工厂,学校和医院。路旁的树木和鲜花使得它显得很美丽。

4. 我们的教学楼是一栋四层的楼房。老师的办公室在一层。二、三、四层共有24个教室。每个教室中有50套桌椅,一台电视机和一台录像机等物品。每层楼的顶端还各有一个语音教室。

5. 金鸡牌闹钟(Gold Cock Alarm Clock)特点:1)记时准确;2)外形多样、美观;3)闹声清脆悦耳;4)经久耐用;5)用户评价高、行销世界各地;6)质优价廉。


1)本书由人民教育出版社(People's Education Press)和英国朗文公司(Longman Company)合编,(由……合编:be compiled by),1995年第一次出版,供高中一年级使用。.2) 全收共有16个单元(unit)每个单元有四课,总共64课。课文全部由英国专家编写,


3) 全书共有240个单词和短语,9个语法项目(grammar items)和许多日常交际用语(daily expressions for communication).

4) 和老教材相比,本书强调(emphasize vi.)语言的运用。













1.多媒体教学系统(MultimediaTeaching System):使教与学更生动有趣;学生能从课堂中获得更多知识和信息;2.电子阅览室(Information Center):向全体师生开放,可发送邮件、查找信息等;3.远程教育系统(Long-distance Teaching System):只要家中有电脑联网,任何人都可以学习本校课程;4.校务管理系统(School Management System):有助于改善学校管理。






The Water Cycle

As we all know,more than 70 percent of the surface of our globe is covered by water.Do you know where the water comes from and why the water doesn't dry up? This is because of the water cycle…


Possible version:

1.This school was set up in the 1960s. At present there are 21 classes, 1,031 students and 121 teachers in the school. The students have seven lessons every day and they have an hour for

sports after class in the afternoon.. This school is famous for its football team, which is the

champion in the city.

2.Our factory has a history of 85 years. We have been producing West Lake Radio for a long time. As it is of high quality and easy to carry, and the price is reasonable, it sells well throughout the country. West Lake Radio brings you happiness.

3.My hometown is a small town. It lies in the west of Hebei and to the south of Tianjin. It used to be very poor. Now great changes have taken place in my hometown. A lot of new factories,

schools and hospitals have been set up. There are many flowers and trees on the roadside, which makes my hometown. all the more beautiful.

4.Our teaching building is a four-storeyed building.(Our teaching building is a building with four stories.) The teachers' offices are on the first floor. There are 24 classrooms on the 2nd,3rd,

and 4th floor. In each classroom there are 50 sets of chairs and desks. And each classroom is furnished with a TV set . At the end of each floor there is a language laboratory.

5.The Gold Cock Alarm Clock has been warmly received by the people and is popular all over the world as its producer is equipped with the most advanced equipment and has a strict management. Being of high quality, the clock keeps good time and lasts a long time. It has

various beautiful models. And the alarm is pleasant to hear. However, the price is reasonable. 6.Senior English Book One is compiled by the People's Education Press and Longman Company. It was written for students in Senior Grade One and was first published in 1995.

There are 16 units in the book , each of which contains four lessons. Altogether, there are 240

words and phrases , 9 grammar items and many useful daily expressions for communication .

The texts are all written in original English by English experts. Compared with the old book, it emphasizes the use of the language.

the Internet is playing a more and more important part in our daily

,As is known to us all .7.

life.On the Internet,we can read news at home and abroad and get as much information as we can.We often send e-mails or make telephone calls to our families as well as to our friends.Besides that,we can go to school on the net,read a variety of books and even teach ourselves English.We can also enjoy music,watch ball matches on the net and play computer games.

We can do shopping even without leaving our homes.The internet is really important.

8.Ladies and Gentlemen,

Welcome to our New Century Net-school!

Our Net-school is made up of four parts. Multimedia Teaching System make

teaching and learning much more interesting. Students can get more information and knowledge in class. Information Center, where we can send emails to all parts of the world and get the latest information from Internet, is open to both teachers and students. Long-distance Teaching System is for the students who are not studying in our school. They can study at home with a

computer . School Management System helps to improve our school management and meets the needs of a modem school.

9.When the weather is fine, the heat of the sun evaporates water from the rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. Thus water vapor is formed, which rises and forms clouds in the air. When the clouds rise, they are cooled.The higher they rise, the cooler they are. This causes more and more water vapor to condense. In this way, the tiny drops of water in the clouds get bigger and bigger until

they are heavy enough to fall to the earth as rain.

Some of the rainwater sinks into the ground, and is used up by plants. Most of them goes

back to the rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. This is called the water cycle, which starts all over





3.为了迎接元旦的到来,星期五下午进行全校大扫除(a general cleaning)。下午两点开始,五

点半结束,要求全体学生参加。具体任务安排如下:教学楼由初一、初二学生打扫;办公楼由初三学生打扫;图书馆由高一学生打扫;理科实验室由高二学生打扫;微机室(Computer room)和语音室(language lab)由高三学生打扫。

4. 3月12日是“植树节”(Tree-Planting Day),学生会要组织全体学生参加植树活动。(1)植


5.高二学生张华生,重病住院,需要进行手术。但该生家境贫寒,无力支付医疗费用(medical cost)。我们号召(call on)大家支援,款额不限。请把钱交给班主任。班主任必须在本周星期五以前交到校长办公室。

6.我市海滨游泳场将对外宾开放,请你根据下列内容用英语写一份“游泳须知”(Swimming Rules),(字数80-100)






5).不准在游泳区内钓鱼。游泳者必须遵守(observe)以上规定,违者罚金(fine)5-20元。Possible version:

1.Dear fellow students, There will be a talk in Room 301 in the library at 3:30 this afternoon Professor Zhang, who has just come back from the United States, will give us a talk about the

sports in America. Welcome to the talk.

2.There will be a discussion in the meeting room at 2:30 this Friday afternoon. The discussion is about which is the best way to teach English. Shall we learn English through practice or shall

we learn it mainly by studying its grammar? Please be prepared.

3.Attention, please. The New Year's Day is coming. We are going to have a general cleaning

this Friday afternoon. We will start at two and end at half past five( The cleaning will last from

2:00 to 5:30). All the students are required to take part in it. The arrangement is as follows: The students in Junior One and Two will clean the teaching building. And the students in Junior

Three will be in charge of the office building. Senior One will clean the library. Senior Two will

be in charge of the science lab. And it is Senior Three's duty to clean the computer room and the language lab.

4.March 12th is the Tree-planting Day. The Students Union will organize the students to plant

trees on Xi Shan. All the students are required to take part in the activity. We will gather on the playground at seven. Please be on time so that we will then take the school bus there together.

Don't forget to take 5 or 6 basins with you to water the trees.

5.Zhang Hua Sheng, a student in Senior two, is seriously ill in hospital. He needs an immediate operation (He needs to be operated on immediately.). But his family is not rich enough to afford

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