当前位置:文档之家› 汉服英语演讲稿配PPT



Good morning everyone, I’m glad to stand here and give you a speech.

1. As we all know, China has 56 nationalities and each nation has its own specific traditional costumes, like Korean,Tibetan,Hui,Mongolian and Manchu. Han nationality has the largest number of the Chinese people. So what is Han People’s traditional clothes”

2. Cheongsam Or the nowadays T-shirtNo! We have our clothes.

3. It’s called Hanfu . It's the traditional costume that has been worn by Han people .

4. However, it’s sad to know that a lot of people don’t know Hanfu nowadays. When a person who is dressed in Hanfu walked down the street , some people may think it is a kimono or a Hanbok. What’s more, there were even some people who asked the person to take off the clothes and burned it with fire. How ridiculous!

5. Now let me introduce our Han people’s traditional clothes to all of you. Hanfu, means "Clothing of the Han people "in Chinese. It refers to the pre-17th century traditional clothing of the Han Chinese .It has the history of more than 3000 years. And it influenced Japanese kimono and Kroean hanbok.

6. Hanfu is wrapped around the body with the left side over the right,

which just looks like the letter ‘y’ when seen from the front. But there are also other kinds of collars.

Hanfu(汉服)has many patterns. Ruqun(襦裙)is worn by women. 7. When its collar likes the letter “y”,we can called it Jiaolingruqun(交领襦裙).

8. If its collar likes the number“11”,we can called it duijinruqun (对襟襦裙).

9. When it is classified by its height of the skirt,we can called it qiyaoruqun(齐腰襦裙)——Which waistband is on the waist. 10. Or qixiongruqun(齐胸襦裙)——Which waistband is above the chest .

11. There is another kind of Hannfu. When its edge is bent ,we can call it Quju(曲裾)

12. As we can see, Hanfu has many features , like curve, graceful ,elegant, generous and unfettered.

13. According to the Han people’s tradition,there are many important days. One the day you are 15(for girls) or 20(for boys).We will hold a ceremony to celebrate to be an adult. And remember the responsibility.

14. Nowadays, many people love our traditional culture , so they wear Hafu, found clubs, hold activities and so on. This summer, Chengdu’s Cherry Blossom Festival, a little girl who dressed in Hanfu left a deep impression on visitors . Here are some pictures of her. She is really cute, isn’t she


Chinese?civilization,?also?called?"Hua-Xia"?.?"Hua"?means?the?b eauty?of?the?dress?and?

decoration?which?is?Hanfu?clothing;?"Xia"("Shia")?is?the?grande ur?of?rites?and?social?conduct. And Hanfu reflects the philosophy of Chinese people: Living elegantly and poetically.

I like Hanfu, so today I’m not just telling you a type of clothing called Hanfu. I hope more and more people focus on our traditional culture and don’t let such precious and beautiful things disappeared. OK , that’s all what I want to say, thank you.


汉服英语演讲稿 篇一:英语演讲-汉服-演讲稿 1、History(历史) A:Hanfu(汉服) is the traditional costume that has been worn by Han Chinese people for approximately 5000 years. It is believed to have been worn by the early leader of China, Huangdi. It's the significant cultural symbol of Chinese civilization 2、Han Dynasty(汉代) A:The Han dynasty praised highly of zhou li zhi(周礼制),so Han Closes was spread in the whole country. B:Han dynasty was a dynasty whose conception of centralization was the most early, most complete, most advancing, most powerful. (汉朝的中央集权的国家概念最早,最完备,最先进,最强大。) C:Han nationality was named after Han dynasty . Han Clothes was named after Han dynasty too. 3、Disaster for Hanfu (汉服的灾难) A:However, it has been eliminated during the establishment of Qing Dynasty (the Manchu minority ruled dynasty) in about 300 years. The ruling class of Manchu banned Han Chinese clothing and replaced it with


华东交通大学 首届中国传统文化展示交流会 策划书 一、整体情况 1、活动主题名称:中国传统文化展示交流会 2、活动目标:弘扬中国传统文化,培养我校人文气息。 3、活动意义:我国综合国力大幅提升,国际地位也显著提高,中华文化重又得 到世界的关注与重视。我们将立足交大,率先在江西高校中开展 弘扬中国传统文化的活动,普及交大师生的中国传统文化知识, 培养交大师生对中国传统文化的兴趣。提高我校的人文素质。 4、时间:2007年12月15日19:00——21:00 5、地点:南区礼堂 6、主办单位:华东交通大学校团委 7、承办单位:汉服文化协会人文学院 8、协办单位:江西民间汉服(人士) 二、工作人员 指导:石初军 顾问:江西民间汉服(人士) 总策划:陈沈平 导演:宋检张瑞 工作组委员:王兴华梁嗣敏李飞飞张宇 工作组组员:郭霞马磊郭猛彬詹前裕林君王智健张晗 张金燕刘鹏李潇

三、活动大概流程 1.汉服及传统礼仪展示(30分钟) 2. 传统文化精讲浅谈(20分钟) 3. 古琴弹奏及其知识略述(12分钟) 4. 茶艺及古琴联合表演(13分钟) 5. 互动提问环节(15分钟) 6. 四、活动详细流程 到活动开始时间后,主持人和汉服讲解人一同穿着汉服入场,主持人简单介绍下这场活动目的,参加人员及邀请观看的嘉宾和观众后宣布活动正式开始,然后退场。汉服讲解人员开始简单介绍下汉服的概念,之后古典音乐响起,开始此次活动第一部分内容。 1.汉服及传统礼仪展示 本部分活动将展示多款的现已知汉服,包括男式直裾,直身,圆领衫等;女式曲裾,襦裙,高腰襦裙,其中曲裾分大曲裾,小曲裾,襦裙分对襟襦裙与交领襦裙;专门的礼仪服饰玄端等。 具体过程是全部衣服由合适的人员穿着好后在幕后准备好,并排好衣服的展示顺序,当古典音乐响起,穿着人员迈步缓缓上场,原本就位于舞台中央的解说人员开始介绍这款汉服的名字,流行于历史上哪段时间,当穿着人员行至场中间时向全场观众行揖礼,然后展开双臂展示汉服并旋转一周。解说人员则据此介绍这款汉服的特点,细节等。解说完后,穿这款汉服人员在场中指定位置正座(预先放置垫子),然后下一个穿另一款汉服人员开始上场,如此至全部汉服全展示完为止。 全部人员上场后,讲解人员开始讲解传统礼仪,主要包括:辑礼,拜礼,正坐礼,对弈(射)礼等。每一个礼仪,都由场上的预先指定的着汉服人员演示,或一个或多人,其他不演示的人员保持正坐不变,演示完时人员以揖礼拜谢观众,然后坐回原来的位子。 至预定的全部礼仪讲解完后,场上人员全部起来和讲解人员排成一行向观众行揖礼告别退场。同时主持人上场,简单说几句感谢上场人员的话然后宣布第二部分活动开始。


英语即兴演讲稿(带翻译)3分钟3篇 英语即兴演讲稿(带翻译)3分钟篇1 My Definition of Success By Bao Jinlong(鲍金龙) It is easy to describe success in terms of money,fame and reputation. But I believe that success is not external.I believe that success comes from within.My definition of success is to be true to yourself,and be true to others.That means,that you must cherish your personal ideal even in the face of adversity.I also believe that success is not discriminatory. Success is not restricted to such a class of people,in fact,it may be achieved by any person irrespective of his race,creed,gender and economic background.A good example of success is that of Beethoven.He is one of the world's most famous composers,yet he was deaf.He could not hear the majestic pieces of music that he created.Yet,in the face of this adversity,he was able to maintain his ideals--that of composing music. To exemplify what success means to me,I pose a question to all of you.What brings us together here today?I believe that it is the beauty of the spoken word.The effect of pause and the sound of rhetoric are unique to the spoken word.I believe the beauty of the spoken word is even stronger for those who have difficulty in expressing themselves. These people are reclusive and had their emotions hidden within them. I once went to Australia and I saw two pictures,Once was drawn by a normal child,the other was drawn by a child with social inhibitions.The picture drawn by the normal child was simple and plain.The other was life-like,


Good morning everyone, I’m glad to stand here and give you a speech. 1. As we all know, China has 56 nationalities and each nation has its own specific traditional costumes, like Korean,Tibetan,Hui,Mongolian and Manchu. Han nationality has the largest number of the Chinese people. So what is Han People’s traditional clothes?” 2. Cheongsam? Or the nowadays T-shirt?No! We have our clothes. 3. It’s called Hanfu . It's the traditional costume that has been worn by Han people . 4. However, it’s sad to know that a lot of people don’t know Hanfu nowadays. When a person who is dressed in Hanfu walked down the street , some people may think it is a kimono or a Hanbok. What’s more, there were even some people who asked the person to take off the clothes and burned it with fire. How ridiculous! 5. Now let me introduce our Han people’s traditional clothes to all of you. Hanfu, means "Clothing of the Han people "in Chinese. It refers to the pre-17th century traditional clothing of the Han Chinese .It has the history of more than 3000 years. And it influenced Japanese kimono and Kroean hanbok. 6. Hanfu is wrapped around the body with the left side over the right, which just looks like the letter ‘y’ when seen from the front. But there are also other kinds of collars. Hanfu(汉服)has many patterns. Ruqun(襦裙)is worn by women. 7. When its collar likes the letter “y”,we can called it Jiaolingruqun(交领襦裙). 8. If its collar likes the number“11”,we can called it duijinruqun(对襟襦裙). 9. When it is classified by its height of the skirt,we can called it qiyaoruqun (齐腰襦裙)——Which waistband is on the waist. 10. Or qixiongruqun(齐胸襦裙)——Which waistband is above the chest .


2020高考备考模拟作文及范文(2月20日阅读材料) 【热题预测】1.阅读下面的材料,根据要求写作。 近年来,年轻人演绎中华传统文化已渐成潮流。《国家宝藏》主创团队平均年龄不过30岁,《本草中华》导演组成员清一色为“80后”“90后”……更为可喜的是,今天的年轻人不仅为传统文化的推陈出新奉献才智,还日渐成为欣赏传统文化的主力人群。在年轻人聚居的网络平台,有的年轻玩家制作“文物”游戏,也有青年设计让国宝(国粹)开口“讲故事”,如此创意“活化”、“青春派”表达,常常能带动一番热烈讨论。 在当下,也有很多传统文化的保护传承正频频“告急”。源起西周的陕西秦腔,年轻一代鲜有问津;始自宋代的评书艺术,历经辉煌之后,文化之美显得式微;传统手工艺刺绣,如今为找不到“接班人”长呼短叹…… 当年轻这股力量遇上中华传统文化,会碰撞出怎样的火花呢?作为年轻人中的一员,请根据以上材料,发挥你的联想与想象,写一篇演讲稿,拟在你学校举办的以“当年轻遇上中华传统文化”为主题的演讲比赛中演讲。 要求:选好角度,确定立意,明确文体,自拟标题,不要套作,不得抄袭,不得泄露个人信息;不少于800字。 审题要点:材料的主要内容是一方面年轻人演绎、观看、热爱传统文化的现象令人欣喜,另一方面却是很多传统文艺的保护传承正频频“告急”,并没有引起年轻人应有的注意。写作任务主要是引导语中的那5句话:①作者身份“年轻人中的一员”;②读者对象“你校(全体师生)”;③根据以上材料进行联想和想象——不能脱离材料,必须有联想和想象;④主题是“当年轻遇上中华传统文化”——必须围绕着这个主题来写作;⑤文体是演讲稿——注意演讲稿的格式和要求。演讲稿是由标题、称呼、正文(开头语、主体和结语)组成。演讲稿的写作要求是:了解对象,有的放矢;观点鲜明,感情真挚;行文变化,富有波澜;语言流畅,深刻风趣。 【立意】在材料当中,命题者对“年轻人演绎中华传统文化已渐成潮流”是持肯定、赞赏的态度的。对频频“告急”的传统文化也表现出了担忧。考生在作文的时候可以抓住这两点:对好的做法加以肯定,对于濒危的传统文化要表现出一种思考,如“谁来传承?传承什么?”的问题。另外,考生也可以结合自己的实际来谈谈该如何对待身边的传统文化。作为一篇演讲稿,对格式的要求非常严格。另外,演讲稿要有感染力、鼓动性。毕竟它是在公众场合,针对某个具体问题,鲜明、完整地发表自己的见解和主张,阐明事理或抒发情感,进行宣传鼓动的一种语言交际活动。 【范文】传承中华传统文化,我的责任 尊敬的各位领导、亲爱的老师、同学们: 大家好。 今天我要演讲的题目是《传承中华传统文化,我的责任》。中华传统文化是我们的先辈传承下来的丰厚遗产,它包含的东西很多,我们可以将它划分为物质、制度、风俗习惯、思想与价值这四个层次。它是历史的结晶,但它并不只是博物馆或图书馆里的陈列品,而是有着鲜活的生命的东西。它就象充实的粮仓,随时可以提供食材给我们充饥;它就象深邃的水库,随时提供清水给我们解渴;它就象服装厂,随时可以提供衣服给我们遮羞御寒······它和我们是如此的息息相关,它也深深地融入了大家的生活。作为年轻人中的一员,当我们听着京剧,唱着粤剧,吃着粤菜,写着毛笔字,下着象棋,过着元宵······的时候,我切身感受到了中华传统文化的魅力,我们有责任努力地去传承它。 同学们、老师们,在我们的周围,就有着一群热爱中华传统文化并努力传播它的年轻人。在很多年轻人沉迷于王者荣耀、英雄联盟、魔兽世界、大话西游等游戏的时候,他们却默默地选择了用自己独特的方式传承、传播中华传统文化。记得前段时间有一档名为《上新了·故宫》的综艺节目经常登上网络热搜,怀着好奇之心,我观看了一下,我发现神秘的故宫,伴随镜头移转,一步一景,徐徐地在我们面前展开,真是让观众大开眼界。无疑是这帮年轻人承担起了传播故宫文化的重任。 无独有偶,像《国家宝藏》、《本草中华》这些节目,也是因为有了年轻一代对中华传统文化的


1、History(历史) A:Hanfu(汉服)is the traditional costume that has been worn by Han Chinese people for approximately 5000 years. It is believed to have been worn by the early leader of China, Huangdi. It's the significant cultural symbol of Chinese civilization 2、Han Dynasty(汉代) A:The Han dynasty praised highly of zhou li zhi(周礼制),so Han Closes was spread in the whole country. B:Han dynasty was a dynasty whose conception of centralization was the most early, most complete, most advancing, most powerful. (汉朝的中央集权的国家概念最早,最完备,最先进,最强大。) C:Han nationality was named after Han dynasty . Han Clothes was named after Han dynasty too. 3、Disaster for Hanfu (汉服的灾难) A:However, it has been eliminated during the establishment of Qing Dynasty (the Manchu minority ruled dynasty) in about 300 years. The ruling class of Manchu banned Han Chinese clothing and replaced it with their own costume. This is why today's Chinese national costume was widely known as Qipao (Chi-Pao), a Manchu style of clothing. B:Qing wanted ordered people mu st wear their nation’s clothes . C:If someone did not obey the law ,he would be killed, since then Han Costume was not worn by People. 4、Zhongyi(中衣) Hanfu(汉服)has many (中衣)is usually worn inside,which like a in the house as pajamas,,it’s white or other pl ain colour. 5、Ruqun(襦裙) Hanfu(汉服)has many (襦裙)is worn by women. A:When its collar likes the letter “y”,we can called it Jiaolingruqun(交领襦裙).If its collar likes the number“11”,we can called it duijinruqun(对襟襦裙). B:When they are classified by its height of the skirt,we can called them qiyaoruqun(齐腰襦裙)——Which waistband is on the qixiongruqun(齐胸襦裙)——Which waistband is above the waist 6、Shenyi(深衣)


汉服的英文演讲稿 篇一:汉服英语演讲稿(配PPT) Good morning everyone, I’m glad to stand here and give you a speech. 1. As we all know, China has 56 nationalities and each nation has its own specific traditional costumes, like Korean,Tibetan,Hui,Mongolian and Manchu. Han nationality has the largest number of the Chinese people. So what is Han People’s traditional clothes” 2. Cheongsam Or the nowadays T-shirt?No! We have our clothes. 3. It’s called Hanfu . It's the traditional costume that has been worn by Han people . 4. However, it’s sad to know that a lot of people don’t know Hanfu nowadays. When a person who is dressed in Hanfu walked down the street , some people may think it is a kimono or a Hanbok. What’s more, there were even some people who asked the person to take off the clothes and burned it with fire. How ridiculous! 5. Now let me introduce our Han people’s


汉服 “越罗衫袂(mèi)迎春风,玉刻麒麟腰带红。”“披罗衣之璀粲兮,珥瑶碧之华琚(jū)。戴金翠之首饰,缀明珠以耀躯。践远游之文履,曳(yè)雾绡(xiāo)之轻裾(jū)。微幽兰之芳蔼(ǎi)兮,步踟蹰于山隅。”汉服之美,尽在其中。 何谓汉服?汉服,即中国汉族的传统服饰,又称为汉装、华服。是从黄帝“垂衣裳而天下治”至明朝末年这几千年中,以华夏礼仪文化为中心,形成千年不变的礼仪衣冠体系。 汉服的基本特点是交领右衽,宽衣缓带,系(jì)带隐扣。从形制上看,主要有“衣裳”制,“深衣”制、“襦(rú)裙”制、袴(kù)褶(xí),“通裁”制等类型。接下来就请我们的语文组老师们,来为大家展示一下多姿多彩的汉服形制。 首先为大家展示的是曲裾(老师出场): 曲裾由下至上弯曲缠绕,盛行于先秦、两汉时期。作为礼服,不仅男子可穿,同时也是女服中最为常见的一种款式,穿着时撘衬中衣每层领子必露于外,最多的达三层以上,时称三重衣。 曲裾最大的特点就是“续衽钩边”,通身窄体,长可曳地,下摆呈喇叭状,衣袖有宽窄两种样式,袖口大多镶边,男女皆可穿着。

(邢副)男子平辈相见,常行正规揖礼,左手压右手,举手齐眉鞠躬45°,然后起身。 (李老师)女子着曲裾相见,常行拜礼,右手压左手合拢放胸前,微屈膝,微低头。 现在向大家走来的是交领齐腰襦裙(张老师):上襦为交领右衽,束在裙子里面,用腰带齐腰固定,可为窄袖可为广袖,广袖为正式场合的礼服,窄袖为常服。襦裙实物考证在战国时期就已出现,是汉服历史发展长河中流行时间非常长的一种款式。 对襟齐腰襦裙(芮老师):上襦衣襟相对于胸前称为对襟。 汉服飘逸流畅,端庄典雅,同时还承载着中国传统儒家思想的基本道德礼仪,舒适性与随意性是汉服文化的一种缩影,衣衫阔大,以带轻缚,放任身体随意舒展; 在大家面前的是明式襦裙(王老师),又称为袄裙:袄裙是明朝特色服饰,襦在裙外,外衣多为收袖口的琵琶袖,袖子上宽下窄,袖口可缘边,领子加护领,下裙多配马面褶裙和普通褶裙,后传入高丽,成为朝鲜服的原型。汉族女子娇俏柔媚,相见时常行较为柔媚的万福礼。双手轻轻搭于左胯,右脚后支,缓慢屈膝并低头,口道万福。


Hello, everyone!I’m glad to give my presentation here. Today, my topic is about Hanfu. Before starting my topic, there are some questions for my classmates. How will you introduce our nation? And What do you think is our traditional costume? Is Cheongsam? Or Tangsuit? Or you just say "Sorry, I don't know“ or "Do we have traditional costume"? Well, it's awkward, right? Remember it. Our name is Han. Our language is Chinese. Our words is the Chinese characters...Then ,if there is an article of clothing that only belongs to the Han nationality...We should call it Hanfu! So let me tell you what Hanfu is.Hanfu is the traditional costume that has been worn by Han Chinese people for approximately 5000 years.It has a long history.And it influenced Japanese kimonoand Korean hanbok. Hanfu has many sorts, for example, this is Ruqun. It is worn by women. And Ru is one kind of short clothes, and Qun is one kind of skirt. There are many sorts of Ruqun, too. Such as Jiaolingruqun,whose collar likes the letter “y” while the one whose collar likes the number “11” called duijinruqun, and so on. And…(切换幻灯片到6)another example, this is Quju. I think that you may see this kind of Hanfu in on TV.But the clothes on TV is not the really Hanfu. (切换幻灯片到8)Hanfu is believed to have been worn by the early leader of China, Huangdi. He made the original rules of Hanfu. Since then, Hanfu became the clothing of China. And during the slave society and feudal society, Hanfu was changed and developed more, but the fundamental appearance didn't change.


汉服文化 蒹葭苍苍,白露为霜, 所谓伊人,在水一方。 溯洄从之,道阻且长, 溯游从之,宛在水中央。 ——《诗经秦风》 当我登上那古老的城墙,当我抚摸着腐朽的柱梁,当我兴奋的倚栏远望,总会有一丝酸涩冲上喉头,总听到有一个声音大声的说:记得吗你的祖先名叫炎黄。 书上说有一条大鱼,生活在北冥那个地方,它化作一只巨鸟,在天地之间翱翔。巨鸟有如垂天之云般的翅膀,虽九万里亦可扶摇直上。圣贤赋予我们可以囊括天宇的胸襟,为我们塑造一个博大恢弘的殿堂。 那时候,有个怪异的青年名叫嵇康,他临刑前,弹奏了一曲绝响,那宽袍博带在风中飞扬,他用了最优雅的姿态面对死亡。几千年过去,依旧有余音绕梁,只是他不知道,真正断绝的不是曲谱,而是他的傲骨,乃至他身上的衣裳。我也曾梦回大唐,和一个叫李白的诗人云游四方,他用来下酒的是剑锋上的寒光,他的情人是空中的月亮。我曾见他在月下徘徊、高歌吟唱,长风吹开他的发带,长袍飘逸宛如仙人模样。 可是后来换了帝王,他用一杯酒捧起了文人,摒弃了武将。他的子孙最终躲进人间天堂,把大片的土地拱手相让。然而在寒冷的北方,正有一支军队征战沙场,敌人都说,有岳家军在,我们打不了胜仗。可叹英雄遭忌,谗士高张,一缕忠魂终于消散在西湖之傍,一个民族的精神就这么无可逆转的消亡。然而血色夕阳中,我依稀见到,有人把它插进土壤,那是将军用过的,一支宁折不弯的缨枪。 时间的车轮悠悠荡荡,终于在甲申那里失了方向。于是瘦西湖畔,梅花岭上,为纪念这个悲剧建起一座祠堂。那个叫史可法的文弱书生,他不愿散开高束的发髻,更不能脱去祖先留给他的衣裳,于是他决定与城共存共亡,丢了性命,护了信仰。残酷的杀戮,如山的尸骨,并不能把民族的精神埋葬,有人相信,终有一天,它还会在中华大地上熠熠发光。 几百年后,我坐进麦当劳的厅堂,我穿起古奇牌的时装,我随口唱着my heart will go on,却莫名其妙的心伤,因为我听到一个声音大声的说:忘了吗你的祖先名叫炎黄。我记得了,一群褐发篮眼的豺狼,带着坚船利炮,拆了我们的庙宇,毁了我们的殿堂。于是在历经无数灾难之后的今天—— 我们懂得民主自由,却忘了伦理纲常,我们拥有音乐神童,却不识角徵宫商,我们能建起高楼大厦,却容不下一块公德牌坊,我们穿着西服革履,却没了自己的衣裳。 在哪里,那个礼仪之邦在哪里,我的汉家儿郎 为什么我穿起最美丽的衣衫,你却说我行为异常为什么我倍加珍惜的汉装,你竟说它属于扶桑为什么我真诚的告白,你总当它是笑话一场为什么我淌下的热泪,丝毫都打动不了你的铁石心肠 在哪里,那个信义之乡在哪里,我的汉家儿郎 我不愿为此痛断肝肠,不愿祖先的智慧无人叹赏,更不愿我华夏衣冠留落异邦。所以心中总有一个渴望,梦想有一天,我们可以拾起自己的文化,撑起民族的脊梁。 记住吧,记住吧,有一个时代叫汉唐,有一条河流叫长江,有一对图腾叫龙凤,有一件羽衣——名叫霓裳!


A Dream of Hanfu Ten years ago, on November 22nd ,2003, Wang Letian, wearing hanfu , walked in a busy street in Zhengzhou, people passing by heckled him with loud whistles: Look, a Japanese man! Get out of China!. Seven years later, On Double ninth festival of 2010, Sun Ting, A pretty girl in Chengdu was assaulted by some so-called young cynics. They forced Sun Ting to take her clothe off despite that Sun Ting and her classmates told them that the clothe is not kimono but hanfu, the traditional clothe of our han nationality. Both of the news had been widely reported. What I do particularly care about is why we are so strange to our traditional clothes, even to such an extent that mistaking it for kimono or hanbok? The tradition of hanfu can date back to remote antiquity. In fact, national costume of Japan and Korea, are mostly developed from Hanfu. Due to the replacement of the dynasties and despotic rules, our traditional clothe has been away from our life for more than 300 years. We have no energy to focus on the continuation of hanfu and its culture. until these years, our country is enjoying a period of peace and prosperity. Old culture that has been shunned and forgotten can finally be rediscovered and synthesized with modern life. There were many events during the past decade since 2003, especially the year 2013 just passed. On April 30th, Cross-Strait Hanfu and Culture Festival was held in Fujian Province, over 70 associations participated in this festival. On June 24th, Fang Wenshan and Xu Jiao walked the red carpet wearing hanfu at the 2013 Shanghai International Film Festival. Their beautiful clothe drove a lot of attention. In November, Chinese Han Clothing Cultural Week kicked off in Xitang, after that Chinese Rituals and Music Culture Ceremony was hosted by Hendian. Thousands of "like-minded" friends traveled long distances to get together to promote the culture of hanfu. For some reason, I miss the ceremony in Xitang. It is really a pity of my 2013. But I have seen the daylight of hanfu's renaissance since Han-style clothes are more


英语演讲汉服演讲稿 1、History(历史) A:Hanfu(汉服) is the traditional costume that has been worn by Han Chinese people for approximately 5000 years. It is believed to have been worn by the early leader of China, Huangdi. It's the significant cultural symbol of Chinese civilization 2、Han Dynasty(汉代) A:The Han dynasty praised highly of zhou li zhi(周礼制),so Han Closes was spread in the whole country. B:Han dynasty was a dynasty whose conception of centralization was the most early, most complete, most advancing, most powerful. (汉朝的中央集权的国家概念最早,最完备,最先进,最强大。) C:Han nationality was named after Han dynasty . Han Clothes was named after Han dynasty too. 3、Disaster for Hanfu (汉服的灾难) A:However, it has been eliminated during the establishment of Qing Dynasty (the Manchu minority ruled dynasty) in about 300 years. The ruling class of Manchu banned Han Chinese clothing and replaced it with their own costume. This is why today's Chinese national costume was widely known as Qipao (Chi-Pao), a Manchu style of clothing. B:Qing wante d ordered people must wear their nation’s clothes .


汉服的策划书范文 总策划:陈沈平 导演:宋检张瑞 工作组委员:王兴华梁嗣敏李飞飞张宇 工作组组员:郭霞马磊郭猛彬詹前裕林君王智健张晗 张金燕刘鹏李潇 三、活动大概流程 1.汉服及传统礼仪展示(30分钟) 2. 传统文化精讲浅谈(20分钟) 3. 古琴弹奏及其知识略述(12分钟) 4. 茶艺及古琴联合表演(13分钟) 5. 互动提问环节(15分钟) 6. 四、活动详细流程 到活动开始时间后,主持人和汉服讲解人一同穿着汉服入场,主持人简单介绍下这场活动目的,参加人员及邀请观看的嘉宾和观众后宣布活动正式开始,然后退场。汉服讲解人员开始简单介绍下汉服的概念,之后古典音乐响起,开始此次活动第一部分内容。 1.汉服及传统礼仪展示 本部分活动将展示多款的现已知汉服,包括男式直裾,直身,圆领衫等;女式曲裾,襦裙,高腰襦裙,其中曲裾分大曲裾,小曲裾,襦裙分对襟襦裙与交领襦裙;专门的礼仪服饰玄端等。 具体过程是全部衣服由合适的人员穿着好后在幕后准备好,并排好衣服的展

示顺序,当古典音乐响起,穿着人员迈步缓缓上场,原本就位于舞台中央的解说人员开始介绍这款汉服的名字,流行于历史上哪段时间,当穿着人员行至场中间时向全场观众行揖礼,然后展开双臂展示汉服并旋转一周。解说人员则据此介绍这款汉服的特点,细节等。解说完后,穿这款汉服人员在场中指定位置正座(预先放置垫子),然后下一个穿另一款汉服人员开始上场,如此至全部汉服全展示完为止。 全部人员上场后,讲解人员开始讲解传统礼仪,主要包括:辑礼,拜礼,正坐礼,对弈(射)礼等。每一个礼仪,都由场上的预先指定的着汉服人员演示,或一个或多人,其他不演示的人员保持正坐不变,演示完时人员以揖礼拜谢观众,然后坐回原来的位子。 至预定的全部礼仪讲解完后,场上人员全部起来和讲解人员排成一行向观众行揖礼告别退场。同时主持人上场,简单说几句感谢上场人员的话然后宣布第二部分活动开始。 2.传统文化精讲浅谈 主持人上场的同时,两位着汉服男生抬着一张放置古琴的桌子入场(携带有一张凳子),放在场地中央后,两位男生一左一右正坐于桌子两旁,接着主持人宣布接下来由汉服文化协会的指导老师石初军书记向在场观众讲解中国传统文化的精髓与中国传统文化对加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的的意义。然后主持人退场,石初军老师上场并端坐于桌子后开始讲解,讲解过程中一着汉服女生端送一杯茶给石老师,然后退场。石老师讲解完后,两位男生同石老师领过观众谢意后退场,主持人上场,简单谢过石老师讲解,然后宣布第三部分活动开始。 3.古琴弹奏及其知识略述


一、汉服定义及简史 汉服,即华夏衣冠,中国汉族的传统服饰,又称为汉装、华服,其由来可追溯到三皇五帝时期一直到明代,连绵几千年,华夏人民(也就是汉族)一直不改服饰的基本特征,这一时期汉民族所穿的服装,都被称为汉服【注意:很多人认为汉服是汉朝的服装,这是一个错误的观点】。 《尚书正义》注:“冕服华章曰华,大国曰夏。”《左传正义·定公十年》疏:“中国有礼仪之大,故称夏;有章服之美,谓之华。”后来"汉服"这个词汇的基本内涵也固定下来,即汉族传统服饰。在唐代樊绰的书中就明确地称大唐的服饰为"汉服".到了宋元明时期,一些异族执政者也明确地用“汉服”来指称汉人服饰,如“辽国自太宗入晋之后,皇帝与南班汉官用汉服;太后与北班契丹臣僚用国服,其汉服即五代晋之遗制也”。元代修《辽史》时,甚至专门为汉服开辟了一个“汉服”条。 中国古代,除了清装外,只要是明末以前的汉人所穿的服装,不论样式、地域、融合、分化、发展,都可称为汉服(其中需要注意的是元代服饰,蒙古人由于没有进行“剃发易服”的残暴政策,北方少数民族穿着纳石失锦袍和皮靴,南方汉人仍以汉服为主,但是糅合了部分蒙古元素)。 1644年清军入关后,为打击、奴化汉族,尤其是上层士人的民族精神,以保持满清的统治地位,统治者下令全国实行“剃发易服”,此政策引起全国性的愤怒、不满及武装抵抗,随后,满清统治者进行武力镇压并血腥屠杀了6000万汉人,在此情况下,汉服逐渐消亡,而和汉服一同消亡的还有汉族的精神,“满清剃发易服后,华夏从此变鞑靼”,从此之后,奴性与愚昧开始生长在了汉族人的心中。 汉人在满清的奴化和高压下逐渐习惯了满装和辫子,在推翻满清王朝后,当政者袁世凯也把长袍马褂定为常礼服;而五四运动后,北京大学要整饬校风,规定制服,请学生们公议,那议决也是袍子和马褂(满族服饰)!到此时,传统“汉服”冠冕即使要光复也无迹可寻了。 接下来,建国后极左思潮、在“破四旧”的飓风里,中国进入了一个没有传统、没有文化的审美真空地带,汉民族传统文化一道粉身碎骨,遭到了真正致命的打击,乃至被汉族人自己遗忘。 到了改革开放初,人们在早已被打倒的传统里茫然无措。取而代之的是西式或日式的时髦,上个世纪90年代,APEC会议领导人穿“唐装”曾经在民间引发过短暂的“唐装”流行,但是很快销声匿迹,“那样的大团花图案并不符合中式服装内敛、含蓄的内在精神。”有人剖析其原因。 到了21世纪,一些青年人开始把汉服由虚拟带入现实,由断代带入复兴,开始为“华服”哀悼,开始了浩浩荡荡的汉服复兴运动。 二、汉服的特点及分类

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