当前位置:文档之家› 四年级第一学期英语试卷




一. 根据中文补全下列单词.(10分)

g__m(体育馆) l__br__ __y(图书馆) fa__(远的) ca__(出租车) sh__p(商店) g__ __t(山羊) d__ __k(鸭子) __l__phant(大象) r__ __k(岩石) tig__ __(老虎) 二. 选择正确的单词.(10分)

( ) 1. 长颈鹿 A. giraffes B. kangaroo C. monkey ( ) 2. 森林 A. tree B. mountain C. forest ( ) 3. 爪子 A. fur B. paw C. tail ( ) 4. 不同的 A. desk B. same C. different ( ) 5. 九月 A. September B.October C. November

三. 选出下列单词中不同类的一项.(10分)

( ) 1. A. cold B. hot C. warm D. dog

( ) 2. A. yellow B. rabbit C. horse D. mouse

( ) 3. A. fly B. small C. swim D. hop ( ) 4. A. July B. June C. March D. Red ( ) 5. A.banana B. panda C. zebra D. snack

四. 选择题.(40分)

( ) 1. Where the gym?

A. are

B. ×

C. is

D. on

( ) 2. —Where are you going? — the office.

A. at

B. At

C. to

D. To ( ) 3. Three plus ten equals .

A. eleven

B. thirteen

C. eight

D. sixteen ( ) 4. Yellow is .

A. wait

B. go

C. stop

D. car ( ) 5. Go this street.

A. to

B. down

C. on

D. for ( ) 6. —Thanks! — .

A. Ok

B. You ’re welcome

C. Right

D. Sure ( ) 7. Let ’s to the silk shop.

A. go

B. to go

C. going

D. goes ( ) 8. What do you buy?

A. want

B. wanting

C. want to

D. wants ( ) 9. A waiter in a restaurant.

A. works

B. wait

C. wark

D. warks ( ) 10. What are they .

A. doing

B. do

C. to do

D. does ( ) 11. What can fly?

学校: 班级: 姓名:

A. is

B. else

C. for

D. of

( ) 12. Danny’s hat is small.

A. to

B. two

C. too

D. for

( ) 13. A tiger stripes.

A. has

B. have

C. is

D. are

( ) 14. He is the building.

A. under

B. in

C. of

D. at

( ) 15. Li Ming in front of the tree.

A. is

B. ×



( ) 16. —Where does a fish live?


A. In a river

B. In a forest

C. In a tree C. In a hotel

( )17. Cow eat .

A. banban

B. grass

C. meat

D. leaves

( ) 18. Jenny is the bird.

A. feed

B. feeding

C. to feed

D. feeds

( ) 19. It’s time bed.

A. for

B. of

C. in

D. to

( ) 20. A lion has a .

A. mane

B. stripes

C. truck

D. pouch 五.连词成句.(20分)

1. doing, What, you, are

2. How, feel, do, outside, you

3. tired, I, am

4. help, May, I, you

5. go, shopping, Let’s


1. What happened?


2. The monkey is a judge.


3. Can a cow fly?


4. Do you have a map?


5. Where are you going ?



一.y iar r b o oa uc ee oc er 二.ACBCA



五.1. What are you doing?

2. How do you feel outside?

3. I am tired.

4. May I help you?

5. Let’s go shopping.

六.1. 发生什么事了?

2. 猴子是一个法官。

3. 牛会飞吗?

4. 你有一张地图吗?

5. 你要去哪?

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