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Ⅰ、Choose the best answers to complete each of the following sentences(2 points per question, 20 points totally).

For example: Complex compounds are broken down to simpler ones in ______ reactions of biotechnological processes.

A. Anabolic

B. Catabolic

C. Fermentation

D. Downstream

The best answer is B, and you should write B clearly on the line.

1. Future biotechnology can also be conveniently divided into small scale biotechnology, medium scale biotechnology and large scale biotechnology, and what will be produced in small scale?

A. monoclonal antibodies and interferons

B. petroleum-based technology

C. organic compounds D none of above E. all of above

2. ______ in bacteria is the process by which genetic information is transferred from on cell to another by cell-to-cell contact.

A. Conjugation

B. Transduction

C. Transformation

D. Mitotic recombination

3. The microbial cell is able to reproduce itself from the very sample of nutrients. The number of pathways which use to accomplish this is enormous: a bacteria cell probably contains well over different enzymes, and a eukaryotic cell may contain as many. Cell macromolecules of all kinds are built up from about different monomer units. A general outline of the pathways of biosynthesis of these various monomers is given as ……

A 1000... twice... 100 B. 1000... three times (100)

A 2000...twice...200 D. 2000... three times (200)

4. A common method is for the organism to use , that is, for reaction there will be distinct and independent enzymes each catalyzing the reaction with equal efficiency.

A. isoenzymes

B. isomerase

C. oxidoreductases

D. transferase

5. In the eukaryote, the cell cycle is divided into stages, each of variable

duration depending on the growth conditions, the cycle culminates with the replication of all the chromosomes which then divide between daughter and mother cell by a process known as mitosis.

6. Empirically, microbial actual growth yield will depend on .

A. he nature of the carbon source and the pathways of substrate catabolism;

B. provision of complex substrate;

C. varying efficiencies of ATP-generating reactions;

D. all of the above;

E. none of above

7. A successful industrial culture should ultimately exhibit characteristics: it should be a pure culture; be genetically stable; be easily propagated; exhibit rapid growth characteristics; have good rate of product formation; be free of toxic byproducts; and be amenable to genetic manipulation.

A. it should be a pure culture and be genetically stable;

B. have good rate of product formation;

C. be free of toxic byproducts and be amenable to genetic manipulation;

D. all of the above;

E. just B and C

8. When protoplast fusion is to be used to improve industrial strains some events must occur:

A. the generation of viable protoplasts and high fusion frequency;

B. regeneration of the fused protoplasts to growing colonies in which diploidization and haploidization can be realized;

C. all of the above;

D. none of above

9. The basic design of the CSTR was develop during the 1940s and 1950s with the industrial production of penicillin.

10. Future areas of improvement in solid substrate fermentations will be in

A. substrate pretreatment;

B. process control;

C. fermenter design;

D. all of the above

11. What are drawbacks of whole organisms used in fermentation processes?

A. optimum conditions may differ for growth and product formation;

B. a high proportion of the substrates may be converted to biomass;

C. wasteful side reactions may occur; the conversion rate to the desired product may be slow;

D. separation of the desired product from the fermentation may be difficult

E. all of above;

F. just B, C and D.

12. Two outstanding commercial successes have been the use of in the food and

in the antibiotic industry.

A. glucose isomerase…penicillin acylase

B. hexokinase…terramycin

C. glucose oxidase…Monoclonal antibodies

D. hexokinase…monicanmycin

13. What are the reasons for immobilized enzymes’ limited success so far?

A. soluble enzymes used in many industrial processes are relatively cheap;

B. introduction of new capital equipment to existing processes is high;

C. the disappointing performance in practice of immobilized systems in relation to overall operational economy and plant design scale;

D. just A and B;

E. all of above

14. Over enzymes have been isolated but only have gained significant commercial importance and most of these are hydrolases.

A. 2000...20; B 2000...300; C 4000...300; D 3000 (300)

15. is most widely and typically used to separate , and from fermentation broths. It can also be used for yeast flocs.

A. Filtration…filamentous fungi…filatmentous bacteria;

B. Rotary drum vacuum filters…yeast…bacteria;

C. Rotary drum vacuum filters…yeast…bacteria;

D. Filtration…yeast…bacteria

According to the mechanism, filtration can be performed as surface filtration, or depth filtration.

15. are perhaps the most widely used devices for the separation of microorganisms from the fermentation broth.

A. Rotary drum vacuum filters;

B. Filtration;

C Surface filtration; D. Depth filtration

16. Because of the lability of many products, methods for their concentration must be very gentle. Some suitable methods will include

A. extraction and adsorption;

B. evaporation membrane processes;

C. ion exchange methods;

D. all of above; E just A and B.

17. The most important techniques in drying: vacuum drying, spray drying, freeze drying, and which of the method could be used for pharmaceutical products?

A. vacuum drying;

B. spray drying;

C. A and B;

D. none of above

18. ______ involves the transfer of genetic material from one cell to another by means of a viral vector and its subsequent incorporation by recombination.

A. Conjugation

B. Transduction

C. Transformation

D. Mitotic recombination

19. ______ uses a ‘molecular sieve’, that is, s neutral cross-linked carrier with a definite pore size for molecular fractionation.

A. Adsorption chromatography

B. Ion exchange chromatography

C. Gel filtration chromatography

D. Hydrophobic chromatography

20. The 2007 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine is awarded to Drs Mario R. Capecchi, Martin J. Evans and Oliver Smithies, Their discoveries led to a technology referred to as ______ in mice.

A. Gene targeting


C. DNA recombination

D. Protoplast fusion

Ⅱ、Translate the following words into other langue and Chinese into English can use abbreviations(2 points per question, 20 points totally).

For example: 常温常压 you should answer with NTP or natural temperature and pressure; NTP you should answer with常温常压

1. 溶解氧 DO

2. ATP 三磷酸腺苷

3. methanotrophs甲烷氧化菌

4. Messenger RNA信使RNA

5. genetic manipulation 基因操作

6. wild-type genes 野生型基因

7. SCP单细胞蛋白 8. transformation 转化

9. transduction 转导 10. CSTR连续操作釜式反应器

11. tricarboxylic acid cycle 三羧酸循环 12. mutation 突变

13. restriction endonucleases 限制性内切酶14. recombinant DNA technology 重组DNA技术15. site-directed mutation定点突变16. Bacillus subtilis 枯草芽孢杆菌

17. Gas Chromatography 气相色谱 18. Miorofiltration 微孔过滤

19. flocculation 絮凝 20. cross-flow filtration 错流过滤

21. Newtonian fluids 牛顿流体 22. pH probes pH电极,pH传感器

Ⅲ、Translate the words on the line into the other langue(2 points per question, 20 points totally).

For example: Such variations in size, shape, chemistry, conduction speed, excitation threshold, and the like as had been demonstrated in nerve cells remained negligible in significance for any possible correlation with the manifold dimensions mental experience. You should answer with 变化、变异and so on. Or, Such 变化in size, shape, chemistry, conduction speed, excitation threshold, and the like as had been demonstrated in nerve cells remained negligible in significance for any possible correlation with the manifold dimensions mental experience. You should answer with variations 1. The ‘energy status’ of the cell can therefore be seen as a function of the prevailing relative proportions of ATP, ADP and AMP. To give this a numerical value, the concept of energy charge was introduced by Daniel Atkinson.

2. Although the cycle is apparently self-perpetuating, in that once primed by oxaloacetate it should keep working indefinitely, this cannot happen in practice.

3. Organisms growing anaerobically yielding must therefore achieve ATP production by coupling the reaction directly to an energy-yielding reaction; this is termed substrate level phosphrylation.

4. Heterfermentative lactic acid bacteria produce a variety of reduced compounds besides lactate, and do not have the key glycolytic.

5. Except that the base 尿嘧啶is substituted for thymine, the RNA complements the DNA strand and similarly carries the genetic code in the sequence of its bases.

6. The regulation of protein synthesis through the overall mechanisms of transcription and translation is extremely complex; it differs, particularly in details, between prokaryotes and eukaryotes, and many aspects are still not elucidated.

7. Once an enzyme has been synthesized, its activity can be modulated by means of post-transcriptional modifications and action of effectors. The general mechanism of feedback inhibition is based upon binding of the effector molecule to the enzyme at a site which is different from the active site; the effector modifies the conformation of the protein so that it is no longer so effective a catalyst for the reaction of its substrate. Such enzymes are said to be allosterically controlled.

8. Enzymes are not particularly stable molecules and may be quickly and irreversible destroyed. The normal half-life is very variable; it may be as short as a few minutes, or as long as several days.

9. It is therefore essential for the organism to keep its cell biochemistry working and it can achieve this by a variety of means depending on the prevailing conditions: by derepressing new anabolic enzymes it may channel

the carbon substrate into any of a number of ‘secondary’ metabolites.

10. The overall efficiency of microbial growth is usually expressed in terms of the yield of cells formed from unit weight of carbon substrate consumed. The molar growth yield Y5 is the cell yield per mole of substrate, while the carbon conversion coefficient, which allows more meaningful comparisons between substrates of different molecular sizes, is the cell yield per gram of substrate carbon.

11. In all aspects of biotechnology major efforts are directed to screening programmes to generate new organisms, either from some natural source or from established cultures by way of mutation or by hybridization programmes, including genetic engireering.

12. The further advancement of an isolate will involve improvement and preservation of the culture. However, a major hindrance to the full exploitation of this capacity is the availability of suitable screening procedures which can identify the necessary product, especially in the presence of culture medium constituents.

13. Random screening can be very time-consuming because each isolate must be studied in detail.

14. In studies of antibiotic production thousands of shake-flask cultures of single spore isolates are regularly used.

15. Minor mutation have normally been the main approach to strain improvement. Such mutations normally lead to small improvements in product formation without any phenotypic manifestations.

16. The environment immediately after mutagenesis can affect the overall mutation frequency and specificity. Thus growth on a complete medium rather than a minimal medium following mutagenesis may increase the yield of mutants.

17. Transduction has been successfully used to improve the bacteria involved

in the Pruteen process for the production of single cell protein (SCP) by Imperial Chemical Industries in the UK.

18. Protoplasts can be prepared from most plant species but only a limited number can regenerate cell walls, divide and ultimately differentiate into normal plants. Many important crop plants are in the latter category. The production of novel somatic hybrids by fusion of isolated plant protoplast is recognized as an important technological advancement in the plant sciences.

19. The basic nutritional requirements of heterotrophic microorganisms are an energy or carbon source, an available nitrogen source, inorganic elements and, for some microorganisms, growth factors.

20. Current industrial enzyme production relies predominantly on deep tank or solid state fermentation methods.

21. One of the most challenging problems in biotechnology is to improve the stability of enzymes. When enzymes are used in bioreactor systems the environment is usually much more severe than would have occurred in vivo.

22. In fluidized beds the particles are held in suspension when the pressure drop across the bed is equal to the weight of the bed. Reduced pressure results in a packed bed while increased pressure causes elutriation or removal of the particles from the system.

Ⅳ、Translate the following sentences into Chinese(5 points per question, 20 points totally)

1. A low number of algal cells in the presence of a high number of grazers suggested, but did not prove, that the grazers had removed most of the algae.

1. A low number of algal cells in the presence of a high number of grazers suggested, but did not prove, that the grazers had removed most of the algae.

2. It is one of nature’s great ironies that the availability of nitrogen in the soil

frequently sets an upper limit on plant growth even though the plants’ leaves are bathed in a sea of nitrogen gas.

2. In the periods of peak zooplankton abundance, that is, in the late spring and in the summer, Haney recorded maximum daily community grazing rates, for nutrient-poor lakes and bog lakes, respectively, of 6.6 percent and 114 percent of daily phytoplankton production.

3. It is possible to make specific complementary DNA’s that can serve as molecular probes to seek out the messenger RNA’s of the peptide hormones. If brain cells are making the hormones, the cell will contain these mRNA’s. If the products the brain cells make resemble the hormones but are not identical to them, then the cDNA’s should still bind to these mRNA’s, but should not bind as tightly as they would to mRNA’s for the true hormones.

3. The molecular approach to detecting peptide hormones using cDNA probes should also be much faster than the immunological method because it can take years of tedious purifications to isolate peptide hormones and then develop antiserums to them.

4. Biotechnology is an area of applied and technology which involves the practical application of biological organisms, or their subcellular components to manufacturing and service industries and to environmental. Biotechnology utilizes bacteria, yeasts, algae, plant cell or cultured mammalian cells as constituents of industrial processes. Successful application of biotechnology

will result only from the integration of a multiplicity of scientific disciplines and technologies, including microbiology, biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, chemistry and chemical and process engineering.

Ⅴ、Translate the following paragraph into Chinese(10 points per question, 20 points totally).

1. Most living organisms have a mechanism for exchanging nuclear material with other similar but genetically different individuals resulting in the formation of offspring with genotypes different from either of the parents. This process is known as hybridization and is essentially a method of promoting recombination or hybridization rearranges genes or part of genes and brings together in an individual organism genetic information from two or more organisms. Hybridization has long been practiced in plants and animal breeding and in more recent times has been used to develop improved microorganisms for many biotechnological processes. In principle, hybridization can be expressed in two ways; these are sexual hybridization with eukaryotic organisms and parasexual hybridization for prokaryotes, certain eukaryotes that do not exhibit true sexuality and for most eukaryotic tissue cultures. In the context of biotechnology, fungi and bacteria have been the main subjects of hybridization programmes.

2. Recombinant DNA technologies allow the isolation, purification and selective amplification in specific host cells of discrete DNA fragments or genes from almost any organism. The basic requirements of this technology are restriction endonuclease enzymes which can cleave double-stranded DNA at specific sites generating DNA fragments of defined. These fragments can then be inserted into carrier vehicles such as plasmids or phage and be

covalently bonded by DNA ligase enzymes. Transformation is the main method used for the insertion of these chimeric DNA molecules into host cells. The types of host cell are typically but not exclusively specific mutant cells of E. col i, B subtilis or S. cerevisae. Transformed cells are identified by several mean including complementation and resistance markers, hybridization, immunological methods and restriction endonuclease analysis.

3. Most biotechnological processes will have been developed at laboratory scale and commercial success will largely depend on the ability to scale-up the process first to pilot pant level and then to commercial scale. The achievement of successful process scale-up must fit within a variety of physical and economic constraints. To date it has not been possible to establish a uniform design procedure or a simple method for process scale-up. For most products of commercial interest the producer organism will optimize production under limitation of a nutrient or due to unfavourable environmental conditions.

4. The basic requirements for in vitro transfer and expression of foreign DNA in a host bacterial cell can be summarized as follows: The isolation of circular plasmid DNA molecules which must contain one site where the integration of foreign DNA will not destroy essential functions; the generation of DNA fragments that are suitable for cloing by way of restriction endonucleases. The insert may be a chromosomal fragment from another microorganism, from an animal or plant, or from a chemically-synthesized DNA sequence; A method of splicing the foreign DNA into vector; Incorporation of the hybrid DNA recombinants into the host cell and

so on.

Most living organisms have a mechanism for exchanging nuclear material with other similar but genetically different individuals resulting in the formation of offspring with genotypes different from either of the parents. This process is known as hybridization and is essentially a method of promoting recombination or hybridization rearranges genes or part of genes and brings together in an individual organism genetic information from two or more organisms. Hybridization has long been practiced in plants and animal breeding and in more recent times has been used to develop improved microorganisms for many biotechnological processes. In principle, hybridization can be expressed in two ways; these are sexual hybridization with eukaryotic organisms and parasexual hybridization for prokaryotes, certain eukaryotes that do not exhibit true sexuality and for most eukaryotic tissue cultures. In the context of biotechnology, fungi and bacteria have been the main subjects of hybridization programmes.


第 1 页 共 2 页 一、Translate the following words (每小题1分,共20分) 1. derive from 2. preservation 3. adventitious 4. mitochondria 5. multicellular 6. innovation 7. isolate from 8. contemplation 9. devoid of 10. deliberately 11. 吸收、同化 12. 胚胎 13. 甲烷 14.裸子植物 15. 完全变态 16. 异养生物 17.新陈代谢 18.光合作用 19.减数分裂 20.有丝分裂 二、Translate the following sentences (每小题5分,共30分) 1.All organisms are composed of one or more cells, within which the life process of metabolism and heredity occur. 2.Ecologists recognize that ecosystems are further influenced by global phenomena, such as climate patterns, wind currents, and nutrient cycles. 3.The object of taking a sample is to measure in a small population, the sample ,relevant characteristics of the large population from which it came. 4.每一种生物跟其他生物和物理环境的相互作用是如此之多,因此生物学家把生态学这样一门关于生物相互作用的科学分为四个层次:种群、群落、生态系统和生物圈。 5.地球上至少四百万种生命物种中仅仅百分之一是脊椎动物。 6. 达尔文,英国的博物学家,经过30年的研究和观察,在他50岁时写了一本著名的影响深远的书:物种起源。 三、Translate the following paragraph into Chinese (每小题15分,共30分) 1.There are two principal kinds of metamorphosis in insects: simple and complete. In simple metamorphosis, the wings, if present, develop externally during the juvenile stages: ordinarily no “resting ” stage exists before the last molt.. In complete metamorphosis, the wings develop internally during the juvenile stages and appear externally only during the resting stage that immediately precedes the final molt.. 安阳工学院生物学专业英语课程试卷 2011――2012学年第二学期(A )


常用英语前缀、后缀、词根表 一、英语常用前缀表 (说明:黑体字为英语前缀及其含义,斜杠/后面为构词举例)a- 使,离,向/ awake使醒来,apart使分离 ac-,ad-,af-,ag-,al- 向,加强/ accord依照,affect影响anti- 反,防止/ antitank反坦克的 auto- 自,自动/ automation自动化 de- 离,加强,降/ detrain下火车,depicture描述 dis- 否,离,安全/ disallow不准,disroot根除,disarrange 搞乱 dif- 分开,否定/ differ差异,difficult困难 be- 在,使/ beside在……旁,befall降临(于) bi- 双/ bicycle自行车,bisexual两性的 co- 共同,互相/ cn- exist共存 com-,con- 共同,加强/combine联合,confirm使加强 e- ,ex- 出,否定,加强/ educe引出,estop阻止,expand扩展 en-,em- 在内,用于,使/ encage关入笼,embed使插入in- ,im-,il- 无,向内,加强/ incorrect不正确,impulse 冲动 inter- 在……间/ international国际的 kilo- 千/ kilometer千米 micro- 微/ microbe微生物 mini- 微小/ minibus小公共汽车 neg- 不,非/ neglect忽视,negate否定 non- 不,非/ nonparty非党派的 ob-,oc-,op- 越过,包围,逆反/ object目标,oppose反抗out- 在外,除去/ outlaw逃亡者,outroot根除 over- 超出,反转/ overweight超重,overthrow推翻 per- 贯通,遍及/ perform完成,perfect完美的 post- 在后/ postwar战后的,porstern后门 pre- 在前/ preface前言 pro- 在前,拥护/ prologue序言,pro- American亲美的 re- 重复,相反/ recall回忆,react反应 se- 分离/ separate使分离,select选出 sub-,suc-,sug- 在下,次于/ subway地铁,succeed继承sur- 超,外加/surface表面,surtax附加税 tele- 远/ television电视 trans- 超过,透过/ translate翻译,transport运输 un- 否定/ unfair不公平的 up- 向上/ upset推翻,upstairs在楼上 uni- 单一/ united联合的,unit单位二、英语常用后缀表 (说明:黑体字为英语后缀及其含义,斜杠/后面为构词举例) -ability,—ibility 抽象名词/ stability稳定,sensibility敏感性 -able,—ible 能…的/ unable无能力的,terrible可怕的-acy性质,状态/ illiteracy文盲,intricacy错综复杂 -age动作,状态,总称(构成名词)/ folwage泛滥,postage 邮费 -al动作,行为,…的/ manual手册,central中心 -an人,籍贯,…的/ African非洲的,publican旅店主 -ance,—ancy行为,性质,状态/ distance距离,currency 流通 -ant,ent人,…的/ assistant助手,excellent优秀的 -ary地点,人,事物/ library图书馆,military军事 -ate做,职位,…的/ doctorate博士学位,adequate足够的-ation,-ition动作,性质,状态/ visitation访问,addition附加物 -craft 技巧,工艺/ aircraft飞机,handicraft手艺 -cy 形状,状态,职位/ secrecy秘密,fancy幻想 -dom 状态,领域/freedom自由,kingdom王国 -ed 有…的/ cultured有教养的,puzzled迷惑的 -ence,-ency 行为,性质,状态/ difference差异,frequency 频率 -er,—eer,—or人/ killer杀手,engineer工程师,doctor 医生 -ern 地点,方位/ eastern东方的,cavern洞穴 -ese 人,语言,国籍/ Chinese中国人,Japanese日本人-ess 女性,雌性/ actress女演员 -hood 状态,身份(构成名词)/ childhood童年,livelihood 生计 -ic 学术,职业,……的/ music音乐,atomic原子的 -ice 人,抽象名词/ service服务,novice新手 -ics 学术(构成名词)/ physics物理学,optics光学 -ing 总称,抽象名词/ clothing衣服,building建筑,feeling 感觉 -ion 物品,抽象名词/ cushion座垫,expression表达 -ism 主义,宗教/ Marxism马克思主义,Islamism伊斯兰教 -ist …者(构成名词)/ communist共产主义者,dentist 牙医 -ive 人,物,…的/ native本地人,attractive有吸引力的


Inside the Living Cell: Structure and Function of Internal Cell Parts Cytoplasm: The Dynamic, Mobile Factory 细胞质:动力工厂 Most of the properties we associate with life are properties of the cytoplasm. Much of the mass of a cell consists of this semifluid substance, which is bounded on the outside by the plasma membrane. Organelles are suspended within it, supported by the filamentous network of the cytoskeleton. Dissolved in the cytoplasmic fluid are nutrients, ions, soluble proteins, and other materials needed for cell functioning. 生命的大部分特征表现在细胞质的特征上。细胞质大部分由半流体物质组成,并由细胞膜(原生质膜)包被。细胞器悬浮在其中,并由丝状的细胞骨架支撑。细胞质中溶解了大量的营养物质,离子,可溶蛋白以及维持细胞生理需求的其它物质。 The Nucleus: Information Central(细胞核:信息中心) The eukaryotic cell nucleus is the largest organelle and houses the genetic material (DNA) on chromosomes. (In prokaryotes the hereditary material is found in the nucleoid.) The nucleus also contains one or two organelles-the nucleoli-that play a role in cell division. A pore-perforated sac called the nuclear envelope separates the nucleus and its contents from the cytoplasm. Small molecules can pass through the nuclear envelope, but larger molecules such as mRNA and ribosomes must enter and exit via the pores. 真核细胞的细胞核是最大的细胞器,细胞核对染色体组有保护作用(原核细胞的遗传物质存在于拟核中)。细胞核含有一或二个核仁,核仁促进细胞分裂。核膜贯穿许多小孔,小分子可以自由通过核膜,而象mRNA 和核糖体等大分子必须通过核孔运输。 Organelles: Specialized Work Units(细胞器:特殊的功能单位) All eukaryotic cells contain most of the various kinds of organelles, and each organelle performs a specialized function in the cell. Organelles described in this section include ribosomes, the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi complex, vacuoles, lysosomes, mitochondria, and the plastids of plant cells. 所有的真核细胞都含有多种细胞器,每个细胞器都有其特定功能。本节主要介绍核糖体,内质网,高尔基体系,液泡,溶酶体,线粒体和植物细胞中的质体。 The number of ribosomes within a cell may range from a few hundred to many thousands. This quantity reflects the fact that, ribosomes are the sites at which amino acids are assembled into proteins for export or for use in cell processes. A complete ribosome is composed of one larger and one smaller subunit. During protein synthesis the two subunits move along a strand of mRNA, "reading" the genetic sequence coded in it and


一、表示数量的词素 1. haplo,mono,uni :单,一,独haploid 单倍体monoxide一氧化碳monoatomic单原子的 2. bi,di,dipl,twi,du ::二,双,两,偶biocolor 双色,dichromatic 双色的,diplobacillus 双杆菌dikaryon 双核体 twin :孪生dual 双重的 3. tri :三,丙triangle三角triacylglycerol三酰甘油tricarboxylic acid cycle 三羧酸循环 4. quadri,quadru,quart,tetr,tetra:四quadrilateral四边的quadrivalent四价的quadruped 四足动物tetrode四极管tetracycline四环素 5. pent,penta,quique五pentose戊糖pentagon五角形pentane戊烷quintuple 五倍的pentose戊糖pentomer五邻粒 6. hex,hexa,sex 六hexose已糖hexapod六足动物hexapoda昆虫纲hexamer六聚体 7. hepta,sept 七heptane 庚烷heptose 庚糖heptoglobin七珠蛋白 8. oct八octpus 章鱼octagon八角形octane 辛烷octase 辛糖 9. enne,nona九nonapeptide 九肽enneahedron 九面体 10. deca,deka 十:decapod 十足目动物decahedron 十面体decagram 十克 11. hecto, 百hectometer百米hectoliter百升hectowatt 百瓦 12. kilo,千kilodalton (KD) 千道尔顿kilobase 千碱基kiloelectron volt 千电子伏特 13. deci,十分之一,分decimeter 分米decigram 十分之一克 14. centi,百分之一 15. milli,千分之一,毫millimole 毫摩(尔)milliliter 毫升 16. micro,百万分之一,微,微小,微量microgram微克microogranism微生物microecology 微生态学micropipet微量移液器 17. nano十亿分之一,毫微,纳nanosecond十亿分之一秒nanometer纳米 18. demi,hemi,semi半demibariel 半桶hemicerebrum 大脑半球semiopaque半透明semi-allel半等位基因semi-conductor半导体 19. holo 全,整体,完全holoenzyme 全酶holoprotein全蛋白holocrine全(质分)泌 20. mega巨大,兆,百万megaspore大孢子,megabasse兆碱基megakaryocyte巨核细胞megavolt兆伏megalopolitan特大城市 21. macro 大,巨大,多macrophage巨噬细胞macrogamete大配子macroelement常量元素macromolecular大分子 22. poly,multi,mult 多,复合polyacrylate聚丙烯酸酯polymerase 聚合酶multichain多链的multinucleate 多核的multicistronic mRNA多顺反子mRNA multicopy多拷贝 二、表示颜色的词素 1 chrom颜色 chromophore生色团chromosome染色体chromatography色谱法 2 melan,melano,nigr 黑 melanoma黑素瘤melanin黑色素melanophore黑色素细胞 3 xantho,flavo,fla,flavi,lute黄 xanthophyl叶黄素xanthous黄色的,黄色人种xathine黄嘌呤flavin黄素flavone黄酮letein黄体素,叶黄素flavin adenine dinucleotide(FAD)黄素腺嘌呤二核苷酸 4 erythro, rub, rubrm, ruf,红 erythrocyte红细胞erythromycin红霉素erythropoitin(EPO)促红细胞生成素 5 chloro,chlor绿,氯


生物专业英语词汇——词素(词根)部分 一、表示数量的词素 1. haplo,mono,uni :单,一,独haploid 单倍体monoxide一氧化碳monoatomi c单原子的 2. bi,di,dipl,twi,du ::二,双,两,偶biocolor 双色,dichromatic 双色的,diplobacillus 双杆菌dikaryon 双核体 twin :孪生dual 双重的 3. tri :三,丙triangle三角triacylglycerol三酰甘油tricarboxylic acid cycle 三羧酸循环 4. quadri,quadru,quart,tetr,tetra:四quadrilateral四边的quadrivalent四价的quadruped四足动物tetrode四极管tetracycline四环素 5. pent,penta,quique五pentose戊糖pentagon五角形pentane戊烷quintuple 五倍的pentose 戊糖pentomer五邻粒 6. hex,hexa,sex 六hexose已糖hexapod六足动物hexapoda昆虫纲hexamer六聚体 7. hepta,sept(i) 七heptane 庚烷heptose 庚糖heptoglobin七珠蛋白 8. oct八octpus 章鱼octagon八角形octane 辛烷octase 辛糖 9. enne,nona九nonapeptide 九肽enneahedron 九面体 10. deca,deka 十:decapod 十足目动物decahedron 十面体decagram 十克 11. hecto, 百hectometer百米hectoliter百升hectowatt 百瓦 12. kilo,千kilodalton (KD) 千道尔顿kilobase 千碱基kiloelectron volt 千电子伏特 13. deci,十分之一,分decimeter 分米decigram 十分之一克 14. centi,百分之一 15. milli,千分之一,毫millimole 毫摩(尔)milliliter 毫升 16. micro,百万分之一,微,微小,微量microgram微克microogranism微生物microecology 微生态学micropipet微量移液器 17. nano十亿分之一,毫微,纳nanosecond十亿分之一秒nanometer纳米 18. demi,hemi,semi半demibariel 半桶hemicerebrum 大脑半球semiopaque半透明semi-allel 半等位基因semi-conductor半导体 19. holo 全,整体,完全holoenzyme 全酶holoprotein全蛋白holocrine全(质分)泌 20. mega巨大,兆,百万megaspore大孢子,megabasse兆碱基megakaryocyte巨核细胞megavolt兆伏megalopolitan特大城市 21. macro 大,巨大,多macrophage巨噬细胞macrogamete大配子macroelement常量元素macromolecular大分子 22. poly,multi,mult 多,复合polyacrylate聚丙烯酸酯polymerase 聚合酶multichain多链的multinucleate 多核的multicistronic mRNA多顺反子mRNA multicopy多拷贝 二、表示颜色的词素 1 chrom颜色chromophore生色团chromosome染色体chromatography色谱法 2 melan,melano,nigr 黑melanoma黑素瘤melanin黑色素melanophore黑色素细胞 3 xantho,flavo,fla,flavi,lute黄xanthophyl叶黄素xanthous黄色的,黄色人种xathine黄嘌呤flavin(e)黄素flav one黄酮letein黄体素,叶黄素flavin adenine dinucleotide(FAD)黄素腺嘌呤二核苷酸 4 erythro, rub, rubrm, ruf,红erythrocyte红细胞erythromycin红霉素erythropoitin(EPO)促红细胞生成素 5 chloro,chlor绿,氯chlorophyll叶绿素chloride氯化物chloramphenicol氯霉素 6 cyan,cyano 蓝,青紫色,氰cyanophyceae 蓝藻纲cyanobacteria蓝细菌cyanide氰化物 7 aur,glid,chrys金色aureomycin金霉素chrysose 金藻淀粉chrysanthemum菊花glidstone 金


A acceptor受体 acetate 醋酸盐;醋酸根 acetyl 乙酰基 . actin 肌动蛋白 actinomycinD 放线菌素 D activation 活化;激活 active site活性中心adenine腺嘌呤 adenosine腺嘌呤核苷adenosyl腺苷的adenovirus腺病毒 adhering junctings粘着连接 adhesion粘着;附着adjacent毗邻的 adrenal 肾上腺的 ,肾上腺affinity亲和;吸引 agar 琼脂,洋菜 agarose 琼脂糖 agency 媒介 agent 剂 aggregate聚合体 albumin白蛋白,清蛋白 allelc等位基因 allele等位基因突变遗传因子 allosteric modification别构修饰 allosteric别构的Alzheimer ’s disease阿尔茨海默氏病amino 氨基的~acid氨基 酸 aminopeptidase 氨基肽酶 amphibian 两栖动物 amphipathic 两亲的两性的 amylase 淀粉酶 anaerobic 厌氧的 analysis 分析,分解 analyze 分析 anaphase ( 细胞分裂的 ) 后期 anaphase-promoting complex, APC 促后期复合物 雄激素 解剖学 阴离子的 适当的 近似地,大约 人工 天冬氨酸 星形(神经胶质 ), 不对称的 自动催化的 replicating sequence ARS 自主复制起序列 autophagy 自噬作用 axon 轴突 B bacteria细菌 bacterial artificial chromosome, BAC 细菌人工染 色体 bacteriophage噬菌体 basal cell carcinoma基层 细胞癌 base 碱基 basement membrane 基膜 bilayer双层 binal双重的,两倍的,孪生 的 binding 结合位点 blastocoele 囊胚腔 blastoderm 胚盘 blastomere 卵裂球 blastula 囊胚 C cancerous 癌的 capsid ( 病毒 ) 衣壳carbohydrate 碳水化合物, 糖类 carbonate碳酸盐 carboxy羧基 carboxylation羧化作用 carboxypeptidase羧肽酶 carcinogen致癌剂 carcinoma癌 cardiovascular心血管的 cell secretion细胞分泌 centrifuge离心机 cholesterol胆固醇 chromatid染色单体 chromatin染色质 chromatography层析 cis-acting element顺式autonomously 细胞 asymmetric autocatalytic artificial chromosome appropriate approximately 染色体 aspartic astrocyte anionic anatomy anarogen


生物英语教学大纲 (供生物技术专业用) 课程编号:SW0201425 英文名称:Biological English 先修课程:大学英语 后续课程: 课程性质:限定选修课程 总学时数:36学时;理论学时:36学时;实验学时: 0学时;上机学时: 课外实践:其他学时:考核性质:考查;学分:2学分; 一、课程简介 生物专业英语是面向生物技术专业高年级本科生开设的限定性选修课程,生物英语课程的具体任务是使学生掌握一定的生物技术专业英语基础知识和技能,了解和掌握生物英语的特点,生物英语的构词法,翻译技巧及生物英语中常用的表达方法;使学生能借助词典阅读和翻译专业文献、获取专业信息、拓展专业知识;在涉外业务活动中进行简单的口头和书面交流;通过本课程,向学生介绍如何撰写科技论文、投稿等方面的知识;扩大专业英语的词汇量,掌握专业英语书刊的阅读技巧、了解文献检索及写作知识。 二、教学组织与方法 本课程在学院教务处与基础医学院统一组织下实施教学。合理安排教材,查找大量生物专业英语资料丰富教学内容,改革“灌输式”教学方法,以“启发式”教学为主,注重学生能力的培养,激发学生独立思考和创新的意识,培养学生的自主学习和勇于实践的能力。 三、理论教学 教学内容及学时分配

Chapter 1 Introduction 【目的要求】 1.了解:Characteristics of professional English 2.熟悉:Notion of English for biology 3.掌握:I nternet resources of professional English 【教学内容】 1.Definition of biology 2.Origin of life 3.Significance of biology 4.History of biology 【计划学时】3学时 Chapter 2 Microbiology 【目的要求】 1.了解:Professional words and phrases 2.熟悉:Modern microbiology 3.掌握:Translation from Chinese to English 【教学内容】 1.Short introduction of microbiology 2.Introduction to prokaryotes, eukaryotic microbes and viruses 3.Future of microbiology 4.Relevance of microbiology 【计划学时】3学时 Chapter 3 Cellular Biology 【目的要求】 1.了解:Some difficult sentences 2.熟悉:Professional words and phrases 3.掌握:Introduction of cells 【教学内容】 1.Introduction to cells 2.Scope of cells 3.Concepts in Mammalian cell culture 【计划学时】3学时 Chapter 4 Plant Biology 【目的要求】 1.了解:Definition of protista and biochemical 2.熟悉:Professional words and phrases

生物专业英语 课文翻译

教学内容: Cytoplasm: The Dynamic, Mobile Factory 细胞质:动力工厂 Most of the properties we associate with life are properties of the cytoplasm. Much of the mass of a cell consists of this semifluid substance, which is bounded on the outside by the plasma membrane. Organelles are suspended within it, supported by the filamentous network of the cytoskeleton. Dissolved in the cytoplasmic fluid are nutrients, ions, soluble proteins, and other materials needed for cell functioning. 生命的大部分特征表现在细胞质的特征上。细胞质大部分由半流体物质组成,并由细胞膜(原生质膜)包被。细胞器悬浮在其中,并由丝状的细胞骨架支撑。细胞质中溶解了大量 的营养物质,离子,可溶蛋白以及维持细胞生理需求的其它物质。 The Nucleus: Information Central(细胞核:信息中心) The eukaryotic cell nucleus is the largest organelle and houses the genetic material (DNA) on chromosomes. (In prokaryotes the hereditary material is found in the nucleoid.) The nucleus also contains one or two organelles-the nucleoli-that play a role in cell division. A pore-perforated sac called the nuclear envelope separates the nucleus and its contents from the cytoplasm. Small molecules can pass through the nuclear envelope, but larger molecules such as mRNA and ribosomes must enter and exit via the pores. 真核细胞的细胞核是最大的细胞器,细胞核对染色体组有保护作用(原核细胞的遗传物质 存在于拟核中)。细胞核含有一或二个核仁,核仁促进细胞分裂。核膜贯穿许多小孔,小 分子可以自由通过核膜,而象mRNA和核糖体等大分子必须通过核孔运输。 Organelles: Specialized Work Units(细胞器:特殊的功能单位) All eukaryotic cells contain most of the various kinds of organelles, and each organelle performs a specialized function in the cell. Organelles described in this section include ribosomes, the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi complex, vacuoles, lysosomes, mitochondria, and the plastids of plant cells. 所有的真核细胞都含有多种细胞器,每个细胞器都有其特定功能。本节主要介绍核糖体, 内质网,高尔基体系,液泡,溶酶体,线粒体和植物细胞中的质体。 The number of ribosomes within a cell may range from a few hundred to many thousands. This quantity reflects the fact that, ribosomes are the sites at which amino acids are assembled into proteins for export or for use in cell processes. A complete ribosome is composed of one larger and one smaller subunit. During protein synthesis the two subunits move along a strand of mRNA, "reading" the genetic sequence coded in it and translating that sequence into protein. Several ribosomes may become attached to a single mRNA strand; such a combination is called a polysome. Most cellular proteins are manufactured on ribosomes in the cytoplasm. Exportable proteins and membrane proteins are usually made in association with the endoplasmic reticulum. 核糖体的数量变化从几百到几千,核糖体是氨基酸组装成蛋白质的重要场所。完整的核 糖体由大亚基和小亚基组成。核糖体沿着mRNA移动并阅读遗传密码,翻译成蛋白质。一条mRNA上可能有多个核糖体,称多聚核糖体。大多数细胞蛋白是由细胞质中核糖体生产。输出蛋白和膜蛋白通常与内质网有关。 The endoplasmic reticulum, a lacy array of membranous sacs, tubules, and vesicles, may be either rough (RER) or smooth (SER). Both types play roles in the synthesis and transport of proteins. The RER, which is studded with polysomes, also seems to be the source of the


Lesson One(4学时) Inside the Living Cell: Structure and Function of Internal Cell Parts 教学目的:使学生掌握细胞的组成结构(各种细胞器以及它们在细胞中的位置),以及结构与功能之间的关系。各细胞器及功能相关英语词汇以及主要用法。 教学重点:各细胞器的概念和功能,及相关英语词汇的掌握 教学难点:专业英语词汇的记忆 讲授方法:以学生翻译为主,老师讲解相关专业知识辅助学生理解 授课时间:3月22日;3月29日 教学内容: Cytoplasm: The Dynamic, Mobile Factory 细胞质:动力工厂 Most of the properties we associate with life are properties of the cytoplasm. Much of the mass of a cell consists of this semifluid substance, which is bounded on the outside by the plasma membrane. Organelles are suspended within it, supported by the filamentous network of the cytoskeleton. Dissolved in the cytoplasmic fluid are nutrients, ions, soluble proteins, and other materials needed for cell functioning. 生命的大部分特征表现在细胞质的特征上。细胞质大部分由半流体物质组成,并由细胞膜(原生质膜)包被。细胞器悬浮在其中,并由丝状的细胞骨架支撑。细胞质中溶解了大量的营养物质,离子,可溶蛋白以及维持细胞生理需求的其它物质。 The Nucleus: Information Central(细胞核:信息中心) The eukaryotic cell nucleus is the largest organelle and houses the genetic material (DNA) on chromosomes. (In prokaryotes the hereditary material is found in the nucleoid.) The nucleus also contains one or two organelles-the nucleoli-that play a role in cell division. A pore-perforated sac called the nuclear envelope separates the nucleus and its contents from the


英语常见词根总汇 1. abol = to do away with废除 abolish废除 2. ab-sum = not present离开 absent不在 3. abyssys = bottom底 abyss深渊 4. ac = an oak栎属植物 acorn橡树子 5. acer = a field原野 acre英亩 6. acer = sharp尖锐的 acerbity酸 7. acidus = sour发酸 acid酸 8. acu = sharpen削尖 acumen敏锐 9. aedes = a house住宅 edifice屋宇 10. aequus = equal相等的 equal平等的 11. aer = air空气 aerate充气 12. aer = before以前 ere在…之前 13. aesth = feel发觉 aesthete审美家 14. aestimo = to value估价 esteem尊重 15. aeternus = of endless duration永久的 eternity永恒 16. aevum = age年龄 coeval同年代的 17. afen = evening晚上 eve黄昏 18. afre = always永远 ever永远 19. ag = act行动 agency力量 20. agan = to own承认 owe感谢 21. aggelos = a messenger通信员 angel天使 22. agger = heap堆积 exaggerate夸大 23. ago = lead引导 pedagog教师 24. ago = to do做 agile敏捷的 25. agon = contest争夺 agonal濒死 26. agr = field原野 agrarian土地的


生物专业英语试题及答案 一、将下列英文术语或缩写译为合乎学术规范的中文术语: 1、Odorant receptor 气味受体(气味感受器、嗅觉受体、嗅觉感受器也得1分;仅答受体或感受器,则得0.5分)。 2、Differentially expressed gene 差异化表达基因(答为“不同表达基因”,仅得0.5分)。 3、MOE 主要嗅(觉)上皮[答为“嗅(觉)上皮”也得1分;若写出其英文术语全称“Main olfactory epithelium”,也得 分]。 4、VNO4 犁鼻器(答为“信息素外周感受器”也得1分;若写出其英文术语全称“Vomeronasal organ”,也得分)。 5、Social behavior 社会行为(答为“社群行为、社交行为”也得1分)。 6、Monogamy 一夫一妻制(答为“一雄一雌制、单配制”也得1分) 7、Vasopressin 加压素(答为“抗利尿素”仅得0.5分)。 8、Oxytocin 催产素。 9、Kin recognition 亲属识别。 10、Autism

自闭症/孤独症。 11、NIH (美国)国家(立)卫生研究院(所)(若写出其英文术语全称NIH = National Institutes of Health 也得分)。 12、HHMI 霍华德·休斯医学研究所(若写出其英文术语全称HHMI = Howard Hughes Medical Institute 也得分;或者译为Howard Hughes 医学研究所,也得全分)。 13、Nanotechnology 纳米技术(纳米科技、奈米技术、奈米科技)。阳光大学生网 14、Renewable energy 可再生能源(量)(答为“可更新能源、再生能源”,或意思相近者,也得1分)。 15、Biomechanical energy 生物机械能(答为“生物力能、生物力学能”也得1分,而“生物化学能、生物能”,则得0.5分) 16、Nanogenerator 纳米发电机(答为“纳米发动机、纳米电机、纳米发生器、纳米生产器”,也得1分)。 17、Systems biology 系统生物学。 18、DNA sequencer DNA测序仪[答为“DNA测序(器、机)、DNA序列仪(器)”也得1分,答为DNA序列,仅得0.5分]。 19、Neurodegenerative diseases 神经退行性病(若答为“神经系统退行性疾病”或者“神经系统退化性疾病”,也得1)。 20、Amygdala 杏仁核(答为“杏仁体”,也得1分)。

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