当前位置:文档之家› 航空专业英文个人简历模板




Li Zhang(张丽)

Room 8888, International Intelligence Tower, Zhongguancun East Rd #20, 100000

86-10-82600072 86-159********

January 23, xxxx

Mr. James Jones, HR Director

Fly Right Avionics Enterprises

1212 Spring Street

Los Angeles, California 90211

Dear Mr. Jones,

This letter is to express my interest in brining my years of experience in airline operation and ground security to your firm. In these troubled times, I know I can add to public safety and security in the transportation industry.

As my enclosed resume indicates, my background includes more than two decades of services at US Airways with significant experience in:

Aircraft accident investigation as a member of the US Airways disaster team.

Security checkpoints where I handled countless calls for assistance

Training the Ground Security team to protect and promote public safety

In addition to the above skills, I can offer your firm:

More than 30 years of experience in the airlines industry.

Expertise in dealing with government agencies, including the FAA where I facilitated communications to reduce company fines.

Reduced absenteeism and occupational injuries, standards I maintained at US Airways where I achieved the best employee safety record of all IS Airwasy cities.

With world events necessitating the highest standards in airport seurity and employees’ performance, my extnsive experience can help meet those needs.

I will be calling you within the following week to schedule an interview so that we might dicsuss this matter further.

Until then, should you have any question, I can be reached at the number listed above.


Russell Morgan


毕业生设计师英文简历模板 中文简历大家写得多了,但是英文简历大家会写吗今天我们就一起来看看英文简历应该如何拟写吧! 毕业生设计师英文简历模板Job objective: Graphic DesignerDouban: (+86) 1380013xxxPortfolio: EDUCATIONJobs UniversityBachelor of Art Design?Jobs University Scholarship(top 20% students of Art Institute in XX, XX and XX)?Majors: Introduction to Art Design, Graphic Composition and Design, Color Composition and DesignSKILLS?Image Manipulation Software: Photoshop, Illustrator?Website Production Software: DreamWeaver, Fireworks?English Ability: CET4PERSONAL WORKS (SEE DETAILS IN ATTACHMENT)Poster Design: Zhongcui 25th Anniversary poster ()Poster Design: Recruiting poster for Seven Leaves Anime Club, recruiting poster with the anime characters in the background ()Logo Design: Jingyuan Hall Jinling Restaurant Logo ()Logo Design: Happy Drink Tea Shop Logo ()VI Design: Jasmine Fairy VI ()Handdrawn Comic: Story of Adai, the description of Adai's life (XXXX)PRACTICE/INTERNBeijing Zhishang Media Co., Ltd.Graphic design internXX Taobao ShopArt


本文为word格式,下载后可编辑修改,也可直接使用英文个人简历模板大学生 制作一份出色的英文简历,会给外企的公司领导留下深刻印象。下面是风林网络的小编为大家整理的“英文个人简历模板大学生”,仅供参考,欢迎阅读! 英文个人简历模板大学生(一) ersonal Data Name: Gender: Objective:To exercise work in company Time:XX0201—XX0315 Education:XX07—now Studying in Commercial College in Guangxi University for Nationalities, major is International Economic and Trade; XX06—now Studying Thai language in Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University Personal: Nationalities: Chinese Age: Address: Tel: E-mail: Language: Thai Language: Excellence English: well Computer: WindowXX, Window OfficeXX, Photoshop CS etc Activities: Writing, reading ,photographing; liking play football, tennis, ping-pong etc; Be interested in research and survey, had ever organized a team and


建筑设计师助理免费英文简历模板 ng: border-box; word-wrap: break-word; font-size: 0px; font-family: Helvetica Neue , Microsoft YaHei , Helvetica, Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif; white-space: pre-wrap; position: relative; padding: 0px; margin: 1mm 1.5mm; min-height: 22pt; line-height: 0;”> In accordance with requirements of the scheme design, assisted designer modeling scheme Collect large amounts of data, learning a lot of new European architecture practice 考官们经常采用的一个基本策略就是尽量让应试者多讲话,你在面试时一定要注意管紧自己的嘴巴,以免画蛇添足。 二、留足进退的余地,随机应变 面试当中,对那些需要从几个方面来加以阐述,或者圈套式的问题,要注意运用灵活的语言表达技巧,不要一开始就把话讲死。

三、稳定自己的情绪,沉着理智 有时面试时,考官会冷不防地提出一个令应试者意想不到的问题,这时,你需要的是稳定情绪,千万不可乱了方寸。 四、不置可否地应答,同样讨好 应试场上,考官时常会设置一些无论你作肯定的回答还是作否定的回答都不讨好的问题。而你模棱两可的回答,能让自己置于一个有利的位置。 五、圆好自己的说辞,滴水不漏 在面试中,有时考官提的问题并没有什么标准答案,这就要求应试者答题之前要尽可能考虑得周到一些,以免使自己陷于被动。面试在某种程度上就是一种斗智,你必须圆好自己的说辞,方能滴水不漏。 六、不拘一格的思维,歪打正着 面试中,如果考官提出近似于游戏或笑话式的过于简单化的问题,你就应该多转一转脑子,想一想考官是否另有所指,是否在考察你的智商、情商或是职商。如果是,那就得跳出常规思维的束缚,以求收到歪打正着的奇效。


服装设计总监英文简历表格 "line-height: 21px; margin: 20px; font-family: tahoma, 宋体; font-size: 14px; word-break: break-all" width="180">XXXNationality:China (Mainland)Current Place:GuangzhouHeight/Weight:158 cm43 kgMarital Status:SingleAge:29 yearsCareer ObjectiveApplication type:JobseekerPreferred job title:Apparels / Textiles -Design Director/Designer: Design SupervisorWorking life:8Title:No titleJob type:Full timeExpected Start date:In a dayExpected salary:¥10,000~¥11,999Preferred working place:GuangzhouWork experienceCompany"s name:****CO., LimitedBegin and end date: 2020-08-2020-02Enterprise nature:Private enterprisesIndustry: Garment/Textile/Leather/ShoesJob Title:Design SupervisorJob description:The experience of being a fashion designer for more than 8 years.Now I am customed to finishing my work with strong target and concept of time-keeping.I have good communications and time management skill.I work proactive, creative with technical experience, plus excellent sense of fashion and market trends, materials, color, patterns, etc.I am proficient in using Photoshop,CorelDraw .I am adaptable to new environment easily ,get along well with my colleagues; and can keep calm when suffering pressure in my work.Reasons for leaving:Company"s name:****CO., LimitedBegin and end date: 2020-04-2020-04Enterprise nature:Private enterprisesIndustry: Garment/Textile/Leather/ShoesJob Title:Design SupervisorJob description:As a design supervisor,I responsible for T-suits and sweaters product development.My work including preparing schedules for the whole process of Product .Development from market research,design concept, Proto samples, Fitting samples,design drawings.Also need to collect samples and chose materials from suppliers.


个人简历 (常规版一) 个人简历 (常规版二)

个人简历 (常规版四)

个人简历 (常规版五)应聘单位及职位: 个人简历 (常规版六) (供应届毕业生参考)

个人概况: 求职意向:__________________ 姓名: _______________性别: ________ 出生年月: ____年__ 月日健康状况: ___________ 毕业院校: _______________专业: _____________ 电子邮件: _______________传真: ____________ 联系电话: _______________ 通信地址: _______________邮编: ____________________ 教育背景: ______年月______年月___________ 大学__________专业(根据个人情况酌情增减) 主修课程: ________________________________________________(注:如需要详细成绩单,请联系我) 论文情况: ____________________________________________________(注:注明是否已发表) 英语水平: 基本技能:听、说、读、写能力 标准测试:国家四、六级;TOEFL;GRE..... 计算机水平: 编程、操作应用系统、网络、数据库......(请依个人情况酌情增减) 获奖情况: ________________ 、________________、________________ (请依个人情况酌情增减) 实践与实习: ____年____月____年____月_________公司__________工作 ____年____月____年____月_________公司__________工作(请依个人情况酌情增减) 工作经历: ____年____月____年____月_________公司__________工作(请依个人情况酌情增减) 个性特点: ___________________________________(请描述出自己的个性、工作态度、自我评价等)另: (如果你还有什么要写上去的,请填写在这里!) 附言:(请写出你的希望或总结此简历的一句精炼的话!) 例如:相信您的信任与我的实力将为我们带来共同的成功! 或希望我能为贵公司贡献自己的力量! 个人简历 (常规版七) (供有工作经验人员参考) 个人概况: 求职意向: ____________________ 姓名: ________________ 性别: 出生年月: ____年__月__日健康状况: 学历:毕业院校: _______________ 专业:参加工作时间: ____年月 联系方式: 电子邮件: _______________ 手机: ____________________ 家庭电话: _______________ 传真: ____________________ 通信地址: _______________ 邮编: ____________________ 教育背景:


个人简历工作经验范文英文版 工作经历是指应聘者的所有工作历史,无论是有偿的还是无偿的,全职的还是兼职的。工作经历是企业选拔招聘人员的主要参考要素之一。今天就为大家精心准备了:个人简历工作经验英文版相关范文。具体内容如下,仅供参考,希望能帮助到大家! 1.Held a post concurrently in Zhongxing CPA. from December,1998 to May,1999. and mainly worked on evaluating project finance and made up cash flow tables. 1998年11月至1999年5月在中兴会计师事务所兼职,主要从事财务评价、现金流量表的编制分析和产业的市场调查与跟踪研究等。 2. Assistant to the General Manager of Shenzhen Petrochemical Industrial Corporation Ltd..Handled the itinerary schedule of the general manager. Met clients as a representative of the corporation. Helped to negotiate a $5,000,000 deal for the corporation. 深圳石油化工集团股份有限公司总经理助理。安排总经理的出 差旅行计划时间表。作为公司代表接见客户。协助公司谈成了一笔五百万美圆的交易。

3. Secretary to president of Silverlion group Corporation Ltd.. Responsibilities: Receiving visitors, scheduling meetings, taking and typing dictation, writing routine letters and reports. 银利来集团有限公司董事长秘书。职责:接待访客、安排会议、笔录并打字、书写日常信函及报告。 4. Public relations girl at Guangzhou Holiday Inn. Full-time in summers, part-time during school. 在广州文化假日酒店当公关小姐。暑期全职,上课时间兼职。 5. Assistant to manager of aounting department of a joint venture enterprise. Analyzed data and relevant financial statistics, and produced monthly financial statements. 一家合资企业会计部门经理的助理。分析数据及相关财务统计数字,而且提出每月的财务报告。


航空专业英文简历模板 li zhang(张丽) room8888, international intelligence tower, zhongguancun east rd #20,100000 86-10-82600072 86-159******** january23, xxxx mr. james jones, hr director fly right avionics enterprises 1212spring street los angeles, california90211 dear mr. jones, this letter is to express my interest in brining my years of experience in airline operation and ground security to your firm. in these troubled times, i know i can add to public safety and security in the transportation industry. as my enclosed resume indicates, my background includes more than two decades of services at us airways with significant experience in: aircraft accident investigation as a member of the us airways disaster team. security checkpoints where i handled countless calls for assistance


三一文库(https://www.doczj.com/doc/916982297.html,)/个人简历设计主管英语简历模板 Name:xxxCuihuaZhou Nationality:China(Mainland) CurrentPlace:Guangzhou Height/Weight:168cm43kg MaritalStatus:Single Age:28years CareerObjective Applicationtype:Jobseeker Preferredjobtitle:DesignSupervisor Workinglife:8 Title:Notitle Jobtype:Fulltime ExpectedStartdate:Inaday

Expectedsalary:discusspersonally; Preferredworkingplace:Guangzhou Workexperience Company"sname:****CO.,LimitedBeginandenddate:20XX-08-20XX-02 Enterprisenature:PrivateenterprisesIndustry:Garment/Textile/Leath er/Shoes JobTitle:DesignSupervisor Jobdescription:Theexperienceofbeingafashiondesignerformorethan 8years.NowIamcustomedtofinishingmyworkwithstrongtargetandco nceptoftime-keeping.Ihavegoodmunicationsandtimemanagementsk ill.Iworkproactive,creativewithtechnicalexperience,plusexcellentsen seoffashionandmarkettrends,materials,color,patterns,etc.Iamprofici entinusingPhotoshop,CorelDraw.Iamadaptabletonewenvironmente asily,getalongwellwithmycolleagues;andcankeepcalmwhensuffering pressureinmywork. Reasonsforleaving:


英文版个人简历表格最新 准备好一份精彩的英文简历就意味着求职者成功了一半。那你知道英文简历该怎么写吗?下面是为大家带来的英文版个人简历表格,相信对你会有帮助的。 英文版个人简历表格(一)Name:xuexilaDate of birth:Native place:OthersHeight:175 CMWeight:70 KG Martial status:SingleSelf-assessmentI have engaged in foreign trade for 1 year and acquaint with the trading business process and documents operation.Good at English and Computer operation, self-confidence and good communication, like working high-pressure, team work spirit, high liability and attribution. Work experience2006-08 ~ NowJiangsu JiangxxxGroup Imp & ExpxxxCo.,LtdMarketing Department / Sales Manager / Full-timeXxGroup is famous for its products-gasoline/diesel engine, generator, lawn mower, water pump and some of which have CE/CARB. It’s a leader in this field and its products are sold to all over the world, the main market is America and the developing countries. Subsidiary companies are located on America, Peru, Namibia, Vietnam and so on. I am in xxGroup Shanghai Branch


XXX 性别: 民族 : 籍贯: 出生日期: 年 月 日 政治面貌: 专业: 电话: 电子邮箱: 教育背景 ·2006、9至今 XX 市XX 大学,XX 专业。 ·主修课程 高等数学、航空运输经济、市场营销、国际贸易、财务管理、战略 管理、市场营销、市场调查与预测、数据库原理、统计学原理与民 航统计、机场营运管理、会计学原理与民航运输会计、人力资源管 理、概率论与数理统计。 学生工作 ·2006-2008 担任学生会XX 部部长 负责XXXXXXXXXXXX ·2006-2008 担任XXX 办公室主任 主要负责会议计划和记录等。 所获荣誉 ·2006、12 校级优秀大学生 ·2007、12 校级优秀大学生 ·2007、4 校级优秀共青团员 ·2007、4 2007年全国第九届大学生篮球联赛东北赛区青年志愿者 个人信息 ·英语 CET-4,552,具有良好的读写能力。 ·计算机 熟练掌握Word, Excel, PowerPoint 等Office 办公软件,还精通Photoshop 系列软件。 ·个人爱好 乒乓球、旅游、读书、经济。 ·自我评价 责任心强,适应能力强,有良好的团队合作精神。 照 片

英文名 Room XXXBuilding North XX Civil Aviation University of China, Tianjin 300300 电话 (022) 电话Email: Gender: Female Birthplace: Date of Birth: June 1st, 1987 Political status: Y outh League EDUCATION ·Mar,2006 –present Civil Aviation University of China Tianjin Dept.of Business Administration. ·Academic Main Courses: Advanced mathematics、Principles of Statistics、Principles of Accounting、Management Information Systems、Information Retrieval、Economic law、Enterprise Strategy、International Trade、Marketing、Financ ial Management、Operations Research、Air cargo transportation、 Air transport economics、Strategic Management、Human Resource Management. WORK EXPERIENCE · 2006-2008 be the minister of the Editorial Department of theXXXUnion. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX · 2006-2008 be the Director of the Office Department of the Self-agency Primarily responsible for meeting organization and planning. AWARDS & HONORS · Dec 2006 Colonel-level excellent students, ·Dec 2007 Colonel-level excellent students, ·Apr 2007 Colonel-level excellent Y outh League, ·Apr 2007 as a Y oung volunteers of the 9th CUBA 2007 Northeast Region Matches. PERSONAL INFORMATION ·English ·A good command of both spoken and written English., ·CET-4,552. ·Computer ·Master user of Microsoft Office software, such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint; ·Familiar with applied program,including Photoshop etc. ·Interests ·Table-tennis, Traveling, Reading, Economy . ·Self-Evaluation ·Strong sense of responsibility, ·Good spirit of teamwork, ·Can learn new things well in short time. THANK YOU FOR READING


经典优秀英文简历模板 平面设计师英文简历模板 Richard Anderson 1234, West 67 Street, Carlisle, MA 01741, (123)456 7890. Objective Position as a senior creative graphics designer in an advertising agency. Notable Achievements 1997:Third place Graphics division award at Downtown Jacksonville Fine Arts. 1999: ADDY award for Direct Marketing along with Specialty Advertising Design. Managed three multimillion dollar advertising campaigns. Commissioned to design the front page of People's Year in Special Edition, XX. Employment History 7/98 Present Art Director Neon Corporation, Atlanta, GA Chiefly responsible for design of collateral,

direct art freelancers and photo shoots. Select clients included Springwood Psychiatric Institute, Winchester Medical Center, M T National Bank and Pepsi. 7/947/98 Graphic Artist Planet Rio Design, Atlanta, GA Responsibilities included layout/pasteup, illustration. Computer document files support service and output to RC paper and and design consulting. Program tutoring. Electronic retouching of photos. 7/92 3/94 Graphic Artist Wanted Weekly, Miami, FL Designed advertising for a national ads newspaper (typesetter machine) typeset want ads, pasted up the newspaper, shot and developed halftones, PMTs and reversals. Education MFA, Graphic Design 1995 Miami School of Art, Miami, FL , Graphic Design 1990 Brooklyn University, Brooklyn 文员英文简历模板 SKILLS:


个人简历 个人简历


个人简历 个人简历

个人简历应聘单位及职位: 个人简历 (供应届毕业生参考)

个人概况: 求职意向:__________________ 姓名: _______________性别: ________ 出生年月: ____年__ 月日健康状况: ___________ 毕业院校: _______________专业: _____________ 电子邮件: _______________传真: ____________ 联系电话: _______________ 通信地址: _______________邮编: ____________________ 教育背景: ______年月______年月___________ 大学__________专业(根据个人情况酌情增减) 主修课程: ________________________________________________(注:如需要详细成绩单,请联系我) 论文情况: ____________________________________________________(注:注明是否已发表) 英语水平: 基本技能:听、说、读、写能力 标准测试:国家四、六级;TOEFL;GRE..... 计算机水平: 编程、操作应用系统、网络、数据库......(请依个人情况酌情增减) 获奖情况: ________________ 、________________、________________ (请依个人情况酌情增减) 实践与实习: ____年____月____年____月_________公司__________工作 ____年____月____年____月_________公司__________工作(请依个人情况酌情增减) 工作经历: ____年____月____年____月_________公司__________工作(请依个人情况酌情增减) 个性特点: ___________________________________(请描述出自己的个性、工作态度、自我评价等)另: (如果你还有什么要写上去的,请填写在这里!) 附言:(请写出你的希望或总结此简历的一句精炼的话!) 例如:相信您的信任与我的实力将为我们带来共同的成功! 或希望我能为贵公司贡献自己的力量! 个人简历 (供有工作经验人员参考) 个人概况: 求职意向: ____________________ 姓名: ________________ 性别: 出生年月: ____年__月__日健康状况: 学历:毕业院校: _______________ 专业:参加工作时间: ____年月 联系方式: 电子邮件: _______________ 手机: ____________________ 家庭电话: _______________ 传真: ____________________ 通信地址: _______________ 邮编: ____________________ 教育背景:

个人简历 个人简历 应聘模板英文版

ATHENA DOE Web and Graphic Designer WHO AM I:Loremipsum dolor sit amet, consectetueradipiscingelit, seddiamnonummynibheuismodtincidunt utlaoreetdolore magna ad minim veniam, EDUCATIO N 2006-2008 Pristoncollege Graphic Design Loremipsum dolor sit amet cons ectetueradipiscingelit, seddiamnonummynibh euismod 2006-2008 Pristoncollege Web Design Loremipsum dolor sit amet cons ectetueradipiscingelit, seddiamnonummynibh euismod 2006-2008 Pristoncollege Software Enginering Loremipsum dolor sit amet cons ectetueradipiscingelit, seddiamnonummynibh eui 2010-2011 Tong Advertising Graphic Designer Loremipsum dolor sit amet cons ectetueradipiscingelit, seddiamnonummynibh euism 2006-2008 Abc Corporation Web Designer Loremipsum dolor sit amet cons ectetueradipiscingelit, seddiamnonummynibh euismod 2014-2015 Naksi Bangla Software Engineer Loremipsum dolor sit amet cons ectetueradipiscingelit, seddiamnonummynibh euismod 2014-2015 Naksi Bangla Creative Director Loremipsum dolor sit amet cons ectetueradipiscingelit, seddiamnonummynibh euismod EXPERIENC E REFFERENC E Dr. AsitBarua Prof. University of Dhaka Loremipsum dolor sit amet cons ectetueradipiscingelit, seddiamnonummynibh euismod Dr. AsitBarua Prof. University of Dhaka Loremipsum dolor sit amet cons ectetueradipiscingelit, seddiamnonummynibh euismod Dr. AsitBarua Prof. University of Dhaka Loremipsum dolor sit amet cons ectetueradipiscingelit, seddiamnonummynibh euismod Best Graphic Designer Loremipsum dolor sit amet cons ectetueradipiscingelit, seddiamnonummynibh euismod Worker Of the Year Loremipsum dolor sit amet cons ectetueradipiscingelit, seddiamnonummynibh euismod Confidence Dedication Accountable Analytical Diplomatic Attentiveness PERSONALQUALITIE S PROFESSIONAL SKILL 2012 2013 AWARD PHP INDESIGN


动画设计师英文简历模板精选动画设计师的英文简历该怎么写下面为大家带来英文简历,以供阅读和参考!希望对你们有帮助! 动画设计师英文简历模板精选 https://www.doczj.com/doc/916982297.html, (+86) 123456789 Portfolio: x Job objective: Animation EDUCATION Jobs University Bachelor of Animation Major courses: Basis of Design, Animation Art Design, Animation Techniques, Comic Techniques Longterm Perfect Power film and television animation production classes Animation Production Practice Used Maya and 3Dmax to produce a variety of simple molds PROFESSIONAL SKILLS 3D Design Software: 3DMax, Maya, LightWave Effects Composition Software: AE, Fusion Image Manipulation Software: Photoshop,

Illustrator English Skill: CET4 ANIMATION DESIGN EXPERIENCE Qingdao Phoenix Island Film and Television Animation Creative Ltd. 3D Design Assisted designers to draw effect and dealt with renderings Designed the core concept and overall framework of the whole project in accordance with requirements of creative director and clients Housekeeping Rabbit Animation Project Project members Development Tools: Maya, After Effects Responsible for the multiple lenses Layout, animation production, lighting and rendering test Responsible for the animation OP PERSONAL WORKS (SEE DETAILS IN ATTACHMENT) Happy Yunqi Flight Chess, a casual puzzle game which won the first prize Animation Demo: Animated scenes collection for original anime characters XXXX


自荐书 尊敬的贵公司领导: 您好! 据悉贵公司正在招聘工作人员,特冒昧写信自荐。 我是来自####大学****学院····专业的学生---,怀着对贵公司/单位的憧憬,我真诚地向您递交求职信,希望能够得到您的肯定,与贵公司/单位共同营造美好的未来。在此衷心感谢您在百忙之中阅读我的自荐书并从中了解一个忠诚的我! 在大学期间,我始终以我们的校训“(~~~~)”来要求自己。一、思想上,我积极要求进步,积极向上,在各方面严格要求自己,树立良好的人生观和价值观;二、学习上,我以学习为主,从未放松过对专业的学习,积极进取,学习态度谦虚,适应大学自主学习的学习方式,并摸索出一套适合自己的学习方法,通过自己不懈努力、勤奋学习,我有了较大的进步,成绩达到了良好以上;三、生活上,我朴素节俭,严于律己,宽以待人,尊敬师长,与同学们相处融洽,互帮互助。生活态度乐观,从不轻言放弃。我还积极参加校内体育活动、青年志愿者活动、校内外组织的文艺活动。四、工作中我锐意进取,虚心向别人请教学习,尽职尽责,按质按量主动完成任务。在2012年4月份曾组织同学一起参加第四届科技文化节之才艺表演大赛,并荣获二等奖。我热衷公益,追求卓越是我的理念,因此我获得了老师和同学们的认可,当然我更希望得到您的认可。 我深深地懂得:昨天的成绩已成为历史,在竞争激烈的今天,只有脚踏实地、坚持不懈地努力,才能获得明天的辉煌;只有不断培养能力,提高素质,挖掘内在的潜能,才能使自己立于不败之地。 我坚信:有实力,才有能力。 欣闻贵公司正在招聘工作人员,这对于我来说是个非常好的机遇与挑战。我愿意接受贵公司的挑选。如我有幸被录用,相信凭我的专业能力和激情,定会竭力为贵公司作贡献。最后,感谢您在百忙之中看完这份自荐书。如蒙约期面谈,请惠告时间、地点,我自当准时拜见。 热忱期待您的回复!衷心祝愿贵公司发展蒸蒸日上! 自荐人:--- 2013年 9 月 30日

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