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口语测试试卷 Book 2 Uni 1-Unit 8(学生用)




(Unit One, Book Two)

Task One Reading Aloud (5 points)

Directions:Read the following paragraphs. Please pay attention to your pronunciation, intonation and fluency.

(Student 1)She plunged into the paints and before I knew it, she had swept several fierce strokes and slashes of blue on the absolutely terrified canvas. Anyone could see it could not hit back. I hesitated no more. I seized the largest brush and fell upon my wretched victim with wild fury. I have never felt any fear of a canvas since.

(Student 2) Historians have called the decade after 1929, when Winston again fell from office, his barren years. Politically barren they may have been, as his lonely voice struggled to awaken Britain to the menace of Hitler, but artistically those years bore abundant fruit: of the 500-odd Churchill canvases in existence, roughly half date from 1930 to 1939.

Task Two Answering Questions (10 points)

Directions: Answer the questions related to the paragraphs you’ve read. Please pay attention to your pronunciation, intonation, fluency, grammar and logic.

Task Three Discussion (10 points)

Directions: Discuss the following topic with your partner(s). This is a group activity and you need to interact with your partner(s). Your performance will be judged according to your contribution to the group work.




(Unit Two, Book Two)

Task One Reading Aloud (5 points)

Directions:Read the following paragraphs. Please pay attention to your pronunciation, intonation and fluency.

(Student 1) This belief in hard work is the first of three main factors contributing to Asian students’ outstanding performance. It springs from Asians’ common heritage of Confucianism, the philosophy of the 5th-century-BC Chinese sage whose teachings have had a profound influence on Chinese society. One of Confucius’s primary teachings is that through effort, people can perfect themselves.

(Student 2)In Confucian philosophy, the family plays a central role —an orientation that leads people to work for the honor of the family, not just for themselves. One can never repay one’s parents, and there’s a sense of obligation or even guilt that is as strong a force among Asians as Protestant philosophy is among those in the West.

Task Two Answering Questions (10 points)

Directions: Answer the questions related to the paragraphs you’ve read. Please pay attention to your pronunciation, intonation, fluency, grammar and logic.

Task Three Discussion (10 points)

Directions: Discuss the following topic with your partner(s). This is a group activity and you need to interact with your partner(s). Your performance will be judged according to your contribution to the group work.




(Unit Three, Book Two)

Task One Reading Aloud(5 points)

Directions:Read the following paragraphs. Please pay attention to your pronunciation, intonation and fluency.

(Student 1)The company had just started a joint venture with a Japanese firm, and the American management needed someone to train the Japanese employees in its unique technology. George’s solid understanding of the equipment, its installation and use made him the best-qualified employee for the job, so everyone was happy when George accepted a two-year contract for temporary transfer to Japan.

(Student 2) When the American managers visited Japan, George accompanied us everywhere to ensure that we don’t do or say anything too stupid from the Japanese viewpoint. Whenever we did that anyway, he came to the rescue at once. Whole multitudes of difficulties never arose thanks to George’s skill at smoothing over small conflicts before they became big, emotional and costly.

Task Two Answering Questions(10 points)

Directions: Answer the questions related to the paragraphs you’ve read. Please pay attention to your pronunciation, intonation, fluency, grammar and logic.

Task Three Discussion(10 points)

Directions: Discuss the following topic with your partner(s). This is a group activity and you need to interact with your partner(s). Your performance will be judged according to your contribution to the group work.




(Unit Four, Book Two)

Task One Reading Aloud (5 points)

Directions:Read the following paragraphs. Please pay attention to your pronunciation, intonation and fluency.

(Student 1) We assume that everyone is either a success or a failure when, in fact, infinite degrees of both are possible. As Hayakawa points out, ther e’s a world of difference between “I have failed three times” and “I am a failure.” Indeed, the words failure and success cannot be reasonably applied to a complex, living, changing human being.

(Student 2) Success, which encourages repetition of old behavior, is not nearly as good a teacher as failure. You can learn from a disastrous party how to give a good one, from an ill-chosen first house what to look for in a second. Even a failure that seems total can prompt fresh thinking, a change of direction.

Task Two Answering Questions (10 points)

Directions: Answer the questions related to the paragraphs you’ve read. Please pay attention to your pronunciation, intonation, fluency, grammar and logic.

Task Three Discussion (10 points)

Directions: Discuss the following topic with your partner(s). This is a group activity and you need to interact with your partner(s). Your performance will be judged according to your contribution to the group work.




(Unit Five, Book Two)

Task One Reading Aloud (5 points)

Directions:Read the following paragraphs. Please pay attention to your pronunciation, intonation and fluency.

(Student 1)Balancing work and school was difficult. “I was staying up late studying, and going to work early every morning. I was having a hard time concentrating in class, and a hard time on the job because I was so tired,” she says. But she ended up with two A’s in her first semester anyway.

(Student 2) Priscilla decided to pursue an archaeology major, and in the summer of 1992, she got her first opportunity to really test out her interest in the subject. The archaeological field school of Washington State University was sponsoring a summer research project at a site alongside the Snake River in Washington. Priscilla threw herself into the work, and the project supervisors were impressed.

Task Two Answering Questions(10 points)

Directions: Answer the questions related to the paragraphs you’ve read. Please pay attention to your pronunciation, intonation, fluency, grammar and logic.

Task Three Discussion (10 points)

Directions: Discuss the following topic with your partner(s). This is a group activity and you need to interact with your partner(s). Your performance will be judged according to your contribution to the group work.




(Unit Six, Book Two)

Task One Reading Aloud(5 points)

Directions:Read the following paragraphs. Please pay attention to your pronunciation, intonation and fluency.

(Student 1) Known to millions, far and wide, for his book A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawking is a star scientist in more ways than one. His gift for revealing the mysteries of the universe in a style that non-scientists can enjoy made Hawking an instant celebrity and his book a bestseller in both Britain and America.

(Student 2)Hawking the schoolboy was a typical grind, underweight and awkward and peering through eyeglasses. His grey uniform always looked a mess and he spoke rather unclearly, having inherited a slight lisp from his father. This had nothing to do with early signs of illness; he was just that sort of kid –a figure of classroom fun, respected by his friends, avoided by most.

Task Two Answering Questions (10 points)

Directions: Answer the questions related to the paragrap hs you’ve read. Please pay attention to your pronunciation, intonation, fluency, grammar and logic.

Task Three Discussion (10 points)

Directions: Discuss the following topic with your partner(s). This is a group activity and you need to interact with your partner(s). Your performance will be judged according to your contribution to the group work.

《大学英语2 》口语试卷(考生用)


(Unit 7, Book 2)

Task One Reading Aloud (5 points)

Directions:Read the following paragraphs. Please pay attention to your pronunciation, intonation and fluency.

(Student 1)It’s easy to understand the reasons for this prejudice against thinking. One problem is that to most of us, thinking looks suspiciously like doing nothing. A human being in deep thought is an uninspiring sight. He leans back in his chair, props up his feet, puffs on his pipe and stares into space. He gives every appearance of wasting time.

(Student 2)And thinking does require time and effort. It’s a common misconception that if a person is “gifted” or “bright” or “talented,” wonderful ideas will flash spontaneously into his mind. Unfortunately, the intellect doesn’t work this way. Even Einstein had to study and think for months before he could formulate his theory of relativity.

Task Two Answering Questions (10 points)

Directions: Answer the questions related to the paragraphs you’ve read. Please pay attention to your pronunciation, intonation, fluency, grammar and logic.

Task Three Discussion(10 points)

Directions: Discuss the following topic with your partner(s). This is a group activity and you need to interact with your partner(s). Your performance will be judged according to your contribution to the group work.



(Unit Eight, Book One)

Task One Reading Aloud (5 points)

Directions:Read the following paragraphs. Please pay attention to your pronunciation, intonation and fluency.

(Student 1) Those rules probably govern our lives on a more absolute basis than the ones you could find if you looked in the law books. The customs that govern us are what make a civilization. There would be chaos without them, and yet it’s not at all clear why — even in our disintegrating society — we obey them.

(Student 2)In the restaurant, after the man had yelled “Damn it, Sylvia” t here was a tentative atmosphere among the other diners for half an hour after it happened. They weren’t sure what disturbed them about what they had witnessed; they knew, though, that it had violated something very basic about the way we're supposed to behave.

Task Two Answering Questions (10 points)

Directions: Answer the questions related to the paragraphs you’ve read. Please pay attention to your pronunciation, intonation, fluency, grammar and logic.

Task Three Discussion (10 points)

Directions: Discuss the following topic with your partner(s). This is a group activity and you need to interact with your partner(s). Your performance will be judged according to your contribution to the group work.


Optional Topics for Oral English Test 13.12 1.On Culture 1) What do you know about the American symbols? Give us some examples. The main sign of the United States of America's Statue of Liberty, Bobbi doll, uncle Sam,American Gothic and the Buffalo Nickel.For first one,the Statue of Liberty is France in 1876 presented to the United States 100 years of independence. Liberty Island Statue of Liberty is located in the United Statesnear the city of New York in the American state of New York, is an importanttourist attractions in the United States of America.For Uncle Sam,It was used to refer to the "American" or "the government of the United States," was created by artist James Montgomery Flagg, is one of the top five American symbol. Americans also "Uncle Sam" honest, hard-working, as well as the spirit of patriotism and national pride and their total quality.And"American Gothic" is a 1930 painting by Grant Wood.He asked his 62 year old dentist and his 30 year old sister as the charactermodels, and let them put on the nineteenth Century Vitoria times. Although in thetwo people are standing in a block, but in fact these two characters are done in different occasions. the Buffalo Nickel,is in 1911 the famous American artist James Earl Fraser design, 1913-1938 years into a coin production.The United States coins depict traditional main is a towering figure in the United States government, most of which is the famous presidents. 2) Give us at least 3 symbols of Chinese culture. 1:Beijing courtyard is the court house from the East, West, South, North surroundedthe house Wai together form. It is the main architectural form generations living in the oldpeople in Beijing.The typical characteristics of exterior courtyard rules, midline symmetry, and the usage is extremely flexible 2:Hanfu, also known as Chinese dressed, Han Chinese traditional dress, also known as the Chinese clothing, clothing


小学英语口语交际测试题 三年级上册 U n i t1 1、.Hello! / Hi! 2、 Goodbye 3、Hello, I’m Wu Yifan. 4、This is John. 5、What’s your name? 6、Happy Teacher’ Day! Unit 2 1、Nice to meet you. 3、Good morning. 4、Good afternoon! 5、Let’s go to school. 6、Where is your mouth? 7、Happy Halloween! Unit 3 1、How are you?. 2、I like blue and pink. 3、Let’s paint.! Recycle1 1、Who are you ? Unit 4 新课标第一网 1、May I have a look? 2、Where is your nose? 3、Can I have some chicken? 4、Sure, here you are. 5、Thank you. Unit 5 1、Have some French fries. 2、What do you like? 3、Have some coke? 4、Can I have some chicken? Unit 6 1、How many candles/cakes/gifts? 2、This is for you. 3、Let’s eat the birthday cake! 4、How old are you? 5、Happy Birthday. Recycle 2 1、Happy New Year! 2、May I have a look?


小学语文五年级下册口语测试试题及评分标准 一、口语测试试题 1、背诵课文(抽一篇): 《草原》的第一、二段;《白杨》的第十二段;《古诗词三首》;《杨氏之子》;《自己的花是让别人看的》的第三自然段;《威尼斯的小艇》的第四、五、六段。 2、口语交际(任选一题)。 (1)同学们,日子一天天过去,我们一天天长大。在这一学期中,我们有过获得成功的喜悦,有过遭受挫折的烦恼,也遇到过困惑不解的问题。让我们向同学或老师来交流或倾诉你的烦恼、喜悦或困惑,好吗?要求语句通顺连贯,说清楚事情的过程,并把自己的感受说说清楚。 (2)班级里要说的事太多了,班级各种各样的人都有,可以说说班级发生的各种新鲜的事,有趣的事,可以说说班级的几位老师,可以说说各个老师和同学不同的感情交往,也可以说说你们班级的精神如如何团结,如何具有集体荣誉感,也可以说说班级最近的变化。 (3)我最喜欢的一位老师——你可以分几个方面来说一说我喜欢这位老师,是因为什么原因;还可以把一件事的具体细节刻画出来。 评分标准 2、背诵(30分) 背诵课文正确、流利、有感情,记满分,为“优”。 背诵基本正确、流利、有1—2处错误,有感情,酌情扣1—5分,为“良”; 背诵中有遗忘,经提示1—2次背完,酌情扣5—10分,为“合格”; 背诵不合格者,允许有补背的机会,补背仍由教师给予任意抽取课文; 3、口语交际(40分) 从内容、语言、情感态度特征、普通话四个方面进行评分,其中每一大项里面有分A、B、C、D四小项,A项得10分,B项得10—8分,C项得8—6分,D项得6—4分,学生口语交际的最后得分是四小项的总和。满分者,为“优”,扣1—5分,为“良”,扣5—10分,为“合格”,不合格者允许用原有话题补说。


四年级下册小学数学期末评价试卷 一.填空题。(每空1分,共20分) 1、一个数由7个十,6个十分之一,5个一百分之一组成,这个数写作( ), 读作( ),把它精确到十分位是( )。 2、350克=( )千克 2千米40米=( )千米 3元2角=( )元 3、在5.63、 5.06、 5.19、 5.029中,最大的数是( ),最小的是( )。 4、一个等腰三角形的一条腰长5厘米,底边长4厘米,围成这个等腰三角形至少需要( )厘米的绳子。 5、把18570改写成“万”作单位的数是( ),精确到万位是( )。 6、一个等腰三角形的顶角是40°,这个三角形的一个底角是( )。 7、在□里填上数,要使5□.□2最大,这个数是( );使这个数最接近51,这个数是( )。 8、一个圆形跑道长400米,如果每20米竖一个广告牌,一共可以竖( )个。 9、把0.126的小数点向右移动两位是( ),把( )的小数点向左移动三位是0.0068。 10、 如右图,一块三角形纸片被撕去了一个角。 这个角是( )度,原来这块纸片的形状 是( )三角形,也是( )三角形。 二.判断题。(5分) 1、去掉小数末尾的“0”,小数的大小不变。 2、73-73×2=(73-73)×2=0 ( ) 3、一个三角形的三条边分别是3厘米、5厘米、9厘米。 ( ) 4、0.3和0.30的大小相等,计数单位也相同。 ( ) 5、如果直角三角形的一个锐角是45°,这个三角形一定是等腰三角形。 ( ) 三.选择题。(5分) 1.下面三组小棒,不能围成三角形的是( )。 2、 50减去25的差,乘20加13的和,正确的算式是( ) A 、50-25×20+13 B 、(50-25)×20+13 C 、(50-25)×(20+13) 3、如右图被纸板遮住的三角形是( )。 A 直角三角形 B 锐角三角形 C 4、0.996保留两位小数是( )。 A 、0.99 B 、1.00 C 、1.0 5、已知在等腰三角形中,一个角是50°,那么另两个角的度数是( )。 3厘米 3厘米 5厘米 4厘米 4厘米 4厘米 3厘米 3厘米 6厘米 A 、 B 、 C 、


高中学生英语口语等级测试试卷 注意事项: 1.教师用卷中所提示的答案仅为参考答案。测试第二大题时,学生可根据所读 短文的内容用不同的方式回答。测试第三、第四大题时,学生可根据所给提示或内容要点用不同的方式表达。 2.第三大题情景对话由主考或副主考开始。 一、用正确的语音语调朗读下面的短文。(记10分) Millions of words have been written about young people in the United States. There are reasons for this great interest in the ideas, feelings and actions of y outh. Today there are about seven million Americans in the colleges and universities. Young persons under 25 make up nearly half of the American population. M any of these will soon be in charge of the nation. Naturally, their ideas are i mportant to everyone in the country, and it is necessary for older people to un derstand what they think and feel. College students today have strong opinions about right and wrong. They are d eeply interested in making a better life for all people, especially for those who have not been given a fair chance before. They see much that is wrong in th e old ways of their elders. So they insist on changing them. As a result, there is often trouble in American families. 二、根据所读短文内容回答下列问题。(记10分) (1) How many Americans are there in the colleges and universities? About seven million. (2) Why are young people very important in the USA today? Because many of them will soon be in charge of the country. (3) What is necessary for older people to do? It is necessary for older people to understand what young people think and fee l. (4) What strong opinions do the college students today have? They have strong opinions about right and wrong. (5) What often causes trouble in American families? The different ideas and opinions between parents and children often cause trou ble in American families. 三、根据所给提示用英语进行交谈。(记10分) 提示:假如你的朋友问你有关急救的知识,你告诉对方,如果发现某人已停止呼吸,就必须你必须立刻设法使他呼吸;如果某人在大量出血,应想法设法给他止血,要他用手帕压迫出血点并固定住它;如果某人被动物咬伤,应


小学期末试卷及答案 一、基础知识。 1.按查字典要求填空。 当你不认识“兆、摩、粥( zhōu)”这三个字,你该选用哪种查字典的方法合适。想一想,再填下来。 (1)用音序查字法查,较方便的字是,应先查、,再查、。 (2)用部首查字法查,较方便的字是,应先查部,再查 ( ) 画。 (3)用数笔画查字法查,较方便的字是,这个字的第四笔名称是。 2.用“视、灵”组词,并分别填在( )里。 (1)视:( )黑板 ( )四周 ( )天空 ( )大地 (2)灵:脑筋( ) 身手( ) 动作( ) 消息( ) 3.照样子在括号里填上一组近义词或反义词,组成成语。 例:手( 舞)足(蹈) ( )山( )野明( )暗( ) 瞻(前)顾(后) 顾( )失( ) 口( )心( ) 4.读读想想,选择正确答案的序号填在( )里。(可选1—2个答案) (1)下面各组字,能按音序顺序排列的是第( )组。 〔①唉汤慨歧②唉汤歧慨③唉慨歧汤〕 (2)下面各组词语,用字不完全的是第( )组。 〔①编辐妥帖②焚烧旗帜③郑地出板④缩短原谅〕 (3)“思援弓缴面射之。”句中“援”的正确理解是( )。 〔①引用②引、拉③援助④引导〕 (4)“那是一间高大的宫殿式的房子,室内陈设极其简单。”句中“高

大”的反义词是( ), “简单”的近义词是( )。 〔①简朴②简便③简陋④微小⑤低矮⑥巨小〕 (5)下面词语反搭配不当是( )。 〔①改善工作②改造机器③态度严肃④考验来厉〕 (6)下面词语是表示坚决地,毫不犹豫的意思的词是( )。 〔①决然②果然③断然④果断⑤毅然〕 (7)下面成语是表示绿的生命的是( ),是表示绿的神态的是( )。〔①一碧千里②花红柳绿③翠色欲流④万古长青〕 (8)“多少种绿颜色□深的□浅的□明的□暗的□绿得难以形容的□”“□”里应加的标点最正确的是第( ) 组。 〔①:,,,,。②:、、,,。③:、、、、。④,,,,,。〕 5.按要求写句子。 (1)老大爷笑着对我们说:“你们做得真好,我还要向你们学习呢。”改为转述句: (2)用不同的关联词把下面两句话连成通顺的句子。 这使我看到自己作文的种种毛病。这使我认识到文学事业的艰巨。① ② 6.修改病句,并在( )里写上病因。 (1)西伯利亚发布了气象台来的寒流即将南下的消息。( ) (2)读了这些课外书,使我明白了很多道理。 ( )


Topics for Oral test 1. Which great leader do you admire most? What qualities did/does he/she have? bill gates 2. Which do you cherish more, your friendship with a good friend or your romantic relationship? obviously, friend is easy to make, but lover is kind of hard to seek for. Since relationship between friends might be not that close compared to romantic relationship, I will probably take it serious and cherish this sweet relationship. Also, I believe that my friends will support me and our relationship won’t be tense and freezing because of this. As the Chinese saying goes, once you got a boyfriend or a girlfriend, you may leave your friends out of your mind. I partly agree this, and when I fall in love, especially at the very beginning, I think I will cherish it more than friendship. 3. What factors would you consider first if you were to find a job (even a part-time job)? I will first consider whether this company and the offered position is high potential. I think high potential is a quality that is vital for the company’s future development and its personnel’s self improvement. Every one need a room to promote and realize one’s self-value. Another factor I concern is—its location. I’d like to work and live in big cities because big cities offer so many opportunities and a higher salary while small cities can’t. 4. Whom do you usually turn to when in trouble, vour parents or your friends? They know me better than anyone else and their vision is wide, their thoughts are mature.


复兴小学语文朗读、口语测试评价总结 一、总体情况 本次的口语测试评价共106名同学参加了测试,这次测试包含了课文朗读和口语表达评价。学生到位后,考评老师按考核名单点名考核,并且根据情况记录、评价。考评完毕后,教师做好登记、统计全校考评成绩,并将考核结果交由学校存档。 二、学生表现 本次口语测评,比较真实的反映了同学的口语、倾听和表达的水平,绝大多数的学生能正确、流利的背诵课文内容,做到不加字,不漏字,少部分同学还能够做到有感情地背诵。而在口语交际测试中,大部分的学生能做到声音响亮,态度自然,有礼貌,口齿清楚,能根据话题正确叙述。倾听上绝大多数孩子能做到专心、能根据对话进行正确的应答,但个别同学的倾听反映稍慢。 三、等级比例 1.课文朗读 A级水平:共82人 B级水平:共19人 C级水平:共5人 2.口语表达 A级水平:共81人 B级水平:共19人 C级水平:共6人 3.倾听能力

A级水平:共83人 B级水平:共16人 C级水平:共7人 四、存在问题 1.课文朗读:部分学生前后鼻音发音不到位,鼻音、边音不分,前鼻韵母、后鼻韵母不分。 有的同学在背诵时不能流利背诵,结结巴巴,还有个别同学有漏背、背错词句和吐字不清等现象。 2.口语表达:少数同学说话声音太小,说话时缺乏感情,语言表达也不够流畅。 3.倾听:大部分同学倾听时能做到专注,正确应答,但也有个别词不达意的现象。 五、改进措施 1.提高口语交际教学认识 进行口语交际训练是素质教育的重要内容,是语文教学义不容辞的职责。语文教师应该认识到“口语交际”教学不仅仅是依靠口语进行双向或多向的信息交流的一种活动,它除了具备听话、说话的能力外,还有与人交往能力、待人处事能力、生存能力等。因此,作为一名语文老师,应该着眼于学生的明天,为学生将来发展着想,从思想上重视对学生进行口语交际训练,并想方设法在教学实践中落实口语交际教学,使学生真正具备口语交际的本领。 2.补充口语交际训练内容 我们要根据情境进行口语交际的教学,根据学生的实际需要,选择贴近当地生活的话题,开发校本教材。校本教材的开发和利


苏教版小学数学一年级下册期末试卷 班级姓名 一、智力拼盘(28分) 1、8个十去掉3个十是()个十,是()。 4、看图写数。 ()()() 5、59里面有()个十和()个一。 6、56比73少();比28多15的数是();37比()多19;() 比41少15。 7、100是()位数,76是()位数。 8、长方形有()条边,正方形有()条边,三角形有()条边。 9、将下列各数从小到大排列。 52 49 100 87 46 78 ()<()<()<()<()<() 10、4角3分=()分 10角=()分 78角=()元()分 100分=()元 11、最小的两位数与最大的两位数相差()。 12、8个十和6个一组成的数是()。 13、24中的2在()位上,表示()个();4在()位上, 表示()个()。 14、根据9 + 7 = 16写两个减法算式。 二、公正的裁判员(在○里填上“>”、“<”或“=”)(6分) 9+5○15 27+6○35 42-7○35 71+9○78 86-57○25 1元7角○17角

三、按要求写数(6分) 1、写出1——100中十位上是7的数。 2、写出0——100中个位上是0的数。 四、我比电脑算得快(10分) 72 – 20 = 67 – 9 = 86 – 6 = 7 + 62 = 37 – 3 = 43 – 30 = 46 + 3 = 7 + 62 = 27 + 40 = 86 – 40 = 57 + 3 = 32 + 60 = 29 + 4 = 75 – 5 = 90 – 40 = 五、在你认为合适的答案下面找“√”(12分) 小明折了5朵 (1)小红折的比小明的多25朵,小红折了多少朵? (2)小军折的比小红折的多得多,小军折了多少朵? 六、看图写算式(8分) 1、 2、


小学一年级上册语文期末口语测试题_口试题 一、朗读课文(任抽以下一篇课文)读错处个成绩 《爷爷和小树》《雨点儿》《一次比一次有进步》《借生日》 二、背诵课文(任抽以下一篇课文)读错处个成绩 《阳光》《四季》《小小的船》《自己去吧》 三、认读测试(四抽一:具体内容见附件)错处成绩 四、口语表达测试题(三抽一) 1.在学校里,哪件事最让你高兴?说说为什么? 2.在家里,你最喜欢干什么?为什么? 3.仔细看图,说说图的意思,把事情说明白。 附件(认读) 1 、我家的小花园 在我家的阳台上,爸爸为我造了一座小花园。不过,在这座花园里,你看不到几十米高的大树,也见不到绿色的小草。在我们的花园里,只有十几花。可不要小看这十几花,它们在每一天,都会带给我们许多快乐!就说冬天吧,红红的梅花开了,满屋子都是花香,直香到心里。在这样的地方生,能不美吗?春天、夏天、秋天,和冬天不,很多花都开了,什么春花呀,桃花呀,花色、花香不一样,可花都是一样的美丽,一样地让人快乐。 在我家的花园里,一年四季都有鲜花。小朋友,你就不想到我家来看一看、玩一玩吗? 2、新房子 一天,小猫、小熊、小山羊还有小猴子,一起在森林里玩。他们看见小狗正在造房子。 小猫说:“朋友们,我们也来造一间房子怎么样?” “好啊!”小山羊说,“我要把房子造在草地上。这样,我一出门就能吃到青青的草。” 小猫说:“不好,不好。我要把房子造在小河边。这样,会有好多小鱼在河里着我呢!” 小熊说:“我可是要住在山洞里的,要不我们就在这里一个洞吧!” 小猴子听了,跳起来,说:“那怎么。我看,还是住在树上最好,那多自在呀!” 房子到造在哪儿呢? 3、我的好朋友 最近,爸爸给我带来了一个好朋友。他,个子不高,方方的头,大大的。坐在那里安安静静的,很少说话。他的本可大了! 每天,只要我一回家,他就成了我最好的朋友和老师。我们一起读书、画画、玩游……我这个朋友可神了,没有他不会的。做起来又对又快,告诉他的从来不会。他还能让我不出家门,知道我想知道的一。 怎么样,我的好朋友不吧!小朋友,你们知道他是谁吗? 4、年 年就要到了。平平坐在窗前,望着天上闪闪的星星,着新年娃娃的到来。不一会儿,远远的天空升起了一朵彩云,彩云越来越近,来是一条金色的小船。船头上小黄猫和小黑狗正大声告诉大家:年到了!小船很快到了平平面前。他看见船里有许多小动物。嘴巴的小鸭子、长尾巴的小松鼠、会骑车的小猴,还有一个漂亮的娃娃。她就是新年娃娃。平平高兴得跳起来。他和新年娃娃一起,小朋友们问好,大家新年快乐! 夜深了,平平在新年的声中睡着了,睡得那么香。早晨,他发现床头放着一个漂亮的新年娃


口语测试题 《课程标准》阶段性达标测试 三年级英语口语测试卷 一、本测试卷共A、B、C三部分,供教师对学生口语测试时使用, 每位学生仅测试其中一部分,抽签决定。各学校务必严密组织、严格操作。 二、时间安排:2014年11月21日星期五上午8:00开始 三、满分:20 分四、评分要求: 五、口语测试题 口语测试卷A 、请根据图片或汉语提示说出单词(8 分)

黄色绿色 Ⅱ、请说出你所听句子的应答语。 (12 分) 1.What's your name? 2.Good afternoon,? 3.Let's go to school. 4.I have an eraser. 5.How are you? 6.Goodbye,? 口语测试卷B 、请根据图片或汉语提示说出单词(8 分) 红色橙色 1.Hello,I 'm Miss White.

2.Hi,my name's? 3.Nice to meet you! 4.Good morning. 5.How are you? 6.Bye,? 口语测试卷C 、请根据图片或汉语提示说出单词(8 分) 白 色Ⅱ、请说出你所听句子的应答语。(12 分) 1.What's your name? 2.How are you? 3.Let 's go to school! 4.Let 's make a puppet!

5.Nice to meet you! 6.Goodbye,? 《课程标准》阶段性达标测试 四年级英语口语测试卷 一、本测试卷共A、B、C三部分,供教师对学生口语测试时使用,每位学生仅测试其中一部分,抽签决定。各学校务必严密组织、严格操作。 二、时间安排:2014年11月21日星期五下午1:40开始 三、满分:20 分四、评分要求: 五、口语测试题 口语测试卷A 、请根据图片读出单词(10 分)


小学三年级语文口语交际与写作测试题 班级姓名 一、中午上学前,你的同学张思月说她今天下午家里有事,不能去学校上课了,让你帮忙给老师请个假。下午你来到学校,见到班主任老师你会怎么说呢? 二、学校广播室征集好人好事的稿件。想一想,你们班级有哪些好人好事?选择 一个写下来送到广播室吧! 三、班级要开展讲故事比赛,请你结合自己搜集的材料给大家讲一个故事,并且 说说这个故事给你带来的启发。 四、你在外地的表姐来到你家做客,顺便想去玩一玩,请你当小导游,帮忙选择

好玩的去处,并且要先介绍一下那里。你会怎样介绍呢? 我来给你说一说: 五、请用小豆豆、牵牛花、小羊、小河、月亮姐姐、蝴蝶妹妹编一个有趣的童话 吧!想想他们之间发生了什么有趣的故事呢 六、完成对话

家里来了客人,你的父母碰巧又不在家,你该怎么办呢?请把你们的对话写下来。 七、许多文章在写作时都采用中心句写法,也就是全文都围绕一句话来写。 比方说:“西沙群岛也是鸟的天下。岛上有一片片茂密的树林,树林里栖息着各种海鸟。遍地都是鸟蛋。树下堆积着一层厚厚的鸟粪,这是非常宝贵的肥料。” 我们在写作文时也可以这样写,下面就请你以“这本书真是太好看了!”为中心句,写一段话。

八、多彩的课间,有趣的游戏,你最喜欢和朋友们做什么游戏呢?现在就来向大 家介绍一下吧! 九、写通知 1、学校定于明天举行运动会,要求全体学生穿好校服、戴好红领巾,早8点到 校集合。请你替学校广播站写一个通知。

2、你们班要举行庆六一联欢会,请你替班委会写一个通知,邀请科任老师及学 生家长代表。 十、自由表达题 1、春天的雨、夏天的风、秋天的叶、冬天的雪,你最爱哪个呢?请你选择一个 写下来吧!注意运用一些积累的好词佳句,或者运用一些修辞方法,是文章能够打动人心。 2、这段时间你有没有进行观察?下面就请你写一写你对一种昆虫或者一种小动 物的观察吧! 3、孙悟空有七十二变,可以任由它变化。假如你是孙悟空,你想变成什么?自 由翱翔的雄鹰?快乐游戏的小鱼?美丽的神仙姐姐?威武勇敢的绝地武士? 也许你有更好的想法,这都不成问题。因为你现在就是孙悟空啦!请你用手中的笔写一写“假如你会七十二变”…… 4、同学们,你有好朋友么?你跟朋友之间发生了哪些事情呢?下面就请你写一 写和朋友间发生的事情。注意语句要通顺,把这件事情说清楚。题目自拟。


2009--- 2010学年度上学期 小学一年级数学期末测试题 班别姓名座号成绩 一、填一填。(第15题3分,其余每空0.5分,共26分) 1. 比16少1的数是()。1个十和8个一组成()。 2. 13和15的中间的数是(),19后面的数是()。 3. 7里面有()个十和()个一。 4. 比10多6的数是(),10比6多()。 5. 个位上是4,十位上是1,这个数是()。 6. 15是由()个一和()个十组成的。 7. 最大的一位数是( ),最小的两位数是()。 8. 5前面一个数是( ),6后面一个数是( )。 9. 请你写出一个数,使它的个位上的数比十位上的数多3,这个数是()。 10. 与15相邻的两个数是()和()。 11. 请写出比6大而又比16小的数是 12. 找规律填数。 13.在○里填上“+”或“-”。(3分) 15○5=10 4○9=13 8○8=0 10+2=6○6 16○6=10 7○0=7 14.在○里填上“>”、“<”或“=”。(3分) 6+9○16 12-1○13 9+9○19 8-6○8+6 9-9○0+9 16+2○18 15.把下面的数按从小到大的顺序排列起来。(3分) 15 6 8 17 20 0 2 10

二、比一比,填一填。(第1题3分,第2题2分,共5分。) 1.△△△△○○○○○○□□□□ ()和()同样多。○比△多()个。再画()个○,就比□多5个。2.在多的后面打“√” ,在少的后面打“×” (1)△△△△△()(2)********() ●●●●●● ()☆☆☆☆☆☆() (3分) 1.上面一共有( )个图形。 2排在第( 排在第()个。 3.把从左数起的第三个图形起来,把右边的4个图形圈起来。 四、给下面的图形分类。( 5分) □ 立体图形平面图形 五、连一连。(6分) 六、画一画。(第1题6分,第2题2分,共8分) 1.6+()=9 ○○○○○○ 5+()=10 ○○○○○ 2+()=4 ○○ ①② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩


1.What part does money play in happiness? .Money is not everying,but without money,everying is nothing.sometime,钱起着重要作用2.Do you believe that the ordinary person is happy or unhappy? Why? 谈谈你的幸福经历吧? Happiness in everyone's eyes are different,Someone who have a lot of friends, will be happy,but Someone who have a lot of friends, will be happy too, .happiness is a state of mind.As long as one thinks he is content and satisfied,he is happy.(你们说得都对,每个人都有不同的观点。一些富有的人,他们认为他们是幸福的;一些有很多朋友的人,他们也感到很开心。幸福是一种感觉,只要人认为他是充实和满足的,他就是幸福的) 你有哪些不快乐的经历 不开心的事情就是这些年一直没有成为党员I have not become Party members for a long time,which is the most make me sad 3.In your opinion, what is the most important characteristic (for example, honesty, intelligence, and a sense of humor) that a person can have to be successful in life? Use specific reasons and examples from your experience to explain your answer. Faith without doubt …,.anyone who want to succsee,to a great degree,depend on ambition 4.Do you think it’s necessary for a person to have ambition? Why or why not? Ambition without doubt …,.anyone who want to succsee,to a great degree,depend on ambition 5.Hardship is always a bad thing. Do you agree or disagree? And why?


桐庐县小学英语口语测试实施方案 (讨论稿) 英语作为国际交往和科技、文化交流的重要工具,具有工具性和人文性双重性质。小学英语课程的目的是激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们对英语学习的积极态度,使他们建立初步的学习英语的自信心,培养学生一定的语感和良好的语音、语调基础,使他们形成初步用英语进行简单的日常交流的能力,为进一步学习打下基础。根据教育部《义务教育英语课程标准》,为全面提高我县小学英语教学质量,全面评价学生学习英语情况,结合我县教学现状,制定桐庐县小学英语口语测试实施方案。 一、测试目的 1. 了解、检查小学各年级学生英语学习状况,着重考查学生口语表达及实际运用所学语言的能力。 2. 了解教师在使用教材,贯彻落实英语课程标准等方面的情况。 3. 优化评价方式。促进学生个性化、多元化的发展。 二、事项说明 1. 测试时间:每学年第二学期5月。三个模块同时进行,每位学生平均用时大约2~3分钟。每所学校检测用时约1.5小时。 2. 被测学校:同类学校(或四类学校选同类学校抽测)。 3. 测试地点:被测学校(候测室与检测室)。 4. 被测学生:三~六年级随机抽测一个年段。随机抽取被测班级,从被测班级中随机抽取30名学生。(或按学校学生数,等距抽取。) 5. 测试员(教师):全县安排13个监考组,每组3名监考教师,其中1名为组长,每组一天完成三所学校监考工作。监考教师由教研室组织人员并进行培训。 6. 测试内容:三个模块,包括自主展示、即时朗读、综合运用。 三、测试流程 (一)测试准备 1. 被测学校:准备两间教室(工作室),一间为测试室,一间为候测试。 2. 被测学生:测试前,测试教师组长随机抽取被测年段一个班,然后再从被测班级中抽取30名学生,男女生比例相等。年级人数少于30人的按实际人数。测试开始5分钟前,每组10人带本学期课本在候测试等候。 3. 测试教师:测试教师分工,每位教师负责检测一个模块并当场打分。 (二)测试过程 测试开始,一名学生在候测试(测试教师1处)完成第一模块自主展示模块后,进入测试室从测试老师手中抽取即时朗读题目完成第二模块,最后至第三位老师处抽取第三模块综合运用题目并完成测试。所有考生依此进行。


2019年小学生一年级期末试卷 一、从下面找出声母、韵母和音节分别写下来。(30分) yu j wan zh ong shi ao h hua y r e qing x ie 二、把图和音节用线连起来。(24分) 三、读拼音写笔画,并写出带有这个笔画的两个字。(6分)heng zhe shu gou 四、看图读拼音写汉字。(24分) 五、看图读句子填空。(16分)

小学语文第一册期中试卷(二) 一、按顺序填写声母、韵母。(33分) 二、看图把音节补充完整。(3分) 三、看拼音写笔画。(4分) 1.heng zhe()2.Shu zhe () 3.Heng pi e()4.heng zhe gou() 四、按要求填空。(12分) 五、写出下面字的笔顺。(5分) 1.在____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 2.青____ ____ ____ ____ _____ _____ _____ ______ 3.西____ ____ ____ ____ ______ ____ 4.北____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 5.耳____ ____ ____ _____ _____ _____

六、选字填空。(4分)(人鱼牛鸟) 1.()在水中游。2.()在天上飞。3.()吃青草。4.()走出门口。 七、看拼音写词语。(16分) zu sh o u men k o u ch e zi shen ying ()()()() da feng bei yin xia y u shu ni ()()()() 八、写出下面词的反义词。(6分) 入--()来--()左--() 大--()上--()东--() 九、把下面的字,按声母分类抄下来。(8分) 天鸟生日田牛手人 n_______ ______ t ______ ______ sh______ ______ r ______ ______ 十、把下面的字,按韵母分类写下来。(8分) 羊方走雨北口鱼飞 ei_____ ______ { ____ ______ ou _______ _______ang ______ _____ 小学语文第一册期末试卷(三)


2011年四年级英语口语测试评分标准 项目要求得分 认读单词 10分 每读对1个单词得1分 朗读对话10分A档:语音语调标准,连读、停顿、断句正 确,语速适当,朗读自然流畅,富有表情。9-10分B档:语音语调标准,语速较适当,朗读较 自然流畅,连读、停顿、断句失误在2次以 内。 7-8分 C档:语音语调一般,语速不够适当,朗读 不够自然流畅,连读、停顿、断句失误在3 次以内。 5-6分 D档:语速不适当,朗读不自然流畅,连读、 停顿、断句失误在5次以内。1-4分 交际问答10分A档:答案准确,用词恰当,语法规范,语 音语调正确。(可提问2遍) 2分 B档:答案基本准确,用词较恰当,语法基 本规范,语音语调基本正确。(可提问2遍) 1分 C档:答案不正确,或错过时间。(可提问2 遍) 0分 听做唱演10分Let’s do 可听两遍,能完成一个动作得 2.5 分。 Song /Chant A档:节奏明快,语音、语调准确, 演唱自然流畅,富有表情。 5分 B档:语音语调标准,节奏较明快, 演唱较自然流畅,停顿、失误在2 次以内。 3-4分 C档:语音语调一般,节奏不够明 快,演唱不够自然流畅,停顿、断 句失误在3次以内。 1-2分

2011年四年级英语口语测试评分表 学校_____________ 序号学号姓名 各项得分 总分 认读单词 10分 朗读对话 1 0分 交际问答 10分听说唱演 10分 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

2011年四年级英语口语测试评分表 学校_____________ 25 序号学号姓名 各项得分 总分 认读单词 10分 朗读对话 1 0分 交际问答 10分 听说唱演 10分 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22


一年级口语测试题 〔评价意见:本此口语测试工作应由学校统一组织。本由测试组织每人各执一份,根据项目对每个学生进行逐项测试,并将测试结果记录登记入册,由学校存档,作为评价素养的主要依据。评分采用等级制,分“A”、“B”、“C”三个等级。〕 一、朗读课文(从以下5篇课文中抽1篇) 1剪窗花 2小白兔 3月儿弯弯 4 秋天 5江南 ■测试方法:准备5分钟后逐个测试。 ■评定标准: A:正确、流利、有感情,添字、漏字、换字、读错字和读错句不超过3处; B:基本正确、流利、有感情,添字、漏字、换字、读错字和读错句不超过4——6处; C:差错超过6处,不能读正确。 二、背诵课文(从以下3篇课文中抽1篇) 1小小的船 2升国旗 3比尾巴〔测试方法与评定标准同朗读〕

三、口语交际 1能有条理地做自我介绍。 2请使用礼貌用语问好、致谢、道谢、表示歉意。 ■测评方法:上面3个话题供抽签决定其中一个,有小组合作准备3-5分钟后进行。 ■评定标准:口语表达的评价根据的倾听、表达、应对、想象等方面的能力结合该生平时课堂发言的积极性及口语表达能力。 A:用普通话说,声音响亮,口齿清楚,态度自然,能根据话题正确叙述,能用上礼貌用语,语句通顺连贯。 B:用普通话说,对话题叙述基本正确,能用上礼貌用语,语句大多通顺,声音、口齿、态度方面有些不足。 C:不用或不完全用普通话说,话题叙述不清,语句大多不完整。

二年级口语测试题 〔评价意见:本此口语测试工作应由学校统一组织。本由测试组织每人各执一份,根据项目对每个学生进行逐项测试,并将测试结果记录登记入册,由学校存档,作为评价素养的主要依据。评分采用等级制,分“A”、“B”、“C”三个等级。〕 一、朗读课文(从以下5篇课文中抽1篇) 1树之歌 2田家四季歌 3妈妈睡了 4日月潭 5坐井观天 ■测试方法:准备5分钟后逐个测试。 ■评定标准: A:正确、流利、有感情,添字、漏字、换字、读错字和读错句不超过3处; B:基本正确、流利、有感情,添字、漏字、换字、读错字和读错句不超过4——6处; C:差错超过6处,不能读正确。 二、背诵课文(从以下3篇课文中抽1篇) 1夜宿山寺 2刺勒歌 3登鹳雀楼〔测试方法与评定标准同朗读〕

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