当前位置:文档之家› 我的家乡-恩施(英文演讲稿)



1.Good morning, everyone. I am glad to introduce my beautiful hometown Enshi to you.

2.My presentation includes four parts, location, people and custom , scenery and food.

3.My hometown is Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture. It is located in the southwestern corner of Hubei province.

You can come here by train / car / airplane. Of course, also can be by ship along the Yangtze river .

4.Enshi is China’s youngest aut onomous prefecture.

It has a population of 3.97 million, this picture show the construction of population. These are Miao girls. These are Tujia girls. Aren’t they pretty?

5.Tujia is one of the 56 minority people in China, they call themselves “Bizivkar”. The totem of Tujia is a white tiger. I am

a tujia.

6.This page shows Traditional Clothes, Songs and Dances,

Tujia people and Miao people commonly wear clothes

made of self-dyed clothes, often in blue and cyan.

Both men and women wear headdresses.

7.We have some famous folk songs like: Dragon Boat Melody(龙

船调),Huang Sijie(黄四姐), Orange Tree(柑子树).

And some famous dances like: Arms- swaying Dance(摆手

舞),Sa’er He撒尔嗬or Drum-beating Funeral Dance,

Wooden Bench Dragon Dance板凳龙舞, Nuo opera傩戏).

8.We have a lot of special Custom and Festivals of Tujia People.

It known as “Tujia Valentine’s Day”.

9.Tujia women will perform a ritual of wedding called “kujia”, literally “crying marriage”. It is the most passionate cultural feature in the ritual of wedding of Tujia people.

10.This is a celebration called “Offering Rice Wine” of Tujia people to welcome a newborn to their family.

11.Sa’er He,also known as Drum-beating Funeral Dance,is performed during funerals.It reflects the simple view on life of

Tujia people.

12.Now we move to the third part: Scenery.

Enshi has typical karst landform with rare stones, clear water, high mountains and peaks covered with green trees.

13.This is Enshi Grand canyon with very amazing views.

14.This is Enshi Tusi City.This is the main entrance.

This is the old wall around the city to keep people safe. There are a lot of picture or statues of white tiger totum in the city. 15.This is famous scenic spot of enshi ,Flying Dragon

Cave.There are hills inside caves and also caves inside hills.

Water Cave is linked with Dry the cave. It is one of the

world’s super caves, ranking the 1st in Asia.

16.Shennong Stream originated from the south of Shennongjia and end into Yangtze river. It names the small Three gorges(小三峡) 17.Those are boat trackers(纤夫)in this stream, usually naked. As

the ship can hardly stop here, so the trackers are necessary.

Maybe all over in china, just here exists the boat tracker.

18.When you go along this river, you can see very beautiful


19. When you are in Enshi, you will also be attracted by its local

delicious food .Most famous one is Local bacon.

20.the most famous bean-residue is that with minced meat in

Zhangguan of Xuan’ en county.

it smells great and tastes delicious.

21.Fermented Chili Pepper with Cornmeal is a kind of

pickle for Tujia people, appears in sallow but smells good,

often cooked with bacon; cooked with much oil but not greasy.

22. There are many other delicious food in Enshi,like the pictures


23. There are still many funny things in my hometown, so welcome

to Enshi, and learn more by yourself.


我的家乡——兴化作文 我的家乡—兴化 家乡,是一个五颜六色的调色盘,给我金色的童年带来了无穷的快乐;家乡,是黑暗中的光明,是沙漠中的绿洲,给我留下了难以破灭的印象。 从前在家乡,大马路上都是来来往往的自行车,莫不过是电动车、摩托车;可现在,到处是私家车、巴士车。出门时还要注意过往的车辆,谨防出现交通事故。门口的平房变成了高楼大厦,跳绳、毽子变成了电子玩具,黑白电视机变成了高清影院,粘鞋的泥巴路变成了崭新的公路……啊,家乡的变化多大啊!现在的兴化不是那个穷乡僻壤的小镇,而是正在“变身”成为繁华都市。如今的郑板桥故居、水上森林风景区、缸顾油菜花风景区已经成为众所周知的旅游景点,各地的旅客们也接二连三的来我们兴化旅游。我为我是兴化人而感到自豪、感到骄傲。 我从小就是在兴化长大的,所以对兴化的人土风情也颇为了解。爸爸妈妈经常带我去游览兴化的景物,像:郑板桥故居、施耐庵陵园等,我不仅知道了这些历史人物,还了解了关于这些人物的历史故事。如:郑板桥,清代著名画家、文学家。又名郑燮,字克柔,汉族,江苏泰州兴化人。乃是康熙秀才、雍正举人、乾隆元年进士。一生主要住在扬州,以卖画为生,“扬州八怪”之一。他的诗、书、画均旷世独立,世称“三绝”,擅画兰、竹、

石、松、菊等植物,其中画竹已经五十余年,成就最为突出,著作有《板桥全集》。 兴化不仅历史名人不少,水产、物产更不少。例如:①兴化河蟹具有青壳、白肚、金爪、黄毛、红膏等特点,肌肉中含10余种氨基酸,壳含大量钙质,富含蟹红素、甲壳素等,营养十分丰富,药用价值多功能。②兴化青虾个体大,品质纯正,体色为青蓝色并伴有棕绿色斑纹,体表光洁半透明,身体分20节,全身覆盖甲壳,营养丰富,含有蛋白质、脂肪、糖类、灰分、钙、铁、维生素、硫胺素、桔黄素、尼克酸、细胞色素C和肌酸酐等,甲壳的主要成分是几丁质和蛋白质,兴化青虾除鲜活供应食用,还可加工成冻青虾、剪须虾、冻虾仁、虾籽、虾籽酱等名牌加工产品呢!③沙沟大鱼圆风味独特,别的地方则叫鱼丸子,鱼丸子细小如弹丸;说沙沟大鱼圆之大,在油锅里大如乒乓球般,盛在碗里色泽金黄,圆圆滚滚,里面肉色雪白,挟在筷子上是长的,掉在桌上是扁的,吃在嘴里是烫的,鲜嫩爽口,油而不腻,暖在心窝。④米甜酒,又名糯米浆酒,历史悠久1852年县志上即有记载:“甜酒,其味淡,配烧酒乃适口。”1931年兴化县续志载:“实业糟坊,县境内有七十余家均集东北乡镇,酿酒多以米、麦……原料,总名曰土酒,其以糯米酿造者曰浆酒。”兴化米甜酒是选用优质糯米为主要原料,辅以陈酿米烧酒发酵而成的。⑤被誉为兴化安丰一绝的三腊菜历史悠久。相传600多年前,文学巨匠施耐庵在兴化安丰、草堰一带采风、撰写《水浒传》时,其


描述我的家乡英语作文及译文 My hometown is in meishan village, old say MeiZai pit. Most of the villagers is given priority to with agriculture, agricultural products of the best known are: high mountain, wax apple, citrus, sweet, and so on. Major attractions in meishan the plum blossom in the park attract many visitors, meishan township most distinctive way of scenic spot of 36 bay (cloud) is not just a place for recreation, take a walk, play, is being fans favourite challenge. From the mountain, beautiful view overlooking the foot of take in everything in a glance, panoramic view. Downtown streets have since the qing dynasty qianlong, jiaqing years, enshrined god for the arctic xuan day god's jade palace, is a belief of most residents near the center, fragrant march period to come, is always flooded the entire province believers pilgrimages to worship, also bring local tourism culture. Is my school - meishan primary school, the school has one hundred, developed many social elite, a green campus, lets the student can be comfortable and


Located in the West of Henan Province, Luoyang got its name due to its location in the adret of the ancient Luoshui River. It is a historic city with more than three thousand years history. It was the capital city for nine dynasties, including the East Zhou, East Han, Caowei, West Jin, North Wei, Sui, Wuzhou, Late Liang, Late Tang, so it is named as the "Ancient Capital of the Nine Dynasties", ranking top one among the seven ancient capitals in China. The Heluo area with Luoyang as the center is the important origin of the Huaxia Civilization. The most prosperous period of Luoyang was in t LuoYang City Instruction Luoyang is located in the western part of Henan province, stretching across the middle reaches of the Yellow River. It has jurisdiction over 1 city, 8 counties and 6 districts with a total area of 15,208 square kilometers including 544 square kilometers of urban area. Its population totals 6.24 million of which over 1.40 million living in urban areas. As a city famous for its splendid history and profound culture, Luoyang has become a shining gem in central part of China for its abundant and characteristic modern civilization.----Luoyang has been known as "an ancient capital of nine dynasties ". It is among the first cities to be declared by the State Council as the ancient capitals and famous historical and cultural cities. Starting from the first dynasty of China---Xia, it served as capital for 13 dynasties---Shang, Western Zhou, Eastern Zhou, Eastern Han, Cao Wei, Western Jin, Northern Wei, Sui, Tang, etc. It served as a capital for 1,529 years, and thus of the 7 great ancient capitals in China, it was the first one to have served as the capital for the most numerous dynasties and for the longest time. Luoyang is one of the important birthplaces of the Chinese civilization. Culture in the Yellow River and the Luo River symbolized by the Pattern of the Yellow River and the Writing of Luoyang is regarded as a key origin of the ancient Chinese civilization. It was here that Taoism initiated, Confucianism originated. Buddhism first introduced and Li School--a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties born. Many Chinese descendants found their roots here and cherished a deep love for the homeland.----Luoyang is one of the top tourist cities in China with its numerous cultural relics dotted everywhere, picturesque landscape and national flower-Tree Peony. The city has inherited from history such cultural heritages as ruins of the old capital, temples and stone caves, and tombs and steles. It has 10 national sites, 75 provincial sites, and over 571 municipal sites to be protected as cultural relics with nearly 400,000 items of relics having been unearthed and kept in museums. The rare ruins of the capitals from the Xia, Shang, Zhou, Han and Wei, Sui and Tang dynasties are named "Assembly of Five Capitals ". Longmen Grottoes is one of the three great banks of Chinese stone sculptures that is a World Cultural Heritage. The White Horse Temple is the first officially built monastery in China after the introduction of Buddhism. In the Mangshan Mountain there remains the largest group of ancient tombs in China featured by royal tombs, which took form since the Eastern Zhou Dynasty.To the north of Luoyang is the Mother River of the Chinese nation---the Yellow River that together with a tourist resorts around the Xiaolangdi Reservoir and Wanshanhu tourist area in Xin'an. To the south are spots of interests such as the Songshan Mountain which is the central one of


英语中缓和语气的词: well (表示接过话题无实际意义) Hmmm (表示思考) 表示赞同对方观点肯定地回答: Ye yes ok sure certainly of course you are right I think so 表示否定的回答:No I don’t think so 表示不确定不清楚:(这种情况最好是加上自己的观点,让考官觉得你很有思想) sorry I don’t know; I’m not sure but I think……; I don’t know much about it but in my opinion……; I have no idea about it but in fact……. 事实上实际上: in fact actually 表示要求对方重复一遍: Pardon? May I beg your pardon?

Excuse me? Sorry I didn't quite hear what you said. 关于My hometown 的介绍: My hometown is Enshi, a city in the westsouth part of Hubei Province. Once mention Enshi, most people know that it’s a zone of Tujia people. Yes, in my hometown, about 90% of the population is Tujia people, and here Han people is the minority.The scenery here is very beautiful, and there are a lot of moutains on which are rare and precious trees and animals, such as squirrel(松鼠), ………. plum trees (李子树)……cherry trees(樱桃树) and so on. Enshi is famous for tourism, it is also called the garden of China. Enshi grand canyon(恩施大峡谷) Teng Longdong scenic spot(腾龙洞风景区), and 梭布垭石林attract thousands of people every year. And there are many customs different from Han people, such as the dress, the food, and the festivals. Now with the convenience of transportation, there is more communication with other cities, as a result, some customs are disappearing and some specialities(特色) are widespread. People in my hometown are diligent and hardworking, they are using their wisdom and their hands to create a more beautiful and developed Enshi. And last, welcome to my hometown, I think you'll like it.


大班社会活动:我爱家乡 大班社会活动:我爱家乡 活动目标: 1、知道自己的家乡是宜兴,了解和熟悉宜兴的风景名胜和土特产。 2、感受家乡的美丽,进一步萌发孩子爱家乡的情感,为自己是宜兴人而自豪。 活动准备: 1、收集有关宜兴的风景和著名建筑、土特产、名人等的图片。 2、视频“生态宜兴,秀美陶都” 3、茶壶一只风景名胜、土特产、名人PPT 活动过程: 一、出示茶壶,引起幼儿兴趣。 “这是什么?”“哪里生产出来的?”“你的出生地在哪里?生活在哪里?” “你的家乡在哪里?” 二、观赏视频“生态宜兴,秀美陶都” 1、请幼儿说说“陶的古都、洞的世界、竹的海洋、茶的绿洲” 2、与同伴一起交流“陶、洞、竹、茶” 三、自由观看讲述有关新宜兴城的展板(东氿新城、龙背山

森林公园、团氿公园、蛟桥河步行街、宜兴土特产、名人) 1、幼儿自己自由结伴观看讲述 2、请幼儿集体交流讲述 四、观看PPT课件,巩固对宜兴新城的了解,激发幼儿爱家乡的情感。地方 五、交流讨论: “宜兴还有哪些出名的地方? 六、拓展小结 “宜兴不仅紫砂茶壶非常出名,被誉为“陶的古都、洞的世界、竹的海洋、茶的绿洲”还被称为“教授之乡”。近年来我们勤劳的宜兴人民把宜兴建设成了一个大花园,山青、水秀、城美,我们在这么美的地方生活,感觉怎样? 我们宜兴还被评为“中国最具幸福感城市”“最适宜人口居住城市”。我们从小要学习更多的本领,长大后把我们宜兴建设的更加美好。 活动反思: 激发幼儿爱家乡的情感是幼儿素质教育的一个重要方面,怎样使孩子在轻松、自然又感兴趣的前提下,激发他们去收集、了解、关注有关宜兴的风景名胜和土特产呢?为此,我在活动前,让幼儿和家长一起去认识宜兴、收集图片,活动中我把大家收集的图片按类归放在一起,便于幼儿在观看交流。在第一环节中,通过紫砂茶壶的闻名一下子就激发了孩子的兴趣,再让孩子观看


介绍我的家乡英语作文带翻译【三篇】 导读:本文介绍我的家乡英语作文带翻译【三篇】,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 【篇一】 I love the motherland, love people, love mom and dad, love my hometown - shaoxing more! "The long no water, sweet shaoxing wine." Simple and honest in shaoxing people has created a generation of great men. Shaoxing is a of the famous historical and cultural city, bridge township, the winelands, of course, is also a tourist resort. I love my hometown river, its green let a person enchanted, like a green and clean water. And like a wall, every one in shaoxing, guarded day and night. It clear enough to let us see the fish in the water. I love the hometown of the shade, it's lush leaves open to all around, as if in to meet one another out-of-town visitors. Its branches grow again and again, as if in said to us: "you want to study well, like I grow higher and higher, the more to learn, the better!" I love my hometown, because it is in shaoxing people carried out the construction of the place is so beautiful. The


教学资料参考范本 幼儿园大班主题教案《家乡的桥》 撰写人:__________________ 部门:__________________ 时间:__________________

活动意图: 5-6岁的幼儿对周围环境事物开始有了较稳定的态度和情感。但他们对周围事物的认识仍然是零碎、粗浅的。以幼儿生活附近的桥为主题与幼儿共同关注桥的演变。桥给我们生活带来的巨大作用……有利于帮助幼儿形成对家乡桥的具体印象,萌发幼儿热爱家乡的情感。 活动目标: ①知识目标:了解桥的演变。家乡桥在城市中的大概分布位置。 ②能力目标:学习记录、统计,养成主动学习的好习惯。 ③萌发幼儿亲近家乡,喜爱家乡的情感。 活动重难点:寻找熟悉的家乡桥在城市地图上的大概位置(通过教学辅助课件和教师引导完成)。 活动准备: 1、幼儿知识经验的准备。通过收集我家附近的桥。了解自己熟悉的桥座落在城市的具体位置。 2、能力准备:具备观察、比较、分析的能力。 3、心理准备:乐群、乐学。 4、材料准备:

①桥的谜语课件 桥的演变课件 有代表性的桥在城市中的分布位置课件 ②画桥、做桥材料 ③统计表、家乡桥梁图片、自绘城市地图 活动过程: 一、播放“桥”的谜语课件引入主题 谜面:驼背公公,力大无穷,驼的什么?车水马龙!幼儿猜谜底。 二、闭眼快速画“桥”(粉笔画)了解自己头脑里储存的桥的印象。 三、讲述“桥的演变”故事“课件演示” 师:很久、很久以前河上没有桥。被风吹倒的大树正好横搭在河 两岸,人们从上面走过去很方便,这就成了最早的桥。接着人们试着 用藤条、木板来做桥,于是有了悬在河上的吊桥。人们还试着用石头 垒成桥洞,石头被挤成桥洞很牢固,这就成了石拱桥。后来人们又试 着在河面上立桥墩铺石板搭桥,于是在很宽的河面上也能搭桥了。现 在人们已经会造各式各样的桥啦。有联结交通要道的石桥、铁桥、钢

幼儿园大班社会活动 我爱家乡(三篇)

教学资料参考范本 幼儿园大班社会活动我爱家乡(三篇)目录: 幼儿园大班社会活动我爱家乡一 幼儿园大班社会活动有趣的冰棍棒二 幼儿园大班社会活动〈粗鲁的小老鼠〉三

幼儿园大班社会活动我爱家乡一 大班社会活动:我爱家乡 活动目标: 1、知道自己的家乡是宜兴,了解和熟悉宜兴的风景名胜和土特产。 2、感受家乡的美丽,进一步萌发孩子爱家乡的情感,为自己是宜兴人而自豪。 活动准备: 1、收集有关宜兴的风景和著名建筑、土特产、名人等的图片。 2、视频“生态宜兴,秀美陶都” 3、茶壶一只风景名胜、土特产、名人ppt 活动过程: 一、出示茶壶,引起幼儿兴趣。 “这是什么?”“哪里生产出来的?”“你的出生地在哪里?生活在哪里?” “你的家乡在哪里?” 二、观赏视频“生态宜兴,秀美陶都” 1、请幼儿说说“陶的古都、洞的世界、竹的海洋、茶的绿洲” 2、与同伴一起交流“陶、洞、竹、茶” 三、自由观看讲述有关新宜兴城的展板(东氿新城、龙背山森林公园、团氿公园、蛟桥河步行街、宜兴土特产、名人) 1、幼儿自己自由结伴观看讲述 2、请幼儿集体交流讲述

四、观看ppt,巩固对宜兴新城的了解,激发幼儿爱家乡的情感。地方 五、交流讨论: “宜兴还有哪些出名的地方? 六、拓展小结 “宜兴不仅紫砂茶壶非常出名,被誉为“陶的古都、洞的世界、竹的海洋、茶的绿洲”还被称为“教授之乡”。近年来我们勤劳的 宜兴人民把宜兴建设成了一个大花园,山青、水秀、城美,我们在 这么美的地方生活,感觉怎样? 我们宜兴还被评为“中国最具幸福感城市”“最适宜人口居住 城市”。我们从小要学习更多的本领,长大后把我们宜兴建设的更 加美好。 活动反思: 激发幼儿爱家乡的情感是幼儿素质教育的一个重要方面,怎样 使孩子在轻松、自然又感兴趣的前提下,激发他们去收集、了解、 关注有关宜兴的风景名胜和土特产呢?为此,我在活动前,让幼儿 和家长一起去认识宜兴、收集图片,活动中我把大家收集的图片按 类归放在一起,便于幼儿在观看交流。在第一环节中,通过紫砂茶 壶的闻名一下子就激发了孩子的兴趣,再让孩子观看视频知道家乡 特有的风景名胜,孩子被家乡景色和特产迷住了,激发孩子对家乡 的自豪感。在介绍宜兴新城时,孩子在自由观看图片讲述时,由于 已前知识经验,所以在介绍时就很活跃,再通过观看ppt,幼儿对宜兴的景观、雄伟建筑、土特产、名人等的认识,进一步激发孩子爱 家乡的自豪感。通过本次活动,不仅让幼儿对宜兴有一个大概的认识,更激发了幼儿爱家乡的情感。


介绍我的家乡英语作文5篇 家乡是生我养我的地方,家乡是见证我成长的地方,家乡是无论我们走多远都会惦念的地方。下面是小编为大家收集关于介绍我的家乡英语作文5篇,欢迎借鉴参考。 【篇一关于我的家乡英语作文】 Welcome to my hometown! My home town is a good place . It is near a hill. There are many big trees、beautiful flowers and nice food. There is a shopping mall in the centre of the town.There are many shops in the shopping mall.Such as: clothes shops 、shoe shops、sports shops and KFC.It also has a park.You can go walking there .You can see green trees and lakes ,too. There is little air pollution,because cars cant go into the centre of the town. Peple here are very friendly and helpful . I think my home town is a wonderful place to live. I love my home town! 【篇二My Hometown】 My hometown is Haimen. Its not very large, but its very beautiful. There is less air pollution in Haimen than in other


爱我恩施 我的家乡——恩施土家族苗族自治州,她地处湖北省西南部,是一个美丽神秘的地方。 听妈妈说她小的时候恩施非常落后。城内只有一条很窄的公路。而且还坑坑洼洼的。从郊区到市内只能走路。她读书的学校全是用黄泥和石头砌成的房子。夏天会从瓦间落下小毛毛虫,突然掉进衣领里吓人一大跳。冬天呼呼的寒风凛冽刺骨,从门和窗户的缝隙吹进来,整个教室冰冷冰冷的。 爷爷说的就更可怕了。爷爷说他小的时候住在乡下,那个时候没有电灯,有钱的人家晚上会点上一盏煤油灯。他和他的小伙伴都没有穿过鞋子,一年四季赤着两只脚丫。夏天还好,冬天可难熬了,一双脚冻得发紫,裂着口子,一脚踏进路上的稀泥里,钻心的疼痛。更难受的是肚子饿了,因为家里穷,野菜和点玉米面那就是最好的粮食,没有野菜挖的季节里,就吃一种叫观音泥的白色泥巴。 现在的恩施发生了翻天覆地的变化,宽阔的柏油马路上奔跑着各种颜色的小汽车。道路两旁,绿树成阴,鲜花盛开。原来的矮房子不见了,已经变成一栋栋高楼大厦。每当夜幕降临的时候,恩施广场华灯高照,川流不息的汽车,灯光闪烁,像银河从天而降。路边的街心广场可热闹了,爷爷奶奶们随着音乐跳着优美的舞蹈,彩色的灯光照着他们幸福的笑脸。

每逢长假会有很多外地游客来恩施旅游。这里有世界容积第一的腾龙洞;有奇特、险峻的恩施大峡谷;有风景秀丽的平坝营……。如春的四季,如画的山水风景,一定让你留恋忘返。 更让人高兴的是,恩施已经建好了一个设施先进的大飞机场,高速公路早已在几年前投入使用,火车也进山了。恩施被称为中国的“硒都”,土特产和矿山资源非常丰富,比如说闻名世界的富硒茶、葛籼米、凤头姜、煤矿等等。随着交通工具的日益发达,会把恩施的这些物资运向全国,甚至国外,让大家都知道湖北的西南部有这样一个美丽的城市——恩施。 看着家乡这些巨大的变化,我心里好激动。我爱我的家乡,她虽然没有大都市那样繁华似锦,没有大都市那样经济发达,但是她却拥有大都市所没有的清新的空气、清澈的小河、悦耳的鸟鸣、长青的树木。她像一位慈祥的妈妈,用她甘甜的乳汁哺育了一代又一代土家儿女。我一定好好学习,快快长大,把我的家乡建设得更加美丽。


宜兴的变化 改革开放以来,全国各地都发生了巨大的变化,城乡面貌日新月异,城乡居民收入稳步增加,我的家乡宜兴也不例外。它把全新的面貌展现在世人眼前。新世纪的宜兴环境变了,交通变了,建筑变了,人们的生活也变了。 交通井然有序 现在公交车线路布满全市的各个角落,人们出行公交车、出租车随心所欲。远程旅游、出差,飞机、火车,方便快捷。交通的安全有序可离不开交通指挥员叔叔。他们天天站在人多、车辆多的地方,为人们指挥,维持了整个城市交通。你看:家家户户也都拥有了交通工具——摩托车、电动车、自行车,好多人家还拥有了小轿车。爸爸说,这在以前是根本不敢想的事,爸爸小的时候,村里就爷爷有一辆“大桥”牌自行车,这是让爸爸在伙伴们面前最自豪的!如今爸爸的汽车已经从“桑塔纳”换成“奥迪”了。 高楼拔地而起。 一排排红瓦绿房在高大的树木的掩映下,显得那样雄伟壮丽。一幢幢极具欧洲古典风格的别墅群错落有致。乡间村落都是气派的门楼,或高、或矮、或气势恢宏、或小巧玲珑,各式各样。建筑越来越多,到处耸立着幢幢高楼大厦。“东氿一号”“一品尚东”“万达广场”等不是最好的例子吗?家家户户窗明几净,里面装修或豪华、或简洁,各具特色,各种家用电器摆放齐全。妈妈小时候哪有这样的房子住呀,大都是平房,泥土垒的房子也随处可见。妈妈说,平常人家里除了床、桌椅、衣物柜外基本没什么别的家具了,村里的一台黑白电视机是整个村子的“宝贝”了。

变化最大的不是上面的那些,而是人的思想变化得特别大。以前人们不懂什么是礼貌,礼节,我常能听到一些粗话,脏话,有时,还知道有人为一点小事斤斤计较,现在呢,很少再听到这些话题了,取而代之的是:您好,谢谢,对不起之类的文明用语。 变,一切都在变,要问家乡发生巨变的原因是什么?那就是共产党英明领导的功劳,是改革开放的春风吹活了祖国大地,使家乡人们的日子如芝麻开花——节节高。 现在的宜兴变了,人们的生活也变了,变得充实起来。早上,人们高高兴兴去上班,晚上平平安安回家来;双休日,人们喜欢逛逛商场,或去朋友家串串门,人们生活得无忧无虑。有了今天的幸福生活,你能不更爱宜兴吗? 但是,在宜兴经济飞速发展的同时,人们也必须尽快意识到随之而来的环境污染。从前宜兴夜晚的天空群星闪烁,现在则是灰蒙蒙的一片;从前宜兴的河水清澈透明,鱼儿在河里嬉戏玩耍,现在则是遍体鳞伤,河面上都是居民的垃圾和污水。现在的宜兴不再是那个空气清新的小城,而是被都市化的县级市。 改革开放30年,我体验到了家乡的巨大变化,感受到了市场经济迅猛发展的无穷魅力,也感受到了环境的迅速恶化。作为新世纪的少年,我应该牢记过去,珍惜今天的大好时光,好好读书,长大报效祖国,使我们的国家更加繁荣富强。 朋友们,宜兴是我们家乡,美好的家乡要靠我们去热爱,要靠我们去建设。让我们携起手来,让我们家乡的明天更加美好!


介绍我的家乡英语作文 我的家乡(My home town) Beijing is not only the city where I was born, but also the only place I've never been able to leave. 5 years ago, I moved from here to another city to begin my college life. The day I left beijing I felt as a fish out of water. beijing is the only place where I've walked past a schoolyard and pictured a future son or daughter of mine playing balls. I love this city. She’s small and quiet. Every day I live here, I could have the safety feeling which I got when my mother held me in her arms. I love this city. She is very beautiful and lovely. Everywhere you can see the flowers, grass and trees. The shops are full of all kinds of goods. When you walk in the street, you can feel the gentle wind touching your face and breathe the fresh air. I love this city. The climate here is very warm which is very suitable for people to do some outdoors activities. I love this city. She is where I have lived for fifteen years with my parents, my good friends, and my teachers who have supported me. She has almost all my memories. I love the night of beijing. People sit in the gardens of their houses or in the small restaurants, chatting, drinking and enjoying the delicious seafood which is abundant in our city.


Ganzhou, the second largest city in Jiangxi, also known as Gannan, is located in the south part of Jiangxi Province, covering an area of 39,400 square kilometers, with jurisdiction over 1 district, 2 county-level cities and 15 counties. It borders Hunan Province to the west, Guangdong to the south, and Fujian to the east, as well as Ji'an and Fuzhou city in Jiangxi to the north. Ganzhou is a very beautiful city with sound environment and pleasant climate. It is especially famous for its forestation and mountainous areas. More than 83% of Ganzhou, is characterized by many mountains.In spring, Ganzhou is covered with green and filled with hope.In summer, the trees are thriving; the flowers are in full bloom. Walking under the shadows with dear family members must be a wonderful experience.In autumn, it is cool and the breeze touches your face gently. It is also time for harvest. In winter, the climate here is cold. It doesn’t snow often. But here in Ganzhou, winter has its special charm. Ganzhou is also rich in different kinds of resources, such as agricultural resources, land resources, timber resources, abundant water resources, valuable animal resources, rare mineral resources, and so on. I hope you will make a visit here one day.


Sanmenxia is my home town. Although it's small but beantiful.It is located near the Yellow River. Sanmenxia dam was China's first dam,and that's the reason why our city is called Sanmenxia.Every winter,swarms of swan will migrate to there.I love my home town. MY HOME TOWN San Men Xia is my home town. It is a small city but it's beantiful.Like every city, there are many roads, but the widest and busiest one is the road where my school is situated. It is the main road. All kinds of trades are carrying on there. The asphalt pavements are very clean. Cars run to and fro, and hawkers hawk along them all day long.The town has some banks, a post office, a police station and other government buildings. There are also several cinema halls, some amusement parks and a seaside resort.People houses are as a rule built of bricks, neat and strong. Most of them are either two-storeyed or three-storeyed buildings. New buildings are under construction. The town is growing steadily.My home town is geting more and more beautiful.I like my home town.In future,We will have more beautiful buildings with the effort of ours. Liaoning


《二年级作文我的家乡》 二年级作文我的家乡(一): 我的家乡 我的家乡在南王镇马家村。我的家乡是一个美丽可爱的地方。 春天,树木抽出了枝条,长出了小叶。每逢春暖花开的时候,梧桐树上的花散发出浓浓的花香。 夏天,,一排排红红的砖瓦房子,在绿树下显得格外好看。 秋天,树上的叶子黄了,秋风吹来,一片片叶子像小鸟和蝴蝶一样,在空中飞舞着。 村子前面有一座大山,叫马山,向南和金山银山相连,村前是我们美丽的校园。 我的家乡虽然是一个平常的小山村,但是我们的祖祖辈辈都生活在那里。日复一日,年复一年,过着春种秋收的平淡生活。 我爱我的家乡,是它用宽广的胸怀养育了我的祖祖辈辈。我爱我的家乡,它是生我养我的地方。我爱家乡的一草一木,有它们才能闻到芬芳的花香。 二年级作文我的家乡(二): 我的家乡 我们的家乡是个风光秀丽、景色宜人的好地方。 龙王山是我们黄冈风景区之一,那里山清水秀,风景如画,群峰屹立,真是美丽极了!它还是避暑的好地方,每当夏季来临,就会有许多游客来那里旅游观光。龙王山确实是一个仙境胜地,那里四面环山,树木茂盛,有奇形怪状的石头,有独具一格的亭子。如果你来到那里,必须会让你感觉到自我仿佛进入了鸟语花香的世界。 我们的家乡还有闻名中外的东坡赤壁,有历史悠久的青云塔、有举世瞩目的黄冈中学,家乡的旅游风景区还有很多很多,多的就像天上的繁星,数也数不清。 家乡的山是碧绿的,家乡的水是清澈的,家乡的人是朴实的。我爱我的家乡。 二年级作文我的家乡(三): 我的家乡 在洲河之畔,有一座美丽的城市,它就是我的家乡达县。 达县有许多又宽又长的柏油马路,道路两旁,绿树成阴,鲜花盛开。各种车辆在马路上来来往往,川流不息。达县还新建了许多高楼大厦,大大小小的商店摆放着各种各样的商品,令人眼花缭乱。

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