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350 55 80 85


350 55 85 85 [0551]、设计学[1305](数字媒体艺术方向)

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310 50 70 80



300 50 70 80


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300 50 50 70 70









3月26日上午08:30-11:30 全校统一笔试





专八翻译必备词汇(1) (1) 把握大局:grasp the overall situation (2) 摆谱儿:put on airs;keep up appearances (3) 白手起家: start from scratch (4) 拜年:pay New Year call (5) 班门弄斧:teach one's grandma to suck eggs (6) 报销:apply for reimbursement (7) 爆冷门:produce an unexpected answer (8) 曝光:make public (9) 奔小康:strive for a relatively comfortable life (10) 闭门羹:given cold-shoulder (11)比上不足,比下有余:fall short of the best, but be bette r than the best (12)逼上梁山:be driven to drastic alternatives (13)变相涨价:disguised inflation (14)边远贫困地区:outlying poverty-stricken areas

(15)边缘知识人:Marginal intellectuals (16)表面文章:Lip service;surface formality (17) 博导:Ph.D supervisor (18)补发拖欠的养脑筋:Clear up pension payments in arre ars (19)不眠之夜:white night (20)菜鸟:green hand (21)产品科技含量technological element of a product (22)长江三角洲:Yangtze River delta (23)长江中下游:the middle and lower reaches of Changji ang River (24)超前消费:pre-mature consumption (25)城镇居民最低生活保障:a minimum standard of living for residents (26)城镇职工医疗保险制度:the system of medical insuran ce for urban workers


翻译在最后 Conversation One M: Guess what? The worst food I've ever had was in France. W: Really? That's odd. I thought the French were all good cooks. M:Yes. That's right. I suppose it's really like anywhere else, though. You know, some places are good. Some bad. But it's really all our own fault. W: What do you mean? M: Well, it was the first time I'd been to France. This was years ago when I was at school. I went there with my parents' friends, from my father's school. They'd hired a coach to take them to Switzerland. W: A school trip? M: Right. Most of them had never been abroad before. We'd crossed the English Channel at night, and we set off through France, and breakfast time arrived, and the coach driver had arranged for us to stop at this little café. Th ere we all were, tired and hungry, and then we made the great discovery. W: What was that? M: Bacon and eggs. W: Fantastic! The real English breakfast. M: Yes. Anyway, we didn't know any better— so we had it, and ugh...! W: What was it like? Disgusting? M: Oh, it was incredible! They just got a bowl and put some fat in it. And then they put some bacon in the fat, broke an egg over the top and put the whole lot in the oven for about ten minutes. W: In the oven! You're joking. You can't cook bacon and eggs in the oven! M:Well. They must have done it that way. It was hot, but it wasn't cooked. There was just this egg floating about in gallons of fat and raw bacon. W: Did you actually eat it? M: No! Nobody did. They all wanted to turn round and go home. You know, back to teabags and fish and chips. You can't blame them really. Anyway, the next night we were all given another foreign speciality. W: What was that? M: Snails. That really finished them off. Lovely holiday that was! Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. Question 1. What did the woman think of the French? Question 2. Who did the man travel with on his first trip to Switzerland? Question 3. What does the man say about the breakfast at the little French café?


01到14年专八汉译英真题及答案: 2014年本题是一篇典型的文学翻译,原文选自老舍名篇《我的母亲》。老舍的作品生活气息浓郁,语言朴实直白。因此,在翻译本篇时不仅要注意忠实于文字意义,更要忠实地再现原文的语言风格,所以要避免用过于高级的词汇表达和句子结构,用平实的语句表达出原文的精神面貌。 当我在小学毕了业的时候,亲友一致的愿意我去学手艺,好帮助母亲。我晓得我应当去找饭吃,以减轻母亲的勤劳困苦。可是,我也愿意升学。我偷偷的考入了师范学校——制服,饭食,书籍,宿处,都由学校供给。只有这样,我才敢对母亲说升学的话。入学,要交十圆的保证金。这是一笔巨款!母亲作了半个月的难,把这巨款筹到,而后含泪把我送出门去。她不辞劳苦,只要儿子有出息。当我由师范毕业,而被派为小学校校长,母亲与我都一夜不曾合眼。我只说了句:“以后,您可以歇一歇了!”她的回答只有一串串的眼泪。 参考译文:After I graduated from primary school,relatives and friends all suggested that I should drop out and learn a trade to help my mother. Although I knew that I ought to seek a livelihood to relieve mother of hard work and distress,I still aspired to go on with study. So I kept learning secretly. I had no courage to tell mother about the idea until admitted to a normal school which provided free uniforms,books,room and board. To enter the school,I had to pay ten Yuan as a deposit. This was a large sum of money for my family. However,after two weeks' tough effort,mother managed to raise the money and sent me off to school in tears afterwards. She would spare no pains for her son to win a bright future. On the day when I was appointed the schoolmaster after graduation,mother and I spent a sleepless night. I said to her,"you can have a rest in the future." but she replied nothing,only with tears streaming down her face. 2013年 生活像一杯红酒,热爱生活的人会从中品出无穷的美妙。将它握在手中观察,它的暗红有血的感觉,那正是生命的痕迹。抿一口留在口中回味,它的甘甜有一丝苦涩,如人生一般复杂迷离。喝一口下肚,余香润人心肺,让人终受益。红酒越陈越美味,生活越丰富越美好。当人生走向晚年,就如一瓶待开封的好酒,其色彩是沉静的,味道中充满慷慨于智慧。 Life is like a cup of wine; people who love it discover inexhaustible wonders from it. Hold in the hand and gaze at it, the dark red color is reminiscent of the blood, which is the impress of life. Take a sip of it and appreciate the taste, the bittersweet flavor is exactly the same with life, which is complicated and blurred. Once the sip is swallowed, the lingering fragrance pleases the heart and refreshes the mind, leaving a person lifelong benefit. There was a remarkable resemblance between life and wine: the taste becomes more delicious as the wine mellows, just as life gets better as it becomes more abundant. When life comes to twilight years, it looks calm and tastes full of wisdom and generosity, just like a bottle of wine to be savored.


《明史·陈登云传》|附译文翻译|2016年全国高考II卷_文言文阅读题在线测试(附答案)_ 高三语文_在线做题网 陈登云,字从龙,唐山人,万历五年进士,出鄢陵知县,征授御史,出接辽东,疏陈安攘十册,又请速首功之赏,改巡山西。还朝,会廷臣方争建储。登云谓议不早决,由贵妃家阴沮之。十六年六月遂因灾异抗疏,劾妃父郑承宪,言:“承宪怀祸藏奸窥觊贰且广结术士之流曩陛下重惩科场冒籍承宪妻每扬言事由己发用以恐吓勋贵簧鼓朝绅不但惠安遭其虐焰,即中宫与太后家亦谨避其锋矣,陛下享国久长,自由敬德所致,而承宪每对人言,以为不立东宫之效。干扰盛典,蓄隐邪谋,他日何所不至?”疏入,贵妃、承宪皆怒,同列亦为登云危,帝竟留中不下。久之,疏论吏部尚书陆光祖,又论贬四川提学副使冯时可,论罢应天巡抚李涞、顺天巡抚王致祥,又论礼部侍郎韩世能、尚书罗万化、南京太仆卿徐用检、朝右皆惮之。时方考选科道,登云因疏言:“近岁言官,壬午以前怵于威,则摧刚为柔;壬午以后昵于情,则化直为佞。其间岂无刚直之人,而弗胜龃龉,多不能安其身。二十年来,以刚直擢京卿者百止一二耳。背公植党,遂嗜乞怜,如所谓"七豺’"八狗’者,言路顾居其半。夫台谏为天下持是非,而使人贱辱至此,安望其抗颜直绳,为国家除大奸、歼巨蠹哉!与其误用而斥之,不若慎于始进。”因条数事以献,出按河南。岁大饥,人相食。副使崔应麟见民啖泽中雁矢,囊示登云,登云即进之于朝。帝立遣肆丞锺化民赍帑币振之。登云巡方者三,风裁峻厉。以久之当擢京卿,累寝不下,遂移疾归。寻卒。 (节选自《明史·陈登云传》) 参考译文: 陈登云,字从龙,唐山人。万历五年(1577)进士,授职鄢陵知县。政绩最好,升为御史。出按辽东,上疏陈明安定边境的十条对策,又请求加速建立首功的赏赐制度。后改为山西巡抚。 回到京城,恰好朝廷大臣正在争论立储君的事。陈登云认为朝议迟迟不能决定,是贵妃家人暗中捣鬼。万历十六年(1588)六月因发生灾害上疏弹劾贵妃父亲郑承宪,说:“郑承宪包藏祸心,觊觎储君。天天与宦官往来,商量对策,而且广泛交结山人、术士、道士、和尚之流。当初陛下重惩科场冒名顶替之人,郑承宪的妻子每每扬言事情是自己揭发的,用来恐吓勋贵,以巧言惑动朝廷人士。不但惠安遭到他们算计,即使中宫与太后家也谨慎避开他们的锋芒。陛下统治国家已很久了,这是惠政的结果,而郑承宪每次对人说,认为是不立太子的结果。干扰盛典,蓄谋已久,以后有什么事他干不出来呢?如果不振奋朝纲,以大义决断,否则即使日日不上朝不奏乐,穿白衣,停止刑罚,恐怕皇天也不答应,天变是不可抗拒的。”疏上,贵妃、郑承宪都发了脾气,同仁也以为陈登云危险,但皇上把奏疏留下了。 很久以后,他又上疏弹劾吏部尚书陆光祖、四川提学副使冯时可、应天巡抚李涞、顺天巡抚王致祥、礼部侍郎韩世能、尚书罗万化、南京太仆卿徐用检。朝廷的大官都很怕他。当时,正好考选科道,陈登云因而上疏说:“近来御史官,壬午以前害怕淫威,刚正的变温柔了;壬午以后拘于情面,正直的变为谄媚。其间难道没有刚正的人吗,但不胜被攻击倾轧,没有安身的地方。二十年来,以正直提升为京官的只有一、二个人。背着皇上,培植党羽,摇尾乞怜,像所谓"七豺’、"八狗’,御史占了一半。台谏是为天下主持是非的,而使人践踏到这种地步,怎能希望他不顾情面,正直地处理事情,为国除掉奸人、消灭败类呢!与其因误用而贬退,不如谨慎地考察人选。”因而条陈数件事献给皇上。 出任河南巡按。那年发生大饥荒,人相互吞食。副使崔应麟看见百姓吃湖中的雁屎,便包来给陈登云看,陈登云便送到朝廷。皇上立即派遣寺丞钟化民分发库银赈恤百姓。陈登云三次巡视地方,执政严厉,按规定应当提升为京官,屡次被宫中扣住不下发,于是他称病归家。不久之后就死了。


2014年英语专八翻译来源 汉译英 当我在小学毕业的时候,亲友一致地愿意我去学手艺,好帮助母亲,我晓得我应当去找饭吃,以减轻母亲的勤劳困苦。可是,我也愿意升学。我偷偷地考入了师范学校--制服、饭食、书籍、宿处,都由学校供给。只有这样,我才敢对母亲提升学的话。入学,要交十元的保证金。这是一笔巨款!母亲作了半个月的难,把这笔巨款筹到,而后含泪把我送出门去。她不辞劳苦,只要儿子有出息。当我由师范毕业,而被派到小学任校长,母亲与我都一夜不曾合眼。我只说了句:“以后,您可以歇一歇了!”她的回答只是一串串的眼泪。 老舍著;老树画画绘,真正的生活者,中国画报出版社,2015.07,第6页 老舍著,茶馆想北平猫城记,巴蜀书社,2015.02,第74页 我的母亲(节选)——老舍After I graduated from primary school, relatives and friends all suggested that I should drop out and learn a trade to help my mother. Although I knew that I ought to seek a livelihood to relieve mother of hard work and distress, I still aspired to go on with study. So I kept learning secretly. I had no courage to tell mother about the idea until admitted to a normal school which provided free uniforms, books, room and board. To enter the school, I had to pay ten Yuan as a deposit. This was a large sum of money for my family. However, after two weeks’ tough effort, mother managed to raise the money and sent me off to school in tears afterwards. She would spare no pains for her son to win a bright future. On the day when I was appointed the schoolmaster after graduation, mother and I spent a sleepless night. I said to her, "you can have a rest in the future." but she replied nothing, only with tears streaming down her face. 2015年英语专八翻译来源 汉译英 2014上海茶花展今天开幕60种云南山茶首次来沪 产生日期:2014-01-29来源:新华网 “茶花闹春暖意迎新”2014上海茶花展今天在上海植物园拉开序幕,花展将持续到3月16日。此次花展通过丰富的茶花品种和景点,营造缤纷花卉闹新春的节日气氛。 茶花的自然花期在12月至翌年4月,以红色系为主,另有黄色系和白色系等,花色艳丽。品种展示、花卉造景……本届花展充分展示了茶花的品种资源和科研水平,是近三年来本市规模最大的一届茶花展。为了使广大植物爱好者有更多与茶花亲密接触的机会,本届茶花展的布展范围延伸至整个园区,为赏花游客带来便利。 此次茶花展历时2个月,展期内200多个茶花品种、1000余株茶花将陆续亮相。 根据茶花品种和花期的不同,花展分为两个阶段:第一阶段为“滇茶风情”,从春节至元宵节。重点推出两个以云南茶花品种为主的温室展区:一个以“茶马道,丽江情”为主题;一个集“云南茶花品种展示”“茶花花朵艺术展示”和“上海植物园茶花新品种展示”于一体。春节期间,共有60多个云南山茶品种首次在沪与游客见面。第二阶段主题为“名品争艳”,从二月中旬至三月中旬。元宵节后茶花将进入盛开期,届时多个室外景点的“特色茶花品种展示区”将集中布置各类花型的茶花,成为最值得期待的赏茶区域。 此外上海植物园内名字中带“马”的植物均被挂上了特制的“标签”隆重推出,是上海植物园马年新春花展的一大亮点。本次花展由上海市绿化和市容管理局主办,上海植物园和上海星源农业实验场共同承办。 参考译文:Camellia’s flowering period starts from December and ends in the next April,and


1、故宫,又名紫禁城,为明清共二十四位皇帝统治中国近500年的皇宫。它位于北京市中心,在天安门广场的北侧,形状为长方形。南北长960米,东西宽750米,占地72公顷,总建筑面积达15万平方米。故宫是世界上现存规模最大、最完整的古代木构宫殿。它分为外朝和内廷两部分,外朝是皇帝上朝处理国家大事的地方,内廷是皇帝和皇室的居住地。1987年,故宫被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产。 The Imperial Palace, also called the Forbidden City was the palace where the 24 emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties ruled China for roughly 500 years. The Imperial Palace is located in the center of Beijing, on the northern side of Tian’anmen Square, rectangular in shape, 960 meters from north to south and 750 meters wide from east to west, with an area of 72 hectares and a total floor space of 150 000 square meters. It’s the world’s largest and most integral palace made of wood in existence. The Forbidden City is divided into two parts: the outer court and the inner court. The outer court was the place where the emperors gave audience and handled state affairs, while the inner court was the living quarters for the emperors and their families. In 1987 the Imperial Palace was listed by the UNESCO as one of the World Cultural Heritage sites. 故宫the Imperial Palace 紫禁城the Forbidden City 天安门广场Tian’anmen Square 长方形rectangular 建筑面积floor space 现存in existence 上朝give audience 处理handle 世界文化遗产World Cultural Heritage 2、最近,一些地方大学开始将方言列为某些学生的必修课程,学生们要学习当地方言,然后被评分以作为毕业的依据之一。一方面,支持此种做法的人认为,将方言列为必修课可防止其消失,从而使当地传统文化和文化多样性得以弘扬,同时城市独特的个性得以保留。另


专八翻译6大翻译技巧整理 汉语和英语的表达习惯不同,常用的句子结构也不同,以下六点翻译技巧,或许能在专八翻译中对大家有所帮助。 一、确立主干 1、确立主语 (1)避免主语机械对应 这个地区雨比较多。 It rains a lot in this area. (2)方位词或时间词在主语位置 山下住着一位老妇人。 There lives an old lady at the foot of the mountain. (3)用it做主语翻译主语是复合结构的汉语 信不信是你的事。 It is your concern whether you believe me or not.

最好是等他们回来。 It is advisable to wait till they come back. 勤能补拙 It is diligence that makes for deficiency. 2、确立谓语:英语的动词通常只能由某个动词或者系表结构担任 在人际关系上我们不要太浪漫主义。 We shouldn't be too romantic about personal relationship. 当他活着一天,总要尽量多工作、多学习,不肯虚度年华,不让时间白白地浪费掉。 As long as he is living, he always works and studies as hard as possible, unwilling to dream his life away, let alone waste even a single moment of life. 二、语序调整 1、定语的位置:英语中,单词充当定语时多为前置,短语和从句充当定语时多为后置。


Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. 中国是四大文明古国之一,有着五千多年的灿烂文化。尊老爱幼是中华民族的传统美德。早在汉朝时期(the Han Dynasty), 政府就曾多次颁布法令,提倡并奖励孝敬老人的行为。中国人以爱、友善和严格的方式对待子孙后代,体现了强烈的道德责任感。尊老爱幼的传统在现代社会得到了发扬。现在,中国的老人和儿童都有法定节日——老人节和儿童节。除此之外,政府还颁布特定的法律保护妇女儿童,法律也明确规定中国公民有义务赡养父母、抚养子女。 参考译文: As one of the four ancient civilizations, China has a splendid culture of more than 5,000 years. Respecting the old and caring for the young is a traditional Chinese virtue. As early as the Han Dynasty, the government issued laws many times to advocate and reward behavior relating to treating the old with filial respect. The Chinese people treat their offspring with love, kindness and strictness, embodying a strong sense of moral responsibility. The tradition of respecting the old and taking care of the young has been carried forward in modern times. At present, the old and the young in China have their own legal holidays—Elders’ Day and Children’s Day. Besides, the government has issued specific laws to protect women and children; and some laws also stipulate in explicit terms that Chinese citizens have obligations to support parents and rear children. 要点点拨: 1.四大文明古国:four ancient civilizations 2.尊老爱幼:respect the old and care for the young 3.道德责任感:a sense of moral responsibility 4.发扬:carry forward 5.法定节日:legal holiday 6.赡养父母、抚养子女:support parents and rear children Section A Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage. For investors who desire low risk and guaranteed income, U.S. government bonds are a secure investment because these bonds have the financial backing and full faith and credit of the federal government. Municipal bonds, also secure, are offered by local governments and often have 36 such as tax-free interest. Some may even be 37 . Corporate bonds are a bit more risky.


2007年英语专业八级考试翻译原题及参考答案 C-E:暮色中,河湾里落满云霞,与天际的颜色混合一起,分不清哪是流云哪是水湾。也就在这一幅绚烂的图画旁边,在河湾之畔,一群羊正在低头觅食。它们几乎没有一个顾得上抬起头来,看一眼这美丽的黄昏。也许它们要抓紧时间,在即将回家的最后一刻再次咀嚼。这是黄河滩上的一幕。牧羊人不见了,他不知在何处歇息。只有这些美生灵自由自在地享受着这个黄昏。这儿水草肥美,让它们长得肥滚滚的,像些胖娃娃。如果走近了,会发现它们那可爱的神情,洁白的牙齿,那丰富而单纯的表情。如果稍稍长久一点端详这张张面庞,还会生出无限的怜悯。 Beside this picture with profusions of colors, a group of sheep are lowing their heads, eating by the river bank. Hardly none of them would spare some time to raise their eyes to have a glance at the beautiful dusk. They are, perhaps, taking use of every minute to enjoy their last chew before being driven home. This is a picture of the Yellow River bank, in which the shepherd disappears, and no one knows where he is resting himself. Only the sheep, however, as free creatures, are joyfully appreciating the dusk. The exuberant water plants have nutrited the sheep, making them grow as fat as balls. When approaching near, you would find their lily-white teeth and a variety of innocent facial impressions.


今年全国卷(一)文言文翻译 曾公亮,字明仲,泉州晋江人。举进士甲科,知会稽县。民田镜湖旁,每患湖溢。公亮立斗门,泄水入曹娥江,民受其利。 曾公亮字明仲,泉州晋江人。考取为进士甲等,担任会稽知县。老百姓在镜湖旁种田,每每担心镜湖泛滥。曾公亮设置斗门,将湖水泄入曹娥江,老百姓享受到他的好处。 以端明殿学士知郑州,为政有能声,盗悉窜他境,至夜户不闭。尝有使客亡橐中物,移书诘盗,公亮报:“吾境不藏盗,殆从者之廋耳。”索之,果然。 凭借端明殿学士担任郑州知府,治理政事有才能因而声名在外,盗贼全部逃窜到其他州县,以至于晚上不关闭大门。曾经有过客丢失橐中财物,发布文书诘查盗贼,曾公亮上报“:我所辖境不窝藏盗贼,大概是同行的人隐藏起来了吧。”进行搜查,果然如此。 公亮明练文法,更践久,习知朝廷台阁典宪,首相韩琦每咨访焉。仁宗末年,琦请建储,与公亮等共定大议。 曾公亮对朝廷法律条令熟读明了,任职践行以后,更熟悉懂得了朝廷台阁的规章,首相韩琦经常咨询访问他。仁宗末年,韩琦请求设置皇储,与曾公亮等共同商定大计。 密州民田产银,或盗取之,大理当以强。公亮曰:“此禁物也,取之虽强,与盗物民家有间矣。”固争之,遂下有司议,比劫禁物法,盗得不死。 密州民田盛产银子,有人偷取银子,大理寺把他们当作强盗。

曾公亮说:“这是禁物,偷取银子虽然是强盗行为,与从百姓家中盗取财物有区别。”为此事展开争论,于是就下达给有司议论,比照抢劫盗窃财物的法律,盗取银子不判死刑。 契丹纵人渔界河,又数通盐舟,吏不敢禁,皆谓:“与之校,且生事”。公亮言:“萌芽不禁,后将奈何?雄州赵滋勇而有谋,可任也。”使谕以指意,边害讫息。 契丹指使人在界河捕鱼,又多次开通盐船,官吏不敢禁止,都说:和他们较量,将要生事。曾公亮说:“刚开始时不禁止,以后将怎么办呢?雄州赵滋勇敢有计谋,能够胜任。”派人告诉赵滋,边境祸害终于平息了。 英宗即位,加中书侍郎兼礼部尚书,寻加户部尚书。帝不豫,辽使至不能见,命公亮宴于馆,使者不肯赴。公亮质之曰:“赐宴不赴,是不虔君命也。人主有疾,而必使亲临,处之安乎?”使者即就席。 英宗即位,任中书侍郎兼礼部尚书,不久兼任户部尚书。仁宗身体不适,辽国使者到来不能接见,让曾公亮在馆中设宴,使者不愿赴宴。曾公亮质问使者说:“赐宴不赴,这是对君主的不恭敬。君主有病,却一定要让他亲自设宴,能处之安然吗?”使者于是赴宴。 熙宁三年,九月,拜司空兼侍中、河阳三城节度使。明年,起判永兴军。居一岁,还京师。旋以太傅致仕。元丰元年卒,年八十。帝临哭,辍朝三日。 熙宁三年九月,授职司空兼侍中、河阳三城节度使。第二年,奉命平定永兴叛军,任职一年,回到京师,很快就以太傅身份辞职退


A卷(E-learning) For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on E-learning,try to imagine what will happen when more and more people study on-line instead of going to school。You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200words。 第一段:写出现状。 第二段:分析在线学习未来的图景并简单解释原因 第三段:分析未来及自己的应对之策 Currently,an increasing numberofpeople begin to use Internet to take courses and acquire knowledge.Onlinelearning is booming all around the world。It is providing many options with learners in terms of time,locations,subjects and costs。 Online learning greatly promoteslearners’ studying efficiency and teachers’ productivity.As a result,updatedknowledge will reach those students in isolatedareas at a higher speed,whichcan make many of them keep pace withthe time。Additionally,students candecide their learning locationand time much more freely。Notably,because transportationandaccommodation will not trouble E-learners,learning cost will belargelylowered。These advantages might decrease the number ofpeople who routinelyattend schoollearning。 From my point of view,personalinteractionbetween teachers and students in schools isirreplaceable。It is a good ideathat we combine E-learning andattending school together。Learning is not asimple multiple-choicequestion but an important issue that needs your tryingandinvolvement。 B卷(机器人) For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a shortessay on the use of robots。Try toimagine what will happen whenrobots take the place of human beings in industryas well aspeople’s daily lives。You are required to write at least 150wordsbut no more than 200 words。【参考范文一】 第一段:引出文章话题。说明技术的发展对人类生活的改变。 第二段:针对此现象作出观点的阐述 第三段:得出结论。 It is held bysome people that knowledge is power,especially scientific and technologicalknowledge。Science andtechnology are the motive power of the socialdevelopment,whichconstitute a primary productive force。The use of robots


专业八级翻译分类专项试题(十一) 一、Chinese to English (本大题5小题.每题10.0分,共50.0分。Translate the following underlined part of the text into English. ) 第1题在探求真理的过程中,人们对客观规律的认识要经过艰苦曲折的过程。常常有这样的情形:由于研究的角度不同,掌握资料的差异,认识方法的不同,就会出现“横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同”的情况,以至引起学术上的争论。因此,有作为的科学工作者都把反对的意见看作对自己的莫大的帮助,把对自己的批评当做最珍贵的友谊。正如歌德所说,“我们赞同的东西使我们处之泰然,我们反对的东西才使我们的思想获得丰产。”这都是因为,赞同的意见未必正确,反对的意见未必错误。退一步说,即使错误的反对意见,对自己的科学研究也是很有好处的。 【正确答案】: 答案: In the process of exploring truth, people will have to experience tremendous hardships and difficulties before they can come to understand the objective laws. It is often the case that the differences in the research perspectives, the materials mastered, and the ways of understanding would lead to totally different results—as we might say, "a mountain becomes a hill when viewed horizontally and a ridge when viewed vertically, and it assumes totally different shapes when viewed from a short or a long distance, or from a high or a low. position. "—and even lead to academic disputes. Therefore, an accomplished scientist would regard opposing arguments as his most tremendous benefit and take others' criticism of him as the most precious friendship that he can ever obtain. In Gothe's words, "We take for granted what we are in favor of. However, only what we are opposed to can enrich our thoughts." This is all because the approving opinions are not necessarily justified while the opposing arguments are not necessarily unfounded. To put it in the least way, even the opposing arguments that are mistaken will be immensely beneficial to one's own scientific research. [本题分数]: 10.0 分 【答案解析】 [难点注释] 1.在……的过程中:可译为in the process of。 2.艰苦曲折:可译为tremendous hardships and difficulties。 3.客观规律:即objective laws。 4.常常有这样的情形:可译为it is often the case that。 5.由于研究的角度不同,掌握资料的差异,认识方法的不同:在结构上是并列的,且都在说明不同性,因此可处理为the differences in the research perspectives,the materials mastered,and the ways of understanding。

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