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Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.

第一课时Section A(1a~2d)




1.Although you will return to your hometown tomorrow,I will remember our ________ for


2.As parents,we shouldn't ________ our children to do much homework.

3.In China and some other countries,it is impolite to speak loudly ________ you are having

a meal.

4.We often work ________ as a team in English classes.

5.Nowadays it's a modern lifestyle to ________ weekends in the countryside.


6.Mike didn't receive his daughter's letters ________(late).

7.Mary was ________(happy),because she failed her English exam.

8.Our teacher makes us ________(help) the boy every day.

9.Mike is ________(strong) than any other student in our class.

10.Why don't you ________(climb) the mountains with us on weekends?


( ) 11.—How was your history class?

—It was boring.Many students felt ________ during the class.





( ) 12.Miss Black would rather ________ to a mysterious place.


B.to go

C.to going


( ) 13.Leo was ________ hungry ________ he rushed to the kitchen,hoping to find

something to eat.





( ) 14.(恩施中考)—Hi,why do you make the boy ________ at home?

—It's not my will.He is ill.


B.to stay



( ) 15.—Why don't you ________ out to play,Rose?

—I'm afraid I can't.I have much homework to do.


B.to go





We ________ ________ walk there ________ take a bus.


Let us ________ ________ ________ each other again.


Cloudy days ________ ________ ________.


________ ________ he has,________ ________ he wants.


She ________ ________ ________ at the party because she didn't know anyone.




A:Have you had lunch,Linda?

B:No,I haven't.What about you?


B:Why not go outside to get something to eat?

A:Yeah. 22

B:No, Jessey.The Cuiwei Restaurant is not good.


B:You are right. 24

A:Where do you want to go then?

B:Let's go to the Yishan Restaurant.The beautiful pictures and soft music make me relaxed.



第二课时Section A(3a~3c)



1.The ________(国王) ordered some people to build the tower.

2.Knowledge is the most valuable ________(财富) in our life.

3.The nurse was ________(检查) her patient when the telephone rang.

4.We all felt that the young people had too much ________(权力).

5.Mike's face looks so ________(苍白的).What's wrong with him?



6.Scientists found many treasures in the underground ________.

7.Suddenly,Mike has a stomachache.His face looks ________.

8.The young man worked hard.He became a famous ________ in the end.

9.Mary was born on a farm.Finally she became a ________ of the country.

10.Tom did ________ in the high jump at the school sports meet last week.



The star is always ________ ________ ________ ________ by others.


The girl always laughed ________ ________ ________.


He is ill.You should ________ ________ the doctor at once.


The emperor's sons were all trying ________ ________ ________ ________ after he fell



You should ________ ________ your room.



My dad taught me the power of language when I was young.

It 16 when I was eight.As a kid,I was always climbing trees.So it was no 17 for my dad to find me at the top of a 30-foot tree.I didn't realize a branch(树枝) could break or I could get hurt.I just thought it was 18 to be up so high.

My older cousin,Tammy,was 19 the same tree,about ten feet below me.

Tammy's mother and my father 20 us at the same time.Just at that time a strong wind

21 and it blew through the tree.My dad shouted,“Bart,hold on tight(紧紧地).”So I did.

But Tammy was not so lucky.She 22 out of the tree and hurt her legs.I climbed

down the tree slowly.My dad later told me 23 Tammy fell but I did not.When the strong wind came,Tammy' s mother shouted,“Tammy,don't fall!”But Tammy did fall.

My dad then 24 to me that the brain has a very difficult time processing negative(否定的) language.In order for Tammy to process the 25 of not falling,her

nine-year-old brain had to first imagine falling,then try to tell her body not to do it.It took

too much time!

( ) https://www.doczj.com/doc/907509516.html,ed B.offeredC.caused D.happened

( ) 17.A.problem B.surpriseC.idea D.worry

( ) 18.A.interesting B.dangerousC.important D.possible

( ) 19.A.in B.behindC.over D.under

( ) 20.A.called B.neededC.noticed D.remembered

( ) 21.A.caught B.cameC.tried D.continued

( ) 22.A.sat B.climbedC.fell D.held

( ) 23.A.when B.whereC.what D.why

( ) 24.A.listened B.shoutedC.explained D.told

( ) 25.A.news B.wordC.knowledge https://www.doczj.com/doc/907509516.html,rmation

第三课时Section A(4a~4b)



1.I don't like ________ (灰色的) coat.Would you please change another one for me?

2.I prefer ________ (柠檬)to oranges.I like the sour taste.

3.What she said made me ________(使人不舒服的).

4.I think real ________(友谊)is more valuable than money.

5.Don't ________(扔)rubbish in school.We should keep our school clean.


( ) 6.The peaceful music in the CD made the students ________ relaxed.




D.to feel

( ) 7.Loud music always makes us ________.

A.want dance

B.to want dance

C.want to dance

D.to want to dance

( ) 8.Welcome to our school,ladies and gentlemen.________,I'd like to introduce myself.

A.To be honest

B.To my surprise

C.To start with

D.To tell you the truth

( ) 9.The________ you work at your lessons,the ________ results you will get.

A.hard; good

B.harder; good

C.hard; better

D.harder; better

( ) 10.—Can you tell us something about China?

—Sorry,I'm busy now.________ Jack ________ I have ever been there before,you

can go and ask him.

A.Either; or

B.Not only; but also

C.Both; and

D.Neither; nor



________ ________ ________,you need to prepare two bananas and three apples.


Jim is too tired.He ________ ________ ________.


The teacher ________ ________ the boys and asked them what happened.


My words ________ my father very ________.


We shouldn't ________ ________ your idea.



Brittany is not only my sister but my best friend.She is only thirteen months younger

than me,but she is the person who 16 me most.Having Brittany as my best friend has

made me into the person I am today.She has 17 me how to trust people,how to solve

my problems and how to express my feelings.

I have 18 had a hard time learning to trust people.The only person I can trust with

everything is Brittany.I can always let her know 19 I have done something wrong.She

will promise that she will not tell anyone if I don't want her to.All my 20 will be safe

with her.Nobody will 21 the secrets unless I tell them.That is very important to me

because I haven't been 22 to find another person I can trust.That also helps make our

relationship stronger.

Problem solving is another thing Brittany can help me 23 .Whenever I have a problem I can't solve by myself,I go to 24 .Whether it has to do with my classmates,

schoolwork or sports,Brittany can give me some useful 25 .I feel lucky to have such a


( ) 16.A.refuses B.avoidsC.influences D.punishes

( ) 17.A.taught B.askedC.mentioned D.believed

( ) 18.A.never B.alwaysC.seldom D.almost

( ) 19.A.so B.beforeC.if D.until

( ) 20.A.secrets B.plansC.hobbies D.dreams

( ) 21.A.give up B.stick toC.deal with D.find out

( ) 22.A.sad B.luckyC.shy D.difficult

( ) 23.A.of B.atC.with D.to

( ) 24.A.him B.herC.it D.them

( ) 25.A.magazines B.examinationsC.material D.advice

第四课时Section B(1a~1e)



1.Linda is such a patient p________ that she never gets angry easily.

2.I didn't r________ I had left the key at home until I got to my car.So I had to go back.

3.You can keep the book for a few days,but you must r________ it by Saturday.

4.UNICEF is one of the best-known charities that help p________ children


5.Here is a letter for Jack.Please g________ it to him.


6.What are they searching ________?

7.They found a poor person ________ power or money.

8.There was a happy man ________ the street.

9.I don't agree ________ her.I think it's unfair.

10.Did they return ________ the palace with the shirt at last?


( ) 11.My father bought a computer for me.Now I can use it to play games and________

some useful information.


B.search for

C.to search

D.to search to

( ) 12.I think she'll come on time ________ it rains tomorrow.

A.ever since

B.only when

C.even though

D.only if

( ) 13.(平凉中考)Mom always tells me that nothing can be learned ________ hard work.





( ) 14.Jenny goes to school on foot.It takes her about half an hour ________ there.

A.to get




( ) 15.(济南中考)The funny story made the kids ________.

A.to drink

B.to work


D.to cry



Anger is a kind of feeling.Many things can make you angry.When your teacher gives

you too much homework,when your team loses an important game,when a friend borrows

your favorite thing and then breaks it,you may get really angry.

Usually,your body will tell you when you are angry.For example,you breathe faster,

your face turns red,and you may want to break something or hit someone,but sometimes,

you hide your anger.For example,you may hide it in your heart.The problem is that if you

do this,you may get a headache or your stomach may hurt.

In fact,it's not good to hide your anger,and it's normal for you to get angry

Sometimes.But anger must be let out in the right way,without hurting others or yourself.

When you get angry,you can talk about it with other people.It's helpful to talk about

your anger with an adult,such as parents,a teacher,etc.When you talk about

bad feelings can start to go away.Here are some other things you can do when you start to

feel angry:talk to a good friend; count from 1 to 100; give someone a hug; go for a bike ride;

think about good things,etc.

Remember that how you act when you are angry can make everything better or worse.Don't let your anger control you.

第五课时Section B(2a~2e)



1.Don't p________ the door.It was broken just now.

2.While I was leaving home,my father came back with a heavy bag on his s________.

3.The boy walked around the teacher's office for a long time and went in at last with


4.The teacher told the students not to k________ the door when it was closed.

5.You'd better set a g________ before you start to study English.


6.She ________(nod) to me when she passed by me in the street.

7.Katie only has one meal a day in order to lose ________(weigh).

8.Macello Lippi and Fabio Capello are famous football ________(coach) in the world.

9.My family are not in ________(agree) on where to go.

10.Mike is ________(luck) to get a chance to study abroad.


11.I believe if we ________ ________(齐心协力),we will win the important basketball

match tomorrow.

12.You have done well in all your subjects.Don't ________ ________

________(对……要求严格) yourself.

13.Boys and girls! Come on! I hope you win the game.Don't ________ ________


14.The young people was ________ ________(开除) by the company because he was often


15.The most valuable thing is time,________ ________(而不是) money.



Yesterday a group of people were attending a research meeting.A professor,who teaches sociology(社会学) in a college,was the speaker.(A)S________ he stopped and

started giving each of the 49 listeners a balloon.(C)All the listeners were asked to write his

or her name on the balloon in the hands.Then all the balloons were collected and put in

another room.

After that,all the listeners were asked to walk into that room and find the balloon with

their own name on it,within 5 minutes.Everyone was frantically(疯狂地) looking for their

name,pushing and colliding(碰撞) with each other.At the end of 5 minutes,no one could

find the balloon with his or her own name on it.

(B)F________,each of the listeners was asked to pick up any one of the balloons and

then give it to the person whose name was written on it.Within 3 minutes everyone had his

or her own balloon.

The speaker then said,“The same situation always happens in our life.Everyone is

looking for happiness everywhere,not knowing where it is.Everyone's happiness lies in

other people's happiness.Give them their happiness,you will get your own happiness.”





17.______________________________________________________________ __________


18.What does the speaker do?

_________________________________________________________________ _______

19.How many people attended the research meeting?

_________________________________________________________________ _______

20.What does the writer want to tell us?

_________________________________________________________________ _______

Self Check


( ) 1.I would rather ________ to music than watch TV.


B.to hear


D.to listen

( ) 2.—Excuse me,where is Doctor Wang?

—He's ________ a sick baby.





( ) 3.We should have ________ to face these difficulties instead of fearing them.





( ) 4.At last,the baby was made________ and began to laugh.

A.stop crying

B.stopped to cry

C.to stop to cry

D.to stop crying

( ) 5.________,I didn't know him.But we became good friends at last.

A.First of all

B.Start with

C.To start with

D.Beginning with

( ) 6.Jim passed the entrance exam of Peking University and didn't ________.

A.leave us out

B.kick us off

C.keep away from us

D.let us down

( ) 7.We must ________ if we want to win the match tomorrow.

A.get together

B.pull together

C.get up

D.give up

( ) 8.—Have you seen your old friend ________,Tony?

—Yes,we met at the central park last Sunday.


B.the later



( ) 9.(阜康、米泉中考)—Tell us something about Canada,OK?

—I'm sorry.________ Jack ________ I have ever been there.


B.Not only;but also



( ) 10.—I want to stay here for a longer time.

—________ The soft music makes people relaxed and comfortable.

A.Yes,isn't it?

B.Well,yes and no.

C.I disagree.




11.Lucy isn't feeling well now.Her face looks so ________ (苍白).

12.How terrible! The man had a snake on his ________(肩膀).

13.Their new ________ (教练)is very strict with them.

14.You should have more ________(勇气).

15.Peter,please ________(踢)the soccer ball back to me.


16.You are lucky enough to be on a ________(win) team.

17.Lily enjoys dancing rather than ________(sing).

18.How did you deal with your ________(disappoint) in your life?

19.There was great ________ (friend) between the two families.

20.I suggested going to France for next vacation,but they didn't ________(agreement)with



21.The old man is so worried that he doesn't know what he should do next.(改为同义句)

The old man is so worried that he doesn't know ________ ________ ________ next.

22.Reading the long novel in such a short time is not easy.(改为同义句)

It's not easy ________ ________ the long novel in such a short time.

23.They couldn't believe that Tom didn't get the ball into the basket.(改为同义句)

They couldn't believe that Tom ________ ________ ________ ________.

24.The movie made me cry.(改为被动语态)

I ________ ________ ________ ________ by the movie.

25.Pollution makes me feel kindofangry.(对画线部分提问)

________ ________ pollution make you feel?


Young people are often unhappy when they are with their parents.They 26 that their parents don't understand them.They often think their parents are too strict with them,and they are never given a 27 hand.

Parents often find 28 difficult to win their children's trust and they seem to forget how they themselves 29 when they were young.

For example,young people like to do things without much thinking.It's one of their ways to 30 that they have grown up and they can do with any difficult things.Older people worry more easily.Most of them plan things ahead and don't like their plans to be changed.

When you want your parents to let you do something,you will have better success 31 you ask before you really start doing it.

Young people often make their parents angry by the clothes they want,the music they enjoy and something else.But they don't 32 to cause any trouble.They just feel that in this way they can be cut off from the old people's world and they want to make a new culture of their own.And if their parents don't like their music or clothes or their manners of speech,the young people feel very

33 .

Sometimes y ou even don't want your parents to say “34 ” to what you do.You want to stay at home alone and do what you like.

If you plan to control your 35 ,you'd better win your parents over and try

to get them to understand you.If your parents see that you have high sense of responsibility,they will certainly give you the right to do what you want to do.

( ) 26.A.remember B.hopeC.say D.know

( ) 27.A.helpful https://www.doczj.com/doc/907509516.html,efulC.free D.strong

( ) 28.A.that B.thisC.one D.it

( ) 29.A.thought B.wantedC.needed D.felt

( ) 30.A.learn B.seeC.find D.show

( ) 31.A.since B.ifC.because D.after

( ) 32.A.mean B.careC.like D.decide

( ) 33.A.lonely B.happyC.interesting D.strange

( ) 34.A.Yes B.NoC.Sorry D.That's right

( ) 35.A.life B.workC.study D.health


Many things around us may affect our feelings and moods.

( ) 36.Some people think they feel sad,especially when the full moon is hanging in the sky

during Mid-Autumn Festival.The moon is so round and bright.But they can't get

together with the family.

( ) 37.We always have bad thoughts when it rains.However, when the sun shines brightly,

we feel happy again.

( ) 38.Now many people who live in the city don't always sleep well at night because it's too

noisy for them to fall asleep.

( ) 39.Women like to wear orange and yellow clothes when they are feeling sad.Because

these colors can make them confident and cheer them up.Blue and white can make people feel calm.Green is the color of nature.Red often makes people active. ( ) 40.When we talk about the Ya'an earthquake with friends,it always makes us sad and

worried.But the 18th Meeting of the Communist Party always makes us excited and


It's important for us to be in a good mood.If we are in good spirits,we can study or work

better.So we must learn to take care of ourselves and stay in good spirits.


单元写作小专题&Section B(3a~3b)



1.能用“make sb.+adj.,…make sb.+do sth.”句型表达某事物给人的感受;





(一)Talk about how things affect you:

●“make sb.+adj.”意为“使某人(感到)……”。



1.Too much homework always makes me ________.

2.My grandpa is seriously ill.That makes me ________.

3.The winter vacation is coming.That makes me ________.

4.Eating in such a clean and quiet restaurant made me ________.

5.It's 6:00 p.m.now,but Bill still doesn't appear.That makes me ________.

6.There will be an English test tomorrow.It makes me ________.

7.I'm pretty stressed out.The soft piano music makes me ________.

8.My sister got my CDs without asking me.What she did made me ________.

●“make sb.+do sth.”意为“使(令)某人做某事”。


9.The dirty streets make me ________ (想)to clean them up.But I can't do that all alone.

10.What Peter's father said made him ________ (思考)carefully.

11.Doing too much work often makes me ________ (感到)tired.

12.Fresh air in the countryside makes us feel ________(放松).

●“sb.feels felt+adj.”意为“某人感觉……”。


13.Mingming always ________ (感到) ________(紧张)when he takes exams.

14.I ________(感到)really ________(失望)when I heard the news.

15.Football fans felt ________(激动)when Messi scored a ________(射门).



1.D________ sports makes us feel energetic.(主语是________________)

2.W________ our teachers did for us made everybody ________(感动).(主语是


3.I will spend more time with Lucy.T________ can make our ________ (友谊)stronger.(主


4.Overweight m________ me sad and become less confident.(主语是________)



________ ________ I got to know Julie,________ ________ I've realized that we have a

lot in common.That makes our friendship ________.


The king slept ________ and didn't feel like ________.That made the ________ and his

people ________.


Peter kept his eyes on the ground and felt ________ ________ ________ ________

________ ________ as he walked home alone.


Luis Alberto Suarez bit again.He ________ his fans ________.


________ ________ ________ he walked through the door,his father asked,“What's

wrong,son?”Father's love ________ him ________ good.






第一课时Section A(1a~2d)

Ⅰ.1.friendship 2.drive 3.while 4.together 5.spend



Ⅳ.16.would rather;than17.be friends with18.make me sad19. The more;the more20.felt left out


第二课时Section A(3a~3c)

Ⅰ.1.king 2.wealth 3.examining 4.power 5.pale


Ⅲ.11.worried about being followed12.for no reason13.call in14.to take his position15.clean up


第三课时Section A(4a~4b)

Ⅰ.1.grey 2.lemons 3.uncomfortable 4.friendship 5.throw


Ⅲ.11.To start with12.feels like sleeping13.called in14.made;angry

15.leave out


第四课时Section B(1a~1e)

Ⅰ.1.person 2.realize 3.return 4.poor 5.give



Ⅳ.16.Anger17.Reasons18.borrows19.in your heart20.think about

第五课时Section B(2a~2e)

Ⅰ.1.pull 2.shoulder 3.courage 4.kick 5.goal


Ⅲ.11.pull together12.be hard on13.let me down14.kicked off15. rather than

Ⅳ.16.Suddenly;Finally17.所有的听众被要求在手里的气球上写下他或她的名字。18.A sociology professor in a college.19.Fifty people./Fifty.20.Give other people their happiness,you will get your own happiness.

Self Check




Ⅲ.21.what to do22.to read23.missed scoring the goal24.was made to cry




单元写作小专题&Section B(3a~3b)





(二)1.Doing;doing sports 2.What;moved;what our teachers did for us

3.That;friendship;that 4.makes;overweight

(三)1.The more;the more;stronger 2.badly;eating;queen;worried

3. a heavy weight on his shoulder


5.As soon as;made;feel


One possible version:

I will never forget the days when I moved to a new town.

We had to move because of my father's new job in another town.That made me sad and worried,and also made my good friends feel unhappy.

The day after we moved to a new house,my parents took me to my new school.I felt really upset.Mr.Lin,my new head teacher,told me to introduce myself to the class.Speaking in front of my new classmates made me want to run away.However,the smiles on their faces encouraged me.After that,I tried to make some new friends.They took me to visit the museums and read in the library in the free time.Thanks to their help,I got used to the life in the new place


From then on,I always tell myself that everything will be OK as long as we are brave enough.


Unit5 单元语法小专题(Grammar Focus) 语法精讲 一般现在时的被动语态 1.主动语态与被动语态 语态是英语句子中表明句子主语与谓语之间动作关系的一个概念,具体分为主动语态与被动语态两种。 主动语态表明的是“句子谓语动作是由主语发出,即主语是谓语动作的执行者”这一主谓关系。而被动语态表明的则是“句子谓语动作不是由主语发出的,主语反而是谓语动作的承受者”这一主谓关系。如: Many people speak English.许多人讲英语。(主动语态,主语“Many people”是谓语动作“speak”的执行者) English is spoken by many people.英语被许多人讲。(被动语态,主语“English”是谓语动作“is spoken”的承受者) 2.一般现在时的被动语态 一般现在时的被动语态其谓语结构为:am/is/are+及物动词的过去分词 (1)肯定句结构为:主语+am/is/are+及物动词的过去分词+其他。如: Farm machines are made in that factory.农场机械是在那个工厂被制造的。 (2)否定句结构为:主语+am/is/are+not+及物动词的过去分词+其他。如: Farm machines are not made in that factory.农场机械没有在那个工厂被制造。 (3)一般疑问句结构为:Am/Is/Are+主语+及物动词的过去分词+其他。如: Are farm machines made in that factory?农场机械是在那个工厂被制造的吗? 注意: ①happen,belong to,have,cost,last,own,stay等一般不用被动语态。 ②taste,sound,prove,feel,look,smell等系动词常用主动形式表示被动意义。除此之外,read,sell, wash,write等动词用来说明主语的性质特征时,也常用主动形式表示被动意义。 语法精练 Ⅰ.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.English ________(learn) as a foreign language in most of Chinese schools. 2.The dogs ________(take) good care of by my mother. https://www.doczj.com/doc/907509516.html,ually,my homework ________(not do) in the afternoon. 4.________ the flowers ________(water) every day? https://www.doczj.com/doc/907509516.html,puters ________(not sell) well in that shop. 6.________ our school ________(visit) by many people every day? 7.Three languages ________(use) in this country. 8.The workers ________(make) to work 12 hours every day. 9.Such exercises ________ often ________(do) by the students in class. 10.The car ________ always ________(clean) by Mr. Zhang in the morning. Ⅱ.按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。 11.They don't make this kind of watch in Beijing.(改为被动语态) This kind of watch ________ ________ by them in Beijing. 12.The bike is mended by Uncle Li.(对画线部分提问)________ ________ the bike mended by? 13.The trees are watered by them once a week.(改为主动语态) ________ ________ the trees once a week. 14.Does she often look after the old woman?(改为被动语态) ________ the old woman often ________ after by her? 15.Tea is grown in the south of China.(改为一般疑问句) ________ tea ________ in the south of China? Ⅲ.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 16.英语老师经常使用录音机。Recorders ________ often ________ ________ English teachers.

人教版英语九年级第七单元 知识点总结

人教版九年级英语第七单元知识点总结 Unit7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 一.单词 License safety smoke part-time pierce earring flash tiny cry field hug lift badly talk back awful teen regret poem community keep…away from chance make one’s own decision educate manage society get in the way of support enter choice We should allow teenagers to choose their own clothes. Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. Teenagers shouldn’t be allowed to choose their own clothes. Should teenagers be allowed to choose their own clothes? Why should teenagers be allowed to choose their own clothes? 二.1.driver’s license 驾照=driving license have/do part-time jobs=have/do part-time work做兼职 2.get/have/make sth done 表被动 eg: have/get/make my ears pierced have/get/make my hair cut 3.give sb. a hug = hug sb. 拥抱某人 4.succeed v. 成功(过去式succeeded)success n. 成功(一般为不可数,说到具体的某一次成功时为可数) successful adj. 成功的 5.against 介词,反对,反义词是for 另;对抗 6.manage v.管理,努力完成manager n.经理manage to do 设法做成某事区分 try to do sth 7.important adj.重要的,important=of importance n.重要性 8.regret


Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: 单词:friendship 友谊, king 君主, pale 苍白的, queen 王后, examine 检查, nor 也不, palace 王宫, power 权力, wealth 财富, grey 阴沉的, lemon 柠檬, fame 名声, Prime 首相的 句型:The loud music makes me nervous. Soft and quiet music makes me relaxed. Money and fame don’t always make people happy.She said that the sad movie made her feel like crying. 能够用英语描述事情对自己感情的影响,复习被动语态。 2.情感态度价值观目标: 了解一些表达感情的词,能正确的表达自己的感情,并培养学生正确处理事情,特别是不好的事情对自己的正面影响。 二、教学重难点 1. 教学重点: 1) 掌握本课时中出现的生词 2) 能够用英语描述自己的情感。 3)正确理解make 的用法。 2. 教学难点:掌握make的用法 Unit 11 Section A 1 (1a-2d) I. Leading in: Kinds of movies Review the kinds of movies and answer the question “How do you feel about the movie?” II. Learning 1. 1a. Look at the two restaurants below. Which would you like to go to? Why? 2. 1b.Listen and fill in the blanks. Then match the restaurants with the statements. 3. 1c.Role-play a conversation between Amy and Tina. Tina:I’d rather go to Blue Ocean because I like to listen to quiet music while I’m eating. Amy: But that music makes me sleepy. I want to have the hamburgers at Rockin’ Restaurant. Tina: Let’s go to the Rockin’ Restaurant. I love their hamburgers. Amy: Those awful pictures on the walls make me uncomfortable, and the loud music makes me nervous. Tina:So where do you want to go, Amy? Amy: Let’s go to Blue Ocean. The soft music makes me relaxed. 4. 2a. Listen and number the picture (1-4) in the order you hear them. 5. Listen again. Complete the statements. 1. Waiting for Amy drove Tina__________ (crazy). 2. Amy said loud music made her__________ (nervous). 3. Loud music makes John_____________. (want to dance) 4. T e movie was so sad that it made Tina______. (cry) 5. Sad movies don’t make John cry. They just make him______________ (want to leave). 6. Role-play the conversation. 7. 2d Pole-play the conversation. Nancy: Hey Bert, I think I’ve made Alice mad and I’m not sure what to do about it. Bert: What happened? Nancy: You know Julie is Alice’s best friend, right? Bert: Uh-huh. Nancy: Well, the more I got to know Julie, the more I’ve realized that we have a lot in common. So we’ve been spending more time together lately. Bert: But what’s wrong with that? Nancy: Umm ... it makes Alice unhappy because she thinks Julie is now bet her friends with me than with her. Bert: I see. Mmm ... why don’t you ask Alice to join you each time you do something with Julie? Then she won’t feel left out. Nancy: Oh, good idea! That can make our friendship stronger. III. Language points. 1. I’d rather go to the Blue Ocean Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while I’m eating. would rather do sth.,意为“宁可,宁愿还是……好些”。 e.g. I’d rather play tennis than swim. 比起游泳我宁愿去打台球。


九年级语文(上)第五单元测试试卷附答案 一、积累与运用(26分) 1、填补下列名句的空缺处或按要求填空。(8分,每空1分) ⑴塞下秋来风景异,____________________________。 ⑵____________________________,柳暗花明又一村。 ⑶门前流水尚能西。____________________________。 ⑷庭下如积水空明,____________________________,盖竹柏影也。 ⑸孟浩然《过故人庄》中描写郁郁葱葱的绿树环绕村边,苍苍茫茫的青山伫立郭外的诗句是“____________________________,____________________________” 。 ⑹“____________________________,____________________________”唐代伟大诗人杜甫没有实现的愿望,今天却在赣州这块神奇的土地上实现了。你看,展现在眼前的是道路平坦条条宽,高楼耸立幢幢新,市场繁荣商业旺……(用杜甫《茅屋为秋风所破歌》中的句子回答) 2、下列字形和加点字音完全正确 ....的一项是()。(2分) A、珍馐.(xiū)凌.乱(línɡ)闭门羹.(ɡěnɡ)龙盘虎踞.(jù) B、趿.拉(tā)驽.钝(nú)文绉.绉(zhōu)凌罗绸.缎(chóu) C、枉.驾(wǎnɡ)赐.教(cì)揿.钮(qìn)奄.奄一息(yān) D、秉.烛(bǐnɡ)勾勒.(lè)说媒拉纤.(qiàn)颓垣.断壁(yuán) 3、下列加点词语运用有误 ..的一项是()。(2分) A、作为一校之长,大学校长还必须具备尊重人才、礼贤下士 ....的思想品格和人格风范。 B、在返回阿根廷之后,马拉多纳一直深居简出 ....,他有意回避着媒体的追逐。 C、本文皆为个人观点,由于笔者充耳不闻 ....,如言语和分析不妥当之处请各方谅解。 D、记得上个世纪八十年代末,我出差时,在火车上和乘客神聊海吹 ....过景德镇的瓷器街如何如何神奇,人家听了羡慕得不得了。 4、下列句子没有语病 ....的一项是()。(2分) A、7月14日晚,湖口县牛脚芜圩堤发现一处直径为6厘米的泡泉,经过3个多小时的紧张抢险,该县防汛人员成功将泡泉堵住。 B、在各地发展呈百舸争流态势的今天,谁是否真正拥有了人才优势,谁便拥有了竞争优势。 C、各地应注意做好防暑降温工作;对洪涝灾区,要注意加强卫生防疫工作,防止传染病的发生。 D、该县还建立“一季一通报,一周一督查,年终总评比,一月一调度,半年一考核”的督查考核机制,全力推进项目建设。 5、下列句子顺序排列正确 ..的一项是()。(2分) ①当时,他已经带领部队在被山洪围困的南城县沙洲镇水口村奋战了三天两夜,把被困群众全部解救出来后,本想让疲惫不堪的战士们好好睡一觉,可开拔的命令又到了。 ②省武警总队副参谋长周智源接到驰援命令时是21日晚7点。 ③“交给我们!” ④地方领导指着地图上的唱凯堤灵山何家村段:“这是决口处,水流最急,作业难度最大……” ⑤部队到达抚州的时间是21日晚8点半,在联合指挥部的调度会上,周智源只问了一句:“哪里最险,最急?” A、②⑤④③① B、②①⑤④③ C、⑤④③②① D、②①⑤③④ 6、读下面文字,完成两个小题。(2分) 一个有着灿烂文明的地方,多半不会缺少美妙的石质文化遗存。不说埃及的金字塔,古罗马的斗兽场,敦煌的莫高窟________就在江西的庐山,时时可见的摩崖石刻,及散落在亭台楼阁间的碑文石


第五单元走向近代 第13课西欧经济和社会的发展近代早期西欧经济的新变化 租地农场的产生 手工工场的产生

意义: 土地关系的变化和手工业的发展,推动农业和手工业生产组织逐渐资本主义化;促进了西欧经济、社会的发展;开始改变中欧社会的整体面貌。 近代早期西欧的社会变化 第14课文艺复兴运动 时间:14世纪中叶起——16世纪 地点:14世纪中叶起源于意大利,15、16世纪传播于欧洲 背景原因: ①经济:商品经济的发展和资本主义萌芽; ②政治:新兴资产阶级出现; ③思想:封建神学的束缚 含义:14世纪中叶起,在欧洲发生的一场源起于意大利,通过采取

复兴古代希腊罗马文化的方式来反对教会“神权至上”和提倡人文主义的新文化运动 思想主张:A.要求建立一种以人为中心而不是以神为中心的生活哲学 B.提倡发扬人的个性,追求享受现实生活 核心:反对教会“神权至上”,提倡人文主义 表现:代表人物及作品 文学方面: 但丁,意大利人,被称为文艺复兴的先驱。代表作《神曲》,分地狱、炼狱、天堂三部分。抨击教会的贪婪腐化,表达了市民阶层的情感与理想。 莎士比亚,英国人。创作了30多部戏剧和诗篇,反映了时代风貌和社会本质,深刻批判了封建道德伦理观念和社会陋习,充分体现了人文主义者的生活理想。代表作《哈姆雷特》、《罗密欧与朱丽叶》。 文艺复兴三杰:但丁、彼特拉克、薄伽丘 艺术方面: 达·芬奇,意大利人,被称为多才多艺的文化巨人。代表作《蒙娜丽莎》、《最后的晚餐》 美术三杰:达·芬奇、拉斐尔、米开朗琪罗 实质:文艺复兴是人类历史上一场伟大的资产阶级思想解放运动。 影响: 1、动摇了神学在欧洲的统治地位; 2、以人为本、思想自由的观念日益深入人心;


精品文档 Unit 11. Sad movies makes me cry 短语 1.使某人做……make sb do 2.宁愿做……也不做……would rather do than do / prefer to do rather than do 3.等候wait for 4.迫不及待做can’t wait to do 5.使某人发疯drive sb mad 6.越……越……the more .... the more 7.一定,务必be sure to do 8.有共同之处have sth in common 9.成为某人的朋友be friends with sb 10.忽略,不提及leave out 11.无缘无故for no reason 12.……的原因the reason for / the reason why 13.每当each time 14.首相,大臣prime minister 15.想要feel like doing / want to do / would like to do 16.叫来,召来call in 17.既不……也不……neither ....nor 18.向……解释explain sth to sb 19.担心……worry about / be worried about 20.代替某人的职位take one’s position 21.代替take one’s place 22.发生take place 23.在三天内in three days’ time / in three days 24.被……跟随be followed by 25.一般而言,总之in general 26.起初,开始时to start with 27.清扫街道clean up the street 28.突然all of a sudden / suddenly 29.寻找,搜寻search for 30.回到……,归还……return to ..... 31.停止做某事stop doing sth 32.停下来去做stop to do 33.在足球场上on the football field 34.踢进一球kick a goal 35.让某人失望let sb down / disappoint sb 36.错过做……miss doing 37.开除某人kick sb off 38.一……就as soon as 39.输了比赛lose the game / lose the match 40.答复某人reply to sb 41.十分钟之后ten minutes later 42.敲门knock on the door 精品文档


第五单元练习题 一、选择题 1.关于质量守恒定律,下列叙述正确的是() A.煤燃烧化为灰烬,该反应不符合质量守恒定律; B.24g镁在空气中完全燃烧生成40g氧化镁,实际消耗空气的质量为16g; C.无数实验证明化学反应都遵循质量守恒定律; D. 质量守恒定律只适合于有气体或固体生成的化学反应。 2.摩托罗拉公司研发了一种由甲醇为原料的新型手机电池,其容量为锂电池的10倍,可连续使用一个月才充一次电,其电池反应原理为:2CH3OH + 3X + 4NaOH == 2Na2CO3 + 6H2O,其中X的化学式为() A.O2 B.CO C.CO2 D.H2 3.质量守恒定律是帮助我们认识化学反应实质的重要理论。在化学反应aA+bB = cC+dD中,下列说法正确的是() A. 化学计量数a与b之和一定等于c与d之和 B. 若取xg A和xg B反应,生成C和D的质量总和不一定是2xg C. 反应物A和B的质量比一定等于生成物C和D的质量比 D. 若A和C都是盐,则该反应一定是复分解反应 4.如右图所示:2个甲分子反应生成1个丙分子和3个乙分子,下列判断不正确的是 A、反应生成的丙物质属于单质 B、参加反应的甲物质属于化合物 C、该反应中原子的种类发生了改变 D、根据质量守恒定律可推知,1个乙分子中 含有2个A原子 5.在化学反应C+O2==CO2中,若生成m个CO2分子,则参加反应的氧原子的个数是() A、m B、2m C、m/2 D、4m 6.镁带在耐高温的密闭容器中加热(内含空气),下图中能正确表示容器里所盛物质总质量的是() 7.某固体混合物内含有A、B、C三种物质各10g,将其充分反应后,B消耗完全,C的质量增加了8g,生成了4D,若A全部参加反应,需再加入B的质量是() A、20 g B、25 g C、40 g D、30 g 8.在一密闭容器中,盛放A、B、C三种物质各30g,加热充分反应后,各物质质量变化如下:关于此反应,下列认识不正确的是() A.物质有可能是单质 B.变化后待测物A的质量为5g


人教版九年级英语第十一单元知识点总结 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry 一.1.rather adv 可修饰形容词及它的比较级 a little,much,a bit,even,still 注意:副词可用来修饰动词,形容词,副词。 2.prefer to do sth rather than do sth=prefer doing sth to(doing) sth =would rather do sth than do sth=would do sth rather than do sth All students prefer to take the bus rather than walk. =All students prefer taking the bus to walking. =All students would rather take the bus than walk. =All students would take the bus rather than walk. Would rather用法 1)would rather“宁愿;宁可;更喜欢”,后跟动词原形 would rather do sth. =prefer to do sth. I would rather stay at home because it’s cold outside. 否定句:would rather not do sth 宁愿不做某事 2).一般过去时表示现在或将来的愿望 I’d rather you went tomorrow (now). 我宁愿你明天(现在)去。 I’d rather you came next Saturday. 我宁愿你下星期六来。 3).用过去完成时表过去的愿望 I’d rather you hadn’t said it. 我真希望你没有这样说过。 I’d rather you hadn’t done that. 我宁愿你没这样做。 3.


新人教版九年级第五单元精选练习题附答案 Unit 5What are the shirts made of? 第一课时Section A(1a~2d) Ⅰ.根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。 1. The ________(衬衫)is beautiful. I'll take it. 2. The cup is made of ________(玻璃). 3. Miss Zhu wears a ________(银色的)ring and looks more beautiful today. 4. I don't think it is convenient to eat food with a ________(餐叉)and knife. 5. It's relaxing to lie on the ________(草地)in the sun on a sunny morning. Ⅱ.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 6. The CD can help you know ________(wide) the knowledge of geography. 7. These ________(leaf)turn yellow in autumn. 8. Alice has lived in China for many years and she's been used to using ________(chopstick). 9. The factory ________(produce)two thousand lamps every week. 10. Dandong is ________(know)for its rice and seafood. Ⅲ.单项选择。 ( )11. —Can you tell me how tea is ________? —Sorry,I don't know,either. A. drink B. produce C. make D. produced ( )12. It ________ that some students like playing better than studying. A. seemed B. seems C. is seemed D. is seeming ( )13. Rice ________ in the south of China. A. grows B. grow C. is growing D. is grown ( )14. —Your skirt feels so soft. —Yes. It ________ silk. A. is made from B. is made of C. makes from D. makes of ( )15. —What are you ________ so many books for,Grandma? —I'll give them away to the kids in West China. A. packing B. putting C. getting D. making Ⅳ.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 16.这个地方以其乡村美景而着称。 The place ________ ________ ________ its beautiful countryside. 17.纸是由木头制成的。 Paper ________ ________ ________ wood. 18.迈克和汤姆都擅长汉语。 ________ Mike ________ Tom are good at Chinese. 19.喝牛奶对我们的健康是有益的。

人教版九年级英语第七单元知识点归纳 (1)

Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes 一、必记单词 ①名词:________ 证,证件________安全,安全性________田野,场地________诗,韵文________社区,社团________机会,可能性________社会________选择,挑选 ②动词:________教育,训导_______完成(困难的事);应付(困难局面)_______进来,进去 ③动词&名词:________吸烟,冒烟;烟________哭,叫喊________拥抱,搂抱________举起,太高;电梯________感到遗憾;懊悔,后悔________支持 ④形容词:________极小的,微小的________很坏的,讨厌的 ⑤副词:________严重地;差;非常; 二、短语 ________________ 做兼职工作________________扎耳洞 ________________回嘴,顶嘴________________避免接近,远离 ________________自己做决定________________挡...的路;妨碍 ________________不反对________________认真对待 三、小语法讲解: 1.No way!不行! No way意为“不行”,这是英语口语中一个直接拒绝对方的表达用语,强调不能按照他人的要求去做某事或不允许别人做某事。 Can I borrow your bike? No way! 2.I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed ①宾语从句跟在think,believe,suppose,expect等动词后,当主句是一般现在时,且主句的主语是第一人称(I,We)时,变否定句时,要否定主句,而不是从句,我们称之为“否定前移”;变反意疑问句时,附加问句要与从句一致。 I think you are right I don’t think you are right I don’t think he is clever,is he? 注意:如果主句的主语是第二,第三人称,变否定句时,要在从句否定;变反意疑问句时,附加句要与主句一致。 They think you are right They think you are not right They think you are right,don’t they? 【拓展】think(认为)、suppose(猜想)、believe(相信)、expect(期待) 练习:I don’t think she will agree with us,_______? A.will she B.won’t she C.don’t you D.do you ②sixteen-year-old是形容词,意为“十六岁的”,在形容词后加s,表示某一类人的意思,这样的


新目标英语九年级第5单元同步验收练习 Section A Ⅰ. 根据句意,从方框内选择合适的单词完成句子。 anxious, author, picnic, final, present 1. It’s a nice day. Let’s go for a . 2. Guo Jingming is my favorite . I like all his books. 3. The watch must be a for me. 4. He did quite well in the exam last term. 5. Li Gang felt , because his mother was badly hurt in the accident. Ⅱ. 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. You look (worry). What’s the matter? 2. What you’ve said is (possible) true, but I disagree with you. 3. The policeman is looking for the (own) of the black car. 4. Wang Ping often (study) English in the morning. 5. Something (drop) onto the floor just now. Ⅲ. 根据句意和汉语提示,填写恰当的短语完成下列句子。 1. Girls (组成) only 30% of the club members. 2. Who does this bicycle (属于)? 3. Whose (发带) is this? 4. We had a lot of fun (在野餐时) on the beach. 5. David had to drop out of the race (由于) injury. Ⅳ. 根据句意,从方框内选择合适的情态动词完成句子。 must, may, can, could, might, can’t 1. The brown wallet be Tom’s or Bill’s. They both like brown. 2. I haven’t seen Alice for several years. She be a big girl now. 3. — Whose jeans are these? I found them on the chair in the living room. — They be mine. I put my jeans on the bed. 4. —the woman there be our math teacher? — She be, but I’m not sure. Section B Ⅰ. 根据句意和汉语或首字母提示,填写单词。


第五单元化学方程式 课题1 质量守恒定律 一、质量守恒定律 1、概念: ________________________________________________________________。 注意:①质量守恒定律只适用于_______________;②没有参加反应的物质质量及不是反应生成的物质质量不能计入“总和”中;③要考虑空气中的物质是否参加反应或物质(如气体)有无遗漏。 2、微观解释:在化学反应前后,原子的_______、________、________均保持不变(原子的“三不变”)。 3、化学反应前后 (1)六不变宏观:________________________________________ 微观:________________________________ (2)两变宏观:________________ 微观:________________________ (3)三个可能改变宏观________________ 微观:_____________________ 二、化学方程式 1、含义:用________表示化学反应的式子。能直接反映质量守恒定律。 2、表示的意义: ⑴质的意义:表示反应物、生成物和反应条件 ⑵量的意义:表示各物质间的质量________(质量比=__________________________) (3)微观意义:表示各物质的微粒________(即各化学式前面的系数比) 例如:以2H2+O2点燃 2H2O为例,①表示_____________在点燃条件下生成________ ; ②表示氢气、氧气与水的质量比为________________③表示氢分子、氧分子与水分子的个数比为________________ 3、化学方程式的读法,以2H2+O2点燃 2H2O为例 ①从反应物、生成物和反应条件角度:________________________________ ②从各物质的质量比角度:________________________________________________ ③从各物质的微粒个数比(化学计量数之比)角度:________________________________ 三、涉及的相关实验: 1、铁和硫酸铜反应(可以验证质量守恒定律) 反应化学方程式:_____________________ 反应现象:_____________________________ 2、白磷燃烧(可以验证质量守恒定律) 反应化学方程式:________________________________________ 注意事项:因为反应中有气体生成,所以反应应在__________环境中进行,锥形瓶底部要放置少量__________,防止反应放出的热量使锥形瓶底炸裂,玻璃管的作用是:引燃白磷,玻璃管上气球的作用是:____________________ 现象:_______________________________________________, 3、碳酸钠与盐酸反应 化学方程式:__________________________________________ 现象:________________________________________ 天平不平衡的原因:________________________________________ 4、镁条燃烧


文档收集于互联网,已重新整理排版.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持. 新人教版九年级英语知识点及练习题 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? 一、用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. Many _______________(hero) died for their countries. 2. Where ________ the phone ________________ (invent)? 3. It’s my __________________(please) to help you out. 4. ___________________(Canada) live in North America. 5. The soup will be ___________(salt) you put another teaspoon of salt. 6.Girl students in some schools are not allowed (have)long hair. 7.We can watch TV after our homework (finish). 8.The old (speak) to politely. 9.Do you want (buy) a silbor watch? 10.He wishes China will get better at (make) high-technology products. 11.He avoided (answer) my questions. 12.Passagers (not allow) to smoke on the train. 13.Parents (invite) to school meeting every month. 14.It takes several weeks (complete) everything. 15.When the leaves are ready,they are picked by hand and then are sent for (process). 二、单项选择 ()1.The Olympic Games ___________every four years. A. are held B . were held C. are holding D. will hold ()2. In the art show,a lot of enjoyment __to foreign friends by the Chinese paintings. A. is giving B . is given C . will give D. has given ()3. Today Chinese is becoming more and more popular. It _________in many schools around the world. A. teaches B. is teaching C. has taught D. is taught ()4. Ba Jin, one of the greatest writers in China, ________as "People's Writer". A. is regarded B. has regarded C. is regarding D. regards ()5. Usually computers _________to search the Internet. A. use B. are using C. are used D. used ()6. --Do you often clean your classroom? --Yes. Our classroom __________every day. A. clean B. cleans C. is cleaned ()7.一Did you hear that water in Tai Lake smelt terrible? 一Yes.In fact,it ____.That's all because of the people and the factories around. A.polluted B was polluted C has polluted D.was po11ute ()8. --Our environment is getting worse than before. --You're right. But thanks to Earth Day_______, people have done useful things to protect the earth. A. is started B. was started C. has started ()9. ---I feel very happy that I ____to be the host. ---Congratulations! A. choose B. am chosen C. was chosen D. haven chosen ()10. Many trees and flowers ______ in our school last year,and they made our school a beautiful garden.A.plant B.planted C.have planted D.were planted ()11.Some famous paintings __________in the hall next week. A. will show B. were shown C. is shown D. will be shown ()12. A talk on developments in science and technology______ in the school hall next week . A. given B. will be given C. has been given D. gives ()13.Twelve-year-olds should not______ to drive in China.

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