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同济大学继续教育学院2018秋季学期期终考试(卷一)英语期末复习卷(答案)英语翻译 (1)教学教材

同济大学继续教育学院2018秋季学期期终考试(卷一)英语期末复习卷(答案)英语翻译 (1)教学教材
同济大学继续教育学院2018秋季学期期终考试(卷一)英语期末复习卷(答案)英语翻译 (1)教学教材


1. 我们的计算机系统出了问题,但我觉得问题比较小。

We have a problem with the computer system, but I think it’s fairly minor.

2. 父亲去世时我还小,不能独立生活。就在那时,家乡的父老接过了养育我的责任。

My father died when I was too young to live on my own. The people of my hometown took over (responsibility for) my upbringing at that point.

3. 这些玩具必须得在达到严格的安全要求后才可出售给儿童。

The toys have to meet strict/ tough safety requirements before they can be sold to children.

4. 作为新闻和舆论的载体,广播和电视补充了而不是替代了报纸。

Radio and television have supplemented rather than replaced the newspaper as carriers of news and opinion.

5. 至于这本杂志,它刊载了世界各地许多报纸杂志上文章的摘要。

When it comes to this magazine, it is/ carries a digest of articles from many

newspapers and magazines around the world.

6. 虽然受到全球金融危机后果的巨大影响,但是我们仍然相信我们能够面对挑战,克服危机。

Though greatly affected by the consequences of the global financial crisis, we are still confident that we can face up to the challenge and overcome the crisis.

7. 在持续不断的沙尘暴的威胁下,我们被迫离开我们喜爱的村庄,搬迁到新的地方。

Under threat of constant sand storms, we were compelled to leave our cherished village and move to the new settlement.

8. 根据最近的网上调查,许多消费者说他们也许会有兴趣考虑购买电视广告中播放的产品。

According to a recent online survey, a lot of consumers say they may be motivated to consider buying products shown in TV commercials.

9. 看到卡车司机把受污染的废弃物倒在河边,老人马上向警方报警。

Having spotted a truck driver dumping contaminated waste alongside the river, the old man reported to the police at once.

10. 一些科学家坚信人们总有一天会喜欢转基因农作物的,因为他们能够提高产量,帮助发展中国家战胜饥荒和疾病。

Some scientists hold to the firm conviction that people will come to like genetically modified crops someday since they can increase yields and help combat hunger and disease in the developing world.

11. 无论是在城市还是在农村,因特网正在改变人们的生活方式。

The Internet is changing the way people live, (no matter) whether they are in urban or rural areas.


Medium-sized and small companies are more vulnerable to the threat of the global economic crisis than large ones.


With regard to our term paper, the professor asked us to analyze the unemployment chart first, and then provide critical reflections on the nations economic development.

14. 他从来也没有想到他们队会以大比分赢得那场篮球赛。

It never occurred to him that their team would win the basketball match by a large margin.

15. 回顾二十年的中学教学,我把我的成功归结为耐心、才能和对只是的不断追求。

Looking back on my twenty years' teaching in high school, I attribute my success to patience, talent, and the constant pursuit of knowledge.

16. 红十字会派遣的志愿人员非常小心地对村里的饮用水进行消毒,以避免爆发瘟疫。

The volunteers sent/assigned by the Red Cross disinfected, with great caution, the drinking water in the village so as to avoid an outbreak of plague.

17. 爱因斯坦用了多年时间师徒把电磁学理论和引力理论结合起来,但没有成功。

Einstein spent many years trying to unify the theories of electromagnetism and gravity but failed.

18. 因其在激发学生创造性想象力方面的出色表现,王教授获得了校长奖。

Professor Wang received/won the Presidential Award for his excellence in stimulating students' creative imagination.


工程学院2011年度(线性代数)期末考试试卷样卷 一、填空题(每小题2分,共20分) 1.如果行列式233 32 31 232221 131211 =a a a a a a a a a ,则=---------33 32 31 232221 13 1211222222222a a a a a a a a a 。 2.设2 3 2 6219321862 131-= D ,则=+++42322212A A A A 。 3.设1 ,,4321,0121-=??? ? ??=???? ??=A E ABC C B 则且有= 。 4.设齐次线性方程组??? ?? ??=????? ??????? ??000111111321x x x a a a 的基础解系含有2个解向量,则 =a 。 、B 均为5阶矩阵,2,2 1 == B A ,则=--1A B T 。 6.设T )1,2,1(-=α,设T A αα=,则=6A 。 7.设A 为n 阶可逆矩阵,*A 为A 的伴随矩阵,若λ是矩阵A 的一个特征值,则*A 的一个特征值可表示为 。 8.若31212322 212232x x x tx x x x f -+++=为正定二次型,则t 的范围是 。

9.设向量T T )1,2,2,1(,)2,3,1,2(-=β=α,则α与β的夹角=θ 。 10. 若3阶矩阵A 的特征值分别为1,2,3,则=+E A 。

二、单项选择(每小题2分,共10分) 1.若齐次线性方程组??? ??=λ++=+λ+=++λ0 00321 321321x x x x x x x x x 有非零解,则=λ( ) A .1或2 B . -1或-2 C .1或-2 D .-1或2. 2.已知4阶矩阵A 的第三列的元素依次为2,2,3,1-,它们的余子式的值分别为 1,1,2,3-,则=A ( ) A .5 B .-5 C .-3 D .3 3.设A 、B 均为n 阶矩阵,满足O AB =,则必有( ) A .0=+ B A B .))B r A r ((= C .O A =或O B = D .0=A 或0=B 4. 设21β,β是非齐次线性方程组b X A =的两个解向量,则下列向量中仍为该方程组解的是 ( ) A .21+ββ B . ()21235 1 ββ+ C .()21221ββ+ D .21ββ- 5. 若二次型3231212 3222166255x x x x x x kx x x f -+-++=的秩为2,则=k ( ) A . 1 B .2 C . 3 D . 4 三、计算题 (每题9分,共63分) 1.计算n 阶行列式a b b b a b b b a D n Λ ΛΛΛΛΛΛ=


Unit 1 C 1.The younger generation should continue to sustain and develop our fine traditions and long-standing culture. 2.In the course of preparing one’s speech, one should be clearly aware of how one could make effective use of statistics and examples to bolster one’s point of view. 3.An impromptu speech is one of the speaking skills that college students should learn and develop through practice. 4.By using simile and metaphor, you can make your language more vivid and more attractive to your audience. 5.The proper examples you cite might help reinforce the impression on your listeners and make your viewpoints more convincing. 6.When you are speaking, you should choose common and easy words and at the same time avoid clutter in your speech.


Task 2 A contrary to implicit assertion look up adapted Sustain unbiased In the course of metaphor clutter B bolster credible impromptu sparingly anecdote Credentials testimony hypothetical paraphrase juxtaposition Task 3 Translation B.发言提纲是有效发言的基础。通过写发言提纲,你可以确保你的思想是相关联的,你的思路从一点谈到另一点,你的讲话结构是连贯的。通常,准备讲演你可以采用两种提纲方式:详细准备提纲和简单发言提纲。 在准备发言提纲中,应该写出你的特定目的及中心思想,并以连贯的方式确定主要观点和次要观点,发言提纲应该由简要的提要组成,这些提要在你讲话时能够给予你一些帮助。发言提纲还应该包括帮助你记忆的重点词或重点短语。在写发言提纲时,可采用准备提纲的模式,尽可能使你的发言提纲简要,同时,要确保提纲清晰,易于辨认。 C. 1. The younger generation should continue to sustain and develop our fine traditions and long-standing culture. 2. In the course of preparing one’s speech, one should be clearly aware of how one could make effective use of statistics and examples to bolster one’s point of view. 3. An impromptu speech is one of the speaking skills that college students should learn and develop through practice. 4. By using simile and metaphor, you can make your language more vivid and more attractive to your audience. 5. The proper examples you cite might help reinforce the impression on your listeners and make your viewpoints more convincing. 6. When you are speaking, you should choose common and easy words and at the same time avoid clutter in you speech. 7. When you write a paper, citing the views from some experts is a good way to make your ideas more credible. 8. A good method of delivering a speech will improve its quality and will help convey the speakers’ ideas clearly and interestingly. 9. You should mot blindly use a word that you are not sure about, and if you are not sure, look up the word in a dictionary. 10. Your language should adapt to the particular occasion and audience. If your language is appropriate in all respects, your speech is successful. D. Before you deliver an academic speech, you should, first of all, get well prepared for it. Then, you should make your major points clear in your speech, and your speech should be well organized. When speaking, you should not speak too fast, and your language should be exp licit. Don’t always read the notes you prepared beforehand. From time to time, you should look at your audience. On one hand, you can show your respect to your audience, and on the other hand, you will be able to go on with your speech more smoothly.


Unit 1 Task 2 A contrary to ?implicit assertion look upadapted Sustainunbiased In the course of metaphor clutter B bolstercredible impromptu sparinglyanecdote Credentials testimony hypothetical paraphrase juxtaposition Task 3 Translation B.发言提纲是有效发言的基础。通过写发言提纲,你可以确保你的思想是相关联的,你的思路从一点谈到另一点,你的讲话结构是连贯的。通常,准备讲演你可以采用两种提纲方式:详细准备提纲和简单发言提纲。 在准备发言提纲中,应该写出你的特定目的及中心思想,并以连贯的方式确定主要观点和次要观点,发言提纲应该由简要的提要组成,这些提要在你讲话时能够给予你一些帮助。发言提纲还应该包括帮助你记忆的重点词或重点短语。在写发言提纲时,可采用准备提纲的模式,尽可能使你的发言提纲简要,同时,要确保提纲清晰,易于辨认。 C.1. The youngergeneration should continue to sustain and developour finetraditions and long-standing culture. 2. Inthe courseof preparing one’s speech, one should be clearly a wareof how one couldmake effective useofstatisticsan dexamplesto bolster one’s point of view. 3.Animpromptu speech isoneof thespeaking skills that college students should learnand develop through practice. 4.By using simile and metaphor, you can make your language morevivid andmore attractive to your audience. 5.The proper examplesyou cite might help reinforcetheimpression on your listeners and make your viewpointsmore convincing. 6. Whenyou are speaking, you should choosecommon and easy wordsandat the same time avoid clutterin you speech. 7.When youwrite a paper,citing theviewsfrom someexpertsis a good way to make your ideas morecredible. 8. A good method ofdelivering a speech willimprove its quality andwill help convey the speakers’ ideas clearlyandinterestingly. 9.Youshouldmot blindly use a word that you are not sur eabout, and if you are notsure, lookup the word ina dictionary. 10. Your language should adaptto the particular occasion and audie nce. Ifyour languageis appropriate in allrespects,your speech issuccessful. D.Before you deliver an academic speech, you should,fir


《线性代数》课程教学大纲 英文名称:Linear algebra 课程编码:0 总学时:40 学分:2.5 适用对象:本科各理工科专业 先修课程:高等数学 大纲主撰人:万冰蓉大纲审核人: 一、课程性质、目的和任务 1、本课程是本科各理工科专业的一门学科基础课。线性问题广泛存在于科学技术的各个领域,而某些非线性问题在一定条件下,可转化为线性问题,因此本课程所介绍的方法广泛适用于各个学科。 2、目的是使学生掌握该课程的基本理论与方法,培养逻辑推理能力,抽象思维能力,计算能力和解决实际问题的能力,并为学习相关课程及进一步扩大数学知识面奠定必要的基础。 二、教学内容及要求 本课程内容按教学要求的不同分两个层次;对较高要求的必须使学生深入理解,牢固掌握,熟练应用的概念理论用“理解”一词表述,方法、运算用“掌握”一词表述;对教学中必不可少的,但在要求上低于前者的概念、理论用“了解”一词表述,方法、运算用“会”或“了解”表述。 第1章:行列式 授课学时:6 基本要求: 1-1掌握二阶与三阶行列式的定义。 1-2了解全排列与逆序数。 1-3了解n阶行列式的概念。 1-4掌握行列式的性质,并会应用行列式的性质计算行列式。 1-5会用行列式按行(列)展开定理计算行列式。 1-6会用克莱姆(Cramer)法则。 重点:利用行列式的性质及行列式按行(列)展开定理计算行列式。

难点:n阶行列式的概念,利用行列式的性质及行列式按行(列)展开定理计算行列式。 作业:课本32页,3,4(4),5(2)、(4)、(5),6,7(3)、(4)、(6),8(1),9 第2章:矩阵及其运算 授课学时:6 基本要求: 2-1理解矩阵概念,了解单位矩阵,对角矩阵,对称矩阵及其性质; 2-2掌握矩阵的线性运算、乘法、转置、方阵的行列式及其运算规律。 2-3理解逆矩阵的概念、逆矩阵存在的条件,会用伴随矩阵求矩阵的逆。 2-4了解分块矩阵及其运算。 重点:矩阵的乘法、逆矩阵的定义及伴随矩阵算法。 难点:矩阵的乘法,分块矩阵的乘法。 作业:课本66页,2,3,5,6,8,9,10,11(4)、(6),12(3),13(2),16,18,19,20 第3章:矩阵的初等变换与线性方程组 授课学时:6 基本要求: 3-1掌握矩阵的初等变换,会用矩阵的初等行变换解线性方程组,了解初等矩阵的性质,掌握用初等变换求逆矩阵的方法。 3-2理解矩阵的秩的概念,掌握用初等变换求矩阵的秩的方法,了解矩阵的秩的性质。 3-3理解齐次线性方程有非零解的充分必要条件及非齐次线性方程有解的充分必分条件。 重点:求线性方程组通解的方法,矩阵的秩的概念和求逆矩阵的初等变换方法,线性方程组的相容性定理。 难点:矩阵的秩的概念,初等矩阵与矩阵的初等变换的关系,线性方程组的相容性定理。作业:课本92页,2,3,4,5(1),6(1),7(1)、(3),8,10,11(1),12(2) 第4章:向量的线性相关性 授课学时:8 基本要求: 4-1理解n维向量的概念,向量的线性组合与线性表示,会用矩阵的秩判断向量的线性表示关系。 4-2理解向量组线性相关、线性无关的定义,会用矩阵的秩判别向量组的线性相关性,了解


《线性代数》重点题 一. 单项选择题 1.设A 为3阶方阵,数 = 3,|A | =2,则 | A | =( ). A .54; B .-54; C .6; D .-6. 解. .54227)3(33-=?-=-==A A A λλ 所以填: B. 2、设A 为n 阶方阵,λ为实数,则|λA |=( ) A 、λ|A |; B 、|λ||A |; C 、λn |A |; D 、|λ|n |A |. 解. |λA |=λn |A |.所以填: C. 3.设矩阵()1,2,12A B ?? ==- ??? 则AB =( ). 解. ().24121,221???? ??--=-???? ??=AB 所以填: D. A. 0; B. ()2,2-; C. 22?? ?-??; D. 2142-?? ?-?? . 4、123,,a a a 是3维列向量,矩阵123(,,)A a a a =.若|A |=4,则|-2A |=( ). A 、-32; B 、-4; C 、4; D 、32. 解. |-2A |=(-2)3A =-8?4=-32. 所以填: D. 5.以下结论正确的是( ). A .一个零向量一定线性无关; B .一个非零向量一定线性相关; C .含有零向量的向量组一定线性相关; D .不含零向量的向量组一定线性无关. 解. A .一个零向量一定线性无关;不对,应该是线性相关. B .一个非零向量一定线性相关;不对,应该是线性无关. C .含有零向量的向量组一定线性相关;对. D .不含零向量的向量组一定线性无关. 不对, 应该是:不能判断. 所以填: C. 6、 1234(1,1,0,0),(0,0,1,1),(1,0,1,0),(1,1,1,1),αααα====设则它的极 大无关组为( ) A 、 12,; αα B 、 123,, ;ααα C 、 124,, ;ααα D 、1234,, ,αααα


Unit 1 Presenting a Speech Road Building Good morning, everyone. Today I'l l be talking about the relationship between road building and the development of the American economy during the 18th century. About 300 years ago, the United States' economy was growing rapidly, mainly because of a booming trade in two important agricultural products: grain and cotton. Grain output in the eastern part of America increased quickly at that time due to the rapidly growing population and the large number of immigrants from Europe. As a result, the demand for grain almost doubled. For this reason, the trade in grain first developed in this part of the country. At the same time, the road system was gradually built up in order to transport the grain from the rural areas to various cities. The road building clearly helped develop the economy quickly in these areas and in the cities as well. During the same period, farmers in the South could get a large amount of laborers from Africa, and they started to grow cotton. As the cotton output increased, the farmers needed to sell it in other places. As a result, many roads were built to link the rural areas to the cities. At first, this trade of grain and cotton took place along the coast, or near rivers and lakes. It took place there because it was easy and cheap to transport goods from one place to another. Before 1700, it was very expensive to move the goods by road.


同济大学线性代数第六版答案(全) 1 利用对角线法则计算下列三阶行列式201 (1)1 4 ***** 解1 4 183 2 ( 4) 3 0 ( 1) ( 1) 1 1 8 0 1 3 2 ( 1) 8 1 ( 4) ( 1) 2 4 8 16 4 4 abc (2)bca cababc 解bca cab acb bac cba bbb aaa ccc 3abc a3 b3 c3 111 (3)abc a2b2c2111 解abc a2b2c2 bc2 ca2 ab2 ac2 ba2 cb2 (a b)(b c)(c a) xyx y (4)yx yx x yxyxyx y 解yx yx x yxy x(x y)y yx(x y) (x y)yx y3 (x y)3 x3 3xy(x y) y3 3x2 y x3 y3 x3 2(x3 y3) 2 按自然数从小到大为标准次序求下列各排列的逆序数 (1)1 2 3 4 解逆序数为0 (2)4 1 3 2

解逆序数为4 41 43 42 32 (3)3 4 2 1 解逆序数为5 3 2 3 1 4 2 4 1, 2 1 (4)2 4 1 3 解逆序数为3 2 1 4 1 4 3 (5)1 3 (2n 1) 2 4 (2n) n(n 1) 解逆序数为 2 3 2 (1个) 5 2 5 4(2个) 7 2 7 4 7 6(3个) (2n 1)2 (2n 1)4 (2n 1)6 (2n 1)(2n 2) (n 1个) (6)1 3 (2n 1) (2n) (2n 2) 2 解逆序数为n(n 1) 3 2(1个) 5 2 5 4 (2个) (2n 1)2 (2n 1)4 (2n 1)6 (2n 1)(2n 2) (n 1个) 4 2(1个) 6 2 6 4(2个) (2n)2 (2n)4 (2n)6 (2n)(2n 2) (n 1个) 3 写出四阶行列式中含有因子a11a23的项解含因子a11a23的项的一般形式为 ( 1)ta11a23a3ra4s 其中rs是2和4构成的排列这种排列共有两个即24和42 所以含因子a11a23的项分别是 ( 1)ta11a23a32a44 ( 1)1a11a23a32a44 a11a23a32a44 ( 1)ta11a23a34a42 ( 1)2a11a23a34a42 a11a23a34a42 4 计算下列各行列式 41 (1)***-*****14 2 07 41 解***-*****c2 c***** 1 ***** 104 1 10 2 122 ( 1)4 3 *****c 4 7c***** 3 1 4 4 110c2 c***** 123 142c00 2 0 1 2c***** 2 (2)31 1***** 22 4 解31 ***** c 4 c3 223 1202r 4 r ***-*****06 ***-*****


×××大学线性代数期末考试题 一、填空题(将正确答案填在题中横线上。每小题2分,共10分) 1. 若02 2 1 50 1 31 =---x ,则=χ__________。 2.若齐次线性方程组??? ??=++=++=++0 00321 321321x x x x x x x x x λλ只有零解,则λ应满足 。 3.已知矩阵n s ij c C B A ?=)(,,,满足CB AC =,则A 与B 分别是 阶矩阵。 4.矩阵??? ? ? ??=32312221 1211 a a a a a a A 的行向量组线性 。 5.n 阶方阵A 满足032 =--E A A ,则=-1A 。 二、判断正误(正确的在括号内填“√”,错误的在括号内填“×”。每小题2分,共10分) 1. 若行列式D 中每个元素都大于零,则0?D 。( ) 2. 零向量一定可以表示成任意一组向量的线性组合。( ) 3. 向量组m a a a ,, , 21中,如果1a 与m a 对应的分量成比例,则向量组s a a a ,,, 21线性相关。( ) 4. ? ? ??? ???? ???=010********* 0010 A ,则A A =-1。( ) 5. 若λ为可逆矩阵A 的特征值,则1 -A 的特征值为λ。 ( ) 三、单项选择题 (每小题仅有一个正确答案,将正确答案题号填入括号内。每小题2分,共10分) 1. 设A 为n 阶矩阵,且2=A ,则=T A A ( )。 ① n 2 ② 1 2 -n ③ 1 2 +n ④ 4 2. n 维向量组 s ααα,,, 21(3 ≤ s ≤ n )线性无关的充要条件是( )。 ① s ααα,, , 21中任意两个向量都线性无关 ② s ααα,, , 21中存在一个向量不能用其余向量线性表示 ③ s ααα,, , 21中任一个向量都不能用其余向量线性表示

学术综合英语英语填空题翻译Test 1说课讲解

1.It is apparent that winning the scholarship is testimony of her intelligence in the field of physics. A.parallelism B.alliteration C.testimony D.rhythm Translation:显然,获得这个奖学金证明了她在物理学领域的聪明才智。 2. As for the final test, the medical students were asked how they would treat a hypothetical case and were marked according to their responses. A.implicit B.hypothetical C.credible D.sparing Translation:针对期末考试,这些医学生会被问及他们是如何处理一个假想的案例,从而根据他们的反应来评分。 “医学生”修改成“医学专业的学生”,“被问及他们是如何处理一个假想的案例”修改成“老师会对他们进行如何处理一个假想的案例的提问”(把它改成了主动态并加了个主语) 针对医学专业的学生的期末考试,老师会对他们进行如何处理一个假想的案例的提问,从而根据学生反应来评分。 3. Students should be taught how to quote other people’s statements and also how to paraphrase them. A.impose B.execute C.create D.paraphrase Translation:应该教学生如何去引用别人的论述并对其进行改述。 “改述”修改成“阐述” 应该教学生如何去引用别人的论述并对其进行阐述。 4. It is believed to be the band’s trademark, but after the briefest exposure, it becomes aggravating to large degree. A.precipitating B.aggravating C.depending D.proposing Translation: 它被认为是品牌的商标,但在经过一段时间的曝光之后,在很大程度上变得更加有影响力。 “被认为”修改成“被当作”,“在很大程度上”多余 它被当作是某品牌的商标,而在经过一段时间的曝光之后,变得更加有影响力。 5. If the value of services exchanged or booked online were included as well, the figures would be more staggering still. A.contracting B.reconciling C.staggering D.burgeoning Translation: 如果包括在线交易或预订的服务所带来的价值,数字将变得更加惊人。 “包括”修改成“把...也囊括在内” 如果把在线交易或预订服务带来的价值也囊括在内,数字将变得更加惊人。 6. Will you sign our supplication against the spreading of nuclear arms? A.contract B.supplication C.agreement D.potential Translation:你会签订反对核武器扩散的条约吗? “签订”修改成“署名”,“条约”修改成“倡议书”


线性代数期末考试试题含 答案 The final edition was revised on December 14th, 2020.

江西理工大学《线性代数》考题 一、 填空题(每空3分,共15分) 1. 设矩阵??????????=333222 111 c b a c b a c b a A ,??????????=333 222111d b a d b a d b a B 且4=A ,1=B 则=+B A ______ 2. 二次型233222213214),,(x x tx x x x x x f +-+=是正定的,则t 的取值范围__________ 3. A 为3阶方阵,且2 1=A ,则=--*12)3(A A ___________ 4. 设n 阶矩阵A 的元素全为1,则A 的n 个特征值是___________ 5. 设A 为n 阶方阵,n βββ ,,21为A 的n 个列向量,若方程组0=AX 只有零解,则向量组(n βββ ,,21)的秩为 _____ 二、选择题(每题3分,共15分) 6. 设线性方程组?????=+=+--=-032231 3221ax cx bc bx cx ab ax bx ,则下列结论正确的是( ) (A)当c b a ,,取任意实数时,方程组均有解 (B)当a =0时,方程组无解 (C) 当b =0时,方程组无解 (D)当c =0时,方程组无解 7. 同为n 阶方阵,则( )成立 (A) B A B A +=+ (B) BA AB = (C) BA AB = (D) 111)(---+=+B A B A 8. 设??????????=333231232221 131211 a a a a a a a a a A ,??????????+++=331332123111131211232221a a a a a a a a a a a a B ,??????????=1000010101P , ???? ??????=1010100012P 则( )成立 (A)21P AP (B) 12P AP (C) A P P 21 (D) A P P 12 9. A ,B 均为n 阶可逆方阵,则AB 的伴随矩阵=*)(AB ( ) (A) **B A (B) 11--B A AB (C) 11--A B (D)**A B 10. 设A 为n n ?矩阵,r A r =)(<n ,那么A 的n 个列向量中( )


江西理工大学《线性代数》考题 一、 填空题(每空3分,共15分) 1. 设矩阵??????????=333222 111 c b a c b a c b a A ,??????????=333 222111d b a d b a d b a B 且4=A ,1=B 则=+B A ______ 2. 二次型233222213214),,(x x tx x x x x x f +-+=是正定的,则t 的取值范围__________ 3. A 为3阶方阵,且2 1=A ,则=--*12)3(A A ___________ 4. 设n 阶矩阵A 的元素全为1,则A 的n 个特征值是___________ 5. 设A 为n 阶方阵,n βββ ,,21为A 的n 个列向量,若方程组0=AX 只有零解,则向量组(n βββ ,,21)的秩为 _____ 二、选择题(每题3分,共15分) 6. 设线性方程组?????=+=+--=-032231 3221ax cx bc bx cx ab ax bx ,则下列结论正确的是( ) (A)当c b a ,,取任意实数时,方程组均有解 (B)当a =0时,方程组无解 (C) 当b =0时,方程组无解 (D)当c =0时,方程组无解 7. A.B 同为n 阶方阵,则( )成立 (A) B A B A +=+ (B) BA AB = (C) BA AB = (D) 111)(---+=+B A B A 8. 设??????????=333231232221 131211 a a a a a a a a a A ,??????????+++=331332123111131211232221a a a a a a a a a a a a B ,??????????=1000010101P , ???? ??????=1010100012P 则( )成立 (A)21P AP (B) 12P AP (C) A P P 21 (D) A P P 12 9. A ,B 均为n 阶可逆方阵,则AB 的伴随矩阵=*)(AB ( ) (A) **B A (B) 11--B A AB (C) 11--A B (D)**A B 10. 设A 为n n ?矩阵,r A r =)(<n ,那么A 的n 个列向量中( ) (A )任意r 个列向量线性无关


一 单项选择题(每题3分,共18分) 1. 设33)(?=j i a A 的特征值为1,2,3,j i A 是行列式 ||A 中元素j i a 的代数余子式, 则 1112233||()A A A A ++-= ( ) a. 6 21; b. 611; c. 311 ; d. 6。 2.已知A AP P a a a a a a a a a A P n m =???? ? ??=????? ??=若,, 3332 31 2322 21131211 001010100,则以下选项中正确的是 ( ) a. 45==n m ,; b. 55==n m ,; c. 54==n m ,; d. 44==n m ,。 3.n 维向量)3(,,21n s s ≤≤ααα 线性无关的充要条件是 ( ) a .存在不全为零的数s k k k ,,21,使02211≠+++s s k k k ααα ; b .s ααα ,,21中任意两个向量都线性无关; c .s ααα ,,21中任意一个向量都不能用其余向量线性表示; d .s ααα ,,21中存在一个向量,它不能用其余向量线性表示。 4.设B A ,是正定矩阵,则以下矩阵中,一定是正定矩阵为(其中21k k ,为任意常数) ( ) a. **B A +; b. **-B A ; c. * *B A ; d. **B k A k 21+。 5.已知矩阵???? ? ??=222222a a a A ,伴随矩阵0≠* A ,且0=*x A 有非零解,则 ( ) a. 2=a ; b. 2=a 或4=a ; c. 4=a ; d. 2≠a 且4≠a 。 6.设βα, 是非齐次线性方程组b x A E =-)(λ的两个不同的解,则以下选项中一定是A 对应 特征值λ的特征向量为 ( ) 线性代数考试题及答案


His Politeness Is Her Powerlessness Deborah Tannen There are many different kinds of evidence that women and men are judged differently even if they talk the same way. This tendency makes mischief in discussions of women, men and power. If a linguistic strategy is used by a woman, it is seen as powerless; if it is used by a man, it is seen as powerful. Often, the labeling of “women?s language” as “powerless language” reflects the view of wo men?s behavior through the lens of men?s. 他这样说是彬彬有礼,她这样说是低微无能 黛博拉·塔嫩各种各样的证据表明:即使女性和男性说话方式相同,人们对他们的看法还是不同。这种倾向导致有关女性、男性和有无能耐的讨论纷争不断。女性说话讲究方式方法被认为是低微无能,而换成男性则被认为是有能力的表现。视女性的语言为低微无能者的语言常常反映出男性看女性行为的视觉角度。 Because they are not struggling to be one-up, women often find themselves framed as one-down. Any situation is ripe for misinterpretation.This ambiguity accounts for much misinterpretation by experts as well as nonexperts, by which women?s ways of thinking, uttered in a spirit of rapport, are branded powerless.Nowhere is this inherent ambiguity clearer than in a brief comment in a newspaper article in which a couple, both psychologists, were jointly interviewed. The journalist asked them the meaning of “being very polite.” The two experts responded simultaneou sly, giving different answers. The man said, “Subservience.” The woman said, “Sensitivity.” Both experts were right, but each was describing the view of a different gender. 女性不为高人一等而拼搏,往往就被认为是低人一等。在任何情况下都极易发生误会。这也说明了为什么专家和非专家常常把女性以友善语言表述出来的思维方式曲解成低微无能的表现。没有什么能比一家报社刊登的采访片段更能清楚地说明这种根深蒂固的歧义。采访对象是一对心理学家夫妇,当记者问他们“表现得非常有礼貌”的含义时,这两位专家同时给出不同的答案。男性回答说:“服从。”女性回答说:“敏感。”两位专家都是正确的,只不过每个人描述的是不同性别的观点。 Experts and nonexperts alike tend to see anything women do as evidence of powerlessness. The same newspaper article quotes another psychologist as saying, “A man might ask a woman, …Will you please go to the store?? where a woman might say, …Gee, I really need a few things from the store, but I?m so tired.?” The woman?s style is called “covert,” a term suggesting negative qua lities like being “sneaky” and “underhanded.” The reason offered for this is power. The woman doesn?t feel she has the right to ask directly. 专家和非专家都习惯把女性的任何行为看为低微无能的表现。以上同一篇报刊文章援引另一位心理学家的话说:“一个男人会这样问一个女人:…请你去一趟商店好吗??同样的情况下女人会说:…哎,我真的需要从商店买点东西,但是我实在太累了。?” 女性的这种表达方式被称为“隐蔽的”,该词含有“鬼祟”和“秘密”等贬义,而这样表述的原因归咎于一个“权”字,女人觉得她没有权利直接提出要求。 Granted, women have lower status than men in our American society. But this is not necessarily why they prefer not to make outright demands. The explanation for a woman?s indirectness could just as well be her seeking connection. If you get your way as a result of having demanded it, the payoff is satisfying in terms of status: You?re one-up because others are doing as you told them. But if you get your way because others happened to want the same thing, or because they offered freely, the payoff is rapport. You?re neither one-up nor one-down by being

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