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Unit 3

Section one (2 periods)

Text A Steps in Entering Business in China

1. Teaching aims:

(1) let students know about the steps in entering business in China

(2) expand the vocabulary

2. Teaching content:

(1) the steps in entering Chinese business

(2) reading skills

3. Important and difficult points:

(1) understand text A

(2) improve the reading skill

4. Teaching methods:

Communicative and task-based teaching methods

5. Teaching process:

Step 1: Warm-up questions

(1)How many kinds of foreign business are there in China?

Step 2: Ask student to read text A and find out the following information

(1)the steps of entering business

(2)Why is China attractive to many foreign enterprises in terms of investment?

Step 3: Explain text A—new words and phrases

Equity 股权


Float 发行(债券)

Consulate 领事馆

Appendix 附录

Hearsay 道听途说

Subsidiary 子公司

Circulating funds 流动资金

Convertible bond 可转换债券

Common share 普通股

Step 4: ask students to finish the exercises and check answers

Step 5: News from China Daily

Foreign-invested firms contributes majority of int'l trade

More than 80 percent of China's processed import and export trade was contributed by foreign-invested companies, according to an industry association report released on Sept 27.

In 2010, the total trade volume of imports and exports by foreign-invested companies in China reached $970.9 billion, accounting for 83.9 percent of the total volume in China, according to the report, which was compiled and released by the China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products中国机电产品进出口商会.

The report was released at the China International Machinery and Electronic Products Expo held in the city of Wuhan in central China's Hubei province.

Foreign-invested companies have contributed an average of 81.57 percent of China's processed trade since 2001, according to Lu Jinyong, a professor from Beijing's University of International Business and Economics 国际经济贸易(UIBE).

By taking advantage of China's cheap labor, foreign-invested companies have managed to reap most of the profits in the import-export industry, Lu said.

Step 6: do fast reading: passage A and B

Section two (2 periods)

Text B No Job to go to?

1. Teaching aims:

(1) let students understand the story

(2) expand the vocabulary

2. Teaching content:

(1) the reading skills

(2)explain the story “No Job to Go to”

(3) analyze Dick’s character

3. Important and difficult points:

(1) practice the reading skills

4. Teaching methods:

Communicative and task-based teaching methods

5. Teaching process:

Step 1: warm-up questions

1)What job do you want to do in the future?

2)What will you do if you lose your job?

Step 2: Ask students to read the passage quickly and finish comprehension questions.

How does Dick make ends meet?

1. pays for his ticket out of redundancy money

2. collects his dole weekly from DHSS

3. skips tea

4. does not pay for drinks in the bar

5. reads newspapers discarded by other passengers

What’s the situation in their home?

They have very little furniture and give up TV.

Dick wears old suit and worn shoes.

How does Dick spend his day outside?

Walks slowly along the river, sits in the park and makes friends with dogs, loiters, window shops, watches people go by, reads the papers in public library and sits through the opening hours, tramps back to Waterloo, feeds pigeon, walks past his old workplace, chats with someone he knew, bets on a horse

How does Dick manage to keep his wife in dark?

Gets up early every weekday and leaves for work in his office suit with his briefcase

Gives jean the same money he always did

Tells Jean his two ex-colleagues who dropped by his home were fired

Tells Jean he takes a pay cut

Do you think his wife know the truth?

Why does his wife pretended not knowing?

Dick’s character

concerned about face-saving

strong sense of self-respect

Step 3: Ask students to read the passage loudly and try to do the vocabulary exercise.

Step 4: Explanation of text B and ask students to translate this passage

Step 5: Reading Material

Ask students to read the following essay and talk about it.

'I Hope You Dance... 'This was written by an 83-year-old woman to her friend.

Dear Bertha,

I'm reading more and dusting less. I'm sitting in the yard and admiring the view without fussing about the weeds in the garden. I'm spending more time with my family and friends and less time working.

Whenever possible, life should be a pattern of experiences to savor, not to endure. I'm trying to recognize these moments now and cherish them.

I'm not "saving" anything; we use our good china and crystal for every special event such as losing a pound, getting the sink unstopped, or the first Amaryllis blossom.

I wear my good blazer to the market. My theory is if I look prosperous, I can shell out $28.49 for one small bag of groceries. I'm not saving my good perfume for special parties, but wearing it for clerks in the hardware store and tellers at the bank.

"Someday" and "one of these days" are losing their grip on my vocabulary. If it's worth seeing or hearing or doing, I want to see and hear and do it now

I'm not sure what others would've done had they known they wouldn't be here for the tomorrow that we all take for granted. I think they would have called family members and a few close friends. They might have called a few former friends to apologize and mend fences for past squabbles. I like to think they would have gone out for a Chinese dinner or for whatever their favorite food was.

I'm guessing; I'll never know.

It's those little things left undone that would make me angry if I knew my hours were limited. Angry because I hadn't written certain letters that I intended to write one of these days. Angry and sorry that I didn't tell my husband and parents often enough how much I truly love them.I'm trying very hard not to put off, hold back, or save anything that would add laughter and luster to our lives. And every morning when I open my eyes, tell myself that it is special.

Every day, every minute, every breath truly is a gift from God.

Unit 4

Section one (2 periods)

Text A Dell Cracks China

1. Teachindg aims:

(1) let students know about direct sell in China

(2) expand the vocabulary

2. Teaching content:

(1) Dell’s direct sell model in china

(2) reading skills

3. Important and difficult points:

(1) understand text A

(2) improve the reading skill

4. Teaching methods:

Communicative and task-based teaching methods

5. Teaching process:

Step 1: Warm-up questions

(2)How many kinds of foreign business are there in China?

Step 2: Ask student to read text A and find out the following information

(3)the steps of entering business

(4)Why is China attractive to many foreign enterprises in terms of investment? Step 3: Explain text A—new words and phrases

deputy general manager 副总

billing system 计费系统

eliminate 消除

Fortune 财富杂志

pay off 付清,取得成功

asian crisis 亚洲金融危机

retail buyer 零售买家

at stake 危如累卵

market share 市场份额

rosy 美好的

fretted 焦躁的

internet penetration 网络普及率

boon 福利,利益

profit margin 毛利

Gartner Group 高德纳咨询公司

quarter-on-quarter 每个季度不同

stated-owned companies国有公司

sales pitch 销售语

honey-tongued 甜言蜜语

Step 4: ask students to finish the exercises and check answers

Step 5: News from China Daily

Foreign-invested firms contributes majority of int'l trade

More than 80 percent of China's processed import and export trade was contributed by foreign-invested companies, according to an industry association report released on Sept 27.

In 2010, the total trade volume of imports and exports by foreign-invested companies in China reached $970.9 billion, accounting for 83.9 percent of the total volume in China, according to the report, which was compiled and released by the China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products中国机电产品进出口商会.

The report was released at the China International Machinery and Electronic Products Expo held in the city of Wuhan in central China's Hubei province.

Foreign-invested companies have contributed an average of 81.57 percent of China's processed trade since 2001, according to Lu Jinyong, a professor from Beijing's University of International Business and Economics 国际经济贸易(UIBE).

By taking advantage of China's cheap labor, foreign-invested companies have managed to reap most of the profits in the import-export industry, Lu said.

Step 6: do fast reading: passage A and B

Section two (2 periods)

Text B No Job to go to?

1. Teaching aims:

(1) let students understand the story

(2) expand the vocabulary

2. Teaching content:

(1) the reading skills

(2)explain the story “No Job to Go to”

(3) analyze Dick’s character

3. Important and difficult points:

(1) practice the reading skills

4. Teaching methods:

Communicative and task-based teaching methods

5. Teaching process:

Step 1: warm-up questions

1)What job do you want to do in the future?

2)What will you do if you lose your job?

Step 2: Ask students to read the passage quickly and finish comprehension questions.

How does Dick make ends meet?

1. pays for his ticket out of redundancy money

2. collects his dole weekly from DHSS

3. skips tea

4. does not pay for drinks in the bar

5. reads newspapers discarded by other passengers

What’s the situation in their home?

They have very little furniture and give up TV.

Dick wears old suit and worn shoes.

How does Dick spend his day outside?

Walks slowly along the river, sits in the park and makes friends with dogs, loiters, window

shops, watches people go by, reads the papers in public library and sits through the opening hours, tramps back to Waterloo, feeds pigeon, walks past his old workplace, chats with someone he knew, bets on a horse

How does Dick manage to keep his wife in dark?

Gets up early every weekday and leaves for work in his office suit with his briefcase

Gives jean the same money he always did

Tells Jean his two ex-colleagues who dropped by his home were fired

Tells Jean he takes a pay cut

Do you think his wife know the truth?

Why does his wife pretended not knowing?

Dick’s character

concerned about face-saving

strong sense of self-respect

Step 3: Ask students to read the passage loudly and try to do the vocabulary exercise.

Step 4: Explanation of text B and ask students to translate this passage

Step 5: Reading Material

Ask students to read the following essay and talk about it.

1. A for effort!

Recognizing that someone tried hard to accomplish something although they might not have been successful.


Example: “The cake didn't turn out like she had planned, but I give her an A for effort!”


2. Copycat

Someone who copies the work (or mimics the actions) of others.


Example: “Janie is a copy cat- she was looking at my answers while we were taking the test!”


3. Learn (something) by heart

To memorize something completely.


Example: “I have played that song so many times that I have learned it by heart an d don't even have to look at the music.”


4. Pass with flying colors

To pass (a test) easily and with a high score.


Example: “Todd must have studied a long time because he passed the test with flying colors.”


5. Play hooky

To skip school.


Example: “My friends are playing hooky today so they can be first in line for concert tickets this afternoon.”


6. Drop out of school

To stop attending school.


Example: “Mary had to drop out of school when his mother became ill so that he could help take care of her.”


7. Put your thinking cap on

To think in a serious manner.


Example: “We're all going to have to put our thinking caps on to tackle this big problem.”


8. Show of hands

Raising hands to vote about something.


Example: “By a show of hands, how many of you would prefer to have the test on Friday?”


9. Teacher's pet

The teacher's favorite student.


Example: “Jonathan is the teacher's pet- she always calls on him first.”


10. Bookworm

Someone who reads a lot.


Example: “She is such a bookworm! She seems to have a new book every day!”


Unit 5

Section one (2 periods)

Text A The Job Search

1. Teaching aims:

(1) let students know about the process of getting a job

(2) expand the vocabulary

2. Teaching content:

(1) the process of getting a job

(2) reading skills

3. Important and difficult points:

(1) understand text A

(2) improve the reading skill

4. Teaching methods:

Communicative and task-based teaching methods

5. Teaching process:

Step 1: Warm-up questions

(3)When you look for a job, what is the most important thing you are after?

(4)What preparations will you make for a coming interview?

Step 2: Ask student to read text A and find out the following information

(5)How many stages do the process of getting a job include? What are they?

(6)What sources are available if you want to investigate for information on employers in

your career field?

(7)What is resume and cover letter?

(8)What are the general points to remember about writing resumes and cover letters?

Step 3: Explain text A—new words and phrases

Qualification 资历,资格

Duplicate 复制

Flawless 无暇的

Inventory 存货清单

Job opening 职位空缺

Want ad 招聘广告

Step 4: ask students to finish the exercises and check answers

Step 5: How to write resume ?








Step 6: ask students to preview text B and role-play it

Section two (2 periods)

Text B Women Need Not Apply

1. Teaching aims:

(1) let students know how to act in a job interview

(2) expand the vocabulary

2. Teaching content:

(1) the reading skills

(2) the most frequently asked questions in a job interview

3. Important and difficult points:

(1) practice the reading skills

4. Teaching methods:

Communicative and task-based teaching methods

5. Teaching process:

Step 1: warm-up questions

1)What are the questions most likely to be asked in a job interview?

2)How should you respond?

Step 2: Ask students to read the passage quickly and answer the question

?How many questions did Mr. Ripper ask?

?How did Ms. Johnson respond to each question?

?Find out the adv. and adj. used to describe Mr. Ripper.

?What a person do you think Mr. Ripper is?

Step 3: Ask students to role-play text B.

Step 4: Explanation of text B and ask students to finish the exercise

Step 5: Equal Rights For Women---- Famous Speech by Shirley Chisholm

Mr.Speaker, when a young woman graduates from college and starts looking for a job, she is likely to have a frustrating and even demeaning experience ahead of her. If she walks into an office for an interview, the first question she will be asked is, "Do you type?''

There is a calculated system of prejudice that lies unspoken behind that question. Why is it acceptable for women to be secretaries, librarians, and teachers, but totally unacceptable for them to be managers, administrators, doctors, lawyers, and Members of Congress.

The unspoken assumption is that women are different. They do not have executive ability orderly minds, stability, leadership skills, and they are too emotional.

It has been observed before, that society for a long time, discriminated against another

minority, the blacks, on the same basis - that they were different and inferior. The happy little homemaker and the contented "old darkey" on the plantation were both produced by prejudice.

As a black person, I am no stranger to race prejudice. But the truth is that in the political world I have been far oftener discriminated against because I am a woman than because I am black.

Prejudice against blacks is becoming unacceptable although it will take years to eliminate it. But it is doomed because, slowly, white America is beginning to admit that it exists. Prejudice against women is still acceptable. There is very little understanding yet of the immorality involved in double pay scales and the classification of most of the better jobs as "for men only."

More than half of the population of the United States is female. But women occupy only 2 percent of the managerial positions. They have not even reached the level of tokenism yet No women sit on the AFL-CIO council or Supreme Court There have been only two women who have held Cabinet rank, and at present there are none. Only two women now hold ambassadorial rank in the diplomatic corps. In Congress, we are down to one Senator and 10 Representatives.

Considering that there are about 3 1/2 million more women in the United States than men, this situation is outrageous.

It is true that part of the problem has been that women have not been aggressive in demanding their rights. This was also true of the black population for many years. They submitted to oppression and even cooperated with it. Women have done the same thing. But now there is an awareness of this situation particularly among the younger segment of the population.

As in the field of equal rights for blacks, Spanish-Americans, the Indians, and other groups, laws will not change such deep-seated problems overnight But they can be used to provide protection for those who are most abused, and to begin the process of evolutionary change by compelling the insensitive majority to reexamine it's unconscious attitudes.

It is for this reason that I wish to introduce today a proposal that has been before every Congress for the last 40 years and that sooner or later must become part of the basic law of the land -- the equal rights amendment.

Let me note and try to refute two of the commonest arguments that are offered against this amendment. One is that women are already protected under the law and do not need legislation. Existing laws are not adequate to secure equal rights for women. Sufficient proof of this is the concentration of women in lower paying, menial, unrewarding jobs and their incredible scarcity in the upper level jobs. If women are already equal, why is it such an event whenever one happens to be elected to Congress?

It is obvious that discrimination exists. Women do not have the opportunities that men do. And women that do not conform to the system, who try to break with the accepted patterns, are stigmatized as ''odd'' and "unfeminine." The fact is that a woman who aspires to be chairman of the board, or a Member of the House, does so for exactly the same reasons as any man. Basically, these are that she thinks she can do the job and she wants to try.

A second argument often heard against the equal rights amendment is that is would eliminate legislation that many States and the Federal Government have enacted giving special protection to women and that it would throw the marriage and divorce laws into chaos.

As for the marriage laws, they are due for a sweeping reform, and an excellent beginning would be to wipe the existing ones off the books. Regarding special protection for working women, I cannot understand why it should be needed. Women need no protection that men do not

need. What we need are laws to protect working people, to guarantee them fair pay, safe working conditions, protection against sickness and layoffs, and provision for dignified, comfortable retirement. Men and women need these things equally. That one sex needs protection more than the other is a male supremacist myth as ridiculous and unworthy of respect as the white supremacist myths that society is trying to cure itself of at this time.

Shirley Chisholm, 1924-2005, the first black woman elected to the U.S. congress.

Shirley Chisholm was very different from other members of Congress. She looked different. Her hair was a big cloud of curls. She wore very large eyeglasses. And she had dark skin.

She also spoke differently. She had developed a minor Caribbean accent while living with her grandmother in Barbados. Her voice was strong. She spoke with power. She said her greatest tool was her mouth. She was not afraid to say the things others would not say before Congress and the public.

Shirley Chisholm spoke strongly for the poor and for women. She worked for civil rights for African Americans. She opposed the Vietnam War. In nineteen sixty-nine she helped form the Congressional Black Caucus. She also was a member of the National Organization for Women. Miz Chisholm was an activist for people of color, including Native Americans and Spanish-speaking immigrants. She often spoke about cultural and social issues.

Unit 6

Section one (2 periods)

Text A Dell Cracks China

1. Teachindg aims:

(1) let students know about financial loss

(2) expand the vocabulary

2. Teaching content:

(1) the financial loss

(2) reading skills

3. Important and difficult points:

(1) understand text A

(2) improve the reading skill

4. Teaching methods:

Communicative and task-based teaching methods

5. Teaching process:

Step 1: Warm-up questions

(5)How many kinds offinancial loss are there in China?

gStep 2: Ask student to read text A and find out the following information

(9)the types of financial loss in china

Step 3: Explain text A—new words and phrases

Vandalism 故意破坏行为

Automotive 机动车的

Expense 花费

Pool 合伙使用的钱

Estimate 估计

Liability 责任

Funeral 葬礼

Clothing 衣服

Insurable 可投保的

Insurer 保险公司

Policyholder 投保人

Premium 保险费

Margin (时间,花费方面的)余地

Commission 佣金

Claim 索赔

Insurance 保险单

Step 4: ask students to finish the exercises and check answers

Step 5: News from China Daily

Foreign-invested firms contributes majority of int'l trade

More than 80 percent of China's processed import and export trade was contributed by foreign-invested companies, according to an industry association report released on Sept 27.

In 2010, the total trade volume of imports and exports by foreign-invested companies in China reached $970.9 billion, accounting for 83.9 percent of the total volume in China, according to the report, which was compiled and released by the China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products中国机电产品进出口商会.

The report was released at the China International Machinery and Electronic Products Expo held in the city of Wuhan in central China's Hubei province.

Foreign-invested companies have contributed an average of 81.57 percent of China's processed trade since 2001, according to Lu Jinyong, a professor from Beijing's University of International Business and Economics 国际经济贸易(UIBE).

By taking advantage of China's cheap labor, foreign-invested companies have managed to reap most of the profits in the import-export industry, Lu said.

Step 6: do fast reading: passage A and B

Section two (2 periods)

Text B No Job to go to?

1. Teaching aims:

(1) let students understand the story

(2) expand the vocabulary

2. Teaching content:

(1) the reading skills

(2)explain the story “No Job to Go to”

(3) analyze Dick’s character

3. Important and difficult points:

(1) practice the reading skills

4. Teaching methods:

Communicative and task-based teaching methods

5. Teaching process:

Step 1: warm-up questions

1)What job do you want to do in the future?

2)What will you do if you lose your job?

Step 2: Ask students to read the passage quickly and finish comprehension questions.

How does Dick make ends meet?

1. pays for his ticket out of redundancy money

2. collects his dole weekly from DHSS

3. skips tea

4. does not pay for drinks in the bar

5. reads newspapers discarded by other passengers

What’s the situation in their home?

They have very little furniture and give up TV.

Dick wears old suit and worn shoes.

How does Dick spend his day outside?

Walks slowly along the river, sits in the park and makes friends with dogs, loiters, window shops, watches people go by, reads the papers in public library and sits through the opening hours, tramps back to Waterloo, feeds pigeon, walks past his old workplace, chats with someone he knew, bets on a horse

How does Dick manage to keep his wife in dark?

Gets up early every weekday and leaves for work in his office suit with his briefcase

Gives jean the same money he always did

Tells Jean his two ex-colleagues who dropped by his home were fired

Tells Jean he takes a pay cut

Do you think his wife know the truth?

Why does his wife pretended not knowing?

Dick’s character

concerned about face-saving

strong sense of self-respect

Step 3: Ask students to read the passage loudly and try to do the vocabulary exercise.

Step 4: Explanation of text B and ask students to translate this passage

Step 5: Reading Material

Ask students to read the following essay and talk about it.


We want one thing common: being more attractive. Maintain these tips and you will be surprised seeing how magically they work!

1 Keep Smile

Keep a smile on your face. When you smile, you look more friendly and approachable. People feel comfort to deal with you. No matter what your are feeling inside, smile!

2 Maintain Facial Hair

It is important to take care of facial hair. Men should shave regularly. If you want to maintain long beard, you should keep that neat and trim. Women should shape eyebrows properly.

3 Keep Hair Tip-top

Your hair is just like your crown! So take care of it. A nice look is the first step to attract someone.

Get regular haircuts as it is important for your hair to be healthy. Keep your hair clean and tidy. It is really important for attractive appearance.

4 Wear Fit Clothes

Your dress is really important. People like one who is dressed properly. So, take care of what you are wearing. Buy the clothes that fit you properly. Oversized or too tight clothes make you look odd.

5 Maintain Proper Eye Contact

Proper eye contact is important when you are talking to someone. If you maintain eye contact properly, people will feel important and be happy. Some people feel shy to maintain eye contact. That’s not a big problem. Start with your close ones. Maintain proper eye contact while talking to them. Then, try it with strangers.

6 Walk Confidently

Be confident while walking. Do you know how to walk with confidence? Keeping your body relaxed and holding eyes and head up help you look confident. Making you look confident is a great part of being attractive.

7 Smell Nice

No one likes one who smells bad. All your efforts to make yourself attractive can end in smoke if you smell bad. So be careful about this fact. Take shower every day and use deodorant regularly. Brush your teeth properly. You may use medication to get rid of bad breath.

8 Be Relaxed

Are you seared all the time thinking what others are thinking of you? If yes, you should fight to kick away this habit. Be confident and open yourself to others. Communicate with them and be easy. Nervousness isn’t liked. So, be confident and relaxed while dealing with people.

9 Laugh and Make Laugh

There’s a saying, “laughter is a good medicine”. When you laugh, people around you feel comfortable and are more likely to be happy with you. Laughter can make you look attractive. Most importantly, if you can make people laugh you make them happy. And you are treated with the same emotions.

10 Body Language

Your body language is important. If you look busy in your body language, people are likely to avoid you. They will think that you don’t want to be disturbed. But if you are easy and relaxed, people will feel comfortable to approach you.

11 Ask Questions

Don’t try to speak about you all the time. While gossiping with someone ask questions. But don’t ask anything inappropriate. When you ask questions, people think that you are interested to know about them and they feel important.

12 Wear Bright Color

Wear colorful clothes. Be careful to avoid some colors which can be inappropriate because of the tone of your skin or the ambience of the place to go. Usually, bright colors attract people. You also look more confident.

Unit 7

Section one (2 periods)

Text A Concepts behind consumers’ actions

1. Teaching aims:

(1) let students know the concepts behind consumers’ actions

(2) expand the vocabulary

2. Teaching content:

Different concepts behind consumers’ actions

3. Important and difficult points:

(1) understand the stories in text A

(2) improve the reading skill

4. Teaching methods:

Communicative and task-based teaching methods

5. Teaching process:

Step 1: Warm-up questions

(6)What elements do you consider when you go to purchase something?

Step 2: Ask student to read text A and find out the following information

(10)W hat’s the first story tell us?

If you would like to pay $35 more, you can enjoy good service, fast delivery and payment by credit card. So price is not the only thing you consider, you should view product offers broadly.

(11)W hat are Chuck’s concerns when he wants to buy a new battery?

A good price, a convenient store an brand names.

(12)W hy didn’t Chuck go to gas stations?

a)He got the impression that gas stations had higher prices for batteries.

b)He was not sure what brands the local stations carried.

c)There were no ads in the paper announcing special deals from the gas stations.

d)He had a charge account at Sears.

(13)W hat are the concepts behind consumers’ action?

The public’s perceptions; the surroundings; advertising; the total product offer.

Step 3: Explain text A—new words and phrases

Delivery 送货

Inoperative 不起作用的,无效果的

Accessory 附件,零件,配件

Step 4: ask students to finish the exercises and check answers

Step 5: ask students to do fast reading on P 166

Homework: preview unit 8 text A

Unit 8

Section one (2 periods)

Text A Japanese style of management

1. Teaching aims:

(1) let students know what is Japanese style of management

(2) expand the vocabulary

2. Teaching content:

Japanese style of management

3. Important and difficult points:

(1) understand the stories in text A

(2) improve the reading skill

4. Teaching methods:

Communicative and task-based teaching methods

5. Teaching process:

Step 1: background information

(7)Sony company

索尼公司(Sony Corporation),或者索尼株式会社,简称索尼,是横跨数码、生活用品、娱乐领域的世界巨擘,其前身是“东京通信工业株式会社”。创立于1946年5月,擅长公关手腕的盛田昭夫与拥有技术研发背景的井深大共同创办,目前的经营团队由媒体娱乐出身的霍华德·斯金格与拥有技术研发资历的中钵良治共同领导。

井深大先生已故索尼公司创始人兼首席顾问(1908 - 1997)





盛田昭夫先生已故索尼公司创始人、名誉董事长(1921 - 1999)



1966年,盛田先生写过一本名为《学校成绩别在意》的书,书中强调企业应注重个人能力而非学术背景。这种观念对日本传统的雇佣积习提出质疑并在日本激起强烈反响。源自盛田先生无穷好奇心的新思维使Sony生产出众多广为人知的产品。Walkman就来自于他的一种前无古人的想法 -- 无论何时何地、甚至在户外都能欣赏最爱的音乐。这种想法创造了一个崭新的市场,立体声便携式耳机专为独自欣赏音乐而设计,从此一种全新的生活方式诞生了。


Step 2: Ask student to read text A and find out the following information

(14)H ow did Yamada motivate the American workers?

His way is to bathe his US employees in personal attention. Example.

(15)H ow did Sony build strong ties with its employees ?

Internal promotion; do not lay off employees even during the recession

(16)H ow did Sony deal with the differences between American and Japanese workers?

Do not force Japanese customs on American workers. Example

Step 3: Explain text A—new words and phrases

Premises 生产场所,经营场地Sprawling 延伸的Supervisor管理员,监督人Recession 经济衰退Dispatcher 发送员,调度员Smock 工作衣

Consensus(意见等)一致Indecision 优柔寡断,迟疑不决

Step 4: ask students to finish the exercises and check answers

Step 5: ask students to do fast reading on P 187

Homework: preview unit 9 text A

课外阅读材料Globalization and Japanese-Style Management

Yoichi MORISHITA (Chairman, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd)

I believe that people started using the word "globalization" about 10 years ago, when the Berlin wall tumbled down and the post cold-war era arrived. The market economy has now prevailed almost everywhere in the world, and even China has been rushing into a "socialistic market economy." Through the movement of human beings, products, money and information as a lever, the world is steadily changing its structure into a borderless one.

Such a structural change has brought mega-competition to the business world. In the arena of mega-competition as a unified market force, not only competition among businesses has become extremely severe, but also management style has come under intense discussion. And these days Anglo-Saxon rules and styles are in the spotlight. I wonder, then, which direction is to be followed by Japanese corporations that have so far maintained their unique way of doing business.

Characteristics of Japanese-Style Management

Management style is inseparable from cultural uniqueness. Among western countries, American-style management has been developed in the United States, and German-style management has been adopted in Germany. France has its own style. Similarly, in Asia there is diversity, and, needless to say, Japan has developed its own unique style.

In Japanese corporations, especially in manufacturing, there is a sense of unity, which has been fostered beyond the demarcation between employers and employees. This is "participatory management," unifying the efforts of employers and employees who share the same management ideals. Then whose corporation is it, when it is run by everyone through such "participatory management"? To answer this question, we definitely need to use the word "stakeholders" with a certain meaning. Overseas, stakeholders may be identified with shareholders, but in Japan we have a unique view of stakeholders. As manager of a Japanese corporation, I also have a somewhat different understanding of this word.

It is correct to say that shareholders are important stakeholders. However, it would be a mistake to engage in a kind of management only for the sake of shareholders, with a higher priority placed on stock prices than the creation of better goods and services. As the word "corporate citizens" indicates, corporations are expected to create value by utilizing all resources, including not only money but also human resources, land, buildings, etc. that are entrusted to them by society. If we think this way, not just shareholders but employees, trading partners, the

community and, of course, customers, that is, everyone who has contact with a corporation must be regarded as stakeholders and be valued equally. I believe this is the kind of interpretation shared by most Japanese corporations, although there may be some slight differences in nuance from corporation to corporation.

Another thing that we must not forget in talking about Japanese corporations is their way of thinking about human beings. The firm is a place where employees do their best to realize their potential capability and skills. This may be a commonly held concept worldwide, but in addition there is a Japanese tradition to regard the firm as a "place to nurture people." It should be noted that such nurturing is going beyond skill development at work to reach the realm of fostering human development. This idea of nurturing people is deep-rooted and clearly reflected in long-term employment as a fundamental practice by Japanese corporations.

The World for Japan and Japan for the World

These are some of the characteristics of Japanese corporations, but we should try to incorporate universally accepted rules and styles into our management in the era of globalization and mega-competition. This does not mean, however, that everything must be changed or anything Japanese must go. Business managers are obliged to think through what should be changed and what are good Japanese practices that must be preserved.

For example, emphasis on the return on capital is consistent with the view that corporations should fulfill the expectations of society, which entrusts management resources to them. From this perspective, return on capital is a kind of global trend that we should adopt in our management. But how about layoffs as a shortcut for business recovery? In view of the developing stage of a mobile labor market in Japan, the layoff practice cannot be regarded as a means to respond to society's expectations. In contrast, many people including myself would consider "participatory management" and "nurturing of people" a good Japanese tradition, which ought to be handed down from generation to generation.

In pursuing a new direction for Japanese-style management, there is one thing that we should not overlook. That is the fact that, just as western-style management cannot be transplanted in Japan without modification, we cannot force our foreign subsidiaries, factories, or affiliated companies overseas to adopt purely Japanese-style management, even if those organizations share the same brand or the same management ideals. This is exactly what overseas business management is all about.

To repeat, corporate management is an embodiment of each country's long-held cultural heritage. If we try to force management styles of different countries and regions into one particular norm, we will only encounter difficulties in various facets of management. Globalization is not to paint the world in one color. Rather, various colors should shine on a canvas that is commonly shared worldwide. That is "globalization" in the true sense of the word.

商务英语演讲 公司俱乐部介绍篇

商务英语演讲公司俱乐部介绍篇 商务英语演讲:公司俱乐部介绍篇 I believe the employer should serve employees not only by giving salaries, but also by providing opportunities for them to enjoy their life. In that respect, Our pany has a great deal to offer. We have more than thirty activity groups organized by workers for athletic and recreational purposes. Among these groups are the Tennis Club, Basketball Club, Popular Music Club, Company Orchestra, Aerobics Club, and so on. Our tennis team is one of the best in the Shanghai area, and currently maintains a winning streak in the east of china District Tournament. Also, our pany orchestra was established two years ago, and the members practice twice a week under the instructions by one of Shanghai's best conductors. And for those of you who want to have a good sweat and slim down, we have an Aerobics Club. The club weles any body who wants to have a good work-out and slim down, male or female.

unit 5

Unit 5 Section one (2 periods) Text A The Job Search 1. Teaching aims: (1) let students know about the process of getting a job (2) expand the vocabulary 2. Teaching content: (1) the process of getting a job (2) reading skills 3. Important and difficult points: (1) understand text A (2) improve the reading skill 4. Teaching methods: Communicative and task-based teaching methods 5. Teaching process: Step 1: Warm-up questions (1)When you look for a job, what is the most important thing you are after? (2)What preparations will you make for a coming interview? Step 2: Ask student to read text A and find out the following information (1)How many stages do the process of getting a job include? What are they? (2)What sources are available if you want to investigate for information on employers in your career field? (3)What is resume and cover letter? (4)What are the general points to remember about writing resumes and cover letters? Step 3: Explain text A—new words and phrases Qualification 资历,资格 Duplicate 复制 Flawless 无暇的 Inventory 存货清单 Job opening 职位空缺 Want ad 招聘广告 Step 4: ask students to finish the exercises and check answers Step 5: How to write resume ? Resume Name Address Tel. OBJECTIVE EDUCA TION JOB EXPERIENCE Step 6: ask students to preview text B and role-play it Section two (2 periods) Text B Women Need Not Apply 1. Teaching aims:


《新编剑桥商务英语(初级)》 (第三版) 教案 教材:《新编剑桥商务英语(初级)》(第三版) Rolf Cook and Mara Pedretti with Helen Stephenson编著, 经济科学出版社,2008年10月



第一次课设计梗概(2课时) (1)告知学生本课程的总体安排、教材的处理,上课的方式、明确学习目标。 两个目标:通过听、说、读、写及分组讨论,案例表演和课堂演示,培养学生在商务情景下的工作习惯和交流意识;尽量通过BEC初级考试。 两个要求:为了提高学生的积极性并使他们了解在平时的学习中应提高哪些能力,告诉学生现在用人单位对员工的要求,第一要有一定的专业素质,二是情商要高,即懂得如何交流,如何为人处事。 教学方式:在教学中,主要采取活动教学,通过各种各样的活动,提高学生的自信心和交流能力。将学生分为六组,每组四人,一个组即为一个公司,每个组员都有一个职位,第一周确定每个组员的职位。第三、四周确定公司的名称、职能和业务范畴,并在全班演示。 (2)考核方式 平时表现:两个方面,一是整组的表现,即各个公司在各种课堂活动上的表现;二是个人的主动表现和提问表现.只要平时刻苦努力,积极主动。 期末卷面:一整套BEC初级的模拟题。 口试:口试的形式仿照BEC初级口试形式并加上案例表演。

(3)进入正题 本次课的项目主要是介绍公司的职务分类,职能范畴,撰写个人简介及设计名片。 Reading: Read and get to know the format of BEC preliminary exam. Reading and Discussion: Read the materials about Training and Workshops in order to know the job title and responsibilities. Listen: Listen and grasp the job title. Grammar: Ss should grasp the present simple and adverbs and expressions of frequency by self-study, group work and game. Speaking: Discuss Work-life balance in groups and report it out. Vocabulary: Remember all the new words in this module and finish the exercises in the book. Homework: 1. Review all the important points in these two modules. 2. Design your business cards. 详案 Module 1 & World of Work & BEC Preliminary Exam I.Aims and Objectives: At the end of this session, the students should be able to: a.Know the general information about Cambridge BEC Preliminary, the useful study strategies for this course and the content of Pass Cambridge BEC Preliminary. b.Talk about jobs, design the business cards and grasp the present simple and adverbs and expressions of frequency. II.Session Outline 1.Greetings 2.Duties: 1) Warmer (books closed): T asks Ss the definition of BEC and the format of the exam. 2) Reading 1: a. T leads Ss read the instructions of BEC preliminary exam (P14-15) and finish the exercises after it.


In this part each candidate’s task is to choose one topic from a set of three, and to talk about it for one minute. Candidates have one minute in which to prepare and should use this time to make brief notes. The other candidate listens to the talk and is invited to ask one or two questions at the end. Candidates may make notes while listening to their partner. Each candidate is given a different set of three tasks from which to choose. General procedure A choice of three different topics One minute preparation while making notes A/B starts with the other listening---one minute Question asked 1. Customer relation: the importance of offering incentives to customers Offering incentives to customers can help you to strengthen your customer base and enhance customer loyalty. If you offer incentives such as vouchers, complementary tickets, miles, gifts in the promotion or sales, you will attractive more customers and get them buy your products or services. At the same time the image of your company will be improved and your brands are more likely to be known by customers. 2. Product promotion: how to ensure that products are promoted effectively at international trade fairs You should send a professional team of experts to arrange the promotion at the trade fair. They must be familiar with the products you want to promote at the fair. Meanwhile they must be good at dealing with clients especially foreign clients. You should use advanced technology to display your products at the fair. Necessary equipments such as DVD, overhead projector, high-definition screen can help you demonstrate the quality, function and specification of your products. You should design your show room and stand carefully to attract more customers. Your stand should be put up at an obvious place so that every customer can get an easy access to your products. 3. How to reduce labor turnover rates In order to reduce labor turnover rates we must take the following effective measures: Set up a clear staff appraisal process to make sure that the performance of every staff can be evaluated openly and honestly and their promotion is based on their contribution to the company. Thus no one will complaint about unfair promotion which once forced some of your staff to leave their jobs.


商务英语演讲稿 商务英语演讲稿篇1 Good afternoon, Ladies and gentleman, Welcome to Shenzhen institute of technology. I'm a student from International commerce department. This is my teacher DAVID. I am here to share my experience with you. It's our great honor. Our department was established in 20xx. It has 3 majors: Secretarial science, Logistics, and Marketing. These majors are very welcome in market. International commerce department has more than 600 students in campus, There are about 30 teachers, most of them are master degree, and some of them has professor title. 2 years ago, I come to this school, and chose marketing as my major. I feel great here. Our teachers are always patient and dedicated. They share the commercial knowledge and experience in the class, and offer the opportunities to practice in enterprise. Yes, our department has set up relationship with many companies. Some of them are the world well-known enterprise. Such as Ikea, Ups, Konca, Maesk, Lenovo, Walmark, and so on.


剑桥商务英语中级 教案(正页) 课程名称:bec 中级辅导学时:2 第次课上课日期: Teaching aims: 1. To enable Ss to know the basic information about BEC vantage exam and talk about teamwork 2. To learn some ways to understand and build vocabulary 3. To talk about teamwork 4. To learn how to understand and build vocabulary 5.To learn expressions on making and changing arrangement Difficult points: To learn how to understand and build vocabulary To practice making and changing arrangements Teaching methods: Discussion and oral presentation 1.1 ways of working Warm-up Speaking Step1 choose the five most important characteristics of a good team and put them in order Step2 pair work. Conduct a dialogue about teamwork. . Word tips ●Co-operative 齐心协力的 ●have communication problems 交流有问题 ●attach importance to team-building 重视团队建设 ●develop team work 开拓团队协作 ●an effective team 精锐团队 ●share the same values 具有相同的价值观 Quotes and proverbs about team work Henry Ford ●Coming together is a beginning ●Keeping together is process ●Working together is success ●Susan Gerke, IBM ,Leadership Development Conflict is inevitable in a team ... in fact, to achieve synergistic(协同的)solutions, a variety of ideas and approaches are needed. These are the ingredients for conflict. Benjamin Franklin


一、贸易准备及策略Trade preparing and Method Unit 1 约会安排Appointment 焦点句型 希望见面时 ◆I’d like to make an appointment to see you . 我想约个时间见您。 ◆I’d like to come and see you. 我想去见您。 ◆Would it be possible for me to talk to you in person about that? 我能不能和你本人谈 谈那件事? ◆I’d like to see you at your earliest possible convenience. 如果方便的话,我想尽早去见 您。 ◆Could we get together and discuss it a little more? 我们能不能聚在一起,再讨论一下 这件事。 ◆Could we meet and discuss the matter in a little more detail? 我们能不能碰个面,再讨 论一下这件事的细节。 ◆I wonder if it would be possible for us to meet at your earliest convenience and discuss the matter in a little more detail. 如果方便的话,我们能否尽早和您见面,再讨论一 下这件事的细节。 ◆Could I see Mr. Green sometime this week?我能不能在这个礼拜的某个时候见见格 林先生? ◆Should I visit you, or would you like to come over here and see our setup? 是我去拜访 您,还是您到这里来看看我们的机械装置? ◆Would you like to come to my office? 您要不要来我的办公室? 询问对方方便的时间 ◆What time would be convenient for you ? 什么时候您方便呢? ◆When is it convenient for you?什么时候您方便呢? ◆When would it be most convenient for you? 什么时候您方便呢? ◆When can we meet to talk? 我们什么时候见面谈一谈? 陈述方便与不方便的时候 ◆Please call on me when it is convenient for you. 请在您方便的时候来找我。 ◆Please call on me anytime suits you. 请在任何您方便的时候来找我。 ◆Any time you say. 您说什么时候都方便。 ◆Any time between three and five. 3点到5点之间的任何时间都可以。 ◆I’m free after three o’clock. 3点以后,我就有空了。 ◆I’ll be out of town tomorrow, but almost anytime after that would be fine time with me. 明天我将出城到外地去,不过之后的任何时间,我几乎都方便。 ◆I’m afraid I’m busy all day tomorrow. 恐怕明天一天我都很忙。 ◆I’m excepting some visitors tomorrow morning. 明天早上我要等几个访客来。 ◆I’m sorry, I have an appointment. 抱歉,我有个约会。 约定拜访时间 ◆I’d like to meet you at three o’clock in the afternoon. 我想下午3点的时候跟您见面。 ◆I’d like to see you tomorrow if you have time. 如果您有时间,我想明天去见您。 ◆How about tomorrow at ten? 明天十点怎么样? ◆How about the day after tomorrow? 后天怎么样?

商务英语泛读 期末考试试卷

..... 商务英语泛读期末考试试卷 一、Reading in Depth Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.(将正确答案的序号填入题中的括号内,错选、多选均不得分。本大题共30小空,每空1分,共30分) TEXT A Every year in the first week of my English class, some students inform me that writing is too hard. They never write, unless assignments __1__ it. They find the writing process __2_ and difficult. How awful to be able to speak in a language but not to write in it --- __3__ English, with its rich vocabulary. Being able to speak but not write is like living in an __4__ mansion(豪宅) and never leaving one small room. When I meet students who think they can’t write, I knots, as a teacher my __5__ is to show them the rest of the rooms. My task is to build fluency while providing the opportunity inherent in any writing activity to __6__ the moral and emotional development of my students. One great way to do this is by having students write in a journal in class every day. Writing ability is like strength training. Writing needs to be done __7__, just like exercise; just as muscles grow stronger with exercise, writing skills improve quickly with writing practice. I often see a rise in student confidence and __8__ after only a few weeks of journal writing. Expressing oneself in writing is one of the most important skills I teach to strengthen the whole student. When my students practice journal writing, they are practicing for their future academic, political, and __9__ lives. They build skills so that some day they might write a great novel, a piece of sorely needed legislation, or the perfect love letter. Every day that they write in their journals puts them a step __10_ to fluency, eloquence (雄辩),and command of language. TEXT B Fire can 11 many things. It is dangerous to everyone, but it is 12 useful. We cannot live without 13.In other words, fire is both the 14 and enemy of us. This 15 on whether we use it wisely or not.


Introduction & Unit 1a Teamwork (1) Objective: make students get to know basic information about Cambridge BEC vantage and talk about teamwork Focus on : to talk about teamwork Introduction about the exam The exam comprises four tests: reading, writing, listening and speaking. The Speaking Test date is decided after your entry is confirmed by Cambridge. Candidates will receive an overall grade and separate grade for each test. (Pass grades A,B,C or Fail grades D,E). How to understand, record and build vocabulary Advise students to adopt following ways on vocabulary Ways to understand new words 1. Examine the context of the word a. the context

b. b. the position of the word 2. Examine the word itself a. prefixes (e.g. inter-, un-, bi-) b. suffixes(e.g. -ee, -tion, -ical) 3. Use a dictionary or website (e.g. https://www.doczj.com/doc/8e19086312.html,, or https://www.doczj.com/doc/8e19086312.html,) Ways to record new words 1. in the margin of your course book 2. on a separate sheet of paper 3. in a vocabulary notebook 4. on a computer 5. on cards Ways to build vocabulary 1. compound words 2. using prefix and suffix 3. synonym and antonym



Day today Office日常事务 1 Faxes传真 2 Telephone Calls电话 3 Making Telephone Appointments电话预约 4 Memos备忘录 5 Business Correspondence商业信函 6 Placing an Order下订单 Office Talk办公室谈话 7 Coworkers同事 8 Bosses老板 9 Brainstorming集体讨论 10 Commuting乘公交车上下班 11 The Working Lunch工作午餐 Business Trip商务旅行 12 International Business Travel国际商务旅行 13 Dressing for Business商务着装 14 Hotel Situations旅馆情景 15 Negotiating the Subway乘地铁 Client Reception接待客户 16 Receiving Clients接待客户 17 Entertaining Clients招待客户

18 Accommodating Foreign Clients接待国外客户 19 Factory Tours参观工厂 Business Communization商务交流 20 Personal Introductions个人介绍 21 Small Talks聊天 22 Delivering Bad News传达坏消息 23 Polite Questions礼貌提问 24 Farewells道别 Negotiation谈判 25 Clarifying the Stakes说明利害关系 26 Making Concessions做出让步 27 Discussing the Bottom Line讨论底线 28 Accepting and Confirming接受和确认 29 Hard Bargainers VS Soft Bargainers强硬的对手和温和的对手 Company Organization公司结构 30 CEO执行总裁 31 Stockholders股东 32 Board of Directors董事会 33 Managerial Staff管理人员 34 Labor Staff普通员工 Meetings and Interviews会议和面谈


Test Bible 考试手册 商务英语演讲全方位透析 进入WTO时代,公司国际化的脚步越来越快,商务英语不仅已经成为国际商务沟通的工具,同时也变成了驰骋商场必备的筹码,其重要性不言而喻。作为国际型商务人员必备的技能之一——商务英语演讲(BusinessEnglish Presentations),不仅显示出演讲者的英语表达水平,更是体现出演讲者的综合素质。然而,如何成功地进行商务英语演讲对许多外企白领而言仍是一大挑战。本文将就商务英语演讲的类型、框架、功能句型、演讲者的身体语言、演讲的辅助设备及其他注意事项逐一介绍,希望借此能让大家拨云见日,了解商务英语演讲的真正面貌。 商务演讲类型 (Types of Presentations) 场合所要从事的重要活动之一。演讲的主要目的是为了给员工提供动力,说服员工为企业做出更大贡献,为企业的发展做出更大努力。因此,演讲的语气应当充满活力、热情洋溢。 3、信息交流演讲:信息交流演讲是商务会议主要内容 之一,譬如,公司各部门经理会在会议上向公司管理人员陈述他们部门的进展情况或所遇到的问题,以便在会议上进一步讨论。 4、培训演讲:在培训课上,培训人员给受训人员讲授 各种商务技能或知识,如:时间管理、销售技巧、管理艺术以及如何应付工作场所中的压力等,是一种授课形式的演讲。 商务英语演讲按照演讲目的大致可分为说服型(Persuasive)和提供信息型(Informative)两种类型。常见的说服型演讲有销售演讲(Sales Presentations)和动员演讲(Motivation Presentations);常见的提供信息演讲包括信息交流演讲(Briefing Presentations)和培训演讲(TrainingPresentations)。 1、销售演讲:销售演讲应该是最常见演讲类型之一。 生活中人们不断地推销自己,说服对方,让对方接受自己的想法或其他东西;在商务场合中,推销员则要推销他们的产品和服务,并极力说服客户购买他们的产品和服务。 2、动员演讲:动员演讲是商业管理人员在会议或其他 商务演讲框架 (Framework for Presentations) 不论何种类型的商务英语演讲,它们都应该有一个清晰的演讲框架,这一点符合英文的直线型思维。英美人演讲时会尽量照顾听众,演讲非常有条理,结构清晰,尤其是商务英语演讲,他们会Keep It Simple, Stupid(即:KISS Principle),重要部分会重复阐述。了解这一点对学习商务英语演讲者来说尤为重要。这样我们不仅可以提高自身的商务英语演讲技能,还能在听英美人士做商务 英语演讲的同时,更容易从总体上把握他们的演讲思路和梗概,更容易听懂他们演讲的内容。 一般商务英语演讲框架主要包括五部分:1、开头(Opening);2、主体(Body);3、总结(Conclusions);4、回答问题(answering questions);5、结束(Closing)。各部分的具体内容参见以下表格: 1) Greeting the audience and introducing yourself (问候并自我介绍) 2) Introducing the purpose of your presentation (提出演讲主题)3) Setting time limits (how long your talk will last) (说明演讲时间)4) Mentioning the visual aids, e.g. flipchart, PPT (介绍视觉辅助设备) 1. Opening Office English职场英语New Oriental English ?15 ◎ 文/何光明


Day today Office日常事务 1 Faxes传真 2 Telephone Calls电话 3 Making Telephone Appointments电话预约 4 Memos备忘录 5 Business Correspondence商业信函 6 Placing an Order下订单 Office Talk办公室谈话 7 Coworkers同事 8 Bosses老板 9 Brainstorming集体讨论 10 Commuting乘公交车上下班 11 The Working Lunch工作午餐 Business Trip商务旅行 12 International Business Travel国际商务旅行 13 Dressing for Business商务着装 14 Hotel Situations旅馆情景 15 Negotiating the Subway乘地铁 Client Reception接待客户 16 Receiving Clients接待客户 17 Entertaining Clients招待客户 18 Accommodating Foreign Clients接待国外客户 19 Factory Tours参观工厂 Business Communization商务交流 20 Personal Introductions个人介绍 21 Small Talks聊天 22 Delivering Bad News传达坏消息 23 Polite Questions礼貌提问 24 Farewells道别 Negotiation谈判 25 Clarifying the Stakes说明利害关系 26 Making Concessions做出让步 27 Discussing the Bottom Line讨论底线 28 Accepting and Confirming接受和确认 29 Hard Bargainers VS Soft Bargainers强硬的对手和温和的对手Company Organization公司结构


商务英语演讲稿 篇一:商务英语演讲稿 Job Satisfaction Good and gentlemen, it's my honor to be here today to give you this speech. My name is ’d like to talk about job satisfaction. Now, please look at the have dividied my talk into three parts:firstly,the importance of job satisfaction; secondly,the factors of job satisfaction;finally,how to achieve job satisfaction. Now, let’s start with the first part: the importance of job satisfaction. A job provides an individual with the necessary means to remain satisfied in almost every aspect of life such as leisure,health and social key factors are thought to be critical for an employee to achieve job satisfaction. Let’s turn to the second part: the factors of job satisfaction. A reasonable salary is of course the most important factor in job many people’s minds,an ideal job is first of all a well-paid one, which makes the employee feel that he is fairly rewarded for what

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