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9A Unit 5 Art World 教案

Comic strip and Welcome to the un it

Step 1: Prese ntati on

We have different art forms in the world. Do you want to know what Eddie likes? Liste n to the tape and try to an swer my questi on.

1. T: Now, read the dialogue, and find out the answers to the following questio ns.

1) What is Eddie doi ng?

2) Why does Eddie stop there?

3) Does Eddie think what is more pl easa nt tha n art? Step 2: p rese ntati on (welcome to the un it)

1. Work in p airs and drill the dialogue, the n try to recite the dialogue. T: How many art forms do you know?

The Class 1, Grade 9 stude nts want to know more about art. Help them write the correct n ames of the differe nt art forms in the bla nks. (da nee

drama film music painting

p hotogra phy)

2. T : Millie and Daniel are talking about their favourite art forms. Let ' liste n to their

con versati on and an swer some questio ns.

1) What art form does Daniel like?

2) What kind of music does Dani el like best? 3) Who ' his favourite sin ger? Why?

4) Do you know someth ing about Michael Jacks on?

3. T: Work in pairs. Try to find out what art form your partner likes. Use the con versati on below as a model.

总第 课时



Period 1

A recorder and teach ing pi ctures

Teach ing aims To ask stude nts know more about art.

Teach ing

focus To write the correct n ames of the differe nt art forms in the bla nks.

Difficult P oi nts Teach ing method

Make up a dialogue to find out what art form your partner likes.

Free talk, Prese ntatio n. Practice, Con solidati on. Teach ing p rocedures

The sec ond

preparing less


A: What art form do you like?

B: I like ... A: Really? What kind of ...

B: I p refer … A: Who ' s your favourite

B: I just love …

A: Why do you love …? B: Because he / she … Ste p 3 Games Ask the stude nts to think about their favourite art form, the n write them on the pap er. I ntroduce your favourite art form and famous people to the class.

1. Many old people like ________________ ( 戏剧)such as Beiji ng op era.

2. Helen likes _________________

(流行音乐 ),but she doesn'tiike classic music. 3. My father likes _______________ (摄影)very much. 4. Jay chou has amaz ing __________________(音乐的)tale nt. 5. The girl is good at lear ning En glish. She has a Ian guage.

Step4 con solidati on

重要短语(小组核对答案 1.艺术世界


5.更喜欢流行音乐 7.流行之王 Ste p5 Homework

1 recite the comic strip 2finish the releva nt exercises do you like best? …? (a n atural

ability ) -教师提示重点词组注意点 -读背词组) 2.令人愉快的事 4.谈论他们最喜欢的艺术形式 6.你最喜爱的歌手 8.他的音乐才能

9A Un it 5 Art World

Teach ing notes 课题 Readi ng 1





课 时

P eriod 2


A recorder

Teach ing aims Know about Tan dun 'sexperienee and his works Know about the biograthical styles

Step1 revisi on Review some words Recite the comic stri p Step2 P rese ntati on: 1. Liste n and lear n

Ask the stude nts to liste n to the song of the 2008 Olympic Games. Let stude nts know the writer of the song.

Show some pi ctures about Tandun and ask (Do you know who he is?) (Lear n the new words about readi ng) 3.

Fin ish Part B----Look at P arB1 on P age 68. Write the correct letters in the bla nks. 4.

Liste n to the readi ng part and an swer some questi ons. (1) When and where was Tan born?

(2) Do you know what he loves the sounds of ? Have they in flue need his works? (3) When did Tan go on to study in the USA? ⑷ What is his best work?

(5) How does he make music about Water?

(6) Is his music for the Beiji ng Olympics very sp ecial?Why?. 5.

Detailed in formati on

Read each paragraph after the tape. Try to understand the meaning of each p aragra ph.

Ste p 3 P ractise 1.

Listen to the tape and

read after it .then tell us more about




2. Finish Part B----Look at ParB2 B3on Page68 help Sandy fill in the card with the in formatio n .

3. 做《反馈》练习


Useful exp ressi ons

Ask the students to read the passage again and try to find some useful exp ressi ons


Difficult poi nts Teach ing method

Develop stude nts

' r ight attitude to life

Task-based app roach

Teach ing p rocedures

The second

preparin g less ons

课 题

Readi ng 2





课 时

P eriod3

教 具

A recorder and teach ing pi ctures

Teach ing aims To revise vocabulary and expressions to describe people ' experienee, at the same time, lear n more new

words and p hrases.

Teach ing focus 1. To revise vocabulary and exp ressi ons to describe people ' exp erie nee

2. To guess meaning from con text Difficult p oi

nts To lear n some useful exp ressi ons and use them in differe nt con text

Teach ing method

Free talk, Prese ntatio n, Practice, Con solidati on.

Teach ing p rocedures

The sec ond preparing less ons


「 The little boy shows an

music ii W fOotbs centre interesting The girl wants to be a _______________ whe n she grows up. All the ___________

at the sports meet ing will get a medal. There is a park in the ______________part of the city. 1. 对某物表示出感兴趣

3 .飒飒的风

5.因 ..... 而著名(两种) 7 ?多次将他们运用于他的音乐中 9 .中国古钟的钟声

1 .

2. 3.

The little boy is in terested in

I like tak ing p hotos outside , so p There are a lot of art 2.淙淙的流水 4.逐渐了解某人/某事 6?用普通的东西来创作音乐 &在东西方之间搭建一座桥

10.梦想无边 (流行音乐). is my favourite job. (形式)in the world. 4. There is a good (戏剧) in the theatre. Would you like go with me? The little girl can sing a lot of son gs. Her m tale nt was amaz ing 5. ste p 5 Homework 1. Recite the p assage. 2. Finish the exercise in your book. Teach ing no tes

本文档如对你有帮助,请帮忙下载支持! Stepi revisi on

What do you think of Tan Dun ' music? Do you like Tan Dun?

Step2 P rese ntati on

1Was Tan Dun born in cen tral Hunan? 2What did Tan Dun use to make music?

3Whe n did Tan Dun go to the USA?

4What is he best known for?

5What does the music for the Olympic Games use?

6What does Tan Dun mean by say in g:my music is to dream without boun daries. Step 3La nguage poins:

prese nt动词“颁发,授予,尤指在某种仪式上颁发,授予”

eg: He was in vited to p rese nt the p rizes at the Model Con test. 他授邀在模特大赛上颁奖。

固定搭配:P rese nt sb with sth/ prese nt sth to sb.将某物授予某人。


eg: Who ' s the winner of the tennis matc这次网球赛的获胜者是谁?

Win是动词,表示“赢,赢得” interest在此作可数名词,“兴趣”。

show an in terest in sth.对某物表示出兴趣

have an in terest in sth 对某物有兴趣

take an interest in sth对某物产生兴趣

have no interest in sth 对某物美兴趣

lose interest in sth对某物失去兴趣

the rushi ng water “淙淙的流水” the blowi ng wi ng “飒飒的风“。这两个



eg: I walked quietly in order not to wake my slee ping father 我悄悄地走是为了


5. get to know sb /sth “逐渐了解某人/某事

eg:We got to know each other from then on.从那以后我们逐渐了解彼此。

get to do sth有机会做某事get sb /sth to do sth让某人/某物做某事。

be known for “因…而著名”,相当于be famous for,其后常借表示人或物某方面的特点,特

长,价值等内容的名词,说明著名的原因。Eg:This place is

known /famous for its hot springs

by doing sth “通过做某事“其中,by是介词,其后常接表示手段,方法,


Eg: I ‘11 con tact you by ema我会发电子邮件来联系你。

by的常见用法:(1)by+地点在…旁边(2)by +时间在…之前



被… 由…

to dream without boundaries 动词不定式短语在句子中作表语,对主语进行 解释说明。 Eg: My job is to sweep the floor 我的工作是擦地板 Ste p4 P ractice B. 翻译句子

1. 当他非常小的时候,谭盾就对音乐表现出了兴趣。

2. 在那里他逐渐了解了来自世间各地的伟大音乐家。


谭盾通过控制水流的速度,创作了 50多种水


4. “我的音乐就是梦想无边。”谭盾曾经说。 C.


1. It is ______________ (use)for a person to know how to swim.

2. Both mom and dad are movie lovers. They have many hobbies in (commo n).

3. Galileo found the truth falling ___________________ (object).

4. At last he _________________ (successful) solved the p roblem.

5. It ' s a garden i ____________________ (tradition) Victorian style. Ste p5 Homework

Try to retell this article

9A Un it5 Art word

课 题






课 时

P eriod 4


Pi ctures tape

Teach ing aims

A Giving reas ons with because

Teach ing focus

B Giving reas ons with since and as

Difficult poi nts A Giving reas ons with because

B Giving reas ons with since and as

Teach ing method

Task-based approach, Scene pedagogy and Teaching with humor

The sec ond Teach ing

p rocedures

prepari ng less ons

Teachi ng n


本文档如对你有帮助,请帮忙下载支持! Stepl. Prese ntati on

We use because to in troduce clauses of reason .Its tone is strong

I like liste ning to music because it makes me feel relaxed.

I like pain ti ng because I like all the differe nt colours.

He loves the sounds of the rush ing water and the blow ing wind because, to him,

the best music comes from n ature.

We ofte n use because to an swer why questi ons.

Millie: Why do you love Michael Jackso n?

Dani el: Because he was the King of Pop.

Ste p2. P ractice

Daniel has more questi ons about Tan Dun. He searched the Internet and made some notes.

Look at his notes and answer his questions. Use because to

in troduce the reasons.

He successfully brings Chin ese and Wester n music together.

He is a world-famous compo ser.

He creates a new type of music —music without boun daries.

He thinks the best music comes from n ature.

1Why was Tan Dun chose n to write music for the Beiji ng Oly mp ics?

2Why did Tan become in terested in the sounds of n ature?

3Why is Tan able to build a bridge betwee n the East and the West?

4Why do people think highly of Tan ‘ s music?


提醒学生注意:We never use the conjunction so in sentences with


Step3. Prese ntati on

1.教师告诉学生:Since and as are also used to give reasons for

someth ing.

Usually the reas ons are already known. Their tone is weaker than because.

Since he had no musical in strume nts the n, he made music with com mon objects like

stones and paper.

As he likes the sounds of n ature, Tan uses them a lot in his music.

Step4. P ractice

There is going to be an art festival at Sunshine Middle School. Help Amy

make sentences with since or as.

1Daniel decided to p lay the famous Chin ese p iece Lia ng Zhu.

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