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我考2次雅思了口语都是8,介绍一下经验,造福以后考试的烤鸭,也回报一下3G在我备考期间提供的资料。首先是功底,这个是需要练习的,很多烤鸭都说考试时自己张不开口,就是由于没有经常练习的缘故。只有经历了每天开口说英语的过程,考试时才能流利的与考官周旋。如果距考试还有一段时间,我建议大家多读些考官范文,出声朗读,每天30分钟就可以了,这样不仅提高口语,写作也会有一定的提高。如果遇到了不会的单词,查字典弄明白发音,意思,词性,这些都在很大程度上读其他三项起到了一定帮助。经历了一个天天发声震动声带的过程,口语一定会有提高的。当具有了一定实力之后,第二件事就是回答的内容,其实很多问题我们在考试时是可以回答的,但质量不高,P1介绍基本情况时尽量不要给一些太简单的回答,要多说几句,而且要注意考官会不会问很难的问题,比如考官问:what is your favorite sport?时我们可以答basketball,接下来考官也许就问:what is the rule of it?这个很难答的问题。所以要答一些不容易被追问的答案。又如当被问到tour sight时,就不要讲一些文化古迹了,很多单词都不会,琉璃瓦怎么说?宫殿里的汉白玉怎么说?大理石怎么说?我们很容易就被扣分了。但我们可以换个角度说,说那里的人很好,很friendly, prepare to offer help to tourists 从人文角度说可以大大降低难度。被问城乡区别时就别说什么pollution了,还得用到ozone layer, carbon dioxide, CFCs, raise of elevation很难说好。还不如从住房角度,说占地面积,农村都有院子,说好听点就是garden 还not only one ,most often two 城市想有一个都是 a cold day in hell impossible 很容易回答的。三这里说一下万能观点针对现在P3的问题我总结了几个观点如下job, what do you want to be Travel near or far E-shopping or real shopping City or country Culture differences personality personality crimes job opportunity film money shopping personality (service) shopping food holiday friend facilities living expense education system crimes security body shape (可以锻炼)cost9(discount be fooled) personality marriage prospect culture recreation pollution personality respect security internet house job cost security 相信大家都能看出又好几个观点都是一样的,这就是万能观点,大家可以平时多积累有关这方面的单词并组织好与语言考试时就不会太紧张了。大家可以有针对性地准备,尤其是p2要有2分钟的表演,关于这点可以看看预测,自己写答案,找感觉。四临场发挥千万别紧张见到考官时主动打招呼,留给考官一个好印象上午考就说 morning 就行了同理下午就afternoon 记住一点,如果考官没有让你就坐,一定要问一句I may I take a sit ?防止考官降低印象分,以致问很难问题。与考官交谈时,无论问题难与否,都要smile千万不要有难看的表情。临走时别忘了一句 have a nice day 中午的烤鸭可以说have a nice meal 总之要让考官高兴。不多说了,祝大家取得好成绩。

1.Describe photograph Well, for photograph, the first one springs to my mind is

the one which is taken with my grandfather when I was six , at that time, my grandfather seemed very strong and healthy like a young man properly a bit exaggerate but he sure is quiet strong and I was just a little kid. I took him as my best friend, no secret between us. We took that photo in a park during a public holiday .But now I become a teenager he has gone. I miss him very

much, since when I was a child he told me quiet a lot of interesting stories and many reasons to be a useful real man. Every time I saw this picture I would remember my grandpa things he told me the candies he gave me and the

typical characters of the stories, although I am strong enough to protect him from being hurt, he has gone for ever, it is a great time that I spend with him, will never forget for ever. It is my best memory.

2. A law I would like to say the law which is brought out about a year ago, the

main purpose is to forbid the use of plastic bags, present the use of plastic bags is in a main problem for the environment .However I don't know the detailed things about the law because I pay my full attention to my exam, IELTS and some day, I went to a supermarket to buy some food and soft drinks, when I checked out and asked the shop assistant for a plastic bag, to hold my goods she said that you should to pay 30 cents for it according to the law, I was

shocked at first, since I have never met such things before and then happy.

With this law people would not see many plastic bags flying on the trees and the corners of the streets, no white pollution, and our city will become cleaner and more beautiful. I hope some day it could be socially recognized even

without this law.

3.3A book Well, I am fond of re ading; I have read lots of books, such as “gone

with the wind”, “Jane Eyre” when I was young. All of those books influence me greatly. But I have read my favorite book when I was in the senior school in fact just last year. It serves as a turning point in my life. It was the

emotional bond between parents and kids that impressed me most. The book tells a story about how deeply a poor mother loved her child. Working hard everyday earn enough money to support her son. I was deeply touched by the story, and it changed my attitude to my parents. You know, as the only child in my family, my parents treated me as the queen. Whenever I want something they just gave it to me. Those days I couldn’t understand the love they gave me. I thought it was deserved. But after I read the book I finally know that

parents love us for no return, and we are supposed to love them either. To take care of them at anytime just like the way they looked after us when we are


4.4Museum I remembered clearly that I visited the Liao Ning historical Museum

last weekend with my friends. That day all of us were free and we decided to do something meaningful instead of going out to play basketball or computer games like we used to when we are not working. So we decided went there to know further about the great history of our homeland. We found various of ancient products .We are excited about the things that our ancestors has passed on, bamboo books, the old knives and the great China ect. We are so closed to the things that we have never seen and get much information. We know the Chinese history more. Although we are tired, we are happy and surprised.

Many people say with the development of modern science technology

museums are no longer needed since we can see ancient things on the Internet,

but after my visit to the museum I can say museums will never be replaced, it is essential to our culture.

5.5Games in your childhood Indeed, games are the most important part of

childhood. During my carefree childhood I am keen on playing hide-seek

when I was young about 6 years old. The simple game .It seems all kids in the world like playing this game. It is universal. One child kept eyes closed; the others run away and find somewhere to hide himself from being discovered. If any player were found by the eyes-closed children, usually not one, one of them would be then the eyes-closed one. Nobody wanted to be the one. So we made effort to hide ourselves. I guess the reason why we like this game is

“discover the unknown”, all kids are curious about findin g something they don’t know. And this is also the reason for people to make progress. When kids grow up it is this interest that makes them smart, creative and finally lead to the success of then .One more thing, when we were running, it helped us to keep fit. It is an important factor since all kids are all supposed to be healthy.

6.6An important letter For me, the most important letter I ever received was give

by my father on my 16th birthday. I consider it the first milestone in my life .It was a paper letter, not an e-mail. I keep it in my bookcase. Since it was a letter that worthy for my whole life. It is really important tome. In this letter, my father listed some of my failure in the past years such as I didn’t keep learning English, and listed some of my success in the past years such as I became the First in a table tennis Competition. In addition to that, he listed my merit and my shortcomings, for example, I didn’t like get up early, I was always late, things like that.What is more he gave me quiet a lot of advice on how to be successful to be more responsible, to protect those who depend on me. I read this letter regularly; in order to member I can’t commit the same mistake .It is

a vital letter for me it changed my philosophy of life a lot.

7.7A tour sight I am keen on travelling, I think travelling can broad my views

and it can make me feel relaxed after a long period studying . I have been to lots of tourist spots, such as Sichuan, Dalian, and the like. But I would like to describe a place named Zhang Jiajie for you. I went there when I was 15. It is an amazing place, unspeakably amazing ,the view will take your breath away.

It is surrounded by towering mountains covered with trees. I can see

picturesque peaks and rocks every where. I paid the visit after a rain, the

crystal clear mountain lake and the rainbow appeared after the rain impressed me most .The air there is much more fresh and cool than the city I live. One more thing, food there is wonderful, a little spicy for me.,but it tastes

well.Another thing is people there are well-mannered, I remember losing my way to the hotel so I asked for help, they greeted me nicely and helped me to get back to my hotel. I want to go there again.

8.8Internet Nowadays,everyone knows what internet is ,how to use it correctly

and realized the importance and necessities of it, most of the people think that internet had became an indispensable part of our life just like food and drinks it is essential since we can get more information even when they are in bed, we can keep in touch with the advanced technologies in no time ,can also get in touch with our friends no matter when and where we are, the most

important factor is the Internet could provide what we need : a relax after

working and studying . What is more it has enlarged our working capacity to a large extent, enriched our knowledge. A small part of men think that internet is bad, there are so many fault advertisements it and a large quantity of kids

are addict to the games thus distract their attention from study. In my opinion, every coin has both two sides, we have to resist the temptation from the games, the advantages are obvious, and l appreciates it.

9.9 Foundations To be frank, it is no an easy topic for me. Being a student, I

have little chance to think about it in my daily life. Anyhow, in my opinion, charity is very important for our society it is something essential. At present, China has a big population; there are a great number people who can’t afford their children’s education. And that is why we need the charity group. With the help it provided many students may fill in the gap of money in order to

further their study .One of my classmates, her family is too poor to afford her fee, and she was about to leave school ,but now she is still studying with us.

She said that a member of a charity group pays for her education, and

encouraged her to continue her work, but she even doesn’t know his name. I think, after my graduation, if I have the ability, I will do something like this, it costs me little but help the others much. It is much more enjoyable to help

others,it will be something which I feel I can contribute to.

10.10 Change in the future As we all know that the society keeps changing now.

We all benefit from this ever-changing world. In my view e should keep pace with the world ,in other words changing ourselves. For the past years, things have changed a lot. For example, I used to be a lazy girl, never enjoy hard

working but after three years hard-working in the secondary school, I am

much more conscientious than before. In the future, I really want to be an

independent girl. You know, in China, most of the families have only one

child, so does my family. As the only child at home, I depend on my parents for almost everything. I have never done a meaningful thing by myself by

myself ,I never do any housework, and I even have no idea how to cook. That can hardly make me a useful man to the society . I am worried about how is my life going on without my parents. Things would be much more difficult I need to be more self-determining .So I really want to learn some basic skills for my daily life which will make me more independent. Thus to be a real

man ,to create things needed for a better life .

11.11An Interesting news A piece of interesting news I read in China Daily

several days ago was that a dog likes picking up rubbish on the street. Strange as it may sounds the reason is simple. Since the first time the dog picked the rubbish in the street, his master has given him a piece of meet in reward to his hard work. From then on, the dog is fond of picking rubbish on the street to get more meat from its master. When I heard this news, I feel so funny that can’t help laughing. But after laughing, I felt shame for our mankind. Even a dog knows that we must protect the environment. They got the sense of

environment protecting. Though it has its own purpose, at least it could

contribute a lot to the environment but how about us? How could we people destroy the environment? And ignore the protection of it? The dog was elected as an environment-protect star. I think everybody is supposed to read this

news in order to contribute more to the environment.

12.12 A Company When I was in junior school I was so lucky that I had a chance

to visit a company, a big one, which produces shoes. I can still remember

things happened that day and my felling after the visit. My headteacher

organized all of my classmates to go there in order to provide us chance to

know about the hard work of making shoes and the procedure of shoes .We students seldom have the opportunity to visit such an interesting place. And

we can hardly know what effect will shoes making have on the environment.

All of our classmates went there delightfully since this is the only and first time to go out of the school to experience the different life that we never know before. But after we visited the company we found that manufacture shoes could pollute the environment, such as the contaminated water and wasted

materials the factory leave out. All of those are harmful to our environment and undoubtly our health. We can not forbid this because we need shoes to protects our feet; anyhow, we can do something to it, that is we could buy not that much shoes in order that there is less pollution

13.13 An old man who you admire I really admire my grandfather. Since he

taught me something that I cannot learn from school or books. What

impressed me most was his attitude towards life and death. When he was

young, life in China was hard to imagine, my grandfather joined the army after his father’s death, that year he was only sixteen. Death or success, just like today’s coffee or tea, was everyday’s topic. After several years of fighting

with the invader we won, which were supposed to mean a milestone in my homeland, but my grand father together with the elder in his age, didn’t open a new life until 1990. Until then, a wealthy and happy life was beginning for my grandfather and so did disease. After more than 50 years tough life, my

grandfather suffered from a variety of diseases. Such as diabetes, high blood pressure. In my view, I thought grandfather’s life is tragedy; never enjoy one day peace and joy. However, he still maintains a happy outlook on life. as he always told me that “ we can’t change life itself, but what really ma tter is the attitude you face life”. Although grandfather is rather old now, and weak, he still does some reading and walking,. His attitude influence me deeply, I will take the same way to face any difficult in my life.

14.14Helping others My experience of helping the others is not a big one. It was

during a boring holiday, when I was wandering on the street, I saw a little boy standing by and sobbing. It seemed that he was very sad I went to him, asked him the reason. He told me that he got lost. He couldn’t find the way home and he was afraid. I asked the address of his home, the phone number of his home, he said I don’t know. I asked the name of his parents, I got the same answer. I felt puzzled. How could I send him home if he knew nothing? Then,

I came up with an idea! I could send him to the police station. However, since

no information of his family, the police also had no idea. When we felt

helpless, the boy said: my mother is the teacher of First High School. Oh, my goodness! All of us cheered up. Then we send him to the school and found his mother. His mother even didn’t know her son had been lost! Her mother

wanted to gave me some money for thankfulness. But I refused. I think the meaning of helping others is not what you can get, but what can follow by

everybody is the sprit.

15.15 Performances I am crazy about pop music especially the famous singer

who is charming, my favorite one is Joplin. I went to her concert last year in Shen Yang I remembered that this is her new songs’ show and it is very

difficult to get a ticket, luckily I got one from my best friend. I was so excited to see Joplin face to face, and I go to the stadium 4 hours ahead. To my

surprise, there was no seat left empty and it was so crowded that I spend 2hour to find my seat. As soon as Joplin came out, all girls and boys started rushing up towards the stage. I was almost trampled. She played one song named spy with her elegant dance. Next there are 3 songs together which brought all

audience to the highlight, and Joplin came up to the audience and did some activities with all crazy gays. It is really an unforgettable performance.

16.16 things haven not been done I want to do lots of things, such as I want to do

bungee jumping, it is a real challenge to me, but I am too fearful to do so, to some extent I am afraid of being injured. I also want to travel around the world, but I am too poor to afford, it is a real shame in my life. But in my mind what I always want to do is to design an AI to live together with me I hope it could be brilliant give me advice when I need , mad as it may sound ,I will not give up to do this ,to achieve this goal. I am good at engineering, keen on it, always be creative new ideas spring to my mind when needed, and I really enjoy

engineering. In China, it is hard for a common girl like me to design this kind of thing. But things are different in Australia. If you are capable of

manufacturing AI you may get an opportunity to make it, under that condition

I may make my dream come true. I hope one day I will get to Australia, finally

achieve my goal.

17.17 Change in the future As we all know that the society keeps changing now.

We all benefit from this ever-changing world. For the past years, I have

changed a lot. For example, I was a lazy girl, but after three years hard-

working high school, I am much more diligent than before. But that is not

enough I need to change more .In the future, I really want to be an

independent girl. You know, in china, most of the families only have one child, so does my family. As the only child at home, I depend on my parents for

almost everything. I never get up by myself, I never do any housework, such as washing, cleaning, and even I have no idea how to cook. I am worried about how is my life going on without my parents. So I really want to learn some basic skills for my daily life which will make me more independent. I am

growing up, it would be impossible for me to depend on my parents so that would be changes happen on me in the future.

18.18TV program I watched a program which is about dogs, the day before

yesterday. It was quiet an interesting one attracts your attention a lot . There are so many lovely and beautiful dogs that I never seen before they impressed me a lot. Those dogs are so clever that they can understand what the masters’gestures and actions and they make different kinds of funny pose which makes you laugh. They are capable of doing what they are asked .Out of my

expectation, some of them can be guide for the blind. They are really helpful for human being .Suddenly it reminded me of my pet dog which is also a

smart one and my mother and I like it very much. All of us took care of it and play with it every day. But it had been dead for 1year because of sickness.

Through this program, I know more about common sense about how to bring a dog up and how to teat some small illness. I like this kind of TV program

because we can learn a lot from it

19.19 Environment: Environment is a hot topic around the world. In my opinion,

the environment is getting worse and worse. We can’t see t he blue sky as

before; we can’t swim in the river as before. The most serious one is that the weather is changing too fast, for example, three days before, it was as hot as summery, but today is as cold as winter. I think it is time for not only the

governments but also all the individuals to protect our earth. For the

governments, I think they have done much. But for our individuals, we must do more to protect our environment. Such as, we must limit the use of air

conditioning, we must limit the use of the plastic bag.

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