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Catia V5非常好用的基础教程

Catia V5非常好用的基础教程
Catia V5非常好用的基础教程

CATIA Training


Version 5 Release 9

June 2002

C A T I A B a s i c s

D e t a i l e d S t e p s

Table of Contents

Manipulating Objects (3)

Step 1: Start and Open a document (3)

Step 2: Change the Part Number (4)

Step 3: Change graphic properties (5)

Step 4: Open a new Document (7)

Step 5: Copy / Paste a PartBody (8)

Step 6: Modify a feature (8)

Step 7: Use the Compass (9)

Step 8: Hide and delete a Body (11)

Manipulating Objects

In this exercise you will learn basic tools to manipulate documents and get familiar with standard CATIA

V5 interface.

Step 1: Start and Open a document

1. Start Catia.

2. Open CATCOMStep-dolt.CATPart and select mm as model unit by going to Tools + Options +

General + Units.

You must get:

Step 2: Change the Part Number

1. Save as the filename

Select File / Save as.

You can toggle Save as new document to specify a new internal identifier.

Regenerating internal identifiers will avoid instantiation conflicts in Assembly Design.

If you select Save as new document, you must close the CATCOMStep-Dolt.CATPart and open the new document Step2.CATPart.

2. Change the part number.

To change the part number, select on the Tree ‘Part Number’ and with MB3 choice Properties.

You can click Alt +Enter to get the same following window:

See the next image to verify the good result.

Step 3: Change graphic properties

1. Change color of 5 faces.

First, display the Graphics Properties Toolbar.

Keeping the Key Ctrl pressed, select 5 faces and change theirs color.

2. Apply a material

Select the appropriate icon .

Choice Silver and then click on the top of the Tree (you can select the Part Bod y).

To render on the workbench the material, go to View / Render/ Apply Customized View.

and select Materials:

You must get this appearance:

You can select too this icon on the View Toolbar.

Step 4: Open a new Document 1. Open New Part

Select File / New. Name it Copy.

2. Select Window / Tile Vertically.

Step 5: Copy / Paste a PartBody

1. Select on the Tree the PartBody of Step

2.CATPart in order to copy it.

2. Paste it on the second part ‘Copy.CATPart’

You must get:

Step 6: Modify a feature

1. Change the length of the Pad1 to 10mm.

Go to Pad1 feature and double-click to edit it

The value must be change to 10 mm:

Step 7: Use the Compass

1. Copy / Paste of Body.1.

You are going to create a new Body.

Click with MB1 on Tree and select Body.1.

While MB1 pressed, click the key Ctrl and drag it to the Top of the Tree in order to paste Body.1.

2. Use the compass to drag Body.2.

First with MB1 select the origin of the Compass ( red square).

See next image :

Drag the compass while keeping MB1 pressed, and select the red surface.

The compass is now green.

With MB1 select Body.2 on the tree and then select Z axis of the compass and drag Body.2 along it.

Step 8: Hide and delete a Body

1. Close Step


Click with MB1 the ‘Close icon’ of the document window.

2. Hide Body2.

Select first Body.2 with MB1.

Place mouse curse on the empty background and click on MB3.

The Window Hide /Show appears.

To delete Body.2 , select Body.2 and click on the Keyboard the Key ‘Delete’.


CATIA线束设计入门教程 一、电器零件建立 关于CATIA CATIA是世界上一种主流的CAD/CAE/CAM 一体化软件。在70年代Dassault Aviation 成为了第一个用户,CATIA 也应运而生。从1982年到1988年,CATIA 相继发布了1版本、2版本、3版本,并于1993年发布了功能强大的4版本,现在的CATIA 软件分为V4版本和 V5版本两个系列。V4版本应用于UNIX 平台,V5版本应用于UNIX和Windows 两种平台。V5版本的开发开始于1994年。为了使软件能够易学易用,Dassault System 于94年开始重新开发全新的CATIA V5版本,新的V5版本界面更加友好,功能也日趋强大,并且开创了CAD/CAE/CAM 软件的一种全新风格。 CATIA是英文 Computer Aided Tri-Dimensional Interface Application 的缩写,是由法国Dassault宇航公司从七十年代开始开发,并应用于宇航工业;八十年代初,Dassault 集团成立Dassault Systems公司,专门负责CATIA的技术开发,并将CATIA做为商业软件推向市场。 CATIA在发展的二十年中在世界围已有1万2千多家用户在使用共13万套以上的CATIA 为其工作,大到飞机、载人飞船和汽车,小到螺丝钉和钓鱼杆,CATIA都可以根据不同规模、不同应用定制完全适合本企业的最佳解决方案。除了在汽车及汽车、航空航天领域的统治地位不断增强,同时,CATIA也大量地进入了其他行业,如机车制造、通用机械、家电、船舶等。 CATIA源于航空航天工业,是业界无可争辩的领袖。CATIA从产品的概念设计到最终产品的形成,以其精确可靠的解决方案提供了完整的2D、3D。参数化建模、电子样机建立及数据管理手段满足商业防御和航空领域应用的需要,同时,作为一个完全集成化的软件系统,CATIA将机械设计、工程分析仿真、数控加工及CATweb网上解决方案有机地结合在一起,为用户提供了严密的无纸工作环境,特别是CATIA中专业的航空专用模块,如:航空钣金设计、航空复合材料设计辅层、管路设计及分析、电路布线及生产等等使CATIA拥有了最宽广的专业覆盖面,从而帮助客户达到缩短设计生产周期,提高质量,减少成本的目的。CATIA 引以自豪的主要项目是例如波音777成功地用100%数字模型无纸加工完成。这在航空业中从来没有过,堪称业界第一。目前CATIA在航空、航天领域的装机量已经达到本行业所有装机量的60%。在中国,CATIA也取得了令人嘱目的成绩,、、、、、、等航空飞机厂无一例外的都选用CATIA做为其核心设计软件。 CATIA是汽车工业的事实标准,是欧洲,北美和亚洲顶尖汽车制造商所用的核心系统。CATIA在造型风格,车身及引擎设计等具有独特的长处,为各种车辆的设计和制造提供了全方位的解决方案。CATIA涉及产品、加工和人三个关键领域,电子样机设计环境使得汽车厂家能够快速及时的响应和满足客户的需求,向市场推出各种型号的汽车,满足不同消费群众,其独具的可伸缩性和并行工程能力可显著缩短产品上市时间。许多国际知名的汽车厂家比如Honda、BMW、Suzuki等都使用CATIA作为他们的新车型的开发平台,而国包括一汽集团、


1. F3------隐藏目录树; 2. 鼠标左键(或右键)+鼠标中键视图旋转;鼠标中键视图平移;鼠标中键视图放大缩小; 3. Alt + Enter = 性质; 4. shift 加中键出现红色方块后拖拉,快速放大指定局部,指定观察方向; 5. 先按CTRL 再加中键是放大缩小;先按中键再加CTRL 是是对象旋转; 6. 对象旋转时,外面会出现红色的圆形区域,在圆形区域内是XYZ轴的任意旋转,在圆形区域外是针对Z轴的特定旋转; 7. Press any keyboard arrow, the preselection navigator appears. ctrl+F11,出现物体选择器。 8. Ctrl + Page up ----zoom in Ctrl + Page down ----zoom out Shift + 上下左右箭头----rotate Ctrl +上下左右箭头----pan Ctrl +shift + 左右箭头----rotate shift+F3 --work on specification tree shift +F2--specification tree overview MB3+Customize--可自定义 Alt+mb2 --循环选择 ctrl+u --再生(装配时用的着) CTRL+鼠标滚轮放大缩小特征树 9. 三维零件建模时的命名:因为具有相同零件名字的零件不能在装配环境中同时被调用,所以在进行三维零件建模之前,可以事先将系统默认的模型树中的零件名字改成该零件文件保存时将要用的名字。这样不仅避免了零件名字的重复,还可方便零件的保存; 10. 公差标注:在零件的工程图中时常有如ф39±0.05的公差标注,CA TIA默认字体SICH 无法按要求进行标注,标出的是ф39 0.05的形式。这时可以将公差类型设置为TOL-1.0并用αCA TIA Symbol字体标注。 11. 鼠标右键在工程图标注中的应用: (1) 在半剖视图中标注孔的尺寸时,尺寸线往往是一半,延长线也只在一侧有。如果直接点击孔的轮廓线,按左键确认,出现的是整个尺寸线。 可以在还未放置该尺寸前点击鼠标右键,选择“Half Dimension”,即可标注出一半尺寸线。 (2) 标注两圆弧外边缘之间的距离时,当鼠标选中两圆弧后,系统自动捕捉成两圆心之间的距离尺寸,此时同样在未放置该尺寸之前点击右键, 在弹出菜单中的“Extension Lines Anchor”中选择所要标注的类型; (3) 工程图中有时需要标注一条斜线的水平或垂直距离,或者要标注一条斜线的一个端点与一条直线的距离,这时可以在选中要标注的对象后, 在右键弹出菜单中选择“Dimension Representation”中所需的尺寸类型。两直线角度尺寸的标注也可以通过弹出菜单中的“Angle Sector”选 择所需的标注方式; 12. 重新选择图纸:若在将零件转化成工程图时选错了图纸的大小,如将A3选成A4纸,可以在“Drafting”环境中点击“File”→“Page

Catia V5非常好用的基础教程

CATIA Training COPYRIGHT DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 Version 5 Release 9 June 2002 C A T I A B a s i c s D e t a i l e d S t e p s

Table of Contents Manipulating Objects (3) Step 1: Start and Open a document (3) Step 2: Change the Part Number (4) Step 3: Change graphic properties (5) Step 4: Open a new Document (7) Step 5: Copy / Paste a PartBody (8) Step 6: Modify a feature (8) Step 7: Use the Compass (9) Step 8: Hide and delete a Body (11)

Manipulating Objects In this exercise you will learn basic tools to manipulate documents and get familiar with standard CATIA V5 interface. Step 1: Start and Open a document 1. Start Catia. 2. Open CATCOMStep-dolt.CATPart and select mm as model unit by going to Tools + Options + General + Units.

CATIA V5入门教程官方简介(IBM版)

CATIA V5R17 boosts Innovation for Product Excellence
? ? ? ? Introduction What’s New at a Glance Overview Detailed Description
INTRODUCTION CATIA V5 is the leading solution for product excellence. It addresses all manufacturing organizations, from OEMs, through their supply chains, to small independent companies. The range of CATIA V5’s capabilities allows for its application in a wide variety of industries, from aerospace, automotive, industrial machinery, electrical, electronics, shipbuilding, plant design, and consumer goods, to jewelry and clothing. CATIA V5 is the only solution that covers the complete product development process, from product concept specifications through to product-in-service, in a fully integrated manner. Based on an open, scalable architecture, it facilitates true collaborative engineering across the multidisciplinary extended enterprise, including style and form design, mechanical design, equipment and systems engineering, digital mock-up management, machining, analysis, and simulation. By enabling enterprises to reuse product design knowledge and accelerate development cycles, CATIA V5 helps companies speed-up their response to market needs. In conjunction with ENOVIA for collaborative product lifecycle management, SIMULIA for engineering quality and DELMIA for production performance, CATIA V5 is a key component of V5 PLM.

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