当前位置:文档之家› 英国议会制辩论常用语精华总结(BPdebate)



Hono rable judges, dist in guished guests, ladies and gentlemen..... LOGICAL &CLEARLY Ways to ope n a debate

To set the framework for our opin io n, we believe it is n ecessary to state …

We would like to in troduce our sta nd by givi ng the follow ing defi niti ons. …

In order to effectively debate this topic, we would like to propose …

A nu mber of key issues arise which merit (deserve) closer exam in ati on.

In the first place we would like to make clear that …

The main argument focuses on …

1. Givi ng Reas ons and offeri ng expla nati ons:

To start with …,

The reas on why...,

That's why...,

For this reas on...,

That's the reas on why...,

Many people thin k....,

Con sideri ng...,

Allowing for the fact that...,

When you con sider that...,

2. Asking for an opinion from the other party

问题怎么看。 I would be glad to hear your op in io n of … 我很乐意听听你对 的意见。 I was wondering where you stood on the question of … 我想知道你对 well …what do you think (about

What's your view on the matter 就这件事你的看法呢

how do you see it 你怎么看它

do you think that …你认为…吗

3.Stat ing an op in io n 陈述观点

I think..., In my opinion..., I believe …

I'd like to poi nt out that 我想指出的是…

Speaking for myself 站在自己的立场上说…

I'd like to say this … 我会这样说…

I suppose...,

The way we see it...,

As far as rm concerned..., 就我而言,…

If it were up to me...,

I suspect that...,

I'm pretty sure that...,

It is fairly certain that...,

rm convin ced that...,

I honestly feel that …,

While others may argue that …,Considering the current …,

A recent study has shown that …,

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