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晋水源流在晋祠内。源流主泉难老流量 1.8立方米。源上建水母楼,头层三间带廊二层为三间。歇山式屋顶,内塑水母坐像及侍女。源前十孔分水,南北两渠。水温保持17摄氏度,常年不息。唐代诗人李白《咏晋祠》诗中有“晋祠流水如碧玉,傲波龙鳞沙昔草绿。”







在晋祠贞观宝翰亭内。唐太宗撰文并书。碑高195 厘





















高中英语短文改错 附答案

. 1 / 4 改错一 I have a good friend who's name is Liu Mei. She is our monitor and one of the excellent student in our class. Although she is clever, but she works very hard. We have a lot on common and have a lot to talk about. One evening she told me that something happened when her parents was out. She was doing her homeworks one Sunday morning when she smelt something burning. She stopped look out of the window and find a cloud of smoke coming out of her neighbour's house. She called 119 immediate. Ten minutes later, the firemen came and put out fire. Her neighbour was very thankful for her help. 改错二 I went to see the film after supper. On my way the cinema, I met an English woman, who lost her way. I gave up the chance see the film and took her to her hotel. While go there, I told her about great changes that had been taken place in the past few years and she had told me anything about her country. Although I missed the film, I still felt very happy, for I had not only helped her out of trouble but practise my spoken English. If I had not worked hard on English, I would have been able to help him. 改错三 Dear Ralph, I'm a senior student. I'm getting well with a boy in my class. But I have fallen in love with him for almost half a year. He is shy boy, so I wrote him a letter first to express my feeling. He wrote back. In his letter he said, We are students. Our task is study hard. Let us to wait and see whether we have some chance after graduation. So after graduation I telephoned to him, ask him about going out. But he said he didn't want to. He just wanted to sleep and watched TV. What do you think I should do? Do you think I should continue to love him and give up? 改错四 Dear Bob, Hello. I learn about you from my English teacher, Miss Fang. I'd like to your penfriend, and get to know more about your country. First, let me tell you something more about myself. My name is Li Hua. I live in Beijing, where is the capital of China. I go to Hongqi Middle School. We study quite a few subject, such as maths, Chinese, English and physics. I use to play ping-pong a lot on my spare time, but now I am interesting in football. Do you play any ball games? What your favorite sport? I look forward to hear from you soon. Yours, Li Hua 改错五 Two months ago, I went to abroad for further study. Before I left, I was given a lot present. Among them,there were two presents which were really interested me. My sister buys me a


摘要:中国早期古建筑主要集中在山西省,该省大量的遗构很大程度上反映了我国古建筑的发展历程,笔者从芮城到大同,经月余考察了山西三十余古建筑(群),在此基础上写就此报告。以学界前辈的研究成果为思路,以所考察过的建筑为实例,阐述中国从唐代到元代的古建筑发展历程,侧重分析历代建筑史略、建筑技术、时代特征,并以所考察过的建筑作例证加以分析。 关键词:山西古建筑;建筑史略;建筑技术;时代特征 引言 中国古建筑在漫长的发展中逐步形成了以木构架房屋为主,采用在平面上拓展的院落式布局的独特建筑体系,区别于世界上的其他建筑体系,其间经历了萌芽(新石器时代)、初步成型(夏商周)、基本定型(秦汉魏晋南北朝)、成熟兴盛(隋唐五代宋辽金)、持续发展后逐渐衰落(元明清)的过程。1[①]其中唐代到元代中国古建筑技术上出现了许多突破性的发展,为建筑技术史上一个较为重要的时期。 1. 唐 1.1发展史略 隋(581-618)立国之初和秦朝一样用民力过急,导致迅速覆亡,其建筑形态在短短四十余年内不可能产生大变化,故可归入唐论。 唐(618-907)是继汉以后中国建筑发展的又一个高峰。国家的统一,经济的发展,促使南北文化交融,北方吸收南方较先进的建筑技术,为历史上第一次南方建筑技术北传。1[②] 初唐时的含元殿仍用部分承重墙,次年的麟德殿只两山用墙,表现出发展的趋势,到武则天建明堂已经是全木结构。自高宗,武后(650-705)之后,唐木构基本定型,厅堂殿堂两种构架形成,斗拱与柱头枋结合形成铺作层,以材为祖的设计方法也已经基本定型。以后的盛唐、中唐、晚唐主要是踵事增华,更加完善、精密。1[③] 国内留存至今的唐木构只有四座,全部在山西,其中平顺天台庵和芮城五龙庙均有不同程度改建,只有五台佛光寺和南禅寺较好地保持了唐貌,故研究价值较大。而四座唐构中又只有南禅寺为中唐建筑,其余均为晚唐。初唐和盛唐建筑无存,只能靠其他间接材料作研究。 1.2建筑技术 唐代建筑技术的最突出成就是铺作层的形成和基于此的殿堂式构架的成型。 斗拱在前代很大程度上只是挑檐构件,到了唐代终于发展成为成熟的纵架横架的有机结合点,成为梁架不可或缺的一部分。横架中的梁与斗拱发生关系,梁头甚至成为斗拱的华栱或者耍头,而顺身拱同时与柱头枋、罗汉枋、阑额一齐组成纵架,横纵架通过斗拱十字相交咬合在一起。层层叠上的枋栱也组成了一个围合的木框,成为真正意义上的铺作层,利于连接柱网,使之聚合,意义类似于现代的圈梁。 殿堂式建筑的三个水平层结构正是基于铺作层的形成,柱网、铺作层、屋架依次水平叠加形成整体的构架(图1)。同时在此基础出现了各种平面分槽形式。 1.3实例分析 1.3.1佛光寺东大殿 唐大中11年,公元857年,山西五台,七开间单檐庑殿

《晋祠》教案(必修) 教案教学设计

《晋祠》教案(必修) 教案教学设计 《晋祠》教案 教学目标 1. 掌握文中生字词,整体把握课文内容,理清文章脉络。 2.初步学会分析短小的文艺性说明文,体会说明文中运用描写手法和修辞手法的效果,明确说明顺序。 3.感受晋祠的“美”,激发对祖国河山的热爱之情。 教学重点从文艺性说明文生动形象的语言角度入手感受晋祠的“美”。 教学难点在说明文中通过合理的顺序的安排表达感情。 教学工具多媒体:ppt 课时安排一课时 预习要求 1. 朗读课文,圈出生字,画出词语,标注段的序号。 2. 在文中画出欣赏的语句并加以旁批。 3. 查阅有关晋祠的资料,提出疑问题写于作业本上。 教学过程

一、导入 二、检查预习,了解学生 1. 读准下列字音。(ppt3) wèng she cūn yìn yǎn yù mo mo 悬瓮山拾级皴裂荫护偃卧老妪 脉脉 xuān xiè ran ran rán fāng yíng 亭台轩榭冉冉不绝鳞甲须髯牌 坊瀛胜楼 2. 让学生谈谈初读感受。(了解学生预习层次及其内在 能力) 三、整体感知,理清脉络 1. 同学们已经了解了本文的说明对象是晋祠,那么它最 突出的特点是什么?请在文中找出一句话概括。(悠久的历史文物同优美的自然风景浑然融为一体) 2. 为什么是这句呢?(鼓励学生从全文结构看) (因为全文是从自然风景和历史文物两个角度展开介绍的)引导学生分析结构: (6~11)

板书:晋历史文物——悠久 (1) (2~5)浑然一体 (12) 祠自然风景——优美 (总分总) 过渡:悠久的历史与优美的自然风景共同构成了晋祠的美,罗丹曾说过:“世界不缺少美,缺少的是发现美的眼睛。”下面让我们随着梁衡的视线去领略晋祠的美吧。 四、精读课文,感受“美” (一)研析2~5节,感受自然美 1. 总领晋祠自然美的中心句是哪一句?从中可以看出作者认为晋祠的自然美在什么地方? (第二节;山、树、水) 2. 老师读,学生思考,练习。边听边想边做: a想一想作者运用什么样的表达方式,使我们对晋祠自然美的特征获得形象的认识?(描写与说明相结合) b 请画出你欣赏的字、词或语句,加以点评;或画出你欣赏的景,谈谈你的见解。 (这一部分主要让学生通过欣赏优美的语言,感受自然美。多鼓励学生说) 山:用“拥”字形象生动说明了晋祠与山的地理位置;


总分: 2017语法填空真题 班级:姓名: Cloze 1 2017全国卷Ⅰ,15分话题:饮食与健康词数:196 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 There has been a recent trend in the food service industry toward lower fat content and less salt. This trend, which was started by the medical community(医学界) 1 a method of fighting heart disease, has had some unintended side 2 (effect) such as overweight and heart disease — the very thing the medical community was trying to fight. Fat and salt are very important parts of a diet. They are required 3 (process) the food that we eat, to recover from injury and for several other bodily functions. When fat and salt 4 (remove) from food, the food tastes as if it is missing something. As 5 result, people will eat more food to try to make up for that something missing. Even 6 (bad), the amount of fast food that people eat goes up. Fast food 7 (be) full of fat and salt; by 8 (eat) more fast food people will get more salt and fat than they need in their diet. Having enough fat and salt in your meals will reduce the urge to snack(吃点心) between meals and will improve the taste of your food. However, be 9 (care) not to go to extremes. Like anything, it is possible to have too much of both, 10 is not good for the health. Cloze 2 2017全国卷Ⅱ,15分话题:地下客运铁路词数:181 In 1863 the first underground passenger railway in the world opened in London. It ran for just under seven kilometers and allowed people to avoid terrible 1 (crowd) on the roads above as they travelled to and 2 work. It took three years to complete and was built using an interesting method. This included digging up the road, 3 (lay) the track and then building a strong roof over 4 top. When all those had been done, the road surface was replaced. Steam engines 5 (use) to pull the carriages and it must have been 6 (fair) unpleasant for the passengers, with all the smoke and noise. However, the railway quickly proved to be a great success and within six months, more than 25,000 people were using 7 every day. Later, engineers 8 (manage) to construct railways in a system of deep tunnels (隧道), which became known as the Tube. This development was only possible with the 9 (introduce) of electric-powered engines and lifts. The Central London Railway was one of the most 10 (success) of these new lines, and was opened in 1900. It had white-painted tunnels and bright red carriages, and proved extremely popular with the public. Cloze 3 2017全国卷Ⅲ,15分话题:上学的同时兼职做模特词数:196


《晋祠》教学设计 江阴市申港中学徐华 一、教学目标 1.理清文章脉络、整体把握课文内容。 2.赏析文章精彩语段,体会文艺性说明文的艺术特色。3.了解晋祠悠久的历史和优美的自然风景,激发学生热爱祖国的情怀。 二、教学重点 精读语段,让学生体会多种修辞手法综合运用和词语准确描摹在文中的作用。 三、教学难点 品析文艺性说明文语言生动形象的特点。 四、课时安排:一课时 五、教学过程: 一、导入语: 前阶段学习了《苏州园林》,领略了苏州园林的绘画美的特点,苏州园林是江南园林的标本,俗语说:一方水土养育一方人,南方、北方地域不同,风土人情也不同,折射到园林的设计、建造也有所不同,陈从周在《园林分南北、景物各千秋》一文中讲到,江南园林婉约秀雅,北方园林的华丽高亢,各具特色,现在让我们随着作家梁衡的笔触去领略北方园林之美吧! 二、简介“晋祠“的由来 晋祠是为了纪念西周时期“唐国”开国君主——叔虞而修建的祠堂,因唐国境内有晋水流过,于是将国号改为“晋”,祠堂亦改名为“晋王祠”,简称“晋祠”。 三、分析: 浏览课文

1、问题:如果用一个字来概括晋祠的特点,你用哪一个字?明确:美 2、晋祠的美体现在何处?(明确:在自然风景,在古代文化——板书) 分析自然风景的美。 晋祠的美,在山,在树,在水。 1.山的特点:巍巍的,长长的,四季怡人 2.如何来体现山的特点?明确:修辞手法:比喻、拟人、对偶(板书:丰富的修辞) 3.精读第四段,讨论下面问题 (1)这段文字说明了晋祠树的什么特点?明确:古老苍劲,造型奇特 (2)古老苍劲的特点如何体现? 明确:a、举例子:周柏、唐槐(周、唐朝代距今久远) b、词语准确描摹:古老:皴裂,疏枝,偃卧,虬枝 盘屈;苍劲:劲直,粗大,青青的,绿叶如盘; (3)造型奇特的特点又是如何体现的? 明确:a、举例:左扭柏特点:一齐向左边拧去,一圈一圈,丝纹不乱。 b、描摹:1、修辞手法:比喻(烟、绳) 绳,能否换成丝?——体现了左扭柏的特点,照应了古老苍劲的特点,“旋”能否换成“飘”?——(1)体现左松柏的特点,造型奇特。(2)拔、冲、旋照应古老苍劲的特点。(板书:用词的精当) 小结:作者用丰富的修辞和精当的用词描摹出晋祠树的特点,生动形象,在具体品析时着重运用比较法和替代法,让学生从这两个角度来分析第五语段——晋祠水的描写。


短文改错训练答案 1 When I was in high school, I had an awful experience. At that time I wa s∧so brave and not outgoing as the others. Because of that, a boy name Big Tom would do all kinds of bad things to me. I was scaring to see him. named scared So yesterday, a friend told me that Big Tom wanted to see me and invited me to dine out. I agreed. But invite We met in a bar and we were so happy that nothing went well. By the end of that night, Big Tom everything At apologized for what he has done to me. Now we have become close friends. had In our life, everyone may make mistakes. What counts most are that we have the courage to correct them. is 2 English is my favourite subject and I’d love the opp ortunity to get my English improve by improved studying abroad. My speaking is excellent, but I am afraid that my writing is not so good as. My parents have promised that if I∧accepted into the programme, they will get I taught in after school am me writing lessons. Studying abroad will not only help improve my English but also gives me a better give understanding of customs and cultures i n∧west. In addition for that, I belong to a debating club the to at school. So I am used to talk in front of other people. I am also fond of making friend and I think talking friends people will find it easily to get on with me. easy 3 Three years ago I failed a important exam in my life and became a student in an ordinary school. an Disappointing as I felt at the shabby campus and the poorly-equipped classroom, but I found the Disappointed teachers patient and considerate. Besides, I enjoyed the friendly atmosphere on class. I decided to in make∧best of it. I work hard and got along well with my teachers and classmates. Whenever I the worked had difficulties, they were seldom available. Soon, I became one of the top student in my class, always students which greatly increased my confident and got me motivated. confidence


山西晋祠建筑分析 两晋、南北朝是中国历史上一次民族大融合时期,此期间,传统建筑持续发展,并有佛教建筑传入。西晋统一中国不久,就爆发了「八王之乱」,处于西北部边境的几个少数民族领袖,率部进入中原,先后建立了十几个政权,史称十六国时期。到了西元460年,北魏才统一了中国北方,继而又分裂。在南方,晋室南迁建立了东晋政权,接着先后出现了宋、齐、梁、陈四个朝代。这就是历史上的南北朝时期。自此,中国南北两方社会经济才逐渐复苏,北朝营建了都城洛阳,南朝营建了建康城。这些都城、宫殿均系在前代基础上持续营造,规模气势远逊于秦、汉。 东汉时传入中国的佛教此时发展起来,南北政权广建佛寺,一时间佛教寺塔盛行。据记载,北魏建有佛寺三万多所,仅洛阳就建有一千三百六十七寺。南朝都城建康也建有佛寺五百多所。在不少地区还开凿石窟寺,雕造佛像。重要石窟寺有大同云冈石窟、敦煌莫高窟、天水麦积山石窟、洛阳龙门石窟、太原天龙山石窟、峰峰南响堂山和北响堂山石窟等。这就使这一时期的中国建筑,融进了许多传自印度(天竺)、西亚的建筑形制与风格。 隋、唐时期的建筑,既继承了前代成就,又融合了外来影响,形成为一个独立而完整的建筑体系,把中国古代建筑推到了成熟阶段,并远播影响于朝鲜、日本。 隋朝虽然是一个不足四十年的短命王朝,但在建筑上颇有作为。它修建了都城大兴城,营造了东都洛阳,经营了长江下游的江都(扬州)。开凿了南起余杭(杭州),北达涿郡(北京),东始江都,西抵长安(西安),长约2500公里的大运河。还动用百万人力,修筑万里长城。炀帝大业年间(605~618年),名匠李春在现今河北赵县修建了一座世界上最早的敞肩券大石桥安济桥。 唐代前期,经过一百多年的稳定发展,经济繁荣,国力富强,疆域远拓,于开元年间(714~741年)达到鼎盛时期。在首都长安与东都洛阳继续修建规模巨大的宫殿、苑囿、官署。在全国,出现了许多着名地方城、商业和手工业城,如广陵(扬州)、泉州、洪州(南昌)、明州(宁波)、益州(成都)、幽州(北京)、荆州(江陵)、广州等。由于工商业的发展,这些城市的布局出现了许多新的变化。 唐代在都城和地方城镇兴建了大量寺塔、道观,并继承前代续凿石窟佛寺,遗留至今的有着名的五台山佛光寺大殿、南禅寺佛殿、西安慈恩寺大雁塔、荐福寺小雁塔、兴教寺玄奘塔、大理千寻塔,以及一些石窟寺等。此期间,建筑技术更有新的发展,木构架已能正确地运用材料性能,建筑设计中已知运用以「材」为木构架设计的标准,朝廷制定了营缮的法令,设置有掌握绳墨、绘制图样和管理营造的官员。 从晚唐开始,中国又进入三百多年分裂战乱时期,先是梁、唐、晋、汉、周五个朝代的更替和十个地方政权的割据,接着又是宋与辽、金南北对峙,因而中国社会经济遭到巨大的破坏,建筑也从唐代的高峰上跌落下来,再没有长安那么大规模的都城与宫殿了。由于商业、手工业的发展,城市布局、建筑技术与艺术,都有不少提高与突破。譬如城市渐由前代的里坊制演变为临街设店、按行成街的布局。在建筑技术方面,前期的辽代较多的继承了唐代的特点,而后期的金代,建筑上则继承辽、宋两朝的特点而有所发展。在建筑艺术方面,自北宋起,就一变唐代宏大雄浑的气势,而向细腻、纤巧方面发展,建筑装饰也更加讲究。


黄金白璧买歌笑,一醉累月轻王侯。 出自唐代李白的《忆旧游寄谯郡元参军》 原文 忆昔洛阳董糟丘,为余天津桥南造酒楼。 黄金白璧买歌笑,一醉累月轻王侯。 海内贤豪青云客,就中与君心莫逆。 回山转海不作难,倾情倒意无所惜。 我向淮南攀桂枝,君留洛北愁梦思。 不忍别,还相随。 相随迢迢访仙城,三十六曲水回萦。 一溪初入千花明,万壑度尽松风声。 银鞍金络到平地,汉东太守来相迎。 紫阳之真人,邀我吹玉笙。 餐霞楼上动仙乐,嘈然宛似鸾凤鸣。 袖长管催欲轻举,汉东太守醉起舞。 手持锦袍覆我身,我醉横眠枕其股。 当筵意气凌九霄,星离雨散不终朝,分飞楚关山水遥。余既还山寻故巢,君亦归家渡渭桥。 君家严君勇貔虎,作尹并州遏戎虏。 五月相呼渡太行,摧轮不道羊肠苦。 行来北凉岁月深,感君贵义轻黄金。

琼杯绮食青玉案,使我醉饱无归心。 时时出向城西曲,晋祠流水如碧玉。 浮舟弄水箫鼓鸣,微波龙鳞莎草绿。 兴来携妓恣经过,其若杨花似雪何! 红妆欲醉宜斜日,百尺清潭写翠娥。 翠娥婵娟初月辉,美人更唱舞罗衣。 清风吹歌入空去,歌曲自绕行云飞。 此时行乐难再遇,西游因献《长杨赋》。 北阙青云不可期,东山白首还归去。 渭桥南头一遇君,酂台之北又离群。 问余别恨今多少,落花春暮争纷纷。 言亦不可尽,情亦不可及。 呼儿长跪缄此辞,寄君千里遥相忆。 李白(701年-762年),字太白,号青莲居士,唐朝浪漫主义诗人,被后人誉为“诗仙”。祖籍陇西成纪(待考),出生于西域碎叶城,4岁再随父迁至剑南道绵州。李白存世诗文千余篇,有《李太白集》传世。762年病逝,享年61岁。其墓在今安徽当涂,四川江油、湖北安陆有纪念馆。 创作背景:这首“忆旧游”的诗是作者写寄给好友元演的,元演时为亳州(即谯郡,州治在今安徽亳州)参军。此诗曾收入《河岳英灵


短文改错专练(一) (1) I often quarrel about my mother over whether I can watch TV after school. She holds the view which senior three students have to make fully use of every minute to work hard at their lessons. It seems to me that once I am allowed to do that, I'll unable to control myself and forget all about my study. She also thinks it is good for my eyes. But I really can't accept her ideas. In my opinion, watch TV can put myself at ease, especially after a day's hard work. Beside, it is important for me to know what has happened at home and at abroad. Thus, we shouldn't be forbid to watch TV. (2)One evening two young men were walking in the street. They tried to find a chance to steal everything. The clock strikes twelve. Most people were in bed. Quickly they came to a house so it seemed that everyone in the house had fallen sleep. Standing at the front gate, one man whispered in English to the other at a low voice, “You wait here. I will go around to the front door and then get into the house.” Suddenly out of the house ran a dog, barked at them. The two men were very afraid and ran away as fast as possibly. They didn't stop until they had got to a lonely place. One man said to the other in surprise, “It's too bad. I had thought that the dog could understand English.” (3) Last Sunday my father and I went fishing along a river. We found the water very dirty that we could hardly catch any fish in it. A lot of factories along the river always poured their waste water and rubbish straightly into the river, which made the river polluting. In this way most of the fish in the river was killed. Unless the rivers all over the country are polluted like this, no living things will be exist in the water. As we all know, environmental pollution do great harm to living things. Now more and more people have realized what serious this problem is. Our government is doing her best to take measure to fight against pollution. We expect that water in every river will be made cleaner and cleaner before long. (4) Dear Mike, This summer I will go to study at the London University, but I don't know how to adapt myself for the new life. I hear that many freshmen are at loss what to do when they are in a new country. Feel lonely and homesick, they find it much harder to get use to the new culture, diet and climate. Most of them can't take well care of themselves in their everyday life. Beside,it is difficult to find a satisfied host. It is more difficult to fully understand what the teachers teach in class though they speak English all the time. Could you tell me how to deal with these problem so that I will be able to suit the university life in the future? Yours,Li Hua (5)Every morning Steve went to work by train. As he has a long trip, he always buys newspaper. It helps make the time passing more quickly. One Tuesday morning, he turned over the sports page. He wanted to see the report about an important football match the night before. The report was so interesting that he forgot to get off at his station. He did not know it unless he saw the sea. He got off at

英语短文改错专题综合练习题 答案

英语短文改错专题综合练习题答案 (一)Last summer, I got a young pet dog. I named him with Max after my favorite toy robot. The next day, I called her like this: “Come here, Max!” Then he comes up to me. I told him to get on the bed. Strange, he went to the bathroom. Although it was very hot, I thought that Max wanted to go for swim, so I put him into a pool. To my surprises, he enjoyed himself very much in the water. Now Max has grown more bigger and follow me no matter where I go. He has brought me a lot of happy. 1. 去掉with 2. her 改为him 3. comes改为came 4. Strange改为Strangely 5. Although改为Because/As 6. swim前加a 7. surprises改为surprise 8. more改为much 或去掉more 9. follow改为follows 10. happy改为happiness (二)I was walking along the street when the stranger stopped me and asked me the way to a newer restaurant. I started to tell him how to get here. As soon as I finish, the stranger thanked me and started off. However, to his surprise, he went to the wrong direction. So I stopped him at once and told him that he was wrong. Unexpectedly, he was smiled and told me that he didn’t really want ask the way. Instead he was just trying to find out that people knew where the new restaurant was, for he was the new owner of the restaurants. 1. the改为a 2. newer改为new 3. here 改为there 4. finish改为finished 5. his改为my 6. in the wrong direction 7. 去掉smiled前面was 8. want to ask 9. that改为if/whether 10. restaurants改为restaurant (三)Dear Yang Hui, I heard you’ll have a two-weeks summer holiday and have decided to visit as much new places as possible. I don’t think it’s a good idea. My friend Li Hua goes to Europe last July. He visited four countries, and stayed for only three days in each of the country. He was


短文改错及答案 集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)

短文改错专练(一)(1) I often quarrel about my mother over whether I can watch TV after school. She holds the view which senior three students have to make fully use of every minute to work hard at their lessons. It seems to me that once I am allowed to do that, I'll unable to control myself and forget all about my study. She also thinks it is good for my eyes. But I really can't accept her ideas. In my opinion, watch TV can put myself at ease, especially after a day's hard work. Beside, it is important for me to know what has happened at home and at abroad. Thus, we shouldn't be forbid to watch TV. (2)One evening two young men were walking in the street. They tried to find a chance to steal everything. The clock strikes twelve. Most people were in bed. Quickly they came to a house so it seemed that everyone in the house had fallen sleep. Standing at the front gate, one man whispered in English to the other at a low voice, “You wait here. I will go around to the front door and then get into the house.”Suddenly out of the house ran a dog, barked at them. The two men were very afraid and ran away as fast as possibly. They didn't stop until they had got to a lonely place. One man said to the other in surprise, “It's too bad. I had thought that the dog could understand English.” (3)Last Sunday my father and I went fishing along a river. We found the water very dirty that we could hardly catch any fish in it. A lot of factories along the river always poured their waste water and rubbish straightly into the river, which made the river polluting. In this way most of the fish in the river was killed. Unless the rivers all over the country are polluted like this, no living things will be exist in the water. As we all know, environmental pollution do great harm to living things. Now more and more people have realized what serious this problem is. Our government is doing her best to take measure to fight against pollution. We expect that water in every river will be made cleaner and cleaner before long. (4) Dear Mike,

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