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Group A


Like students from other Asian countries and regions, most Chinese students who come to pursue their further education in the United States work on their studies most diligently and assiduously. Even on weekends, they would frequently spend one day, or even two days, to work overtime in their laboratories. Therefore, compared with their American counterparts, they are more academically fruitful. My supervisor is of Asian origin. He is addicted to alcohols and cigarettes, with a sharp/irritable temper. Nevertheless, he highly appreciates the industry and the solid foundational knowledge of Asian students and has a particularly keen insight into what Asian students have on their mind. Hence, of all the students recruited into his laboratory, except for one German, the other five were all from Asia. He even put an eye-catching notice on

the door of his lab, which read, “All the research assistants of this laboratory are required to work 7 days a week, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.. Nothing but work during the working hours.” This supervisor is reputed on the entire campus for his severity and harshness. During the 3 and a half years that I stayed there, a total of 14 students were recruited into his laboratory and only 5 of them stayed until they graduated with their Ph.D. degrees. In the summer of 1990, ignoring the dissuasions from others, I accepted my supervisor’s sponsorship and embarked on my difficult journey of academic pursuit.


My tutor/supervisor was of Asian descent who drank and smoked a lot (had a habit of drinking and smoking) and was quite hot/short /quick-tempered. However, he highly

appreciated Asian students for their diligence and solid command of fundamental knowledge (he admired the diligence of Asian students and their firm grounding in science), and he knew well about what they thought and how they felt. That was why of the 6 students admitted to his lab that year 5 were of Asian descent with only one from Germany. On the door of his lab there was an eye-catching notice which read, ”Lab assistants must work with devotion from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., 7 days a week.’ Harsh and demanding, the tutor had earned a campus-wide reputation for his strictness with students. During the 3 and a half years when I stayed with him, a total of 14students were admitted to his lab but only 5 succeeded in taking their doctoral degrees/managed to complete their Ph.D. studies.



Group B

参考译文:The current visit to Taiwan for exchange, brief and cursory as it is, has enabled us to see many places, to visit old friends while making new acquaintances. Whenever people gather together, an important topic of discussion has been how the Chinese nation can become prosperous and powerful in the 21st century. Although the young people on the Mainland and in Taiwan live in different social contexts (environments / milieus), with their individually different experiences of life, in the innermost recesses of their hearts are wrought an indelible mark by the fine traditions of the Chinese culture. They all cherish the same ideal to rejuvenate the Chinese nation (They share the same ideal to rejuvenate the Chinese nation). In this great epoch at the turn of the century, our motherland is developing toward greater prosperity and powerfulness. People across the Taiwan Straits are bound to strengthen their

exchanges and will mutually promote the earliest possible achievement of the great cause of reunification of the motherland. The precious opportunities and the tremendous challenges at the turn of the century have pushed the young people to the foreground (forefront) of the historical arena (stage). At this transitional phase between the two millennia, in what way the young generation should embrace the forthcoming new century replete with hopes is a question to which we have to seek an answer.



Group C

参考译文:Vancouver’s prosperity owes to the intelligence and diligence of the people there, as well as to the contributions made by a

variety of other ethnic groups. Canada is a vast country with a sparse population, having a territory larger than that of China but a population of less than 30 million. That is why Canada has long adopted a national policy of absorbing immigrants from other countries. We may say that, with the exception of the (aboriginal) Indian people, Canadians are made up immigrants, different from each other only in how long they have settled down there. Vancouver is most typical of this which is among the few cities in the world featuring multi-nationalities. Of the 18 million people living in Vancouver nowadays, half were not born in Vancouver and 1/4 is from Asia. Out of the 250 thousand Chinese-Canadians who have played a decisive role in Vancouver’s economic growth, half have immigrated to the region only 5 years before. All these Chinese-Canadians have made Vancouver the region with the largest Chinese communities outside China.

参考译文:在某些社会中,人们希望拥有孩子是出于所谓的家庭原因:传宗接代,光宗耀祖,讨好祖辈,使那些涉及到家庭的宗教仪式得以正常进行。此类原因在现代世俗化的社会中似显苍白,但它们在其他地方曾一度构成并确实仍在构成强有力的理由。//此外,有一类家庭原因与下列类别不无共通之处,这便是:生儿育女是为了维系或改善婚姻:能拴住丈夫或者使妻子不致于无所事事;修复或重振婚姻;多子多孙,以为家庭幸福惟有此法。这一点更可以由其反面得到昭示:在某些社会中,无法生儿育女(或无法生育男孩)对婚姻而言是一种威胁,还可作为离婚的现成借口。//后代对于家庭这一体制本身所具有的深远意义远非如此。对许多人来说,夫妻两人尚不足以构成一个真正意义上的家庭——夫妻需要孩子来丰富其两人小天地,赋予该小天地以真正意义上的家庭性质,并从子孙后代身上获取某种回报。// 孩子需要家庭,但家庭似乎也需要孩子。家庭作为一种社会机构,以其特有的方式,至少从原则上说,可在一个变幻莫测、


Group D

参考译文:The first generation of museums are what might be called natural museums which, by means of fossils, specimens and other objects, introduced to people the evolutionary history of the Earth and various kinds of organisms. The second generation are those of industrial technologies which presented the fruits achieved by industrial civilization at different stages of industrialization. Despite the fact that those two generations of museums helped to disseminate / propagate / spread scientific knowledge, they nevertheless treated visitors merely as passive viewers. // The third generation of museums in the world are those replete with / full of wholly novel concepts / notions / ideas. In those museums, visitors are allowed to operate the exhibits with their own

hands, to observe and to experience carefully. By getting closer to the advanced science and technologies in this way, people can probe into their secret mysteries.

The China Museum of Science and Technology is precisely one of such museums. It has incorporated some of the most fascinating features of those museums with international reputation. Having designed and created exhibits in mechanics, optics, electrical science, thermology, acoustics, and biology, those exhibits demonstrate scientific principles and present the most advanced scientific and technological achievements.

参考译文(1):如果人们藉"英年早逝"这一字眼真的意欲表达什么含义的话,他们必然相信某些人的辞世可以算是寿终正寝,而另一些人则"死不逢时" 。死于年迈很少被冠以"死不逢时"之名,因为能度过漫长的一生被认为是甚为圆满的。反之,如果所碰到的是一位年轻人之死,人们会以为这位年轻





Group E

参考译文:In his later years (Late in his life), Qiao Yu has become enamored of fishing (developed a penchant / special fondness for fishing). He asserts: “ Mos tly speaking, a place with water and fish must necessarily be blessed with a nice setting, which in return keeps people in good mood. I believe that the optimum fishing places are not those commercial fishing centers which provide the fishermen with all the conveniences and where fish are kept hungry for ready capture, but those naturally-formed places in the wilderness which exert a special appeal.” According to him, fishing can constitute an activity conducive to the cultivation of one’s temperament and t o one’s health, at once

physical and psychological. Qiao Yu claims: “Fishing can be divided into three stages. The first stage consists of mere fish-eating; the second a combination of fish-eating and the pleasure (enjoyment) of fishing; the third primarily the pleasure of fishing when, confronted with a pond of clear water, one puts aside all his troubling vexations and annoyances and enjoys the total relaxation both mentally and physically.”

01 Version C-E:In his declining years Qiao Yu was fond of angling. He once said, “The places where have both water and fishes are generally in nice environment that can put people in good mood. The best angling place, I think, is not the comfortable angling park where hungry fishes are prepared, but the appealing natural one.” Angling is an exercise that can mould one’s temperament and make him sound in body and mind, as Qiao Yu said, “Fishing can be divided into three phases: the first is for angling, the second is for angling

and interest as well, and the third is mainly for angling interest. When facing a pool of open green water, one can forget the worries and nuisances completely and relax himself fully.”

参考译文:梭罗所理解的“低层次”,即为了拥有而去拥有,或与所有的邻居明争暗斗而致拥有。他心目中的“高层次”,则是这样一种积极的人生戒律,即要使自己对自然界永恒之物的感悟臻于完美。对于他从低层次上节省下来的时间和精力,他可将其致力于对高层次的追求。勿庸置疑,梭罗不赞成忍饥挨饿,但他在膳食方面所投入的精力仅果腹而已,只要可确保他能去从事更为重要的事务,他便别无所求。// 殚精竭虑,全力以赴,便是其精髓所在。除非我们愿意直面那些需要我们全身心投入的艰难困苦,否则便不会有幸福可言。正如叶芝所言,除却某些不可能的情形,我们于人生中所获取的满足皆取决于我们在多高的境界中选择我们所愿意面对的艰难困苦。当罗伯特?弗罗斯特言及“以苦为乐”时,他内心所思,大体如此。商业广告中所宣扬的那种幸福观,其致

命的缺陷就在于这样一个事实,即它宣称,一切幸福皆唾手可得,不费吹灰之力。// 即便于游戏之中,我们也需要有艰难困苦。我们之所以需要它,因为设若没有困难,便断无游戏可言。游戏即是这样一种方式,为了享受其中的情趣而人为地使事情变得不那么轻而易举。游戏中的种种规则,便是将困难武断地强加于人。当有人将情趣摧毁殆尽时,他总是因为拒不按游戏规则行事而使然。这犹如下棋;如果你随心所欲、心血来潮地去更改那些全然武断的游戏规则,这样去赢棋当然会更加容易。但下棋的情趣则在于,应在规则的限定范围内赢取胜利。一言以蔽之,没有艰难,断无情趣。

Group F


博学与假装博学之间是有区别的。成功者无须躲在面具后面。// 成功者敢于独立思考,敢于运用自己的知识。他们能够把事实从纷繁的意见中剥离出来,而又不会假装无所不知。

他们倾听他人的意见,品评他人的言论,却能得出自己的结论。虽然胜利者也钦佩他人,尊敬他人,但是,他们不会完全被他人所规定、所摧垮、所束缚,所吓倒。// 成功者不会假装无助,也不会怨天尤人,相反,他们承担起自己生命的责任。

参考译文(1):The bounty of nature is equal to everyone, rich or poor, and therefore all men are strongly attached to her. This is particularly true in the rural areas, where people have kept the same lifestyle for a millennium or so. They plant crops and grapevines, brew wine to drink, feed cows to milk, and weed gardens to grow flowers. They go to church at weekends, and they meet in the square on holidays, playing the violin, singing

and dancing. The age-old land remains the same as their family hearth. Each place boasts its folklore and thereby social customs go down.

参考译文(2):The bounty of Nature is equal to everyone, rich or poor, and therefore all men are strongly attached to her. This is particularly true in the rural areas, where people have kept the same lifestyle for a millennium or so. They plant crops and grapevines, brew wine to drink, feed cows to milk, and weed the garden to grow flowers. They go to church at weekends, and they meet in the square on holidays, playing the violins, singing and dancing. The age-old land remains the same as their family hearth. Each place boasts its folklore and thereby social customs go down.

Group G


位土地开发商——带着表妹游览一座他将要建造的城市的情景。他向表妹描绘了宽阔的街道,排排的房屋,俨然一座熙来攘往的大都市。// 然而,表妹环顾四周,却一脸迷茫,她所看到的只是一片森林。于是她问:“你要给我看的美景和改观在哪里啊?”他很惊讶,她居然还不能心领神会。便回答说:“还问哪里?这不到处都是嘛。”因为尽管他还没有把它们真正建成,他却早已在心中构想好了。它们对他来说是如此真实具体仿佛它们早已建成。


参考译文(1): Before I was taken ill, I had been a spoiled child of my parents, getting things my way in the family. Once isolated and confined to a small house on the slope of the garden, I suddenly found myself in

disfavour and my wings clipped. One spring evening, with myriads of flowers in full bloom in the garden, my parents held a garden party in honour of many guests, whose arrival at once filled the place with laughing chats. In the small house on the slope, I quietly lifted the curtain, only to be met by a great and prosperous world with my elder brothers and sisters and my cousins among the guests, all in jubilation. All at once, seized by a fit of forlorn rage, I could not help bursting into tears.

参考译文(2): Before I fell ill, I had been the bully under our roofs (in my family) owing to my doting parents. Feeling like being deposed into a cold palace, I began to taste the bitterness of depression and frustration immediately after I was segregated and confined in a small house on a hillside in our garden. On a spring evening, my parents gave a banquet in the garden where a profusion of flowers were in full bloom. In no time, crowd


一、材质中英文对照表 1.摇粒绒:Polar Fleece 2.珊瑚绒:coral fleece / soft terry 3.羊羔绒:Berber fleece / polyester faux sherpa 4.短毛绒:short plush 5.长毛绒:long plush 6.毛绒:fur 7.天鹅绒:velvet 8.拖把绒:cord velour 9.PV绒:PV plush 10.毛巾布:terry 11.灯芯绒:corduroy 12.双色毛绒:two-tone faux fur 13.毛线针织:knitting 14.麂皮绒:microfiber/microsuede 15.格利特:glitter 16.亮片:sequin 17.佳积布:nylex 18.尼龙布:nylon 19.汗衫布:jersey 20.沙丁布:satin 21.网布:mesh 22.帆布:canvas 23.斜纹棉布: cotton twill 24.PU 25.镜面PU:patent PU 26.平纹PU:smooth PU 27.EV A 28.点塑底:fabric with dot / skid free dot/non skid dot 29.TPR 30.PVC注塑:PVC injected 二、鞋子装饰物(ornament) 1.松紧带:elastic gore 2.魔术贴:velcro 3.电绣:embroidery 4.蝴蝶结:bow 5.爱心:heart 6.鞋带:lace 7.鞋眼:eyelet 8.人造钻石:rhinestone 9.搭带:strap 10.拉环:loop 11.毛球:POM 12.织唛标:Woven label 13.烫印:heat seal 14.贴片:patch 15.拉链:zipper 三、颜色 1. 豹纹:leopard/ cheetah 2. 斑马纹:zebra 3. 虎纹:tiger 4. 米黄色:beige 5. 桃红色:fuschia 6. 淡紫色:lilac 7. 海军蓝:Navy 8. 咖啡色:Brown 9. 迷彩:camo 10. 湖水蓝:blue atoll/ turq / lake blue 11. 格子:plaid / gingham 12. 紫色:purple 13. 灰色:grey/gray 14. 条纹:strip 15. 银光粉:neon pink 16. 金属色:metallic 17. 栗色:chestnut AI Artwork 设计稿


新四级汉译英段落翻译技巧 新四级汉译英段落翻译解题技巧 ?题型简介?基本要求?翻译技巧 题型简介 ?自2013年12月考次起,全国大学英语四级考试的翻译部分将由原单句汉译英调整文段落汉译英,翻译内容涉及中国的历史、文化、经济、社会发展等题材。 140~160词 基本要求 要求考生以词、句的翻译为基础,扩大到对整体段落的翻译的把握,段落内容相对完整、结构相对独立。翻译时要把整个段落当作一个有机的语篇,注意各句子之间的衔接和段落间的过渡。 翻译技巧 (一) 词的翻译 (二) 句的翻译 (三) 段落翻译 (一) 词的翻译 1. 词义选择 2. 词类转换 3. 词的增补 4. 词的省略 5. 词的替代 1.词义选择 (1)语境词?汉语有些词语的含义会因语境而发生微妙的变化,称之为“语境词”,应紧密结合上下文译成相应的词,不能按照原词的字面意思来译。?原文:手机刷新了人与人的关系。?译文:Cell phone have altered the relationship among people. ?分析:“刷新”此处实际是指“改变”,而并非是我们平常所指的含义,因此不宜译成refurbish或renovate,翻译为alter或 change更恰当。 (2) 表意模糊的词?原文:这所全国重点大学为社会输送了大批的人才。?译文:The national key university has prepared batches of qualified graduates for the society. ?分析:“输送”在句中是一个模糊笼统的词,具体说来是指“培养出”。“人才”笼统,译为qualified graduates比较确切。 (3) 比喻词汇?汉语有许多比喻词汇,表面意义和喻指含义完全不同,英译时应跳出机械对应的思维定式,动态地译出其潜在含义。?原文:老师答应给这几个学生“吃小灶”。?译文:The teacher has promised to give these students special tuition. ?分析:“吃小灶”在这里指的是“个别辅导”。 2.词类转换 (1)动词?名词?英语动词受到形态变化规则的严格限制,大量本应该由动词表达的概念,常需借助于名词,因为名词不受形态规则的束缚,使用相对灵活、方便。?原文:吃头两个主菜时,也是赞不绝口。?译文:You"ll be full of praise while eating the first two main courses. ?分析:英语中有大量抽象名词表示行为或动作意义 advice,agreement,inheritance,knowledge,praise,use等。以上例句借助抽象名词表达了特定的行为动作,译文也显得较为地道。 (2)动词?介词?介词与名词密切相关,英语名词的广泛使用使得介词也频繁出现,而且英语中有些介词本身就是由动词演变来的。汉译英时,有些动词可以用介词来表达。?原文:人们常用剪纸美化环境。?译文:People often beautify their homes with paper cuttings. (3)动词?形容词?汉语的一些动词常常用形容词来表达,这些形容词通常是与动词同源的词(如dreamful,doubtful,sympathetic 等),这样的译文有时会更地道、标准。?原文:在明朝和清朝时期特别流行。?译文:It was widespread particularly during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.


常用单位的中英文对照翻译 单位 Unit. 单位制 system of units 米 meter (m) 毫米 millimeter (mm) 英尺 foot (ft) 英寸 inch (in) 弧度 radian (rad) 度degree (°) 摄氏 Celsius. (C) 华氏 Fahrenheit (F) 磅/平方英寸 pounds per square inch (psi) 百万帕斯卡 million pascal (MPa) 巴 bar 千克(公斤) kilogram (kg) 克 gram (g) 牛顿 newton (N) 吨 ton (t) 千磅 kilopound (kip) 平方米 square meter (m 2) 方毫米 square millimeter (mm2 ) 立方米 cubic meter (m3 ) 升 liter; litre (L) 转/分 revolutions per minute (rpm) 百万分之一 parts per million (ppm) 焦(耳) Joule (J) 千瓦 kilowatt (kW) 伏(特) volt (V) 安(培) ampere (A) 欧(姆)ohm (Ω) (小)时 hour (h) 分 minute (min) 秒 second (s)

管道组成件专业英语(中英文对照) 1 管道组成件 Piping component 1.1 管子 Pipe 管子(按照配管标准规格制造的) pipe 管子(不按配管标准规格制造的其他用管) tube 钢管 steel pipe 铸铁管 cast iron pipe 衬里管 lined pipe 复合管 clad pipe 碳钢管 carbon steel pipe 合金钢管 alloy steel pipe 不锈钢 stainless steel pipe 奥氏体不锈钢管 austenitic stainless steel pipe 铁合金钢管 ferritic alloy steel pipe 轧制钢管 wrought-steel pipe 锻铁管 wrought-iron pipe 无缝钢管 seamless (SMLS) steel pipe 焊接钢管 welded steel pipe 电阻焊钢管 electric-resistance welded steel pipe 电熔(弧)焊钢板卷管 electric-fusion (arc)-welded steel-plate pipe 螺旋焊接钢管 spiral welded steel pipe 镀锌钢管 galvanized steel pipe 热轧无缝钢管 hot-rolling seamless pipe 冷拔无缝钢管 cold-drawing seamless pipe 水煤气钢管 water-gas steel pipe 塑料管 plastic pipe 玻璃管 glass tube 橡胶管 rubber tube 直管 run pipe; straight pipe 1.2 管件 Fitting 弯头 elbow 异径弯头 reducing elbow 带支座弯头 base elbow k半径弯头 long radius elbow 短半径弯头 short radius elbow


中文姓氏的英文翻译对照表 中文姓氏的英文翻译对照表.txt我们用一只眼睛看见现实的灰墙,却用另一只眼睛勇敢飞翔,接近梦想。男人喜欢听话的女人,但男人若是喜欢一个女人,就会不知不觉听她的话。在互联网上混的都时兴起个英文名字,一是方便注册用户名,二是有个好英文名容易显得自己比较Cool。但是起英文名时,中文姓氏还是要保留的,并且姓氏一般都有专门的英文翻译,比如“刘德华”的英文名是Andy,刘姓对应的英文翻译是Lau,所以全称便是“Andy Lau”。当然了,我们一般人直接用汉语拼音作为姓氏的英文翻译也可以,但在比较正式的场合下,最好还是用相应的英文翻译。 姓氏的英文翻译跟汉语拼音是有一些细微差别的,这主要由中西方人发音的不同特点来决定的。比如,从声母上来看,D开头的姓,英文翻译对应的是T,G对应的是K,X对应的是HS,Z、J 一般对应的是C,韵母也会有一些细微差别。详细的,请参考如下中文姓氏的英文翻译对照表,正在起英文名的朋友可以看看。 A: 艾--Ai 安--Ann/An 敖--Ao B: 巴--Pa 白--Pai 包/鲍--Paul/Pao 班--Pan 贝--Pei 毕--Pih 卞--Bein 卜/薄--Po/Pu 步--Poo 百里--Pai-li C: 蔡/柴--Tsia/Choi/Tsai 曹/晁/巢--Chao/Chiao/Tsao 岑--Cheng 崔--Tsui 查--Cha

常--Chiong 车--Che 陈--Chen/Chan/Tan 成/程--Cheng 池--Chi 褚/楚--Chu 淳于--Chwen-yu D: 戴/代--Day/Tai 邓--Teng/Tang/Tung 狄--Ti 刁--Tiao 丁--Ting/T 董/东--Tung/Tong 窦--Tou 杜--To/Du/Too 段--Tuan 端木--Duan-mu 东郭--Tung-kuo 东方--Tung-fang E: F: 范/樊--Fan/Van 房/方--Fang 费--Fei 冯/凤/封--Fung/Fong 符/傅--Fu/Foo G: 盖--Kai 甘--Kan 高/郜--Gao/Kao 葛--Keh 耿--Keng 弓/宫/龚/恭--Kung 勾--Kou 古/谷/顾--Ku/Koo 桂--Kwei


2016年6月大学英语四级段落翻译预测 大学英语四级段落翻译预测一 别在意外表,因为外表的东西往往不真实,也别在意财富,因为再多的财富也会有用完的一天。找一个能让你绽放笑容的人,因为一个笑容就能让灰暗的一天变得明亮。去做你想做的梦,去你想去的地方,成为你想成为的人,因为人生短暂,机会错过了可能就不会再有。只有不断的尝试才能让你变得强大,永远怀抱希望你才会开心,幸福。 Don’t go for looks which often deceive you. Don’t go for wealth which would be used up however amazing it is. Go for someone who will make you smile because a smile is enough to render a dark day bright. Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; become the one you want to be, because one’s life is short and once you let the chance slip through your fingers it may not come to you again. Only when you keep trying can you become strong; only when you cherish hopes can you remain cheerful and happy. 大学英语四级段落翻译预测二 七夕节——中国人的情人节 中国人也有一天是奉献给爱情的。这就是农历七月初七的七夕节,常被人成为中国的情人节。这一传统浪漫节日源自一个古老的传说:年轻的牛郎和织女分居银河的两岸,终年隔岸苦苦相望而无法相会。玉皇大帝可怜这对恋人,传令天下喜鹊在七月初七这天夜晚全部飞到银河上来。架起鹊桥,好让牛郎、织女在桥上相会。 “Qi Xi Jie” ----Chinese Valentine’s Day The Chinese also have a day devoted to “love” that is “Qi Xi Jie”, or the seventh of the seventh month on the Chinese lunar calendar. Often called “Chinese Valentine’s Day”. This romantic traditional festival originated from a old legend: Niu Lang and Zhi Nv were fairies living on opposite sides of the Milky Way. They have been waiting for each other for a year but can not meet. Feeling sorry for the two lonely sprites, the Jade Emperor ordered all magpies must flock over the Milky Way to form a bridge so that the couple could meet there on the seventh night of the seventh month. 大学英语四级段落翻译预测三

段落翻译 中英文对照

1. The Dragon Boat Festival, also called the Duanwu Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar. For thousands of years, the festival has been marked by eating Tzung Tzu and racing dragon boats. The most important activities of this festival are the dragon boat races. Competing teams drive their colorful dragon boats forward to the rhythm(节奏,韵律) of beating drums. These exciting races were inspired by the villager's attempts to rescue Chu Yuan from the Mi Lo River. This tradition has remained unbroken for centuries. A very popular dish during the Dragon Boat festival is tzung tzu. This tasty dish consists of rice dumplings with meat, peanut, egg yolk(蛋黄), or other fillings wrapped in bamboo leaves. The tradition of tzung tzu is meant to remind us of the village fishermen scattering rice across the water of the Mi Low River in order to appease the river dragons so that they would not devour Chu Yuan. 一,端午节 龙舟节也叫做端午节,它位于每年农历的五月初五,经过几千年的时间,划龙舟和吃粽子已经成为这个节日的标志。 端午节最重要的活动是龙舟竞赛,比赛的队伍在热烈的鼓声中划著他


1.Sales Agreement The agreement, (is) made in Beijing this eighth day of August 1993 by ABC Trading Co., Ltd., a Chinese Corporation having its registered office at Beijing, the People’ Repubic of China (hereinafter called “Seller”) and International Trading Co., Ltd., a New York Corporation having its registered office at New York, N.Y., U.S.A. (hereinafter called “Buyer”). 2.WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Seller is engaged in dealing of (product) and desires to sell (product)to Buyer, and WHEREAS, Buyer desires to purchase(product) from Sellers, Now, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: 3.Export Contract th This Contract is entered into this 5 day of August 1993 between ABC and Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Seller”) who agrees to sell, and XYZ Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Buyer”) who agrees to buy the following goods on the following terms and condition. 4.Non-Governmental Trading Agreement No. __ This Agreement was made on the_day of_ 19_, BETWEEN _(hereinafter referred to as the Seller) as the one Side and _ (hereinafter referred to as the Buyer) as the one other Side. WHEREAS, the

新视野大学英语第六册 课后VI 段落翻译__汉译英部分

While he shared his generation’s horror of war and was once called the “spiritual father” of appeasement,Keynes never, in fact, entertained the delusion that Hitler could be pacified. He hated the Nazi regime, never visited Germany after 1933.Instead, as Britain’s chief negotiator in contact with the Allies against Hitler. He pursued vigorously the common interest between London and Washington. Unit 2 Some people wrongly believe that the United States is a land of opportunity, and that every enjoy equal opportunities. With various dreams in mind, many well-trained professionals steadily migrate to the United States in search of a good life. Some of them are even willing to live any life there. They would rather live in poverty there than enjoy a relative prosperity at home. Therefore, lawyers and doctors from Central America may be found washing cars or waiting on tables in Miami. Unit 3 Just as the 21st century requires a more diffused and safer balance of interest in what needs to be an increasingly multilateral global village, there is a risk of economic, institutional and political power being centralized in the European Community, and that a new bout of economic empire building may occur. Unit 4 The path led straight through a wide stream. She could no longer risk disorientation by circling such obstacles. She took off her clothes and, with her belongings in a nylon bag held above her head. She stepped into the chilling, neck-deep water. Minutes later she emerged shaking uncontrollably. But after warming herself by a small fire and re-dressing.she set off with increased confidence. The limits of her physical capacity were expanding. Unit 5 Scientists have recently discovered a chemical change occurring in mice,which might help in developing new drugs to control obesity someday. Scientists have identified a receptor in mouse cells that controls how fat is used in the body. When a mouse lives an easy life and puts on weight,the receptor functions accordingly. If a similar regulator exists in human beings,or drugs functioning in this way were to be used for regulating,it would be a promising way to tackle the world’s growing obesity epidemic.


美国学校提供的学位有很多种,依所学领域的不同,而有不同的学位。以下列出的是美国高等教育中较常见的学位: Ph.D.(Doctor of Philosophy): 博士学位。而有些领域的博士课程会有不同的学位名称,如D.A.(Doctor of Arts)、Ed.D.(Doctor of Education) M.B.A.(Master of Business Administration): 商学管理硕士。 M.A.(Master of Arts)硕士;B.A.(Bachelor of Arts)学士: 两者皆属于人文、艺术或社会科学的领域,如文学、教育、艺术、音乐。 M.S.(Master of Science)硕士;B.S.(Bachelor of Science)学士: 两者皆属于理工、科学的领域,如数学、物理、信息等。 Associate Degree(副学士学位): 读完两年制小区大学或职业技术学校所得到的学位。 Dual Degree(双学位): 是由两个不同学院分别授与,因此得到的是两个学位。 Joint Degree:为两个不同学院联合给予一个学位,如法律经济硕士。 major 主修 minor 辅修 大家要搜索自己的专业, 请按 ctrl + F 打开搜索窗口, 然后输入关键字查询 学士 Bachelor of Arts B.A. 文学士 Bachelor of Arts in Education B.A.Ed., B.A.E. 教育学文学士 Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science B.A.CS 计算机文学士 Bachelor of Arts in Music B.A.Mus,B.Mus 音乐艺术学士 Bachelor of Arts in Social Work B.A.S.W 社会工作学文学士 Bachelor of Engineering B.Eng., B.E 工学士 Bachelor of Engineering in Social Science B.Eng.Soc 社会工程学士 Bachelor of Engineering in Management B.Eng.Mgt 管理工程学士 Bachelor of Environmental Science/Studies B.E.Sc., B.E.S 环境科学学士 Bachelor of Science B.S 理学士 Bachelor of Science in Business B.S.B., B.S.Bus 商学理学士 Bachelor of Science in Business Administration B.S.B.A 工商管理学理学士 Bachelor of Science in Education B.S.Ed., B.S.E 教育学理学士 Bachelor of Science in Engineering B.S.Eng., B.S.E 工程学理学士 Bachelor of Science in Forestry B.S.cF 森林理学士 Bachelor of Science in Medicine B.S.Med 医学理学士 Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology B.S.M.T., B.S.Med.Tech 医技学理学士 Bachelor of Science in Nursing B.S.N., B.S.Nurs 护理学理学士 Bachelor of Science in Nutrition B.SN 营养学理学士 Bachelor of Science in Social Work B.S.S.W 社会工作学理学士 Bachelor of Science in Technology B.S.T 科技学理学士 Bachelor of Computer Science B.CS 计算机理学士 Bachelor of Computer Special Science B.CSS 计算机特殊理学士 Bachelor of Architecture B. Arch. 建筑学士 Bachelor of Administration B.Admin. 管理学士


汉译英: 1徐霞客一生周游考察了十六个省,足迹几乎遍及全 国。他在考察的过程中,从来不盲目迷信书 本上的结论。他发现前人研究地理的记载有许多很不可靠的地方。为了进行真实细致的考察,他很少乘车坐船,几乎全 靠双脚翻山越岭,长途跋涉;为了弄清大自然的真相,他总是挑选道路艰险的山区,人迹稀少的森林进行考察,发现了许多 奇山秀景;他常常选择不同的时间和季节,多次重游各地名 山,反复观察变换的奇景。 Xu Xiake toured and investigated 16 provinces in his lifetime, covering almost the whole of China/ the whole country. When he was carrying out his investigations, he never took blind belief in the conclusions in the books. Instead he found a lot of unreliable points in the geographic records taken by his predecessors. In order to make his investigations reliable and thorough, he seldom traveled by carriage or boat. Instead, he took long, arduous trips on foot almost all the time, climbing mountains and hills. In order to learn about the truth of nature, he always chose to conduct investigations in mountainous areas with dangerous roads and in lonely / untraveled woods, where he discovered a lot of magnificent peaks and beautiful sights. ( During his life time, Xu Xiake visited and explored 16 provinces, leaving his footprints in nearly every corner of the country. He never blindly accepted the conclusions given in books in his exploration. He found that many of the geographical records by other people before him were inaccurate ( He found many inaccuracies in the travel notes on geography written by his predecessors ) . He seldom traveled by horse cart or boat but climbed mountains and ridges and took long, difficult journeys most of the time


胡壮麟语言学术语英汉对照翻译表 1. 语言的普遍特征: 任意性arbitrariness 双层结构duality 既由声音和意义结构 多产性productivity 移位性displacement:我们能用语言可以表达许多不在场的东西 文化传播性cultural transmission 2。语言的功能: 传达信息功能informative 人济功能:interpersonal 行事功能:Performative 表情功能:Emotive 寒暄功能:Phatic 娱乐功能recreatinal 元语言功能metalingual 3. 语言学linguistics:包括六个分支 语音学Phonetics 音位学phonology 形态学Morphology 句法学syntax 语义学semantics 语用学pragmatics 4. 现代结构主义语言学创始人:Ferdinand de saussure 提出语言学中最重要的概念对之一:语言与言语language and parole ,语言之语言系统的整体,言语则只待某个个体在实际语言使用环境中说出的具体话语 5. 语法创始人:Noam Chomsky 提出概念语言能力与语言运用competence and performance 1. Which of the following statements can be used to describe displacement. one of the unique properties of language: a. we can easily teach our children to learn a certain language b. we can use both 'shu' and 'tree' to describe the same thing. c. we can u se language to refer to something not present d. we can produce sentences that have never been heard befor e. 2.What is the most important function of language? a. interpersonal b. phatic c. informative d.metallingual 3.The function of the sentence "A nice day, isn't it ?"is __ a informative b. phatic c. directive d. performative


精编新CET6段落翻译(汉译英)练习题 每日一练,快速提高英语水平! 第1篇 练习时间:年月日耗时:分 污染已成为问题,因为在当今人口越来越多,社会越来越工业化的世界上,人类正在污染他们居住的环境。许多科学家认为人类最大的错误是把发展和进步等同起来。现在人们以怀疑的态度看待“发展性”的产业,因为它们的副作用会破坏环境,破坏各种生命之间的关系。人口的增长导致对世界上有限的空气、水和土地的需求不断增长。伴随着人口增长的是越来越多的人渴望更高的生活水平。于是对电、水和商品的更大需求必然造成有更多的废物要处理。这个问题已经引起人们对生物及其环境的日益关注。许多人认为,人类没有尽快地解决这一问题,却只顾谋求私利,以致于到了无可挽救的地步以后才充分认识到这种兵贵神速。 第2篇 练习时间:年月日耗时:分 人们对智力所指的有那些不同表现看法比较一致,而对这些表现如何进行解释和分类,意见就不那么一致了。但人们一般认为智力高的人在处理问题时能抓住要点,善于区分,能进行逻辑推理,和利用语言和数学符号。智力测试只能很粗地衡量孩子的学习能力,尤其是学习学校要求的东西的能力。智力测试并不能衡量一个人的个性,社会适应力,耐力性,劳动技能,或艺术才能。人们不认为能做到这些,当初也不是为这些目的设计的。批评智力测试不能做到这一些,就如同批评温度计不能测风速一样。既然对智力的评估是相对而言的,那么我们必须确保,在对我们的对像进行比较时,我们所使用的尺度能提供“有效的”或“公正的”比较。 第3篇 练习时间:年月日耗时:分 目前全国有39所大学开设地理学位课程,但我从未看到广告上有招聘地理专业的大学毕业生的好工作。或是不是只有我一个人怀疑他们将回到学校教另一批学生的地理,而这些学生将来又去教更多的学生的地理?现在只有10所大学开设航天工程学位课程,考虑到飞机制造业一直在裁员的速度,还是这样做好。另一方面,由于缺少医生,全国的医院急诊室不得不纷纷关门。为什么?因为大学的医学院只能为申请攻读学位的一半人提供名额。对我说,来,时机已经成熟,就业部和教育部应当和名大学携手起来,改革我们的教育制度,使之更珍惜地使用学校的人才资源,学生的刻苦勤奋精神。而现在这些人才和努力都浪费在无人感兴趣的文凭和学位上。 第4篇 练习时间:年月日耗时:分 在竞争的法则下,上万人的雇主不得不实行一些最严厉的节约措施,其中节约给工人报酬的那部分占很大一部分。社会为这个法则付出的代价如同为低廉的舒适条件和奢侈品付出的代价一样是巨大的。但带来的好处超过了代价,因为正是这个法则,我们才有了了不起的物质进步,其结果是生活水平的提高。但是,不管这个法则是好是坏,我们无法回避,对任何建议替代它的新东西,其作用我们是不敢肯定的,虽然这个法则有时对个人来说可能很残


纺织品专业词汇翻译中英文对照表纺织品[转]纺织品专业词汇翻译中英文对照表纺织品Braided Fabric 编织物 Deformation 变形;走样 Fast Colours 不褪色;色泽牢固 Punch Work 抽绣 Embroidery 刺绣品 Acetate Fibre 醋酯纤维 Hemp 大麻 Damp Proof 防潮 Sanforizing, Pre-Shrunk 防缩 Textiles 纺织品 Crochet 钩编编织物 Gloss, Lustre 光泽 Synthetic Fibre 合成纤维 Chemical Fibre 化学纤维 Jute 黄麻 Gunny Cloth (Bag) 黄麻布(袋) Mixture Fabric, Blend Fabric 混纺织物Woven Fabric 机织织物 Spun Silk 绢丝 Linen 麻织物 Woolen Fabrics 毛织物(品) Cotton Textiles 棉纺织品 Cotton Velvet 棉绒 Cotton Fabrics 棉织物(品) Non-Crushable 耐绉的 Viscose Acetal Fibre 黏胶纤维Matching, Colour Combinations 配色Rayon Fabrics 人造丝织物 Artificial Fibre 人造纤维 Crewel Work 绒线刺绣 Mulberry Silk 桑蚕丝, 家蚕丝 Silk Fabrics 丝织物 Silk Spinning 丝纺 Linen Cambric 手帕亚麻纱 Plain 素色 Figured Silk 提花丝织物 Jacquard 提花织物 Applique Embroidery 贴花刺绣Discolourization 褪色 Mesh Fabric 网眼织物 Bondedfibre Fabric 无纺织物



……公司章程 ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION OF ……CO., LIMITED 根据《中华人民共和国公司法》(以下简称《公司法》)及其他有关法律、行政法规的规定,特制定本章程。 In accordance with the PRC Company Law (hereinafter referred to as the "Company Law") and other relevant laws and regulations, these articles of association are hereby formulated. 第一章公司名称和住所 CHAPTER 1 The Name and Domicile of the Company 第一条公司名称: Article 1 The name of the Company is 第二条公司住所: Article 2 The domicile of the Company is 第二章公司经营范围 CHAPTER 2 Business Scope of the Company

第三条公司经营范围: Article 3 The business scope of the Company is (subject to approval in business license and the Administration for Industry and Commerce ) -------- 第三章公司注册资本 CHAPTER 3 The Registered Capital of the Company 第四条公司注册资本:人民币---万元。公司增加、减少及转让注册资本,由股东做 出决定。公司减少注册资本,还应当自做出决定之日起十日内通知债权人,并于三十 日内在报纸上至少公告一次,减资后的注册资本不得低于法律规定的最低限额。公司 变更注册资本应依法向登记机关办理变更登记手续。 Article 4 The registered capital of the Company is------ RMB. Resolutions on the increase, reduction or transfer of the Company's registered capital shall be made by the shareholers. The Company may reduce its registered capital according to the regulations set in these Articles of Association. Where such reduction of capital occurs, the Company shall inform its creditors of the reduction of registered capital within ten (10) days following the date on which the reduction resolution is adopted, and make at least one announcement regarding the reduction in a newspaper within thirty (30) days. After the reduction, the registered capital of the Company shall not be less than the statutory minimum limit. It shall apply

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