当前位置:文档之家› 五年级英语选词填空练习





Hi,?I‘m?Mike.?I?__________?up?at?6:30?and?go?to?__________?at?7:00.?At?school,?I?__________?the?c lassroom?and?__________?the?classroom?and?__________?the?flowers.?I?__________?English?class.?My? English?__________?is?Miss?Li.?She?is?__________?and?__________.?She?is?very?__________,?but?she ?isn’t?__________.


I?__________?a?new?English?teacher.She?is?__________?White.??__________?very?kind?and?active. We?all?__________?her?class.?Because?her?__________?is?so?funny.?She?is?__________?and?strong.?Sh e?__________?big?eyes?and?__________?hair.?She?_________?apples?_______?much..

(?have??has??watch?TV??am??here??are??math??like??on??in??They‘re??but??favourite??She’s??English?) Hello.I‘m?Jack.?I?__________?11.?My?__________?class?is?science.?We?__________?science?_________ _?Mondays.?I?__________?fish?and?vegetables.?__________?healthy.?My?mother?si?an?_______?teacher. ?She’s?funny.?_______?strict?to?me.?I?often______??_______?on?Saturdays.

(a, picture, small, big, on, curtains, nice, room, an, window, like, near)

Look, this is a ________ of my room. It‘s not ______, but it’s _______. There is a ________ bed in the middle of my________. There is ________ air-conditioner ________ the wall. There are blue _______ and a big __ ________. I like my room very much.

(boy is girl set make empty cook homework housework sweep water helpful)

The pretty__________ is my sister, Sarah. We often do __________ at home on the weekends. I am very ___ _______ at home. I can __________ the floor, __________ the bed and __________ the table. Sarah ____ ______ helpful, too. She can __________ the trash, __________ the flowers and __________ the meals.

( Today on beef for favourite don‘t like It’s They‘re is are sweet )

________ is Sunday. My mom cooks many food __________ the weekend. We have potatoes, __________, gr een beans, fish and cabbage ________ lunch. Potatoes are my mom’s _________ food, but I __________ like t hem. I _______ green beans very much. _______ tasty and healthy. Dad‘s favourite food _______ beef. After lunch, we eat some apples. They are ____.

(city are tall aren’t big lake houses air water colourful picture park sky)

Look, this is a__________ of my__________. It‘s a __________ city. There __________ some rivers. But th e __________ is not clean. There are many __________ buildings. There are some small __________, too. On weekends, I often go to the __________. The __________ is fresh. The flowers are __________. I like ther e very much.

(home teacher cook he she ten student can empty table can’t helpful help wash)

I‘m __________ years old. I’m a good __________ at school. I‘m also a good child at __________. I can ____ ______ my mother __________ the meals, __________ the clothes and set the __________. My sister is 8 y ears old. __________ can sweep the floor and __________ the trash. But she __________ cook

the meals. My mother says we’re all helpful.

( very, an, a, two, have, is, are, bedroom, living, in, on, own, nice, like)

My name is Chen Hong. I‘m in Class Two, Grade Five. Now we __________ a new flat. It’s __________ the four th floor. There __________ three bedrooms, __________ kitchen, a bathroom and a __________ room. I hav e my __________ room now. It‘s small and __________. There are __________ end tables in it . I ________ __ my room __________ much.

( see, happy, fresh, over, is, are, Under, park, sunny, in, clean, lake)

Today is __________ and windy. I go to a nature __________ with my friends. There is a big mountain ______ ____ the nature park. There __________ a long path in the mountain. __________ the mountain, there is a big lake. The water is ________. There are some

fish in the __________. There is a river, too. You can __________ a bridge __________ the river. We play on the bridge. We are very __________.

( like name’s name Monday four English math science class I watch in )

My ______ is Amy. I go to school from _______ to Friday. Every morning _______ get up at 6:30. I have ____ _ classes in the morning and two the ______ afternoon. We have ______

math and ______ on Monday moring. I ______ Fridays very much, because I have P. E. __________ and I can __________ TV on that day.

( about am play go do He‘s She’s football read she watch like teacher ) Hello, I ______ Tim. I _______ Chinese. Mrs. Wang is our Chinese _______. ____ strict

and kind. We all like her. I often ________ Chinese books on Sunday moring. Then I ____ shopping. In the aft ernoon, I play _______ with my friends. In the evening, I ______ my

homework and _____ TV. I love Sundays. What ______ you?



()1 A、spring B、summer C、fall

()2 A、March B 、May C、April

()3 A、eat breakfast B、eat lunch C、eat dinner

()4 A、7:30 B、8:30 C、9:30

()5 A、drinking B、eating C、having

()6 A、fly kites B、plant trees C、make a snowman

()7 A、nice B、sweet C、good

()8 A、go hiking B、go shopping C、go fishing

()9 A、go to bed B、go to school C、go to work

()10 A、first B、second C、third


( ) 1. What do you do on the weekend? A. No, I'm going hiking.

( ) 2. When is Children's Day? B. I'm doing homework.

( ) 3.Which season do you like best? C. June 1st.

( ) 4. Are you climbing the mountain? D. Winter. I can play with snow.

( ) 5. What are you doing? E. I often do homework and go hiking.


专项训练之选词填空 (1) people grandparents Saturday we hiking sometimes tomorrow cake want There are three __________ in my family—my father, my mother, and I. Usually we go to the parks with _________. Today is _________.And we_________to go to the park this evening. ________is my birthday. _______are going to go _________.Dad and Mom are going to buy a _________for me. (2) dinner reading What Saturday homework everyone are writing is cat eating housework Today is __________.__________in Mr Black's family is busy.Mr Black is ________a newspaper. Mrs Black is ________________a letter at the table. Their son, Tom, is doing his _____________. ____________ about Jane? She ____ playing with the _______.And there is a dog,too. The dog is ___________its ____ . (3) best water sleeping cute likes zoo eating animals swinging nose animal trunk My brother and I go to the _______on Sunday. We see many_______. I like pandas______. They are ________bamboos. They are so _______. My brother _______monkeys.The monkeys are _________in the tre es. We see the elephants, too.They are drinking ________with their ________. But the lion is doing nothing. It is ________. (4)cards favourite green colourful birthday leaves weather windy October 13th party Fall is my __________season. My __________is in fall.It is ____________. I can have many birthday ___________from my friends. And I like the_________ in fall.They are __________.Some are red, some are yellow, some are _______. The _________is fine, too. It is usually ________and cool. ______you like it? (5)usually piano Because plant read mountains spring reading grandparents watch sleep Hello, friends! I like to __________trees in ___________. It's warm and funny.________ I visit my _____ on Saturday.But not this Saturday. Why? _________it's going to rain this Saturday. I can't go out of the room. But I can _________some books, I can _____TV, and I can play the _________. When it rains, I can't climb _ _________, but I can _______a long time. (6)birthday up party many next in friends card on clean sweeping January Hello,friends! I'm Rose. I am an active(活跃的) girl.I have_____________friends and they're my cla ssmates.Today is National Day.And it's my ____________,too.I get________early and __________my roo m. I invite(请)my ________Amy, Joy and Sarah to my home. We have a birthday ___________. I know A my's birthday is in the ________month. Joy's birthday is ________December. Sarah's birthday is in _____ I image(想象)our birthdays are ____________the same(相同的)day. We can have a big birthday party.


小学五年级语文选词填空练习题一 光顾照顾回顾 (1)像我这样常常()而从不购买的,恐怕没有 (2)小强已经是个男子汉了,一定要学会()自己。 (3)()本单元,课文给我们的启示实在太多了。 坚定坚强坚决 (1)教练的话()了我的信心,我一定要好好练下去。 (2)虽然身体残疾了,但是张海迪始终以乐观的心态()地面对生活。 (3)我们要()和坏人坏事做斗争。 严格严肃严酷严峻 (1)每当我犯了错误,爸爸的态度就变得()起来。 (2)两个小红军战士互相鼓励,互相帮助,经受了()的考验,终于走出了草地。(3)总理不但()要求自己,而且()要求下一代。 (4)旧社会的农民辛苦了一年,才换来一点儿收成,卖米时又受到资本家()的剥削,真没法活下去。 乞求恳求请求 (1)我知道自己那天的态度不好,()他原谅我。 (2)他()上级给他最艰巨的任务。 (3)我把()的目光投向父亲,希望他不要放了这条鱼。

报偿报酬 (1)王伯伯为邻居运煤气,从不计()。 (2)醉心阅读使我得到了()。 工夫功夫 (1)几个月的(),小明的字练得像穆像样了,看到这情景,我的心痒痒的,吵着也要去书法班学习。 (2)毛明的()十分了得,三拳两腿就把小偷打得趴在地上站不起来了。 陈列排列 (1)省博物馆里()着许多珍贵的文物。 (2)会议室里()着整齐的桌椅。 期望指望盼望希望渴望 (1)台湾是祖国的一部分,两岸人民()早日统一,台湾早日回归。 (2)我们——少先队员,是祖国的()。 (3)在信中,凡卡诉说着自己猪狗不如的生活,告诉爷爷,自己的生活没()了。(4)党和人民对他寄予了殷切的()。 (5)我对知识的()是无穷无尽的。 出现发现呈现


新视野大学英语4选词填空答案及翻译 一 Have you ever known anyone famous? If so, you may have found that the y are remarkably similar to the rest of us. You may have even heard them object to people saying there is anything different about them. “I’m really just a normal guy,”protests an actor who has recently rocketed into the spotlight. There is, of course, usually a brief period whe n they actually start to believe they are as great as their worshipping fans suggest. They start to wear fancy clothes and talk as if everyone should hear what they have to say. This period, however, does not often last long . They fall back to reality as fast as they had originally risen above it all. What will it feel like to soar to such altitude and look down like an eagl e from up high on everyone else? And what will it feel like to have flown so high only to wake from your dream and realize you are only human? Some only see the cruelty in losing something they had gained. They often make desperate attempts to regain what they lost. Often these efforts result in even greater pain. Some become bankrupt financially and emotionally. The only real winners are those who are happ y to be back on the ground with the rest of us. 你了解名人吗?如果是这样,你可能发现他们与我们身边其余的人非常地相似。甚至,你可能已经听到他们反对的人说有什么不同。“我真的只是一个普通人,”一个最近已经飙升到了聚光灯下的演员抗议说。


五年级英语(下)短文填空练习(Unit1-4)班别:________ 姓名: __________学号:_______( 1 ) Today is Mother’s Day. It’s the ___________ Sunday in _________. Mike is a __________ boy at home. Look! He is ________ ______________ with his mom. He can do many things. He can __________ the clothes, ________ the floor, ________ the dishes and __________ I am Lucy. I’m ___________. It’s __________ 12th today. It’s my ____________. I put ______ my new class. It’s from my __________. I ________ many birthday cards from my friends. Today is _____________ Day, too. I usually ________ trees with my classmates. Sometimes we My name ______ John. I am from _________. Let me tell you about the four ___________ here. Spring is _____________. It’s warm and wet. The trees are green. The air is __________. Summer is hot. We _________ in the lake. I don’t like fall. ____________ it’s yellow. I like ¥ ( 4 ) Hello, I ________ John. I am a ______________. I often go to __________ at 9:00 in the _____________, but I go __________ at 5:00 in the morning. ____________ I _________ up On weekends, I ________ my grandparents with my brother, Tom. In the ___________, we always go and have ____________ in the canteen. Then have a big _________ at grandfather’s home. We go back ________ at about five. My father likes ________ TV. My ________ likes calling to her friends. I usually do my _________ and ________ books. We are I love summer. It’s very hot in ___________. I can _________ in the sea. Spring is beautiful. But it often _________. It’s hard to __________ flowers in the rain. In fall, I can pick _________. I can eat a lot. ___________ comes. It’s very ______. ______________ it snows in Beijing. I can _____________ and make a __________.


五年级语文选词填空练习题 光顾照顾回顾 (1)像我这样常常()而从不购买的,恐怕没有 (2)小强已经是个男子汉了,一定要学会()自己。 (3)()本单元,课文给我们的启示实在太多了。 坚定坚强坚决 (1).教练的话( )了我的信心,我一定要好好练下去。 (2)虽然身体残疾了,但是张海迪始终以乐观的心态( )地面对生活。 (3)我们要( )和坏人坏事做斗争。 严格严肃严酷严峻 (1)每当我犯了错误,爸爸的态度就变得()起来。 (2)两个小红军战士互相鼓励,互相帮助,经受了()的考验,终于走出了草地。 (3)总理不但()要求自己,而且()要求下一代。 (4)旧社会的农民辛苦了一年,才换来一点儿收成,卖米时又受到资本家()的剥削,真没法活下去。 乞求恳求请求 (1)我知道自己那天的态度不好,()他原谅我。 (2)他()上级给他最艰巨的任务。 (3)我把()的目光投向父亲,希望他不要放了这条鱼。 报偿报酬 (1)王伯伯为邻居运煤气,从不计()。 (2)醉心阅读使我得到了()。 工夫功夫

(1)几个月的(),小明的字练得像穆像样了,看到这情景,我的心痒痒的,吵着也要去书法班学习。 (2)毛明的()十分了得,三拳两腿就把小偷打得趴在地上站不起来了。 陈列排列 (1)省博物馆里()着许多珍贵的文物。 (2)会议室里()着整齐的桌椅。 期望指望盼望希望渴望 (1)台湾是祖国的一部分,两岸人民()早日统一,台湾早日回归。 (2)我们——少先队员,是祖国的()。 (3)在信中,凡卡诉说着自己猪狗不如的生活,告诉爷爷,自己的生活没()了。 (4)党和人民对他寄予了殷切的()。 (5)我对知识的()是无穷无尽的。 出现发现呈现 (1)汽车缓缓前进,眼前()三十只长颈鹿。 (2)刺猬也()了我,马上把身体蜷成一团,发出“嘟嘟”的声音。 (3)目前,我国各行各业()欣欣向荣的景象。


Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are requested to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage. (1) Once the world embraced the automobile, the days of depending on horses, bicycles, ferries, and trains quickly slipped into the past. People were __47__ with the speed of the automobile but they were also enjoying the personal freedom that the automobile gave them. Owning a car gave people the freedom to go anyplace a road __48__. This allowed people to and at their own __49__. This independence gave the car a popular edge over buses and trains. The popularity of the automobile made it the __50__ of the transportation system. The automobile changed our lives when it created a giant industry that offered more and more jobs. The automobile made it possible for people to live in areas __51__ from their work place. This caused cities to grow and made suburban living more convenient. Of course, with more places to go, more __52__ roads had to be built. The automobile caused a __53__ effect. Jobs increased, industries grew, new industries developed, and cities appeared. Today the automobile industry continues to offer many __54__. Jobs are plentiful in this industry and improvements continue to be made to the automobile with new technologies. We have come a long way from that first __55__ carriage because of the cooperative efforts of many people in the last century. It will be interesting to see what the future holds for the automobile. We have already seen signs of the use of solar energy in this area. As long as man has a brain, the future of the automobile is __56__. (2) A college education is an investment in the future. But it can be a 47 one. The College Board 48 that the costs at a four-year public college in the United States increased 10% this past school year. That was less than the 13% increase the year before, but still much higher than the inflation 49 Public colleges and universities still cost a lot less than private ones. Financial aid often helps. But financial experts 50 parents to start college savings plans when their child is Still very young. All fifty states and the District of Columbia 51 what are called 5-29 plans. These plans are named after the part of the federal tax law that created them in 1996. States use private investment companies to operate the 52 of the programs. Every state has its own rules 53 5-29 plans. Some of the plans are 54 of state taxes. And all are not required to pay federal taxes. However, the government could start to tax withdrawals in 2011 if Congress does not change the law. 5-29 plans include investment accounts that increase or decrease in value with the investments they contain. Families must decide how 55 they want to put money into stocks, or other investments. Another kind of 5-29 plan lets parents begin to pay for their child’s education in 56 and long before their child starts college. This kind of savings program is called a prepaid tuition


选择适当的单词填空 ( get sweep home clean school water kind funny like tall teacher young ) Hi, I‘mMike. I __________ up at 6:30 and go to __________ at 7:00. At school, I __________ the classroom a nd __________ the classroom and __________ the flowers. I __________ English class. My English ________ __ is Miss Li. She is __________ and __________. She is very __________, but she isn’t __________. ) ( have has Mr He‘s likes class tall Miss long like very She’s I __________ a new English teacher.She is __________ White. __________ very kind and active. We all __________ her class. Because her __________ is so funny. She is __________ and strong. She _____ _____ big eyes and __________ hair. She _________ apples _______ much.. English ) ( have has watch TV am here are math like on in They‘re but favourite She’s Hello.I‘mJack. I __________ 11. My __________ class is science. We __________ science __________ Mond funny. __ ays. I __________ fish and vegetables. __________ healthy. My mother si an _______ teacher. She’s _____ strict to me. I often______ _______ on Saturdays. (a, picture, small, big, on, curtains, nice, room, an, window, like, near) Look, this is a ________ of my room. It‘s _______. There is a ________ bed in the middle not ______, but it’s of my________. There is ________ air-conditioner ________ the wall. There are blue _______ and a big ____ ______. I like my room very much. (boy is girl set make empty cook homework housework sweep water helpful) The pretty__________ is my sister, Sarah. We often do __________ at home on the weekends. I am very ____ ______ at home. I can __________ the floor, __________ the bed and __________ the table. Sarah ______ ____ helpful, too. She can __________ the trash, __________ the flowers and __________ the meals. is are sweet ) ( Today on beef for favourite don‘t like It’sThey‘re ________ is Sunday. My mom cooks many food __________ the weekend. We have potatoes, __________, gre en beans, fish and cabbage ________ lunch. Potatoes are my mom’s_________ food, but I __________ like the favourite food _______ beef. After m. I _______ green beans very much. _______ tasty and healthy. Dad‘s lunch, we eat some apples. They are ____. (city are tall aren’t big lake houses air water colourful picture park sky) a __________ city. There __________ some rivers. But the Look, this is a__________ of my__________. It‘s __________ is not clean. There are many __________ buildings. There are some small __________, too. On we ekends, I often go to the __________. The __________ is fresh. The flowers are __________. I like there ve ry much. helpful help wash) (home teacher cook he she ten student can empty table can’t I‘m__________ years old. I’ma good __________ at school. I‘malso a good child at __________. I can _____ _____ my mother __________ the meals, __________ the clothes and set the __________. My sister is 8 yea rs old. __________ can sweep the floor and __________ the trash. But she __________ cook the meals. My mother says we’re all helpful. ( very, an, a, two, have, is, are, bedroom, living, in, on, own, nice, like) __________ the fourt My name is Chen Hong. I‘min Class Two, Grade Five. Now we __________ a new flat. It’s


小学五年级语文上册选词填空练习题大全 选词填空练习 因为…所以…如果…就…不管…都… (1)我们是为人民服务的,( )我们有缺点,( )不怕别人批评指出。(2) ( )是什么人,谁向我们提出( )行。 成绩成果成就 (3)我们既要看到工作中的( ),又要看到工作中存在的问题。 (4)我们要积极推广科研( )。 (5)我们在经济建设方面取得了巨大的( )。 愿望盼望期望失望希望渴望 (6)我的( )是上大学,我( )这一天得到来。 (7)祖国对我们充满( ),( )我们早日成材。 (8)我们多么( )能够去春游啊! (9)在电视上看到萨马兰奇2008年奥运会的举办城市是北京时,( )能够有机会采访奥运会的机会。 (10)我们心中共同的( )——举办奥运会,今天终于实现了。 (11)怀着憧憬,怀着梦想,怀着( ),我们的心飞向奥运。 寻觅寻找 (12)他到处( )他的钢笔。 (13)乌鸦出去( )食物。 增添增加 (14)这学期我们有( )了一节体育课。

(15)我校有( )了许多体育用品。 激烈猛烈强烈热烈激动激情 (16)在这( )的时候,我的心中涌起了万丈( )。 (17)体育和艺术表演的最大区别在于,体育比赛的紧张、( )。(18)1976年,唐山发生了( )的地震。 (19)第二次洪峰来了,洪水( )的冲击着堤岸。 (20)通过( )的争论,我们统一了认识。 平静幽静茂盛旺盛推辞告辞 (21)晚上,我爸爸常到附近一条( )的小路上散步。 (22)这棵大榕树有着( )的生命力。 (23)他再三邀请你到她家去做客,你就不要再( )了。(24)我的心情极不( )。 (25)好( )的皂荚树啊! 即使……也……不是……就是…… 如果……就……虽然……但是…… 不是……而是……不仅……还…… 只有……才……不管……都…… 因为……所以……既要……又要…… 一方面……一方面……之所以……是因为…… 尽管……还是………


(4)一些不知名的小花,长在绿草中,像天上缀着的星星。 (1)小花园在教室的左边,长八米,宽四米。 (3)花园里四周的道路上都长满了青草,好像铺了一层绿毯。 (2)它紧靠短墙,由一排横、两排竖的篱笆和这面短墙围起来。 (5)花是老师精心栽培的,有的长在地上,有的长在盆子里,构成了一个图案。 (6)到了夏天,大的、小的、圆的、长的,各种形状的绿叶,托着红的、黄的、蓝的、白的各种各样的花儿,美丽极了。 【提示:1、看完知道是讲“小花园”的; 2、抓有联系的关键词,那么就可知道先写什么,再写什么了; 3、先写花园的位置,然后能发现第二句的“它”是紧跟着第一句指花园的。 4、了解了位置、样子,就讲“花园里”有什么了。 5、花园里有“草”、草中有“花”。 6、最后具体讲“花”的内容:谁种的,长得怎么样。】 二、 (3)我拔腿就往家里跑,拉着妈妈来买。 (5)花了好多工夫,我才挑了一条红的、一条银灰的和两条黑的。 (1)有一天,我从幼儿园回家,看到路旁有个卖金鱼的老人。 (6)卖鱼的把四条小金鱼放在圆玻璃缸里。 (2)木盆里有好多金鱼,许多人围着看。 (7)妈妈帮我捧着,我欢天喜地地跟在后边。 (4)我想挑几条最好的,可是那些小金鱼都十分可爱,挑哪一条好呢 【提示:按照事情的发展顺利来排列:回家路上,看到有人卖金鱼——很热闹——就跑回家,拉妈妈买——金鱼很可爱,我不知挑那条好——终于挑到了——妈妈捧着,我跟在后边。】 三、 (1)日月潭景色宜人。 (2)无论在早晨、黄昏、晴天、雨天,她都会呈现出各种不同的面貌。 (3)黎明时,湖面的轻烟还没散去,隐隐约约看到天边的晨星和远山的几点灯光 (4)在艳阳高照的当儿,整个日月潭,都清晰地展现在眼前,使人胸朦突然开阔起来。(5)蒙蒙细雨的时候,她好像披上了一层薄薄的轻纱,周围的景物都那么朦胧,充满了神秘。 【提示:你注意到中间一个句子了吗“无论在早晨、黄昏、晴天、雨天,她都会呈现出各种不同的面貌。”接下来就是按照这样的顺序排列的。】


五年级上册选词填空专项训练 姓名:班级:等级: ( get sweep home clean school water kind funny like tall teache r young ) Hi, I‘m Mike. I __________ up at 6:30 and go to __________ at 7:00. At s chool, I __________ the classroom and __________ the classroom and ______ ____ the flowers. I __________ English class. My English __________ is Miss L i. She is __________ and __________. She is very __________, but she isn’t ___ _______. ( have has Mr He‘s likes class tall Miss long like very She’s ) I __________ a new English teacher.She is __________ White. _________ _ very kind and active. We all __________ her class. Because her _________ _ is so funny. She is __________ and strong. She __________ big eyes and __ ________ hair. She _________ apples _______ much.. ( have has watch TV am here are math like on in They‘re but fav ourite She’s English ) Hello!I‘m Jack. I __________ 11. My __________ class is science. We __ ________ science __________ Mondays. I __________ fish and vegetables. ____ ______ healthy. My mother si an _______ teacher. She’s funny. _______ stri ct to me. I often______ _______ on Saturdays.


五年级英语下册选词填 空练习 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】

五年级上册选词填空专项训练姓名:班级:等级:(getsweephomecleanschoolwaterkindfunnyliketallteacheryoung) Hi,I‘mMike.I__________upat6:30andgoto__________at7:00.Atschool,I__ ________theclassroomand__________theclassroomand__________theflowers. I__________Englishclass.MyEnglish__________isMissLi.Sheis__________an d__________.Sheisvery__________,butsheisn’t__________. (havehasMrHe‘slikesclasstallMisslonglikeveryShe’s) I__________anewEnglishis__________White.__________verykindan dactive. Weall__________herclass.Becauseher__________issofunny.Sheis____ ______andstrong.She__________bigeyesand__________hair.She_________ap ples_______much.. (havehaswatchTVamherearemathlikeoninThey‘rebutfavouriteShe’sEnglish) Hello!I‘mJack.I__________11.My__________classisscience.We______ ____science__________Mondays.I__________fishandvegetables.__________h ealthy.Mymothersian_______teach er.She’sfunny._______stricttome.Ioften____ _________onSaturdays. (a,picture,small,big,on,curtains,nice,room,an,window,like,near) Look,thisisa________ofmyroom.It‘snot______,butit’s_______.Thereisa__ ______bedinthemiddleofmy________.Thereis________air-conditioner_______ _thewall.Thereareblue_______andabig__________.Ilikemyroomverymuch.


大学英语四级选词填空练习(二十七) Some years ago I was offered a writing assignment that would require three months of travel through Europe. I had been abroad a couple of times, but I could hardly __1__ to know my way around the continent. Moreover, my knowledge of foreign languages was __2__ to a little college French. I hesitated. How would I, unable to speak the language, __3__ unfamiliar with local geography or transportation systems, set up __4__ and do research? It seemed impossible, and with considerable __5__ I sat down to write a letter begging off. Halfway through, a thought ran through my mind: you can't learn if you don't try. So I accepted the assignment. There were some bad __6__. But by the time I had finished the trip I was an experienced traveler. And ever since, I have never hesitated to head for even the most remote of places, without guides or even __7__ bookings, confident that somehow I will manage. The point is that the new, the different, is almost by definition __8__. But each time you try something, you learn, and as the learning piles up, the world opens to you. I've learned to ski at 40, and flown up the Rhine River in a __9__. And I know I'll go on doing such things. It's not because I'm braver or more daring than others. I'm not. But I'll accept anxiety as another name for challenge and I believe I can __10__ wonders. [A] accomplish [B] advanced [C] balloon [D] claim [E] constantly [F] declare [G] interviews [H] limited [I] manufacture [J] moments

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