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历年专业八级考试真题:翻译 历年专业八级考试真题:翻译 Opera is expensive: that much is inevitable. But expensive things are inevitably the province(范围)of the rich unless we abdicate(退位、放弃)society’s power of choice. We can choose to make opera and other expensive forms of culture, accessible(易接近的,可达到的)to those who cannot individually pay for it. The question is: why should we? No body denies the imperatives(必要的)of food, shelter, defence, health and education. But even in a prehistoric cave, man-kind stretched out a hand of not just to eat, drink or fight, but also to draw. The impulse(冲动)towards culture, the desire to express and explore the world through imagination and representation(表述、陈述)is fundamental. In Europe, this desire has found fulfillment(完成、成就)in the masterpieces of our music, art, literature and theatre. These masterpieces are the touchstones (标准、试金石)for all our efforts; they are the touchstones for the possibilities to which human thought and imagination may aspire(立志、追求目标、渴望); they carry the most profound (深厚的、深刻的)messages that can be sent from one human to another. 参考译文: 欣赏歌剧是一种奢侈:你必须为此支付昂贵的票价。然而,享用昂贵的东西并不完全是富人的特权,除非我们放弃社会选择的权利。我们有权利使歌剧和其他昂贵的文化形式面向大众,面向那些个人没有支


2007年英语专业八级考试翻译原题及参考答案 C-E:暮色中,河湾里落满云霞,与天际的颜色混合一起,分不清哪是流云哪是水湾。也就在这一幅绚烂的图画旁边,在河湾之畔,一群羊正在低头觅食。它们几乎没有一个顾得上抬起头来,看一眼这美丽的黄昏。也许它们要抓紧时间,在即将回家的最后一刻再次咀嚼。这是黄河滩上的一幕。牧羊人不见了,他不知在何处歇息。只有这些美生灵自由自在地享受着这个黄昏。这儿水草肥美,让它们长得肥滚滚的,像些胖娃娃。如果走近了,会发现它们那可爱的神情,洁白的牙齿,那丰富而单纯的表情。如果稍稍长久一点端详这张张面庞,还会生出无限的怜悯。 Beside this picture with profusions of colors, a group of sheep are lowing their heads, eating by the river bank. Hardly none of them would spare some time to raise their eyes to have a glance at the beautiful dusk. They are, perhaps, taking use of every minute to enjoy their last chew before being driven home. This is a picture of the Yellow River bank, in which the shepherd disappears, and no one knows where he is resting himself. Only the sheep, however, as free creatures, are joyfully appreciating the dusk. The exuberant water plants have nutrited the sheep, making them grow as fat as balls. When approaching near, you would find their lily-white teeth and a variety of innocent facial impressions.


2007年英语专业八级考试翻译原题及参考答案 C-E:暮色中,河湾里落满云霞,与天际得颜色混合一起,分不清哪就是流云哪就是水湾。也就在这一幅绚烂得图画旁边,在河湾之畔,一群羊正在低头觅食。它们几乎没有一个顾得上抬起头来,瞧一眼这美丽得黄昏。也许它们要抓紧时间,在即将回家得最后一刻再次咀嚼。这就是黄河滩上得一幕。牧羊人不见了,她不知在何处歇息.只有这些美生灵自由自在地享受着这个黄昏。这儿水草肥美,让它们长得肥滚滚得,像些胖娃娃.如果走近了,会发现它们那可爱得神情,洁白得牙齿,那丰富而单纯得表情。如果稍稍长久一点端详这张张面庞,还会生出无限得怜悯。 Beside this picturewithprofusionsof colors, a group of sheep are lowing their heads,eating by the river bank、Hardly none ofthemwouldspare some timeto raise their eyes tohave a glanceat the beautifuldusk、Theyare, perhaps,takinguse ofevery minuteto enjoy their lastchew before being driven home、This is a picture ofthe Yellow River bank,inwhich the shepherd disappears,andno oneknows where he is resting himself、Only the sheep,however,as free creatures,are joyfullyappreciating thedusk、The exuberant wate rplants have nutritedthesheep, making them


第二部分章节题库 第1章词汇和语法 1. Il veut faire un stage à la fin de ses études. A. à la suite de B. en raison de C. à cause de D. au bout de 【答案】D 【解析】句意:他打算快毕业的时候去做实习。à la fin de和au bout de都有“在……之末”的意思。 2. Le compliment qu’il lui a fait s’accompagne d’un certain mépris. A. profite B. est déterminé C. se double D. se mêle 【答案】C 【解析】句意:他对他的称赞中带着一点轻蔑。s’accompagner de有“伴随着”的意思,se doubler de有“夹杂着”的意思,se mêler A à B表示“在B中夹杂着A”,profiter de表示“从……得到好处”。

3. N’ayant pas suffisamment de temps, Nathalie a d? renoncer à son cours à option. A. obligatoire B. intensif C. facultatif D. optique 【答案】C 【解析】句意:时间不够,娜塔莉只得放弃她的选修课。cours à option的意思是“选修课”,facultatif的意思是“随意的,可自行决定的,非强制性的法”,obligatoire意思相反表示“必须的,强制的”,intensif的意思是“强烈的”。 4. Nous sommes sans nouvelles depuis qu’il est parti. A. dès qu’ B. du moment où C. alors qu’ D. tandis qu’ 【答案】A 【解析】句意:自从他走了之后我们就再也没有他的消息了。depuis que表示“自从……以来”,dès que也表示“从……起”,alors que和tandis que都是“而/却”的意思。 5. Elle avait loué une chambre dont les fenêtres donnaient sur la forêt.


专八翻译 第一部分汉译英 1.2000年试题 中国科技馆的诞生来之不易。与国际著名科技馆和其他博物馆相比,它先天有些不足,后天也常缺乏营养,但是它成长的步伐却是坚实而有力的。它在国际上已被公认为后起之秀。 世界上第一代博物馆属于自然博物馆,它是通过化石、标本等向人们介绍地球和各种生物的演化历史。第二代博物馆属于工业技术博物馆,它所展示的是工业文明带来的各种阶段性结果。这两代博物馆虽然起到了传播科学知识的作用,但是,它们把参观者当成了被动的旁观者。 世界上第三代博物馆是充满全新理念的博物馆。在这里,观众可以自己去动手操作,自己细心体察。这样,他们可以更贴近先进的科学技术,去探索科学技术的奥妙。 中国科技馆正是这样的博物馆。它汲取了国际上一些著名博物馆的长处,设计制作了力学、光学、电学、热学、声学、生物学等展品,展示了科学的原理和先进的科技成果。 The first generation museums of sciences are those devoted to natural history, which show through fossils and specimens the evolutionary changes of the earth and organisms. Those of the second generation are museums of industrial technology exhibiting achievements made in various periods of the industrial age. These two types of museums, while functioning as disseminators of scientific knowledge, treat their visitors as mere viewers. Science museums of the third generation are entirely different from their predecessors. They stress visitor participation, encouraging those interested to make detailed study of the exhibits on their own by trying their hands on them. The experience so gained will enable them to understand advanced technologies better and help them in their quest for what is still unknown in science (陶文好李孚声,《2000年英语专业八级汉译英词汇误译心理认知分析》,《上海科技翻译》,2001年第1期第36-41页) 2.2001年试题 乔羽的歌大家都熟悉。但他另外两大爱好却鲜为人知,那就是钓鱼和喝酒。 晚年的乔羽喜爱垂钓,他说:“有水有鱼的地方大都是有好环境的,好环境便会给人好心情。我认为最好的钓鱼场所不是舒适的、给你准备好饿鱼的垂钓园,而是那极其有吸引力的大自然野外天成的场所。”钓鱼是一项能够陶冶性情的运动,有益于身心健康。乔羽说:“钓鱼可分三个阶段:第一阶段是吃鱼;第二阶段是吃鱼和情趣兼而有之;第三阶段主要是钓趣,面对一池碧水,将忧心烦恼全都抛在一边,使自己的身心得到充分休息。” 译文 1 In his later years (Late in his life), Qiao Yu has become enamored of fishing (developed a penchant / special fondness for fishing). He asserts: “Mostly speaking, a place with water and fish must necessarily be blessed with a nice setting, which in return keeps people in good mood. I believe that the optimum fishing places are not those commercial fishing centers which provide the fishermen with all the conveniences and where fish are kept hungry for ready capture, but those naturally-formed places in the wilderness w hich exert a special appeal.” According to him, fishing can constitute an activity conducive to the cultivation of one’s


2010年专八真题听写参考答案 1 tones of voice 2 huskiness 3 universal signal; 4 thought or uncertainty 5 indifference 6 honesty 7 distance; 8 situation; 9 mood; 10 unconsciously same posture 特邀著名国内英语考试郑家顺教授分享2010年专八考试权威答案,以下为听力部分 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. C 6. B 7.C 8. D 9. D 10. A11.A 12.C 13.B 14.A 15.D16.C 17.C 18.A 19.D 20.B21. A 22.B 23. B 24.B 25. C26.A 27.D 28.D 29.A 30.C 2010年专八真题改错原文 So far as we can tell, all human languages are equally complete and perfect as instruments of communication: that is, every language appears to be as well equipped as any other to say the things its speakers want to say. It may or may not be appropriate to talk about primitive peoples or cultures, but that is another matter. Certainly, not all groups of people are equally competent in nuclear physics or psychology or the cultivation of rice or the engraving of Benares brass. But this is not the fault of their language. The Eskimos can speak about snow with a great deal more precision and subtlety than we can in English, but this is not because the Eskimo language (one of those sometimes miscalled ’primitive’) is inherently more precise and subtle than English. This example does not bring to light a defect in English, a show of unexpected ’primitiveness’. The position is simply and obvio usly that the Eskimos and the English live in different environments. The English language would be just as rich in terms for different kinds of snow, presumably, if the environments in which English was habitually used made such distinction important. Similarly, we have no reason to doubt that the Eskimo language could be as precise and subtle on the subject of motor manufacture or cricket if these topics formed part of the Eskimos’ life. For obvious historical reasons, Englishmen in the nineteenth century could not talk about motorcars with the minute discrimination which is possible today: cars were not a part of their culture. But they had a host of terms for horse-drawn vehicles which send us, puzzled, to a historical dictionary when we are reading Scott or Dickens. How many of us could distinguish between a chaise, a landau, a victoria, a brougham, a coupe, a gig, a diligence, a whisky, a calash, a tilbury, a carriole, a phaeton, and a clarence ? 2010年专八真题改错参考答案 1 be后插入as; 2 their改为its; 3 There改为It; 4 Whereas改为But 5 further 改为much 6 come改为bring; 7 similar改为different; 8 will改为would; 9 as important去掉as; 10 the part去掉the 2010年专八真题人文知识参考答案 31、D;32、A;33、D;34、A;35、C;36、D;37、A;38、A;39、C;40、B。 2010年专八真题汉译英参考答案 Friends tend to become more intimated if they have the same interests and temper, they can get along well and keep contacting; otherwise they will separate and end the relationship. Friends who are more familiar and closer can not be too casual and show no respect. Otherwise the harmony and balance will be broken, and the friendship will also be nonexistent any more. Everyone hopes to have his own private space, and if too casual among friends, it is easy to invade this piece of restricted areas, which will lead to the conflict, resulting in alienation. It may be a small matter to be rude to friends; however, it is likely to plant the devastating seeds. The best way to keep the close relationship between friends is to keep contacts with restraint, and do not bother each other. 2010年专八真题英译汉参考答案 我想那是五月的一个周日的早晨;那天是复活节,一个大清早上。我站在自家小屋的门口。就在我的面前展现出了那么一番景色,从我那个位置其实能够尽收眼底,可是梦里的感觉往往如此,由于梦幻的力量,这番景象显得超凡出尘,一派肃穆气象。群山形状相同,其山脚下都有着同样可爱的山谷;不过群山挺然参天,高于阿尔卑斯峰,诸山相距空旷,丰草如茵,林地开阔,错落其间;树篱上的白玫瑰娟娟弥望;远近看不见任何生物,唯有苍翠的教堂庭院里,牛群静静地卧躺在那片郁郁葱葱的墓地歇息,好几头围绕着一个小孩的坟墓。我曾对她一腔柔情,那年夏天是在旭日东升的前一刻,那孩子死去了,我如同当年那样望着牛群。 2010年专八真题作文参考答案 The important role of a city’s local conditions in the urban design Recently there is a hot debate on a report that a foreign design company invited by a little-known mountainous area in Guiyang provided a design without paying too much attention to the city’s unique characteristics. Some people appreciate the bold innovation of the design but others do not like it. In my opinion, any urban design should take the city’s original cultural heritage into account. The designers should suit their design to local conditions and try to take advantage of the local resources.


A à[a]prép. 到;向;在;表归属 【例句】Prenez à gauche à la prochaine bifurcation.在下一个岔路口向左拐。 【搭配】à ce moment此刻 à peine刚刚,才,勉强 à pied步行 à l’heure准时 à condition de只要,只须 abaissement[ab?smɑ] n.m. 下降;落下;倒台 【例句】C’est en février que l’abaissement des températures est le plus fort.2月份温度下降最为剧烈。 abaisser[ab?se] v.t. 放低,降低;压抑 (s’) v.pr. 降低,下降;低三下四;堕落 【例句】①La banque a abaissé le taux de l’intérêt.银行降低了利率。 ②La température s’abaisse.温度下降。 ③Je ne m’abaisserai pas à lui répondre.我不会低三下四地迎合他。 abandon[abɑd?] n.m. 放弃,抛弃;放松;从容;懒散 【例句】①Il fait abandon de sa femme.他抛弃了他的妻子。

②Il est renversé dans son fauteuil avec abandon.他懒散地仰坐在扶手椅上。【搭配】l’abandon无人照管,放任自流 abandonner[abɑd?ne] v.t. 抛弃,放弃;弃权 (s’) v.pr. 陷于,沉溺于(状态) 【例句】①Il a abandonné sa famille.他抛弃了他的家庭。 ②Il a abandonné la course.他在这次赛跑中弃权。 ③Il s’est abandonné au désespoir.他陷入了绝望之中。 【搭配】qqch abandonner qqn某人耗尽(体力、精力等) abandonner à把……让与某人 abasourdi,e[abasurdi] adj. 震聋的,震得昏头昏脑的;震惊的 【例句】①Je suis encore abasourdi par le bruit des travaux dans la rue.马路上施工的声音震得我到现在还晕头晕脑的。 ②Le père abasourdi se dit que sa fille est en contact avec l’au-delà.父亲大 为震惊,认为女儿能与冥间沟通。 abasourdir[abasurdir] v.t. 震聋,震得昏头昏脑;使震惊 【例句】①Cet enfant m’abasourdit avec ses cris continuels.这孩子不间断的喊叫声吵死我了。 ②Votre réponse m’a abasourdi.你的答复使我大吃一惊。


英语专业八级考试翻译历年真题汇总 1998年E-C: I agree to some extent with my imaginary English reader. American literary historians are perhaps prone to view their own national scene too narrowly, mistaking prominence for uniqueness. They do over-phrase their own literature, or certainly its minor figures. And Americans do swing from aggressive over phrase of their literature to an equally unfortunate, imitative deference. But then, the English themselves are somewhat insular in their literary appraisals. Moreover, in fields where they are not pre-eminent — e. g. in painting and music —they too alternate between boasting of native products and copying those of the Continent. How many English paintings try to look as though they were done in Paris; how many times have we read in articles that they really represent an “English tradition” after all. To speak of American literature, then, is not to assert(断言、声称)that it is completely unlike that of Europe. Broadly speaking, America and Europe have kept step(同步). At any given moment(在任何时候) the traveler could find examples in both of the same architecture, the same styles in dress, the same books on the shelves. Ideas have crossed the Atlantic as freely as men and merchandise, though sometimes more slowly. When I refer to American habit, thoughts, etc., I intend some sort of qualification(限制、限定、资格) to precede(领先、超前) the word, for frequently the difference between America and Europe (especially England) will be one of degree(唯一只是在程度上), sometimes only of a small degree. The amount of divergence(分歧、差异) is a subtle (微妙的)affair, liable(有可能的) to perplex the Englishman when he looks at America. He is looking at a country which in important senses (重要的感觉)grew out of his own, which in several ways still resembles his own — and which is yet a foreign country. There are odd overlappings and abrupt unfamiliarities; kinship(亲缘关系) yields to a sudden alienation(疏远关系), as when we hail(打招呼) a person across the street, only to discover from his blank(没有表情的) response that we have mistaken a stranger for a friend. 参考译文(翻译第二段): 因此,我们在说“美国”文学,并不表明我们认为美国文学与欧洲文学截然不同。一般来说,美国和欧洲一直在同步发展。无论何时,旅游者在两地都能看到同一式的建筑,见到


TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2010) -GRADE EIGHT- PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION (35 MIN) SECTION A MINI-LECTURE In this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. Complete the gap-filling task. Some of the gaps below may require a maximum of THREE words. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically & semantically acceptable. You may refer to your notes. Paralinguistic Features of Language In face-to-face communication speakers often alter their tomes of voice or change their physical postures in order to convey messages. These means are called paralinguistic features of language, which fall into two categories. First category: vocal paralinguistic features A.(1)__________: to express attitude or intention (1)__________ B.Examples 1. whispering: need for secrecy 2. breathiness: deep emotion 3. (2)_________: unimportance (2)__________ 4. nasality: anxiety 5. extra lip-rounding: greater intimacy Second category: physical paralinguistic features A.facial expressions 1.(3)_______ (3)__________ ----- smiling: signal of pleasure or welcome 2.less common expressions ----- eye brow raising: surprise or interest ----- lip biting: (4)________ (4)_________ B.gesture gestures are related to culture. 1.British culture ----- shrugging shoulders: (5) ________ (5)__________ ----- scratching head: puzzlement 2.other cultures ----- placing hand upon heart:(6)_______ (6)__________ ----- pointing at nose: secret C.proximity, posture and echoing 1.proximity: physical distance between speakers ----- closeness: intimacy or threat ----- (7)_______: formality or absence of interest (7)_________ Proximity is person-, culture- and (8)________ -specific. (8)_________ 2.posture ----- hunched shoulders or a hanging head: to indeicate(9)_____ (9)________ ----- direct level eye contact: to express an open or challenging attitude 3.echoing ----- definition: imitation of similar posture ----- (10)______: aid in communication (10)___________ ----- conscious imitation: mockery


2016年专八翻译题及答案详解 “流逝”表现了南国人对时间最早的感觉。子在川上曰:“逝者如斯夫。”他们发现无论是潺潺小溪,还是浩荡大河,都一去不复返,流逝之际青年变成了老翁而绿草转眼就枯黄,很自然有错阴的紧迫感。流逝也许是缓慢的,但无论如何缓慢,对流逝的恐惧使人们必须用“流逝”这个词来时时警戒后人,必须急匆匆地行动,给这个词灌注一种紧张感。 【参考译文1】 They have found that the flowing water,either a murmuring stream or a mighty river, passes quickly and never returns. With the passage of time, the young become the old and the green grass turns yellow. People naturallyhave a sense of urgency to value every bit of time. As time goes by,no matter how slowly it elapses, people always use the word “liushi” to warn thelater generations for fear of time’s flowing away. They tell their descendants to treasure every single minute and make a hurried action, which adds a sense of tension to the word. 【参考译文2】 They find that either a murmuring stream or a mighty river has gone forever and that the passage of time turns a young man into an old one, and yellows of the grass, which sends a massage of how time flies. Maybe the passing of time is slow. But no matter how slow it is, it makes people so fearful that they use “passage” to warn the later generations to rush. And the use of “passage” also infuses a sense of tension into the word. 【参考译文3】

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