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A Survey of English History ChangYaoxin

A Glossary of Literary Terms:

For the convenience of discussion, historians divide the continuity of English literature into segments of time which are called “p eriods”. The e xact numbers, dates and names of these periods vary, but the list below conforms on each period, in chronological order.

450-1066 Old English (or Anglo-Saxon)Period Chapter1

1066-1500 Middle English Period Chapter1、2



抒情歌谣:短诗,大多数比较悲哀、凄凉,例如英国的Robin Hood



1500-1660 The Renaissance(or Early Modern) Chapter3-4



1660-1785 The Neoclassical Period Chapter 6-8


1785-1830 The Romantic Period Chapter9-10


1832-1901 The Victorian Period Chapter 11-18


1901-1914 The Edwardian Period Chapter 19

1910-1936 The Georgian Period Chapter19

1914- The Modern Period Chapter 20-23


1945- Postmodernism Chapter 24-26

The Old English(Anglo-Saxon)Period & Middle English Period

Chapter 1 The Old English(Anglo-Saxon)Period ·Beowulf · The Middle English Period

Chapter 2 Chaucer ·The Pre-Elizabethan Period ·More








1. Beowulf is ______.

A. an English novel

B. a Medieval romance

C. an Anglo-Saxon epic

D. an English drama of manners

2. The wife of Bath is well-known character from____.

A. Piers the Plowman

B. The Canterbury Tales

C.The Fairie Queene

D. King Authur

The Renaissance Period

Chapter 3 The Elizabethan Age · Spenser · Sidney · Marlowe

Chapter 4 Shakespeare ·Bacon · Jonson·King James’ Bible



1. 了解:(1)文艺复兴时期的界定


2. 掌握: (1)文艺复兴运动的意义与影响



3. 应用:文艺复兴,人文主义的解释

The Renaissance; Humanism; Spenserian stanza

二、该时期的重要作家:Edmund Spenser; Christopher Marlowe; William Shakespeare; Francis Bacon






1. “To be or not to be —that is the question:

Whether’tis nobler in the mind to suffer” are from_______.

2. Identify the following quotations by author and title of work, and explain their meanings briefly.

So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,

So long lives this, this gives life to thee.

Chapter 5 The 17th century · Donne · Milton · Dryden ·Bunyan · The Restoration Theater

a transitional period




(4)重点作家:John Donne; John Milton; John Bunyan


The central conflict and contrast between good and evil as presented in John Milton’s “Paradise Lost” are reflected and intensified in all the following contrasts excerpt between ____.

A. heaven and hell

B. light and darkness

C. order and chaos

D. science and religion

The Neoclassical Period

Chapter 6 The Classic Age · Pope · Johnson · Gray · Goldsmith · Sheridan

Chapter 8 18th-century Fiction ·Swift · Defoe · Richardson · Fielding · Sterne · Smollett






2. 领会:(1)启蒙运动的主张与文学的特点


3. 应用:启蒙运动,新古典主义,英雄双行诗,英国现实主义小说等名词的解释The Enlightenment

Movement; Neoclassism; heroic couplet; the Realisitic Novel

二、该时期的重要作家:Alexander pope;Daniel Defoe;Jonathan Swift;Henry Fielding; Samuel Johnson

Richard Brinsley Sheridan; Thomas Gray






Alexander Pope wrote highly polished verse and brought ____ to ultimate perfection.

A. iambic pentameter

B. alliteration

C. the heroic couplet

D. blank verse

The Romantic Period

Chapter 7 Movement towards Romanticism · Thomson · Young · Cowper · Crabbe ·Blake · Burns Chapter 9 The Romantic Period ·Wordsworth ·Coleridge ·Scott · Austen

Chapter 10 Byron · Shelley · Keats








1 浪漫主义时期概述







2 该时期的重要作家:William Blake, Burns; Wordsworth; Coleridge; Byron; Shelley; Keats; Austin




With its great achievement in English poetry, ____ has been considered the second great period in English literature, second only to the Elizabethan period.

A. he Victorian age

B. he Renaissance

C. the age of Neoclassicism

D. the Romantic period

The Victorian Period

Chapter 11 The Victorian Period · Victorian Prose · Carlyle · Mill · Newman

Chapter 12 Victorian Fiction · Dickens · Thackeray

Chapter 13 Charlotte and Emily Bronte · Meredith

Chapter 14 George Eliot · Trollope · Butler

Chapter 15 Hardy · Gissing · Moore · Wilde · Stevenson

Chapter 16 Victorian Poetry · Tennyson · Browning · Arnold

Chapter 17 Clough · Hopkins · Edward Fitzgerald’s Rubaiyat · The Aesthetic Movement

Chapter 18 Victorian Drama · Shaw · Wilde


一. 维多利亚时期概述





(3) 应用:宪章运动,功利主义,批判现实主义,戏剧独白等名词的解释

二. (1)小说(2)诗歌(3)戏剧

三. 维多利亚时期的重要作家: Dickens,Thackeray, the Bronte Sisters, George Eliot, Hardy, Tennyson,

Browning, Arnold, Shaw, Wilde.


2.识记: 重要作品及主要内容



Dickens’A Tale of Two Cites has ____ as its background, the action in the novel taking place in the two cities London Paris.

A. the French Revolution of 1789-94

B.the Elizabethan age of sixteenth century

C.the Glorious Revolution

D. the religious reformation and economic expansion

The Edwardian Period & The Georgian Period

Chapter 19 The Early 20th Century · The Edwardians · The Georgians · The War Poets


爱德华七世时期的许多主要文学成就都集中在散文体小说(prose fiction)上。



The title of Joseph Conrad’s story Heart of Darkness most probably signifies all of the following except ____.

A. the heart of Africa

B. the heart of evil

C. the heart of ecstasy

D. the heart of man

The Modern Period

Chapter 20 The 1920s · Woolf · Joyce

Chapter 21 Lawrence · Yeats · Imagism · T.S.Eliot

Chapter 22 Poetry of the 1930s ·Auden · The Audenic Group · Thomas Empson

Chapter 23 Fiction of the 1930s · Huxley ·Orwell · Waugh · Greene · Isherwood














A. 20世纪英国社会的政治、经济、文化背景




A. 现代主义文学创作的基本主张









A. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫



3. 领会:(1)二十世纪世界公认的意识流创作大师



B. 詹姆斯·乔伊斯


















D. 乔治·奥威尔《动物农庄》

E. 威廉·勃特勒·叶芝




















T. S. Eliot’ famous doctrine on poets and poetry is known as the ____ theory.

A Survey of American Literature Chang Yaoxi I Colonial Period (1607—1765)

II Revolutionary Period (1765—1800)

III The Age of Romanticism (1800—1865)

IV The Age of Realism (1865—1918)

V American Modernism (1918—1945)

VI Contemporary Literature (1945-- )

Colonial Period

Chapter 1 Colonial America

Chapter 2 Edwards ·Franklin· Crevecoeur



I. Background: Puritanism

1. Features of Puritanism

(1) Predestination: God decided everything before things occurred.

(2) Original sin: Human beings were born to be evil, and this original sin can be passed down from generation to generation.

(3) Total depravity

(4) Limited atonement: Only the “elect” can be saved.

2. Influence

(1) A group of good qualities – hard work, thrift, piety, sobriety (serious and thoughtful) influenced American literature.

(2) It led to the everlasting myth. All literature is based on a myth – garden of Eden.

(3) Symbolism: the American puritan’s metaphorical mode of perception was chiefly instrumental in calling into being a literary symbolism which is distinctly American.

(4) With regard to their writing, the style is fresh, simple and direct; the rhetoric is plain and honest, not without a touch of nobility often traceable to the direct influence of the Bible.

II. Overview of the literature

1. types of writing

diaries, histories, journals, letters, travel books, autobiographies/biographies, sermons

2. writers of colonial period

(1) Anne Bradstreet

(2) Edward Taylor

(3) Roger Williams

(4) John Woolman

(5) Thomas Paine

(6) Philip Freneau

III. Jonathan Edwards

1. life

2. works

(1) The Freedom of the Will

(2) The Great Doctrine of Original Sin Defended

(3) The Nature of True Virtue

3. ideas – pioneer of transcendentalism

(1) The spirit of revivalism

(2) Regeneration of man

(3) God’s presence(4) Puritan idealism

IV. Benjamin Franklin

1. life

2. works

(1) Poor Richard’s Almanac

(2) Autobiography

3. contribution

(1) He helped found the Pennsylvania Hospital and the American Philosophical Society.

(2) He was called “the new Prometheus who had stolen fire (electricity in this case) from heaven”.

(3) Everything seems to meet in this one man –“Jack of all trades”. Herman Melville thus described him “master of each and mastered by none”.

The Romantic Period

Chapter 3 American Romanticism · Irving·Cooper

Chapter 4 New England Transcendentalism · Emerson · Thoreau

Chapter 5 Hawthorne·Melville

Chapter 6 Whitman·Dickinson

Chapter 7 Edgar Allan Poe

Section 1 Early Romantic Period

What is Romanticism?

●An approach from ancient Greek: Plato

● A literary trend: 18c in Britain (1798~1832)

●Schlegel Bros.

I. Preview: Characteristics of Romanticism

1. subjectivity

(1) feeling and emotions, finding truth

(2) emphasis on imagination

(3) emphasis on individualism –personal freedom, no hero worship, natural goodness of human beings

2. back to medieval, esp medieval folk literature

(1) unrestrained by classical rules

(2) full of imagination

(3) colloquial language

(4) freedom of imagination

(5) genuine in feelings: answer their call for classics

3. back to nature

nature is “breathing living thing” (Rousseau)

II. American Romanticism

1. Background

(1) Political background and economic development

(2) Romantic movement in European countries

Derivative – foreign influence

2. features

(1) American romanticism was in essence the expression of “a real new experience‖ and contained ―an alien quality‖ for the simple reason that “the spirit of the place” was radically new and alien. (2) There is American Puritanism as a cultural heritage to consider. American romantic authors tended more to moralize. Many American romantic writings intended to edify more than they entertained.

(3) The ―newness‖ of Americans as a nation is in connection with American Romanticism.

(4) As a logical result of the foreign and native factors at work, American romanticism was both imitative and independent.

III. Washington Irving

1. several names attached to Irving

(1) first American writer to win an international fame

(2) the messenger sent from the new world to the old world

2. life

3. works

(1) A History of New York from the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty

(2) The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. (He won a measure of international recognition with the publication of this.)

(3) The History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus

(4) A Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada

(5) The Alhambra

4. Literary career: two parts

(1) 1809~1832

a. Subjects are either English or European

b. Conservative love for the antique

(2) 1832~1859: back to US

5. style – beautiful

(1) gentility, urbanity, pleasantness

(2) avoiding moralizing – amusing and entertaining

(3) enveloping stories in an atmosphere

(4) vivid and true characters

(5) humour – smiling while reading

(6) musical language

IV. James Fenimore Cooper

1. life

2. works

(1) Precaution (1820, his first novel, imitatin g Austen’s Pride and Prejudice

(2) The Spy (his second novel and great success)

(3) Leatherstocking Tales (his masterpiece, a series of five novels)

The Deerslayer, The Last of the Mohicans, The Pathfinder, The Pioneer, The Prairie

3. point of view

the theme of wilderness vs. civilization, freedom vs. law, order vs. change, aristocrat vs. democrat, natural rights vs. legal rights

4. style

(1) highly imaginative

(2) good at inventing tales

(3) good at landscape description

(4) conservative

(5) characterization wooden and lacking in probability

(6) language and use of dialect not authentic

5. literary achievements

He created a myth about the formative period of the American nation. If the history of the

United States is, in a sense, the process of the American settlers exploring and pushing the American frontier forever westward, then Cooper’s Leatherstocking Tales effectively approximates the American national experience of adventure into the West. He turned the west and frontier as a useable past and he helped to introduce western tradition to American literature.

Section 2 Summit of Romanticism – American Transcendentalism

I. Background: four sources

1. Unitarianism

(1) Fatherhood of God

(2) Brotherhood of men

(3) Leadership of Jesus

(4) Salvation b y character (perfection of one’s character)

(5) Continued progress of mankind

(6) Divinity of mankind

(7) Depravity of mankind

2. Romantic Idealism

Center of the world is spirit, absolute spirit (Kant)

3. Oriental mysticism

Center of the world is “oversoul”

4. Puritanism

Eloquent expression in Transcendentalism

II. Appearance

1836, “Nature” by Emerson

III. Features

1. spirit/oversoul

2. importance of individualism

3. nature – symbol of spirit/God

garment of the oversoul

4. focus on intuition (irrationalism and subconsciousness)

IV. Influence

1. It served as an ethical guide to life for a young nation and brought about the idea that human can be perfected by nature. It stressed religious tolerance, called to throw off shackles of customs and traditions and go forward to the development of a new and distinctly American culture.

2. It advocated idealism that was great needed in a rapidly expanded economy where opportunity often became opportunism, and the desire to “get on” obscured the moral necessity for rising to spiritual height.

3 .It helped to create the first American renaissance – one of the most prolific period in American literature.

V. Ralph Waldo Emerson

1. life

2. works

(1) Nature

(2) Two essays: The American Scholar, The Poet

3. literary views:

(1) One major element of his philosophy is his firm belief in the transcendence of the “oversoul”.

(2) He regards nature as the purest, and the most sanctifying moral influence on man, and advocated

a direct intuition of a spiritual and immanent God in nature.

(3) If man depends upon himself, cultivates himself and brings out the divine in himself, he can hope to become better and even perfect. This is what Emerson means by “the infinitude of man”. (4) Everyone should understand that he makes himself by making his world, and that he makes the world by making himself.

4. aesthetic ideas

(1) He is a complete man, an eternal man.

(2) True poetry and true art should ennoble.

(3) The poet should express his thought in symbols.

(4) As to theme, Emerson called upon American authors to celebrate America which was to him a lone poem in itself.

5. his influence

VI. Henry David Thoreau

1. life

2. works

(1) A Week on the Concord and Merrimack River

(2) Walden

(3) A Plea for John Brown (an essay)

3. literary views:

(1) He did not like the way a materialistic America was developing and was vehemently outspoken on the point.

(2) He hated the human injustice as represented by the slavery system.

(3) Like Emerson, but more than him, Thoreau saw nature as a genuine restorative, healthy influence on man’s spiritual well-being.

(4) He has faith in the inner virtue and inward, spiritual grace of man.

(5) He was very critical of modern civilization.

(6) “Simplicity…simplify!”

(7) He was sorely disgusted with “the inundations of the dirty institutions of men’s odd-fellow society”.

(8) He has calm trust in the future and his ardent belief in a new generation of men.

Section 3 Late Romanticism

I. Nathaniel Hawthorne

1. life

2. works

(1) Two collections of short stories: Twice-told Tales, Mosses from and Old Manse

(2) The Scarlet Letter

(3) The House of the Seven Gables

(4) The Marble Faun

3. literary views:

(1) Evil is at the core of human life, “that blackness in Hawthorne”

(2) Whenever there is sin, there is punishment. Sin or evil can be passed from generation to generation (causality).

(3) He is of the opinion that evil educates.

(4) He has disgust in science.

4. aesthetic ideas

(1) He took a great interest in history and antiquity. To him these furnish the soil on which his mind grows to fruition.

(2) He was convinced that romance was the predestined form of American narrative. To tell the truth and satirize and yet not to offend: That was what Hawthorne had in mind to achieve.

5. style – typical romantic writer

(1) the use of symbols

(2) revelation of characters’ psychology

(3) the use of supernatural mixed with the actual

(4) his stories are parable (parable inform) – to teach a lesson

(5) use of ambiguity to keep the reader in the world of uncertainty – multiple points of view

II. Herman Melville

1. life

2. works

(1) Typee《泰比》

(2) Omio 《奥穆》

(3) Mardi

(4) Redburn

(5) White Jacket

(6) Moby Dick

(7) Pierre

(8) Billy Budd

3. literary views

(1) He never seems able to say an affirmative yes to life: His is the attitude of “Everlasting Nay” (negative attitude towards life).

(2) One of the major themes of his is alienation (far away from each other).

Other themes: loneliness, suicidal individualism (individualism causing disaster and death), rejection and quest, confrontation of innocence and evil, doubts over the comforting 19c idea of progress

4. style

(1) Like Hawthorne, Melville manages to achieve the effect of ambiguity through employing the technique of multiple views of his narratives.

(2) He tends to write periodic chapters.

(3) His rich rhythmical prose and his poetic power have been profusely commented upon and praised.

(4) His works are symbolic and metaphorical.

(5) He includes many non-narrative chapters of factual background or description of what goes on board the ship or on the route (Moby Dick)

Romantic Poets

I. Walt Whitman

1. life

2. work: Leaves of Grass (9 editions)

(1) Song of Myself

(2) There Was a Child Went Forth

(3) Crossing Brooklyn Ferry

(4) Democratic Vistas

(5) Passage to India

(6) Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking

3. themes –“Catalogue of American and European thought”


英美文学 I. 本期讲过的所有名家名作 II.名词术语: Ode ——in ancient literature, is an elaborate lyrical poem composed for a chorus to chant and to dance to; in modern use, it is a rhymed lyric expressing noble feelings, often addressed to a person or celebrating an event. Alliteration ——It is a form of initial rhyme, or head rhyme. It is the repetition of the same sound or sounds at the beginning of two or more words that are next to or close to each other. e.g. He came on under the clouds, clearly saw at last Rage-inflamed, wreckage-bent, be ripped open Kenning ——a figurative language in order to add beauty to ordinary objects. It is a metaphor usually composed of two words, which becomes the formula for a special object. e.g. Helmet bearer—— warrior Swan road——the sea The world candle—— the sun Repetition &Variation e.g. Grendel / The spoiler / warlike creature / the foe / horrible monster A host of young soldiers / a company of Kinsmen / a whole warrior-band Caesura ——every line consists of two clearly separated half lines between which is a pause, called caesura. e.g. Grendel stalking; God’s brand was on him.


复旦大学英美文学考研经验 我准备考研比较早,3、4月份就开始了,因为大三课比较多,所以前期复习时间较短,速度有点慢,因此,如果大家已经有目标,建议越早开始越好The early bird catches the worm! ?政治: 暑假开始复习,一直到最后都是跟着肖秀荣老师的书在走,1000题很重要,可以抓很多细节性的知识,建议不要在书上直接写,方便后期反复利用。暑假期间可以先看去年大纲,大概有个印象,最后冲刺时四八套题一定要好好背,今年肖老师大题基本都中了。政治最好每天都分配一定的时间,这一科记得快忘的也快。 ?二外法语: 本科学校教材是新大学法语,我复习用过的资料有:考研必备,二外法语考研综合(肖红),和圣才出版的名校历年二外真题,不过这些书提供的答案有些是错的,大家小心。复习重点还是考研必备,多刷几遍,错题好好整理下来,另外语法基础一定学要扎实了,而且词汇量是一大关,所以平时就要开始积累单词,动词变位尤其重要,而且今年考试第一题居然就是给了10个词写变位。 ?专业课: 复旦英语语言文学专业只给了4本参考书,两本文学方向,两本语言学方向,基英没有复习资料。 基英,考试有三道题,英译汉,汉译英和作文,每项50分。复习是第一项任务是背单词,翻译总得看懂文章。过最好多看英文原著,这样积累的词汇比较牢,我是光背单词书,实际记住灵活用的其实不多。翻译要自己动手练习,然后对照译文学习技巧,过一段时间再练再揣摩。建议,汉译英,张培基先生的书是一定要练,今年直接有原文,平时练习大家可以多学学表达,衔接。英译汉的话就做了做真题,没有太认真练,主要还是积累词汇和用法。至于作文,考前可以用专八作文练练手(改革前最好,专八改革后先要材料概述,不太适合复旦的题型)。基英时间很赶,大家一定要注意时间分配啊。我用的书有:张培基的《英译现代散文选》1和4册,刘士聪《英汉汉英美文翻译与鉴赏》,叶子南《高级翻译理论》以及《英语专业考研英汉互译》。 最后是语言学,一本是Fromkin的《An introduction to language》,一本是Yule的《The study of language》的书。复习时可以用Y的书开始打基础,这本书相对比较简单,后期复习以F的书为主,主要知识点都在F的书上,一定要多读几遍吃透了,书后的术语汇编很实用,一定要好好背下来,语言学答题很


Chapter I The Renaissance Period Definitions of the Literary Terms: 文艺复兴时期的界定 1. The Renaissance: The Renaissance marks a transition from the medie val to the modern world. Generally, it refers to the period between the 14 th & 17th centuries. 历史文化背景It first started in Italy, with the flowering of painting, sculpture & literature. From Italy the movement went to emb race the rest of Europe. The Renaissance, which means "rebirth" or "reviva l," is actually a movement stimulated by a series of historical events, such as the re-discovery of ancient Roman & Greek culture, the new discoverie s in geography & astrology, the religious reformation & the economic expa nsion. The Renaissance, therefore, in essence is a historical period in whic h the European humanist thinkers & scholars made attempts to get rid of those old feudalist ideas in medieval Europe, to introduce new ideas that e xpressed the interests of the rising bourgeoisie, & to recover the purity of the early church from the corruption of the Roman Catholic Church. 2. 文艺复兴到英国比较晚的原因The Renaissance was slow in reaching Englan d not only becaus e o f England?s separation from the Continent but also be cause of its domestic unrest. It was not until the reign of Henry VIII that the Renaissance really began to show its effect in England. With Henry VII I?s encouragement the Oxford reformers, scholars and humanists introduc ed classical literature to England. 15th century, began the English Renaissa nce, which was perhaps England?s Golden Age, especially in literature. 人文主义H umanism: Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance. It sprang from the endeavor to restore a medieval reverence for the ancient author s and is frequently taken as the beginning of the Renaissance on its consci ous, intellectual side, for the Greek and Roman civilization was based on s uch a conception that man is the measure of all things. Through the new l earning, humanists not only saw the arts of splendor and enlightenment, b ut the human values represented in the works. Renaissance humanists fou nd in the classics a justification to exalt human nature and came to see th at human beings were glorious creatures capable of individual development in the direction of perfections, and that the world they inhabited was thei rs not to despise but to question, explore, and enjoy. Thus, by emphasizin g the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life, they voiced their beliefs that man did not only have the right to enjoy the bea uty of this life, but had the ability to perfect himself and to perform wond ers. Thomas More, Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare are the b est representatives of the English humanists. The first period of the English Renaissance was one of imitation and assimi lation.


英美文学复习材料 Geoffrey Chaucer Father/founder of English Poetry Major works: ?The Romaunt of the Rose 《玫瑰传奇》 ?The Parliament of Fowls《百鸟议会》 ?Troilus and Criseyde《特鲁伊罗斯和克里塞德》 ?The Legend of Good Women《好女人传》 ?The Canterbury Tales 《坎特伯雷故事集》 The Canterbury Tales ?The story of a group of thirty people who travel as pilgrims to Canterbury. ? A rich, tapestry (织锦)of medieval social life combining elements of all classes, from nobles to workers, from priests and nuns to drunkards and thieves. London dialect ?The General Prologue consists of character sketches of each member of the group that is going to Canterbury The Canterbury Tales ?Some of the characters ?The Knight :the first story teller ?The Prioress女修道院副院长 ?The Merchant ?The Wife of Bath巴斯妇: the first female figure in British literature ?Poor Priest William Shakespeare (1564-1616) Renaissance ?Meaning: rebirth or revival ?Time: began in the 14th century, end in the 17th century. ?Place: began in Italy, later spread to France, Spain and England. ? A keen interest in the Greek and Latin culture; the art and science of ancient Greece


《英美文学基础》小组讨论发言稿 一、班级:07级英语教育四班第三组:510宿舍二、主讲:张烈红 三、讨论成员:王莉刘妍罗晓晴郭婷婷刘臻张莉娄枫琴陈金霞 四、主题:The Victorian Period--Charles Dickens & William Makepeace Thanckeray Victorian literature A.Background Chronologically the Victorian period roughly coincides with the region of Queen Victoria who ruled over England from 1836 to 1901.The period has been generally regarded as one of the most glorious in the English history.As a result of the Industrial revolution .England reached the highest point as a world power and the struggle between the working class and the capitalists became the basic contradiction in English social and political life. At the same time,the working conditions under which workers toiled were unimaginably brutal, especially in texible factories and coal mines where women and children were widely employed.The worsening living and working conditions, the mass unemployment and the new Poor Law of 1834 with its workhouse system finally gave rise to Chartist Movement (1836-1848).Amid such a class-struggle period, many writers turned to social criticism.So appeared a new literary trend:critical realism.These realists are mainly concerned with the society, the social system and the people in the society. B.Features of Victorian Literature Victorian literature,as a product of its age,naturally took on its quality of magnitude and diversity.It was many-sided and complex, and reflected both romantically realistically the great changes that were going on in people's life and thought .Besides, it truthfully respresented the reality and spirit of the age. The high-spirit vitality, the down-to-earth earnesteness,the good-natured humor and unbounded imagination are all unprecedented .In almost every genre it paved the way for coming century ,where its spirits,values and experiments are to witness their bumper harvest. Great writers and great works abounded. I.Charles Dickens 1.Life of Dickens Charles Dickens(1812-1870) was born in Portsmouth ,a poor British family,in 1812.He was a son of a petty navy office clerk.Because his father had been taken into prison for debts,he was forced to leave school to work at a blacking factory.In the factory,as a child he always felt hungry,lonely and ignored.The hardship and suffering inflicted upon the sensitive ,young Charles had left an ever-lasting bitter remembrance in his later life.In 1827,Charles entered a lawyer's office,and two years later he became a parliamentary reporter for newspapers.The journalistic experience not only enabled him to get acquainted with some inside knowledge of the British legal and political system,and gave him a chance to meet people of all kinds,but also laid a good foundation for his coming literary career.From 1833, Dickens began to write,occasional sketches of lond life,which were later collected and published under the tittle Sketches by Boz (1836),soon the Posthumous Paper of the Pick-wick Club(1836-1837) appeared in monthly installments.It made him the most popular English author of his time.Dickens was not only an editor but also an ower of several newspapers and magazines.He was also an enthusiastic participant or organizer of some charity activities. Dickens is one of the greatest critical realist writers of the Victorian age and also is known as an outstanding master of the Language.During his 34 years' creating,Dichens wrote 14 novels[The myster of Edwin Drood (《艾


英美文学选读要点总结精心整理3 I). Washington Irving华盛顿.欧文 11. He is regarded as Father of the American short stories.他是美国浪漫主义文学代表作家之一,美国短篇小说之父。 12. With the publication of The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Irving won a measure of international fame on both sides of the Atlantic.1819年至1820年,欧文出版了《见闻札记》,该书为欧文获得了欧美两大洲的文学荣誉。 13. A History of New York---He parodies or imitates Homer.《纽约史》在多方面模仿了荷马。 14. Like the two famous personae he created, Diedrich Knickerbocker and Geoffrey Crayon, Irving remained a conservative and always exalted a disappearing past.他所创造的两个人物Diedrich Knickerbocker和Geoffrey Crayon和他一样,都停留在对过去的事情的津津乐道上。 15. We hear rather than read, for there is musicality in almost every line of his prose. We seldom learn a moral lesson because he wants us amused and relaxed.他的作品行文优美流畅,犹如音乐。他的作品寓教于乐,给人以轻松安逸之感,如入梦境。 16. He is worth the honor of being“the American Goldsmith”for his literary craftsmanship.在创作艺术方面他堪称是“美国的近匠”。 17. “rip van winkle”—Here, Irving’s pervasive theme of nostalgia for the unrecoverable past is at on ce made unforgettable.“瑞普.凡.温克尔”---欧文在此表达了对一去不复返的东西十分依恋,笔触生动,令人难忘。 (II). Ralph Waldo Emerson拉尔夫.华尔多.爱默生 18. New England Transcendentalism, which is unanimously agreed to be the summit of the Romantic period in the history of American literature.在美国浪漫主义时期的文学中,新英格兰的超验主义是不可或缺的。 19. Emersonian Transcendentalism is actually a philosophical school which absorbed some ideological concerns of American Puritanism and European Romanticism, with its focus on the intuitive knowledge of human beings to grasp the absolute in the universe and the divinity of man.爱默生的超验主义实际上是在吸收美国清教思想,强调人类具有本能的掌握宇宙绝对真理和人的神性而形成的一个哲学流派。 20. In his essays, Emerson put forward his philosophy of the over-soul, the importance of the individual, and Nature.爱默生的文章提出了超灵哲学,个人及自然的重要性。 21. Emerson id a ffirmative about man’s intuitive knowledge, with which a man can trust himself to decide what is right and to act accordingly.爱默生相信人的直觉知识。人类可以利用自己的直觉决定是非并采取相应得行动。 22. The ideal individual should be a self-reliant man.一个理想的个人应是自助自立的人。 23. “Go back to nature, sink yourself back into its influence and you’ll become spiritually whole again.”“回到自然中去吧,沉浸在自然的影响中吧,你将重新获得精神的完整。” 24. In 1845, a great transcendentalist work Walden was born.1845年,写成了超验主义的伟大作品《沃尔登》。


自学考试 英美文学选读 Selected Readings In English And American Literatures Part one: English literature An Introduction to Old and Medieval English Literature 1. The Old English poetry that has survived can be divided into two group: the religious group and the secular one. The poetry of the religious group is mainly on biblical themes………In addition to these religious compositions, Old English poets produced the national epic poem, Beowulf, a typical example of Old English poetry, is regarded today as the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons. 2. Romance which uses narrative verse or prose to sing knightly adventures or other heroic deeds is a popular literary form in the medieval period. R omantic love is an important part of the plot in romance. 3. I t is Chaucer alone who, for the first time in English literature, presented to us a comprehensive realistic picture of the English society of his time and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life in his masterpiece The Canterbury Tales. Geoffrey Chaucer is the greatest writer of this period. I n short, Chaucer develops his characterization to a higher artistic level by presenting characters with both typical qualities and individual dispositions. Chaucer introduced from France the rhymed stanzas of various types to English poetry to replace the Old English alliterative verse. Chaucer dominated the works of his15th-centtruy English followers and the so-called Scottish Chaucerians. For the Renaissance, he was the English Homer. Chapter 1 The Renaissance Period


《英美文学选读》复习指导资料 Part 1 English Literature An Introduction to Old and Medieval English Literature 一.重点:有关这部分的文学史内容 1.古代英国文学和中世纪英国文学的起始阶段 2.英国文学史上的第一部民族史诗----Beowulf 3.中世纪文学的主要文学形式-----Romance 4.Geoffrey Chaucer 的文学贡献 二.练习: 1. Choose the best answer for each blank. 1). The period of ______ English literature begins from about 450 to 1066, the year of ______. A. Old----Renaissance B. Middle---- the Norman Conquest of England C. Middle ---- Renaissance D. Old---- the Norman Conquest of England 2). The Medieval period in English literature extends from 1066 up to the ______ century. A. mid-13th B. mid-14th C. mid-15th D. mid-16th 3). Beowulf, a typical example of Old English poetry, is regarded today as the national ______ of the Anglo-Saxons. A. sonnet B. essay C. epic D. novel 4). In The Canterbury Tales, ______ presented to us a comprehensive realistic picture of the English society of his time and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life. A. Geoffrey Chaucer B. William Shakespeare C. Francis Bacon D. William Langland 5). For the Renaissance, ______ was regarded as the English Homer. His reputation has been securely established as one of the best English poets for his wisdom, humor and ______. A. Geoffrey Chaucer----wits B. William Shakespeare----wits C. Geoffrey Chaucer----humanity D. William Shakespeare----humanity 6). After the conquest of 1066, three languages co-existed in England. They are ______, ______ and ______. A. Old English, Greek, Latin B. Old English, French, Latin C. Old English, Greek, French D. English, Greek, French 7). Geoffrey Chaucer is the greatest writer of the Medieval period in English literature. In ―The Legend of Good Women‖, he used for the first time in English the rhymed couplet of iambic pentameter which is to be called later the ______. A. couplet B. blank verse C. heroic couplet D. epic 8). Thematically the poem ―Beowulf‖ presents a vivid picture of how the primitive people wage heroic struggle against the hostile forces of the ______ world under a wise and mighty ______.


大学英语专业学习计划 篇一:大学英语专业规划 英语专业学习规划 英语小教093 陈盼盼 对于英语专业的学生来讲,进入大学校园后会发现专业课程交相出现,英语有关书籍种类繁杂。不由得觉得科科重要,本本经典。但是只有科学的规划,合理的时间安排才会平衡自己学习上的需求与学校授课步伐上的差异,使听说读写译五种技能得到锻炼及提高,四年之后达到熟练掌握英语这门语言工具的能力。 大一: 这一年是英语专业学习压力比较小的时候。主要开设的课程有综合英语,语音,语法,教师基本技能及如思想品德等基础课程。从中可以看到这两个学期是在为专业打基础的时候。可以做的事情首先是锻炼自己的口语,这与一般学校头一二个月的时候进行规范语音的工作相一致。平时进行语言模仿,可以选择语音质量较高的电影,歌曲,配乐诗歌,散文朗诵及演讲等材料进行逐句模仿,大段背诵的形式来锤炼语音,让人在听觉上感到一种享受。其次是对单词的积累。可以结合大学英语六级或是专业英语四级的词汇手册作为参考,加大平时背诵的单词数量,为大二下学期专业四级的考试打下基础。通过阅读有关词根词缀构词法或相关的书籍

和其它形式的材料可以帮助揭示单词内在的规律。再次是对语言基础知识的积累。多读些关于语言学习的书和杂志,报刊。如各种简装本的名著,新兴词语汇集,英语学习,二十一世纪报等,它们可以提高对语言的感性认识,增强语感,而另一个非常实用但却容易被忽略的材料是像新概念这样的经典教材,语言准确,句型精美,通过精听,模仿,背诵这三个步骤可以在短时内提高语言基础。 大二: 如果还没有完成如语音表达标准,词汇捕捉敏锐这样的对语言表层现象的掌握,那么这一年要做的事情就显得很多。除了对上述能力的加强外,这个时期对语法的把握也是比较重要的事情。不要相信他人的观点:语法不再重要,没有语法也可以交流。这样的观点看起来是十分荒谬的。英语语言高度的逻辑性就体现在其精准的语法结构上。中西方思维逻辑的判别在这里也可以窥见一斑。阅读专业的语法教材或者参加语法培训都是可取的。在第二个学期,我的学习重点会转向英语专业四级考试。但经过上面三个学期的积累和第四学期大量做题实战加之权威书籍的指点想必我一次性通过的比例应该不小。 大三: 无论是什么专业的同学在这时都应该提早做前途归化。考不考研,考什么研是英语专业学习一直疑问的问题。但不

自考英美文学选读 第一章 文艺复兴时期(英国)(课文翻译)

英美文学选读翻译(英语专业自考) 第一部分:英国文学 第一章文艺复兴时期 文艺复兴标志着一个过渡时期,即中世纪的结束和现代社会的开始。一般来说,文艺复兴时期是从十四世纪到十七世纪中叶。它从意大利兴起,伴随着绘画、雕塑和文学领域的百花齐放,而后文艺复兴浪潮席卷了整个欧洲。文艺复兴,顾名思义即重生、复苏,是由一系列历史事件激发推动的,其中包括对古希腊罗马文化的重新发现。地理天文领域的新发现,宗教改革及经济发展。因此,文艺复兴从本质上是欧洲人文主义者竭力摒弃中世纪欧洲的封建主义,推行代表新兴城市资产阶级利益的新思想,并恢复早期宗教的纯洁性,远离腐败的罗马天主教廷的一场运动。 文艺复兴浪潮影响到英国的速度比较慢,不仅因为英国远离欧洲大陆,而且还因为其国内的动荡不安。乔叟去世后的一个半世纪是英国历史上最动荡不安的时期。好战的贵族篡取了王位,使英国走上自我毁灭之路。著名的玫瑰之战就是极好的例子。后来理查三世的恐怖统治标志着内战的结束,在都铎王朝的统治下英国的民族情感又成长起来。然而直到亨利八世统治期间(1509-1547),文艺复兴的春风才吹入英国。在亨利八世的鼓励下,牛津的改革派学者和人文主义者们将古典文学引入英国。基于古典文学作品及《圣经》的教育重获生机,而十五世纪就被广泛传阅的文学作品则更加流行了。自此,英国的文艺复兴开始了。英国,尤其是英国文学进入了黄金时代。这个时期涌现出莎士比亚、斯宾塞、约翰逊、锡德尼、马洛、培根及邓恩等一大批文学巨匠。但英国的文艺复兴并未使新文学与旧时代彻底决裂,带有十四、十五世纪特点的创作态度与情感依然贯穿在人文主义与改革时代。 人文主义是文艺复兴的核心。它源于努力恢复中世纪产生的对古希腊罗马文化的尊崇。人文主义作为文艺复兴的起源是因为古希腊罗马文明的基础是以"人"为中心,人是万物之灵。通过这些对古代文化崭新的研究,人文主义者不仅看到了光彩夺目的艺术启明星,还在那古典作品中寻求到了人的价值。在中世纪的社会中,个人完全隶属于封建统治,没有独立和自由可言;在中世纪的神学理论中,人与周围世界的关系仅仅是人消极适应或消极遁世,不允许追求快乐,以备死后灵魂得以超脱。然而人文主义者们却从古代文化遗产中找到了充足的论据,来赞美人性,并开始注意到人类是光荣的生命,人自己可以不断发展,至善至美,而且人们生存的世界是属于他们的,供他们怀疑、探索以及享受。由此,人文主义者通过强调人类的尊严、强调今生今世的重要性,喊出了他们的信仰,即人类不仅有权利在今生今世美好生活,而且还有能力完善自我,创造奇迹。人文主义遍布英国思想领域的。标志是荷兰学者伊拉斯谟先后到牛津大学与剑桥大学讲授古典文化研究。托马斯·漠尔、克利斯朵夫·马洛和威廉·莎士比亚是英国人文主义的代表。


《英美文学选读》模拟试题(一) 一、单项选择题 1.The excerpt from Chapter 10 of Sons and Lovers ends with the conflict between Paul and his mother. The conflict is possibly caused by Paul and his mother’s different views towards _____. A. Paul’s father B. art C. life D. Paul’s brother 2.The _____ can be regarded as one of the themes of Joyce’s story “Araby”. A. loss of innocence 在所有有關童年故事中,孩子都是同叔叔同姨媽同住,父母則不在身邊—這便是一種象征,象征父母與孩子之間骨肉親情的隔絕和一種正常關系的缺 失. B. childish love C. awareness of harsh life D. false sentimentality 錯誤的多愁善感 3.After reading “Araby”, one more feel the story has a _____ tone. A. joyous B. harsh C. solemn D. painful 4.In “Araby”, Joyce’s diction evokes a sort of _____ quality that characterizes the boy on this otherwise altogether ordinary shopping trip. A. religious B. moral C. sentimental D. vulgar 5.The major concern of _____ fiction lies in the tracing of the psychological development of his characters and in his energetic criticism of the dehumanizing effect of the capitalist industrialization on human nature. A. D. H. Lawrence’s B. J. Galsworthy’s C. W. Thackeray’s D. T. Hardy’s 6.The mission of _____ drama was to reveal the moral, political and economic truth

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