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The university for four years have zoomed past, flipping through the photos is like looking at his step by step the process of growing up.

When I was a freshman just entered what they dont understand, though little school with new the scholarship, but in the fierce competition in the English department, and I became overwhelmed the statistical, even once so love English became my burden. No superiority in every day, I only slept little sleep, and full time to study. That lonely, uncertainty day may be every college student will experience, in short, university persevered through recall or faint bitter.

May I is a very necessary to depend on the confidence to advance, next semester freshman I attended the party school

training, and 31 (in a grade of the English speech contest, I got a second prize of confidence came back gradually, in counselor and friends of the support and encouragement, I truly be blended in university life.

Second-year university in which I do students teaching assistant, although the secretariat on duty are just do something every time the trivial things, but from which I really learned a lot. Let me first learned to humble, and this is from the sainted loved by students, the teacher learned professor. Always felt they were on the platform is very serious, lets look up to the object, but daily what I saw is humorous, peace of them, from them I saw their future should have quality.

Do learn help of a year and a half is very tired, every time I have a big test quizzes, work with the end I will immediately rushed to study lounges. Looking back now will laugh at yourself childish, learning this is a process of accumulation, must speak the efficiency, not in time out of the pile. At that time every day happy very full, can do a connection between students and teaching link makes me proud.

Office of the teachers are very, very good, no work when I go to read urged the self-study, together we eat lunch box, the dinner

together to work overtime, together chat, once I have acute gastroenteritis, two teachers have inquired about my dorm room number to come to see me, this all the intravenous drip I will never forget a kindness in heart.

Education university of practice is inside another important thing. I and a group of outstanding students went to high school, our group leader huanggang is a capable the senior party member and various kinds of questions are all dealing with very well, the practice that day is the happiest day of university inside one of the early, not only because of a division of joy, but because can in such a collective life and lucky. Huanggang teachers and we also has a great relationship with, they give us the myth is also proved in huanggang effort and sweat request. In the future I will also a teacher, I also hope you can be a good teacher loved by students.

The college has to say what to be proud of, and that is I do a lot of social practice and no impact study. From freshman, I started to do part-time tutor, I served as a school TuiGuangYuan mandarin as a student, teacher training course with assistant, once a week and seven job experience. These work first let me in economic independence, and to reduce the burden parents, more let I grew

experience, made a lot of friends in society. Say not tired is false, but I went out after find your life was once so wonderful.

The work study I no relaxation, although part-time professional knowledge, I didnt also vague, professional results have been very good. And as long as the opportunity to participate in the competition I will be professional best, all kinds of speech, translation, interpretation most game can see me figure. 20_ years to me the most important thing is to participate in the 20_ student in the examination, based on a lot of the consideration of the graduate student of our school I enter oneself for an examination. Even in a tense November I still go to the hubei province new Oriental century cup interpretation contest, and picked up the successful first prize. Life for me is constantly process, difficult and painful memory also is very beautiful in.

Friends is my university the most important wealth, there are so many spend together happy unhappy, the days of weeping to pig out laughing, so that I cant take the style of botched the good recording, the graduate, a lot of people across the world, may cry, might make, but please everybody all the way walk good!!!!!

Overall, this article is the speech I thank speech, thank so many good teachers, good students, good friends, thank those happy,


初中毕业感言200字7篇 篇一:初中毕业感言(190字) 毕业了,发现我要感谢的人很多:家人,老师,朋友,同学…家人是我温暖的避风港,真的很感谢一直以来为我奔波辛苦的父母,感谢为我默默操心和关爱我的叔叔婶婶,你们辛苦了;感谢所有的任课老师,特别是我们可爱的班主任许老师,三年来像姐姐般关心和爱护着我们,祝她永远幸福快乐!感谢一直以来支持和关心我的朋友们!感谢我们403的所有姐妹们,因为你们的关心和包容,让我感觉到寝室大家庭的温馨和快乐… 篇二:初中毕业感悟(235字) 难忘同学情:在人生的黄金年代,在浪漫的青春年华里,因为同样的梦想使我们相聚在一起。也许我们的相识只是短暂的几年,但这一定是我人生中最珍贵的回忆。从豆蔻年华到花季雨季,我们一同飞扬青春的旋律,经历成长的烦恼,承受考试的压力,走过叛逆的日子。我们的初三一班,成了同学们告别幼稚、走向成熟,扬起风帆、破浪前行的集体。我相信时间可以更改我们的容颜,却无法改变我们同学之间的纯真友情。在这里,我要对曾在我伤心失意时给予我鼓励帮助我的朋友们表示深深的感谢!谢谢你们,我最亲爱的朋友! 篇三:初中毕业感言(212字) 马上就要毕业了,我心中充满了喜悦,但更多的是感伤。毕竟相处六年了,结下了友情的花朵。面对眼前的集体照、同学录,用心回忆以前曾经发生过的一件件趣事,想着马上就要毕业了,心里不免有些伤心,落泪无语…… 看着相处三年的朋友、同学、伙伴,那一张张清秀的脸庞,似乎清晰记忆着往日的欢歌笑语。我们就快分别了,要步入一个新群体…… 毕业了,带着我的梦,带着对学校的留恋,带着朋友真心的祝福,充满自信,走向新的征程…… 我永远忘不了老师与同学…… 篇四:初中毕业感言(252字) “亲爱的请不要难过,离别以后要彼此珍重”凤凰花还没开,小学的三年生活就这样结束了。回顾这三年的中学生活是那么精彩,那么美丽,有着欢笑,也有着泪水,并不是我用三言两语就能够说清楚的。 过去,我很珍惜和同学相聚的每一分、每一秒,希望的是,能够永远记住他们可爱的笑容,以及,有如黄莺出谷的笑声。


毕业感言小学唯美句子英语 1.Timeisflyingaway,andyearsarepassingby.Onlyourfriendshipis alwaysinmyheart.Farewell,myfriend!Takecare,myfriend! 流水匆匆,岁月匆匆,唯有友情永存心中。 朋友,再见!朋友,珍重! 2.Oh,myfriend,doyoulikestars?Ifyoufeellonelyfarawayfromhome ,lookupatthestarsinthesky,wherethereisastarforluckthatI'ves endyou. 朋友,你喜欢星空吗?如果有一天你在远方流浪时感到孤独、忧郁,请抬头看看星空,那儿有我送给你的幸运星。 3.Lifeisaprofoundbook.Other'snotescannotreplaceyourownunder standing.Mayyoufindandcreatesomethingnewinit. 生活是一本精深的书,别人的注释代替不了自己的理解。

愿你有所发现,有所创造。 4.Don’ tbedisappointedonthejourneyoflife.Therearefriendsintheworld .Seizeyourchanceandvalueyouropportunities.Mayourfriendshipb eeverlasting? 人生路上何须惆怅,天涯海角总有知音。 把握机会珍惜缘分,祝愿我们友谊长存。 5.Timedoesnotwaterdownthewineoffriendship;distancedoesnotse parateourhandsoflonging.Wishingyouhappinessforever! 希望能帮到你,请采纳正确答案,点击【采纳答案】,谢谢^_^ 模板,内容仅供参考


简短初中毕业感言 简短初中毕业感言 简短初中毕业感言篇一: 青春是个美好的而又是一去不可再来的时期,是将来一切幸福和光明的开端. 就像迷迷糊糊地跑了一场马拉松,吃吃力力地从初中跑进高中,白线勾画的跑道不知何时早已消失了,我还在苦苦地寻找没有美丽的错误,怎会有美丽的结局望着你远去的背影,我只愿你回一回头! 什么时候能像你一样,飞过那片潮湿的天空,而不打湿翅膀. 我当然不谈你是卓越的,但是,上帝造了你以后就把那个模型给捣碎了,所以啊,你是独一无二的! 人生的轨迹和历史,可以用血写,也可以用泪写,但绝不能用水写! 就这样,转过身去,打点好岁月的馈赠,作一次永恒的天涯之旅北去的车将载着你载着我的思念,扬起的尘埃会迷住我的视线,迷住我的泪眼珍惜这份美好的回忆,在梦里,在叙我们的情谊所有等待的眼睛终会走出停泊的小窗,敲门声依次响起不是所有的梦、都来得及实现、不是所有的话、都来得及告诉、也许是欢乐、也许是忧愁、谁又能决定去和留! 人,总是会在走新路的时候恋着旧路,而路,也总是在懵懵懂懂地恋着旧时走过去的人纵使我们流着泪,流着沉甸甸的盐质很高的泪,我们也会在告别的站台上挥挥手,笑一笑,笑一笑,因为,因为我们不愿悲伤! 不用再多说什么,被激情冲刷过的土地是那样的敦厚,充实而又富足真诚的,都已说完;虚假的,还没学会去说忘记了你曾经的伤害..

这季节是一条分界线,分开了一千多个日子的梦! 没有我的岁月 里你要保重你自己,没有你的日子里我会更加珍惜自己! 水泄平地, 东南西北各自流;聚散无定,春夏秋冬伤别离生命原是要不断的受伤 和不断的复原,踏实沉稳地走过那段执拗多情的岁月一年又一年总相 似不同,一页又一页看不够读不尽.长长的人生路,能有几个四年又有 几多夕阳强有力的理想产生强有力的行动人往往因甜蜜的回忆,幸 福的憧憬或企求解脱而去做梦.当人不再做梦时,那就意味着他直面人 生的风风雨雨过去的,让他过去,不必回想;未来的,等来了再说, 不要空想! 失去的东西,我要努力的承受着! 失去才会懂得珍惜!不完 整中没有缺陷每一颗心都有自己的太阳,每一颗太阳都有照耀的领域! 不要悲伤过去的就让它过去! 毕业,是一个沉重的动词;毕业,是一个让人一生难忘的名词; 毕业,是感动时流泪的形容词;毕业,是当我们以后孤寂时候,带着微笑 和遗憾去回想时的副词; 曾经相聚多少天才知道离别多少年虽然所 有相聚终究要离别缘分将我们围成圈思念化作白杜鹃依依不舍的离 情万千我们一定要再见不管路途有多遥远虽然前方有危险也不管 要多少时间月亮有多远心里的牵挂有多远远方的你们以后是否一切 都安全不久就要有新起点了所以必须说再见天下没有不散的筵席, 只要永远记得曾经的你。我真的放不下自己的心! 简短初中毕业感言篇二: 经历了中考的洗礼,我不得不面对高一的生活.这是一个新的旅途, 我即将启程! 现在回忆起来,初三的生活是多么的宝贵和留恋.如今我进了上海 市延安中学,耳闻那儿是个噩梦开始的地方.也许所有人经历这一天都


英文毕业感言 parents, teachers, and fellow students, this is the day of our graduation. today marks the end of our studies and the beginning of a new life for all of us. we are supposed to feel happy on such a day as this, and we are supposed to be full of hope of the future. we all do feel these things, but we feel much more, too. there is a great feeling of sadness today as we realize that this is the last time that we will all be together as members of this school. however, the thing we feel most, i think, is our feeling of thanks. we have some idea of what you, our parents, have done for us, and we have some idea of all the efforts that you, our teachers, have made for us. no words can express how thankful we are to you on this day. we will always remember this day and we will remember you. thank you from the bottom of our hearts!! 这是XX届高三学生毕业时,我辅导一位学生在毕业典礼上用英文发表的演讲,这是第一次,效果不错! 大家好,我不知道今天是应该高兴还是难过,因为在这一天我们就要分开了,不能再次一起上课了,不能一起哈哈大笑了····在cambridge young english school学习已将三年了,在这里我学会了不少东西,我知道了什么是英语,我们究竟可以 怎样来读英语等等。李老师为了我们真的很辛苦,在他刚刚叫我们的时候,我们不听课,让他大声的喊:安静(我只记得读作a什么什么,拼音a tei shen类似的)。我们那个时候不背单词,不听课,上课就叽叽喳喳说个不停,李老师去还一直在讲。李老师真的很棒,记得皮老师说过,音标是很难拼出来的,所以当我们不会读的时候,疲劳时只能叫我们查词典。而李老师却能拼出来音标,真佩服。我喜欢老师的英文朗读,虽然不如《希望英语》读得好,但也还是不错的。在这几年里,常常关注着一些英语读物,没想到韩庚竟然出现了那么多次,通过英语,我发现了一个偶像,是英语使我快乐!时光飞逝,日月如梭,我已经是要毕业了,书本上密密麻麻的笔记是留给我最好的礼物了,它不仅给我了知识,还给我了不少快乐,我要感谢穆生辉,他的笔记使我羡慕,他的成绩是我羡慕,老师叫我和他做同桌,我很开心。 希望大家能让英语给自己铺一条完美的人生道路!我们每一个人,都要加油!谢谢大家,我的演讲完毕。 hello everybody, i do not know should be happy or sad, because in this day we will be separated, not again with the class, and can not be laughed together learning in the cambridge young english school has been three years, where i learned a lot of things, i know what is english, whether we can how to read english and so on. teacher li for us really hard, he just told us, we do not lecture, so he shouted out loud: quiet (i remember reading as a so-similar spelling a tei shen). at that time we did not back the word, not lectures, classes on chattered, lee has also been talking to the teacher. teacher li is really great, i remember the teacher said that paper, it is difficult to spell phoic, so when we do not read the time, fatigue can only tell us to our dictionary. lee was able to spell phoic teachers really admire. i like reading english teacher, though not as good as "english" read well, but still good. time flies, riyuerusuo, i have to graduate and dense book notes that left me the best gift, which not only gave me the knowledge, gave me a lot of fun, i want to thank muslim students hui, his notes so that i envy, i envy his success, the teacher called me and he did the same table, i am very happy. in that case a perfect english to their own life paved road! each of us must go! thank you, my lecture finished hello, everyone. 第1 页共1 页


英文的毕业感言 篇一:毕业感言作文(英语)Hello, everyone. I don t know how to express my feeling now. I don t know whether I m happy or sad. Today we ll be apart. From now on we ll never study together, never laugh together. I ve been in cambridge Young english School for three years. I ve learned a lot here. I got to know what s english and how to read english. Teacher Li was hard because of us. we didn t listen to him when he began to teach us. And he couldn t do anything else but shout Attention! Teacher Li is great. Remember, Teacher Pi said, phonogram is difficult to spell. And he would only ask us to dictionary when he was tied. Instesd Te Li could spell it. It s really admirable. I love Teacher s reading, nice although not better than . How time flys. I m going to graduate. Dense book notes that left me the best gift, which not only gave me the knowledge, but gave me a lot of fun. I would like to thank mu Shenghui. I admire his notes and his achievements. I am happy to be his deckmate. wish everyone can pave a perfect road with english. come on, everybody!


初中毕业感言100字左右 初中毕业感言100字左右(一) 1、时光如水轻轻逝,在这弹指一挥间,我们对南师大的校园已经熟识,不再陌生,春风化雨,润物无声,生命的色彩在岁月的深处回眸,遥望东方,我们在万道霞光中启航,昂首未来,我们在繁花似锦中赶路。 2、虽然是一次离别,但也意味着下一次的相聚;虽然各自将开始全新的人生旅程,但谁也不会忘记四年大学时光中里关于彼此的温暖记忆。从相识到相知,无法想象没有你们的我,将会多么失意。那么多的日日夜夜,那么多的欢笑泪水也因为你们,有了独特的意义!假如生活欺骗了你,不要悲伤,不要心急。阴郁的日子需要镇静。相信吧,那愉快的日子即将来临。心永远憧憬着未来,尽管你现在常常是阴沉的。一切都是瞬息,一切都会过去,而过去了的,将会变成亲切的怀念。—普希金”这段话让你我共同牢记! 3、我在大学体会了除离别以外的一切美好!现在让离别画上美好的句号!道一声思量”又怎不思量”! 4、哭过、笑过,得过、失过,迷惘过、奋发过,沮丧过、振奋过……就这么风风雨雨、起起落落地行走在大学的旅途上,不断发现自己、超越自己、追寻自己的梦想。大学四年逝去得不着痕迹,但它的斑斓多姿已在我的生命中留下了深深的印记。 5、校园里,我们留下了青春不羁,欢声笑语。课堂上,我们留下了激烈的辩论,思想的光芒。图书馆中,我们留下了辛勤的努力,坚定的信念和意识。宿舍里,我们留下了一起夜谈,分享快乐与悲伤的美好回忆。体育场上,我们留下了男生奋力拼搏的汗水和女生加油的呼声。这四年的南师记忆将一直珍藏在我们的心中

6、四个希冀的春天,我们播种了四次;四个金黄的秋天,我们收获了四遍;我们曾经受了四个火夏的磨砺和四个严冬的考验,请别忘记这有滋有味、有声有色的时光。 7、去年的此时,看着忙碌的学长们,还觉得毕业离自己很遥远。而此时,站在四年大学时光的终点,白驹过隙的感觉油然而生。 8、所幸的是,我认真把握住了每一个第一次”让它们成为我未来人生道路的基石;我也珍惜每一个最后一次”没有让现在的自己追悔莫及。 9、学的珍贵,并不仅仅是这许多的第一次,更重要的是涵盖着许多的最后一次:一生中最后一次有机会系统性地接受教育;最后一次可以拥有较高的可塑性、可以不断修正自我的成长历程;最后一次能在相对宽容、纯洁,可以置身其中学习为人处世之道的理想环境。 10、要记住,作为南师大的毕业生,不管今后我们身在何方,我们永远都是南师的一员,永远都将代表自己的母校。 11、风再起时,吹散的不单是路旁的落叶,更有我们在南师大留下的青春足迹。四年,我们终于摆脱幼稚,由成长变为成熟。破茧成蝶,展翅高飞的这一刻,不是没有眷恋,只是承载了太多的梦想,需要我们一一去实现;踏上社会的那一刻,也许我们不是最美的,但我们是最真实的。说一声珍重,说一声再见,说一声谢谢! 12、四年时间,不知不觉已到尽头,记忆中留下了太多的片段,有太多的不舍、太多的留恋。也许到现在我们每个人心中或多或少还有这样那样的茫然,但未来还有很长的路要走,现实社会要求我们要不断的向前,稍微停顿就会落后,所以,我们没有时间。我们所能做的就是带着美好的记忆迎接明天的太阳,相信自己,努力把握,永远追随太阳的脚步,让青春无悔。


英语毕业感言 篇一:初中英语版毕业感言 初中英语版毕业感言 atgraduation,iwanttosaytotheclassmates:thankyouforme,andthe otherteachers,totheentireschoolthingssupport!!!!!areyouthet eacherofthesky,flyapairofwings,thegrowthofhappiness! howtimesflies!wehavespentthreeyearsintheschool.iamverysadth atihavetosaygoodbyetoyou. ithinkthisisyourlife,isalsogrowingoccasionallyiwill.graduat e,theseparation,leavinggratitude,takeithope.wewillgotodifer entseniorshoolsnextterm.ihopeeveryonewillhaveabrightfuture!

illmissoldclassmatesandteachers. 篇二:大学毕业英文感言带翻译 大学毕业感言 但让我们把这点弄清:人生最好的年华不在未来,而是当下——此刻我们的一部分,今后只会不断地重复,我们搬到纽约,搬出纽约接着后悔我们来过或没来过纽约。我三十岁时还想开派对。我老了之后还想精彩地活着。任何时候我们提起最好的年华,总离不开那几个老掉牙的前缀:“早知道就?”“如果我?”“要是我?” Butletusgetonethingstraight:thebestyearsofourlivesarenotbeh indus.They’repartofusandtheyaresetforrepetitionaswegrowupandmovetoNewY orkandawayfromNewYorkandwishwedidordidn’ tliveinNewYork.IplanonhavingpartieswhenI’ mthirty.IplanonhavingfunwhenI’


经典初三的毕业感言 篇一: 同学们,青春是一本太仓促的书!三年的时光,一千多个日日夜夜就这样匆匆擦肩而过,今天你们以学校为荣,明天学校以你们为荣!在拜别之际,我送同学们三句话,作为毕业礼物,与同学们共勉。 第一句,把学习当成一种习惯。杰出的习惯是人一生中最宝贵的财富。但愿同学们不论在何时,不论在何方,都不要忘记习惯的养成,要从小事做起,从身边做起,从点滴做起,注重每一个细节,你一定会有一个美好的未来! 第二句,把感恩当成一种感恩责任。同学们能健康成长,顺利毕业,除了自身的努力外,我们不要忘记我们所生活的这个时代,我们所成长的国家,我们所学习的校园,我们更不能忘记,在我们身后默默耕耘的老师以及始终疼爱、牵挂着我们的怙恃,对国家、对学校、对老师一定要心存感激,知恩图报! 第三句,把理想当成一种目标。人有什么样的理想,就有什么样的发展,作为21世纪的主人,你们一定要志存高远,不留连于过去,不纠缠于今天,一定要有大抱负、大志向,要放眼世界,放眼未来。同学们,初中毕业只是人生道路上的一个驿站,今后会有更广阔的天空任同学们飞翔,会有更美好的前程任同学们去展望。我们就要说“再见”了。当初的相见是为了获取知识,积存气力,今天的再见是为了实现理想,大展宏愿!你们的成功从这里起步!从母校中学开始! 海阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞。今天你们是桃李芬芳,明天你们是国家的栋梁!祝愿同学们在中考赛场考出优异的成绩,向母校报喜!向老师们报喜! 三年的风风雨雨,三年的艰苦奋斗,三年的谆谆教诲,三年的点点关怀,虽离别在即,又怎能忘记? 有一种情感叫离愁,但我不会悲伤,即使跨出校门,我仍是鄚中的`学生。多年后的一天,我可以骄傲地说一声:我是鄚州中学的学生,我没有给母校抹黑。 初中毕业,是一个终点,更是一个起点。充满阳光的明天,我会带着曾经的回忆与憧憬向前冲。 篇二: 七月是一个离别的季节,也是一个流火的季节,我是一个刚刚中考完的初中生,坐在陌生的考场里考试,看着周围一张张陌生的脸,我感到了一中离别的酸涩滋味。


英文毕业感言 导语:又是一年毕业季,时光总是慌慌张张,匆匆忙忙,下面是yuwenmi小编为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! 篇一:英文毕业感言 parents, teachers, and fellow students, this is the day of our graduation. today marks the end of our studies and the beginning of a new life for all of us. we are supposed to feel happy on such a day as this, and we are supposed to be full of hope of the future. we all do feel these things, but we feel much more, too. there is a great feeling of sadness today as we realize that this is the last time that we will all be together as members of this school. however, the thing we feel most, i think, is our feeling of thanks. we have some idea of what you, our parents, have done for us, and we have some idea of all the efforts that you, our teachers, have made for us. no words can express how thankful we are to you on this day. we will always remember this day and we will remember you. thank


英语的毕业感言感谢学校的作文范文 母校,一个温馨而又甜蜜的称呼,你陪伴我度过了六年的小学时光,在这里我收获知识,吸取教训,不断进步……校园生活中的点点滴滴,始终让我记忆犹新。 一提起母校,我第一个想到的,就是那如园丁般辛勤的老师了。MissMei,你是我的英语老师。不知为什么,一上到你的课,我总是以百分之百的热情迎接。下课后,每当遇到我不懂的地方,你都会仔细、耐心地帮我讲解;在平时,你总爱与我聊天,我们像一对知心的朋友,聊家人,聊同学,聊理想…… 说到同学,我总是感慨万千。 谢谢你们在我沮丧的时候给我春天般的温暖。记得那次,老师阴沉着脸,抱着一叠试卷走进教室。一看这情形,我们就知道不好了,人声鼎沸的教室逐渐安静了下来,班里的气氛一下子落入了谷底。开始报分数了,“李毓,79。”我一听,吓了一跳,顿时感觉仿佛有好多双疑惑的眼神“唰”地射向我,我惭愧地低下了头。试卷发下来了,我仔细一看,发现有好几题根本不该错,真是懊悔不已。好不容易熬到下课,一些好朋友纷纷围拢在我身边,不停地安慰我,鼓励我下次继续努力。顿时,一股暖流涌遍全身。如果把考试当成一场无硝烟的战争,我想说的是:“我不是一个人在战斗!我还有同学做我的精神支柱!” 六年来,老师无微不至的关爱,同学间兄弟姐妹般的情

谊,如一幕幕电影浮现在我的眼前,使我铭记在心。在一二年级,我还是一个不谙世事的小不点时,老师像母亲一样悉心呵护,耐心教导我,使我心中充满了温暖,消除了胆怯,快乐成长;到了三四年级,我长大了一些,同学们不论谁遇到困难,都会伸出双手前来帮助,使我感受到生活在集体里是多么幸福!如今多年的耳濡目染,已使我懂得了用爱心回报大家,回报生活。 母校,是您把我哺育长大,您教会我本领,让我知道了怎样做人,将我从一个不懂事的小孩子变成了一个有知识、讲文明的好少年,我对您的感激难以用言语述说。 母校,我们即将踏进新的学校,我真不希望离开。毕竟我在这里生活了六年了,对您有着一份深厚的感情,抚摸着这里的一草一木,望着高大的教学楼,看着宽敞明亮的教室,甚至教室里的桌椅板凳,都使我难分难舍。 感谢敬爱的老师,我们的每一点成绩,都凝聚着您的心血和汗水;我们的每一点进步,都离不开您的帮助和教诲。感谢亲爱的同学,感谢你们曾给过我的温暖与帮助。 集美二小自豪吗?哪怕有一些千篇一律,但,这始终是我们的母校,教导着我们的母校,不是吗? 我们在母校学习一个个拼音字母,学习一首首古诗,学习一个个字母,一个个单词,我们在母校一步步地成长。大榕树做见证人,我们在这里茁壮成长,转眼间,就要离开这,离开这见证我六年岁月的母校,离开我的伙伴,离开敬爱的老师,要离开这纯真的小学时光,离开我小学时光的另一个


英语班的毕业感言 today is the last day of ibc.time flies very fast! i am a special ibc students,i am very pleased to be able to study and work experience to learn together big brother big sister. you where i learned a lot, not only professional knowledge,thank you very much!there are three of my best teachers when i interview ibc i was dismissed because there is no work experience,but you agree with me.you always take care of me,i can not tell when the work involved in topic.you have given me many opportunities to say..i am very touched and very pleased to have such good teachers. after three weeks, i will leave omeida, leaving yangshuo, and i treasure the time with you,this will be my life one of the best memories


初三毕业感言 【第1篇】初三毕业感言 同学之间的情谊就像一杯淡淡的清茶,只有细细品味,才能在心灵深处感知它的香醇,虽然只是短短的一学期,但是留下的记忆丝毫不亚于那漫长的三年,曾经以为的孤独、无助,被热情和友好取代。 回想起那些岁月,那个总是叫我大姐姐的豪爽女孩,那个总爱说我胖的前桌,还有那个总爱睡觉的后桌,老是和我吵架的西西,那些酸甜苦辣,都充实着我初三的每一天。初三就像PH试纸,那些日子所发生的喜怒哀乐就是试剂显出的不同颜色。泰戈尔曾经说过:“天空不留下鸟的痕迹,但你已经飞过。”每一件事都在这个时候浮现,记忆中,那个总是很野蛮叫我伸直背的后桌,我还打算写一篇文章,题目就叫《我的野蛮后桌》,还有西西,和她约定好的要考邻中,还有所有的人,所有有着梦想的同学,让我们一起带着梦想飞翔。 初中三年是我最值得追忆的日子。三年的时间真的很短暂,短暂得好像昨天才报名,今天就要分别了。三年前,望着一张张陌生而稚气的脸,想到要与他们做同学,真的好高兴。今天,望着一张张熟悉而成熟的脸,想到就要与他们分别,心中不免有些感伤。 同学们经过三年的风雨,产生了深厚的感情,虽然我们有时会吵架,甚至打起来,但最后还是和好了。让我们牢记:在我们离别时,不会有遗憾;在我们回忆时,不会有悔恨;在我们重逢时,不会有眼

泪。希望同学们走好自己的路,实现人生的价值。 【第2篇】初三毕业感言 我是来自20xx届九一班的欧杰威。首先,我代表20xx届所有毕业的同学,万分感谢关心爱护我们的学校领导!感谢曾经悉心教育和培养过我们的老师!今天,我能成为20xx届初中的优秀毕业生,能在毕业典礼上接受学校领导颁发的荣誉证书,感到十分荣幸。这既是对我极高的奖励,也是我今后学习和生活莫大的激励与鞭策。 五年来,我深有感触,老师们敬业的精神非常值得我们学习。无论我们在学习上遇到什么困难和问题,老师都能及时指点、热心帮助、谆谆教导。像级长张泽宁老师、班主任郝涛老师、体育李双辉老师等,他们都是深受同学们欢迎的好师长。我们班也是一个团结友爱的班集体,大家都能互相帮助,认真学习。 而今,我们毕业了,师生情,同学情,师生情意似海深!我们会牢记邓海军主任在毕业典礼上的教诲,把学校的优良传统发扬光大,在今后的学习中,为母校争光。今天我以石竹为荣,明天石竹以我为荣! 五年前,我把孩子送到石竹;五年后,孩子毕业了,要上高中,我还是选择石竹! 【第3篇】初三毕业感言 初三是繁忙的一年,为了中考,我们每天都埋在书堆当中,学


英语的毕业感言 When I was a freshman just entered what they don’t understand, though little school with new the scholarship, but in the fierce competition in the English department, and I became overwhelmed the statistical, even once so love English became my burden. No superiority in every day, I only slept little sleep, and full time to study. That lonely, uncertainty day may be every college student will experience, in short, university persevered through recall or faint bitter. May I is a very necessary to depend on the confidence to advance, next semester freshman I attended the party school training, and 31 (in a grade of the English speech contest, I got a second prize of confidence came back gradually, in counselor and friends of the support and encouragement, I truly be blended in university life. Second-year university in which I do students teaching assistant, although the secretariat on duty are just do something every time the trivial things, but from which I really learned a lot. Let me first learned to humble, and this is from the sainted loved by students, the teacher learned professor. Always felt they were on the platform is very serious, let’s look up to the object, but daily what I saw is humorous, peace of them, from them I saw their future should have quality. Do learn help of a year and a half is very tired, every time I have a


初三学生毕业感言 初三学生毕业感言 光阴荏苒,时间匆匆而过。三年美好艰辛的初中生活已经走到了尾声。这,又一场足以铭记一生且充满意义的离别!请我们铭记此时,永不忘怀! 三年前,我们带着懵懂踏入校园,对这个新奇的校园充满了好奇与期待,满是欣喜与不安的我们渴望着能在这三年的生活中磨砺自己,提升自己的能力,不断刷新对自己的认识。三年来,我们结交了许许多多战友,伙伴,我们共浴同一片阳光;我们共享同一片蓝天,我们怀揣着梦想互相支持走到了今天,这一千个白昼,我们共同走过,回头看看有多少友谊编成了精彩的篇章。然而这每一章每一页上的精彩,是我们的回忆,同样也是老师操劳的成果。老师们为我们付出了生命中的三年,是您在午夜抛弃了休息,为我们批改作业,是您在白天积极的备课,您精神抖擞地进入课堂为我们带来精心准备的课程教义。感谢您,老师!是您一腔热血育桃李,三尺讲台写春秋。您的指导与教诲在我们的成长道路上留下了深深的痕迹。 百日誓师会上,我们曾立下誓言,今日是我们兑现承诺的时刻,教室里发奋苦读的身影,运动场上龙腾虎跃的英姿,课间走廊爽朗洒脱的笑声,课下针锋相对的辩论,艺术节上精彩绝伦的表演,这一切的一切我们怎能忘怀? 短短三年,我们告别了天真,走向了沉稳,脱去了稚气,获得了自信。很多记忆将成为我们生命中最为珍重的收藏,宽阔的操场,明

亮的教室,悠长的走廊,庄重的礼堂,神奇的实验室,这其中记录了我们多少的回忆?但是,我们不得不要对他们说,再见了! 离开是一种痛苦,是一种勇气,但同样也是一个考验,是一个新的开始。无穷无尽是离愁,天涯海角遍寻思。今天我们就要和母校分手告别,初中的学习生涯也将告一段落结束,初中毕业,这只是人生道路上的一个驿站。未来的道路更加广阔,未来的生活更加精彩。 再见了,我的朋友,再见了,我的老师, 再见了,亲爱的母校。让我们怀揣梦想,踏上新的征程,迎接美好的未来。谢谢大家! 附送: 初三寒假实践报告范文3篇 初三寒假实践报告范文3篇 初三寒假实践报告范文一: 今年寒假,学校要求我们参加社会实践,体验生活,应用所学知识提早适应社会。 我们缺少的主要不是知识,而是缺少将知识与实际相结合的能力。我们在课堂上所学的,与在实际当中遇到的是不尽相同的。其往往具有不明显的特征。这需要我们不断在实践中获取经验,才能解决各种问题。 那我应该做些什么呢?诶,姐姐不是有一个衣铺,专卖衣服吗?不如就在那儿干一段时间吧,姐姐还可以指导我。打定主意我便去求姐姐,没想到姐姐很爽快地答应,让我第二天就去上班。


毕业感言英文版 eachfaceofseparation,ifeelhelpless. toleavetheirparents,eveniftheknowwillbeshort-lived,soontomeetnexttime,i stillcry,especiallythechinesenewyearandtheylivedalongtimeaftertheseparat ion,iwillbeverysad. timehigh,aslimboycuteverynicetomethenextdaythetableswillbeinmypocke tsecretlyputalotofveryredfujiapple,iwillreturntostarthim,butheinsistedonno iaddbackhecameback,andlateronintotheappleofmymouth,becausethetotal willeatotherpeople'sguilt,andiwillbringgoodtohim.homefromschoolsometi mes,hecruisingandoneothermaleinthesamedirectionandigohome,ibegantoc heatishometoagoodfriend.untilthenhetoldmeonedaysoonhewillbeleavingth ecity,heisgonethenightbefore,sothatafemalestudentcametomyhousetoabou tmeout,heandialoneforalongtimetotalkabout,ionlyknowthatheiscirclingbac ktohomejusttosendme,andistayawhile.whenheisgonetearfulvoicesingingja ckycheung's"alongtheway,haveyou."


毕业感想英语作文三篇 毕业感想英语作文一:The feelings about graduation Dear teacher, You told me, no pain, no gain. thanks a lot. I think its hard to say good bye because its kind of you for me. You taught me so much things which is helpful. Just like how to be a kind person and how to communicat with others. I only want to say how much i need you, i will never forget you. Yours, student 毕业感想英语作文二:The feelings about graduation The farewell day would the least expected day in my life, but it has come eventually. At this momnet, I have to say that it is such a priviliage and honor to have worked with you guys shoulder on shouldr over the last four years. we went through a lot and achieved a lot. when I look back and think about the past, I feel so pround and accomplished not only because of the knowledge I have learnt and the progress I have made in my study, but also because the geniue friendship I have obtained with you guys. 毕业感想英语作文三:The feelings about graduation At graduation, I want to say to the classmates: thank you for me, and the other teachers, to the entire school things support!!!!! Are you the teacher of the sky, fly a pair of wings, the growth of happiness! Time passed quickly, you by, unconsciously, you through the junior middle school three year study life. In three years, you leave footprints in the campus, and released, scattering the ideal sweat, harvest I wish, to take away the maturity, and left behind the memories. A few days to come, in my mind, often will save you present at his desk the homework situations; crazy dozen laughter, Let the teacher force to eat breakfast things like; creating art festival in song; on the sports ground endeavoring figure; more specific classmates stealing copy homework awkwardness; climbing over the fence risk; Have help each other love; more in order to hit a small thing of reckless...... . I think this is your life, is also growing occasionally I will. Graduate, the separation, leaving gratitude, take it hope.

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