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小升初 第七讲(工程类问题)

小升初  第七讲(工程类问题)
小升初  第七讲(工程类问题)






























例3、一个水池,地下水从四壁渗入池中,每小时渗入水量是固定的.打开A 管,8小时可将满池水排空,打开C 管,12小时可将满池水排空.如果打开A ,B 两管,4小时可将水排空.问打开B ,C 两管,要几小时才能将满池水排空?






















最新小升初英语阅读理解及答案 一、阅读理解 1.阅读理解阅读理解 Thereis a frog(青蛙). He lives in a well(井) and he never(从未) goes out of the well. He thinksthe sky is as big as the mouth of the well. One day a crow (乌鸦)comes to the well. He sees the frog and say, “Frog, let's have a talk.”Then the frog asks, “Where are you from?” “I fly from the sky,” the crow says. Thefrog feels surprised (惊讶)and says, “The sky is only as bigas the mouth of the well. How do you fly from the sky?” The crow says, “The skyis very big. You always stay i n the well, so you don't know the world is big.” Thefrog says, “I don't believe (相信).”But he crow says,“ Youcan come out and have a look by yourself.” So the frog comes out from the well.He is very surprised. How big the world is! (1)The frog lives in _________. A. a garden B. a pond (池塘) C. a well (2)The frog thinks the sky is _________. A. very big B. very small C. very high (3)The crow _________ from a well. A. is B. isn't C. doesn't (4)The frog is very surprised when he comes out from the well, because_________. A. he doesn't know the world is so big B. he doesn't know he can jump high C. he doesn't know the sky is blue (5)The best(最好的)Chinese title of the story is_________. A. 青蛙和乌鸦 B. 青蛙看天空 C. 井底之蛙 【答案】(1)C (2)B (3)B (4)A (5)C 【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文主要讲述一只青蛙坐井观天的故事。 (1)根据 There is a frog(青蛙). He lives in a well(井) and he never(从未) goes out of the well.知青蛙住在井里,故答案为C。 (2)根据 He thinks the sky is as big as the mouth of the well.知,青蛙认为天空只有井口那么大,故答案为B。


小学常用不规则动词过去式(资料) 原形过去式中文释义 是(表示存在、状态等) am was 是(表示存在、状态等) are were 成为;变成 become became 开始 begin began break broke 打破 拿来;取来;带来 bring brought 构筑;建造;建筑 build built 购买;买 buy bought 可以;能;可能;会 can could 赶上(车船等);捕获 catch caught 来;来到 come came 切;割;削;剪 cut cut 做;干;行动 do/does did 画 draw drew 喝;饮 drink drank 开车;驾驶 drive drove eat ate 吃 感到;觉得 feel felt 寻找;查找 find found 飞行 fly lew 忘记;忘却 forget forgot 变得 get got 给;授予 give gave go went 去 得(病);患(病);有;吃;饮have/has had hear heard 听见;听说

hide hid 隐藏 是(表示存在、状态等) is was 保持;使保持某种状态 keep kept 知道;了解 know knew 离去;出发 leave left 允许;让 let let 失去;丧失 lose lost 使;促使;迫使;做;制作make made 可能;可以 may might 表示……的意思;作……的解释mean meant 遇见;相逢 meet met 放;摆;装 put put read read /e/ 读;阅读 骑 ride rode (铃)响 ring rang rise rose 上升 跑;奔跑 run ran 说;讲 say said see saw 看见 发送;寄;派;遣 send sent set set 放, 置 出示;给 ... 看 show showed 关上(门、盖、窗户等) shut shut 唱;唱歌 sing sang sit sat 坐 睡;睡觉 sleep slept 说;说话 speak spoke swim swam 游泳


知识回顾: 1、简易方程:含有未知数的等式叫方程。 2、解方程 ()1①使方程左右两边相等的未知数的值,叫做方程的解。 x =10,就是方程5040=+x 的解。 ②求方程的解的过程叫做解方程。 ()2解方程的依据:①方程两边都加上或都减去同一个数,方程解不变。 ②方程两边都乘以或除以同一个不为零的数,方程的解不变。 典型例题 一、式子一边有很多运算的方程 1111233x x +-= 150%0.30.45x x -+= 52146333 x x --= 二、有括号的方程 对于有括号的题,我们一般来说先去掉括号,然后按上面的方法进行计算 138(103)34x x -+-= 1.86(1.50.4)8.7x x +-+= 410.2( 1.2) 2.652 x x +--= 三、运用乘法分配律的方程 先运用乘法分配律,然后去括号。 62(4)24x x ++= 42(20)60x x +-= 43(25)5x x +-= 453(2)3x x ---= 113(0.5) 3.523x x ++= 5121() 6.46256 x x --= 350%(30)35x x +-=

四、左右两边都有X 的方程 根据等式的性质,把方程一边的X 消掉,然后根据上面讲过的步骤进行 移项:将方程中的某些项改变符号后,从方程的一边移到另一边的变形叫做移项。 6759x x +=+ 5563x x -=- 214632 x x +=+ 5986x x +=- 33624 x x -= 45-2x=3x+30 21x-32=31+0.25x 1381020x x +=+ 4.5 2.650% 3.4x x -=+ 6.3 2.530.8x x -=+ 3.32 5.651x x x +-=+ 去括号 ()x x +=+453 113 ()()12123--=+-x x x ()()15225-=+x x ()()x x x 31121+=--+


新版小升初英语阅读题及答案 一、阅读理解 1.阅读理解阅读理解 Thereis a frog(青蛙). He lives in a well(井) and he never(从未) goes out of the well. He thinksthe sky is as big as the mouth of the well. One day a crow (乌鸦)comes to the well. He sees the frog and say, “Frog, let's have a talk.”Then the frog asks, “Where are you from?” “I fly from the sky,” the crow says. Thefrog feels surprised (惊讶)and says, “The sky is only as bigas the mouth of the well. How do you fly from the sky?” The crow says, “The skyis very big. You always stay in the well, so you don't know the world is big.” Thefrog says, “I don't believe (相信).”But he crow says,“ Youcan come out and have a look by yourself.” So the frog comes out from the well.He is very surprised. How big the world is! (1)The frog lives in _________. A. a garden B. a pond (池塘) C. a well (2)The frog thinks the sky is _________. A. very big B. very small C. very high (3)The crow _________ from a well. A. is B. isn't C. doesn't (4)The frog is very surprised when he comes out from the well, because_________. A. he doesn't know the world is so big B. he doesn't know he can jump high C. he doesn't know the sky is blue (5)The best(最好的)Chinese title of the story is_________. A. 青蛙和乌鸦 B. 青蛙看天空 C. 井底之蛙 【答案】(1)C (2)B (3)B (4)A (5)C 【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文主要讲述一只青蛙坐井观天的故事。 (1)根据 There is a frog(青蛙). He lives in a well(井) and he never(从未) goes out of the well.知青蛙住在井里,故答案为C。 (2)根据 He thinks the sky is as big as the mouth of the well.知,青蛙认为天空只有井口那么大,故答案为B。


小升初所有不规则动词的过去式 [ɑ:]are是(第二人称)[w?:]were [?m]am是(第一人称)[w?z]was [iz]is是(第三人称)[w?z]was [bε?]bear出生[b?:]bore [bi'k?m]become成为[bi'keim]became [bi'gin]begin开始[bi'g?n]began [bl?u]blow殴打[blu:]blew [breik]break打断[br?uk]broke [bri?]bring带来[br?:t] brought [bild]build建造[bilt]built [b?:n]burn烧伤[b?:nt] burnt、burned [bai]buy购买[b?:t]bought [k?n]can可以[kud]could [k?t∫]catch捕捉[k?:t]caught [t∫u:z]choose选择[t??uz]chose [k?m]come到达[keim]came [k?st]cost花费[k?st]cost [du:]do做[did]did [dr?:]draw绘制[dru:]drew [dri:m]dream做梦[dremt] dreamt、dreamed [dr??k]drink喝[dr??k]drank [draiv]drive驾驶[dr??k]drank [i:t]eat吃[eit]ate [f?:l]fall掉落[fel]fell [fi:d]feed喂养[fed]fed [fi:l]feel感到[felt]felt [fait]fight打架[f?:t]fought [faind]find查找[faund]found [fit]fit适合['fitid]fitted [flai]fly飞翔[flu:]flew [f?'ɡet]forge t忘记[f?'g?t]forgot [ɡet]get获得[g?t]got [ɡiv]give授予[geiv]gave [ɡ?u]go离去[went]went [ɡr?u]grow生长[gru:]grew [h??]hang闲逛[h??] hung hanged [h?v]have有[h?d]had [hi?]hear听到[h?:d]heard [h?uld]hold持有[held]held [h?:t]hurt伤害[h?:t]hurt [ki:p]keep保持[kept]kept [n?u]know知道[nju:]knew [l?:n]learn学习[l?:nt] learnt learned


小升初数学专题之解方程 一.字母的运算 =+x x 2 =-x x 312 =-x x %354 3 =+x x 56 =-x x 5.0%75 =+a a 5.23 =+x x %33%25 =-x x 5 3 3 =++x t x 543 =-+t x t 243 =+--t x t x 27326 =-+x x 5 3 67 二.去括号(主要是运用乘法的分配律和加减法的运算性质) 1.=+)(c b a 2.=++)(c b a =-+)(c b a 3.=+-)(c b a =--)(c b a 应用上面的性质去掉下面各个式子的括号,能进行运算的药进行运算 =-)3(3x =-)326(21x =++)23(12x =-+)3 2 61(65x =--)3(5x =+-)1(27x =++)123(4183x x =--)3 1 2(36x x x =+++)62(31)43(21x x =--+)212(21)58(41x x 解方程 1.运用等式的性质解简单的方程,

2 575 7557 5=-=-=-+=+x x x x 解: 3 3 9934 534 54435 43=÷==+=+=+-=-x x x x x x 解: 如果把画框的部分省略,我们把一个数从等号的左边移到右边的过程,叫做移项, 注意把一个数从方程的左边移到右边时,原来是加的变成减,原来是减的变成加号。 练习 552=-x 1264=-x 73 1 65%25?=-x 5364+=-x x 2.典型的例子及解方程的一般步骤; 2 6 31 737 313171 37==-==++==-x x x x x x 解: 5.0147714147147=÷====÷x x x x x 解: 11 34656453) 32(2532 )32()53(=-=+-=+-=+=-÷+x x x x x x x x x 解: 练习 7517=-x 7321=÷x 20484 3 3=-?x 3)13()511(=-÷-x x 3.解方程的一般步骤:

新版小学小升初英语阅读理解及答案【解析】 (15)

新版小学小升初英语阅读理解及答案【解析】 一、阅读理解 1.阅读理解阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符 Mr. Ones and Mr. Brown worked in the same office.One day Mr. Jones said to Mr. Brown, “we are going to have a small party at ourhouse next Wednesday evening. Would you and your wife like to join us?” Mr. Brown said, “Thank you very much. We arefree that evening, I think. But I will telephone my wife and ask her. Maybe shewill go somewhere else that evening.” So Mr. Brown went to the other room and telephoned.When he came back, he looked very s orry. “What is the matter?” Asked Mr. Jones.“Did you speak to your wife?” “No,” Answered Mr. Brown, “She wasn't there.My little son answered the telephone. I said to him “Is your mother there, David?”And he answered, “No, she's not in the house.”“ Wher e is she then?” I asked. “Sheis somewhere outside.” “What is she doing?” “She is looking for me.” (1)A small party will be held(举行) at Mr. Brown's house. (2)Mr. Jones asked Mr. and Mrs. Brown to the party. (3)The telephone was in the same office. (4)Mr. Brown spoke to Mrs. Brown on the phone. (5)Why(为什么) was Mrs. Brownlooking for David? Because she thought(想) David was playing somewhere outside. 【答案】(1)0 (2)1 (3)0 (4)0 (5)1 【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文主要讲述布朗先生受到邀请,给妻子打电话征求意见的情景。 (1)根据One day Mr. Jone s said to Mr. Brown, “we are going to have a small party at our house next Wednesday evening.知,在约翰先生家里句型聚会,故答案为错误。 (2)根据Would you and your wife like to join us?”知约翰先生邀请布朗夫妇参加聚会,故答案为正确。 (3)根据 So Mr. Brown went to the other room and telephoned.知电话在另一个房间,故答案为错误。 (4)根据 My little son answered the telephone.知,是布朗先生的儿子接电话,不是布朗夫人,故答案为错误。 (5)根据根据文章大意知,布朗夫人认为儿子在外面玩,所以去寻找,故答案为正确。【点评】考查阅读理解,浏览文章大意,理解问题意思,根据问题在原文寻找原句,选择答案。


最新小学小升初英语阅读理解及答案【解析】 一、阅读理解 1.阅读理解根据短文内容,选出最佳选项。 Jane is only four and doesn't go to school. But she is very clever and learns a lot from her grandpa — an old teacher. One day, Jane's mother, Mrs. John takes her to a party. The guests all praise a rich woman's boy. Mrs. John asks him a few questions, but all his answers are wrong. Jane begins to laugh(嘲笑) at him. The rich woman is angry. She tells her friend—a teacher to ask Jane some questions, but the girl's answers are all right. Then she asks, "There are 3 birds in a tree. How many will be left if I kill (杀死) one?" “One.” Answers Jane. “You're wrong!” Calls out the rich woman. “All of them will fly away!” “Do you think a dead bird can fly?” Asks the little girl. The guests begin to laugh and the woman's face turns red. (1)Jane learns a lot from her_________. A. grandpa B. teacher C. grandma D. mother (2)How many teachers are there in the story? A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four (3)Who is clever? A. Mrs. John B. The rich woman C. Jane D. The boy (4)Jane is a ______________. A. boy B. school boy C. girl D. school girl (5)Why is the rich woman angry with Jane? A. Jane laughs at her son. B. Jane is a girl. C. Her son can't answer the questions. D. Jane answers all the questions. 【答案】(1)A (2)B (3)C (4)C (5)A 【解析】【分析】大意:短文介绍了从来没有上学的4岁女孩简的故事。 (1)根据But she is very clever and learns a lot from her grandpa — an old teacher. 可知简从她的爷爷那里学到了很多,故答案为A. (2)根据But she is very clever and learns a lot from her grandpa — an old teacher. 和She tells her friend—a teacher to ask Jane some questions可知在故事中有两个老师,故答案为B. (3)根据But she is very clever and learns a lot from her grandpa — an old teacher.可知简是最


动词过去式不规则变化 【AAA型】: costcostcost cutcutcut putputput readreadread setsetset shutshutshut hithithit hurthurthurt letletlet (原形→元音变化→元音变化) Sitsatsat meetmetmet findfoundfound getgotgot standstoodstood【ABB型】: (原形aught/ought、 aught/ought)Catchcaughtcaughtteachtaughttaughtbringbroughtbroughtbuyboughtb oughtthinkthoughtthoughtunderstand understood understoodwin won won hold held held shine shone shone

dig dug dug hang hung/hanged hung/hanged(原形→ “…t” → “…t”) Loselostlost Buildbuiltbuilt spillspiltspilt spoilspoiltspoilt sendsentsent spendspentspent (原形→ “…d” → “…d”) hearheardheard makemademade have(has)hadhad paypaidpaid (“ee/ea” → “e..t” → “e..t”) Sleepsleptslept Sweepsweptswept Keepkeptkept leaveleftleftsmellsmeltsmelt feelfeltfelt meanmeantmeant learn learnt/learned learnt/learnedlendlentlent


小升初专题:解方程 一、字母的运算 =+x x 2 =-x x 312 =-x x %354 3 =+x x 56 =-x x 5.0%75 =+a a 5.23 =+x x %33%25 =-x x 5 3 3 =++x t x 543 =-+t x t 243 =+--t x t x 2 7 326 =-+x x 5367 二、去括号(主要是运用乘法的分配律和加减法的运算性质) 1.=+)(c b a 2.=++)(c b a =-+)(c b a 3.=+-)(c b a =--)(c b a 三、应用上面的性质去掉下面各个式子的括号,能进行运算的要进行运算。 =-)3(3x =-)3 2 6(21x =++)23(12x =-+)3 2 61(65x =--)3(5x =+-)1(27x =++)12 3 (4183x x =--)312(36x x x =+++)62(31)43(21x x =--+)2 12(21)58(41x x

四、等式的性质 1.等式的定义: ,叫做等式。 2.等式的性质: (1)等号的两边同时加上或减去同一个数,等号的左右两边仍相等; 用字母表示为:若a=b ,c 为任意一个数,则有a+c=b+c(a-c=b-c); (2)等号的两边同时乘以同一个数,等号的左右两边仍相等; 用字母表示为: ; (3)等号的两边同时除以同一个不为零的数,等号的左右两边仍相等。 用字母表示为: 。 五、方程 1.方程的定义:含有未知数的等式叫做方程; 2.方程的解:满足方程的未知数的值,叫做方程的解; 3.解方程:求方程的解的过程,叫做解方程。 六、解方程 1.运用等式的性质解简单的方程。 2 575 7557 5=-=-=-+=+x x x x 解: 3 39934 534 54435 43=÷==+=+=+-=-x x x x x x 解: 如果把画框的部分省略,我们把一个数从等号的左边移到右边的过程,叫做移项,注意把一个数从方程的左边移到右边时,原来是加的


小升初英语阅读理解 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】

八.阅读理解:正确的“√”表示,错误的“×”表示 A: Yang Ling ,what did you do last Sunday? B: I visited Liu Tao’s grandparents. A: Where do they live? B:They Live in a small town near Nanjing .They have a really nice house. I went there with Su Hai ,Su Yang , Gao Shan, Liu Tao and Ben. They were very glad to see us. Liu Tao’s grandpa showed us a lot of stamps from different countries. His grandma cooked us nice lunch. We liked the food very much. A: What did you do there? B: In the morning, we cleaned their afternoon. We worked in their garden. SuHai and Su Yang watered the trees and flowers . Liu Tao and Gao Shan picked and I planted some trees. We worked for about two hours (小时) A: Were you tired? B: No! I like working in the garden. We had a really good time. A: Great ! I’d like to visit them ,too. 判断正误,用“√”或“×”表示 ( )①Wang Bing and Yang Ling visited Liu Tao’s grandparents last Sunday. ( )②On the farm ,Yang Ling planted trees. ( )③Liu Tao’s grandma cooked a nice lunch. ( )④Yang Ling and Su Hai planted flowers. ( )⑤They worked on the farm for about two hours 六、阅读理解,根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。(10分) It's Sunday morning. The students of Class 3 are giving their classroom a good cleaning. Miss Huang, their teacher, is working with them. The children are busy. Some are carrying water; some are cleaning the windows; others are sweeping the floor. Zhang Hua is putting up a map on the wall. It is a map of China. Wang Fei and Wei Qing are mending some broken chairs. The children are listening to the radio while they are working. The classroom looks nice and bright after the cleaning. The children are very happy. They go home for lunch at noon.


3.17 How do we get to the People’s Park ? Zhang:Excuse me,how do we get to the People’s Park ? Man: You can go there by the No.5 bus , or you can go on foot. Zhang: How do we go on foot ? Man: It’s easy. Turn left at the traffic lights. The park is near a tall office building. John: Thank you very much. Hurry up, Zhang Peng! Zhang: No! The light is red. Stop! John: That’s right. We have to wait. Zhang: Now it’s green. Let’s go! (1)John and Zhang Peng can’t go to the park by the No.5 bus.( ) (2)John and Zhang Peng want to go to the park on foot.( ) (3)The People’s Park is near the traffic lights.( ) (4)John wants to go at a red light. ( ) (5)Zhang Peng follows the traffic rules. ( ) 3.18 Dear Amy, I invite you to visit my new school.Please come at 5p.m. on Sunday. Please take the No.301 bus and get off at the shoe store.Then walk west for five minutes and find the grey building on the left.I’ll Wait for you in front of it. Yours, Sarah 判断题 1.Sarah will visit Amy’s new school.( ) 2.Amy must take the NO.301 bus.( ) 看问题,完整回答问题 1.when will Amy come?____________________________ 2.Which direction will Amy get off at the shoe store and walk for 3 minutes? __________________________________________________ (3.19)There are six friends in the Green Woods. They are happy. The bird is the singer. She sings songs in the tree. The dog is an artist. He draws pictures on the ground. Look at the monkey. He is so funny. He makes the animals happy. What does he do? He's an actor. The street is so clean. Who is the cleaner? The bear is sweeping the fallen leaves. The parrot(鹦鹉)is a reporter. She reports news every day. What does the black cat do? Look! He is patrolling(巡逻)With his handgun(手枪)by his motor cycle. He's a policeman. ( )1. The bird is a singer ( )2.The monkey is an actress. ( )3.The parrot is a policeman. ( )4. The dog draws pictures on the ground. He's an artist. ( )5. The bear is cleaning the fallen leaves.He's a cleaner. 3.20 My name is Tim. Tomorrow is the weekend. We have no classes. My parents aren’t going to work, but we are going to be very busy tomorrow. My mother is going to buy something for next week. My father is going to visit my aunt and uncle. I’m going to play computer games with my cousin. Tomorrow evening we are going to have a big dinner. After that we are going to the cinema. I think we are going to have a nice weekend. 判断对错,对的写“T”错的写“F”: ( ) 1. Tomorrow is Saturday. ( ) 2. Tim’s mother is going to buy something for next week. ( ) 3. Tim’s father is going to visit his grandparents. ( ) 4. Tim is going to play computer games with his sister. ( ) 5. Tomorrow evening they are going to the cinema. 3.21 My Family My name is Tina. I am a student in Bahu Primary School. My school is near. I usually go to work on foot. I have a happy family. My mother is an artist. My father is a teacher. He teaches Chinese. My brother is a policeman. He works in Qingdao now. And I have a lovely baby sister. She is five years old. I love my family. 读短文回答问题。 1、What does Tina’s mother do? ___________________________________________________ 2、How does Tina go to school? ___________________________________________________ 3、Where does Tina’s brother work? ___________________________________________________

小升初“一般过去时”练习 (一)

创作编号:BG7531400019813488897SX 创作者:别如克* 爱尚英语小升初“一般过去时”练习(一) 一、写出下列动词的过去式 is\am_________ fly_______ plant________ are ________ drink_________ play_______ go________ make ________ does_________ dance________ worry________ ask _____ taste_________ eat__________ draw________ put ______ throw________ kick_________ pass_______ do ________ 二、用be动词的适当形式填空 1. I _______ at school just now. 2. He ________ at the camp last week. 3. We ________ students two years ago. 4. They ________ on the farm a moment ago. 三、句型转换 1. It was exciting. 否定句: ________________________________________________ 一般疑问句: ____________________________________________ 肯、否定回答: __________________________________________ 2. All the students were very excited. 否定句: ________________________________________________ 一般疑问句: ____________________________________________ 肯、否定回答: __________________________________________ 四、用be动词的适当形式填空 1. I ______ an English teacher now. 2. She _______ happy yesterday. 3. They _______ glad to see each other last month. 4. Helen and Nancy ________ good friends. 五、句型转换


最新小学小升初英语阅读理解及答案(1) 一、阅读理解 1.阅读理解阅读理解 Hi, I'm Lisa. Look at the picture of my family. There are four people in my family. We live in Russia. Next month, we are going to travel around China. We are going to stay for ten days. We are going to the Summer Palace, the Great Wall and Wangfujing Street. They are all in Beijing. I hope we have fun time. (1)Whose picture is this? A. Lisa's. B. Lily's. C. Linda's. (2)Where do they live? A. China. B. America. C. Russia. (3)Which country are they going next month? A. China. B. America. C. Russia. (4)How long are they going to stay? A. Ten days. B. A week. C. A month. (5)Where are they going in China? A. The Summer Palace and the Great Wall. B. Wangfujing Street. C. A and B 【答案】(1)A (2)C (3)A (4)A (5)C 【解析】【分析】大意:介绍丽萨下月去中国的旅行计划。 (1)根据Hi, I'm Lisa. Look at the picture of my family可知这张图片是丽萨的。故选A。(2)根据We live in Russia.可知主人公们在俄罗斯居住。故选C。 (3)根据Next month, we are going to travel around China. 可知主人公们下个月打算去中国旅行。故选A。 (4)根据We are going to stay for ten days.可知主人公们打算待10天时间。故选A。 (5)根据We are going to the Summer Palace, the Great Wall and Wangfujing Street.可知主人公们打算去故宫,长城还有王府井。故选C。 【点评】考查阅读理解。首先通读全文,理解大意。其次阅读问题,根据题干信息找出相关句进行选择。 2.阅读理解阅读理解 Jane: This is a famous cafe. People always stay here with their friends. Tom: Really? I like coffee, but I don't like tea. Jane: Then let's drink some coffee here. Tom: They have some good cakes, too. Cakes are my favourite dessert. Jane: But I don't like cakes.

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