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文献标题:Marketing strategy:From the origin of the concept to the development of a conceptual framework(市场营销战略:从概念的起源到概念框架的发展)

国外作者:Eric H. Shaw

文献出处:《Journal of Historical Research in Marketing》,2012, 4(1):30-55



Marketing strategy:From the origin of the concept to the development of a conceptual framework

Early marketing strategy concepts

Before marketing strategy developed as an off-shoot of marketing management in the 1970s, even before marketing management emerged as a school of thought in the 1960s to replace the traditional approaches to marketing (Bartels, 1988; Sheth et al., 1988; Shaw and Jones, 2005), a few isolated concepts were developed in the 1950s literature that form the core of modern marketing strategy. These seminal concepts include: Borden’s (1957, 1964) expression of the “marketing mix,”Smith’s (1956) development of “product differentiation”and “market segmentation”as alternative marketing strategies, Dean’s (1951) conception of “skimming”and “penetration”as alternative pricing (that he extended to the whole marketing mix) strategies, and Forrester’s (1959) description of the “product life cycle (PLC).”

Corporate strategy concepts

The strategic concepts discussed so far (the marketing mix, skimming and penetration, differentiation and segmentation, and the PLC), were created by economists and marketing scholars and gained popularity in early marketing management textbooks. The following strategic concepts, Andrews’SWOT, Ansoff’s growth strategies, Porter’s generic strategies, and Henderson’s product portfolio model, were developed for corporate management, not marketing management. Because marketing strategy is a major component of corporate strategy there is overlap, but these two areas are not isomorphic. Nevertheless, corporate strategy concepts have been shoehorned intact into subsequent generations of marketing textbooks from the 1970s and 1980s to the present. It is largely shoehorning of borrowed concepts that has created the present state of isolated bits and pieces of marketing strategy rather than the development of an overarching conceptual framework.

Framework for marketing strategy

Having followed the literature and dissected marketing strategy terms, this section integrates the concepts into a framework that identifies alternative marketing strategies at different stages of the PLC and under various SWOT conditions.

Market introduction strategies

At introduction, the marketing strategist has two principle strategies to choose from: penetration or niche. A penetration strategy (Dean, 1951; Ansoff, 1965) emphasizes an aggressive marketing mix for a mass market or a large segment of the market. As the term has been developed in this research, a penetration strategy is not limited to a current product in a current market (Ansoff) or just a low introductory price (Dean). A penetration strategy involves using the marketing mix aggressively. Although every mix element need not be aggressive, a penetration strategy should include some combination of a no-frills product, minimal service, low price, high promotional expenditures and intensive distribution effort. A penetration strategy, following Andrew’s SWOT, is ideal for large firms with strong financial resources

facing a large and growing market, price sensitive customers with minimal brand awareness or preference, many potential competitors and few barriers to entry. A penetration strategy will work from the introduction into the growth stage and perhaps as late as the early maturity stage of the PLC. As an offering approaches maturity, however, high marketing mix expenditures cannot be sustained as sales growth slows and marginal costs rise more rapidly than marginal revenue.

Alternatively, a niche strategy (Kotler, 1980; Porter, 1980; McCarthy, 1981) focuses on a narrowly defined customer segment and is ideal for smaller firms with limited resources. The niche strategy expands Porter’s “focus”(Porter, 1980) or “narrow target segment”(Porter, 1990) strategy and incorporates Dean’s (1951) price skimming but from the angle of a market segment’s price sensitivity. Although a segmentation-oriented strategy, the marketing mix aimed at a niche is largely dictated by company and market considerations. With the niche strategy (Alderson, 1957; confusingly termed concentrated segmentation by Kotler, 1976) a firm targets a narrowly defined customer segment. The marketing mix typically involves a custom tailored product offering, a high price, and given the small-sized customer base, promotional expenditures are focused and thereby relatively low, with selective or exclusive distribution coverage. This strategy works well in smaller segments requiring higher profit margins to compensate for lack of sales volume, when customers are insensitive to price, can easily be made aware of the brand with minimal promotional effort, and the firm can create some barriers to entry resulting in few direct competitors. The niche strategy can be highly profitable, even in very small segments, because it combines high price with low marketing mix expenditures (Kotler, 1980). This strategy has the added virtue of allowing pin-point timing. A niche strategy does not require a lot of set-up and breakdown time, effort or money, allowing a firm to move in and out of the market quickly. Taking advantage of “windows of opportunity”(Abell, 1978), a niche is therefore potentially profitable at virtually any stage of the life cycle from introduction to decline. For example, the General Pencil Company (GPC) founded in 1889, produced a high quality lead pencil (once the standard bearer of the ubiquitous No. 2 pencil), but since pencils have

become a throw-away, even single-use product, GPC was unable to compete with cheap imports on price. Facing a declining market, for a commodity type product, GPC found their niche –artists and illustrators who required a harder more durable lead in their pencil and were willing to pay a premium price for a higher quality product.

Market growth strategies

In the early growth stage, the marketing manager may choose from two additional strategic alternatives: segment expansion (Smith, Ansoff) or brand expansion (Borden, Ansoff, Kerin and Peterson, 1978). In segment expansion, the strategist adds new targets (each with their own marketing mixes) to the market segments already served. A classic example was Toyota’s Crown automobile entering the US market in 1956 with a niche strategy –a single marketing mix targeted at a single segment –economy conscious sub-compact auto buyers. After gaining a toehold in the market, it used segment expansion to go beyond its niche, offering brands for multiple segments, including the sub-compact, compact, mid-size, large size and sports-car segments. Ultimately targeting across-the-board, it aimed a marketing mix at virtually all auto and small truck market segments, and even developed the separate Lexus brand to target the luxury auto segment. Although also a form of segment expansion, it is useful to separate geographics from other forms of segmentation, such as demographics, psycho-graphics, sociographics, and behavioral characteristics. In geographic expansion, firms shift their sights from local, to regional, to national, to international, to global customer targets. This strategy is increasingly used when growth slows down as local (or domestic) markets approach maturity.

Similar to expanding segments, another strategic alternative in the growth stage involves brand expansion. This strategy adds new products or variations to the line, offering the customer segment more choice, or it provides additional services, such as delivery or gift wrapping, to offer customers greater value.

During the late growth stage, sales are still growing rapidly, but hit an inflection point where they shift from increasing at an accelerating rate to increasing at a

de-accelerating rate. In markets growing very rapidly, this shift in the rate of growth often produces a competitive turbulence (Wasson, 1974), in which an industry shake-out occurs, because of excess capacity. During this turbulence another strategy is often called for –a differentiation strategy. If not used in late growth, as firms jockey for advantage, then differentiation is often employed in the maturity stage, discussed next.

Market maturity strategies

In maturity, sales growth slows, stabilizes and starts to decline. In early maturity, it is common to employ a maintenance strategy (BCG), where the firm maintains or holds a stable marketing mix. This is common in oligopoly industries, where a small number of firms hold a large share of the market. Satisfied with maintaining their market share and milking profits, these firms prefer not to rock the boat. If firms can preserve a rough equilibrium, a maintenance strategy could work until sales decline to meet costs. But maintenance is a rather passive strategy subject to a shake-up by an aggressive competitor.

If a firm wants to shuffle the deck, differentiation offers an aggressive but affordable strategy in maturity (Smith, Porter). It involves a firm using one or more elements of the marketing mix to enhance purchase value for its customers. For example, product quality could be improved, price lowered to offer greater economy, upscale advertising media employed to create more brand prestige or distribution outlets added to provide greater customer convenience. Although aggressive, differentiation is far less forceful and far less expensive than a penetration strategy. Because it involves more marketing mix finesse and need not be expensive, a differentiation strategy could work at virtually any stage of the life cycle, from growth into decline.

As a firm moves further along the maturity curve, a harvesting strategy (Henderson, 1970; Kotler, 1978) becomes an option if not a necessity. Typically, as a market shifts from early to late maturity, a maintenance strategy evolves into a harvesting strategy. In harvesting, marketing mix effort is reduced following the

declining sales, and the brand remains a cash cow as long as the cost reductions are more than (or at least) proportional to the declining sales.

Market decline strategies

At some point the decline in sales approaches and then begins to exceed costs. And not just accounting costs, there are hidden costs as well; as Kotler (1965, p. 109) observed:

No financial accounting can adequately convey all the hidden costs.

At some point, with declining sales and rising costs, a harvesting strategy becomes unprofitable and a divesting strategy necessary.

Although if a firm is one of the “last men standing”it may remain a “profitable survivor”(Kotler, 1997) in the market, if most of the competition has dropped out, if there are a sufficient number of laggards with purchasing power and a desire to buy lingering in the market, and if the costs of serving these remaining customers stays low. This is essentially an extreme harvesting strategy. Non-filter cigarettes or double edge razor blades provide examples of how a few competitors have survived in slowly declining markets. Eventually, as customers die out, marketing mix expenditures decline to zero and the brand is removed from the market.















译文: 零售企业的营销策略 Philip Kotlor 今天的零售商为了招徕和挽留顾客,急欲寻找新的营销策略。过去,他们挽留顾客的方法是销售特别的或独特的花色品种,提供比竞争对手更多更好的服务提供商店信用卡是顾客能赊购商品。可是,现在这一切都已变得面目全非了。现在,诸如卡尔文·克连,依佐和李维等全国性品牌,不仅在大多数百货公司及其专营店可以看到,并且也可以在大型综合商场和折扣商店可以买到。全国性品牌的生产商为全力扩大销售量,它们将贴有品牌的商品到处销售。结果是零售商店的面貌越来越相似。 在服务项目上的分工差异在逐渐缩小。许多百货公司削减了服务项目,而许多折扣商店却增加了服务项目。顾客变成了精明的采购员,对价格更加敏感。他们看不出有什么道理要为相同的品牌付出更多的钱,特别是当服务的差别不大或微不足道时。由于银行信用卡越来越被所有的商家接受,他们觉得不必从每个商店赊购商品。 百货商店面对着日益增加的价格的折扣店和专业商店的竞争,准备东山再起。历史上居于市中心的许多商店在郊区购物中心开设分店,那里有宽敞的停车场,购买者来自人口增长较快并且有较高收入的地区。其他一些则对其商店形式进行改变,有些则试用邮购盒电话订货的方法。超级市场面对的是超级商店的竞争,它们开始扩大店面,经营大量的品种繁多的商品和提高设备等级,超级市场还增加了它们的促销预算,大量转向私人品牌,从而增加盈利。 现在,我们讨论零售商在目标市场、产品品种和采办、服务以及商店气氛、定价、促销和销售地点等方面的营销策略。 一、目标市场 零售商最重要的决策时确定目标市场。当确定目标市场并且勾勒出轮廓时,零售商才能对产品分配、商店装饰、广告词和广告媒体、价格水平等作出一致的决定。如沃尔玛的目标市场相当明确:


中英文对照外文翻译文 电子商务时代企业文化的再造 随着网络时代电子商务大规模发展,电子商务企业文化随之产生,它在一个企业在产生的一种新的价值观,使企业内部资源得到从新整合,在为企业带来降低交易成本,提高效率,缩短生产周期等诸多好处的同时,也对已有的企业文化发起了挑战。电子商务的兴起是一场由技术手段飞速发展而引发的商业运作模式的变革,传统经济活动的生存基础、运作方式和管理机制均发生了彻底改变,传统的企业文化也面临着巨大的冲击。 一、企业文化对企业价值的贡献 文化现象是一个国家和民族文明的主要见证。广义的文化,包括知识、信仰、艺术、道德、法律、习俗和任何人作为一名社会成员而获得的能力和习惯在内的复杂整体。作为“亚文化”的企业文化,对企业的生存与发展亦起着举足轻重的作用。企业文化是商品经济和市场经济的产物,符合市场经济的客观规律,体现企业的竞争实务、竞争精神和整体形象。所谓企业文化就是企业的经营管理哲学,企业面对所处的社会和商业环境,在长期的生产经营活动中,形成全体员工所接受和认同信守的、为争取事业成功的一套非正式规则。它表明企业奉行何种管理哲学,以及企业通过管理要达到一个什么样的目标。是经济管理的重要内容之一。企业文化意味着一个公司的价值观,而这些价值观成为公司员工活动和行为的规范。 企业文化的本源问题是如何增加企业利润,降低企业的成本和费用。它的要义就是怎么使企业能够有效的整合资源,以达到对外部的适应性,使公司在竞争中生存,进而实现持续发展。企业文化建设为企业开展文化管理指出一个明确的方向。企业文化建设的根本目的是建设能够对外竞争环境具有高度适应性,并能根据环境变换做出迅速反应的行为方式能力,这种能力其实就是企业所拥有的根据外部竞争的环境需要而对内部资源进行整合运用的能力。企业文化建设应促进这一能力系统的形成,并维持好这一能力系统。中国的许多企业例如海尔、联想等企业成功的秘诀之一就是发展了一整套公司理念、经营哲学,形成了自己独特的企业文化。 1、企业文化体现企业的形象和精神。树立良好的企业形象,需要企业文化的支撑。现


顾客满意策略与顾客满意营销 原文来源:《Marketing Customer Satisfaction 》自20世纪八十年代末以来, 顾客满意战略已日益成为各国企业占有更多的顾客份额, 获得竞争优势的整体经营手段。 一、顾客满意策略是现代企业获得顾客“货币选票”的法宝随着时代的变迁, 社会物质财富的极大充裕, 顾客中的主体———消费者的需求也先后跨越了物质缺乏的时代、追求数量的时代、追求品质的时代, 到了20世纪八十年代末进入了情感消费时代。在我国, 随着经济的高速发展,我们也已迅速跨越了物质缺乏时代、追求数量的时代乃至追求品质的时代, 到今天也逐步迈进情感消费时代。在情感消费时代, 各企业的同类产品早已达到同时、同质、同能、同价, 消费者追求的已不再是质量、功能和价格, 而是舒适、便利、安全、安心、速度、跃动、环保、清洁、愉快、有趣等,消费者日益关注的是产品能否为自己的生活带来活力、充实、舒适、美感和精神文化品位, 以及超越消费者期望值的售前、售中、售后服务和咨询。也就是说, 今天人们所追求的是具有“心的满足感和充实感”的商品, 是高附加值的商品和服务,追求价值观和意识多元化、个性化和无形的满足感的时代已经来临。 与消费者价值追求变化相适应的企业间的竞争, 也由产品竞争、价格竞争、技术竞争、广告竞争、品牌竞争发展到现今的形象竞争、信誉竞争、文化竞争和服务竞争, 即顾客满意竞争。这种竞争是企业在广角度、宽领域的时空范围内展开的高层次、体现综合实力的竞争。它包括组织创新力、技术创新力、管理创新力、产业预见力、产品研发力、员工向心力、服务顾客力、顾客亲和力、同行认同力、社会贡献力、公关传播沟通力、企业文化推动力、环境适应力等等。这些综合形象力和如何合成综合持久的竞争力, 这就是CSft略所要解决的问题。CS寸代,企业不再以“自己为中心”,而是以“顾客为中心”;“顾客为尊”、“顾客满意”不再是流于形式的口号, 而是以实实在在的行动为基础的企业经营的一门新哲学。企业不再以质量达标, 自己满意为经营理念, 而是以顾客满意, 赢得顾客高忠诚度为经营理念。企业经营策略的焦点不再以争取或保持市场占有率为主, 而是以争取顾客满意为经营理念。因此, 营销策略的重心不再放在竞争对手身上而是放在顾客身上, 放在顾客现实的、潜在的需求上。当企业提供的产品和服务达到了顾客事先的期望值, 顾客就基本满意;如果远远超越顾客的期望值, 且远远高于其他同行, 顾客才真正满意;如果企业能不断地或长久地令顾客满意, 顾客就会忠诚。忠诚的顾客不仅会经常性地重复购买, 还会购买企业其它相关的产品或服务;忠诚的顾客不仅会积极向别人推荐他所买的产品, 而且对企业竞争者的促销活动具有免疫能力一个不满意的顾客会将不满意告诉16-20个人, 而每一个被告知者会再传播给12-15个人。这样, 一个不满意者会影响到二、三百人。在互联网普及的今天, 其影响则更大。据美国汽车业的调查, 一个满意者会引发8笔潜在的生意, 其中至少有一笔会成交。而另一项调查表明, 企业每增加5%的忠诚顾客, 利润就会增长25%-95%。一个企业的80%的利润来自20%的忠诚顾客;而获取一个新顾客的成本是维持一个老顾客成本的6倍。所以,美国著名学者唐?佩 珀斯指出: 决定一个企业成功与否的关键不是市场份额, 而是在于顾客份额。 于是, 企业纷纷通过广泛细致的市场调研、与消费者直接接触、顾客信息反馈等方式来了解顾客在各方面的现实需求和潜在需求。依靠对企业满意忠诚的销售、服务人员, 定期、定量地对顾客满意度进行综合测定, 以便准确地把握企业经营中与“顾客满意” 目标的差距及其重点领域, 从而进一步改善企业的经营活动。依靠高亲和力的企业文化、高效率的人文管理和全员共同努力, 不断地向顾客提供高附加值的产品, 高水准的亲情般的服


市场营销策略 1 市场细分和目标市场策略 具有需求,具有购买能力并愿意花销的个体或组织构成了市场。然而,在大多数市场中,购买者的需求不一致。因此,对整个市场采用单一的营销计划可能不会成功。一个合理的营销计划应以区分市场中存在的差异为起点,这一过程被称为市场细分,它还包括将何种细分市场作为目标市场。 市场细分使公司能更加有效地利用其营销资源。而且,也使得小公司可以通过集中在一两个细分上场上有效地参与竞争。市场细分的明显缺点是,其导致了比单一产品、单一大市场策略更高的生产和营销成本。但是,如果市场细分得当的话,更加符合消费者的需求,实际上将生产更高的效率。 确定目标市场有三种可供选择的策略,它们是统一市场、单一细分市场和多重细分市场。统一市场策略即采取一种营销组合用到一个整体的、无差异的市场中去。采取单一细分市场策略,公司仍然仅有一种营销组合,但它只用在整个市场的一个细分市场中。多重细分市场策略需要选择两个或更多的细分市场,并且每个细分市场分别采用一种单独的营销组合。 2 产品定位 管理者将注意力集中于一种品牌,并以恰当的方式将其与类似的品牌相区分,但这并不意味着该品牌就一定能够最后赢利。因此,管理者需要进行定位,即塑造与竞争品牌和竞争对手的其他品牌相关的自我品牌形象。 市场营销人员可以从各种定位策略中加以选择。有时,他们决定对某一特定产品采用一种以上的策略。以下是几种主要的定位策略: 2.1与竞争者相关的定位 对一些产品来说,最佳的定位是直接针对竞争对手。该策略特别适用于已经具有固定的差别优势或试图强化这种优势的厂商。为排挤微处理器的竞争对手,Intel公司开展了一项活动使用户确信它的产品优于竞争对手的产品。公司甚至为电脑制造商出钱,让它们在自己的广告中带上“Intel Inside”标志。作为市场领导者,可口可乐公司推出新产品并实施其市场营销策略。同时,它密切注视百事可乐公司,以确保对主要竞争对手的任何一次巧妙、有效的营销举措采取相应的对策。 2.2 与产品类别和属性相关的定位 有时候,公司的定位策略有必要将自己的产品与其类别和属性相联系(或相区别)。一些公司尽力将其产品定位在期望的类别中,如“美国制造”。用一句某顾问的话来说,“当你说‘美国制造’的时候,有一种强烈的感情因素在吸引着你”。因此,一家名为Boston Preparatory的规模不大的运动服制造商正在运用这种定位策略,以期胜过那些并非所有产品都在美国制造的势力强大的竞争对手如Calvin Kiein和Tommy Hilfiger。 2.3 通过价格和质量定位 某些生产者和零售商因其高质量和高价格而闻名。在零售行业,Saks Fifth Avenue和Neiman Marcus公司正是定位于该价格—质量策略的。折扣店Target Kmart则是定位于该策略的反面。我们不是说折扣商店忽视质量,而是说它们更加强调低廉的价格。Penny's公司努力—并且大多获得了成功—通过升级高级服装线和强调设计者的名字将其商店定位于价格—质量策略上。 “品牌”一词是个综合性的概念,它包含其他更狭义的理解。品牌即一个名称和(或)标志,用以识别一个销售者或销售集团的产品,并将之与竞争产品相区别。 品牌名称由能够发音的单词、字母和(或)数字组成。品牌标志是品牌的一部分,它以符号、图案或醒目的颜色、字体的形式出现。品牌标志通过视觉识别,但当人们仅仅读出品牌名称的时候,品牌标志并不能够被表达出来。Crest、Coors、Gillette都是品牌名称。AT&T由醒目的线条构成的地球以及Ralph Lauren's Polo的马和骑手是品牌标志,而Green Giant(罐装冷冻菜蔬产品)和Arm&Hammer(面包苏打)既是品牌名称又是品牌标志。 商标是销售者已经采用并且受到法律保护的品牌。商标不仅包括品牌标志,如许多人所认为的那样,也包括品牌名称。1946年的The Lanham Art法案允许厂商向联邦政府注册商标,以保护它们免受其他厂商的使用或误


文献出处: Dalman, M. Deniz, and Junhong Min. "Marketing Strategy for Unusual Brand Differentiation: Trivial Attribute Effect." International Journal of Marketing Studies 6.5 (2014): 63-72. 原文 Marketing Strategy for Unusual Brand Differentiation: Trivial Attribute Effect Dalman, M. Deniz & Junhong Min Abstract This research investigates that brand differentiation creating superior values can be achieved not only by adding meaningful attributes but also meaningless attributes, which is called "trivial attribute effect." Two studies provided empirical evidences as following; first, trivial attribute effect creates a strong brand differentiation even after subjects realize that trivial attribute has no value. Second, trivial attribute effect is more pronounced in hedonic service category compared to the utilitarian category. Last, the amount of willingness to pay is higher when trivial attribute is presented and evaluated in joint evaluation mode than separate evaluation mode. Finally, we conclude with discussion and provide suggestions for further research. Keywords: brand differentiation, evaluation mode, service industry, trivial attribute Introduction Problem Definition Perhaps the most important factor for new product success is to create the meaningful brand differentiation that provides customers with superior values beyond what the competitors can offer in the same industry (Porter, 1985). Not surprisingly, more than 50 percent of annual sales in consumer product industries including automobiles, biotechnology, computer software, and pharmaceuticals are attributed to such meaningful brand differentiation by including new or noble attributes (Schilling &Hill, 1998). However, the brand differentiation that increases consumer preference is not only by introducing meaningful attributes but also meaningless attributes. For


正确地点和时间下新媒体伴随的社会营销Jay M. Bernhardt 佛罗里达大学健康教育与行为系,佛罗里达州Gainesville Darren Mays乔治敦大学医学中心肿瘤科,哥伦比亚特区华盛顿Amanda K. Hall佛罗里达大学健康教育与行为系,佛罗里达州Gainesville 摘要: 目的:本文的目的是寻求讨论新媒体革命以何种方式将“渠道”更贴近消费者从而提高社会营销。 研究思路:这篇论文描述当前有关的社交媒体和移动通信技术的新媒体发展趋势,并通过运用商业营销,社会变革和公众健康实例分析讨论其对社会营销产生的影响。 成果:快速增长的在线社交网络和世界大部分地区无处不在的手机为社会营销人员提供了巨大的潜力,以全新方式吸引消费者。这些新的通信平台的性质不同于传统媒体是可以使他们更有效地为市场营销服务,最明显的是更深层次消费者参与、多方位信息交流、和基于位置跟踪和消息传递的重要方式。 现实作用:本文所描述的趋势正在快速,从根本上改变商业营销人员、品牌经理和客户关系经理如何与当前的和潜在的消费者相处。社会营销活动应该从中学习,并利用这些新媒体更深入地联系大量的消费者,上述从业人员比以往任何时候都更接近“正确的地点和正确的时间”。 独创性/价值:本文探讨已经介绍了在爱尔兰都柏林的全球非营利和社会营销大会于2011年4月的一个话题。讨论应鼓励社会营销重新考虑“渠道”的作用,并探讨新媒体如何令地方更贴近消费者。 关键词:社会营销,新媒体,社交媒体,移动电话,4P理论,移动通信系统 市场营销组合(或4P理论)是旨在鼓励行为改变的社会营销计划规划和实施的中心结构(Grier and Bryant,2005)。尽管价格、产品和促销策略通常是社会营销活动的主要元素,达到期望的目标受众的地方卫生决策往往是一个挑战(GrierandKumanyika,2010)。地方经常困惑在营销组合那些寻求社会营销作为一个框架申请健康行为改变。常见的想法是,位置被定义为地理位置,然而,在社会营销不一定是一个人的业务所在处或其中一个产品的销售点,而是消费者的利益做出决定并采取行动(Storey et al., 2008)。 新的通信媒体能给社会营销个性化的机会,接触目标消费者在关键行为决策点。这些新媒体为社会营销人员提供多个移动渠道到达消费者在非常情况下做出决定,通过创建直接,双向沟通渠道。这些双向交流现在可以发生在实时决策是在何时何地。第一次社会营销人员可以利用这些新渠道接触数以千计甚至数以百万计的人们在相对较低的成本促进健康的生活方式和影响社会变革(Thackeray et al., 2008)。 传统上,社会营销努力促进健康行为改变很大程度上依赖于地方定义为物理位置来分发产品(KreuterandBernhardt,2009)。他们在公共厕所上放置安全套自动售货机推广安全性行为或将营养标志放置在杂货店以期说服客户选择更健康的食品(Storey et al., 2008)。这些例子需要大量投资时间和物质资源从而成功地到达消费者。此外,确定一个是否会购买和使用避孕套或者被营养信息标志广告影响的合适的目标客户是一个具有挑战性的判断过程。相比之下,新媒体可


跨境电商外文文献综述 (文档含英文原文和中文翻译) 译文: 本地化跨境电子商务的模型 摘要 通过对国际供应链的B2B电子商务交易量的快速增长和伊朗快速增加的跨境交易业务,跨境电商过程的有效管理对B2B电子商务系统十分重要。本文对局部模型的结构是基于B2B电子商务的基础设施三大层,消息层、业务流程层和内容层。由于伊朗的电子商务的要求,每一层的需要适当的标准和合适的方案的选择。当电子文件需要移动顺利向伊朗,建议文件的标准为文件内容支持纸质和电子文件阅读。验证提出的模型是通过案例研究方法呈现一到四阶段的情景。本文试图通过交换商业文件在贸易过程中这一局部模型,实现在全球电子贸易供应链更接近区域单一窗口建设的关键目标。 关键词:电子商务;跨境贸易;电子文档管理;国际供应链

1.简介 电子商务是关于在互联网或其他网络电子系统购买和销售产品或服务。术语B2B(企业对企业),描述了企业间的电子商务交易,如制造商和批发商,或批发商和零售商之间。本文的研究目标是上两个不同国家贸易商之间的通信。今天的世界贸易组织的主要目标之一是建立区域单一窗口,可以提高世界各地的贸易便利化。建立区域单一窗口需要跨境海关,可以有效地交换贸易文件。因此,首先,简化跨境贸易文件的关键在于朝着国家单一窗口移动。然后,区域单一窗口可以授权国家之间的通信。电子商务模型是基于三个主要逻辑层的研究。这三个层消息传输层,业务处理层和内容层。本文的局部模型是一种能够自动交换读取文件的过程。通过与东亚和中东国家的建立区域单一窗口可以在将来得到改善的更多的互操作性,从而建立伊朗国家单一窗口 在本文的第二部分讨论引进国际供应链中的跨境B2B模式所需的基本概念和标准。第三部分介绍在大的模型中引入的组件功能和范围。第四部分讨论了B2B交易层模型的定位,最后结束本文。 2.背景 在本节中,除了了解B2B电子商务在伊朗的情况,还有参考模型的背景等概念以及讨论B2B电子商务跨境模式的本土化。 2.1 B2B电子商务在伊朗 如今伊朗在贸易进程的变现是一个关键的贸易成功点。伊朗和许多其他国家接壤,它的进口和出口过程可以通过公路,铁路,海上和空中的方式来完成。因此,这个国家的中部和战略作用,使得它在亚洲和中东地区货物运输的主要贸易点。今天,在伊朗海关几乎所有的贸易过程通过纸质表格完成,由商务部提供的电子服务仅限于谁该国境内交易的商人。今天,伊朗海关几乎所有的贸易流程都是通过纸质表格来完成的,商务部给出的电子服务只限于该国的商人。介绍了模型试图简化在伊朗交易的跨境电子商务供应链交换电子文件的过程。这里提到的一些系统,由商务部在伊朗的电子服务被提及:进口订单管理系统。贸易统计制度。伊朗法典伊朗。这些电子系统的主要使用,以促进在伊朗贸易过程。这里提到的系统作为独立的贸易者可与建议本文模型在未来的作用。在亚洲的区域性单


Marketing Strategy Market Segmentation and Target Strategy A market consists of people or organizations with wants,money to spend,and the willingness to spend it.However,within most markets the buyer' needs are not identical.Therefore,a single marketing program starts with identifying the differences that exist within a market,a process called market segmentation, and deciding which segments will be pursued ads target markets. Marketing segmentation enables a company to make more efficient use of its marketing resources.Also,it allows a small company to compete effectively by concentrating on one or two segments.The apparent drawback of market segmentation is that it will result in higher production and marketing costs than a one-product,mass-market strategy.However, if the market is correctly segmented,the better fit with customers' needs will actually result in greater efficiency. The three alternative strategies for selecting a target market are market aggregation,single segment,and multiple segment.Market-aggregation strategy involves using one marketing mix to reach a mass,undifferentiated market.With a single-segment strategy, a company still uses only one marketing mix,but it is directed at only one segment of the total market.A multiple-segment strategy entails selecting two or more segments and developing a separate marketing mix to reach segment. Positioning the Product Management's ability to bring attention to a product and to differentiate it in a favorable way from similar products goes a long way toward determining that product's revenues.Thus management needs to engage in positioning,which means developing the image that a product projects in relation to competitive products and to the firm's other products. Marketing executives can choose from a variety of positioning strategies.Sometimes they decide to use more than one for a particular product.Here are several major positioning strategies:



译文: 跨境电子商务在欧盟的发展动力和壁垒 摘要 互联网的兴起,往往是与“距离的消亡”或至少减少相关的地理距离在供应信息相关。我们研究距离 事宜仍在实物商品的网上交易是否。我们使用的数据从一个网络消费者调查小组对网上跨境货物贸易中的 一个语言支离破碎的欧盟市场。分析结果表明,相比线下交易在同一商品的距离相关的交易成本大大降低。然而,语言相关的交易成本的增加。此外,网上交易介绍新能源贸易成本如包裹递送和在线支付系统。在 平衡,没有迹象显示在线贸易不偏向于国内市场的产品比线下交易支持。我们提供给政策制定者推动欧盟数 字单一市场的跨境电子商务的选项。在高效灵活的跨境支付系统的使用增加1%可以增加多达7%的跨境电子 商务。我们还表明,在线交易给英语语言输出国家的比较优势。 关键词电子商务/引力方程/欧盟 1.介绍 本文实证研究的在线电子商务跨境贸易模式的影响。互联网的兴起,更一般地,数字通信技术,具有LED许多观察家宣布,距离“死”(Cairncross,1997)。在这方面,它不在乎信息所在的位臵因为它只是一个鼠标点击和信息成本不再是物理距 离有关。在传统的线下实物商品贸易,证据却指向距离成本增加(disdier和头,2008)。贸易相结合的基础上的信息和物理的货物运输。问题是是否将贸易从线 下到线上平台是一个足够大的凹痕在信息成本改变贸易总成本因此货物贸易模式。Blum 和Goldfarb(2006)表明,即使是纯粹的信息产品,距离仍然起着重要的 作用。他们认为这是文化上的差异,随着物理距离的增加。除了信息成本的影响, 可能会有副作用,对贸易模式的影响。网上贸易开辟了一个潜在的更大的地理汇水 面积,为供应商和消费者,在产品品种和价格竞争的增加。这两


市场营销策略外文文献及翻译 Marketing Strategy Market Segmentation and Target Strategy A market consists of people or organizations with wants,money to spend,and the willingness to spend it.However,within most markets the buyer' needs are not identical.Therefore,a single marketing program starts with identifying the differences that exist within a market,a process called market segmentation, and deciding which segments will be pursued ads target markets. Marketing segmentation enables a company to make more efficient use of its marketing resources.Also,it allows a small company to compete effectively by concentrating on one or two segments.The apparent drawback of market segmentation is that it will result in higher production and marketing costs than a one-product,mass-market strategy.However, if the market is correctly segmented,the better fit with customers' needs will actually result in greater efficiency. The three alternative strategies for selecting a target market are market aggregation,single segment,and multiple segment.Market-aggregation strategy involves using one marketing mix to reach a mass,undifferentiated market.With a single-segment strategy, a company still uses only one marketing mix,but it is directed at only one segment of the total market.A multiple-segment strategy entails


互联网网络营销外文文献翻译 (含:英文原文及中文译文) 文献出处:Peter Kenzelmann. Technical Consultancy in Internationalization[J]. International Marketing Review, 2006, 4(3):20-29. 英文原文 The technical basis of network marketing Peter Kenzelmann Network marketing is based on the technology infrastructure of computer network technology, as represented by information technology. Computer networks of modern communications technology and computer technology to the product of combining it in different geographic regions and specialized computer equipment for external interconnection lines of communication into a large, powerful networks, thus enabling a large number of computers can easily transmit information to each other, share hardware, software, data and other resources. And network marketing is closely related to the computer network there are three types: the Internet, Extranet and Intranet. The theoretical basis for the network marketing Theoretical foundation of network marketing is direct marketing network theory, network theory of relationship marketing, marketing theory and network software to integrate marketing theory. (A) Direct Response Network Marketing Theory


外文文献及译文 文献、资料题目:Electronic Commerce 外文文献: Electronic Commerce Electronic commerce, or Electronic trade, or electronic business as a newly rising mode of commerce will have far-reaching influence on social economy and play an important role in social development worldwide. It represents the trend of world trade in the 21st century and beyond. 1. What is Electronic Commerce? Electronic commerce refers to commercial data exchange in digital form through electronic transmission means and commercial activities conducted on-line. Usually, electronic commerce can be divided into two levels: One is low-level electronic commerce that is, electronic commercial intelligence, electronic trade, and electronic contracts. Another is high-level electronic commerce which includes all commercial activities done via Internet, ranging from searching for clients, commercial negotia-tion, making orders, on-line payment, releasing electronic invoice, to electronic dec-laration to Customs, electronic tax-payment, all conducted on Internet. Electronic commerce means electrification of all trade transactions. It is featured by these characters: ①fairness and freedom, ②high efficiency, ③globalization, ④virtualization, ⑤interactivity, ⑥autonomy, ⑦personalized service. With electronic commerce, clients and


文献出处:Guzzo T, D’Andrea A, Ferri F, et al. Evolution of Marketing Strategies: From Internet Marketing to M-Marketing[C]//On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2012 Workshops. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012: 627-636. 原文 Evolution of Marketing Strategies:From Internet Marketing to M-Marketing Tiziana Guzzo, Alessia D’Andrea, Fernando Ferri, and Patrizia Grifoni 1 Introduction Marketing is “the process which creates, communicates, delivers the value to the consumers, and maintains the relationship with consumers. It generates the strategy that underlies sales techniques, business communication, and business developments. It is “an integrated process through which companies build strong consumers relationships and create value for their consumers and for themselves” Marketing strategies have a long history and mainly interested economists and sociologists. The wide use of Internet, pervasiveness of social networks and the evolution of mobile devise are implying a wider involvement of interdisciplinary competences enlarging the interest toward ICT competences. This paper is to describe the evolution of marketing strategies from the advent of the Web (Internet Marketing) - through the advent of Social Networks (Marketing 2.0) - to the evolution of Mobile Social Networks (M-marketing). In particular, the paper analyses the use that Italian people make of mobile devices and the user perception and acceptance of M-marketing.


中英文外文翻译文献 消费者行为与市场营销战略 消费者行为学是研究个体,群体和组织为满足其需要而如何选择,获取,使用,处置产品,服务,体验和想法以及由此对消费者和社会产生的影响.传统上,消费者行为研究侧重于购买前和购买后的有关活动.关于消费者行为学的界定较之传统观点更广泛,它将有助于引导我们从更宽广的视角审视消费者决策的间接影响以及对买卖双方的各种后果.为了在竞争激烈的环境中求得生存,企业必须比竞争者更多地为目标客户提供价值.顾客价值是顾客从整体产品中获得的各项利益扣除各种获取费用后的余额. 1.市场营销战略 对每一选取的目标市场,都应分别制定营销战略.选择目标市场的关键性标准或依据是企业是否有能力提供较竞争品高的消费者价值.消费者价值很大程度上是由营销战略决定,所以公司在评估潜在目标市场时,应当发展一般的营销战略.

1.1 产品 产品是消费者获得和用于满足其需要的任何东西.消费者所购买的或追求的是需要的满足,而不是具体形态的物质特性. 1.2 传播 营销传播包括广告,人员分销,公共关系,包装以及企业提供的关于它自身及其产品的其他信号. 1.3 定价 价格是消费者为获得拥有,使用产品的权利而必须支付的金钱数量.消 费者可以拥有一件产品,也可以仅仅拥有产品的使用权. 1.4 分销 分销实际上是让顾客在需要的时候能买到产品,它对企业的经营成败至关重要.绝大多数情况下,消费者不愿为获得某一特定品牌而伤身费力.很明显,有效地渠道决策应即建立在掌握消费者在何处购买的知识的基础上. 2.市场分析 市场分析要求全面深入地了解企业自身能力,现在和潜在竞争者的实力,潜在消费者的消费过程以及经济的,物质的和技术的环境. 2.1 消费者 不了解消费者,就无法预测其需要与欲望,也无法对其需要做出恰当的 反映.发现消费者现在需要什么是一个复杂的过程,但一般来说,可以通过直接的营销调研予以实现 2.2 公司 每一个公司都必须透彻了解其满足消费者需要的能力.为此,需要评价 公司的各个方面,如财务状况,一般管理技巧,研究和开发能力,技术装

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