当前位置:文档之家› Chem.Soc.Rev.,2012,41,7938–Defect-related luminescent materials

Chem.Soc.Rev.,2012,41,7938–Defect-related luminescent materials

Chem.Soc.Rev.,2012,41,7938–Defect-related luminescent materials
Chem.Soc.Rev.,2012,41,7938–Defect-related luminescent materials

Cite this:Chem.Soc.Rev .,2012,41,7938–7961Defect-related luminescent materials:synthesis,emission properties and applications

Cuimiao Zhang ab and Jun Lin*a

Received 25th March 2012DOI:10.1039/c2cs35215j

Luminescent materials have found a wide variety of applications,including information displays,lighting,X-ray intensi?cation and scintillation,and so on.Therefore,much e?ort has been devoted to exploring novel luminescent materials so far.In the past decade,defect-related luminescent materials have inspired intensive research e?orts in their own right.This kind of luminescent material can be basically classi?ed into silica-based materials,phosphate systems,metal oxides,BCNO phosphors,and carbon-based materials.These materials combine several favourable attributes of traditional commercially available phosphors,which are stable,e?cient,and less toxic,being free of the burdens of intrinsic toxicity or elemental scarcity and the need for stringent,intricate,tedious,costly,or ine?cient preparation steps.Defect-related luminescent

materials can be produced inexpensively and on a large scale by many approaches,such as sol–gel process,hydro(solvo)thermal reaction,hydrolysis methods,and electrochemical methods.This review article highlights the recent advances in the chemical synthesis and luminescent properties of the defect-related materials,together with their control and tuning,and emission mechanisms (solid state physics).We also speculate on their future and discuss potential developments for their applications in lighting and biomedical ?elds.


Luminescent materials (or phosphors)are generally characterized by the emission of light in the visible range but can also be in other spectral regions (such as ultraviolet or infrared)with energy beyond thermal equilibrium.1,2The ever-growing demand for advanced luminescent materials has motivated scienti?c and


State Key Laboratory of Rare Earth Resources Utilization,Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Changchun 130022,P.R.China.E-mail:jlin@https://www.doczj.com/doc/8e13031946.html,;Fax:(+86)431-85698041b

College of Chemistry and Environmental Science,Hebei University,Baoding 071002,P.R.China.E-mail:cuimiaozhang@https://www.doczj.com/doc/8e13031946.html,

Cuimiao Zhang

Cuimiao Zhang was born in Hebei,China,in 1980.She received her BS (2004)in chemistry from Hebei Univer-sity.Then she has been a grad-uate student in Jun Lin’s group at Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry (CIAC),Chinese Academy of Sciences,and received a PhD degree in 2010.After graduation,she has been working as a research fellow in Nanyang Technolo-gical University (Singapore,2010–2012).Her current research interests include the

synthesis of environmentally-friendly luminescence materials and their bioapplication.She came back to China in 2012,and since then has been working as an assistant professor in Hebei University.

Jun Lin

Jun Lin was born in Chang-chun,China,in 1966.He received BS and MS degrees in inorganic chemistry from Jilin University,China,in 1989and 1992,respectively,and a PhD degree (inorganic chemistry)from the Chang-chun Institute of Applied Chemistry (CIAC),Chinese Academy of Sciences,in 1995.Then he went to CityU (HK,1996),INM (Germany,1997),VCU and UNO (USA,1998–1999)working as a postdoctor.He came back to

China in 2000,and since then has been working as a professor in CIAC.His research interests include luminescent materials and multifunctional composite materials together with their applica-tions in display,lighting and biomedical ?elds.

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technological e?orts dedicated to improving existing phos-phors and to developing new e?ective luminescent materials.3Generally,inorganic luminescent materials can be classi?ed into two groups:metal-activator based and non-activator based luminescent materials.The ?rst case is represented by transitions between energy levels of metal activator ions containing the rare earth and/or transition metal ions (e.g.f–f transitions of Eu 3+in Y 2O 3:Eu 3+)4–7or complex ions (e.g.the charge-transfer transition on [WO 4]2àin CaWO 4).8,9These kinds of luminescent materials are often expensive and contain non-environmentally friendly elements,such as Ag (in ZnS:Ag +)and lanthanides.1–15On the other hand,it is necessary for most metal-activator-based phosphors to be excited by short-wavelength ultraviolet (UV)light for operation,which results in the extensive use of a mercury vapor plasma in ?uorescent lighting products.1,10The excess usage of mercury vapor will give rise to environmental contamination and technical di?culties.The other group of luminescent materials consists of semiconductors and defect-related materials.For most semiconductors,the luminescence normally results from band-to-band excitation between impurity states within the bandgap.However,some serious intrinsic toxicity and potential environmental hazards associated with many of these semiconductors are critically pronounced,which have limited their applications.For the defect-related luminescent materials,although the roots can be traced to 1986,16they have had a remarkable growth since Sailor et al.reported the white phosphors from a silicate-carboxylate sol–gel precursor.17Since then,the emerging defect-related luminescent materials,which do not contain any transition metal or rare earth activators,appear to be promising alternatives to traditional phosphors in many applications because of their advantages of low toxicity,stability,tunable emission color,and low cost.17–30Although the origins of photoluminescence (PL)are not yet entirely understood in defect-related materials,there is mounting evidence that emission arises from the special defects.Typically,the defects in these kind of materials contain vacancies,impurities,radical impurities,donor–acceptor pairs,etc.,22,27,31–33which may arouse charge imbalances at these defect sites.The charge imbalances must be recti?ed by localization of electrons and electron holes or give rise to impurity states within the bandgap.Therefore,the defect sites are apparently the precursors for various centers containing the emission center for defect-related luminescent materials and impart them with excellent photo-luminescent emission.

On the other hand,in modern chemistry and materials science,there have been tremendous developments in the synthetic control of size,shape,and composition,thus allowing the tailoring of their properties.34–40Therefore,the synthesis methods have been inten-sively pursued for their technological and fundamental scienti?c importance.41,42Among them,the luminescence properties of defect-related luminescent materials can also be in?uenced by their phase,surface chemistry,size distribution,morphology and/or porosity.43–45Thus,the rational control over these factors has become an important research issue in recent years.46So far,valuable explorations have been carried out based on soft chemical synthetic strategies [such as Pechini sol–gel (PSG)method,hydro-thermal process,and so on]to luminescent materials as well as controlled morphologies,formation,and luminescence properties.

As we know,the tremendous recent advances in functionalized nanomaterials with distinct ?uorescent properties,47–54mesoporous properties,55and biocompatability 56,57have received considerable attention in the past decades,since nanomaterials provide a new platform for biomedical applications such as drug delivery,bio-separation,?uorescent labeling,58diagnosis and treatment of disease.59–68During the past decades,the use of semiconductor ?uorescent nanocrystals or quantum dots has notably extended the scope of possible biological applications (?uorescent probes,labeling and tracking,etc.)due to their high quantum yield and high photostability.69,70However,their disadvantages of blinking,potential cytotoxicity in vivo ,and complex functionalization strategies have limited their use.Additionally,some serious problems of photobleaching and quenching of ?uorescent organic molecules are critically pronounced,which have seriously limited their applications in biomedical areas.60,71,72In contrast to traditional ?uorescent materials in biological areas such as organic dyes and quantum dots,the novel defect-related luminescent nanomaterials may be promising ?uorescent materials in biological ?elds due to their good optical properties,high chemical stability,and low toxicity.29,30,73–77Especially,multifunctional defect-related materials with excellent luminescent,structural,and/or surface properties seem to be ideal systems for biomedical applications.To date,many recent reports have shown that multifunctional defect-related materials,as the most e?cient ?uorescent materials,can be used for the intracellular imaging,drug delivery,and so on.26,29,30,78

In this review article,we mainly focus on the recent progress in various chemical syntheses and luminescent properties of defect-related luminescent materials,together with their tuning and possible emission mechanisms as well as their applications in lighting,display,and biological ?elds (including bioimaging and tracking in drug delivery systems),based on our recent e?orts and those of others in this area.Moreover,we hope to inspire research into the origins of the unique properties of this emergent class of novel luminescent materials and to encourage their exploration in a multitude of exciting areas from lighting to display and medical diagnostics.

2.Synthetic methods

Generally,as the defect sites are mainly created in the preparing process,the luminescent properties of defect-related materials seem to be dominated by the preparation methods.In recent years,a large number of synthetic methods have been developed for generating defect-related luminescent materials.These methods can be divided into several categories:sol–gel method,hydro-(solvo)thermal reaction,hydrolysis method,electrospinning process,sonochemical synthesis,chemical vapor deposition (CVD),and so on.Typically,the common features of all these methods of synthesis are the need of heat treatments (high or low temperature)and/or organic groups (surfactants,organic additives,templates,etc.).2.1.

Sol–gel method

Undoubtedly,the sol–gel technique is one of the most well-known soft solution processes,which can be generally divided into three types:sol–gel route based on the hydrolysis and

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condensation of molecular precursors,gelation route based on concentration of aqueous solutions containing metal-chelates (called ‘‘chelate gel’’route),and polymerizable complex route (named Pechini-type sol–gel process).79–81Commonly,silicon alkoxides,metal alkoxides,or organic additives [such as citric acid and polyethylene glycol (PEG)]are employed in the sol–gel process,following heat treatment to remove the organic groups produced by alcoholysis of alkoxides or organic additives.Interestingly,it is also possible to utilize some defects (such as carbon impurities and vacancies)as emission centers to get novel defect-related luminescent materials.17,79It has been reported that sol–gel-derived SiO 2-based materials,including silica gels (xerogels or aerogels),28,82porous silica,83multicomponent silica-based oxide materials,84silicate-carboxylate,17and inorganic–organic hybrids,18,85all show strong luminescence from the blue to red spectral region,17–19,27and even ultraviolet photoluminescence.83They can potentially be used as environ-mentally friendly luminescent materials without expensive or toxic metal elements as activators.

Pechini-type sol–gel process (PSG),which uses common metal salts as precursors,citric acid as a chelating ligand of metal ions and polyhydroxy alcohol as a cross-linking agent to form a polymeric resin on the molecular level,can reduce segregation of particles and ensure compositional homogene-ity.These advantages can overcome most of the di?culties and disadvantages that frequently occur in the alkoxide-based sol–gel process (high cost,fast hydrolysis rate,and so on).Pechini-type sol–gel method followed by heat treatment at moderate temperature can remove organic additives and generate a pure phase of multiple components (Scheme 1).79During this annealing process,hydrocarbon residues cannot be removed completely,which may induce carbon impurities and form other kinds of defects in the host lattice (such as the oxygen defects).It is possible to utilize these defects as emission centers to obtain novel phosphors without rare earth or transition metal ions as activators.In the past several years,our group has synthesized various kinds of highly e?cient defect-related phosphors by PSG.We found that the PSG process-derived BPO 4exhibits a weak purple-colored emission under UV irradiation caused by the carbon impurities.Doping it with alkaline earth metal and alkali metal ions 86,87or mixing with SiO 2or Al 2O 388produced a series of BPO 4-based materials that emit an e?cient bluish-white light with a quantum yield more than 31%,which is induced by carbon impurities,peroxyl radicals,and/or oxygen vacancies defects,respectively.Besides BPO 4-based phosphors,the same phenomena were also observed in Al 2O 3,89ZrO 2,43and silica/apatite composite 90prepared by PSG process (Fig.1),which

can also show e?cient,stable,and/or tunable luminescence.In addition,some titanates (CaTiO 3,SrTiO 3,and BaTiO 3)exhibiting an intense photoluminescence were also prepared by PSG method followed by calcination at 300–4001C.91,92For the sol–gel method,the annealing procedure (temperature and annealing time)is the key step in the synthesis process,which can seriously a?ect the types and quantities of the defects in the materials and their luminescent properties.2.2.

Hydro(solvo)thermal reaction

It is well known that the hydrothermal method is a typical solution-based method that exploits water or organic solvents under certain temperatures and pressures,and has received much attention.93Over the past decade,various micro-and/or nano-crystals,which exhibit many interesting shape-and size-dependent phenomena and properties,have been synthesized by the hydrothermal process and extensively investigated for both their scienti?c and technological applications.94–99Especially,the water-based systems with environmentally acceptable and relatively low cost advantages provide a relatively green chemical alternative to the preparation of various inorganic materials.38,100–102To date,di?erent defect-related luminescent

Scheme 1Basic principle of Pechini sol–gel process to synthesize phosphors (reproduced with permission from ref.79,copyright 2007,American Chemical Society).

Fig.1Representative shapes of defect-related luminescent materials obtained by Pechini-type sol–gel process.SEM images of BPO 4:6%Li +(a),Al 2O 3(b),ZrO 2(c)(reproduced with permission from ref.87,89and 43,copyright 2009,2008,and 2007,American Chemical Society),and silica/apatite composite (d)(reproduced with permission from ref.90,copyright 2011,Royal Society of Chemistry).

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materials have been successfully prepared by the simple hydro-thermal method.For instance,based on the hydrothermal treatment at designated reaction conditions (such as reaction temperature and time,chelating ligands,organic additives,etc.),a systematic study has been carried out to investigate the controlled formation of a series of apatite structure micro-/nano-crystals with environmentally friendly defect-related luminescent properties.103–106The general synthetic methodology for the apatite structures is shown in the top of Fig.2.As an example,the hydroxyapatite (HAp)phosphors via hydrothermal process [trisodium citrate as chelating ligands and hexadecyltri-methylammonium bromide (CTAB)as surfactants]with narrow size distribution and novel morphologies and architectures,such as nanorods,nanowires,nanoparticles,microspheres,micro-?owers,microsheets,and microspheres (Fig.2a–f),are of special signi?cance in understanding the growth behavior and in?uence on defect-related luminescent properties.103Moreover,there are several important key factors for ?nal shapes of HAp nano/microcrystals,which contains pH values,organic additive (CTAB),and trisodium citrate (Fig.2).107,108The metal-chelating trisodium citrate ligands can not only a?ect the morphology of the sample,but also the key factor for the defect-related luminescent properties.During the crystal growth of HAp,the trisodium citrate can slow down the nucleation and subsequent crystal growth of HAp particles and change the relative surface energy of di?erent crystal facets,which results in the formation of di?erent HAp structures.109On the other hand,the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)results indicates that the lumi-nescent-related paramagnetic defects (CO 2 à)can be induced by trisodium citrate during the hydrothermal process.Under the high pressure and thermal process,bond cleavages can occur in some citrate anions,which result in R–C and CO 2 à.Small amounts of CO 2 àradicals resulting from the bond cleavages are trapped by the already formed hydroxyapatite lattice or interstitial positions.The residual fragmented bonds (CO 2 à)are apparently the precursors for various centers,such as luminescent centers.

Apart from the investigation of the HAp nano/microcrystals,we also utilized a similar method to synthesize other apatite structures with defect-related luminescent properties,such as calcium ?uorapatite (FAP)nanorods,strontium hydroxyapatite (SrHAp)with various morphologies (nanorods and architecture microspheres).Fig.2g–i shows the representative morpho-logies of FAP and SrHAp products.We found that the molar ratio of metal ions and chelating ligands,reaction time,and acetone treatment are also critical to obtain the apatite structures.Especially,multifunctional strontium hydroxy-apatite nanorods with luminescent and mesoporous properties can be easily synthesized at a low temperature,and have good biocompatibility,stability,nontoxicty,and water-soluble properties.106

In addition,the defect-related ?uoride materials prepared by the solvothermal method were also reported.97,110The as-obtained alkaline earth metal ?uoride (CaF 2,SrF 2,BaF 2)nanocrystals based on the solvothermal method exhibit a narrow size distribution,and can be well dispersed in nonpolar solvents.The colloidal solutions of these three ?uoride nano-crystals dispersed in cyclohexane present a strong emission

Fig.2The general synthetic methodology for a series of apatite nano/microstructures by hydrothermal method and the typical methodologies for defect-related luminescent apatite structures by hydrothermal method.Typical TEM and SEM images of calcium hydroxyapatite (a–f)(reproduced with permission from ref.103,copyright 2009,American Chemical Society),SEM images of calcium ?uorapatite (g)(reproduced with permission from ref.105,copyright 2010,Royal Society of Chemistry),and strontium hydroxyapatite (h,i)(reproduced with permission from ref.106and 104,copyright 2010,2009,Elsevier and American Chemical Society)with multiform shapes.

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band around 400nm in the PL spectra.97In addition,a series of well-dispersed KRE 3F 10(RE =rare earth:Sm–Lu,Y)colloidal nanocrystals with a rich variety of morphologies,such as hexagonal nanoplates,nanocubes and nanoparticles have been synthesized by a facile solvothermal route.The as-prepared nanocrystals are highly crystalline and can be well dispersed in nonpolar solvents such as cyclohexane and chloroform to form stable and clear colloids,which all display self-activated luminescence.1102.3.

Hydrolysis method

It is well known that the hydrolysis method is often used to prepare hydroxide and oxide materials using alkoxides as precursors.Over the past decade,monodisperse nano-/microspheres,which exhibit tunable or size-dependent photoluminescent properties,have been synthesized by the hydrolysis method and extensively investigated.111–115Our group has reported the simple synthesis of nearly monodisperse zirconia spheres (ZrO 2)with defect-related tunable luminescent properties (Fig.3a and b)by the controlled hydrolysis of zirconium butoxide in ethanol,followed by heat treatment in air at low temperature from 300to 5001C.106,116

In addition,the well-known Sto ber method,117based on hydro-lysis of tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS)in an alcohol medium in the presence of water and ammonia,has been extensively employed to prepare the monodisperse silica (SiO 2)spheres with di?erent sizes by a modi?ed procedure (Fig.3).These monodisperse SiO 2spheres could be further annealed at low temperature (generally less than 6001C),and exhibited bright,stable,and tunable defect-related luminescence.111,113Apart from the methodology presented by Sto ber and modi?ed Sto ber methods,other hydrolysis-related strategies have recently been developed,based mainly on reverse microemulsions using a stable and macroscopically isotropic dispersion of a surfactant and water in a hydrocarbon (Fig.3c),114,118,119or on direct micelles as templates.120,1212.4.

Electrospinning process

The electrospinning technique was developed for the synthesis of one-dimensional (1D)nanomaterials.122–128During the synthesis process,the as-synthesized 1D precursor needs to be annealed to remove the organic additives.Moreover,it is also possible to form some carbon-related impurities induced by residual organic additives and other oxygen-related defects as emission centers during the annealing process.Recently,the electrospinning method was employed to prepare multifunctional silica ?bers,which possess irregular porous structure,and display ?ber-like morphology with dimensions of several hundred nanometers in width and several millimeters in length (Fig.4).129Furthermore,the as-obtained silica ?bers exhibit an intense broad bluish emission,which might be attributed to impurities and/or defects in the silica ?bers.

In addition,Qiu and co-workers reported tunable emission of BCNO nanoparticle-embedded polymer electrospun nano-?bers.130Firstly,BCNO nanoparticles were prepared by a low-temperature method.Then,the BCNO nanoparticle-embedded polymer electrospun nano?bers were synthesized by an electrospinning process using synthesized BCNO phosphors as raw materials.Photoluminescence properties of these nano?bers indicate that the emission can be readily tuned by adjusting the C concentration in the BCNO phosphors.

Fig.3Typical SEM images for unannealed ZrO 2(a),heat-treated ZrO 2spheres (b)(reproduced with permission from ref.112,copyright 2009,American Chemical Society),and (c–f)SiO 2spheres with di?erent size (reproduced with permission from ref.114,copyright 2010,Elsevier).

Fig.4Typical SEM images of the as-formed precursor (a)and porous silica ?bers annealed at 6001C (b).The possible formation process of the porous structures in silica ?bers (c)(reproduced with permission from ref.129,copyright 2010,Wiley).

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2.5.Sonochemical synthesis

The sonochemical method has been widely used to prepare a variety of nanostructured materials.131,132During the sonication process,propagation of pressure waves is intense enough to cause the formation,growth and implosive collapse of bubbles in liquid medium.These bubbles generate localized hotspots,which exhibit extreme temperatures,pressure and high cooling rates.133Sonochemical e?ects can primarily drive a variety of chemical reactions such as oxidation,reduction,and so on.During this special process,some defects can also be formed as a result of localized hotspots.Recently,Uchino and co-workers 134synthesized luminescent silica crystals without luminescent activator ions via a sonochemical reduction route.The neutral oxygen vacancy or the F center induced by the sonochemical process might be the emission centers and give a broad visible PL band peaking at B 500nm under UV irradiation.The sonochemical reduction of TEOS by a colloidal solution of sodium performed by Gedanken’s group led to the formation of silicon.135Ultrasound-induced reduction was further applied to a system with silicon alkoxides and colloidal sodium to prepare luminescent silicon nanoparticles.2.6.

Chemical vapor deposition

The chemical vapor deposition (CVD)system is believed as an important synthesis method with several advantages,such as relatively low temperature and low cost,adaptable to a wide variety of structures,rapid growth,and direct growth on a large number of substrates.136Controlling the di?erent reaction conditions (such as substrate temperature,pressure,reactant composition,reactant pre-treatment,supply rates,etc.),a number of forms of CVD are in wide use,including atmospheric pressure CVD (APCVD),aerosol-assisted CVD (AACVD),plasma-enhanced CVD (PECVD),and so on.137–139So far,a large number of compounds,including oxides,sul?des,semiconduc-tors,carbon-based materials,etc.,have been grown by these CVD methods.140Among them,some defect-related luminescent materials can also be obtained by this kind of method.Previously,o?-stoichiometric silicon oxide (SiO x ,x o 2)thin ?lms can often be synthesized via chemical vapor deposition.141,142In addition,Becher’s group reported the ?uorescence and polarization spectroscopy of single silicon vacancy centers in heteroepitaxial nanodiamonds on iridium using microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition.143Yang and co-workers have successfully fabricated the In 2O 3–ZnO one-dimensional nanosized heterostructures constructed by In 2O 3quadrangular columns and ZnO hexagonal disks by thermal chemical vapor transport.144

Besides the above methods,multistep heat treatment,145thermal decomposition,16?ame spray pyrolysis,146microwave irradiation method,147etc.can also be employed to prepare the defect-related luminescent materials.

3.Classi?cation and optical properties

Defect-related luminescent materials can be classi?ed into

silica-based materials,phosphate systems,metal oxides,BCNO phosphors,and carbon-based materials,etc .Here we will elucidate the luminescent properties together with their

control and tuning,and emission mechanisms (solid state physics)of these materials.3.1.

Silica and silica-based materials

Earlier defect-related luminescent materials were mainly based upon silica and silica-based materials,including silicate-carboxylate,17SiO 2glass,18,22SiO 2gels,27,28SiO 2spheres,111,114organic/inorganic hybrid silicones,23–25silica nanotubes,148molecular sieves,31,149etc.150–156As the most promising materials for environmentally friendly phosphors,these kinds of luminescent materials have been the focus of research e?orts since the pioneering work of Sailor and co-workers.17,121It has been reported that a kind of white phosphor with high emissive broadband spectra (Fig.5a)(emission maximum between 450and 600nm)can be synthesized from a sol–gel precursor and a variety of organic carboxylic acid with a low heat treatment.The PL quantum yield of these materials ranged from 20%to 45%under UV (365nm)excitation with PL lifetime less than 10ns.In addition,it is worth pointing out that the bright white photoluminescence was ?rst attributed to carbon defect centers and the detailed scheme of the carbon substitutional defect for Si as the luminescent species in the lattice is shown in Fig.5b.Apart from this,silica gels have been also extensively investigated as defect-related phosphors.Among them,silica aerogels,which are well-known to show photoluminescence generally from the blue to red spectral regions,exhibited several structural defects advantageous to photoluminescent properties,such as a non-bridged oxygen hole center (NBOHC)(described as SiOH -SiO + H;this defect was connected with bands at 1.8and 1.9eV),151–153peroxy linkage (POL)(labeled as ROO ,where R represents an unspeci?ed radical or part of the structure),154and E 0center (R Si )on the basis of the basic emission characteristic band at 2.2eV in the PL spectra.152,156In


’s group has reported PL spectra measured Fig.5Optical characterization of SiO 2-based materials.Emission spectra (337nm excitation at 298K)of sol–gel-prepared SiO 2-based phosphors (a)and a scheme of the carbon substitutional defect for Si as the luminescent species in the lattice (b)(reproduced with permission from ref.17,copyright 1997,https://www.doczj.com/doc/8e13031946.html,).Emission spectra of monodisperse SiO 2spheres excited at 300nm (c)and the corresponding photographs (d)under a 365nm lamp (reproduced with permission from ref.111,copyright 2006,American Chemical Society).

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for two series of silica aerogel sintered at 10001C for di?erent time intervals.The photoluminescence band at 1.8eV for silica aerogels originates from non-bridged oxygen hole center defects,and that at 2.0eV originates from silane in the gel network.82

The earlier research of silica/silica-based luminescent materials was mainly focused on the luminescent,physical,and chemistry properties.However,the luminescent properties can also be tailored by the size,shape,and composition.For example,the spherical morphology with narrow size distribution for phosphors is good for high brightness and high resolution because high packing densities and low scattering of light can be obtained by using such phosphors.79,157–161Therefore,morphology-controlled silica-based luminescent materials have appeared over the past decades.The controlled preparation of colloidal silica was proposed for the ?rst time by Kolbe in 1956and then developed by Sto ber et al.in the late 1960s.117Based on modi?ed Sto ber procedures and following a heat treatment,Schmedake’s group has reported a novel approach to synthesize mono-disperse luminescent silica spheres.111The tunable luminescent properties of the silica spheres depend on the quantity of (aminopropyl)triethoxysilane in the precalcined material (Fig.5c).The possible luminescent mechanism was ascribed to carbon/oxygen-related defect centers resulting from calci-nation of the APTES-containing SiO 2spheres.Luminescent and porous silica ?bers prepared by the electrospinning process have also been extensively investigated.129These kinds of multifunctional silica ?bers showed a strong self-activated photoluminescence ranging from 300to 600nm (centered at 405nm),which might be caused by impurities and/or defects in the silica lattice.Moreover,molecular sieves with porous structure (such as MCM-4131and MCM-4832)also show excellent and tunable luminescent properties in the visible region.Most recently,as particularly interesting nanomaterials,luminescent silica nanoparicles were developed by Davies et al.based on the aqueous sol–gel technique.78The as-obtained silica nanomaterials without metal activators or traditional dyes displayed a broad white emission.They also proposed that the source of emission was from the formation of hydrocarbon-based defects during synthesis,which originated from the alkoxysilane used to prepare the nanostructures.

Due to the good optical properties,high chemical stability,and nontoxicity,the applications of these multifunctional SiO 2-based materials have extended in biomedicine ?elds.Therefore,innovative research is ongoing in the silica-based defect-related phosphors.Clearly,we cannot exhaustively cover this ?eld,so our e?orts here are to highlight the recent studies.In the above silica-based materials,a summary description of general properties and luminescent mechanisms for silica-based materials is listed in Table 1.3.2.

Phosphate system

3.2.1.BPO 4-related system.The crystal structure of BPO 4is built by sharing the corner of the BO 4and PO 4tetrahedra,leading to a continuous three-dimensional framework,which is isomorphous with silica oxides.This information told us that BPO 4-based materials might be another kind of defect-related phosphor.Our group ?rstly reported the luminescent properties of BPO 4-based materials prepared by PSG method.86–88This

PSG-derived BPO 4can show a weak purple emission under UV irradiation,which may be caused by the carbon impurities in the host lattice (Fig.6a and e).In further study,when a slight amount of alkali metal or alkaline earth metal ions (Sr 2+,Ca 2+,Mg 2+,Ba 2+Li +,Na +,or K +,)were doped into the BPO 4host lattice,the luminescent intensities can be enhanced (Fig.6a,b and 7A),which are due to the oxygen-related defects (peroxyl radical defects or oxygen vacancy)(Fig.6d).86,87As structural disturbance of BPO 4by dopants can create more defect centers in BPO 4-based systems,especially BPO 4/Ba 2+and BPO 4/Li +,leading to be the most e?cient phosphors (Fig.6e and 7A).The energy band diagram of the possible defects and emission process in sol–gel-derived BPO 4and BPO 4/Ba 2+was also investigated (Fig.6f and 7D).The possible luminescent mechanisms (carbon impurities,peroxyl radical defects,or oxygen vacancy)for these kind of phosphors were ?rst proposed in BPO 4-based materials.In addition,the BPO 4–x SiO 2(x :SiO 2/BPO 4molar ratio,0–70%)and BPO 4–x Al 2O 3(x :Al 2O 3/BPO 4molar ratio,0–20%)hybrid systems prepared by the PSG process are also stable,e?cient,and defect-related luminescent materials.88Further-more,the doping/mixing concentration,annealing tempera-ture,and the amount of additives in the precursors also have a great e?ect on the defect-related luminescent properties of BPO 4-based materials (Fig.7B and C).And the band struc-tures of defective BPO 4,which were employed to further investigate the defect-related luminescent mechanisms,were calculated using CASTEP code based on density-function theory (DFT).In this calculation,the structure models of ideal and defective [interstitial carbon (C i )and oxygen vacancy (V O )]BPO 4are established (Fig.7D).The band gaps for ideal and defective BPO 4are calculated based on the corresponding models (Fig.7D).The calculated results indicated that both the C i and V O can cause great change in the band structure (size of band gap,site of conduction band and valence band,and band structure),which can well explain the luminescence phenomenon and the proposed mechanisms.Therefore,the analysis of the band structure can o?er a valuable alternative to investigate the luminescent mechanisms of defect-related luminescent materials.

3.2.2.Apatite-structured materials.It is well known that apatite-structured materials,including HAp,SrHAp,FAP,etc.,are regarded as a typical class of biological materials due to their super-biological stability,biocompatibility,and a?nity.Obviously,these kinds of nano/micromaterials with excellent ?uorescence may serve as ideal candidates for biomedicine applications,such as cancer diagnosis,drug delivery,and so on.Therefore,they have attracted widespread attention.In earlier research,the luminescence of apatite struc-ture materials is usually realized by depositing optically active rare-earth-doped nanophosphors (i.e.,Y 2O 3:Eu 3+nanoparticles)on the surface or doping the materials with lanthanide/transition metal ions.56,127,162,163However,the lanthanide/transition metal ions are often expensive and non-environmentally friendly ele-ments,which may have toxic e?ects.

In the past few years,much e?ort has been put into the investigation of defect-related luminescent properties in apatite materials.Defect-related apatite materials have been successfully

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synthesized by a facile hydrothermal process.The as-obtained samples showed strong blue emission with controllable morphologies and structures (Fig.8).103–106Here we take the preparation and properties of HAp and SrHAp phosphors as representative examples to illustrate the advantages of the defect-related apatite materials.The hydrothermal-derived HAp samples with trisodium citrate in the precursor can show an intense and bright blue emission under long-wavelength UV light excitation (341nm).This emission spectrum consists of a strong broad band ranging from 350to 570nm with a max-imum at 414–434nm (Fig.8a).103The corresponding excitation

spectrum of the HAp burr-like microspheres includes two broad bands:a weak band from 200to 280nm and a very strong and broadband from 280to 420nm (Fig.8b),which can be excited by a wide range of UV light.It is presumed that CO 2 àradical impurities in the crystal lattice may play a key role for the luminescent properties,based on the results of the analysis and experiments such as Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR)spectra,EPR,and control experiments.These defect centers induce an electron localized in the 2p orbital of the single bonded carbon,which can give rise to photoluminescence through a strong electron-photon coupling.43,88

Table 1Summary comparison of the defect-related silica-based luminescent materials


Fabrication route Excitation Emission

Possible mechanism


Sol–gel method


Broad and maximum between 450and 600nm

Carbon substitutional defect 17SiO 2glass

Sol–gel method UV excitation at 337.1nm Broad emission,maxima at 420and 520nm (5001C)Defects of oxygen de?ciencies

(420nm),radical carbonyl

defects (520nm)

18Peaking at 360and 225nm Entire visible spectrum,peaking at 425and 500nm Chemical bond cleavage and

resultant carbon formation

and/or non-stoichiometry

22Vapor phase axial deposition Absorption at 3.8eV (oxygen plasma process) 1.9eV luminescence NBOHC (1.9eV PL)and peroxy linkage (3.8eV)154SiO 2gels

Sol–gel method 355nm Blue luminescence O 2àspecies 27Broad band peaking at 363,236,243nm

Broad band (360-600nm)Carbon impurity mechanism 28SiO 2spheres Similar to Sto ber

method 300nm Maximum red-shifted with increasing APTES concentration

Carbon/oxygen-related defect center

111A water/oil microemulsion method and Sto ber method

Broad band ranging from 280to 400nm Broad emission and maximum between 385and 470nm,Carbon impurities and oxygen defects 114Organic/inorganic hybrid silicones Sol–gel method 330,350,365,395,365,400,and 420nm Emission spectra are excitation wavelength dependent Emission originated in the NH (NH 2)groups of the

urea or urethane bridges with

electron–hole recombinations


Broad band,depending on monitored emission wavelengths

Broad band between 350and 680nm NH-related emission 24Broad band between 315and 450nm,recorded at 462nm Broad and red shift with the decrease of excitation energy

Recombination electron–hole mechanisms 25SiO 2nanotubes

Reverse-microemulsion mediated sol–gel method 350nm Three emission bands at 410,435(maximum),460nm Intrinsic diamagnetic centers (O–Si–O,violet emission)and

neutral oxygen vacancy

(R Si–Si R ,blue emission)


Molecular sieves Siliceous synthesis gel 350,300.250,and 200nm 420,473,and 620nm Oxygen-related defect sites

31Hydrothermal process and following heat treatment

365nm Blue emission Oxygen-related defects (R Si–O )in MCM-41series 149SiO 2nanowires Heating method Two excitation bands at 260(4.77eV)and 368nm (3.37eV)Broad PL band at 443nm (2.8eV)with a shoulder at 413nm (3.0eV)


150Silica ?bers Electrospinning process A double broad band (200–370nm)peaking at 255and 355nm PL emission ranging from 300to 600nm and maximum at 405nm

Impurities and/or defects in the

silica lattice 129Silica nanoparticles Sol–gel technique 457nm Broad white emission Hydrocarbon-based defects

78g -Irradiated a -SiO 2Plasma CVD method

Excited by 2–4eV photons Two bands at 1.9eV and 2.2eV Nonbridging oxygen hole centers (1.9eV PL)and

E 0centers (2.2eV PL)

152Silica aerogels Two-step acid-base catalyzed process 300–400nm Emission wavelength ranges from 460–500nm Oxygen defect centers in the

aerogel matrix 155Calcination Excited by a 488nm (2.54eV)Ar ion laser Three PL bands at 1.8,2.0and 2.2eV Nonbridged oxygen hole center

defect (1.8eV)and silane in gel

network (2.0)



(SiO x N y :H)

Plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition Excited in the range of 2.4–3.8eV A broad tunable PL emission Silicon suboxide bonding (E 0centers)156

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Upon further investigation of the luminescent properties,it can be found that HAp samples with di?erent morphologies

show di?erent emission intensities (Fig.8a).Among them,HAp microspheres show the strongest blue emission and HAp nanocrystals exhibit the weakest luminescence.The as-obtained HAp microspheres have higher crystallinity,and spherical morphology is good for high brightness and high resolution because of high packing densities and low scattering of light.79Based on the above situation and consideration,other important apatite structures of FAP nanomaterials 105and SrHAp samples with di?erent size and morphologies were also obtained.The luminescent properties of the SrHAp can be tuned by the reaction time and the molar ratio of metal ions and chelating ligands.Normally,the photoluminescence in-tensity ?rst increased with increasing the reaction time,reached a maximum at a certain time,and then nearly kept the maximum with further increase of reaction time (Fig.8c).This might be due to the improvement of the crystallinity.104On the other hand,the photoluminescence intensity varied with the change of the molar ratio of metal ions and trisodium citrate (Fig.8d).At a high molar ratio,the emission intensity decreased greatly,which may be caused by the quenching e?ect of the luminescent centers.This luminescence study can con?rm the key role of trisodium citrate on the luminescence properties.106The comparison of luminescent properties and mechanisms of these defect-related phosphate phosphors are summarized in Table 2.3.3.

Metal oxides

Metal oxides now represent the most mature luminescent materials,which can be classi?ed into two major categories:metal activator-doped metal oxide phosphors (e.g.Y 2O 3:Eu 3+)

Fig.6(a,b)Emission spectra for BPO 4and BPO 4doped with alkaline earth metal ions [SG =sol–gel;SG/CH 3COO à=sol–gel with CH 3COONH 4instead of Ba(CH 3COO)2as dopant;SS =solid-state reaction using H 3BO 3and (NH 4)2HPO 4].(c)Scheme of excita-tion and emission process induced by C impurities in BPO 4.(d)Scheme of the production of peroxyl radicals in BPO 4by Ba 2+.(e)Photographs of the sol–gel-derived BPO 4and BPO 4/6mol%Ba 2+phosphor pellets under a UV (365nm)lamp in the dark.(f)Energy band diagram showing the possible defects and emission process in BPO 4and BPO 4/6mol%Ba 2+(reproduced with permission from ref.86,copyright 2006,American Chemical Society).

Fig.7(A,B,C)Luminescent properties of the BPO 4-based materials a?ected by dopants,concentration,and temperature.(D)Structure models of BPO 4:ideal (a),interstitial carbon (c),oxygen vacancy (e),and the calculated band structures according to models of ideal BPO 4(b),interstitial carbon-defective BPO 4(d),and oxygen vacancy defective BPO 4(f)(reproduced with permission from ref.87and 88,copyright 2009,2008,American Chemical Society).

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and defect-related materials.For the defect-related metal oxide phosphors,the species,synthesis,properties,and lumi-nescent mechanisms are classi?ed and listed in Table 3.

3.3.1.Zirconia.Zirconia (ZrO 2)is an important ceramic material and widely used in high-performance ceramics,catalysts,cosmetics,and new emergent applications of high-temperature fuel cells and bioceramics (such as dental prostheses).Along with the further investigation on phosphors,some attention has been paid to the luminescence properties of ZrO 2.164During the early study,Li and co-workers reported that tetragonal ZrO 2nano-particles synthesized by a microwave irradiation method showed sharp emission peaks at 402,420,and 459nm under 254nm UV excitation and a broad-band emission at 608nm under 412nm UV excitation.147The ZrO 2nanocrystals prepared by a two-phase process presented by Zhao et al.165exhibited a broad-band emission with a maximum at 365nm under UV excitation (250nm).These reports indicated that the luminescence intensity of ZrO 2nanocrystals seemed to depend strongly on the prepara-tion method.Moreover,the luminescent mechanisms need to be further investigated and clari?ed.

In a further study,Lin and co-workers 43have found that PSG-derived nanocrystalline ZrO 2powders annealed at 5001C and crystallized as tetragonal could exhibit white-blue emission centered at 425nm under a wide range of UV light excitation,which is suitably excited by di?erent light sources.By further increasing the annealing temperature,the phase transformation of ZrO 2from tetragonal to monoclinic occurs.The monoclinic ZrO 2samples could give an intense blue-green emission (470nm)after being annealed at 10001C (Fig.9A).This result con?rmed that the phase of the phosphor can a?ect the emission color and/or luminescent intensity.Moreover,the detailed study indicated that the whitish blue and blue-green emission bands can be ascribed to interstitial carbon defects (C i )in the tetragonal ZrO 2and oxygen defects in the mono-clinic ZrO 2,respectively.43The PSG-derived ZrO 2presented

Table 2Summary comparison of the defect-related phosphate-system luminescent materials

Materials Fabrication route Excitation


Possible mechanism Ref.BPO 4/Ba 2+(Sr 2+,Ca 2+,and Mg 2+)PSG process Broad band (220–450nm)with maximum at 310nm Bluish-white emission band peaking from 416to 451nm Carbon impurities and oxygen-related defects 86Alkali metal ion-doped BPO 4PSG process Broad band (220–400nm)peaking at 311and 375nm

Strong emission (360–570nm,BPO 4:6%Li +maximum at 416nm)

Carbon impurities and

oxygen vacancy (V


center)87BPO 4–SiO 2–Al 2O 3mixture

PSG process BPO 4–x SiO 2One broad band with a maximum at 313nm Emission band centered at 428nm,SiO 2concentration

and annealing temperature dependent

Carbon impurities and oxygen vacancy (V



PSG process BPO 4–x Al 2O 3

Two broad bands peaking at 308and 372nm Emission band centered at 413nm,Al 2O 3concentration

and annealing temperature dependent

Carbon impurities and oxygen vacancy (V

O center)88

Hydroxyapatite Ca 5(PO 4)3OH nano/microcrystals Hydrothermal process A weak band (200–280nm)and a strong broadband (280–420nm)

Blue emission (350–570nm)and morphologies dependent Carbon dioxide radical

(CO 2 à)

103Strontium hydroxyapatite Hydrothermal process (microsphere)

Long-wavelength UV light excitation (344nm).Blue emission centered at 427nm

Carbon dioxide radical (CO 2 à)

104Hydrothermal process (nanorods)Two broad bands peaking at 254and 345nm Blue emission and dependent on cumulatively released

amount of drug

Carbon dioxide radical (CO 2 à)

106Mesoporous silica/apatite composite Modi?ed Pechini sol–gel process

Two bands centered at 280and 330nm Blue luminescence (maximum at 410nm)Carbon dioxide radical (CO 2 à)

90Calcium ?uorapatite Hydrothermal process

Broad excitation band (200–400nm)

Blue emission Ca 5(PO 4)3F Carbon dioxide radical (CO 2 à)


White emission color for Ce 3+,Mn 2+-codoped Ca 5(PO 4)3F excited by 308nm UV light

Carbon dioxide radical (CO 2 à)and Ce 3+,Mn 2+activators emission

Fig.8(a)PL emission spectra of hydrothermal-derived HAp samples (S1:nanorods and nanoparticles obtained at pH =9.0,S2:nanorods obtained at pH =7.0,S3:burr-like microspheres obtained at pH =5.0,S4:micro?owers obtained at pH =4.5,and S5:microsheets obtained at pH =4.0).(b)PL excitation for HAp sample S3(reproduced with permission from ref.103,copyright 2009,American Chemical Society).(c)Emission spectra of SrHAp samples obtained from di?erent reaction times (reproduced with permission from ref.104,copyright 2009,American Chemical Society).(d)Emission spectra for the SrHAp samples prepared with di?erent molar ratios of Cit 3à/Sr 2+(reproduced with permission from ref.106,copyright 2010,Elsevier).

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strong and bright emission,however the high annealing temperature caused serious aggregation.Therefore,to avoid this situation,other methods to control the synthesis of ZrO 2luminescent materials were explored.Well-dispersed ZrO 2spheres with a narrow size distribution were successfully prepared by the controlled hydrolysis of zirconium butoxide in ethanol.With a subsequent heat treatment in air at low temperature (300–5001C),the annealed ZrO 2spheres exhibited broad,intense,and visible photoluminescence (Fig.9B).112More-over,the emission colors of the ZrO 2spheres can be tuned from blue to nearly white to dark orange by varying the annealing temperature.Based on the spectral analysis,luminescence lifetimes,and EPR results,the luminescent centers might be attributed to the carbon impurities in the ZrO 2lattice.And the concentration of the carbon impurities is closely related with the annealing temperature and the amount of the organic additive.

Based on these researches,defect-related luminescent properties of ZrO 2and ZrO 2-based phosphors can be in?uenced by synthesis method,species of defect,phase,and surface/interface properties.By controlling these factors,many defect-related ZrO 2phosphors with di?erent emission color or intensity could be achieved,which enriches the inorganic luminescent materials and provides novel phosphors as alternatives to traditional phosphors.

3.3.2.Alumina.Cai et al.and Chen et al.found photo-luminescence properties in porous alumina membranes.166,167Zhang et al.reported a blue luminescence from amorphous Al 2O 3nanoparticles suspended in toluene solution through ultrasonic treatment of a porous anodic alumina membrane.168From an earlier study,it was found that the intense blue emission of as-obtained nanoparticles strongly depended on the particle size and chosen solvent.Moreover,a mixed mechanism combining the surface bonding states with widened bandgaps of alumina nanoparticles by the quantum con?nement e?ect is presented.168In a follow-up study,our group also demonstrated the amorphous Al 2O 3powder samples prepared by the PSG process and annealed at 500and 6001C exhibited bright bluish-white emission centered at 430and 407nm,respectively.89The most probable luminescent center was ascribed to radical carbonyl defects such as R Al–O–C Q O on the pore surface.

Besides the defect-related Al 2O 3phosphors,the Al 2O 3–SiO 2porous glasses with high luminescence quantum e?ciencies have also been well investigated by Hayakawa et al.Further investigation of Al 2O 3–SiO 2porous glasses indicated that the Al 2O 3content could a?ect the luminescent properties.18More recently,Raubach and co-workers reported interfacial photo-luminescence emission properties of core/shell Al 2O 3/ZrO 2.In their research work,the general aspect of the spectra is a broad band ranging from 350to 620nm (maximum at 455nm),which covered a large part of the visible light.A possible mechanism was ascribed to the multi-photonic process based on the recombination of excited electrons and holes.Interestingly,PL spectra (l ex =350.7nm)also revealed that the e?ect of the zirconia coating on the alumina was more e?ective for a -Al 2O 3than for g -Al 2O 3,which may be related to the process of coating zirconia on alumina.169

3.3.3.Rare earth oxides.Rare earth oxides have been extensively used in high-performance luminescent devices,magnets,catalysts,and other functional materials because of their electronic,optical,and chemical characteristics resulting from the 4f electronic shells.However,most rare earth oxide phosphors are metal activator-doped materials,for example traditional red phosphor Y 2O 3:Eu 3+.Research on defect-related rare earth oxide phosphors could decrease the amount of rare earth ions,particularly very expensive rare earth activators (such as Eu 3+,Tb 3+,Er 3+,Dy 3+,etc.),which would greatly reduce the cost and increase safety for the environment and people’s health.As a result,defect-related luminescent materials without metal activators have attracted much attention.

Lin and co-workers have successfully synthesized Y 2O 3powders via the sol–gel process using glycerol and polyethyl-eneglycol as additives,followed by low-temperature treatment.170The as-prepared Y 2O 3sample shows intense bluish-white emission (350–600nm)with a quantum yield as high as 64.6%under a wide range of UV light excitation (235–400nm).These luminescent properties were caused by carbon impurities in the Y 2O 3host.In addition,highly uniform and well-dispersed CeO 2nanocrystals (3.5nm in diameter)were prepared by a nonhydrolytic solution route.171This kind of undoped CeO 2can show a weak emission band with a maximum at 501nm.The emission band is not due to the characteristic emission of the lanthanide ions but might arise from the oxygen vacancy which is introduced in the ?uorite lattice of the CeO 2nanocrystals to compensate the e?ective negative charge associated with the trivalent ions.In a further study,Tanner and Wang 172presented the intense and white upcon-version luminescence from several rare earth oxides (Ln 2O 3,Ln =Sm,Tm,Yb,and CeO 2)excited by a 808nm laser diode,which is unlike the upconversion spectra of lanthanide-ion activators.The color purity is excellent for the prepared oxides.Among them,the coordinates for neat Tm 2O 3and Yb 2O 3are close to those for pure white light.Moreover,they speculated that the mechanism involved thermally induced production of free carriers.


4.ZnO,SnO 2,and In 2O 3.As a wide-band-gap semi-conductor,zinc oxide (ZnO)has been known as a luminescent material for a long time,and it is of great interest for photonic applications such as UV luminescent devices,low threshold

Fig.9(A)Photographs under UV light from mercury lamp in a dark room and corresponding emission spectra of the ZrO 2crystals annealed at di?erent temperature (ZOSG:ZrO 2via sol–gel process;ZOSS:ZrO 2via the solid-state reaction).(B)Luminescence photo-graphs under a 365nm UV lamp and emission spectra of ZrO 2annealed at di?erent temperature (reproduced with permission from ref.38and 112,copyright 2007and 2009,American Chemical Society).

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lasers,nonlinear optical devices and so forth.173–175ZnO is a famous

defect-related phosphor which has good characteristics such as low outgassing,high electric conductivity (B 10à3O cm à1),low

excitation voltage,and high stability,176and has been exten-sively used as a bright green phosphor.177Besides the green emission,violet,178–180yellow,181,182and orange-red 183–185

Table 3Summary of the defect-related oxide luminescent materials

Representative examples Synthetic method



Possible mechanism Ref.ZrO 2

Nanoparticles Microwave irradiation method

254and 412nm Sharp emission excited by 254nm and broad-band emission excited by 412nm Surface defects and oxygen vacancies 147Colloidal nanocrystals Two-phase process 250nm Broad-band with

a maximum at 365nm

A mid-gap trap state induced by surface passivation.


PSG process

302nm White-blue emission (tetragonal phase)Interstitial carbon defects



Blue-green emission (monoclinic phase)Oxygen defects


Hydrolysis and followed by a heat treatment


Tunable emission (blue-white-dark orange)by varying the annealing temperature

Carbon impurities 112

Al 2O 3–ZrO 2Core–shell Polymeric precursor method

350.7nm Broad band (350–620nm)Recombination of

excited electrons and holes

169Al 2O 3

Porous membrane

Electrochemical method

360nm Blue PL band (400–600nm)Singly ionized oxygen

vacancies (F +centers)

166Two-step anodizing process

200–400nm Blue-emitting bands (420–600nm)peaking at 452nm

Oxygen defects and oxalic impurities 167Nanoparticles Ultrasonic treatment 330nm Broad band and a blue-shift as the decrease of particle sizes Surface bonding energy levels and the oxygen defect levels 168Porous Al 2O 3

PSG process Broad band (235–425nm)Bluish–white emission (350–600nm)Carbon-related defect (radical carbonyl defect)89Al 2O 3–SiO 2Porous glasses Sol–gel method 337.1nm White light emission peaking at 420and 520nm Oxygen defects and radical carbonyl-terminations

18Y 2O 3

PSG process 235–400nm Bluish–white emission (350–600nm)

Carbon impurities 170Calcination


Upconversion white luminescence Thermally induced production of free carriers 171CeO 2Nanocrystals

Non-hydrolytic solution route Broad band (280–420nm)

Emission band with a maximum at 501nm Oxygen vacancy 172ZnO

Polyol method

followed by annealing,electrodeposition,chemical solution deposition,two-step process,molecular-beam epitaxy,or sol–gel process,etc.

UV light excitation for PL spectra or low-voltage electron beam excitation for cathodoluminescent spectra (CL)

Bright green luminescent Interstitial oxygen ion

(O i à),ionized oxygen vacancies (V O +),or Zn vacancy


177,182Violet luminescence Defects associated with

zinc or oxygen vacancies or vacancy related complexes

178,179,180Yellow emission Oxygen vacancy O i à181,182Orange-red emission Oxygen interstitials 183,184,185SnO 2Nanorods Hydrothermal method 295nm Broad emission (350–550nm)Oxygen vacancies 187Nanowires Vapor-liquid-solid process

Excitation power (0.5–10mW)Ultraviolet


Defect states

190Nanoparticles Sol–gel method 300nm Emission band centered at 400nm

Oxygen vacancy (V O

)191Hierarchical nanostructures

Multistep thermal vapor deposition


Blue–violet and yellow bands centered at 432and 539nm

Oxygen vacancies and structural defects 192In 2O 3In 2O 3/SiO 2Soaking and thermal-decomposition 275and 250nm Ultraviolet and visible emissions

Sulfur impurities and quantum size e?ect 194Nanocubes Hydrothermal treatment

380nm Blue-green emission centered at 450nm Oxygen vacancies 195Nano?bers Solvothermal reaction 325nm

Three emission peaks at 378,398,and 420nm Oxygen vacancies 196Nanorod bundles and spheres Hydrothermal process 300–425nm with a maximum at 383nm Blue emission peaking at 416and 439nm

Oxygen vacancies 197Nanocrystals Solvothermal method 234nm

Blue emission centered at 423nm and size dependent

Weak quantum-con?nement-e?ects


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emissions have been also observed and investigated.Since these emissions are located in a wide range of the visible spectrum,great e?orts have been made to tailor these visible emissions.186As a representative example,ZnO and ZnO:Zn phosphors have been successfully synthesized by the polyol-method followed by annealing in air and reducing gas,respec-tively,which showed tunable PL and cathodoluminescent (CL)properties.176In this research,the emission spectra of ZnO powders annealed at 9501C in air contained a weak ultraviolet emission band at 390nm and a broad emission band centered at about 527nm,exhibiting yellow emission (Fig.10a).However,when the sample was annealed in redu-cing conditions at temperatures from 500to 10501C,the yellow emission decreased gradually and disappeared completely at 8001C,whereas the ultraviolet emission band became the strongest.Above this temperature,the green emission (centered at 500nm)appeared and increased with increasing reducing temperatures (Fig.10b).Experimental results indicated that a singly ionized oxygen vacancy existed in the ZnO and ZnO:Zn powders (Fig.10c).Based on the analysis,the yellow and green emissions may arise from the transitions of photogenerated electrons close to the conduc-tion band to the deeply trapped hole in the single negatively charged interstitial oxygen ion (O i à)and the single ionized oxygen vacancy (V O )centers,respectively.176A schematic diagram of the radiative transitions responsible for emissions of these kinds of ZnO-based phosphors is shown in Fig.10d.Tin oxide (SnO 2)is another important metal oxide,which has an n-type wide band gap (3.6eV at 300K)but is dipole forbidden due to its special wave function symmetry.187–189Furthermore,the exciton binding energy of SnO 2is very large,which suggests e?cient exciton emission at room temperature and even at higher temperatures.From the viewpoint of fundamental physics,190considerable research has been focused on the exploration of novel properties of SnO 2nano-materials

(nanoparticles,191nanowires,190nanorods,187hierarchical nanostructures,192etc.),especially the photoluminescent properties.Photoluminescence of SnO 2materials,generally observed in the UV and/or visible region (350–550nm),may reveal the presence of crystalline defects (such as oxygen vacancies and tin interstitial or dangling bonds)resulting from various synthesis processes.187,190–192Among them,oxygen vacancies have been assumed to be the most likely candidates for the recombination centers in emission processes for SnO 2samples.Lu et al.presented the oxygen-vacancy-related photolumines-cence of SnO 2nanoparticles and the origin of the emission was assigned to the recombination of electrons in a conduction

band with holes in the V

O center.191Another research group produced defect-related luminescent SnO 2nanowires and proposed a di?erent luminescent mechanism,which was iden-ti?ed:recombination of donor–acceptor pairs,excitons bound to neutral and ionized donor impurities,and optical transi-tions from free electrons to neutral acceptor impurities in the lattice.190In addition,Patra and co-workers have investigated the surface-defect-related luminescent properties of SnO 2nanorods and nanoparticles.187This research work suggests that the luminescent properties can strongly depend on the shape.In conclusion,the emission of SnO 2nanocrystals is due to a transition of an electron from a level close to the conduction

band edge to a deeply trapped hole (V

O )in the bulk of the SnO 2nanocrystal and the surface-related defects are more prominent in smaller nanocrystals than in nanorods.

Similarly,indium oxide (In 2O 3)is also a very important wide-band-gap (direct band gap around 3.6eV)and n-type transparent semiconductor due to its oxygen-e?cient ?uorite structure.193In recent years,fabrication of In 2O 3has received much interest,such as luminescent spectra peaking at 480and 520nm from In 2O 3nanoparticles reported by Zhou et al.,194450nm from In 2O 3nanocubes 195and 378,398,and 420nm from In 2O 3nano?bers reported by Qian et al .196The emission from oxide semiconductors is mainly attributed to the oxygen vacancies.In addition,Yang et al.197have well investigated the synthesis and luminescent properties of the In 2O 3nano/micro-structures with two di?erent morphologies (nanorod bundles and caddice sphere-like agglomerates).In 2O 3nanorod bundles and spheres showed similar blue emission peaking around 416and 439nm under 383nm UV excitation.Moreover,Fang et al.198also reported highly uniform and quasi-monodisperse In 2O 3nanocrystals,which gave a relatively strong emission centered at 423nm and a shoulder located at about 392nm with weak quantum con?nement e?ects at room temperature.All the research work suggests that the indium oxide is also an important alternative defect-related luminescent material.According to the existing investigations,in summary,some low-toxic and wide-band-gap semiconductor oxides can potentially be used as e?cient and defect-related luminescent materials.Detailed information and representative research is listed in Table 3.3.4.

BCNO phosphors

Recently,oxynitride and nitride compounds have emerged as promising environmentally friendly phosphor candidates because of their excellent properties of non-toxicity,outstanding thermal

Fig.10(a)PL spectra (inset:photographs under irradiation of a 365nm UV lamp),(b)CL spectra,and (c)EPR curves of ZnO-based phosphors.(d)Schematic diagram of the energy band of a ZnO-based particle in cross section (Ec:conduction band,Ev:valence band,Eg:band gap)(reproduced with permission from ref.176,copyright 2006,American Chemical Society).

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and chemical stability,and high luminescence e?ciency.26,199In previous work,BCN compounds were expected to behave as semiconductors with bandgap energies that could be tunable by varying the atomic composition.Therefore,this kind of materials was considered to be intermediate between graphite and hexagonal-BN (h-BN).200However,it was very di?cult to improve the light-emitting properties of this BCN phosphor,which had only single emission peaks in the PL and showed low PL intensity and quantum e?ciency.Most recently,Okuyama and co-workers reported a simple and useful synthetic route for BCNO phosphor with high quantum e?ciency (as high as 79%)and wavelength-tunable emission ranging from 387to 571nm.26,199,201–203The experimental results indicated that this phosphor was polycrystalline in nature and composed of several distinct nanocrystals.More-over,higher PL intensity and quantum e?ciency have been achieved by controlling the carbon content,PEG/B ratio in the precursor solution,and reaction time during the preparation of BCNO phosphors (Fig.11A).199This result showed that carbon atom impurities were able to substitute for boron or nitrogen atoms in the t -BN crystallites with increased carbon concentration.As a result,the allowed electronic transitions in the matrix were modi?ed and the states generated by carbon were changed,that is to say the variations of the BCNO band gap results from changes in the chemical composition of the BCNO crystals.Furthermore,the variations of band gap can cause shifts of their emission spectra and di?erent emission colors.199,201–203

Another research group of Qiu et al.also fabricated BCNO-based phosphors and well investigated their photolumines-cence properties.204Some of their research work focused on BCNO-nanoparticle-embedded polymer electrospun nano?-bers prepared by an electrospinning technique.These nano?-bers showed a wide band emission in the visible region,which originated from the defect-related BCNO nanocrystals and can be changed by adjusting the C content during the pre-paration of BCNO phosphors.In addition,they also assumed the paramagnetic defect centre originated from electrons trapped at nitrogen vacancies,and this defect was responsible for the observed luminescence of the BCNO nanocrystals.204In a further study,Qiu and co-workers also reported a BCNO-based long-persistence phosphor,205,206which shows a phosphorescence peak centered at 520nm.Its afterglow decay curve ?tting t à0.93indicated a relatively slow decay rate (Fig.11B).Moreover,they pointed out that this defect-related long-persistence luminescent BCNO phosphor was competitive as a commercial long-persistence phosphor (e.g.,SrAl 2O 4:Eu 2+,Dy 3+)207for appli-cation in many ?elds due to its excellent luminescent properties,low cost,and low toxicity.3.5.


ATiO 3(A =Ca,Sr,Ba,Pd,etc.)-type perovskites,which have an energy band gap of about 3.0eV,have recently attracted a good deal of attention due to their ferroelectric and electro-optical properties.208–211Pizani et al.reported a series of disordered (amorphous)BaTiO 3,PbTiO 3,and SrTiO 3materials prepared by a sol–gel method.91These three materials displayed a similar broad emission band in the visible region under UV

excitation.The origin of the photoluminescence was not exactly identi?ed.However,the experimental results indicated that it could be related to the disordered perovskite structure.In addition,they also synthesized amorphous luminescent PbTiO 3thin ?lms.92Lazaro and co-workers produced ordered-disordered CaTiO 3with photoluminescence prepared by a poly-meric precursor method and annealed at 450–6001C for 2h.212The authors proposed that this photoluminescence in CaTiO 3was a?ected not only by disorder in the lattice former but also by structural disorder in the lattice modi?er.Pontes et al.also reported the role of network modi?ers in the creation of photo-luminescence in CaTiO 3.213

Takahashi et al.produced orange luminescent barium tita-nosilicate BaTiSi 2O 7by a conventional solid-state reaction.214This product displayed visible orange luminescence.Corre-spondingly,the broad PL emission with a peak at 580nm was observed by ultraviolet excitation at 321nm.The authors further suggested that this luminescence property was related

Fig.11(A)Photographs and corresponding emission spectra excited at 365nm of BCNO samples prepared under various conditions of PRG/B ratio,temperature,and heating time [(a)2.0?10à3,9001C,30min;(b)2.0?10à3,8001C,30min;(c)4.0?10à3,7001C,60min;(d)4.0?10à3,7001C,45min;(e)4.4?10à3,7001C,30min](reproduced with permission from ref.199,copyright 2008,Wiley).(B)Afterglow decays of BCNO-1to BCNO-6recorded at the respective peaking wavelength after termination of irradiation with an UV lamp for 10min (starting materials with ?xed atomic ratios of B/C =2/3and B/N =1/7,1/6,1/5,1/4,1/3for BCNO-1to BCNO-5,and B/C =1/2,B/N =1/3for BCNO-6,respectively)(reproduced with permission from ref.206,copyright 2009,IOP Science).

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to both the absolutely isolated pyramidal TiO 5unit pair and the oxygen defect in the TiO 5unit in the BaTiSi 2O 7phase.Besides the above-mentioned titanates,a strong blue emission band at 480nm has been observed in nano-sized La 0.5Na 0.5TiO 3,reported by Zhang.215In this report,the emission band is closely related to the electron transitions between the conduction band and the defect levels,between the defect levels and valence band,as well as between the defect levels.Interestingly,a emission pattern very similar to that of ATiO 3was also observed,and the independence of the emission band on the preparation method of the material was revealed.3.6.

Fluoride materials

Fluoride materials have been studied for a very long time because they have a wide range of potential optical applica-tions based on their low energy phonons and high ionicity.216In the past few years,our group has successfully synthesized well-dispersed ?uoride nanocrystals,including alkaline earth metal ?uorides (CaF 2,SrF 2,BaF 2)97and KRE 3F 10(RE =Sm–Lu,Y).110These as-obtained ?uoride nanocrystals can show a strong emission band with maximum at 400nm under UV excitation.97Since we did not introduce any other activated ions in the experiments,the emission has to be caused by some kind of defect or electronic centre.In addition,we also observed that the lifetimes of these three ?uoride nanocrystals are 7.6ns (CaF 2),8.4ns (SrF 2)and 17.4ns (BaF 2),respectively.The short lifetimes further proved that their luminescence originated from defects or electronic centres in the ?uoride nanocrystals.These defect emission centers may be induced by the adsorbed oleic acid molecules onto the surfaces of the nanocrystals in the formation process.Similarly,the as-prepared well-dispersed KRE 3F 10(RE =Sm–Lu,Y)nanocrystals also displayed self-activated luminescence due to the trap states of surface defects.1103.7.

Carbon nanomaterials

3.7.1.Carbon nanodots.Recently,emerging light-emitting quantum-sized (less than 10nm)carbon nanodots (CNDs)have appeared to be a promising alternative to traditional luminescent materials in many applications because of their advantages in size,biocompatibility,low toxicity,and cheaper cost.29The synthesis of the CNDs can be generally classi?ed into two kinds of approaches.Firstly,CNDs can be obtained from a larger structure (Fig.12a),such as graphite,217carbon nanotubes,218and so on.219In the other kind of strategy,CNDs are prepared from some organic molecular precursors.220–223Generally,during these methods,CNDs often undergo oxidation (such as HNO 3and/or H 2SO 4)and further puri?cation processes.Therefore,CNDs typically contain many functional groups (such as carboxylic and hydroxyl groups)on the surface (Fig.12b),thus imparting them with excellent water solubility and suitability for subsequent functionalization with various organic,polymeric,inorganic,or biological species.For the physical and chemical properties of CNDs,Ray et al.224reported that CNDs formed from oxidation of candle soot consisted of a nanocrystalline core of graphitic sp 2carbon atoms functionalized with peripheral carboxylic/carbonyl moieties.Another research group demonstrated that Raman

spectra of CNDs that were produced by electrochemical oxidation of nanotubes showed characteristics of both sp 2and disordered carbon.218Based on further and detailed study,CNDs consist of an amorphous to nanocrystalline core with predominantly sp 2carbon and the lattice spacings are consis-tent with graphitic or turbostratic carbon.223,225,226

Typically,CNDs can show strong optical absorption in the UV region and even the visible range,which depends on the synthesis method and surface modi?cation.217However,the most fascinating features of CNDs are the photoluminescence properties.The emission spectra of CNDs prepared by Chen and co-workers have a broad color range with the maximum at the range of 415–615nm.225Ray et al.reported ?uorescent carbon nanoparticles with a size of 2–6nm which can be prepared by oxidation of soot particles.Surface oxidation and subsequent nitrogen/oxygen doping a?orded a light emission property of the carbon particles.The luminescence of carbon particles depends on the wavelength of excitation light and the particle size,that is,the smaller the size,the higher the luminescence e?ciency.224In general,the emission intensities and the color can be in?uenced by the synthesis methods,di?erent excitation wavelengths (Fig.12c),particle size (Fig.12d),surface properties of the CNDs themselves,219,225,226and other external factors (such as ionic strength and pH values).221,227Since the elemental carbon itself is nonluminous and has no extrinsic activators,the observed luminescence from CNDs must be related to some defects and/or impurities in the system.Due to its complexity and di?culty,the exact mechanism is still a matter of current debate and requires further investiga-tion.However,based on the research results,besides the quan-tum e?ect of the CNDs,the carbon-based photoluminescence has been attributed by many researchers to passivated defects on the carbon particle surface acting as excitation energy traps.217,218

Fig.12(a)Representative TEM micrographs of CNDs (reproduced with permission from ref.225,copyright 2009,American Chemical Society).(b)Depiction of CNDs after surface oxidative treatment (reproduced with permission from ref.29,copyright 2010,Wiley).(c)PL emission spectra of 1.9nm CNDs at di?erent excitation wavelengths of 290–380nm (reproduced with permission from ref.226,copyright 2008,Royal Society of Chemistry).(d)Optical images of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE)-separated CNDs illuminated under white (top)and UV light (312nm;center)(reproduced with permission from ref.227,copyright 2007,Wiley).

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Additionally,the performance in an in vivo study using CD-1mice suggests the nontoxicity of CNDs at exposure levels and times beyond those typically used for optical in vivo imaging studies.228

3.7.2.Graphene oxide.Graphene oxide (GO)is an atomically thin sheet of graphite,and is increasingly attracting chemists for its characteristics.Graphene oxide contains oxygen-containing func-tional groups on the surface,such as carboxylic and hydroxy groups,thus imparting it with excellent water solubility,suitability,and a mixture of sp 2-and sp 3-hybridized carbon atoms,which may provide interesting possibilities for optical applications.29

In 2008,Dai and co-workers 229,230reported intrinsic ?uores-cence in both the visible and the near-infrared (NIR)regions from nanosized GO functionalized with PEG.Owing to its small size,intrinsic optical properties,large speci?c surface area,low cost,and low toxicity,GO as a promising new material has attracted much attention in the following studies.231–234Chhowalla and co-workers reported near-UV-to-blue photoluminescence from solution-processed graphene oxide.Moreover,they presumed that the PL of this kind of GO originated from the recombination of electron–hole (e–h)pairs,localized within small sp 2carbon clusters embedded within the sp 3matrix.235The PL behavior of GO is very similar to that observed in CNDs.29Therefore,both GO and CNDs may become promising platforms that pave the way toward interesting biomedical labeling and optoelectronics applications.3.8.

Inorganic–organic hybrids

Other attractive species of defect-related luminescent materials include inorganic–organic hybrids with advanced optical properties,such as high laser e?ciencies,good photostability,photopattern waveguiding structures for integrated optics,electroluminescent diodes,and so on.23–25,236–238Carlos and co-workers have paid much attention on the hybrid concept to synthesize stable and e?cient photoluminescent materials lacking metal activator ions,such as urea cross-linked inorganic–organic hybrids (so-called ureasils),amine-functionalized inorganic–organic hybrids,and urea/urethane cross-linked nanohybrids prepared by a sol–gel method at room tempera-ture.239,240Generally,the host matrix of this kind of hybrid material is a silica-based network and covalently grafted by means of urea,urethane,or amido-group linkages.Control-ling the experimental conditions and excitation energy,the inorganic–organic hybrids can show tunable photolumines-cence,and even e?cient white-light hybrids with high photo-luminescence yield.Moreover,Carlos et al.proposed a mechanism based on NH 3+/NH à(or NH 2+/N à)donor–acceptor pairs to explain the emission of these materials.23Similarly,Lianos et al.prepared hybrid inorganic–organic nanoclusters.These inorganic–organic hybrids were founded on a silica backbone but they were also facilitated and assisted by forces arising from hydrophilic/hydrophobic balance and hydrogen-bonding interactions.Luminescence was attributed to electron–hole recombination on delocalized states so that emission wavelength can be tuned in the range of almost the entire visible spectrum by choosing the excitation wavelength.19

In a recent study,Guo et al.discovered the white-light-emitting borate-based inorganic–organic hybrid open framework.241

The two three-dimensional (3D)inorganic–organic hybrid isopolyacid borates,B 6O 9(en)and (H 2en)2(Hen)2B 16O 27(en =ethylenediamine)were ?rst prepared under solvothermal conditions.Especially,the (H 2en)2(Hen)2B 16O 27hybrid can show bright luminescence and be modi?ed from blue to white by means of a simple heat-treatment process.Since no metal activator ions exist in this compound,the self-activating photo-luminescence probably originates from structural defects caused by heat treatment.This is supported by the t f value at ns level and the results of the PL spectra,suggesting its ?uorescence character.In addition,they also pointed that the compound of (H 2en)2(Hen)2B 16O 27with large void spaces may ?nd utility in ion exchange in the future.

4.Emission mechanisms

To date,researchers have extensively investigated defect-related phosphors,however the origins of luminescence are not yet entirely understood in defect-related materials.Unlike emission from rare earth activator-doped luminescent materials,it is di?cult to con?rm the kinds of defects that cause emission and how it works in the matrix.A variety of possible mechanisms have been proposed.According to the existing investigations,we grouped the defect-related luminescent mechanisms into four systems,which have some special characters,and can be summarized as follows:(i)

Carbon impurities (defects)

Carbon defects are only luminescently active after heat treatment,because these samples are not luminescent prior to this procedure.These carbon-related defect centers include an electron being localized in a 2p orbital of a single-bonded carbon and single-bonded oxygen.This would give rise to photoluminescence through a strong electron–photon coupling.43,112Generally,the luminescence from carbon defects contains several common features,such as characteristic emission range (350–700nm),maximum of emission spectrum (405–550nm)and shorter PL lifetime (less than 10ns).17,43,86–88(ii)

Oxygen vacancies

Oxygen vacancies are known to be one of the most common defects in oxides and usually act as radiative centers in luminescence processes.191As the annealing process can cause recovery of the structural defects and eliminate e?ciently the non-radiative combination centers,the oxygen vacancy-related photoluminescence is strongly dependent on the calcination temperature and time.176The recombination of a conduction band electron with an oxygen vacancy can yield visible emission.Moreover,each recombination luminescence includes the following processes:ionization,migration,recombination,and emission.87,88,176This recombination process results in the long lifetime (m s or ms).(iii)

E 0-type luminescent centers

An E 0-type luminescent center ( Si R )is an unpaired electron localized in a single Si sp 3orbital (i.e.a silicon dangling bond),where the spin is highly localized on the silicon atom.152This is a prominent paramagnetic defect in conventional a-SiO 2.This

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defect can result in characteristic photoluminescence at about 288nm when excited with high-energy photons.152,156(iv)

Nonbridging oxygen hole centers

Nonbridging oxygen hole centers are intrinsic defect centers in amorphous and porous silica and can be described as SiOH -SiO + H,where dots represent unpaired electrons.In the PL spectra of silica-based systems,this defect was connected with bands at 1.8and 1.9eV.151–153Unfortunately,the silanol groups (SiOH)are unstable when exposed to ambient air and oxidized slowly to form Si dangling bonds,which form non-radiative recombination centers and in?uence PL e?ciency.(v)

Peroxy-radical hole trap

Peroxy-radical hole traps (PRHT, O–O–Si R O3)are also intrinsic defect sites in the silica lattice.This kind of defect consists of an unpaired electron localized over two oxygens,one of which is bonded to Si.31Therefore,they can introduce an electronic state into the band gap,resulting in characteristic photoluminescence at about 460nm (2.7eV)when excited with high energy photons (h n Z 3.5eV or l r 357nm).86(vi)

Carbon dioxide radical

Carbon dioxide radicals (CO 2 à)are a kind of paramagnetic defect resulting from bond cleavages of some organic additives during the synthesis process.90,103–106These radicals are trapped into the matrix lattice or interstitial positions,which are apparently the precursors for various centers.These defect centers induce an electron localized in the 2p orbital of the single-bonded carbon.This would give rise to photoluminescence with a short lifetime through strong electron–photon coupling.(vii)

Donor–acceptor pairs

Donor–acceptor pairs (such as NH 3+/NH àor NH 2+/N à)can usually be found in room temperature-obtained organic/inorganic hybrids.This mechanism was proposed by Carlos et al..23,239,240Photoinduced proton-transfer between defects such as NH 3+and NH àor NH 2+and N àcan give rise to photoluminescence.This process is a shorter-lived electron–hole recombination occurring in organic/inorganic hybrids.Similarly,radiative recombination of electron–hole pairs in carbon nanomaterials (i.e.graphene)can also lead to ?uorescence.30The characteristic luminescent properties are a broad emission band,a short lifetime,and tunable emission color.

5.Potential applications



Because of the great interest in the generation of white-light emission for a variety of applications (such as solid-state multicolor three-dimensional displays,back lighting,etc.),researchers have paid much attention in this ?eld.242–244At present,the most commonly used white-light source is white light-emitting diodes (LEDs),245,246which is a GaN blue LED encapsulated with a yellow-emitting phosphor coating (commercial YAG:Ce 3+phosphors,which are expensive and require high production temperatures).247Because of the exceptional performance characteristics (e.g.low cost and non-toxicity),a

novel yellow-emitting defect-related BCNO phosphor has been used in a white LED by Okuyama’s group.28,213In their study,defect-related BCNO phosphor particles were coated on the surface of a commercial blue GaN/SiC LED chip.Bright white-light emission was achieved when it was excited by the blue emission from the GaN/SiC chip (Fig.13).Therefore,it can be inferred that the environmentally-friendly and low cost defect-related luminescent materials may ?nd potential applications in the ?eld of white LEDs.

On the other hand,white light-emitting devices with multiple emitting components,which are generally rather complicated and expensive,can be problematic as it is di?cult to control the color balance.For this reason,one current academic interest in white light is pursuing single white light-emitting phosphors to avoid the intrinsic color-balance,device-complication,and high-cost problems.241,248–251Due to the excellent blue emission of defect-related apatite structure phosphors described above,it may be an attractive alternative to commercially blue phos-phors.In further study,our group induced Ce 3+and Mn 2+to defect-related FAP nanorods and obtained the FAP:Ce 3+,Mn 2+samples with multicolor emission,which consists of an ultraviolet emission centered at 357nm attributed to the 5d–4f transition of Ce 3+,a radical-related blue emission band ranging from 360to 500nm,and a yellow emission centered at 561nm from the 4T 1-6A 1transition of Mn 2+.105Moreover,with increase of the excitation wavelength from 295to 342nm,the PL intensities of ultraviolet and yellow emissions decrease,and the blue emission increases (Fig.14).The change in relative intensities of these three color parts can result in tunable luminescence from blue to white to yellow for these samples.Especially,when adjusting the excitation light to 308nm,the blue and yellow emissions are comparable in intensity to give white-light emission.The corresponding chromaticity coordi-nate for this white light excited by 308nm is calculated to be x =0.316and y =0.328,which is very close to the standard equal energy of ideal white-light illumination (x =0.333and y =0.333)according to the 1931CIE coordinate diagram.Similarly,in order to improve the emission in the red-light range,Guo and co-workers introduced Eu 3+ions into a borate-based inorganic–organic hybrid open framework by soaking it in an aqueous solution of EuCl 3,241resulting in a white light-emitting hybrid sample.This novel strategy of combining defect-related luminescence and metal-activator emissions might serve as guidance for the design and fabrication of other

Fig.13An example application of BCNO phosphors in white LEDs.(a)A 5mm reference GaN/SiC LED chip illuminating blue light,(b)the same LED chip coated with a thin layer of the BCNO sample prepared at 7001C after treatment with a polymer solution,and (c)upon illumination,the same LED shows a bright white light (reproduced with permission from ref.26and 203,copyright 2009,Royal Society of Chemistry and ECS The Electrochemical Society).

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materials with white-light emission and tunable luminescent properties.5.2.

Application in biomedical ?elds

Luminescent materials including ?uorescent organic molecules 252and semiconductor nanoparticles 253have been widely investigated in biomedical areas.However,some serious problems of photo-bleaching and quenching of ?uorescent organic molecules and the toxicity of semiconductor quantum dots are critically

pronounced,which have seriously limited their applications in biomedical areas.Because of the excellent characteristics of low cost and non-toxicity,the defect-related luminescent materials have great potential in medical applications.

5.2.1.Drug delivery.An ideal drug-delivery system should possess several important properties,which are biocompatibility,nontoxicity,proper particle size,and the ability to transport the desired drug molecules to the targeted cells or tissues and release in a controlled manner.254–257So far,di?erent types of drug-delivery systems have been developed.254Among them,meso-porous nanomaterials have gained enhanced interest with particular attention as drug storage and release hosts due to their unique surface and textural properties.255,258–261Recently,our group has paid much attention to luminescent nanomaterials for biomedical application as drug delivery systems.We designed and synthesized the multifunctional SrHAp nanorods with mesoporous and defect-related lumi-nescence by a simple hydrothermal process.106The experi-mental process,loading and release of drug molecules are presented in Fig.15A.During the synthesis process,CTAB was selected as the organic template for the mesoporous structure of multifunctional SrHAp and removed through re?uxing in acetone to form a mesoporous structure with mesopore size of 3–5nm.Drug storage/release tests suggest that the multifunctional SrHAp nanorods show high drug loading and a controlled release property for ibuprofen (IBU)(Fig.15B).Although the mesoporous SrHAp sample also exhibited blue emission (Fig.15Cg)even after loading the drug molecules (Fig.15Ca),the IBU–SrHAp sample (Fig.15Ca)has a lower PL intensity than SrHAp (Fig.15Cg).Moreover,the PL emission intensities of the multifunctional drug carriers increase with the amount of IBU released (Fig.15C).106Therefore,this

Fig.14PL emission spectra for as-synthesized FAP:Ce 3+,Mn 2+sample under di?erent excitation wavelengths:(a)295,(b)305,(c)308,(d)310,(e)312,(f)314,(g)320,(h)342nm.The inset shows the corresponding luminescence photograph for the sample under excita-tion at 308nm (reproduced with permission from ref.105,copyright 2010,Royal Society of Chemistry).

Fig.15(A)Schematic for the experimental process for luminescence mesostructure of SrHAp nanorods and subsequent loading and release of IBU.(B)Cumulative ibuprofen release from IBU–SrHAp system as a function of release time in the release media of the simulated body ?uid (SBF)system.(C)PL emission spectra of IBU–SrHAp nanorods at di?erent release time (reproduced with permission from ref.106,copyright 2010,Elsevier).

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relationship between the luminescence properties and drug release has potential as a probe for monitoring and tracking the drug release during the drug-release process.

In a follow-up study,to improve the mesoporous property,the design of multifunctional composite materials combining the meso-porous textures (MCM-48),spherical shape,and defect-related ?uorescence were also prepared.90In this study,defect-related luminescent apatite was deposited on the surface and/or in the pores of the bioactive,mesoporous,and amorphous MCM-48network,resulting in a higher drug loading system (33.7wt%).In addition,defect-related luminescent porous silica ?bers as drug carriers were also prepared and investigated due to many advantages,such as stable porous structure,tunable pore size,high speci?c surface area with abundant Si–OH active bonds on the pore walls,nontoxic nature,and good biocompatibility.129

Shi et al.reported oxygen-de?cient luminescent mesoporous silica nanoparticles with uniform morphology,size,and inte-grated mesoporosity–luminescent properties,which were synthesized by a bottom-up self-assembly route followed by a calcination process.262They also developed the biological applications of these functional nanoparticles for synchronous drug delivery and imaging.

Owing to the nano-size,intrinsic PL properties,and large speci?c surface area,GO is another promising new material for medical applications.The PEG-modi?ed GO was exploited as a vehicle by Dai and co-workers for the antibody-targeted delivery of the widely used chemotherapy drug doxorubicin (DOX),which was loaded onto the GO-PEG surface by simple p -stacking-mediated physisorption.229All these research reports

indicate that defect-related luminescent nanomaterials have good application prospects in the biomedical ?eld of drug delivery.5.2.2.Bioimaging.Fluorescence imaging is a very important technique for biological studies and clinical applications.Quantum dots and related core–shell nanoparticles (such as CdSe,NaGd-F 4:Yb 3+,Er 3+/NaGdF 4core–shell upconversion luminescent nanoparticles,and so on)have been used in various in vitro and in vivo optical imaging experiments.263–267However,since heavy metals and/or rare earth ions are the essential elements of these two kinds of luminescent nanoparticles,they have prompted serious health and environmental concerns.264Therefore,the search for benign alternatives has become increasingly important and urgent.With characteristics of tunable PL properties and low toxicity,defect-related luminescent nanomaterials form an attractive alternative for bioimaging applications.

Sun et al.have studied carbon dots for multiphoton bioima-ging.268First,they prepared nanosized carbon particles (sub-10nm)with surface passivation by poly(propionylethylenimine-co-ethylenimine)(PPEI-EI).These kinds of CNDs can show strong luminescence with two-photon excitation in the near-infrared area,which has been attributed to passivated defects on the carbon particle surface acting as excitation energy traps.217Then,after incubation with CNDs for 2h in an aqueous bu?er at 371C followed by washing to remove any extracellular CNDs,the MCF-7cells exhibited bright luminescence in both the cell membrane and cytoplasm regions when imaged on the ?uores-cence microscope with excitation by 800nm laser pulses (Fig.16a–c).Furthermore,the translocation of the CNDs

Fig.16(a)Schematic for the CND structure prepared by Sun et al.and (b,c)two-photon luminescence image (800nm excitation)of human breast cancer MCF-7cells with internalized CNDs passivated with PPEI-EI (reproduced with permission from ref.268,copyright 2007,American Chemical Society).(d–i)Fluorescent CND-labeled EAC cells.Washed cells were imaged under bright ?eld,UV,and blue light excitation.The bottom row images correspond to the control experiment where no CNDs were used.Cells become bright blue–green under UV excitation and yellow under blue excitation but were colorless in the control sample.The light blue color of the control sample under UV excitation is due to the well-known auto?uorescence of cells (reproduced with permission from ref.224,copyright 2009,American Chemical Society).

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from outside the cell membrane into the cytoplasm is tempera-ture dependent,and no meaningful CND internalization was observed at 41C.These results indicate that the luminescent CNDs can be potentially used for cell imaging with two-photon luminescence microscopy.

Additionally,many other studies on the bioimaging cap-abilities of CNDs have followed Sun et al.’s work.217,228,268,269Among them,Ray and co-workers reported ?uorescent car-bon nanoparticles (2–6nm)with excellent water solubility used for conventional bioimaging.224In this study,a CND solution was mixed with cell culture media along with Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells (EACs),incubated for 30min,and then the cells were washed.These labeled cells can show a bright blue–green color under UV excitation and yellow under blue excitation,but they are colorless in the control sample without CNDs (Fig.16d–i).This result demonstrates that CNDs can enter into the cells without any further functionalization and the CND-labeled cells show encouraging cell-imaging applica-tions using a conventional ?uorescence microscope.Some other researchers also predict that the biocompatibility of CNDs may be competitive with some currently FDA-approved dyes used as optical imaging agents such as indo-cyanine green (LD 50=60mg kg à1body weight).228Similarly,luminescent GO is also an excellent alternative in bioimaging applications because of its advantages in size,biocompatibil-ity,and low toxicity.229,230

6.Summary and outlook

Defect-related luminescent materials are interesting newco-mers to the world of phosphors.In the past decade,the development of novel defect-related phosphors has greatly accelerated due to the emphasis on environment/health and the combination of nanotechnology and biology.In this review,we have discussed the importance of metal-activator-free phosphors and their unique luminescent properties for technological advances.We have also outlined the common strategies for the synthesis of defect-related luminescent materials using inexpensive raw materials with control over compositions,sizes,and shapes,and their applications in lighting and biology.The novel defect-related phosphors exhibit tunable color emission within the violet-to-red range and even near-infrared with high e?ciency and stability,which can also be excited by a wide range of light,ranging from short UV (254nm)to blue light.In addition,long-duration phos-phorescence was observed in these kinds of phosphors.The defect-related phosphors stand to have a huge e?ect on both health and environmental applications due to their potential to serve as low-/nontoxic replacements to toxic traditional heavy-metal-or rare earth-ion-based luminescent materials.Although substantial and rapid progress has been made in the synthesis,properties,and applications of defect-related phosphors in the recent years,developing better synthetic routes and more detailed fundamental studies of their proper-ties have a level of urgency,as there still remains much room for improvement in the coming years.First,despite the fact that there are many kinds of possible luminescent mechanisms proposed by researchers,further and detailed investigations are still required to explore exactly how the defects work,and

to develop better synthesis routes to these emerging materials.Secondly,as these kinds of phosphors are related to defects/impurities in the matrix,how to precisely control the content and species of defects in the matrix is also a di?cult issue to be addressed.Thirdly,although the photoluminescence has been extensively investigated by many researchers,basic studies of electroluminescence and cathodoluminescence properties of defect-related phosphors should be carried out for various electronics-related applications.Finally,to move forward,researchers with various backgrounds may be needed to develop strategies to further tune the properties and applica-tions of defect-related environmentally-friendly phosphors.One key area will be the integration of defect-related phos-phors with organic molecules or special characteristics (such as magnetization)to open the door to novel multifunctional applications,for example magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).On the other hand,from the point of view of devices,?uorescence from defect-related phosphors over a wide range of wavelengths (emission in the violet-to-red region,and even the near-infrared region)might o?er possibilities for incorporation in solar photovoltaic conversion,sensors (i.e.electrochemilu-minescence sensors,?uorescent sensors,etc.),?eld emission displays,optical information transmission,and display applica-tions on ?exible platforms.


This project is ?nancially supported by National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No.2010CB327704),National High Technology Program of China (2011AA03A407),the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos.NSFC 50872131,51172228,21101149,51172227,20921002),and Science Foundation for Excellent Youth Scholars of Hebei Education Department (Grant No.Y2012007).

Notes and references

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8L.X.Yu and M.Nogami,Mater.Lett.,2010,64,1644–1646.9C.H.Zheng,C.G.Hu,X.Y.Chen,H.Liu,Y.F.Xiong,J.Xu,B.Y.Wan and L.Y.Huang,CrystEngComm ,2010,12,3277–3282.

10R.C.Ropp,Luminescence and the Solid State ,Elsevier,Amsterdam,


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P u b l i s h e d o n 27 S e p t e m b e r 2012. D o w n l o a d e d o n 06/01/2015 10:49:26.


2018年下半年信息系统项目管理师考试 论文真题与答案解析 试题一论信息系统项目的沟通管理 项目沟通管理是产生、收集、分发、存储及最终处理项目信息的过程。项目经理需花费大量时间与项目团队和项目干系人沟通,项目每一成员也应当了解沟通对项目整体的影响。 请以“信息系统项目的沟通管理”为题,分别从以下三个方面进行论述: 1.概要叙述你参与管理过的信息系统项目(项目的背景、项目规模、发起单位、目的。项目内容、组织结构、项目周期、交付的产品等),并说明你在其中承担的工作。 2.结合项目管理实际情况并围绕以下要点论述你对信息系统项目沟通管理的认识, (1)沟通渠道的类别、优缺点及其在沟通管理中的重要性。 (2)项目沟通管理的过程及其输入和输出。(3)项目管理中如何灵活地应用沟通技巧和沟通方法。 3.请结合论文中所提到的信息系统项目,介绍在该项目中是如何进行沟通管理的(可叙述具体做法),并总结你的心得体会。 试题二论项目的风险管理 项目风险是种不确定的事件和条件,一旦发生,对项目目标产生某种正面或负面的影响、项目风险管理的目标在于增加积极事件的概率和影响,降低项目消极事件的概率和影响。 请围绕“项目的风险管理”论题,从以下几个方面进行论述: 1.概要叙述你参与管理过的信息系统项目(项目的背景、项目规模、发起单位、目的、项目内容、组织结构、项目周期、交付的产品等),并说明你在其中承担的工作。 2.结合项目管理实际情况并围绕以下要点论述你对信息系统项目风险管理的认识: (1)项目风险管理的基本过程。(2)信息系统项目中风险管理方面经常会遇到的问题和所采取的解决措施 3.结合项目实际情况说明在该项目中你是如何进行风险管理的(可叙述具体做法),并总结你的心得体会。


2012年01月壬辰年【龙年】 一二三四五六日 1 腊八节 2 初九 3 初十 4 十一 5 十二 6 小寒 7 十四 8 十五 9 十六10 十七 11 十八 12 十九 13 二十 14 廿一 15 廿二 16 小年17 廿四 18 廿五 19 廿六 20 大寒 21 廿八 22 除夕 23 春节24 初二 25 初三 26 初四 27 初五 28 初六 29 初七 30 初八31 初九 2012年02月壬辰年【龙年】 一二三四五六日 1 初十 2 十一 3 十二 4 立春 5 十四 6 元宵节 7 十六 8 十七 9 十八 10 十九 11 二十 12 廿一 13 廿二 14 情人节 15 廿四 16 廿五 17 廿六 18 廿七 19 雨水 20 廿九21 三十 22 2月小 23 初二 24 初三 25 初四 26 初五 27 初六28 初七 29 初八

2012年03月壬辰年【龙年】 一二三四五六日 1 初九 2 初十 3 十一 4 十二 5 惊蛰 6 十四 7 十五 8 妇女节 9 十七 10 十八 11 十九 12 植树节13 廿一 14 廿二 15 廿三 16 廿四 17 廿五 18 廿六 19 廿七20 春分 21 廿九 22 3月大 23 初二 24 初三 25 初四 26 初五27 初六 28 初七 29 初八 30 初九 31 初十2012年04月壬辰年【龙年】 一二三四五六日 1 十一 2 十二 3 十三 4 清明节 5 十五 6 十六 7 十七 8 十八 9 十九10 二十 11 廿一 12 廿二 13 廿三 14 廿四 15 廿五 16 廿六17 廿七 18 廿八 19 廿九 20 谷雨 21 4月大 22 初二 23 初三24 初四 25 初五 26 初六 27 初七 28 初八 29 初九 30 初十


男女混合篮球赛活动方案篮球赛活动方案男女混合篮球赛活动方案1 一、基本原则 1.以趣味篮球为宗旨,减少比赛的对抗性,而增加比赛的娱乐性和可观赏性。 2.减少比赛中的身体接触,不提倡激烈的身体对抗,比赛球队注意保持适当距离。 3.突出女生在比赛中的作用,使她们也能充分感受到篮球运动的乐趣。 二、具体规定 (一)违例 此处所说的违例包括走步,二次运球,脚踢球等,男生违例情况以一般的规则为准,如女生违例,视情况则可熟视无睹,不影响比赛正常进行。 (二)犯规 男生对男生的犯规按照一般规则处理,投篮时对方犯规不罚球,只掷边界球。除了一般竞赛规则以外,男生对女生应尽量容让,尽量避免对抗。在判罚尺度上对男生会比对女生严一些。而女生对男生的犯规,只要不是太过严重,诸如打手,拉人等则不算犯规。 (三)记分 男生入球得一分,女生入球得两分。 (四)其他

1.男生不能防守女生,撞到女生算犯规。 2.男生不能抢女生手中的球,男生只能在三分线外投篮,每次进攻球必须经过女生,否则进球无效。 3.男女比例:男生2个,女生1个。 4.一场分两节,一节十分钟。 以上规则暂定,如有变动于比赛前通知。 三、实际操作 以实际情况为准,由裁判把握尺度。 四、参赛方式 五、时间地点 流程 一、8:20前所有工作人员到场,并由总负责人安排具体工作。 二、8:50前所有人到场。 三、9:00—9:10由会长简短发言并宣布开始。 四、开始第一项内容:篮球蹦蹦跳。 五、第二项内容:“3+1”男女混合篮球赛。(中间休息时间分别穿插6,7中游戏) 六、第三项内容:“天旋神射手”,时间安排:“男女混合篮球赛”第一次休息时。 七、第四项内容:“二人夹球接力赛”,时间安排:“男女混合篮球赛”第二次休息时。 八、比赛结束,计算最后总分,并由会长颁奖。


目录 1 系统概述 (2) 1.1系统需求 (2) 1.2 国内外研究现状 (2) 1.3网站的开发语言和语言功能 (2) 1.4 系统具备的特点 (4) 2 在线考试系统的系统的需求分析 (5) 2.1在线考试系统的需求分析 (5) 2.2在线考试系统的概要设计 (5) 3 在线考试系统的详细过程 (7) 3.1系统环境 (7) 3.2数据连接的设计 (7) 3.3 servlet的使用 (8) 3.4部分功能的设计与实现举例 (9) 3.4.1在线考试功能的设计与实现 (9) 3.4.2系统管理功能的设计与实现 (11) 3.5安全性设计 (12) 4 系统的测试 (13) 4.1系统测试分析 (13) 4.1.1测试过程 (13) 4.1.2 测试方法 (14) 4.1.3 具体的方案测试 (14) 4.2 系统测试结果 (14) 5 课程设计总结 (14)

1 系统概述 1.1系统需求 网络考试系统是实现网络教育的一个重要组成部分,通过网络考试系统你可以及时测试自己的学习进度、自己对已学习知识的掌握程度。网络考试与传统考试相比有着明显的优势,考生和教师可以从世界的任何角落,通过浏览器接入因特网来使用考试系统,不受地域的限制,同时也使得用户可以更加灵活地安排考试时间,可以在任何时候使用网络考试系统进行自测,快速查询考试成绩。所以,网络考试系统的开发和应用现在正受到越来越多的大学的重视。在本单位,网络考试模式是教学改革的正式项目之一,它可以运用到多种教学过程中。例如对于本单位公共课程“计算机应用基础”,要求在计算机等级考试前进行一次拟上机考试,以前都是由老师自己命题,然后复制题目到每个学生的机器上,学生把答案写一个文件中,做完题后由教师回收该文件进行判分。这样的考试,过程变得非常复杂,让教师的负担很重;而且考试题目不统一,经常出现很多无法估计的问题,考试效果不能达到预想的目的。基于上述情况,迫切需要一个界面统一、管理使用方便的网络考试系统的出现。 校园网建设的普及和完善以及Web数据库技术的快速发展为网络考试系统开发提供了良好的媒介和基础,使我们对考试过程的实施和管理由书面化和单机化过渡到了网络化。 1.2 国内外研究现状 互联网的考试用途很早就受到了各方面的重视,既然考试能够通过电脑完成,那么网上考试从技术上来说就是可行的。国内著名的工商管理考试GMAT于1999年就开始实行算机考试,2000年后GRE,TOEFL考试也开始采用计算机考试,向着网络化方向发展。近年来出现的各种rI’认证考试以及英语GM八T和GRE考试已经是一种基于计算机网络的考试,完全摆脱了纸和笔。考生使用计算机答卷,通过网络提交答卷,自动阅卷。网络考试的优点是显然的:阅卷更加迅速,考试结束考生即可知道考试结果,还免了纸介质的试卷和答卷的传输,从而降低了保密成本。通过抽取不同的试题,或者是随机变换试题顺序或答案顺序,可以做到一人一卷,极大地降低了作弊的几率。另外,网络考试为自适应考试提供了可能。基于计算机网络的考试需要专门的较高水平的技术支持,考试己经发展为一种产 业。 网络考试系统的实现技术有多种,可以采用传统的客户机/服务器(C/S)型的Mls型架构,即试题内容放在远程的服务器上,在考试机上安装考试应用程序和数据库客户机配置,因此每次考试时要对机器进行安装、配置,这样一来考务工作比较烦琐;而且考试程序放在客户机上,安全性也受到一定影响。另外一种考试系统采用W七b技术实现。节几b技术超越了传统的“客户机/服务器”两层结构,采用了三层体系结构:用户界面层/事务层/数据库层。因此Web结构有着更好的安全性。在用户机上不需要安装任何应用程序,只需要有一个标准的web浏览器就可以。应用程序可以安装在事务层所在的计算机上,试题存放在数据库服务器上(事务层和数据库可以是同一台机器)。采用这种体系结构的计算机网络考试和管理系统适用于一个考场或几十个考场、几十人或几万人同时进行无纸化考试,解决了考试系统对客户机软件过分依赖的问题,减轻了客户机软件维护工作量。比以往的考试系统更具有实用性。而且,考试系统安装和试题装卸的程序简易,进行不同类别试题的考试时仅需要在服务器上进行试题的更换处理,对考场的计算机配置应考专业的相应软件,考生就可以进行考试。目前国内成熟的网络考试系统多为QS模式,比如清华毫太网络考试系统, B/S模式的比较少,其中基于JavaZ技术的网络考试平台则更少。 1.3网站的开发语言和语言功能


历年政府工作报告中英文对照版和《经济学家》中英文对照版建议多看看,上面的习题最好都亲自做一下,三级没多大难度,充分准备应该可以通过 汉英翻译技巧的培养(translation competence development)应涉及以下内容: 一.要培养对英语的语感和悟性(language intuition – open and alert mind to pick up idioms, specific expressions, etc.); 二.要培养对英语的判断能力和鉴赏能力(evaluation capacity – judgment); 三.要培养对英语的洞察能力和剖析能力(power of observation – insight); 四.要培养对英语细微特征的反应能力(linguistic nuances alertness);- 五.要培养对社会文化和跨文化交流的敏感性(social-cultural sensitivity – cross-cultural awareness); 六.要培养对英语和汉语之间差别的意识(sense of differences between Chinese and English); 七.要培养对英语和汉语之间的辩证关系的认识(awareness of the dialectic relationship between Chinese and English); 八.要培养对英语“洋为中用”的意识(“use things foreign to serve Chinese purposes”); 九.要培养对英语“学以致用”的意识(apply what you have learned in your translation); 十.要培养对翻译的多层次、多角度的立体思维方式(a multi-tier approach )。 十一.一名称职的翻译工作者必须懂得什么是翻译的真谛(a clear conception of what translation is)。 十二.一名优秀的翻译人员必须具有高屋建瓴的视角(great powers of conception)。 各种能力和意识的培养都需要加强翻译意识的锻炼: 第一:要对翻译的重要性有深刻的、充分的认识,翻译的对与错、好与坏有时会产生绝

2012年放假安排时间表 法定节假日安排通知

2012年放假安排时间表法定节假日安排通知 2012年节假日放假安排时间表(或称2012年法定节假日安排时间表)按照中国法定程序基本敲定,2012年节假日放假安排时间表是根据国务院《关于修改<全国年节及纪念日放假办法>的决定》,参考以往国务院办公厅下达的关于往年部分节假日安排的通知,并并结合中国当前发展工作实际做出的。2012年节假日放假安排最终敲定方案将报请国务院批准方可生效,节假日放假安排最终于2011年12月份予以公布,并以通知的方式下达到“各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构”。2012年元旦、春节、清明节、劳动节、端午节、中秋节和国庆节放假调休日期的具体安排通知如下。 一、元旦:2011年12月31日至2012年1月2日,放假3天。其中2011年12月31日(星期六)公休,2012年1月1日(星期日)为国家法定节假日,2012年1月1日(星期日)公休调至1月2日(星期一),即2011年12月31日(星期六)、2012年1月1日(星期日)、2012年1月2日(星期一),3日(星期二)上班。 二、春节:1月22日至28日,放假7日。即1月22日(星期日,农历除夕)、1月23日(星期一,农历正月初一)、1月24日(星期二,农历正月初二)为法定节假日,1月21日(星期六)、1月22日(星期日)公休调至1月25日(星期三)、1月26日(星期四),1月29日(星期日)公休调至1月27日(星期五)、28日(星期六)公休,1月21日、1月29日(星期日)照常上班。 三、清明节:4月2日至4日放假调休,共3天。其中3月30日(星期六)、3月31日(星期日)公休调至4月2日(星期一)、4月3日(星期二),4月4日(星期三,农历清明当日)为国家法定节假日,3月30日(星期六)、3月31日(星期日)照常上班,4月5日(星期四)上班。 四、劳动节:4月29日至5月1日放假调休,共3天。其中4月29日(星期日)为公休、4月28日(星期六)公休调至4月30日(星期一)、5月1日(星期二、“五一”国际劳动节)为法定节假日,即4月29日(星期日)、30日(星期一)、5月1日(星期二),4月28日、5月2日(星期三)照常上班。 五、端午节:6月23日至25日放假公休,共3天。其中6月23日(星期六,农历端午节当日)为国家法定节假日、6月24日(星期日)为公休,6月23日(星期六)公休调至6月25日,即6月23日(星期六)、24日(星期日)、25日(星期一),26日(星期二)照常上班。 六、中秋节、国庆节:9月30日至10月7日放假,共8天。其中9月30日(星期日)为中秋节法定节假日,10月1日(星期一)、10月2日(星期二)、10月3日(星期三)为国庆节法定节假日,10月4日(星期四)、10月5日(星期五)为调休,10月6日(星期六)、10月7日(星期日)公休,9月29日、9月30日(星期日)两天调至10月4日、10月5日,9月29日(星期六)、10月8日(星期一)上班


趣味篮球活动方案 小活动1:背靠背带球跑(每队需出4男4女) 所需物品:十个篮球,八个用作正式比赛,两个用作备用 所需人员:四名裁判,八名记时员 规则: (1)每个队伍派出2支队,每支队由两名男生两名女生选手组成,两名选手站在起点,两名选手站在终点,始终点距离为50米左右。四支队为一组,一共16支队,分成4组,抽签进行分组排进行顺序。 (2)哨声响起,起点队员背靠背带球走,走到终点,将球以身体接触方式(不得用手)传给终点本队队员,终点队员必须前胸相对正面夹紧球走回起点。记时员记其到。终点所花时间,用时较短的队伍为胜。 注意事项: 1)若第二组队员没有以前胸带球回到起点,视为犯规,比赛时间增加50秒。

2)若球掉下,则应立即停在该处,将球重新放好再向前运动。 3)若没有将球以身体接触方式传给队友,比赛时间加15秒②螃蟹背西瓜:比赛场地在篮球场,距离20米,两人为一组(要求男女各1人)。要求两人背对背,双手向后相互勾紧,中间夹一个篮球,听裁判号令,一齐向前跑,球若落地则需重新夹起从落地处(由裁判确认)重新出发,按所用时间排名,时间少者为胜。 小活动2: 团队技巧赛 队伍要求:各队派出1支代表队参加该项目。队伍人数要求:5人,男生3人,女生2人。女生分别编号1号和2号;男生分别编3号,4 号,5号。一共有八支队伍,以抽签方式来排上场次序。 项目概述:涵盖定点投篮、运球等篮球基本功的团队技巧赛。比赛规则: 如图所示:

计时开始后, 女生1号在位置①投篮,若球进,则将球传给女生2号;若球没进,则继续投进为止。 女生2号在位置②投篮,若球进,则将球传给男生3号;若球没进,则继续投进为止。 男生3号在位置③投篮,若球进,则将球传给男生4号;若球没进,则继续投进为止。 男生4号在位置④投篮,若球进,则将球传给男生5号;若球没进,则继续投进为止。 男生5号在位置⑤接球,运球穿过障碍物(凳子),以打板或是空抛的方式将球传给顺下的男生4号,男生4号进行投篮。若投篮未进, 男生4号须自行将球补进。 计时结束。


目录 摘要: (1) 一、引言 (2) 二、系统概述 (2) 三、运行环境 (2) 四、系统分析 (3) 五、总体设计 (3) (一)系统可行性分析 (3) (二)系统需求分析 (4) 六、系统设计 (5) (一)试题(客观题部分)设计 (5) (二)数据库设计 (5) (三)功能模块详细设计 (7) 七、设置数据库 (11) 八、数据的安全与保密 (12) 九、结束语 (12) 参考文献: (12)

基于WEB的在线考试系统 姓名:马启刚学号:指导教师:谢允 摘要: 近年来,互联网在国际上得到了迅猛的发展,基于互联网的各种应用也日益受到人们的重视。基于Web的考试系统正是在这种形势下应运而生的。尽管传统的考试形式应用还非常普遍,但伴随着远程教学的推广普及,作为远程教学系统子系统的在线考试系统呼之欲出。利用网络和数据库技术,结合目前硬件价格普遍下跌与宽带网大力建设的有利优势,基于B/S模式设计开发了《基于WEB的在线考试系统》这一ASP应用程序。它运用方便、操作简单,效率很高,现阶段虽只实现了试卷的客观题部分(判断题、单项选择和多项选择),但已具有试题(卷)录入、修改和查询,组卷以及进行在线考试等重要功能,也就是说基本实现了无纸化考试,满足任何授权的考生随时随地考试并迅速获得成绩,同时也大大减轻了教师出题、组卷和改卷等繁重的工作量。 关键词:在线考试 ACCESS数据库管理系统 B/S WEB-based Online Examination System Name : Ma Qigang Student Number : 09 Advisor : Xie Yun Abstract:Using the network and the database technology, the union the hardware price generally falls at present the advantageous superiority which constructs vigorously with the wide band net, we based on B/S mode and has developed The ASP application of "WEB-based online examination system". It utilizes, the operation conveniently simple, efficiency very high, the present stage although only realized the examination paper objective topic to be partial (judgment topic, single item choice and many choices), but had the test question (volume) to input, the revision and the inquiry, the group volume as well as carries on the on-line test and so on the important function, in other words has basically realized no-paper the test, satisfied any authorization the examinee took a test anytime and anywhere and rapidly obtains the result, at the same time also greatly reduced the teacher to set the topic of a composition, the group volume and changes the volume and so on the arduous work load. Key word: On-line Examination ACCESS Database Management System B/S


政府工作报告 ----2012年2月29日在***区第十三届人民代表大会第六次会议上 ***区人民政府区长*** 各位代表: 现在,我代表区政府向大会作工作报告,请予审议,并请区政协委员和列席会议的同志提出意见。 一、过去一年工作回顾 2011年是“十二五”的开局之年,也是我区开拓进取、经济和社会事业取得丰硕成果的一年。一年来,在市委、市政府和区委的正确领导下,在区人大、政协的监督和支持下,区政府坚持科学发展,秉持市区共建,紧紧围绕“两个中心”建设不动摇,团结和依靠全区各族人民,抢抓机遇,团结拼搏,超额完成区第十三届人民代表大会第五次会议确定的各项目标任务,全区工作呈现出经济平稳较快发展,城市更加宜居宜业,社会事业全面进步,人民生活水平显著提高的良好发展态势,为实现科学发展、和谐发展、率先发展奠定了坚实基础。 (一)经济增长进一步加快,综合实力显著提高。2011年,地区生产总值完成198.5亿元,同比增长22.3%;财政总收入完成29亿元,同比增长67.3%;地方财政总收入完成16亿元,同比增长23.2%;全社会固定资产投资完成155.4亿元,同比增长101.6%;

社会消费品零售总额预计完成84亿元,预计同比增长19.2%。城镇居民人均可支配收入完成20251元,同比增长17%。农民人均纯收入完成14315元,同比增长22.1%。三次产业结构演进为3.6 : 48 : 48.4。多项指标总量位居全市第一,经济社会发展速度与质量均创历史新高。 (二)项目带动成效凸显,工业经济增势强劲。全年实施工业重点项目38个,工业固定资产投资完成93.1亿元,同比增长74.5%。规模以上工业企业已达54个,规模以上工业总产值完成235.4亿元,同比增长50.9%。规模以上工业增加值完成86.3亿元,同比增长29.8%。产业基地、装备制造园基础设施建设基本完成,产业承接能力进一步增强,被确定为大小兴安岭林区生态保护与经济转型规划的产业承接基地。园区上划和整合工作顺利完成,辖区内的园区收益分成机制初步确立,工业企业财源贡献进一步提高。引进大企业带动大项目入驻成效显著,大唐集团在我区投资超5亿元的项目已达4个,大唐1830化肥、大唐5万千瓦风电项目按期完工;冀东物贸集团年产3000辆专用车项目顺利开工,填补了全市汽车装配制造业的空白。蒙西煤矿扩能改造、顺兴煤矿改造复产全面完成,煤炭产量达到150万吨。重点项目按期推进,古纳河酒业等22个项目顺利投产;天富城市燃气、产业基地220千伏变电站等项目进展顺利。工业企业效益不断攀升,经济综合实力显著提高。 (三)第三产业发展强劲,集聚辐射能力持续增强。商贸中心地位进一步巩固,商业规模不断扩大,商贸流通持续繁荣。全


2013年放假详细安排时间表法定节假日安排通知 2013年节假日放假时间安排已经确定,根据国务院《关于修改<全国年节及纪念日放假办法>的决定》,参照往年国务院办公厅下达的关于部分节假日安排的通知,2013年这个蛇年放假安排时间表已经草拟成文,随时呈报相关部门核准审批,2013年的春节放假安排时间通知如下: 2013年春节:2013年2月9日至2013年2月15日调休,放假7日。即2月9日(星期六,农历除夕)公休、2月10日(星期日,农历正月初一)、2月11日(星期一,农历正月初二)、2月12日(星期二,农历正月初三)为法定节假日,2月10日(星期日)公休调至2月13日(星期三),2月16日(星期六)、2月17日(星期日)公休调分别调至至2月14日(星期四)、2月15日(星期五),2月16日(星期六)、2月17日(星期日)照常上班。 2013年春节放假安排时间表 《2013年节假日放假安排时间表》内部已经初步确定,《2013年节假日放假安排时间表》放假安排方案是依据国务院《关于修改<全国年节及纪念日放假办法>的决定》,参照往年国务院办公厅下达的关于部分节假日安排的通知,并结合中国当前工作实际,在科学发展观重要思想的指导下做出的实际做出的。2013年节假日放假安排方案须报请国务院批准方可生效,最终方案将于2012年底予以公布,届时将以通知的形式下达“各省、自治区、直辖市

人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构”。便于相关单位及早合理安排节假日旅游、交通运输、生产经营等有关工作,2013年元旦、春节、清明节、劳动节、端午节、中秋节和国庆节放假调休日期的具体安排通知如下。 一、元旦:2012年12月30日至2013年1月1日调休,放假3天。其中2012年12月30日(星期日)公休,2012年12月31日(星期一),2013年1月1日(星期二)为国家法定节假日,2012年12月29日公休调至2012年12月31日(星期一),即2011年12月29日(星期六)、2013年1月2日(星期三)照常上班。 二、春节:2013年2月9日至2013年2月15日调休,放假7日。即2月9日(星期六,农历除夕)公休、2月10日(星期日,农历正月初一)、2月11日(星期一,农历正月初二)、2月12日(星期二,农历正月初三)为法定节假日,2月10日(星期日)公休调至2月13日(星期三),2月16日(星期六)、2月17日(星期日)公休调分别调至至2月14日(星期四)、2月15日(星期五),2月16日(星期六)、2月17日(星期日)照常上班。 三、清明节:2013年4月4日至6日调休,共3天。其中4月4日(星期四,农历清明当日)为法定节假日、4月7日(星期日)公休调至4月5日(星期五)、4月6日(星期六)公休,4月7日(星期日)照常上班。 四、劳动节:4月29日至5月1日放假调休,共3天。其中4月27日(星期六)、4月28日(星期日)公休调至4月29日(星期一)、4月30日(星期二)、5月1日(星期三、“五一”国际劳动节)为法定节假日,即4月27日(星期六)、28日(星期日)、5月2日(星期四)照常上班。 五、端午节:6月10日至12日放假公休,共3天。其中6月12日(星期三,农历端午节当日)为国家法定节假日、6月8日(星期六)、6月9日(星期日)为公休调至6月10日(星期一),即6月7日(星期二),6月8日(星期六)、6月9日(星期日)、6月13

活动方案 趣味篮球比赛

趣味篮球比赛 xx分公司趣味篮球比赛方案 为了保证男女混合趣味篮球赛的正常进行,对女队员的权益进行保护以及使比赛更富有趣味性和娱乐性,现制定以下规则。 一、基本原则 1.以趣味篮球为宗旨,减少比赛的对抗性,而增加比赛的娱乐性和可观赏性。 2.减少比赛中的身体接触,不提倡激烈的身体对抗,比赛球队注意保持适当距离。 3.突出女队员在比赛中的作用,使她们也能充分感受到篮球运动的乐趣。 二、参赛方式 1.每队报名队员连同替补共5——10名队员。 2.每队上场五人,3男2女,可轮换, 3.一场分两节,一节十分钟。 三、“3+2”男女混合篮球赛详细说明 (一)违例 此处所说的违例包括走步,二次运球,脚踢球等,男队员违例情况以一般的规则为准;女队员违例,视情况熟视无睹,不影响比赛正常进行。 (二)犯规 男队员对男队员的犯规按照一般规则处理,投篮时对方犯规不罚球,

只掷边界球。除了一般竞赛规则以外,男队员对女队员应尽量容让,尽量避免对抗。在判罚尺度上对男队员严于女队员。女队员对男队员的犯规,不是过于严重,诸如打手,拉人等则不算犯规。 具体规定: 1.男队员撞到女队员算犯规,由对方女队员进行一次罚球。 2.每次进攻开始到进球,篮球必须至少一次经过至少一个女队员,发球不算,否则进球无效。 3.男队员不得进3秒区。 4.男队员不能封盖女队员,不能抢断女队员的球,但可以抢断传球。 5.女队员只能由女队员来防守。 6.女队员最多可走5步,最多可运球2次。 7.凡是违反以上规则的将由对方进行罚球,可以任意派人罚,男队员在罚球线罚球,女队员可在任意地点罚球,每罚一球算一分。罚完球后由对方发球。 8.男队员3分线内投进计2分,3分线外计3分。男队员在三秒区内进球不算分。 9.女队员3分线内投进计2分,3分线外投进计3分。 10.比赛结果评定:得分最多者胜利。 以上规则由裁判根据实际情况把握尺度。如有变动于比赛前通知。第二篇趣味篮球比赛《趣味篮球赛.》 趣味篮球赛 一、活动目的:为了丰富职员们的娱乐生活,也为了给职员们创造一


毕业设计开题报告 题目名称基于.net 在线考试系统设计 院(系)计算机科学学院 专业班级XXXXXXXX 学生姓名XXXXX 指导教师XXXX 辅导教师XXX 开题报告日期2015年1月9日 在线考试系统设计 学生:XXX,计算机科学学院 指导老师:XXX,计算机科学学院 一、题目来源 生产/社会实际等 二、研究的目的和意义 目前,社会行行业业需要人才,而人才选拔的重要途径是通过考试来判定。现阶段,学校考试大都是传统的考试方式:由老师纸上出题,学生纸上答题,老师人工阅卷,以及人工试卷分析四大步骤组成。这样做一是给老师带来工作上的繁琐,不利于老师工作效率的提高;

二是人工的考试方式由于工作量大从而容易出错;三是人为因素的不确定性,可能会造成选题范围过于狭窄。随着各种考试类型的不断增加和考试要求的不断提高,传统的考试方式已不能满足现在考试的需求。 计算机应用及网络技术的迅猛发展,人们迫切要求利用这些技术来进行在线考试,以减轻教师的工作负担以及提高工作效率,提高考试的质量。从而使考试更趋于公正、客观。由于计算机自动组卷、阅卷,不仅能节省教师大量宝贵时间,而且能彻底消除出卷人的主观影响,考试工作更加规范化,更加客观、真实、全面的反映教学的实际效果,有助于促进教学质量的提高,有助于实现考、教分离,促使教师严格按照教学大纲的要求认真备课,认真组织教学内容,改进教学方法,对提高教学质量和整体教学水平有着非常重要的意义。现阶段,基于互联网应用技术的在线考试系统,由于客户端配置可以极为简单,考试不受地域的局限,是高校研究开发的一个热点。一个完备的在线考试系统可以使用户在网上学习过后及时检验自己的学习效果,发现自己的不足,使得学习效率得到提高。在线考试系统中题目的生成、试卷的提交、成绩的批阅等都可以在网络上自动完成。只要形成一套成熟的题库就可以实现考试的自动化。这样一来,教师所要做的只是精心设计题目、维护题库,而不是组织考试,从而大大减轻了教师的负担,也具有相当大的经济意义。 三、阅读的主要参考文献及资料名称 [1].《网站开发实践》,邵丽萍,电子工业出版社,2007 年


广东海洋大学寸金学院毕业论文(设计) 论文题目:英语考试管理系统 English examination management system 系别:信息技术系 专业:信息管理与信息系统 班级:2014级信息管理与信息系统1班 姓名:梓浩 学号:0 指导老师:李国华 职称:高级工程师 日期:2016年12月11日 广东海洋大学寸金学院教务处制

摘要 ........................................................................................................................................................ I ABSTRACT.............................................................................................................................................. II 绪论 .. (1) 1.1 系统的开发背景 (1) 1.2 系统实现的目标 (1) 1.3 系统功能的概述 (2) 1.4 系统的开发环境 (3) 第2章系统可行性分析 (5) 2.1 经济可行性 (5) 2.2 技术可行性 (5) 2.3 操作可行性 (5) 2.4 结论 (6) 第3章系统需求分析 (13) 3.1 系统开发的具体目标 (13) 3.1.1 普通用户对系统的要求 (13) 3.2 系统业务流程图 (13) 第4章数据库的实现 (17) 4.1 表结构截图 (18) 4.2 表间关系截图 (19) 第5章数据库功能模块 (20) 5.1 数据库功能模块图 (20) 5.2 功能模块窗口截图 (22) 5.3 数据库代码 (25) 第6章设计体会 (44) 参考文献 ................................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 I


温首相が全人代第5回会議での政府活動報告(全文) 代表のみなさん これから私は国務院を代表して、大会に政府活動報告を行い、代表のみなさん に審議を求めるとともに、全国政治協商会議の委員のみなさんからもご意見を求めたいと思う。 一、2011年度の政府活動についての回顧 過去一年は、複雑で変化の多い国際政治経済環境と困難に満ちた国内の改革?発展の重い任務を前にして、全国各民族人民は中国共産党の指導のもとに、一心同体となり、団結奮闘した結果、改革開放と社会主義現代化建設において新しい 重大な成果を収めた。国内総生産(GDP)は前年度比9.2%増の47兆2000億元、公共財政の収入は24.8%増の10兆3700億元となった。食糧生産は5億7121万トンで、再び史上最高を記録した。都市部の新規就業者数は1221万人となり、都市部住民の一人当たり可処分所得と農村住民の一人当たり純収入は実質でそれぞ れ8.4%と11.4%伸びた。また、われわれは国際金融危機の衝撃に立ち向かう中で収めた成果を打ち固め、拡大した結果、第十二次五ヵ年計画期における幸先の良 いスタートを切った。 この一年間、われわれは主として次のような仕事を行った。 (一)·マクロ?コントロールを強化?改善し、物価の急騰を抑制し、経済の安定した比較的速い発展を実現した。われわれは積極的な財政政策と穏健な金融政策を実施し、経済の安定した比較的速い発展の維持と経済構造の調整とインフレ期待の 管理という三者の関係を正しく処理し、政策を実施するうえでの重点や取り組みの 度合い、段取りのつけ方を一層重視するとともに、慎重にして柔軟性に富む、適時 かつ適切なコントロールを進めることに努め、政策の的確さ、柔軟性と予見性を絶 えず高めた。世界じゅうでインフレ期待が日日高まる中で、国際市場における大口 商品の価格が高値圏で推移しつつあり、国内の生産コストが著しく上昇し、一部の 農産物の供給も逼迫したままであった。こうした厳しい情勢を受けて、われわれは 物価総水準の安定化をマクロ?コントロールの最重要課題として位置づけ、総合対 策を講ずる方針を貫いた。特に金融政策の手法を適切に運用し、マネーサプライや銀行貸出の伸び幅を調節するとともに、生産の発展に大きな力を入れて供給を確 保し、流通を活性化させ、監督と管理を強化した。これにより、消費者物価指数(CPI)と生産者物価指数(PPI)の上昇幅は八月から月を追って下落するようになり、物価の一時的に急騰した勢いを反転させた。下半期には、世界経済に不安定性と 不確実性が強まり、国内経済の運営にも新しい状況や問題がいくつか生じた。これを踏まえて、われわれはマクロ?コントロールの基本方針を守り、マクロ経済政策の基本的な安定を保ちながら、引き続きインフレの抑制に取り組んだ。一方、適時か つ適切な事前調整や微調整を行い、貸付政策と産業政策との整合性を高め、構造的減税にいっそう力を入れるとともに、実体経済では特に小企業?零細企業を、民 生関係プロジェクトでは特に保障タイプ住居プロジェクトを重点的に支援し、建設中


方案编号:YT-FS-4574-12 男女混合篮球赛活动方案 (完整版) Develop Detailed Rules Based On Expected Needs And Issues. And Make A Written Plan For The Links To Be Carried Out T o Ensure The Smooth Implementation Of The Scheme. 深思远虑目营心匠 Think Far And See, Work Hard At Heart

男女混合篮球赛活动方案(完整版) 备注:该方案书文本主要根据预期的需求和问题为中心,制定具体实施细则,步骤。并对将要进行的环节进行书面的计划,以对每个步骤详细分析,确保方案的顺利执行。文档可根据实际情况进行修改和使用。 一、活动目的 新年开始,为了增强学生会各部门的交流,增强 学生会的凝聚力、合作力,丰富学生会的精神文化生 活。我部策划组织学生会男女混合篮球赛。二、活动 组委名单活动组委:刘天然、钟卫东、刘鹏、李行三、 比赛时间时间:XX年2月24中午12点、2月25日中 午12点四、比赛地点地点:体育馆旁篮球场五、参赛 方法:比赛分abcd四个组,a vs c,b vs d.以部门为 单位,各部门抽签决定分组.三个部门一组。球员必须 为学生会内部成员。六、竞赛制度:1、以五vs五形 式,场上三男搭配两女。 2、a、c间的胜者 vs b、d间的胜者决出第一名 七、比赛时间控制:比赛设为四节,每节12分钟,第

一节和第三节比赛结束休息三分钟,第二节比赛结束休息五分钟,每节各有一次暂停,暂停时间为30秒,暂停时间不停表。八.比赛规则1、男生严格遵照最新国际篮球比赛规则。2、女生只能在前三节上场3、女生可以防男生,但男生不能去防女生4、篮球在一次进攻完成前必须至少经过一次女生的手中5、女生投进2分算3分,投进3分算4分。、试投三分不进但碰到筐算2分,罚球不进没有分。九、奖品设置附:分组 a队 b队 c队 d队 体育部


引言 当前的管理信息系统已经发展为集成了计算机网络技术、通信技术、信息处理技术,对信进行收集、传递、存储及加工处理,用于辅助决策进行事务管理的一种人机交互的智能化计算机系统。 随着管理信息系统的发展及其广泛的应用,数据库管理技术已逐步趋于成熟,其应用也已经遍及各个领域。在学校中,信息管理系统已经涉及到教育教学的各个方面,从学生教师管理,到考试安排成绩统计等,都通过信息管理系统来的到高效的运行。同时,学校管理中的在线考试管理也提出了相应的要求。为了满足考试管理的要求,需要设计与制作一个通用考试系统。通用考试系统实现了对整个在线考试管理的系统化,规化,无纸化。整个系统使用户操作起来简便快捷,对减轻学生,教师的劳动强度,提高工作效率与管理水平,具有很大的使用价值。

第一章绪论 1.1背景 网络化教育代表了教育改革的一个发展方向,已经成为现代教育的一个特征,并对教育的发展形成新的推动力。随着Internet/Intranet的迅速发展和广泛普及,建立在其上的远程教育成为现代教育技术未来发展方向之一,考试测试作为远程教育的一个子系统也成为一个重要的研究领域。现代远程教育作为一种新的教学手段已经开始进入我们的生活,正在给传统教育模式带来新的变革,并对教育的发展形成新的推动力。Internet技术的发展使得考试的技术手段和载体发生了革命性的变化,Internet的开放性、分布性的特点和基于Internet的巨大的计算能力使得考试突破了时间和空间的限制。基于Internet的考试系统正成为人们的研究热点之一。与传统考试模式相比,网上考试具有无可比拟的优越性,它可以将传统考试过程中的试卷组织、审定印制、传送收集、登记发放、评判归档各个环节缩小到一至两个环节,几乎屏蔽了所有人工直接干预考试活动的可能性,不但能够节约大量的时日、人力、物力与财力,而且还可以大幅度提高考试成绩的客观性和公正性。在线考试系统课题产生的背景是当今教育信息化的趋势及我国高校教育信息化系统的建设;目的是充分利用学校现有的计算机软、硬件资源和网络资源实现无纸化考试以避免传统手工考试的不足。与传统考试模式相比,网上考试渗入了更多的技术环节,对实现安全性的途径、方法也提出了更高的技术要求。通过Internet/Intranet来实现网上考试,是现代教育技术的一个具体实现,具有很重要的现实意义。可以实现教考分离以及考务工作的全自动化管理,可以有效利用校园网的软硬件资源,使其发挥最大效力,更好的为学校的教学、科研、管理服务,可以大规模的实行考试,实现考试的客观、公证性,自动化组卷、阅卷可以减轻教师的工作强度。传统考试要求老师刻试卷、印试卷、安排考试、监考、收集试卷、评改试卷、讲评试卷和分析试卷。这是一个漫长而复杂的过程,已经越来越不适应现代教学的需要。网络考试系统是传统考场的延伸,它可以利用网络的无限广阔空间,随时随地的对学生进行考试,加上Web数据库技术的利用,大大简化了传统考试的过程。 本文以Internet为平台,研究了基于Web考试系统的设计与实现,包括系统需求分析和系统功能设计以及数据库设计。重点阐述了用户登录模块、题库管理模块和试卷管


摘要: 2011 年8 月(记住,一定要写和考试时间接近的),我作为项目经理参与了xx 省公安厅 xxxxx项目,该项目投资共500 万元人民币(一定需要写),建设工期为1年,通过该项目的建设,实现了该省公安信息化工作的……..(自己补充完善),该项目于2012 年8 月,通过了业主方的验收,赢得了用户的好评。本文结合作者的实际经验,以该项目为例,讨论了信息系统项目建设过程中的xx 管理(具体根据考试题目来),主要从如下几个方面进行了阐述:(一定要根据题目,如果说是写进度管理的过程,那就是活动定义,活动排序,资源等等----一定要和下面正文里的提纲对应上。)------摘要就是这个格式,可以写350-400 字。 正文: 2011年8月,我作为项目经理参与了xx 省公安厅xxxxx项目,该项目投资共500万元人民币,建设工期为1 年,通过该项目的建设,实现了该省公安信息化工作的……..(自己补充完善),该系统采用java 语言开发,数据库采用oracle 10g,用到了什么中间件、采用什么架构,数据库服务器、应用服务器分别采用什么??这些大家根据自己的项目去写,写个500字左右,别太多,别太少。由于本项目的顺利上线涉及到业务的考核,因此,在本项目中,xx 管理尤为重要,在本项目中,我作为项目经理特别除了对其余管理领域进行克制恪守的管理外,特别对xx 管理从如下几个方面进行了管理-----这是一个过渡段,非常重要。 结尾:(这2 个字在论文里可以不写,我这里写,是让大家好看) 经过我们团队不懈的努力,历时1 年,本项目终于于2012 年8 月,通过了业主方组织的验收,为用户解决了什么问题,或者是达到了什么目的(根据自己的项目去写)得到了业主的好评。本项目的成功得益于我成功的xx 管理。当然,在本项目中,还有一些不足之处,比如:在项目的实施过程中,由于项目组2 名成员因为自身原因突然离职,导致项目的团队建设出现一些小问题,还有,曾经由于需要购买的服务器由于连日暴雨的不可抗力导致环境搭建进度出现些许异常(自己去想一些小问题,切忌,别出现什么大问题),不过,经过我后期的纠偏,并没有对项目产生什么影响。在后续的学习和工作中,我将不断的充电学习,和同行进行交流,提升自己的业务和管理水平,力争为我国信息化建设做出自己的努力。

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