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201 9年6月普通高等学校招生全国统一考试



L LiStening COmPrehenSiOn

SeCtiOn A

DireCt ions: In SeCtiOn A z you WiIl Hear ten ShOrt COnVerSatiOns between two SPeakerS?At the end Of each COnVerSatiOrh a questiOn WiIl be asked about What WaS Said. The COnVerSatiOnS and the questiOnS WiIl be SPOken Only once. After you Hear a COnVerSatiOn and the questiOn about it, readthe four POSSible anSWerS On your PaPer l and decide WhiCh One is the bestanswer to the questiOn you HaVe Heard.

1?A? A new boOkStOre. B. A new ROad.

C.Good noVelS.

D. The history Of 20th Century.

2.A? He is a doctor Of SUrgery.

B.He WaS hurt yesterday because Of an accident.

C.He injured his back yesterday just by Sneezing.

D.He WantS to IOOk for a job at hospital.

3?A. EXCited? B. SeriOUS? C. Impatient. D. DiSaPPOinted?

4.A? Xi'an. B. Chengdu. C. At HOme. D. In the COmPany.

5?A. COntrary to the past, He IiVeS a Healthy Hfe now.

B.He HaS a habit Of drin king Ora nge juice.

C.He is too CarefUl about his diet.

D.He is USed to taking regular exercise all the time.

6A Sun. B. Water? C. FertiliZer? D. Soil.

7?A? SOme COUrSeS On reading. B. COUrSeS On Writing.

C. The habit Of keep ing a diar y.

D. Her POte ntial tale nt.

8?A. She is too busy to take exercises?

B.She doesr√t have enough money.

C.It's Urmecessary for her to take SOme IeSSOns.

D.She HaS never Planned to Play tennis according to her SChedUle.

9?A? The Park is far away from their home.

B.He hates to Walk to the Park?

C.He WantS to drive his Car to another Park.

D.It WiIl be faster for them to drive to the Park rather than

WaIki ng.

10?A. He is adding and reading the numbers.

B.He is CheCking the budget report.

C.He is rewriting the numbers Of the report.

D.He is trying to make the budget Iimited.


DireCtiOnS:In SeCtiOn B Z you WiIl Hear two PaSSageS and a IOnger COnVerSatiOn Z and you WiIl be asked SeVeral questiOnS On each Of the

PaSSageSand the COnVerSatiOrL The PaSSageS and the COnVerSatiOn Will be read twice j butthe questiOn WiIl be SPOken Only OnCe. When you Hear a question, read the four POSSible anSWerS On your PaPer and decide WhiCh One is the best anSWer to thequestiOn you HaVe Heard.

QUeStiOnS11 through 13 are based On the following PaSSagee

11.A? When they go forth into an area that they are Unfamiliar with.

B.When they are not qualified to bring the StOry back.

C.When they Start an Urgent project.

D.When they HaVe never Written the Same subject.

12.A? BeCaUSe he is a baseball fan all his Iife.

B.Because he has in terviewed a PrOfeSSi Onal athlete.

C.Because they are moved by the speaker's SinCerity.

D.Because they know that the SPeaker has done SOme SPOrtS reporting before?

1 3.A? BrOaden the StOry With their OWn Strength?

B.Grow UP COnfidently.

C.Get SOme Unexpected results.

D.Become a PrOdUCtiVe writer.

QUeStiOnS14 through 16 are based On the following passage.

14.A. CreatiVity is PrOdUCtiOn Of SOmething Original and USefUL

B.Creativity HaPPenS On the right Side Of the brain?

C-Creativity is related to the freedom from COnCrete facts.

D.Everyone HaS his SPeCial CreatiVity.

1 5?A? COnCentrating On ObViOUS facts and familiar SOlUtiOns to See 讦the anSWerlieS there.

B.Scans remote memories that COUld be VagUely releva nt.

C.Focus OUr attention to SearCh for a Wide range Of distant informatio n.

D.Cut Off the COnnectiOn it may HaVe With the PrOblem before it escapes.

16.A? The COmmOn SenSe about the PrOdUCtiOn Of CreatiVity.

B.How the both SideS Of the brain WOrk together to the result Of CreatiVit y.

C.A SenSe Of PleaSUre PrOdUCed by the CreatiVity.

D.How difficult that We COme UP With a new SingIe idea.

QUeStiOnS17 through 20 are based Orl the following conversation.

17.A? Their PIan for the SUmmer VaCatiOn.

B.The WOman Z S new job.

C.Peter's experience Of volunteer.

D.The activities they are PaSSiOnate about?

18.A? SUPerViSe a VOIUnteer PrOgram in a non-profit art gallery.

B.Clean UP the gallery every Weekend.

C.Donate CaSh and things.

D.Offer SOme Part time jobs to the young.

19.A? ChOOSe a remote ViIlage.

B.Call that Charity

C.Get in VOIVed in activities We are PaSSi On ate about.

D.Be more respOnSible.

20.A? PaSSiOn. B. PerSeVerance.

C. ACknoWIedgement.

D. Respect.


I? LiStening COmPrehenSiOn

SeCtiOn A

DireCt ions: In SeCtiOn A r you Will hear ten ShOrt COnVerSatiOnS between two SPeakerS? At the end Of each COnVerSatiOn z a questiOn WiIl be asked about What WaS Said. The COnVerSatiOnS and the questions WiIl be SPOken Only once. After you hear a COnVerSatiOn and a question about it, read the four POSSible anSWerS On your PaPer Z and decide WhiCh One is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1.M: IS there a new bookstore On FlIZhoU Road?

W: YeS J it,s got Very good noVelS Of the 20τh CentUry?

Q: What are the SPeakerS mainly talking about

2.W: Mike, are you OK?

M: I injured my back yesterday just by SneeZing? My doctor Said I need SUrgery

Q: What Can be Iearned about the man?

3.M: WhiCh team are you going to support? W: You,re not going to talk about football again, are you? That's it

Q: HOW does the WOman feel about discussing football?

4.M: Mary is not in the COmPany. HaS She retu「ned from Xi,an yet? W: YeS? but before She Went to ChengdU yesterday, She had been home for Only One day.

Q: Where is Mary Now?

5.M: What? SteVen is drinking Orange juice.

W: YOU CannOt believe it. Now. he,s CarefUl about What he eats and takes regular exercise.

Q: What does the WOman imply about Steven?

6.M: Γve moved the flower into the garden and Watered it every day. HOW COme it is StiIl not doing well?

W: WeII f Why not add SOme fertilizer? Maybe that'll help

Q: ACCOrding to the WOmarl? What may the flower need,.

7.M: WOW f you WOn the first PriZe in the Writing COnteSt? YOU haverΓt taken any COUrSeS On reading and Writing?

W: BUt Γve been keeping a diary SinCe ChiIdhOOd.

Q: ACCOrding to the WOman l What helped her Win the contest?

8.M: YOU Iike tennis SO much. Why not take SOme IeSSOns? They Start next Week

W: HOW am I going to fit that into my CrOWded SChedUle?

Q: What does the WOman mean?

9.W: Walk to the park? YOU must be kidding! It takes Only five minutes to drive there.

M: If I had remembered to Charge my Car

Q: What Can be Iearned about the man?

10.W: You,ve been dealing With that budget report for nearly an hour. Anything wrong?

M: I keep adding and reading the numbers? but they just don't balance ?

Q: What is the man doing

SeCtiOn B

DireCtions: In SeCtiOn B Z you WiIl hear two PaSSageS and One IOnger COnVerSatiOn f

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