当前位置:文档之家› 广州版英语四年级下册练习题



四下英 Modulel Unitl

3.Add-ing to the following verbs and read them aloud 写出下面单词的-ing 形式,并朗读这些单词。 I.


1 ) ask (

2 ) buy

3 ) cook

(4 ) talk (5 ) watch (6) wear

(7 ) open (8 ) wash (9) play

(10)feed (11 ) clean (12 ) help

n .Model:have-having

(1 ) come (2 ) give (3) drive

(4 ) make (5 ) close (6 ) use


(1 ) sit (2 ) run (3) put

(4 ) get

(5 ) swim 4.Close the right words to fill in the bla nks. 选择正确答案填空。

(1 ) (Are,Do ) you cooking in the kichen ?

Yes 」 (do, am ).

(2 ) (Are,Can ) you sing the ABC song?

Yes,we (are,can ).

(3 ) (Are,Can ) Miss Li and her friends having lunch.

No,they (aren ' t,can ' t )

(4 ) Mr Li and I (are,am ) talking in English.

(5 ) The baby can (put,putting )the box here.

(6 ) Listen!The teachens ( sing,are singing ).

(7 ) Look,the boy (feed,is feeding ) the rabbit. 2 3

(8 ) My father (cook,is cooking )a meal in the kitchen now.

(1)Is the boy getting up

5^Look at the pictures and write down the answers to the

questions. 看图写出问题的答案。

4. Look at the pictures and put in the miss ing letters 看 图写出下面句子中单词所缺的字母。

(1 ) These are holiday p _____________________

(2 ) The b ---------------------------------- is one year . .He l ------- cute.

(3 ) Today is Mike ' s birthdan .This is a big birthday c ____ and some birdany c __________

for him.

(4 ) This is a t _____ . Tt ' s 3 h _____ y ________ old.

(4 ) Is the old man felling the dog?

(5)Do the children play football after school?

(6)Can the little boy skip?

6.Put in the miss ing words 补全对话。 Boy:Are these your holiday ____________ ?

Girl:Yes,they are.

Boy: this man ?

Girl:He ' s my grandpa. He s 75 years

. Boy: He _________ young .Is he ___________ ?

Girl:Yes,he is.

Boy: __________ are the girl and the boy?

Girl: my cous in and me .

Boy:Wha n are you ___________ ?

Girl:we ' re chicken legs.

Modulel Un it2 and 3

3. Match the questio ns and the an swer 将.问题的编号写在相应答句括

(1 ) Can you play chess? (2 ) Are you play basketball?

( 3)Do you often swim?

(4 ) What are you doing?

( 5 ) Who ' s the man in the photo?

( 6 ) Where' s your teacher now?

( )No,l ' m not.

( )No,I don ' t. 4 ( )Yes,I can, ()She' s in the teachers room. ( )I ' m doing in the homework. ( )He ' s my uncle. (2 ) Is the girl having lunch with hen parents?

(5) Look,the boy is h the old woman.

(6) _______________ It ' seven o _________ . The boy is g up.

5. Look at the pictures and complete the dialogue 看 图把对话补充完整。

(1 ) ________________ the old men doing?

They ' re ------------- :——

(2 ) ___________ the girl _____________ dinner with her father and mother ar home.

the girls -------------- o n the sofa and —TV?

(4 ) Is the old woman ___________ housework?

Yes,she s ------------------ the house.

(5)Is the young woman ___________ a bus?

No,she ' s --------------- a car. ------

Yes,she . 6 7

(3 ) Are

(6)Is the boy in the river?

No,he .He ' s in the swimming pool.

(7 ) Is the boy a birthday hat and a birthday cake?


(1 ) The girl the candle.

(2 ) The little boy _________ ames.

(3 ) The man to the radio.

(4 ) The old men _________ . ______

(5 ) The girl ______ e picture.

(6 ) The old ------------ ---------- the-cat.-

4. Match the questi ons with the right an swers.

A. Is our teacher work ing on the computer ?

B. Do the men ofte n fish there?

C. Ca n the man dan ce?

D. Are they excited?

E. Is the boy hun gry?

F. What are the wome n doing?

5. Read the senten ces and complete the picture

Module2 Unit4

3.Look at the pitures and complete the senten ces. 看图并完成句子。7 8

No,he .He s apples.

(8)Is the girl

Yes,she is

a book?

—a dictionary.

(9)Is the boy cakes?



()No,they don ' t.

()No,he can ' t.

()Yes,she is.

()No,he isn ' t .

()They are dancing.

()Yes,they are .

(2 ) The mon key is eati ng a banana .

(3 ) The cat is running.

(4 ) The dog is watching TV.

(5 ) The bird is sitting on the chair .

(6 ) The child is cleaning the window.

5.Look at the pictures and read the story .The n an swer the questio n.


Piggy:What are these, Peggy?

Peggy: They ' re toothbrush and toothpaste.

Mum: What are you doing , Peggy?

Peggy: I ' m doing my homework in the livi ng room.

Mum: Where ' s Piggy ?Is he in your livi ng

room too?

Peggy: No,he isn ' t?

(1 ) The goose is swimming.


Mum: Where 's he?

Peggy: Mum! He 's cleaning his shoes with your toothbrush and toothpaste.


Module2 Unit5 and 6

2. Read the sentences and match them with the picture读句子并把句子编号写入相应的括号内。 ( 1 ) The boys are swimming in the sea.

( 2) There are some musical instruments in the picture.

( 3) The man is enjoy



TV ,can die,radio,pen cil-case ,tape recorder,story-book,clock

1. 电器:_________________________________________________________________________________

2. 学习用品:________________________________________________________________________

3. 生活用品:


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

A. have an art less on

B.play musical in strume nts

C.read a story —book

D. have a breakfast

E.bolw out the can dles

F.cut the tree

G. play the guitar H.feed the ducks I.do homework J.play badm inton

九、阅读句子,判断下列句子是否符合图意,如符合请写“T”,否则写“ F”。

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