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成都七中育才学校2018 届下期入学考试英语试题

成都七中育才学校2018 届下期入学考试英语试题
成都七中育才学校2018 届下期入学考试英语试题















1. A.Beautiful lanterns. B.Sweet dumplings. C.Mooncakes.

2. A.In1876. B.In America. C.By Bell.

3. A.Shake hands. B.Bow. C.Kiss.

4. A.No,I don’t. B.Yes,he is. C.No,he didn’t.

5. A.No,I don’t know the way. B.Sure.Go straight ahead.

C.Yes,but I’m not available.



A. B. C. D. E.






11.A.Cartoons. B.Coco. C.Moving.

12.A.Korea. B.Three years. C.Korean customs.

13.A.At3:30. B.At4:00. C.At4:20.

14.A.Do some cooking. B.Go for a drive. C.Stay at home alone.

15.A.Miss Li B.The girl C.Mr.Liu

16.A.Because she was upset. B.Because she wanted to be beautiful.

C.Because her mother was angry.

17.A.A staff worker. B.A tourist. C.A tour guide.

18.A.Blue. B.Red. C.White.

19.A.35yuan. B.45yuan C.55yuan.

20.A.At school. B.At the bus stop. C.At home.


21.Where did the Lincoln family live?

A.in the forest

B.on a farm

C.in the city

22.How did Lincoln get to school?

A.By bus.

B.By bike.

C.On foot.

23.What did he use to do after working all day?

A.He used to study.

B.He used to make a fire.

C.He used to buy a light.

24.He was elected(选举)President of the United States because he was________.

A.strong enough

B.wise and good


25.Which side won the war and saved the slaves(奴隶)in the end in America?

A.The South

B.The North

C.The English army




The meaning of saving When smart people get money,they’ll26.

The reason for saving It’s for27a rainy day.

28about saving 1.You need to buy a new one when someone takes your bike.

2.In the same month,you need money for your best friend’s birthday as well as29and a great concert.

3.You also need to build your savings for a long time for

30,like a new smartphone or going to college.



31.—Is_________English dictionary yours,Tom?

—No,I don’t have________English dictionary,thank you very much.




32.Everyone makes mistakes in life.The key is not to repeat________again.




33.—Lucy,could you take out the trash?—Yes,I_________.I’m coming,mom.




34.When you’re learning English,use it,_________you’ll lose it.




35.—Sorry,I haven’t finished my report yet.—You’d better hurry up.It________in tomorrow.

A.may be handed

B.must be handed

C.can hand

36.The lights in the classroom are still on.There must be________studying there.




37.—Lily,it’s Sunday today.Why don’t you go skating with them?

—Because I________my homework yet.

A.didn’t finish

B.haven’t finished

C.will finish

38.—What do you think is important for the players on a team?

—It’s to play together and________the best in each other.

A.look up

B.show up

C.bring out

39.—Have you found any information about famous female directors________you can use in class?

—Not yet.I’ll search some on the Internet.




40.—Could you please tell me_________?—I went there with my parents.

A.where you went for your vacation

B.how you had a good trip

C.whom you went to the mountain with


It was a winter morning in Beijing,and the weather was very cold that day.I was on my way to work and wanted to eat something to41.

There was an old woman selling youtiao and doujiang(soybean milk)on the sidewalk.I42 her cart(手推车)on my way to the subway station.The youtiao smelled good and looked delicious.I asked her43they cost and was surprised at how cheap they were.

As soon as I tried the youtiao,it reminded me of the doughnuts(甜甜圈)I44to eat back in my home country,the United States.It was a little salty,a little sweet,and very45.After that day, I ate youtiao every morning on my way to work.

Youtiao is liked by foreigners.Probably because it’s similar to some other foods that are popular in foreign countries.In the US,46have a kind of food called the cruller(油饼).It’s a type of doughnut,or fried dough(油炸面团).It has a long and thin shape like youtiao.There is a Spanish food that is also very47youtiao.It is called the churro.

Some people outside of China eat youtiao as well.People in Malaysia and Vietnam eat it,48. They will often eat it with milk tea or noodles.In Indonesia,they eat it with porridge.

By itself,youtiao is pretty good.But it can be even49if you add some other things to it. Chocolate sauce or powdered sugar can give it a new flavor.I like to eat it with coffee or tea as well.It is one of my favorite50snacks.

41.A.warm me up B.pick me up C.lift me up

42.A.looked for B.passed by C.cleaned up

43.A.how often B.how many C.how much

44.A.planned https://www.doczj.com/doc/8a17625044.html,ed C.had

45.A.delicious B.awful C.spicy

46.A.you B.they C.we

47.A.similar to B.different from C.angry with

48.A.without doubt B.at first C.for example

49.A.better B.sweeter C.worse

50.A.Spanish B.Chinese C.American




Sydni Dion Bennett didn’t want to be anyone else when she was a little girl.She lives by the words“Be yourself.Everyone else is already taken.”

The16-year-old is the first African-American to win Miss Illinois Teen

USA in the contest’s34-year history.

Before the contest,she didn’t know that a black girl had never won.

“I found out the night before the final show,actually.It made me want to fight harder and to win for all the black girls around,not just for myself,”Bennett said.“I didn’t feel less about my ability to win because no black girl had done it.It gave me much encouragement rather than a doubt.”

Bennett wants other African-American girls to know they can do great things just like her.In fact, her life experiences prepared her for the big day all along.As a coach at a dance studio,she has the confidence of a talented wise woman.

During the contest,Bennett talked to the judges(评委)and audience about her work teaching kids.That was easy for her,because it’s her everyday life.

“I think a lot of girls go[to the contest]feeling like they have to make the judges think they’re somebody they’re not,”Bennett said.“But I went with‘I’m me;this is who I am.’I think that’s the thing that makes me different from the others,being honest and sincere.”

51.Sydni Dion Bennett is a16-year-old student in the United States.

52.Sydni Dion Bennett was the youngest black girl to win Miss Illinois Teen USA in the contest’s history.

53.Sydni Dion Bennett is always confident before and during the contest.

54.The judges(评委)and audience didn’t think her work teaching kids is true.

55.Sydni Dion Bennett’s life experiences and honesty help her win Miss Illinois Teen USA.



56.Tourists can get the information about Sunset Island________.

A.every Sunday

B.every day

C.from Monday to Saturday

57.Sally likes to go out at night,and enjoys meeting people and dancing.She can have fun_______.

A.on Lighthouse Island

B.in the clubs for Port George

C.in Port George Museum

58.What time does Port George Museum open?

A.At four o’clock in the morning.

B.At nine o’clock in the morning.

C.At ten o’clock in the morning.

59.Tourists can do the following things except________.

A.learning the history about Sunset Island

B.taking pictures of wild animals

C.enjoying American food at the Victoria Restaurant

60.Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the poster?

A.The clubs usually close at four o’clock in the morning.

B.Tourists can’t take a boat trip there.

C.If you want to climb Rose Mountains and enjoy great views,the22bus can help you get there.


Gulangyu,a beautiful island,was successfully listed in the UNESCO World Heritage(世界文化遗产)on July8th,2017.It’s not only the pride of my hometown,but also the pride of the whole nation.

Gulangyu is separated from Xiamen by the500-meter-wide Egret River(鹭江),with an area of 1.88square kilometers.It’s like a garden on the water.You can go there only by ship.Cars,buses and bikes are not allowed to run on the island.It is so quiet that wherever you go,you can hear the sound of playing the piano.As a result of this,it is called“the island of music”.

The first name of the island was Yuanzhouzi.In the Ming Dynasty it was changed as Gulangyu, meaning“drum waves”,because the holes in the south western reefs hit by the waves make sounds like the drum beating.

Today,Gulangyu is listed as one of the nation’s major traveling places.Gangzihou Bathing Beach and Memorial Hall to Zheng Chenggong are visited by millions of people from all parts of the country and the world.Today,931historical buildings and gardens in different styles remain.The buildings and food are especially popular with visitors.

As a popular tourism destination(目的地),Gulangyu has had problems with crowding.I hope our government can do something so that we can better study and protect the historical heritage on the island.Encouraging more local people to take part in the protection will be a great way.

61.Where does the writer come from?

A.Sichuan Province.

B.Fujian Province


62.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A.Gulangyu is famous as“the island of music”and“a garden on the water”.

B.The area of Gulangyu is less than2square kilometers.

C.Gulangyu got its name in Tang Dynasty.

63.The underlined word“reefs”in Paragraph3probably means________in Chinese.




64.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Gulangyu is a popular traveling place around the world.

B.Visitors have different ways to get on the island,but taking a ship is the most convenient way.

C.We can see391different historical buildings and gardens in Gulangyu today.

65.The passage may be from___________.

A.a poster

B.a guide book

C.a blog(博客)



1.Although there was a long line standing in front of Mary to buy the soccer tickets,she waited p____________without saying anything.

2.It’s a great c____________to have the school so near.I can walk to school for only five minutes.

3.It is Yao Ming who makes the kids in China like basketball and it’s also Yao Ming who makes the kids know what a real p_____________basketball player should be like.

4.After Cindy had a long talk with her coach,a smile s_____________slowly across her face.

5.As soon as the baby fell asleep,the mom l_____________him gently on the bed.


A:Hey,Crystal.Did you see the talent show Trump Card on Zhengjiang TV last Friday?

B:Oh,yes,Tim.I was greatly moved to see the reunion(团聚)of the cast(剧组)from TV drama Journey to the West.

A:So did I.This TV drama was first on TV in1980s and soon became a classic in China and is still being1by people today.They say many great words for its wonderful stories and fantastic performances of all the actors.

B:I remember I used to jump up and down in2the minute I heard the music of the TV drama. A:Ha-ha...But it’s a pity that some of the actors and staff workers have passed away because of terrible illness,3the director Yang Jie who died last year.

B:I’m sorry to hear that.But don’t be too sad.They are forever in people’s heart.

A:I totally agree with you.By the way,can you remember who played the Monkey King?

B:Sure.Liu Xiao Ling Tong.But I always4why he has such a strange name.

A:Let me tell you.Actually,Liu Xiao Ling Tong is his stage name.His real name is Zhang Jinlai.

B:I can hardly5his stage name with his real name.Are there any relationships between the two names?

A:In fact,no.His stage name comes from his father’s stage name Liu Lin Tong which means that his father began to learn arts at the age of six.

B:Well,I get it.

A:And you know what.It’s6that he has two ID cards with these two names.

B:Yes,it’s really hard to believe.7,people can only have one ID card.

A:That’s true.But because his ID card with his real name Zhang Jinlai once8many problems. For example,he once had to go through security at an airport,but the staff workers thought his ID card was not real because they all knew he was named Liu Xiao Ling Tong.After meeting many such problems,he communicated with the police station and he was then9to have two ID cards.On the talent show,he expressed his thanks to Zhengjiang TV for giving him a chance to reunite with other artists.

B:He is truly a thankful and hardworking man who still makes great10to do something for the development of arts.

A:Tang Xuanzang and his three disciples met81problems to get the final success.When making the TV drama,all the actors and staff worker faced many more difficulties.But they never gave up and it took them six years to make the TV drama.Their spirit touched me a lot.

B:Yeah.We should learn from them.



Famous Irish poet Oscar Wilde once wrote:“Ah!Realize your youth while you have it.”He pointed out the important truth about how invaluable youth is in one’s journey through life.

However,the popular internet slang word foxi-or“Buddhist”-is challenging this norm(标准)by encouraging young people1calm and peaceful and avoid argument as much as possible-in other words,to live like a Buddha(佛陀).

It’s said that the phrase2in Japan in2014to describe young men who no longer trouble to start relationships with women or follow someone3life path(道路).They prefer to stay in their own peaceful world and care little about passion and success.

Now,Chinese internet4are creating other words to describe a similar mindset(思维模式). For example,“Buddhist students”are5who study just the right amount-they don’t cut class, but they don’t burn the midnight oil,either.There are also“Buddhist parents”,who interfere(干涉)little with their children’s lives and let them develop6they like-the opposite of“helicopter parents”.

In this fast-changing and7world,it’s only natural that people are looking for a spiritual anchor(精神港湾).

However,some would compare foxi with“demotivational culture”(丧文化)-a phrase that describes young people who feel aimless(无目标的)and powerless.They say foxi actually8 the reality(现实)that young people are losing their will to fight.They are pretending(装作)to keep a healthy and wise attitude toward failure9because they’re unable to succeed.

But no matter what,there is one thing that“Buddhist youngsters”should keep in mind:You may want to keep a calm mindset regarding failure,but you should also be positive(积极的)about school, work and life.

After all,Wilde also wrote:“Live the wonderful life that is in you!Let10be lost on you.

Be always searching for new feelings.”




In ancient China,dogs received less respect.The word“dog”was used as part of negative phrases, like gouzhangrenshi(狗仗人势)and yingyinggougou(蝇营狗苟).

____1____Experts believe dogs were less important than livestock(家畜)like horses and oxen in helping people with daily work.

Traditionally,people admire those who have noble(高尚的)character and dignity(尊严).____2____This makes them seem like they should be looked down upon.

But today,with more Chinese people keeping dogs as pets,caring for dogs and sharing pictures of them are part of the owners’lives.Also,many young people enjoy being described like a dog,such as

in the phrase“single dog”.____3____

In western countries,however,people see dogs very differently---they treat dogs as friends or even family members.

This can be back to ancient times,too.Hunting(打猎)was an important part of life in Europe and later became a popular form to have fun.People would use dogs to find and catch animals.___4__ Some sayings in English show how dogs are respected:Love me,love my dog;as faithful as a dog;work like a dog.

____5____In countries like the United States and France,there are different shows and competitions especially for dogs,such as beauty contests.Many movies like A Dog’s Purpose also have dogs in the leading roles.

A.Dogs are now becoming necessary parts of people’s lives.

B.People still consider dogs to be important.

C.One reason is that most people were farmers back then.

D.For them,dogs are a symbol of bravery and honesty.

E.They think their lives share some similarity with dogs’lives,which is a way to make fun of themselves.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/8a17625044.html,pared with other animals,dogs depend more on humans beings and often follow their owner’s orders.


The second Thursday of each November is Guinness World Records Day.Every year,it’s a time when we get to admire the wonderful things that people have achieved.

Well,perhaps it isn’t.Clearly,some of the record makers and breakers seem more admirable than others.It’s perfectly possible to admire the achievement of a sportsperson like Usain Bolt,for example, who is the only athlete to win the100m and200m Olympic titles three times in a row.Running is a tradition that goes all the way back to the Greek Olympic competitions.

But one wonders whether the person who holds the record for growing the largest onion,or the one who holds the record for the most wooden toilet seats broken within a minute using only the forehead(前额),is quite as worthy of our admiration as Bolt is.

The Greek poet Pindar wrote great poems to the athlete of his day.It seems impossible that anyone today would write a poem to a man for growing an unusually big vegetable.In other words,some of these Guinness records seem a bit silly.

So,why do people choose to try and create the world records for such meaningless things?Perhaps the experts can help.Stephen Garcia,a professor at the University of Michigan,tried to explain it.“People are always trying to find a way to make themselves seem like they are at the top”,he said.

It’s not that they want to be the best at everything but just to be the best at something.They look for what he calls“optimal distinctiveness”(最优特性).It seems to them that everyone stands out at something,and these record holders just want to discover what their“something”is.

That means it isn’t just crazy competitiveness that makes people consider spending a lot of time, effort and perhaps money being the best at a meaningless thing-like cycling backwards while playing a violin-but a desire(欲望)to be part of society.

Guinness World Records Day is not only about fun.Above all,it’s about letting people count for something in the world.

Guinness World Records Day

1to Guinness World Records Day It’s on the second Thursday of each November when we can admire the wonderful things that people have achieved.

Different attitude toward different achievements of the world record makers and breakers People2some of the record makers and breakers 2than others.

People’s doubt Why do people choose to create the world records which are

not so worthy as others?

An expert’s3People are always trying to find a way to make themselves seem like they are at the top.

They want to find out something that they are best at.

It’s their desire to be part of society4crazy competitiveness that makes people consider spending a lot of time,effort and perhaps money being the best at a meaningless thing.

Conclusion Guinness World Records Day is more than having fun.Letting

people count for something in the world is5.


成都七中育才学校2017-2018学年度上期期末测试七年级英语 考试时间:120分钟满分:150分 温馨提示: 1.请用黑色签字笔在答题卷上规定地方清晰,工整的写上自己的班级、姓名、学号等信息。答题卷上禁止涂抹和使用涂改液,若写错需要更改,请把原答案用笔轻轻地划去,并在空白处写出正确答案! 2.在填涂机读卡上对应题号下面的答案时,请注意厚薄均匀,否则会影响最后的评分。 3.请注意机读卡上题号的顺序,并且注意保持答题卷的整洁,否则会影响最后的评分。 A卷(共100分) 第一部分听力部分(共30小题,计30分) 一、听句子,根据所听到的内容选择正确答语。每小题念两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分;计5分)()1.A.Good afternoon! B.Fine,thanks! C.Nice to see you! ()2.A.Yes,she does. B.No,he doesn’t. C.Yes,I do. ()3.A.In June. B.In the classroom. C.At6:30. ()https://www.doczj.com/doc/8a17625044.html,e on! B.You’re welcome! C.Yes,please. ()5.A.He works late. B.At a radio station. C.He’s a DJ. 二、听句子,选择与所听句子内容相符的图片,并将代表图片的字母填在答题卡的相应位置。每小题念两遍。(共5小题,每小题5分;计5分) A B C D E 三、听对话,根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。每小题念两遍。(共10小题,每小题1分;计10分)()11.A.The music club. B.The art club. C.The swimming club. ()12.A.In the bookcase. B.Under the bed. C.On the sofa. ()13.A.6dollars. B.12dollars. C.10dollars. ()14.A.Yes,it is. B.Yes,he does. C.No,he isn’t. ()15.A.Some ice-cream. B.Some bread. C.Some milk. ()16.A.On January1st. B.On September3rd. C.On February24th. ()17.A.Amy’s sister. B.Amy’s cousin. C.Amy’s classmate. ()18.A.Yellow. B.Green. C.Brown. ()19.A.Yes,she can. B.No,she can’t. C.Sorry,I don’t know. ()20.A.Vegetables or fruit. https://www.doczj.com/doc/8a17625044.html,k or bread. C.Hamburgers or bananas.


2020-2021成都七中实验学校(初中部)七年级数学上期末模拟试卷(含答案) 一、选择题 1.若x 是3-的相反数,5y =,则x y +的值为( ) A .8- B .2 C .8或2- D .8-或2 2.若x =5是方程ax ﹣8=12的解,则a 的值为( ) A .3 B .4 C .5 D .6 3.如图的正方体盒子的外表面上画有3条黑线,将这个正方体盒子的表面展开(外表面朝上),展开图可能是( ) A . B . C . D . 4.如图所示运算程序中,若开始输入的x 值为48,我们发现第1次输出的结果为24,第2次输出的结果为12,…第2017次输出的结果为( ) A .3 B .6 C .4 D .2 5.商店将进价2400元的彩电标价3200元出售,为了吸引顾客进行打折出售,售后核算仍可获利20%,则折扣为( ) A .九折 B .八五折 C .八折 D .七五折 6.若单项式2x 3y 2m 与﹣3x n y 2的差仍是单项式,则m+n 的值是( ) A .2 B .3 C .4 D .5 7.如图,数轴上有A ,B ,C ,D 四个点,其中表示互为相反数的点是( ) A .点A 和点C B .点B 和点D C .点A 和点D D .点B 和点C 8.下面结论正确的有( ) ①两个有理数相加,和一定大于每一个加数. ②一个正数与一个负数相加得正数. ③两个负数和的绝对值一定等于它们绝对值的和. ④两个正数相加,和为正数. ⑤两个负数相加,绝对值相减.

⑥正数加负数,其和一定等于0. A .0个 B .1个 C .2个 D .3个 9.运用等式性质进行的变形,正确的是( ) A .如果a =b ,那么a +2=b +3 B .如果a =b ,那么a -2=b -3 C .如果 ,那么a =b D .如果a 2=3a ,那么a =3 10.如图,每个图案均由边长相等的黑、白两色正力形按规律拼接面成,照此规律,第n 个图案中白色正方形比黑色正方形( )个. A .n B .(5n+3) C .(5n+2) D .(4n+3) 11.如图,将一副三角板叠放在一起,使直角的顶点重合于O ,则∠AOC+∠DOB=( ) A .90° B .180° C .160° D .120° 12.关于的方程的解为正整数,则整数的值为( ) A .2 B .3 C .1或2 D .2或3 二、填空题 13.若一件商品按成本价提高40%后标价,又以8折优惠卖出,结果仍可获利15元,则这件商品的实际售价为______元. 14.已知:﹣a =2,|b |=6,且a >b ,则a +b =_____. 15.若 13 a +与273a -互为相反数,则a=________. 16.6年前,甲的年龄是乙的3倍,现在甲的年龄是乙的2倍,甲现在_________岁,乙现在________岁. 17.一件衣服售价为200元,六折销售,仍可获利20%,则这件衣服的进价是_____元. 18.如图,在∠AOB 的内部有3条射线OC 、OD 、OE ,若∠AOC =60°,∠BOE = 1n ∠BOC ,∠BOD =1 n ∠AOB ,则∠DOE =_____°.(用含n 的代数式表示)


成都市七中育才学校七年级上学期期末数学试题及答案 一、选择题 1.地球与月球的平均距离为384 000km ,将384 000这个数用科学记数法表示为( ) A .3.84×103 B .3.84×104 C .3.84×105 D .3.84×106 2.如图,一副三角尺按不同的位置摆放,摆放位置中∠α与∠β不相等... 的图形是( ) A . B . C . D . 3.已知a +b =7,ab =10,则代数式(5ab +4a +7b )+(3a –4ab )的值为( ) A .49 B .59 C .77 D .139 4.下列判断正确的是( ) A .有理数的绝对值一定是正数. B .如果两个数的绝对值相等,那么这两个数相等. C .如果一个数是正数,那么这个数的绝对值是它本身. D .如果一个数的绝对值是它本身,那么这个数是正数. 5.已知线段AB a ,,,C D E 分别是,,AB BC AD 的中点,分别以点,,C D E 为圆心, ,,CB DB EA 为半径作圆得如图所示的图案,则图中三个阴影部分图形的周长之和为( ) A .9a π B .8a π C .9 8 a π D .94 a π 6.已知线段 AB =10cm ,直线 AB 上有一点 C ,且 BC =4cm ,M 是线段 AC 的中点,则 AM 的长( ) A .7cm B .3cm C .3cm 或 7cm D .7cm 或 9cm 7.方程312x -=的解是( ) A .1x = B .1x =- C .13 x =- D .13 x =

8.估算15在下列哪两个整数之间( ) A .1,2 B .2,3 C .3,4 D .4,5 9.如图,已知AB ∥CD,点E 、F 分别在直线AB 、CD 上,∠EPF=90°,∠BEP=∠GEP ,则∠1与 ∠2的数量关系为( ) A .∠1=∠2 B .∠1=2∠2 C .∠1=3∠2 D .∠1=4∠2 10.已知∠A =60°,则∠A 的补角是( ) A .30° B .60° C .120° D .180° 11.3的倒数是( ) A .3 B .3- C . 13 D .13 - 12.下列方程的变形正确的有( ) A .360x -=,变形为36x = B .533x x +=-,变形为42x = C . 2 123 x -=,变形为232x -= D .21x =,变形为2x = 13.下列图形中,哪一个是正方体的展开图( ) A . B . C . D . 14.如图的几何体,从上向下看,看到的是( ) A . B . C . D . 15.用一个平面去截:①圆锥;②圆柱;③球;④五棱柱,能得到截面是圆的图形是( ) A .①②④ B .①②③ C .②③④ D .①③④ 二、填空题 16.已知方程22x a ax +=+的解为3x =,则a 的值为__________. 17.苹果的单价为a 元/千克,香蕉的单价为b 元/千克,买2千克苹果和3千克香蕉共需____元. 18.写出一个比4大的无理数:____________. 19.在数轴上,点A ,B 表示的数分别是 8-,10.点P 以每秒2个单位长度从A 出发沿数轴向右运动,同时点Q 以每秒3个单位长度从点B 出发沿数轴在B ,A 之间往返运动,设运


2017-2018学年成都七中育才学校七年级(上)期末数学试卷 (考试时间:120分钟满分:150分) A卷(共100分) 一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分) 1.﹣的倒数是() A.3 B.C.﹣3 D.﹣ 2.去年5月,在成都举行的世界机场城市大会上,成都新机场规划蓝图首次亮相,新机场建成后,成都将成为继北京、上海之后,国内第三个拥有双机场的城市,按照远期规划,新机场将建的4个航站楼的总面积约为1260000平方米,这个总面积用科学记数法表示为()平方米. A.126×104B.1.26×104C.1.26×106D.1.26×107 3.以下问题,不适合普查的是() A.了解一批灯泡的使用寿命 B.学校招聘教师,对应聘人员的面试 C.了解全班学生每周体育锻炼时间 D.进入地铁站对旅客携带的包进行的安检 4.如图所示的图形经过折叠可以得到一个正方体,则与“我”字一面相对的面上的字是() A.七B.中C.育D.才 5.下列说法正确的是() A.射线PA和射线AP是同一条射线 B.射线OA的长度是12cm C.直线ab、cd相交于点M D.两点确定一条直线 6.下列各组中,是同类项的是() A.﹣x2y与3yx2B.m3与3m C.a2与b2D.x与2 7.下列计算中,结果正确的是()

A.a2﹣a3=a6B.2a?3a=6a C.(2a2)3=2a6D.a6÷a2=a4 8.下列描述不正确的是() A.单项式﹣的系数是﹣,次数是3次 B.用一个平面去截一个圆柱,截面的形状可能是一个长方形 C.过七边形的一个顶点有5条对角线 D.五棱柱有7个面,15条棱 9.已知线段AB=3cm,延长线段AB到C,使BC=4cm,延长线段BA到D,使AD=AC,则线段CD的长为()A.14cm B.8cm C.7cm D.6cm 10.有一“数值转换机”如图所示,则输出的结果为() A.x B.C.D. 二、填空题(每小题4分,共16分) 11.﹣|﹣|的相反数是. 12.在数轴上距离原点5个单位长度的点所表示的数是. 13.用一根铁丝可围成长、宽分别为5和3的长方形,如果用这根铁丝围成一个正方形,那么该正方形的边长为. 14.钟面上8点30分时,时针与分针的夹角的度数是. 三、解答题(共54分) 15.(12分)(1)计算:﹣3﹣(﹣5)+(﹣6)﹣(﹣3); (2)计算:﹣23+(﹣4)×[(﹣1)2015+(﹣)2];


成都市七中育才学校2019~2020学年度(下)中考第二次诊断性检测 化学 注意事项: 1.全卷分为第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷,第Ⅰ卷为选择题,第Ⅱ卷为非选择题。考试时间60分钟。 2.请按照题号在答题卡对应位置区域作答,超出答题区域的答案无效,试卷上答题无效。 可能用到的相对原子质量:H:1 C:12 O:16 Cl:35.5 S:32 Fe:56 Ba:137 第I卷(选择题,共42分) 一、选择题(本题共14小题,每小题3分,共42分。每小题只有一个选项符合题意) 1.下列过程中只发生物理变化的是() A.制作叶脉书签 B.紫花变红花 C.比较合金和纯金属的硬度 D.木条遇浓硫酸变黑2.下列物质的用途正确的是() A.不锈钢作炊具 B.氧气作高能燃料 C.熟石灰改良碱性土壤 D.工业酒精可用于配制饮用酒 3. 将密封良好的饼干从平原带到高原,包装袋会鼓起,这是因为() A.饼干的质量变大 B.袋内气体分子个数增多 C.高原地区大气压强较大 D.袋内气体分子间的间隙变大 4. 下列说法不正确的是() A.CO能燃烧,而CO2不能,是由于两者的分子结构不同 B.石墨可导电,而金刚石不能,是由于两者的原子排列方式不同 C.NaOH和Ca(OH)2在水溶液中都能产生OH-,因此两者都显碱性 D.食盐水和金属铝都含有自由移动的离子,因此两者都能导电 5.化学与生活息息相关,下列说法正确的是() A.pH小于7的雨水就是酸雨 B.活性炭的吸附作用可使海水转化成淡水 C.“钻木取火”的原理是通过摩擦生热,提高木材的着火点 D.燃气灶火焰出现黄色,锅底出现黑色时,可增大灶具进风口 6.下列关于氧气的性质、制备说法正确的是() A.可用向下排空气法或排水法收集氧气 B.铁丝在氧气中剧烈燃烧,生成氧化铁 C.保持氧气化学性质的最小粒子是氧分子 D.利用如图装置可比较MnO2和CuO对H2O2分解的影响


成都七中育才学校2017-2018 学年度上期期末测试 八年级物理 注意事项: 1. 本试卷题卷共8 页,A 卷满分100 分,B 卷满分20 分,总分共120 分。考试时间90 分钟。 2. 请用2B 铅笔将A 卷和B 卷的选择题答案填涂到网阅答题卷上指定位置,注意别漏填或填错位置。 3. 请用钢笔或圆珠笔将其余试题答案写到答题卷上。考试完毕后请上交网阅答题卷。 A 卷(100 分) 一、单项选择题(每题2 分,共34 分,请将答案按其序号填入机读卡答案栏中) 1.下列估测数据最符合实际的是() A.一元硬币的质量约20g B.我市二环高架路主干道上汽车限速为40km/h C.物理课本的长度为18dm D.人体感觉最舒适的环境温度约为23℃ 2.下列现象能说明分子做无规则运动的是() A.“稻花香”里说丰年B.薄暮黄昏,炊烟袅袅 C.点燃的蜡烛会“流泪”D.扫地时尘土飞扬 3.下列有关运动的描述中,参照物的选取符合描述的是() A.诗句“飞流直下三千尺”是以“飞流”作为参照物的B.“钱塘观潮时,观众只觉得潮水扑面而来”,是以“潮水”为参照物的C.“两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山”是以“万重山”为参照物的D.升国旗时,观察到国旗冉冉升起,观察者是以“国旗”为参照物的 4.甲、乙两人分别坐在并列的升降机上,乙看到甲在上升,楼房也在上升;甲看到楼房在上升,乙在下降,如果以地面为参照物,他们各自的状态是() A.甲、乙都在下降,但乙比甲快 B.甲、乙都在下降,但甲比乙快 C.甲、乙都在上升D.甲上升,乙下 降 5.甲、乙两车在某一平直公路上,从同一地点同时向东运动,它们的s ﹣t 图像(路程﹣时间图像)如图所示.则下列判断错误的是() A.甲、乙都在做匀速直线运动 B.甲的速度小于乙的速度C.若以乙 为参照物,甲往东运动D.经过4s,甲 乙相距8m 6. 下列实验活动,能探究声音产生条件的是()A.放在玻璃钟罩内的电铃正在发声,把玻璃钟罩 内的空气抽去一些后,铃声明显减弱B.把一台正在发声的小收音机用塑料袋密封后浸没在水中,仍能听到播音C.扬声器播放音乐时,放些纸片在纸盆上,看到纸片不断跳动


一、选择题 1.已知函数()f x 为定义在R 上的奇函数,当0x ≤时,()(1)ln f x x -=+,则()1f =( ) A .ln 2- B .ln 2 C .0 D .1 2.已知函数 ()1f x +是偶函数,当121x x <<时,()()()21210f x f x x x -->????恒成 立,设12a f ?? =- ??? ,()2b f =,()3c f =,则a 、b 、c 的大小关系为( ) A .b a c << B .c b a << C .b c a << D .a b c << 3.已知0.3 1()2 a =, 12 log 0.3b =, 0.30.3c =,则a b c ,,的大小关系是( ) A .a b c << B .c a b << C .a c b << D .b c a << 4.函数2()1sin 12x f x x ?? =- ?+?? 的图象大致形状为( ). A . B . C . D . 5.已知定义在R 上的偶函数()f x 满足:当0x ≥时,()2x f x =,且(2)(3)f x af x +≤-对一切x ∈R 恒成立,则实数a 的取值范围为( ) A .1,32?? +∞?? ?? B .1, 32? ?-∞ ??? C .[32,)+∞ D .(0,32] 6.奇函数()f x 在(0)+∞, 内单调递减且(2)0f =,则不等式(1)()0x f x +<的解集为( ) A .()()(),21,02,-∞--+∞ B .() ()2,12,--+∞ C .() (),22,-∞-+∞ D .()()(),21,00,2-∞-- 7.意大利著名天文学家伽利略曾错误地猜测链条自然下垂时的形状是抛物线.直到1690年,雅各布·伯努利正式提出该问题为“悬链线”问题并向数学界征求答案.1691年他的弟弟


2020-2021成都市七中育才学校(新校区)小学三年级数学下期末一模试卷(含答 案) 一、选择题 1.找规律,在空缺的地方应该填哪个图片() A. B. C. D. 2.观察已知图形的相同点,想一想,“?”处应填() A. B. C. D. 3.淘气上午7:50到学校,下午4:50放学,淘气一天在学校()时。 A. 8 B. 9 C. 3 4.下列各年份中,不是闰年的是() A. 1972 B. 2000 C. 1984 D. 2042 5.用一根长20厘米的铁丝围成一个正方形,这个正方形的面积是() A. 16 B. 25 C. 400 6.最大的两位数和最小的三位数的乘积是()。 A. 900 B. 9000 C. 9900 D. 9990 7.6□2÷3,要使商的末尾有0,□里有()种填法。 A. 4种 B. 3种 C. 2种 D. 1种8.三年级4名学生100米跑的成绩如表:

姓名赵军钱进孙兵李冬 成绩/秒19.118.919.818.6 A. 赵军 B. 钱进 C. 孙兵 D. 李冬9.9.2-6=() A. 8.4 B. 4.8 C. 3.2 D. 0.85 10.当你面向东南方时,你的后面是() A. 西北方 B. 东北方 C. 北方 D. 南方11.请估一估,你所在教室地面的面积大约是60() A. 平方米 B. 平方厘米 C. 平方分米 D. 立方厘米 二、填空题 12.熊磊和余畅一起去食堂买饭,食堂一共有四个窗口正在营业,如果两个人不能站在同一个窗口,一共有________种不同的站法。 13.计算下面各题. 2.5-1.3=________ 3.5+2.6=________ 14.2020年的2月份有________天,是________年,第一季度有________天,全年有________天。 15.一根细绳刚好围成一个长是12厘米,宽是6厘米的长方形,这个长方形的面积是________平方厘米,如果用这根绳子刚好围成一个正方形,这个正方形的面积是________平方厘米. 16.成年人的平均体重大约是60千克,29名成年人的体重大约是________千克。 17.三年级有105人去划船,每条船限坐4人,应该租________条船。 18.某地区5月份和9月份天气情况统计表如下: ①5月份________天数最少。 ②9月份一共有________天,其中多云有________天。 ③5月份阴天比9月份阴天多________天。 19.傍晚,当我们面向太阳时,后面的方向是________,左边的方向是________,右边的方向是________。 三、解答题 20.小明和爸爸、妈妈一起到照相馆照相,变换他们的位置可以有几种不同的照法?请列举出来。


成都七中育才学校2018—2019学年度七年级(下) 数学期末测试题 注意事项: 1.本试卷分为A 、B 两卷。A 卷满分100分,B 卷满分50分,全卷总分150分。考试时间120分钟。 2.答题前,考生务必用钢笔或黑色中性笔将试卷密封线内的题目填写清楚;答题时用钢笔或黑色中性笔直接将答案写在答题卷的相应位置上。 A 卷(共100分) 一、选择题(本大题共有10个小题,每小题3分,共30分) 在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是正确的,把正确选项的代号填在题后的括号内. 1.2 1 -=( ) A .2- B .2 C .2 1- D .21 2.在下列线段中,能组成三角形的是( ) A .2、7、9 B .2、3、5 C .3.4、2.7、6 D .3、4、7 3.下面四个图形中关于∠1与∠2位置关系表述错误的是.... ( )。 A.互为对顶角 B.互为邻补角 C.互为内错角 D.互为同位角 4.下列运算正确的是( ) A .428x x x =÷ B. 4332842b a ab b a =? C .20 4 5)(x x -=- D.2 2 2 )(b a b a +=+ 5.已知甲种植物的花粉的直径约为5109-?米,乙种花粉的直径为甲种的3倍,则乙种花粉的直径用科学记数法表示为( )米 A.51027-? B. 41027-? C. 5107.2-? D. 4107.2-? 6.在△ABC 和△DEF 中,AB=DE ,∠A=∠D ,若证△ABC ≌△DEF ,还要从下列条件中补选一个,其中错误的是....( ) A.∠B=∠E B.∠C=∠F C.BC=EF D.AC=DF 7.下列图形中,是轴对称图形的有( )个. ① 角; ② 线段; ③ 等腰三角形; ④ 等边三角形; ⑤ 三角形 . A.2个; B.3个; C. 4个 ; D.5个. 8.如图,△ABC 的高AD 、BE 相交于点O ,则∠C 与∠BOD 的关系是( ) 9.如图,可以判定AD//BC 的是( ) A .21∠=∠ B .43∠=∠ C .?=∠+∠180ABC DAB D .?=∠+∠180BCD ABC 10.如图,△ABC 中,∠C=90°,∠B=45°,AD 是角平分线,D E ⊥AB 于E , A . 相等 B . 互余 C . 互补 D . 不互余、不互补、也不相等 A B C D 1 2 3 4


2020-2021成都七中实验学校(初中部)八年级数学下期末模拟试卷(含答案) 一、选择题 1.甲、乙两人在直线跑道上同起点、同终点、同方向匀速跑步500m,先到终点 的人原地休息.已知甲先出发2s.在跑步过程中,甲、乙两人的距离y(m)与乙出发的时间t(s)之间的关系 如图所示,给出以下结论:①a=8;②b=92;③c=123.其中正确的是() A.①②③B.仅有①②C.仅有①③D.仅有②③ 2.均匀地向如图的容器中注满水,能反映在注水过程中水面高度h随时间t变化的函数图象是() A.B.C.D. 3.如图,在四边形ABCD中,AB∥CD,要使得四边形ABCD是平行四边形,可添加的条件不正确的是 ( ) A.AB=CD B.BC∥AD C.BC=AD D.∠A=∠C 4.某超市销售A,B,C,D四种矿泉水,它们的单价依次是5元、3元、2元、1元.某天的销售情况如图所示,则这天销售的矿泉水的平均单价是() A.1.95元B.2.15元C.2.25元D.2.75元

(k≠0)的图象如图所示,则在下列选项中k值可能是 5.已知正比例函数y kx () A.1B.2C.3D.4 6.已知一次函数y=-0.5x+2,当1≤x≤4时,y的最大值是() A.1.5B.2C.2.5D.-6 7.若一个直角三角形的两边长为12、13,则第三边长为() A.5B.17C.5或17D.5或 8.如图,以数轴的单位长度线段为边作一个正方形,以表示数1的点为圆心,正方形对角线长为半径画弧,交数轴于点A,则点A表示的数是() A.-2B.﹣1+2C.﹣1-2D.1-2 9.如图,在矩形ABCD中,对角线AC、BD交于点O,以下说法不一定成立的是() A.∠ABC=90°B.AC=BD C.OA=OB D.OA=AD 10.一列火车由甲市驶往相距600km的乙市,火车的速度是200km/时,火车离乙市的距离s(单位:km)随行驶时间t(单位:小时)变化的关系用图象表示正确的是( ) A.B.C.D. .若11.如图,将四边形纸片ABCD沿AE向上折叠,使点B落在DC边上的点F处 V的周长为6,四边形纸片ABCD的周长为() V的周长为18,ECF AFD A.20B.24C.32D.48


成都市七中育才学校学道分校2020-2021学年九年级上学期数学期中试卷 一、单选题(共10题;共20分) 1.如图,一个由圆柱和长方体组成的几何体水平放置,它的俯视图是() A. B. C. D. 2.用配方法解方程时,原方程变形为() A. B. C. D. 3.对于反比例函数,下列说法正确的是() A. 图象经过点(2,﹣1) B. 图象位于第二、四象限 C. 图象是中心对称图形 D. 当x<0时,y随x的增大而增大 4.将抛物线y=﹣(x+1)2+3向右平移2个单位再向上平移2个单位后得到的新抛物线的表达式为( ) A. y=﹣(x+3)2+1 B. y=﹣(x﹣1)2+5 C. y=﹣(x+1)2+5 D. y=﹣(x+3)2+5 5.下列说法正确的是( ) A. 对角线互相垂直的四边形是菱形 B. 矩形的对角线互相垂直 C. 一组对边平行的四边形是平行四边形 D. 对角线相等的菱形是正方形 6.某县以“重点整治环境卫生”为抓手,加强对各乡镇环保建设的投入,计划从2017年起到2019年累计投入4250万元,已知2017年投入1500万元,设投入经费的年平均增长率为x,根据题意,下列所列方程正确的是() A. 1500(1+x)2=4250 B. 1500(1+2x)=4250 C. 1500+1500x+1500x2=4250 D. 1500(1+x)+1500(1+x)2=4250﹣1500 7.如图,在平行四边形中,点E在边上,,连接交于点F,则 的面积与的面积之比为()

A. B. C. D. 8.如图,∠AOB是放置在正方形网格中的一个角,则tan∠AOB() A. B. C. 1 D. 9.已知反比例函数y= 的图象过二、四象限,则一次函数y=kx+k的图象大致是() A. B. C. D. 10.已知某二次函数y=ax2+bx+c(a≠0)的部分图象如图所示,下列结论中正确的有() ①abc<0;②a﹣b+c<0;③a=;④8a+c>0. A. 1个 B. 2个 C. 3个 D. 4个 二、填空题(共9题;共10分) 11.若关于x的一元二次方程x2+3x﹣2a=0有实数根,则a的取值范围是________. 12.如图,.若,,则________.


2011年成都某七中实验学校招生入学数学真卷 (时间:80分钟 满分:120分) 一、选择题。(每题3分,共18分) 1.将圆柱的侧面展开,得到的平面图形是( ) A 、圆形 B 、三角形 C 、长方形 D 、梯形 2.下面各年份中,不是闰年的是( ) A 、1942 B 、2000 C 、2004 D 、1968 3. b a (a>2)是一个真分数,下面各分数中最大的一个是( ) A 、22??b a B 、22--b a C 、22÷÷b a D 、2 2++b a 4.一列火车长200米,以每分钟1200米的速度经过一座大桥,从车头进到车尾出一共用了2分钟。求桥的长度是多少米?正确的算式是( ) A 、1200×2+200 B 、1200×2-200 C 、(1200+200)×2 D 、(1200-200)×2 5.商品甲的定价打九折后和商品乙的定价相等。下面说法中不正确的是( ) A 、乙的定价是甲的90% B 、甲比乙的定价多10% C 、乙的定价比甲少10% D 、甲的定价是乙的 9 10 倍 6.三边长均为整厘米数,最长边为11厘米的三角形有( )个 A 、38 B 、37 C 、36 D 、35 二、填空题。(每题4分,共计32分) 1.有一个数,除以3的余数是2,除以4的余数是1,则这个数除以12的余数是 。 2.找规律填数定:2,9,28( ),126,217……

3.一根铁丝对折,再对折、再对折,然后从中间剪断,这根铁丝被剪成 段。 4.从下午3点到6点40分时,时针转了 度。 5.右图中的阴影部分面积等于 。 6.一个长方形被内部一点分成4个不同的三角形(如图),若红色的三角形面积占长方形面积的18%,兰色的三角形面积是64cm 2则长方形面积是 。 7.一个棱长为10cm 的立方体木块削成一个最大的直圆柱体,则这个直圆柱的体积是 cm 3 。 8.将2011减运它的21,再减去余下的31,再减去余下的41,……最后减去余下的2011 1 ,差 是 。 三、计算题。(每题5分,共计30分) 1.(66-32×1.2)÷0.25 2.75.07%75174 3 10?-?+? 3.??? ?????? ???-??875.2351525.0 4.9.99×2.22+33.3×3.34 5.已知1!=1×1=1,2!=2×1=2,3!=3×2×1=6 若A !=720,则A=?


成都市七中育才学校人教版七年级上册历史期中考试题 一、选择题 1.我国神话传说中的尧、舜、禹都是通过民主选举的方式成为部落联盟首领的。历史上把这种产生首领的办法称为 A.选举制B.投票制C.世袭制D.禅让制 2.从简单的刻画符号到发明文字,是人类进入文明时代的重要标志之一。我国有文字可考的历史,可以追溯到 A.夏朝 B.商朝 C.西周 D.秦朝 3.在岷江某处,有一座中国的古代防洪灌溉水利工程,它经受了2000多年历史的风雨,至今仍造福当地人民。它是() A.都江堰B.赵州桥C.隋朝大运河D.灵渠 4.《史记·周本纪》记载,(武王)封尚父(姜子牙)于营丘,曰齐。这反映了当时的制度是() A.分封制B.郡县制C.禅让制D.井田制 5.他对内整顿朝政,对外“尊王攘夷”,成为春秋时期的第一个霸主。他是 A.周武王 B.齐桓公 C.晋文公 D.楚庄王 6.历史学家钱穆指出,古代中国能够推持大一统局面数千年之久而不败,主要得益于创建了一整套优良的政治制度,“优良的政治制度”指的是 A.分封制B.禅让制C.世袭制D.中央集权制 7.公元前1046年,周军向商军发起总攻击,商军中的奴隶和战俘掉转戈矛,帮助周军作战。周军猛烈冲杀,商军十几万之众顷刻土崩瓦解。商朝灭亡,商朝的亡国之君是 A.桀B.汤C.厉王D.纣 8.公元前209年夏,振臂高呼“王侯将相,宁有种乎”,领导了中国历史上第一次大规模农民起义的是 A.商汤B.刘邦C.项羽D.陈胜吴广 9.与黄帝一起被尊奉为中华民族人文始祖的传说时代的人物是 A.炎帝B.禹C.尧D.舜 10.下图为2002年6月出土的湘西里耶秦简(局部),其中出现了“洞庭郡”的文字记载。此考古发现,印证了秦朝在地方()


2018-2019学年四川省成都七中育才学校七年级(上)期末数学 试卷 一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分) 1.用一个平面去截圆柱体,则截面形状不可能是() A.正方形B.三角形C.长方形D.圆 2.一条信息在一周内被转发了2 180 000次,将数据2 180 000用科学记数法表示为()A.×105B.×106C.×106D.×105 3.下列各式中,不是同类项的是() A.2ab2与﹣3b2a B.2πx2与x2 C.m2n2与5n2m2D.与6yz2 4.下列等式变形中,错误的是() A.由a=b,得a+5=b+5 B.由﹣3x=﹣3y,得x=y C.由x+m=y+m,得x=y D.由a=b,得 5.从n边形的一个顶点出发可以连接8条对角线,则n=() A.8 B.9 C.10 D.11 6.下列调查中,适宜采用普查方式的是() A.调查日照电视台节目《社会零距离》的收视率 B.调查日照市民对京剧的喜爱程度 C.调查全国七年级学生的身高 D.调查我国首艘宇宙飞船“天舟一号”的零部件质量 7.如图,点O在直线AB上,OD是∠AOC的平分线,OE是∠COB的平分线.若∠DOC=70°,则∠BOE的度数是() A.30°B.40°C.25°D.20° 8.一种商品进价为每件100元,按进价增加20%出售,后因库存积压降价,按售价的九折出售,每件还能盈利()

A.8元B.15元C.元D.108元9.已知a、b两数在数轴上对应的点如图所示,下列结论不正确的是() A.a﹣b>0 B.|a|>|b| C.ab<0 D.a+b<0 10.下列说法正确的个数是() ①射线AB与射线BA是同一条直线; ②两点确定一条直线; ③两点之间直线最短; ④若AB=BC,则点B是AC的中点. A.1个B.2个C.3个D.4个 二、填空题(每小题4分,共16分) 11.﹣的相反数是,倒数是,绝对值是. 12.若x=1是方程a(x﹣2)=a+2x的解,则a=. 13.单项式﹣πx2y的系数为,次数为. 14.如图,OA是北偏东30°一条射线,若∠AOB=90°,则OB的方向角是. 三、解答题(共54分) 15.(1)计算:﹣12+16÷(﹣2)3×|﹣3﹣1| (2)解方程:7x﹣3(3x+2)=6 (3)解方程:﹣x= 16.先化简,再求值:2(ab+3a2)﹣[5a2﹣(3ab﹣b2)],其中a=,b=1.17.由7个棱长为1的正方体组成如图所示的几何体.


2019学年四川成都七中实验学校八年级下教学质量检 测英语卷【含答案及解析】 姓名____________ 班级 ______________ 分数___________ 、其他题 1. 从下面方框中选出与下列各句中划线部分意思相同或相近、并能替换划线部分的选项。 A. s ome B. A s a result of C. felt sick D. is similar to 1. After walk ing in the rai n for a few hours ,he was ill at last. 2. Thanks to the help of the kind people and the doctors the old man was saved in time. 3. It was 7 : 00pm. I still saw several stude nts play ing basketball on the playgro und. 4. Mary takes after her mother. Both of them like helping others. 、单项填空 2. --There is going to be _________ NBA game toni ght. Would you like to watch it with me? --Yes ,I ' d love to . A. a _________ B. an _____________ C. the 3. His gran dpare nts live ____________ in a small house ,but they don ' t feel ______________ . A. lo nely ;alone B. alone ;Ion ely C. Ion ely ;Ion ely


七年级下学期英语期末模拟试卷含答案 注意事项: 1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。 2.选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。3.请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。4.保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。 二、单项选择(15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内. ( )26.--- did you go to Beijing? --- Two years ago. A. How often B. When C. How long D. Where ( )27.--- When was your Little brother born, LiPing ? --- He was born the evening of May 1st, 2018 . A.in B. on C. at D. of ( )28.We'll have to say goodbye, my dear friends. But I'll forget these days we spent(度过) together. A. never B. always C. usually D. often ( )29.--- Did you in the park yesterday? --- Yes , we had a good time . A. enjoyed yourself B. enjoyed yourselves C. enjoy yourselves D. enjoy yourself ( )30.I'm afraid you can't catch the train because you have time. A. a little B. few C. a few D. little ( )31.--- Can you it in English? --- Sorry, I can't English. A. say; say B. speak;speak C. say; speak D. speak;say ( )32.--- Excuse me, which is the way to the bank ? --- Go across the bridge. The bank is from the hospital. A. cross B. across C. crossing D. crossed ( )33.--- What land of house does your uncle live in? --- He lives in an apartment with floors. He is on the floor. A. fifth; three B. five; three C. fifth; third D. five; third ( )34. For many parents in China, children are almost(几乎) in their loves.


2018-2019 学年四川省成都七中实验学校七年级(下)月考数学 试卷(3 月份) 一、选择题(每小题 3 分,共 30 分) 1.(3 分)计算(﹣a )3(﹣a )2 的结果是( ) A .﹣a 5 B .a 5 C .﹣a 6 D .a 6 2.(3 分)将 0.00000573 用科学记数法表示为( ) A .0.573×10 ﹣5 B .5.73×10 ﹣5 C .5.73×10 ﹣6 D .0.573×10 ﹣6 3.(3 分)下列运算正确的是( ) A .a 3?a 3=a 9 B .a 3+a 3=a 6 C .a 3 ?a 3=a 6 D .a 2?a 3=a 6 4.(3 分)计算(﹣)2018×52019 的结果是( ) A .﹣1 B .﹣5 C .1 D .5 5.(3 分)下列计算正确的是( ) A .(2x ﹣3)2=4x 2+12x ﹣9 C .(a +b )(a ﹣b )=a 2+b 2 B .(4x +1)2=16x 2+8x +1 D .(2m +3)(2m ﹣3)=4m 2﹣3 6.(3 分)已知:a =()﹣ 3,b =(﹣2)2,c =(π﹣2018)0,则 a ,b ,c 大小关系是( ) A .b <a <c B .b <c <a C .c <b <a D .a <c <b 7.(3 分)若 a m =8,a n =2,则 a m ﹣n 等于( ) A .2 B .4 C .6 D .16 8.(3 分)如果 x 2+mx +n =(x +3)(x ﹣1),那么 m ,n 的值分别为( ) A .m =2,n =3 B .m =2,n =﹣3 C .m =﹣2,n =3 D .m =﹣2,n =﹣3 9.(3 分)若三角形的底边长为 2a +1,该底边上的高为 2a ﹣1,则此三角形的面积为( ) A .2a 2﹣ B .4a 2﹣4a +1 C .4a 2+4a +1 D .4a 2﹣1 10.(3 分)如图,将 6 张长为 a ,宽为 b 的矩形纸板无重叠地放置在一个矩形纸盒内,盒底未被覆盖的两个矩形面积分别记为 S 1、S 2,当 S 2=2S 1 时,则 a 与 b 的关系为( ) A .a =0.5b B .a =b C .a =1.5b D .a =2 b

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