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AE之particular 插件英汉对照

Particular 界面

⑴Emitter (发射器)

Particular/sec (粒子/秒)—每秒钟发射粒子的数量。

Emitter Type (发射器类型)一它决定发射粒子的区域和位置。

Point (点)一从一点发射出粒子

Box (盒子)一粒子会从立体盒子中发射出来(Emitter Size中XYZ是指发射器大小)

Sphere (球形)一和Box很像,只不过发射区域是球形

Grid (网格)一(在图层中虚拟网格)从网格的交叉点发射粒子

Light (灯光)一(要先新建一个Light Layer )几个Light Layer 可以共用一个Particular。


Layer Grid ------ 同上,发射器从图层网格发射粒子,像Grid 一样。

Position xy

Position z

Position subfram

Lin ear

10*li near



Direction (方向)

Uniform (统一)一一任一粒子发射类型发射粒子时,会向各个方向移动。

Directional (特定方向)一一(如枪口喷射)通过调节X、Y、Z Rotation来实现。

Bi-Directional (相反特定方向) ---- 和Directional十分相似,但是向着两个完全相反


Disc (盘状)----通常只在两个维度上,形成一个盘形。

Outwards (远离中心)一粒子会始终向远离发射点的方向移动。而Uniform是随机的。

Direction Spread (方向拓展)一一可以控制粒子发射方向的区域。粒子会向整个区域的百分之几运动。(即粒子发射方向有多宽)

Velocity (速度)一一粒子每秒钟运动的像素数。

Velocity Random —每个粒子Velocity的随机性会随机增加或者减小每个粒子的Velocity。

Velocity Distribution (速度分布)

Velocity from Motion (速度跟随运动)一粒子在向外运动的同时也会跟随发射器的运动方向运动。Layer Emitter (图层发射器)

Layer (选用哪一个图层作为发射器)

Layer Sampling (图层采样)

Current Time (当前时间)

Particular Birth Time (粒子生成时间)

Layer RGB Usage (图层颜色使用方式)

Light ness-Size ---- 随着图像的明暗变化,粒子的大小也跟着变化

Light ness-Velocity ----- 随着图像的明暗变化,粒子的速度也跟着变化

Light ness-Rotation ---- 随着图像的明暗变化,粒子的旋转也跟着变化

RGB-Size , Vel, Rot一一随着图像的颜色变化,粒子的大小,速度,旋转同时变化

RGB-Particle Color——随着图像的颜色变化,粒子的颜色也跟着变化

Grid Emitter (网格发射器)

Particular in X (粒子在X方向上的数量)

Particular in Y (粒子在Y方向上的数量)

Particular in Z (粒子在Z方向上的数量)

Type (类型)

Periodic Burst (周期性爆炸)一一粒子同时发射出来

Traverse (横渡)一一粒子以行的形式依次发射出来

Emission Extras

Pre Run (提前运行)

Perodicity Rnd

lights unique seeds

Random Seed (随机性)--- 随即数值的开始点,它一变整个插件的随机性都会变化

⑵Particle (粒子)

Life[sec] ---- 实际上就是粒子生存的时间。

Life Random----- 随机增加或者减少粒子的生命

Particle Type (粒子类型)

Sphere ----- 是使用2D的球形图片作为粒子

Glow Sphere (NO DOF)—同上,粒子加强型。(NO DOF)意思是这些粒子没有景深效果Star (NO DOF)——四角形形状

Cloudlet ------- 如同一堆羽毛当作一个粒子。

Streaklet (条状痕)---- 由几个粒子组成统一的一组形状。

Sprite (子画面)----- 可以使用任何图层作为粒子,甚至在一个发射器中应用多种粒子


Sprite Colorize —仅将图层的形状和材质与粒子交换,颜色并没有交换,但可以调节。

Sprite Fill ――仅仅将图层的形状与粒子交换,颜色依旧是粒子的颜色。

Sphere Feather (球形羽化)---- 控制粒子的羽化程度及透明度

Texture (纹理)--- 与Sprite (子画面)相匹配的选项

Layer ――选择要替换粒子的图层

Time Sampling (时间采样)---- 时间采样的类型

Current Time (当前时间)

Start at Birth-Play Once (从开始采样循环一次然后停止)

Start at Birth-Loop (从开始采样直到最后不断循环)

Start at Birth-Stretch (从开始采样一次延长到结束)

Ran dom-Still Frame

Ran dom-Play Once

Ran dom-Loop

Split Clip-Play Once

Split Clip-Loop

Split Clip-Stretch ----- 把定制粒子分离开。

Current Frame-Freeze Random Seed (随机性)

Number of Clips (分离的个数)---- 将粒子分成几份

Subframe Sampling (子帧取样)Rotation (旋转)

Rotation -----调整粒子旋转角度

Ra ndom Rotatio n ---- 随机增加或减少旋转角度

Rotation Speed ----- 粒子随着时间转动,数值表示每秒旋转的圈数

Size ---- 粒子出生时的大小

Size Random ---- 增加粒子大小的随机性

Size over Life ---- 可以控制每个粒子的大小随时间的变化。


Opacity (不透明度)--- 作用原理同Size

Opacity Random ----- 增加粒子不透明度的随机性

Opacity over Life ----- 不透明度随着时间变化

Set Color (设置粒子颜色)

At Birth -------- 设置粒子出生时的颜色

Over Life ------ 颜色随时间变化,通过下面的Color over Life调节

Random from Gradient ------ 从渐变中随机生成,是Color over Life中的颜色随机的Color Random ------ 随机改变色相

Color over Life ----- 颜色随时间变化

Transfer Mode —控制当粒子重叠时颜色的混合方式

Add------ 叠加颜色(变亮)

Screen 或者Lighten ------

Normal/Add over Life -------- A dd 模式随时间变化

Normal/Screen over Life ------ Screen 模式随时间变化Glow (辉光)

Transfer Mode ------ Glow与粒子的叠加模式

Streaklet (条状痕)

Random Seed (随机性)

No Streaks (条痕数)---- 条状痕由几个粒子组成

Streak Size (条痕大小)

(3)Shading (阴影)——粒子制造阴影效果,具有立体感

Shading (阴影开关)

Light Falloff (光衰减开关)

Nominal Distanee (额定距离)

Ambient (环境)

Diffuse (漫反射)

Specular Amount (镜面反射程度)

Specular Sharpness (镜面反射清晰度)

Shadowlet for Ma in (主粒子阴影开关)

Shadowlet for Aux (子粒子阴影开关)

⑷Physics (物理)

Physics Model (物理模式)

Air (空气)

Bounee (碰撞)

Gravity (重力)

Physics Time Factor (现实时间控制器) ---- 默认值是 1 (表示时间和现实相同),示冻结时间),2 (表示正常速度的两倍)-1 (时间倒流)

Air (空气)

Motion Path (运动路径)----- 粒子跟随光源运动的设置。HQ表示光滑。一个只能使用一个Motion Path,可以在一个comp中有最多9个Motion Path 。

Air Resista nee (空气阻力)

0 (表Particular

Air Resista nee Rotati on (空气阻力旋转)

Spin Amplitude (旋转幅度)

Spin Frequency (旋转频率)

Fade -in Spin [sec](在自旋中淡出的时间)

Wind X (X方向的风)

Wind Y (Y方向的风)

Wind Z (Z方向的风)

Visualize Fields (可视化领域)---- 会出现红蓝垂直线,移动中心点,可以观察粒子


Turbulenee Field (紊乱场)---- 影响物理因素本有的稳定性质

Affect Size ----- 影响粒子大小

Affect Positi on ------ 影响粒子位置

Fade-in Time [sec](淡出时间)

Fade-in Curve (在曲线中褪色方式)


Complexity (复杂程度)

Octave Multiplier (倍频倍增器)

Octave Scale (倍频比例)

Evolution Speed (演变速度)

Evolution Offset (演变偏移)

X Offset (X 轴偏移)

Y Offset (Y 轴偏移)

Z Offset (Z 轴偏移)

Move with Wind (随风移动)

Spherical Field (球形区域) --- 定义一个区域,在这个区域粒子不会进入或者把粒子排斥出这个区域

Strength (强度)

Position XY

Positi on Z


Lesson 1 力学的基本概念 1、词汇: statics [st?tiks] 静力学;dynamics动力学;constraint约束;magnetic [m?ɡ'netik]有磁性的;external [eks't?:nl] 外面的, 外部的;meshing啮合;follower从动件;magnitude ['m?ɡnitju:d] 大小;intensity强度,应力;non-coincident [k?u'insid?nt]不重合;parallel ['p?r?lel]平行;intuitive 直观的;substance物质;proportional [pr?'p?:??n?l]比例的;resist抵抗,对抗;celestial [si'lestj?l]天空的;product乘积;particle质点;elastic [i'l?stik]弹性;deformed变形的;strain拉力;uniform全都相同的;velocity[vi'l?siti]速度;scalar['skeil?]标量;vector['vekt?]矢量;displacement代替;momentum [m?u'ment?m]动量; 2、词组 make up of由……组成;if not要不,不然;even through即使,纵然; Lesson 2 力和力的作用效果 1、词汇: machine 机器;mechanism机构;movable活动的;given 规定的,给定的,已知的;perform执行;application 施用;produce引起,导致;stress压力;applied施加的;individual单独的;muscular ['m?skjul?]]力臂;gravity[ɡr?vti]重力;stretch伸展,拉紧,延伸;tensile[tensail]拉力;tension张力,拉力;squeeze挤;compressive 有压力的,压缩的;torsional扭转的;torque转矩;twist扭,转动;molecule [m likju:l]分子的;slide滑动; 滑行;slip滑,溜;one another 互相;shear剪切;independently独立地,自立地;beam梁;compress压;revolve (使)旋转;exert [iɡ'z?:t]用力,尽力,运用,发挥,施加;principle原则, 原理,准则,规范;spin使…旋转;screw螺丝钉;thread螺纹; 2、词组 a number of 许多;deal with 涉及,处理;result from由什么引起;prevent from阻止,防止;tends to 朝某个方向;in combination结合;fly apart飞散; 3、译文: 任何机器或机构的研究表明每一种机构都是由许多可动的零件组成。这些零件从规定的运动转变到期望的运动。另一方面,这些机器完成工作。当由施力引起的运动时,机器就开始工作了。所以,力和机器的研究涉及在一个物体上的力和力的作用效果。 力是推力或者拉力。力的作用效果要么是改变物体的形状或者运动,要么阻止其他的力发生改变。每一种


一、材质中英文对照表 1.摇粒绒:Polar Fleece 2.珊瑚绒:coral fleece / soft terry 3.羊羔绒:Berber fleece / polyester faux sherpa 4.短毛绒:short plush 5.长毛绒:long plush 6.毛绒:fur 7.天鹅绒:velvet 8.拖把绒:cord velour 9.PV绒:PV plush 10.毛巾布:terry 11.灯芯绒:corduroy 12.双色毛绒:two-tone faux fur 13.毛线针织:knitting 14.麂皮绒:microfiber/microsuede 15.格利特:glitter 16.亮片:sequin 17.佳积布:nylex 18.尼龙布:nylon 19.汗衫布:jersey 20.沙丁布:satin 21.网布:mesh 22.帆布:canvas 23.斜纹棉布: cotton twill 24.PU 25.镜面PU:patent PU 26.平纹PU:smooth PU 27.EV A 28.点塑底:fabric with dot / skid free dot/non skid dot 29.TPR 30.PVC注塑:PVC injected 二、鞋子装饰物(ornament) 1.松紧带:elastic gore 2.魔术贴:velcro 3.电绣:embroidery 4.蝴蝶结:bow 5.爱心:heart 6.鞋带:lace 7.鞋眼:eyelet 8.人造钻石:rhinestone 9.搭带:strap 10.拉环:loop 11.毛球:POM 12.织唛标:Woven label 13.烫印:heat seal 14.贴片:patch 15.拉链:zipper 三、颜色 1. 豹纹:leopard/ cheetah 2. 斑马纹:zebra 3. 虎纹:tiger 4. 米黄色:beige 5. 桃红色:fuschia 6. 淡紫色:lilac 7. 海军蓝:Navy 8. 咖啡色:Brown 9. 迷彩:camo 10. 湖水蓝:blue atoll/ turq / lake blue 11. 格子:plaid / gingham 12. 紫色:purple 13. 灰色:grey/gray 14. 条纹:strip 15. 银光粉:neon pink 16. 金属色:metallic 17. 栗色:chestnut AI Artwork 设计稿


陶瓷 ceramics 合成纤维 synthetic fibre 电化学腐蚀 electrochemical corrosion 车架 automotive chassis 悬架 suspension 转向器 redirector 变速器 speed changer 板料冲压 sheet metal parts 孔加工 spot facing machining 车间 workshop 工程技术人员 engineer 气动夹紧 pneuma lock 数学模型 mathematical model 画法几何 descriptive geometry 机械制图 Mechanical drawing 投影 projection 视图 view 剖视图 profile chart 标准件 standard component 零件图 part drawing 装配图 assembly drawing 尺寸标注 size marking

技术要求 technical requirements 刚度 rigidity 内力 internal force 位移 displacement 截面 section 疲劳极限 fatigue limit 断裂 fracture 塑性变形 plastic distortion 脆性材料 brittleness material 刚度准则 rigidity criterion 垫圈 washer 垫片 spacer 直齿圆柱齿轮 straight toothed spur gear 斜齿圆柱齿轮 helical-spur gear 直齿锥齿轮 straight bevel gear 运动简图 kinematic sketch 齿轮齿条 pinion and rack 蜗杆蜗轮 worm and worm gear 虚约束 passive constraint 曲柄 crank 摇杆 racker 凸轮 cams


外文翻译 英文原文 Belt Conveying Systems Development of driving system Among the methods of material conveying employed,belt conveyors play a very important part in the reliable carrying of material over long distances at competitive cost.Conveyor systems have become larger and more complex and drive systems have also been going through a process of evolution and will continue to do so.Nowadays,bigger belts require more power and have brought the need for larger individual drives as well as multiple drives such as 3 drives of 750 kW for one belt(this is the case for the conveyor drives in Chengzhuang Mine).The ability to control drive acceleration torque is critical to belt conveyors’performance.An efficient drive system should be able to provide smooth,soft starts while maintaining belt tensions within the specified safe limits.For load sharing on multiple drives.torque and speed control are also important considerations in the drive system’s design. Due to the advances in conveyor drive control technology,at present many more reliable.Cost-effective and performance-driven conveyor drive systems covering a wide range of power are available for customers’ choices[1]. 1 Analysis on conveyor drive technologies 1.1 Direct drives Full-voltage starters.With a full-voltage starter design,the conveyor head shaft is direct-coupled to the motor through the gear drive.Direct full-voltage starters are adequate for relatively low-power, simple-profile conveyors.With direct fu11-voltage starters.no control is provided for various conveyor loads and.depending on the ratio between fu11-and no-1oad power requirements,empty starting times can be three or four times faster than full load.The maintenance-free starting system is simple,low-cost and very reliable.However, they cannot control starting torque and maximum stall torque;therefore.they are


中文姓氏的英文翻译对照表 中文姓氏的英文翻译对照表.txt我们用一只眼睛看见现实的灰墙,却用另一只眼睛勇敢飞翔,接近梦想。男人喜欢听话的女人,但男人若是喜欢一个女人,就会不知不觉听她的话。在互联网上混的都时兴起个英文名字,一是方便注册用户名,二是有个好英文名容易显得自己比较Cool。但是起英文名时,中文姓氏还是要保留的,并且姓氏一般都有专门的英文翻译,比如“刘德华”的英文名是Andy,刘姓对应的英文翻译是Lau,所以全称便是“Andy Lau”。当然了,我们一般人直接用汉语拼音作为姓氏的英文翻译也可以,但在比较正式的场合下,最好还是用相应的英文翻译。 姓氏的英文翻译跟汉语拼音是有一些细微差别的,这主要由中西方人发音的不同特点来决定的。比如,从声母上来看,D开头的姓,英文翻译对应的是T,G对应的是K,X对应的是HS,Z、J 一般对应的是C,韵母也会有一些细微差别。详细的,请参考如下中文姓氏的英文翻译对照表,正在起英文名的朋友可以看看。 A: 艾--Ai 安--Ann/An 敖--Ao B: 巴--Pa 白--Pai 包/鲍--Paul/Pao 班--Pan 贝--Pei 毕--Pih 卞--Bein 卜/薄--Po/Pu 步--Poo 百里--Pai-li C: 蔡/柴--Tsia/Choi/Tsai 曹/晁/巢--Chao/Chiao/Tsao 岑--Cheng 崔--Tsui 查--Cha

常--Chiong 车--Che 陈--Chen/Chan/Tan 成/程--Cheng 池--Chi 褚/楚--Chu 淳于--Chwen-yu D: 戴/代--Day/Tai 邓--Teng/Tang/Tung 狄--Ti 刁--Tiao 丁--Ting/T 董/东--Tung/Tong 窦--Tou 杜--To/Du/Too 段--Tuan 端木--Duan-mu 东郭--Tung-kuo 东方--Tung-fang E: F: 范/樊--Fan/Van 房/方--Fang 费--Fei 冯/凤/封--Fung/Fong 符/傅--Fu/Foo G: 盖--Kai 甘--Kan 高/郜--Gao/Kao 葛--Keh 耿--Keng 弓/宫/龚/恭--Kung 勾--Kou 古/谷/顾--Ku/Koo 桂--Kwei


机械专业英语词汇 陶瓷ceramics 合成纤维synthetic fibre 电化学腐蚀electrochemical corrosion 车架automotive chassis 悬架suspension 转向器redirector 变速器speed changer 板料冲压sheet metal parts 孔加工spot facing machining 车间workshop 工程技术人员engineer 气动夹紧pneuma lock 数学模型mathematical model 画法几何descriptive geometry 机械制图Mechanical drawing 投影projection 视图view 剖视图profile chart 标准件standard component 零件图part drawing 装配图assembly drawing 尺寸标注size marking 技术要求technical requirements 刚度rigidity 内力internal force 位移displacement 截面section 疲劳极限fatigue limit 断裂fracture 塑性变形plastic distortion 脆性材料brittleness material 刚度准则rigidity criterion 垫圈washer 垫片spacer 直齿圆柱齿轮straight toothed spur gear 斜齿圆柱齿轮helical-spur gear 直齿锥齿轮straight bevel gear 运动简图kinematic sketch 齿轮齿条pinion and rack 蜗杆蜗轮worm and worm gear 虚约束passive constraint 曲柄crank 摇杆racker 凸轮cams 共轭曲线conjugate curve 范成法generation method 定义域definitional domain 值域range 导数\\微分differential coefficient 求导derivation 定积分definite integral 不定积分indefinite integral 曲率curvature 偏微分partial differential 毛坯rough 游标卡尺slide caliper 千分尺micrometer calipers 攻丝tap 二阶行列式second order determinant 逆矩阵inverse matrix 线性方程组linear equations 概率probability 随机变量random variable 排列组合permutation and combination 气体状态方程equation of state of gas 动能kinetic energy 势能potential energy 机械能守恒conservation of mechanical energy 动量momentum 桁架truss 轴线axes 余子式cofactor 逻辑电路logic circuit 触发器flip-flop 脉冲波形pulse shape 数模digital analogy 液压传动机构fluid drive mechanism 机械零件mechanical parts 淬火冷却quench 淬火hardening 回火tempering 调质hardening and tempering 磨粒abrasive grain 结合剂bonding agent 砂轮grinding wheel 后角clearance angle 龙门刨削planing 主轴spindle


启动轴starting axle 启动齿轮starting gear 启动棘轮starting ratchet wheel 复位弹簧restoring, pull back spring 弹簧座spring seating 摩擦簧friction spring 推力垫圈thrust washer 轴挡圈axle bumper ring 下料filling 切断cut 滚齿机gear-hobbing machine 剪料机material-shearing machine 车床lathe 拉床broaching machine 垂直度verticality, vertical extent 平行度 parallelism同心度 homocentricity 位置度position 拉伤pulling damage 碰伤bumping damage 缺陷deficiency 严重缺陷severe deficiency 摩擦力friction 扭距twist 滑动glide 滚动roll 打滑skid 脱不开can’t seperate 不复位can’t restore 直径diameter M值= 跨棒距test rod span 公法线common normal line 弹性elasticity 频率特性frequency characteristic 误差error 响应response 定位allocation 机床夹具jig 动力学dynamic 运动学kinematic 静力学static 分析力学analyse mechanics 拉伸pulling 压缩hitting 机床machine tool 刀具cutter 摩擦friction 联结link 传动drive/transmission 轴shaft 剪切shear 扭转twist 弯曲应力bending stress 三相交流电three-phase AC 磁路magnetic circles 变压器transformer 异步电动机asynchronous motor 几何形状geometrical 精度precision 正弦形的sinusoid 交流电路AC circuit 机械加工余量machining allowance 变形力deforming force 变形deformation 电路circuit 半导体元件semiconductor element 拉孔broaching 装配assembling 加工machining 液压hydraulic pressure 切线tangent 机电一体化mechanotronics mechanical-electrical integration 稳定性stability 介质medium 液压驱动泵fluid clutch 液压泵hydraulic pump 阀门valve 失效invalidation 强度intensity 载荷load 应力stress 安全系数safty factor 可靠性reliability 螺纹thread 螺旋helix 键spline 销pin 滚动轴承rolling bearing 滑动轴承sliding bearing 弹簧spring 制动器arrester brake 十字结联轴节crosshead 联轴器coupling 链chain 皮带strap 精加工finish machining 粗加工rough machining 变速箱体gearbox casing 腐蚀rust 氧化oxidation 磨损wear 耐用度durability 机械制图 Mechanical drawing 投影projection 视图view 剖视图profile chart 标准件standard component 零件图part drawing 装配图assembly drawing 尺寸标注size marking 技术要求 technical requirements 刚度rigidity 内力internal force 位移displacement 截面section 疲劳极限fatigue limit 断裂fracture 塑性变形plastic distortion 脆性材料brittleness material 刚度准则rigidity criterion 垫圈washer 垫片spacer 直齿圆柱齿轮 straight toothed spur gear 斜齿圆柱齿轮 helical-spur gear 直齿锥齿轮 straight bevel gear 运动简图kinematic sketch 齿轮齿条pinion and rack 蜗杆蜗轮worm and worm gear 虚约束passive constraint 曲柄crank 摇杆racker 凸轮cams 反馈feedback 发生器generator 直流电源DC electrical source 门电路gate circuit 外圆磨削external grinding 内圆磨削internal grinding 平面磨削plane grinding 变速箱gearbox 离合器clutch 绞孔fraising 绞刀reamer


1.Sales Agreement The agreement, (is) made in Beijing this eighth day of August 1993 by ABC Trading Co., Ltd., a Chinese Corporation having its registered office at Beijing, the People’ Repubic of China (hereinafter called “Seller”) and International Trading Co., Ltd., a New York Corporation having its registered office at New York, N.Y., U.S.A. (hereinafter called “Buyer”). 2.WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Seller is engaged in dealing of (product) and desires to sell (product)to Buyer, and WHEREAS, Buyer desires to purchase(product) from Sellers, Now, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: 3.Export Contract th This Contract is entered into this 5 day of August 1993 between ABC and Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Seller”) who agrees to sell, and XYZ Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Buyer”) who agrees to buy the following goods on the following terms and condition. 4.Non-Governmental Trading Agreement No. __ This Agreement was made on the_day of_ 19_, BETWEEN _(hereinafter referred to as the Seller) as the one Side and _ (hereinafter referred to as the Buyer) as the one other Side. WHEREAS, the


英文翻译 机械设计 一台完整机器的设计是一个复杂的过程。机械设计是一项创造性的工作。设计工程师不仅在工作上要有创造性,还必须在机械制图、运动学、工程材料、材料力学和机械制造工艺学等方面具有深厚的基础知识。 Machine Design The complete design of a machine is a complex process. The machine design is a creative work. Project engineer not only must have the creativity in the work, but also must in aspect and so on mechanical drawing, kinematics, engineerig material, materials mechanics and machine manufacture technology has the deep elementary knowledge. 任何产品在设计时第一步就是选择产品每个部分的构成材料。许多的材料被今天的设计师所使用。对产品的功能,它的外观、材料的成本、制造的成本作出必要的选择是十分重要的。对材料的特性必须事先作出仔细的评估。 One of the first steps in the design of any product is to select the material from which each part is to be made. Numerous materials are available to today's designers. The function of the product, its appearance, the cost of the material, and the cost of fabrication are important in making a selection. A careful evaluation of the properties of a. material must be made prior to any calculations. 仔细精确的计算是必要的,以确保设计的有效性。在任何失败的情况下,最好知道在最初设计中有有缺陷的部件。计算(图纸尺寸)检查是非常重要的。一个小数点的位置放错,就可以导致一个本可以完成的项目失败。设计工作的各个方面都应该检查和复查。 Careful calculations are necessary to ensure the validity of a design. In case of any part failures, it is desirable to know what was done in originally designing the defective components. The checking of calculations (and drawing dimensions) is of utmost importance. The misplacement of one decimal point can ruin an otherwise acceptable project. All aspects of design work should be checked and rechecked. 计算机是一种工具,它能够帮助机械设计师减轻繁琐的计算,并对现有数据提供进一步的分析。互动系统基于计算机的能力,已经使计算机辅助设计(CAD)和计算机辅助制造(CAM)成为了可能。心理学家经常谈论如何使人们适应他们所操作的机器。设计人员的基本职责是努力使机器来适应人们。这并不是一项容易的工作,因为实际上并不存在着一个对所有人来说都是最优的操作范围和操作


High-speed milling High-speed machining is an advanced manufacturing technology, different from the traditional processing methods. The spindle speed, cutting feed rate, cutting a small amount of units within the time of removal of material has increased three to six times. With high efficiency, high precision and high quality surface as the basic characteristics of the automobile industry, aerospace, mold manufacturing and instrumentation industry, such as access to a wide range of applications, has made significant economic benefits, is the contemporary importance of advanced manufacturing technology. For a long time, people die on the processing has been using a grinding or milling EDM (EDM) processing, grinding, polishing methods. Although the high hardness of the EDM machine parts, but the lower the productivity of its application is limited. With the development of high-speed processing technology, used to replace high-speed cutting, grinding and polishing process to die processing has become possible. To shorten the processing cycle, processing and reliable quality assurance, lower processing costs. 1 One of the advantages of high-speed machining High-speed machining as a die-efficient manufacturing, high-quality, low power consumption in an advanced manufacturing technology. In conventional machining in a series of problems has plagued by high-speed machining of the application have been resolved. 1.1 Increase productivity High-speed cutting of the spindle speed, feed rate compared withtraditional machining, in the nature of the leap, the metal removal rate increased 30 percent to 40 percent, cutting force reduced by 30 percent, the cutting tool life increased by 70% . Hardened parts can be processed, a fixture in many parts to be completed rough, semi-finishing and fine, and all other processes, the complex can reach parts of the surface quality requirements, thus increasing the processing productivity and competitiveness of products in the market. 1.2 Improve processing accuracy and surface quality High-speed machines generally have high rigidity and precision, and other characteristics, processing, cutting the depth of small, fast and feed, cutting force low, the workpiece to reduce heat distortion, and high precision machining, surface roughness small. Milling will be no high-speed processing and milling marks the surface so that the parts greatly enhance the quality of the surface. Processing Aluminum when up Ra0.40.6um, pieces of steel processing at up to Ra0.2 ~ 0.4um.


胡壮麟语言学术语英汉对照翻译表 1. 语言的普遍特征: 任意性arbitrariness 双层结构duality 既由声音和意义结构 多产性productivity 移位性displacement:我们能用语言可以表达许多不在场的东西 文化传播性cultural transmission 2。语言的功能: 传达信息功能informative 人济功能:interpersonal 行事功能:Performative 表情功能:Emotive 寒暄功能:Phatic 娱乐功能recreatinal 元语言功能metalingual 3. 语言学linguistics:包括六个分支 语音学Phonetics 音位学phonology 形态学Morphology 句法学syntax 语义学semantics 语用学pragmatics 4. 现代结构主义语言学创始人:Ferdinand de saussure 提出语言学中最重要的概念对之一:语言与言语language and parole ,语言之语言系统的整体,言语则只待某个个体在实际语言使用环境中说出的具体话语 5. 语法创始人:Noam Chomsky 提出概念语言能力与语言运用competence and performance 1. Which of the following statements can be used to describe displacement. one of the unique properties of language: a. we can easily teach our children to learn a certain language b. we can use both 'shu' and 'tree' to describe the same thing. c. we can u se language to refer to something not present d. we can produce sentences that have never been heard befor e. 2.What is the most important function of language? a. interpersonal b. phatic c. informative d.metallingual 3.The function of the sentence "A nice day, isn't it ?"is __ a informative b. phatic c. directive d. performative

机械工程专业英语 翻译

2、应力和应变 在任何工程结构中独立的部件或构件将承受来自于部件的使用状况或工作的外部环境的外力作用。如果组件就处于平衡状态,由此而来的各种外力将会为零,但尽管如此,它们共同作用部件的载荷易于使部件变形同时在材料里面产生相应的内力。 有很多不同负载可以应用于构件的方式。负荷根据相应时间的不同可分为: (a)静态负荷是一种在相对较短的时间内逐步达到平衡的应用载荷。 (b)持续负载是一种在很长一段时间为一个常数的载荷, 例如结构的重量。这种类型的载荷以相同的方式作为一个静态负荷; 然而,对一些材料与温度和压力的条件下,短时间的载荷和长时间的载荷抵抗失效的能力可能是不同的。 (c)冲击载荷是一种快速载荷(一种能量载荷)。振动通常导致一个冲击载荷, 一般平衡是不能建立的直到通过自然的阻尼力的作用使振动停止的时候。 (d)重复载荷是一种被应用和去除千万次的载荷。 (e)疲劳载荷或交变载荷是一种大小和设计随时间不断变化的载荷。 上面已经提到,作用于物体的外力与在材料里面产生的相应内力平衡。因此,如果一个杆受到一个均匀的拉伸和压缩,也就是说, 一个力,均匀分布于一截面,那么产生的内力也均匀分布并且可以说杆是受到一个均匀的正常应力,应力被定义为 应力==负载 P /压力 A, 因此根据载荷的性质应力是可以压缩或拉伸的,并被度量为牛顿每平方米或它的倍数。 如果一个杆受到轴向载荷,即是应力,那么杆的长度会改变。如果杆的初始长度L和改变量△L已知,产生的应力定义如下: 应力==改变长△L /初始长 L 因此应力是一个测量材料变形和无量纲的物理量 ,即它没有单位;它只是两个相同单位的物理量的比值。 一般来说,在实践中,在荷载作用下材料的延伸是非常小的, 测量的应力以*10-6的形式是方便的, 即微应变, 使用的符号也相应成为ue。 从某种意义上说,拉伸应力与应变被认为是正的。压缩应力与应变被认为是负的。因此负应力使长度减小。 当负载移除时,如果材料回复到初始的,无负载时的尺寸时,我们就说它是具有弹性的。一特定形式的适用于大范围的工程材料至少工程材料受载荷的大部分的弹性, 产生正比于负载的变形。由于载荷正比于载荷所产生的压力并且变形正比于应变, 这也说明,当材料是弹性的时候, 应力与应变成正比。因此胡克定律陈述, 应力正比于应变。 这定律服从于大部分铁合金在特定的范围内, 甚至以其合理的准确性可以假定适用于其他工程材料比如混凝土,木材,非铁合金。 当一个材料是弹性的时候,当载荷消除之后,任何负载所产生的变形可以完全恢复,没有永久的变形。


纺织品专业词汇翻译中英文对照表纺织品[转]纺织品专业词汇翻译中英文对照表纺织品Braided Fabric 编织物 Deformation 变形;走样 Fast Colours 不褪色;色泽牢固 Punch Work 抽绣 Embroidery 刺绣品 Acetate Fibre 醋酯纤维 Hemp 大麻 Damp Proof 防潮 Sanforizing, Pre-Shrunk 防缩 Textiles 纺织品 Crochet 钩编编织物 Gloss, Lustre 光泽 Synthetic Fibre 合成纤维 Chemical Fibre 化学纤维 Jute 黄麻 Gunny Cloth (Bag) 黄麻布(袋) Mixture Fabric, Blend Fabric 混纺织物Woven Fabric 机织织物 Spun Silk 绢丝 Linen 麻织物 Woolen Fabrics 毛织物(品) Cotton Textiles 棉纺织品 Cotton Velvet 棉绒 Cotton Fabrics 棉织物(品) Non-Crushable 耐绉的 Viscose Acetal Fibre 黏胶纤维Matching, Colour Combinations 配色Rayon Fabrics 人造丝织物 Artificial Fibre 人造纤维 Crewel Work 绒线刺绣 Mulberry Silk 桑蚕丝, 家蚕丝 Silk Fabrics 丝织物 Silk Spinning 丝纺 Linen Cambric 手帕亚麻纱 Plain 素色 Figured Silk 提花丝织物 Jacquard 提花织物 Applique Embroidery 贴花刺绣Discolourization 褪色 Mesh Fabric 网眼织物 Bondedfibre Fabric 无纺织物

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