当前位置:文档之家› 最常用动词短语系列(3)push—write



Push 常用词组

push around 【非正式用语】. 粗暴对待,胁迫:粗暴地对待或威胁要粗暴地对待;恐吓,威胁

push off 【非正式】出发,启程:离开;离去The infantry patrol pushed off before dawn. 巡逻队于黎明前离去了push on 继续前进:沿着某人的路继续或前进

The path was barely visible, but we pushed on. 几乎看不见路了,但是我们继续前进

at a push . (英,非正式)在紧急时刻,不得已时;稍微困难地

there's room for four people, or five at a push. 有容纳四个人的空间,挤一挤可容下五个人。get (或give someone) the push (或shove) . (英,非正式)(被)解雇,(被)开除push at (或against) an open door 轻而易举地做到push one's luck . (非正式)自以为会继续成功(或受宠)

when push comes to shove (非正式)在必须采取行动(或做出决定)时;在紧要关头;在迫不得已时

when push came to shove, I always stood up for him. 在紧要关头我总是支持他。push ahead 继续实行(或推行)行动路线(或政策)

he promised to push ahead with economic reform. 他允诺继续推行经济改革。

push along . (英, 非正式)离开,离去;起程

push someone around (或about)(非正式)粗暴对待;把…差来谴去,摆布;欺侮;烦扰

push in 插队,加塞儿

push off 1. (用桨,撑篙等)把船撑离堤岸2. (非正式)离开,离去

push something through . 使(措施)迅速实现(或被接受)


push paper 【非正式用语】. 做琐碎的工作:把时间花在行政性的、经常看起来是琐碎的文字工作上

She spent the afternoon pushing paper for her boss. 她用了整个下午的时间为她的老板整理文字材料when push comes to shove 或if push comes to shove

1. 在紧要关头:在如果或当任何其他因素都被考虑到了和所有事实都必需面对的时刻,不是以这种方式就是另一种方式

“ Weextol the virtues of motherhood and bestow praise on the self-sacrificing homemaker but when push comes to shove, we give her little recognition for what she does”(&b{Los Angeles Times})


Pick 常用词组

pick apart .挑剔,找毛病;反驳或通过仔细的检查找出错误The lawyer picked the testimony apart. 律师挑证词的毛病

pick at 1. 弹,拉:刺穿或拉出,尤指用手指

2. 食不下咽:吃得很少或没胃口The child just picked at her food. 这孩子只吃她了一点食物

3. 【非正式用语】唠叨Don't pick at me day and night. 别整天对我唠叨挑三拣四

pick off 1. 逐一射击:经过逐个瞄准后发射The hunter picked the ducks off one by one. 猎人把鸭子一个个击中

2. &I{ 【棒球】} 封杀出局:把不在垒上的(跑垒员)抓住,然后快速扔出球抛到一个特定的垒上,通常指投手或接手的突然传杀

3. &I{ 【体育运动】} 中途截球:拦截,如拦截足球传球等

pick on . 嘲笑,欺侮

pick out 1. 挑选,选出picked out the best piece of silk. 挑出最好的一匹丝绸

2. 分辨:从环境中辩认出;分辨出picked out their cousins from the crowd. 从人群中认出他们的堂兄弟pick over 一件一件地整理或检查

a shopper who picked over the grapes before purchasing them. 一个买葡萄时精挑细选的顾客

pick up 1. 整理,收拾pick up a book. 捡起一本书picked up the broken pieces of glass. 拾起玻璃碎片Let's pick up the living room. 我们收拾一下卧室吧

2. 承载(客人,货物等)The bus picks up commuters at three stops. 公共汽车在三个站载送通勤者

3. 获得,赢得

picked up a mink coat on sale. 拍卖时随手买了一件貂皮大衣

picked up French very quickly. 很快地学起法语来

picked up her shoes at the repair shop. 在修鞋铺领回鞋子

picked up some beverages on the way home. 在回家的路上买些饮料

Let me pick up the tab. 我来付计程车的钱

picked up a virus in the office. 在办公室染上病毒

picked up five yards on that play. 在那次游戏中获得五码

4. 【非正式用语】监护,逮捕,拘捕The coast guard picked up five smugglers. 海岸检查官拘捕了五个走私犯

5. &1{【俚语】}勾搭:与…偶然结识,常指期望在性关系中结识

6. 发现:偶然遇到并观测The dog picked up the scent. 狗追着气味走

We picked up two submarines on sonar. 我们用声波定位仪观察到两条潜水艇

7. 恢复:休息后继续Let's pick up the discussion after lunch. 我们吃过午饭再继续讨论吧

8. 【非正式用语】有起色,改善:在条件或活动上提升Sales picked up last fall. 去年的销售有起色

9. &I{ 【俚语】} 收拾行李:收拾某人的东西She just picked up and left. 她收拾了一下行李就走了

pick someone's brains (或brain) . (非正式)套问别人的信息;向某人请教

pick something clean 剔尽(或撕尽)… 上的肉

pick one's feet up (走路时)抬脚离地

pick a fight (或quarrel) . 惹起争斗(或争吵)

pick a lock 撬锁

pick someone's pockets 扒窃

pick someo ne/thi ng to pieces (或apart).把…驳得体无完肤;对…吹毛求疵;严厉批评

pick up the pieces 收拾残局,重整旗鼓,恢复正常

pick up (或get up) speed (或steam)(车)提速,加速

pick up the threads . 继续(被中断的事)

pick someone/thing off 从远处小心瞄准射中

pick someone/thing out . 辨认出,分辨出Lester picked out two familiar voices. 莱斯特分辨出了两个熟悉的声音。pick something over (或pick through) . 挑选,筛选

they picked through the charred remains of their home. 他们在被烧毁的家园废墟中挑拣有用之物。

pick oneself up . (摔倒后)站起身来,使(自己)爬起来

pick someone up 1. (尤指用车或根据事前安排去)接(人)

2. 找… 的岔子;跟… 过意不去;揭穿;指责she picked him up on one niggling point. 她为一点小事跟他过意不去。

pick something up 1. 拿,取Wanda came over to pick up her things. 旺达来这儿取她的东西。

2. (尤指未经正式安排或指点)获得,取得,学会

he had picked up a little Russian from his father. 他从父亲那儿学了点俄语。

3. (尤指通过电子设备)检测,接收(信号,声音)

4. 继续,接续they picked up their friendship without the slightest difficulty. 他们毫无困难地接续了他们的友谊。pick up after . (主美)收拾,整理


pick and choose . 很细心地挑选

pick holes in . 挑剔:在… 寻找或发现一个或几个错误

picked holes in the argument. 在讨论中找错

pick (one's) way

寻找出路:找出路并通过此路谨慎前进picked her way down the steep bank. 沿着陡峭河岸慢慢前行

pick (someone) to pieces 责骂:严厉批评

pick up on 【非正式用语】. 迅速理解:了解到或理解,尤指很快地理解

picked up on the new approach and applied it to the project. 很快地了解了新方法并把它应用于这个项目中

2. 注意到learned to pick up on his superior's moods and act accordingly. 学会注意上级的情绪并见机行事Run 常用词组

run across 偶然发现;偶然碰到He run across a dog. 他偶然遇到只小狗.

run after 1. 追赶;追逐2. 追求:为求爱而找伴或吸引其注意力

He finally became tired of running after her. 他追求她终于追烦了

run against 1?偶然撞见:意2.违反:与…作对;反对与…偶然碰见

found public sentiment running against him. 发现公众反对他的情绪

run along . 离开;走开

run away 1. 跑开;逃走2. 离家出走,尤指私奔3. (马等)惊跑

run down

1. 停掉,耗尽:因缺乏力量或能量而停止The alarm clock finally ran down. 闹钟终于停了

2. 筋疲力尽

3. &I{ 【航海】} 撞沉:与…相撞并导致其沉没

a pedestrian who was run down by a speeding motorist. 被一辆疾驰的摩托车撞倒的行人

4. 追捕到:追寻并抓到Detectives ran down the suspects. 侦探抓获了嫌疑犯

5. 追溯:追踪…的来源

The police ran down all possible leads in the missing-person case. 警察查遍了这件失踪案的所有可能的线索

6. 贬低,说坏话Don't run her down; she is very talented. 不要贬低她;她很有天分的

7. 浏览;复习run down a list once more. 再浏览一下单子

8. &I{ 【棒球】} 夹杀:当跑垒员陷入两垒之间后将其推出

run in

1 .插入;补入把另外一件东西嵌入或包括进来ran in an illustration next to the first paragraph. 在第一段旁边加上插图

2. &I{ 【印刷术】} 使不间断,使不分段,连排:使排字材料不分段落或间隙地连下去

3. &I{ 【俚语】} 拘留

4. 非正式访问,顺便看望:为交往目的而去与… 相伴;拜访We ran in for an hour. 我们拜访了一个小时

run into 1. 偶然遇见,偶然发现ran into an old friend. 与一个老朋友不期而遇

2. 遭遇,陷入(某件事)ran into trouble. 陷入麻烦

3. 与… 相撞

4. 共计,合计His net worth runs into seven figures. 他的净值达到了七位数

run off 1. 印刷,打印出,复印ran off 200 copies of the report. 把这个报告复制了200 份

2. 跑掉;私奔

3. 流掉;流干

4. 对比赛(或竞争)实行决赛

5. 赶走,驱逐(例如,私入地界者)

run on . 不分段,不换行:不间断地接连下去

He is always running on about his tax problems. 对于他税务方面的问题,他总是讲个不停

run out

1. 用完;耗尽Our supplies finally ran out. 我们的供给终于耗尽了

2. 逐出:强使离去;驱逐We ran him out of town. 我们把他驱逐出镇子

3. 期满:因期满或疏漏而无效an insurance policy that had run out. 已过期的保险单

run over

1. 碾过:与… 相撞、撞倒,通常压过去The car ran over a child. 那辆汽车碾过了孩子

2. 浏览:快速阅读或过目run over a speech before giving it. 演说之前浏览一下演讲稿

3. 飞过,掠过

4. 超过某个限制The meeting ran over by 30 minutes. 会议拖了30 分钟了

run through 1. 穿透,刺穿The soldier was run through by a bayonet. 士兵被刺刀刺透了

2. 挥霍掉She ran through all her money. 她很快花完了所有的钱

3. 匆匆排练Let's run through the first act again. 我们再排练一下第一场

4. 匆匆看过:把…的突出点或事实过目一下

The crew ran through the preflight procedures. We ran through the witness's testimony before presenting it in

court. 机组人员又复习了一遍飞行前的程序。在法庭上出示之前,我们先过目一下见证人的证词

run up 使变大,变大,增大

ran up huge bills; run up the price of the company's stock. 积欠很大的债务;使公司股票的价格升值

run with 收为自己的;采用

“ &I{[He]}was determined to run with the idea and go public before it had been researched ”(&b{Betty Cunibrti})“&I他]}决定采用这种观点,在调查之前公开” (&灿贝蒂库尼伯特})

come running 渴望做某人想要做的事,乐意为某人效劳

he had only to crook his finger and she would come running. 他只要弯弯手指,她就会急匆匆地赶来帮忙。give someone/thing a (good) run for their money 促使某人参与激烈竞争;促使某人处于反对者的地位have a (good) run for one's money . (通过花费或努力)充分得到报偿(或乐趣)run before one can walk . 不会走先学跑,基本的技巧还没掌握就要做难的事情。run dry . (井,河)干涸,(河水)流干

run an errand . 跑差,办事

(make a) run for it . 跑开躲避(某人或某物)

run foul (或主北美a foul) of

1. (航海)与(障碍物或另一船只)相撞;与(障碍物或另一船只)相缠结another ship ran foul of us. 另一只船与我们相撞。

2. 与…发生冲突;同…对抗;违反,违背

the act may run foul of data protection legislation. 该法案可能违反数据保护法。

run someone close . (比赛中)几乎击败某人(或某个队)

run into the sand . 失败;毫无结果,等于零

the peace initiative now seems to be running into the sand. 和平倡议现在看来要成为泡影。

run low (或short) . 快耗尽;减少supplies had run short. 供应品快用完了。

run off at the mouth . (北美,非正式)信口开河,夸夸其谈

run someone out of town . (主北美)强迫某人离开

run the show . (非正式)主管某一项目(或任务,领域)

run someone/thing to earth (或ground) . (猎)把猎物追赶入其巢穴

run to ruin . (古)失修,破败;逐渐变坏;逐渐衰退;逐渐堕落you can't run with the hares and hunt with the hou . (谚)(冲突或争吵中)你无法对双方都忠诚,你无法两面讨好

runaround with (美亦作run with).(非正式)与…交往,结交

run at . 向… 冲去;突然袭击

run something by (或past). (尤指为弄清对方意见或反应而)告诉(某人)某事

run someone/thing down

1. (车辆或其驾驶者)把… 撞倒(或撞伤、撞坏)

2. 说… 的坏话;贬低;诽谤

3. 查找出,搜索到she finally ran the professor down. 她终于找到了那个教授。run something down (或run down) . (尺寸、数目或财力资源)减少,降低,缩减

the government were reviled for running down the welfare state. 政府因缩减福利遭到谩骂。

hardwood stocks in some countries are rapidly running down. 有些国家的阔叶木材资源在迅速减少。

run someone in . (非正式)拘留某人;逮捕某人

run something in (英)使(新车的发动机)试转,使磨合

run something off 1. 印出;复印出2. 使(液体)流掉

run off the water that has been standing in the pipes. 把滞留在水管里的水放掉。

run someone out . (板球)杀(击球员)出局

run someone/thing over

(车辆或其驾驶员)(撞倒并)辗过,压过Anna accidentally ran over their cat. 安娜意外地辗过他们的猫。run something over . 见下面run something through run someone/thing through . 刺杀(人,动物)

run something through (或over) . 匆匆讨论(或阅读,重复);把… 略略过目I'll just run through the schedule for the weekend. 我会把周末的计划表过目一下。

run to 1. 达到(某一数量或规模)the document ran to almost 100 pages. 这份文件几乎长达100 页。

2. (人)有… 倾向;有… 特点she was tall and running to fat. 她很高且有长胖趋势。

run something up 1. 迅速积欠(债务或账款)he ran up debts of $153,000. 他很快积欠了153,000 美元的债务。

2. 匆匆制成;匆匆缝制;迅速缝补(尤指衣服)I'll run up a dress for you. 我要为你赶做一条连衣裙。

3. 升旗

run up against . 遭遇,遇到(困难,问题)

the scheme has been dropped as it could run up against European regulations. 这个计划被放弃,因为它可能会违反欧洲条例。习惯用语

a run for (one's) money . 激烈竞争

in the long run . 从长远看,从最终结果来看

in the short run . 在不远的将来

on the run

1. 隐藏着的guerrillas on the run after an ambush. 遭伏击后迅速撤退的游击队员fugitives on the run. 隐藏着逃亡者

2. 频繁往来的

executives always on the run from New York to Los Angeles. 频繁往来于纽约和洛杉矶之间的行政官员

run a temperature . 发烧

run away with 1. 盗2. (如在表演中)胜过其他的

run foul 或run afoul of

1. 与…相撞;与…碰撞a sloop that had run foul of the submerged reef. 撞了水下暗礁的单桅帆船

2. 与…冲突,违背a pickpocket who ran foul of the law. 违法的扒手

run in place 原地跑:不离原地实行地跑步动作

run off with . 获得,取走ran off with the state championship. 获得全国冠军

run (one's) eyes over . 草草地看,粗略地读

run out of . 消耗掉…的供给ran out of fuel. 耗光燃料

run out of gas 【俚语】 1. 耗尽精力或热情2. (被迫)中止:因缺少资金,支持或热情而动摇或停止

run out on . 放弃,抛弃has run out on the family. 放弃家庭

run rings around 明显比…好,胜过

run scared 【非正式用语】. 吓坏了,受到惊吓

run short . 供给不足或极少Fuel oil ran short during the winter. 冬季燃油不足

run short of . 用尽使供给缺乏或不足ran short of paper clips. 用完了纸夹

run to earth 或run to ground . 追获:追逐并成功地抓获

Dogs ran the fox to earth. The police ran the terrorists to ground. 狗追获了狐狸。警察捕获恐怖主义者

Regard 常用词组

in this (或that) regard . 在这(或那)一点上

there was little incentive for them to be active in this regard. 在这个点上,还缺乏促使他们积极主动的激励。with (或in 或having) regard to

关于,至于;就… 来说,在… 方面he made enquiries with regard to Beth. 他问及贝思的事情。习惯用语

as regards 关于

in regard to 或with regard to 关于

See 常用词组

as far as I can see 就我所知,据我看来as I see it . 在我看来

(I'll) be seeing you . 再见

have seen better days . 已经衰败;今不如昔this part of South London has seen better days.


have seen it all before . 熟知;了解

let me see 让我想想 Let me see, how old is he now?. 让我看看,他现在多大年纪?。

see a man about a dog (幽默,婉 ) 有点儿急事先行告辞

see here! [用以强调某一陈述,命令,或表示抗议]看看;瞧瞧,听着

now see here, you're going to get it back for me!.

听着,你要把它给我弄回来!。 see one's way clear to do ( 或 doing ) something 有可能做某事;方便做某事(常用于礼貌请求中) see someone coming 发现某人容易上钩

see something coming 预见某事快要发生,准备应对某事(尤指坏事)

see someone damned first . (英 , 非正式 )[用于恶意的断然拒绝]看某人先倒霉,绝不

see someone right ( 英,非正式 )一定关照某人

see sense ( 或 reason ) . 明白事理

see the back of . ( 英,非正式 )摆脱(讨厌的人或事)

we were always glad to see the back of her.

我们一甩掉她,就总是很高兴。 see you later . ( 非正式 )回头见

we'll see about that . [用于愤怒批驳、挑战]咱们走着瞧

Oh, you think it's funny, do you? We'll see about that!. see

something of 与… 来往 we saw a lot of the Bakers. see

someone off

1. 为某人送行 they came to the station to see him off.

2. (英)逐出侵略者(或入侵者) t he dogs saw them off in no time. 狗立刻把他们赶走了。

see someone out

1. (英)(物件)比某人寿命长 no point in fixing the gate, it'll see me out. 不必修理那扇门了,它会比我活得长。

see something out

(英 )走到 … 的尽头;结束 I could well see out my career in Italy. 我完全能够在意大利完成我的事业。 see over 巡查,查看(楼房,场所)

Bridget asked if he'd like to see over the house. 布里奇特问他是否想查看一下那房屋。

see someone through . 协助某人渡过难关

see something through 把某事坚持到底

see about 1. 料理 2. 调查

see after 照顾 Please see after the children while I'm gone. 我不在家时请照看一下孩子们

see off 为(某人)送行

saw the guests off at the door; went to the airport to see us off. 把客人送到门口;去机场为我们送行 see out . 送 … 到门口:护送(客人)到门口 Will you please see Ms. Smith out? 请你送史密斯女士到门口好吗 ?

see through 1. 识破:理解 …的真正特点或特性 We saw through his superficial charm. 我们很清楚他的表面功夫

2. 协助 … 度过(困难):在顺利或艰难时期给予慷慨的支持、合作与安排

We'll see you through until you finish your college education. I saw the project through and then resigned. 我们会协助你直到你大学毕业。我将这个计划完成后就辞职

see to . 照料 See to the chores, will you? 你会整理家务吗 ? 习惯用语

see red 【非正式用语】 . 火冒三丈:极其愤怒

stick 常用词组

sticks and stones may break my bones but names ( 或 . (谚)棍棒能伤人,恶语奈我何

all that flies back and forth, really, is word-sticks and stones, y'know?.

那些流言飞语损不了我,知道吗?。 up the stick . (英,非正式 )怀孕的

up sticks . (英,非正式 )迁居别处

get stuck in ( 或 into ) ( 英,非正式 )抓紧干,加紧实行 we got stuck into the decorating. 我们抓紧实行装饰。 stick at nothing 无所顾忌,不惜一切

噢,你以为好玩吗?咱们走着瞧!。 我们和贝克一家来往较多。 他们到车站来送他。

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