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1. --- I’m taking my geography exam tomorrow.

--- __________!

A. Come on

B. Congratulations

C. Well done

D. Good luck

2. _______ of the flowers in my bedroom are pink. Pink is my favorite color.

A. Three four

B. Three fourths

C. Third fours

D. Third four

3. ---When shall we go shopping, this morning or this afternoon?

--- _______ is OK. I’m free the whole day.

A. Either

B. Neither

C. None

D. Both

4. We used to _______ along the river when we live in this village.

A. walking

B. walked

C. walk

D. walks

5. All of us will be happy _______ you can come to the party.

A. while

B. if

C. but

D. or

_______ the piano for ten years, and she will join in a competition next week.

A. plays

B. will have played

C. played

D. has been playing

talk of English history _______ in the school hall next Monday.

A. is given

B. is being given

C. will give

D. will be given

8. My father always asks me _______ out alone at night.

A. don’t go

B. not go

C. not to go

D. go

9. --- _______ I complete the check-in form right now, sir?

--- No, you needn’t. You can finish it next week.

A. May

B. Can

C. would

D. Must

10. Sorry, we have already had 4 people in the car, so there _______ for this big box.

A. is a little room

B. is little room

C. are a few rooms

D. are few rooms

11. _______ it is today! Let’s go hiking, shall we?

A. What a fine weather

B. What fine weather

C. How fine a weather

D. How fine weather

12. Few of them gotinjured in the accident last night, _______

A. don’t they

B. do they

C. didn’t they

D. did they

13. --- Alice, could you help me _______ the map of theworld We don’t need it. --- With pleasure.

A. put in

B. put up

C. put on

D. put away

likedcollecting stamps when she was young. _______.

did Amy didC. So was Amy D. So Amy was

Would you mind _______ me the salt?

--- Not at all. Here you are.

A. to pass

B. passed

C. passing

D. pass

16. I’m afraid that no one knows _______.

A. who will win the game

B. when will the game start

has the game started D. how long did the game last

17. Mr. Green is a kind person _______ is always ready to help anyone in trouble.

A. which

B. whose

C. whom

D. who

’t drink the milk. It smells _______.

A. sweet

B. badly

C. terrible

D. well

19. He didn’t understand it _______ his brother explained to him yesterday.

A. because

B. since

C. until

D. after

20. The computer is _______ expensive. I am afraid I can’t afford it.

A. too much

B. much too

C. too many

D. many too

work is very important in playing basketball.

A. Brain

B. Team

C. Farm

D. Brawn

Have you told Mr. White about the news?

--- No. She _______ to be out when we called.

A. happens

B. happened

C. has happened

D. was happened

23. This is _______ dress I’ve told you about. Isn’t it _______ fashionable one?

A. the; the

B. a; a

C. the; a

D. a; the

24. --- What are you looking for, Michelle?

--- My cousin’s MP4 player. It _______ right in here, but now it’s _______.

A. is; going

B. was; going

C. was; gone

D. has been; gone talks as if he _______to France many times before.

A. has gone

B. has been

C. had gone

D. had been

26. --- Where is my dictionary?

--- Oh, sorry. I have taken _______ by mistake.

A. your

B. yours

C. you

D. yourself

Why was it so noisy in your room yesterday evening

--- The children _______ for the party.

A. prepared

B. were preparing

C. has prepared

D. had prepared

28. Surfing, one of _______ water sports in the world, first ____on the island of Hawaii.

A. more popular; starts

B. more popular; started

C. the most popular; starts

D. the most popular; started

volleyball coach, Chen Zhonghe spoke _______ the players and they were

indeed worthyof thepraise.

ofB. high of C. highly to D. high to

30. The boy’s eyes were _______ tears when he saw his parents again.

A. fill of

B. fill with

C. full with

D. full of



Some young people are worrying about acnes(青春痘) on their faces, and some are worrying about their figures(身材). Do you know 31 on earth the secret of beauty is

Think of smile and health, and then you may find the 32.

Maybe you are not 33 with your big nose, your small eyes or your weight. Don’t waste energy and feelings on the way you 34. In fact, when you become a(n) 35 and look at pictures of your past time, you’ll find how cute you are.

36 is the best way to make you people are happy, they look nice. When people smile or laugh from the 37 of their hearts, they look very beautiful.

Don’t worry about your weight too much. Don’t 38 food for it. No one lives

39health. So you need to eat healthy food and do enough exercise.

When you accept what you have 40 and enjoy them, you will really become pretty “inside and out”.

31. A. howB. whatC.

32. A. questionB. problemC. reasonD. answer

33. A. . popularD. angry

34. A. like B. lookC. thinkD. have

35. A. adultB. parentC.

HealthC. WealthD. Happiness

37. A. bottomB. topC. footD. head

38. A. receiveB. acceptC. refuse D. get

39. A. onB. for C. without D. with

40. A. usedB. gotC. doneD. owned


Elizabeth was visiting a school. As she walked 41 the doors, she could hear shouts coming from a classroom.

During the break, Elizabeth stood on the playground and 42 the children playing. In one corner, she saw a young 43 with a group of twelve-year-old girls around her. They were jumping 44 and shouting, “Please, Miss!”

“What was all that about?”Elizabeth asked the teacher after the children 45 .

“They want to go to the building which is being pulled 46 inBrown Street to see the rats there. They are doing a project on the neighborhood this term. All their lessons are 47 on this project. They even do sums (统计)in their 48 lessons about the numbers of cars 49 in the car factory. We are studying rats at the moment and rats are a 50 subject for a lesson.”

41. A. over B. throughC. from D. in

42. A. listened to B. noticed C. looked after D. watched

43. A. student B. headmaster C. teacher D. man

44. A. more or and thereC. up and downD. sooner or later

45. A. left B. has left C. is leaving D. leave

46. A. on B. down C. off D. out

47. A. centered B. played C. held D. paid

48. A. English B. mathC. history D. physics

49. A. driven B. put C. produced D. bought

50. A. wonderful B. terrible C. bad D. beautiful




David hated spending money. When he had to buy something, he always tried to knock down the price. If he wanted to buy a bottle of orange, for example, and the shopkeeper asked for $2, David would say, “Make it $ and I’ll buy it.” Sometimes the shopkeepers agreed to reduce their price a little. “What is ten cents?” they asked themselves. “If it makes this man happy, it won’t hurt me much.” In this way David saved a few cents here and a few cents there, and by the end of the year he had saved several hundred dollars.

One day he had a very bad toothache and had to see the dentist. The dentist looked at the tooth and said, “This tooth will have to come out. It is too serious to save.”“How much must I pay you to take out a tooth?” he asked. “Forty dollars.” the dentist said. “How long will it take you to pull out the tooth?” he asked. “About two minutes.”T he dentist answered. “Forty dollars for two minutes’ work?”David shouted. “That is robbery.” The dentist smiled. “You are right,” she said. “Thank you for telling me. I’ll pull your tooth out very slowly. How about if I take half an hour?”

51. How much had David saved by the end of the year?

A. A few dollars.

B. Three or more hundred dollars.

C. Thousands of . Nearly one thousand dollars.

52. David thought two minutes was ___________.

A. too little time to pay the dentist $40

B. too long to pull out a tooth

C. too short for the operation

D. a waste of time

53. In the end of the story, David will feel _________.

A. sad

B. angry

C. afraid

D. surprised

54. What kind of person do you think David was?

A. He was very clever.

B. He was very generous.

C. He was very stingy.

D. He was very kind.


55. The chart above would probably be about ________.

A. students’ activities

B. students’ name cards

C. visits to foreign countries

D. an international travel service

56. How many students mention the culture difference they have experienced

A. One

B. Two

C. Three

D. Four

57. The student who value learning another language is __________.

A. Linda Marks

B. Michael Smythe

C. Susan Lane

D. Sara Small

58. Who paid the least for being an exchange student?

A. Michael Smythe

B. Linda Marks

C. Susan Lane

D. Sara Small

59. What will Michael Smythe probably do in the future

A. Go on staying in America.

B. Travel all around the world.

C. Go back to America.

D. Make many friends in Australia.

( C )

People all know that December 25th is Christmas for Americans and other westerners.

Yet not all the people know Boxing Day.

Boxing Day is a holiday celebrated on December 26th, or the first weekday after Christmas. And it is a festival only for those service persons such as postmen, newspaper boys, milkmen, etc. On that day, families traditionally give Christmas boxes to those service workers. It is a custom, but nobody is certain how it began.

A popular legendtells the story. There was once a rich lady called Chatter in Britain. One morning many, many years ago, it snowed very heavily. Chatter was waiting anxiously for a very important letter from her boyfriend. Then a post boy came and gave her the letter. She was so pleased that she gave him a box with presents. Later on, more and more people followed her example. As time went by, giving boxes with presents to service persons became a custom in Great Britain. Later the custom spread(传播)to the British Commonwealth(共和政体)and America. In the United States, some people give their employees(雇员)money instead of boxes now.

60. Boxing Day is celebrated __________.

A. on December 25th

B. on December 26th

C. on the first weekday after Christmas

D. on December 26th or on the first weekday after Christmas

61.“ The first weekday” refers to(指的是)__________.

A. Monday

B. Sunday

C. Saturday

D. Friday

62. __________ on Boxing Day.

A. Those service persons would box each other

B. Service workers would give boxes to each other.

C. The employers receive boxes from service workers

D. Service workers receive boxes from the employers

63. According to a popular legend story, Boxing Day began from __________.

A. Australia

B. British Commonwealth

C. England

D. America

64. On Boxing Day in the United States now, __________.

A. all the service workers receive money instead of boxes from their employers

B. some people give money to the service workers, others still give boxes

C. people don’t give boxes or money to the service workers

D. all of the people give the service workers boxes only


The energy which the sun radiates(辐射) goes in every direction. But only a minute part of it falls on the earth. Even so, it radiates power of about 5,000,000 horsepower per square mile per day. The sun gives us as much energy every minute as mankind uses in a year. At present, we use this energy indirectly, and it is our final source of power.

Coal (煤)represents the chemical action of the sun on green plants thousands of years ago. Water power results from the rain formed by vapor when water changes into gas under the sunshine. Even windmills (风车磨坊)operate because of air current(流)starts moving by the different heating effects of the sun in different places.

Some day, through chemistry or some types of solar engine, we should use this great source of energy more directly. Already a scientist has worked out an engine, surprisingly doing well, in which the sun’s rays are concentrated through mirrors on water to create steam.

65. What do the underline words “a minute” mean in this passage?

A. 一分钟

B. 一点点

C. 片刻

D. 一份笔记

66. How much energy does the sun radiate every ten square miles per day

A. About 5,000,000horsepower

B. About 208,333 horsepower

C. About 100,000,000 horsepower

D. About 50,000,000 horsepower

67. Which of the following statement is not true, according to the passage?

A. Even windmills turn because of the sun.

B. The sun produces enormous energy for man to make use of.

C. Some day man will be able to use 100% of the solar energy that gets to the earth.

D. The sun produces different heating effects in different places.

68. How many examples does the writer give to support the underline sentence?

A. 3 5 . 2 D. 4

69. This passage is mainly about ___________.

A. water power

B. our final source of power

C. how water power is produced

D. the amount of solar energy that can be used


Whenever I was passing a city square in America on a fine day, I would see old men and women sitting alone on benches with their dogs lying at their feet. Those old people just looked into the sky, saying nothing and doing nothing. Their dogs were the only friends they could have at the time.

Pets are not fed with left meals of their owners. They have their special food. Groceries(杂货店)usually have a department of pet food. There are stores which only sell food and other things for pets. When one’s dog or cat is ill or injured, he can take it to a vet, who is a doctor treating pets. Food and medical treatment for pets are quite expensive. An operation on a dog’s leg, for example, may cost 300 dollars. So every year Americans spend a lot of money on pets.

When I asked a lady why she kept two cats and loved them so much, she answered, “Oh, they are very helpful to me. In the morning, they will make noise or pull my blanket to wake me up. And they help to form my character. If I behave in a wrong way to a friend, I can apologize(道歉)to him or her afterwards. But I can’t apologize to my cats. If I am angry at them, they will stay away from me for a long time, and that will make me sad. I should always be kind to them. I might become uncaring without the cats around me.”

This was the only explanation I got about the value(价值)of pets.

70. Why do old people have pets? Because ________.

A. they like animals

B. they think the animals are poor

C. they feel lonely

D. they don’t have anything to do

71. What do the pets eat according to the passage?

A. Special pet . Left food. C. Bones. D. Bread.

72. The underline sentence “they help to form my character” means ________.

A. pets can help people learn

B. pets can make people happy

C. pets can make people make many friends

D. pets can help people be kinder and care about others

73. According to the passage, the following statements are true except_________.

A. Pets cost is high in the US every year

B. People think pets are really useful

C. Pets can wake people up

D. People can apologize to their pets

74. From the passage we can infer(推断)that_________.

A. the writer doesn’t like animals

B. pets are important in old people’s life in the US

C. pets are good at waking people up

D. the value of the pets is that they are worth a lot of money



What do you do on Sunday afternoons, after lunch Take a rest Watch t75 Or perhaps you take your dog for a quiet walk Recently, a lot of people d 76 to spend Sunday afternoon in a more e 77 way. Twelve thousand people m 78 inLondon’s Hyde Park, and they went for a r 79 ! Jogging (慢跑), one of America’s most p 80 sports, is catching on in Britain. Many doctors say jogging is not just f 81 . It’s good for the heart, for the lungs, for the muscle (肌肉) and even for the f 82 . Everyone in the city took p 83 in the run. The oldest was aged 80. The y84 --- and the last to complete the course--- was aged 4.


85. Not only he but also I should get rid of the bad habits of biting the nails.


漳州一中高中自主招生考试英语试卷及答案 Revised by Liu Jing on January 12, 2021

20XX年漳州一中高中自主招生考试 英语试卷 (满分150分,时间120分钟) 亲爱的同学: 欢迎你参加本次考试!请你细心阅读,用心思考,耐心解答。祝你成功!答题时请注意: 1.试卷分为试卷和答题卷两部分。 2.第Ⅰ卷(选择题)1-74小题一律作答于机读答题卡上,用2B铅笔将选项涂黑。从75小题开始的所有题目作答于答题卷相应答题处。 第Ⅰ卷语言知识运用(98分) 一、选择填空:从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案。(每题1分,共30分) 1. --- I’m taking my geography exam tomorrow. --- __________! A. Come on B. Congratulations C. Well done D. Good luck 2. _______ of the flowers in my bedroom are pink. Pink is my favorite color. A. Three four B. Three fourths C. Third fours D. Third four 3. ---When shall we go shopping, this morning or this afternoon? --- _______ is OK. I’m free the whole day. A. Either B. Neither C. None D. Both 4. We used to _______ along the river when we live in this village. A. walking B. walked C. walk D. walks 5. All of us will be happy _______ you can come to the party. A. while B. if C. but D. or _______ the piano for ten years, and she will join in a competition next week. A. plays B. will have played C. played D. has been playing talk of English history _______ in the school hall next Monday. A. is given B. is being given C. will give D. will be given 8. My father always asks me _______ out alone at night. A. don’t go B. not go C. not to go D. go 9. --- _______ I complete the check-in form right now, sir? --- No, you needn’t. You can finish it next week.


2016年福建省福州一中自主招生考试数学试卷 、选择题(共10小题,每小题4分,满分40分 ,'x + 1 1 ■若代数式(x-3)2有意乂,则实数X的取值范围是( A . X≥-1 B . X≥-1 且X≠3 C . X > -1 D . X > -1 且X≠3 2 .实数a、b在数轴上的位置如图所示,则化简∣a-b∣-∣a∣的结果为() A. -2a+b B. -b C. -2a-b D. b ------ ?-- -------------- 1------- > 口0 b 3 .如图,4根火柴棒形成象形口”字,只通过平移火柴棒,原图形能变成的汉字是()I— 4 .打开某洗衣机开关,在洗涤衣服时(洗衣机内无水),洗衣机经历了进水、清洗、排水、脱水四个连续过程,其中进水、清洗、排水时洗衣机中的水量y(升) 5.对参加某次野外训练的中学生的年龄(单位:岁)进行统计,结果如表: 年龄131415161718 人数456672 6.如图所示,圆A和圆B的半径都为1 , AB=8 .圆A和圆B都和圆O外切,且三圆均和直线I相切,切点为C、D、E,则圆O的半径为() A . 3 B . 4 C . 5 D. 6 A . 17, 15.5 B . 17, 16 C . 15, 15.5 D. 16, 16

7 .已知二次函数y=ax 2 +bx+c (a≠0)的图象如图所示,现有下列结论: ① abc > 0;② b2-4ac V 0;③ 2a+b=0 ;④ a+b > 0. 则其中正确结论的个数是() A. 1个 B. 2个 C. 3个 D. 4个 8.如图,矩形纸片ABCD中,AB=2 , AD=6 ,将其折叠,使点D与点B重合,得折痕EF.则tan ∠ BFE的值是() A. 1 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 2 9 .如图是一个切去了一个角的正方体纸盒,切面与棱的交点A , B , C均是棱的 10 .甲,乙,丙,丁,戊与小强六位同学参加乒乓球比赛,每两人都要比赛一场,到现在为止,甲已经赛了5场,乙已经赛了4场,丙已经赛了3场,丁已经赛了2场,戊已经赛了1场,小强已经赛了() A. 1场 B. 2场 C. 3场 D. 4场 A. UJ C I Br十C.C 中点,现将纸盒剪开展成平面,则展开图不可能是(



芜湖一中2014年高一自主招生考试 英语试卷 Ⅰ.单项选择(共20小题,20分) 1.—Sir, the thief has run into the building. —Thanks! That’s useful information. A./ B.an C. a D.pieces of 2.—Helen, lovely sheep are ! Do you like them ? —Very much . A.What a B.What C.How D.How a 3.—Would you mind me sitting next to the window ? —__________ A.Yes, please. B.with pleasure. C.No, I really mind. D.Sorry. 2

4.—Jack, please clean the room! —Why____? Tom is free there. A.I B.Mine C.Myself D.Me 5.How will the weather tomorrow ? A.like B.be C.be like D.look like 6.How long ago the fire ? A.did begin B.has begun C.had begun D.has been on 7.Can you tell me ? A.where is No.1 Middle School B.how can I get to No.1 Middle School C.how to No.1 Middle School D.the way to No.1 Middle School 8.Kids had better alone at home for anything can happen . A.not to be left B.not to stay C.not be D.not to be 3


2019-2020学年福建省漳州一中高一(下)段考生物试卷(3月份) 一、单选题(本大题共20小题,共20.0分) 1.绿叶在光下合成淀粉的实验中,把盆栽的天竺葵放在暗处一昼夜,其目的是() A. 便于检验淀粉的多少 B. 有利于除去叶绿素 C. 让叶片内原有的淀粉运走耗尽 D. 便于用碘液检验 2.如图为叶绿体结构与功能示意图,下列物质中,可以在叶绿体“A”上被消耗的有() A. 水、二氧化碳、ATP B. 氧气、水、ATP C. 水、ADP、Pi D. ADP、三碳酸分子、水 3.在“叶绿体色素的提取与分离”实验中,所用试剂和作用不相符的是() A. 碳酸钙-保护叶肉细胞 B. 二氧化硅一研磨充分 C. 无水酒精一溶解色素 D. 层析液一分离色素 4.层析结果,滤纸条上最上端的色素名称和颜色是() A. 叶绿素a/蓝绿色 B. 叶绿素b/黄绿色 C. 叶黄素/黄色 D. 胡萝卜素/橙黄色 5.高等植物光合作用过程产生的物质中,能进入线粒体并参与有氧呼吸的是() A. C6H12O6 B. ATP C. [H] D. O2 6.提取和分离绿叶中色素的实验中,正确的操作顺序应该是() ①进行纸层析②制取滤液③在滤纸条上画线④将实验材料剪碎、研磨. A. ①②③④ B. ②①③④ C. ④③②① D. ④②③① 7.在光照充足的条件下,给植物以18O的标记水,过一段时间进行分析,18O最早可在() A. 三碳化合物中发现 B. ATP中发现 C. 淀粉中发现 D. 植物周围的空气中发现 8.将植物栽培在适宜的光照、温度和二氧化碳充足的条件下,如果光照突然停止,此时叶肉细胞 的ATP和NADPH和三碳化合物的含量的变化情况是() A. 上升、上升、上升 B. 下降、下降、下降 C. 上升、上升、下降 D. 下降、下降、上升 9.将一株质量为20g的黄瓜幼苗栽种在光照等适宜的环境中,一段时间后植株达到40g,其增加 的质量来自于() A. 水、矿质元素和空气 B. 光、矿质元素和水 C. 水、矿质元素和土壤 D. 光、矿质元素和空气 10.将叶绿体悬浮液置于阳光下,一段时间后发现有氧气放出。下列相关说法正确的是() A. 离体叶绿体在自然光下能将水分解产生氧气 B. 若将叶绿体置于红光下,则不会有氧气产生

漳州一中自主招生试卷 漳州一中高中自主招生考试数学试卷

漳州一中自主招生试卷 2011年漳州一中高中自主招生考 试数学试卷 2011年漳州一中高中自主招生考试数学试卷 1.下列运算正确的是…………………………………………………………( ) A.2ab,3ab 5ab B.a2 a3 a6 2 2 1 (a 0) D.x,y x,y 2a 2.如图,点A在数轴上表示的实数为a,则a~2等于…………………( ) C.a ~2 1 A 0 –1 1 2 3 (第2题图) A.a~2 B.a,2 C.~a~2 D.~a,2 4.如图,A、B、C、D是直线l上顺次四点,M、N分别是 AB、CD的中点,且MN 6cm,BC 1cm,则AD的长等于……………………( ) l A M B C N D (第4题图) A.10cm B.11cm C.12cm

D.13cm 7.用大小和形状完全相同的小正方体木块搭成 一个几何体,使得它的正视图和俯视图如图所示,则搭成这样的一个几何体至少需要小正方体木块的个数为………………( ) A.22个 B.19个 C.16个 D.13个 (正视图) (俯视图) (第7题图) 2 8.用半径为6cm、圆心角为120的扇形做成一个圆锥的侧 面, 则这个圆锥的底面半径 是……………………………………………………………… ……( ) A.2cm B.3cm C.4cm D.6cm 9.若n为整数,则能使 … n,1 也为整数的n的个数有……………………( n~1 A.1个 B.2个 C.3个 D.4个10.已知a为实数,则代数式27~12a,2a2的最小值 为………………( 13 题图) ) (第A.0 B.3 C.33 D.9 x,211.函数y 的自变量x的取值范围是( x~1 12.分解因式:~3xy,27xy 13.把2007个边长为1的正方形 排成如右图所示的图形,则这个图形的周长


2018-2019年最新吉林一中自主招生考试 英语模拟精品试卷 (第一套) 考试时间:120分钟总分:150分 第I卷(选择题,共100分) 第一节:单项填空(共25小题,每小题1分,满分25分) 1. —When did the terrible earthquake in YaNan happen? —It happened ________ the morning of April 20, 2013. A. on B. at C. in D. / 2. Our teacher told us ________ too much noise in class. A. to make B. make C. not to make D. not make 3. Here is your hat. Don’t forget______ when you __________. A. to put it on, leave B. to wear it, leave C. to wear it, will leave D. putting it on, will leave 4. The baby is sleeping. You _____ make so much noise. A. won’t B. mustn’t C. may not D. needn’t 5. Since you are _____ trouble, why not ask _________ help? A. in, for B. in, to C. with, for D. with, to 6. It’s about___________kilometers from Nanchong to Chengdu. A. two hundreds B. two hundreds of



2011年合肥一中自主招生《科学素养》测试数学试题 (满分:150分) 一、选择题:(本大题共4小题,每小题8分,共32分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有且只有一项是正确的.) 1.如图一张圆桌旁有四个座位,A,B,C,D 四人随机坐在四个座位上,A 则D 与相邻的概率是( ) 2.3A B. 12 C. 14 D. 29 2. 小明将一张正方形包装纸,剪成图1所示形状,用它包在一个棱长为10的正方体的表面(不考虑接缝),如图2所示.小明所用正方形包装纸的边长至少为( ) A .40 B .30+22 C .202 D .10+102 3.在平面直角坐标系中,第一个正方形ABCD 的位置如图所示,点A 的坐标为(1,0), 点D 的坐标为(1,0),延长CB 交x 轴与A 1,作作第二个正方形A 1B 1C 1C ;延长C 1B 1交x 轴于点A 2,作第二个正方形 A 2B 2C 2C 1???,按这样的规律进行下去,第2010个正方形的面积为( ) A. 20093 5()2 B. 200895()4 C. 401835()2 D. 2010 95()4

若该县常住居民共24万人,则估计该县常住居民中,利用“五·一”期间出游采集发展信息的人数约为 万人。 6.已知点P(x,y)位于第二象限,并且y ≤x+4,x,y 为整数,符合上述条件的点P 共有 个。 7. 如图,已知菱形OABC,点C 在直线y=x 经过点A ,菱形OABC 的面积是2,若反比例函数的图象经过点B,则此反比例函数表达式为 。 ( 第7题) (第8题) 8.如图,已知梯形ABCD 中,AD ∥BC ,AB ⊥BC,,AD =2,将腰CD 以D 为中心逆时针旋转 90°至DE ,连结AE ,若△ADE 的面积是3,则BC 的长为_ ________. 9.如图,矩形ABCD 中,由8个面积均为1的小正方形组成的L 型模板如图放置,则矩形ABCD 的周长为 。 A B C D E


漳州一中校本课程资源开发方案(讨论稿) 一、指导思想 1、根据《普通高中课程方案》要求和《福建省普通高中课程与教学管理指导意见》,逐步完善我校新课程结构。 2、着眼于学生未来的发展,提高课程的适应性。 3、提升教师的课程意识,促进教师专业发展。 4、实现学校课程的创新,形成学校办学特色,提升学校办学的品位。 二、校本课程开发的领导机构 学校成立校本课程开发领导小组,负责学校课程规划与审定,发布校本课程开发指南。领导小组具体成员由分管校领导、教务处相关人员和各教研组组长组成。 三、校本课程开发的整体思路 我校校本课程开发的整体思路是:立足本校,重点突破,全员参与,稳步推进,全面展开。具体地说,就是结合学校资源,立足本校,依靠全体教师共同开发校本课程,以学生发展为本,广泛征集师生意见,评估学生对校本课程的要求,以学生需求为依据,重点突破。工作上要坚持以转变教育观念为前提,以加强教育科研为后盾,以激发学生的兴趣为突破口,切实加强校本课程开发、实施和领导,精心组织,保证质量,全面提高学生的综合素质,确保校本课程的顺利开发与实施。 四、校本课程开发的原则 1、科学性原则 提倡和推崇科学,重视各门科学知识在校本课程体系中的地位,及时吸收科学发展的新成就。 2、民主性原则 校本课程开发要充分体现人本思想,以教师和学生为主体。学校要创造机会,鼓励师生积极主动、创造性的参与课程的开发与建设。要积极倡导社会各界和家长的参与,有目的、有计划、有重点地进行课程资源的整 合和课程特色的培育。

3、针对性原则 在校本课程开发的过程中要注意从学校的实际和办学特色出发;从学生的兴趣、爱好和特长出发;从教师的专长出发。即校本课程的开发要有利于形成学校的特色,有利于发展学生的特长和有利于发挥教师的专长。 4、多样性原则 校本课程为学生提供了较大的选择余地,而选择余地的大小,取决于学校课程开设门类的多少。校本课程开设的多样性程度越高,学生选择余地就越大,学校在培养多样化的人才,满足社会多样化的需求方面,成功的可能性也就越大。 5、人文性原则 在校本课程开发中,应给人文素养一定的位置,注重追求和肯定人的价值,人的个性发展,人的智慧和审美道德。在校本课程的目的上,崇尚个性;在校本课程实施过程中,重视受教育者的需求和兴趣,讲究教学方法,为学生健康而有个性地发展提供保障,使每个学生在各自原有的基础上充分发展其特长。 6、趣味性原则 校本课程要尽可能提供趣味性较强的内容和活动,激发学生的学习兴趣和学习动机。尽可能采取自主、探究和合作的学习方式,促使学生拓展思维、开阔视野,培养创新精神和实践能力。 7、量力性原则 最大限度地挖掘、利用校内外的人力、物力、财力等课程资源,努力把蕴藏于师生中的生活经验、特长、爱好转化为课程资源,并进行独立或合作开发。同时也要考虑教师的资源情况,不要勉强开设,强教师所难。 8、可行性原则 课程开发之前,一定要通过座谈或调查问卷等形式了解学生的需求,充分体现不同年龄段和不同学生的知识水平、认知水平和心理发展水平。未经论证的课程一般不能开发。 五、校本课程开发的主要措施 1、印发《校本课程开发指南》组织全体教师学习,动员全体教师参与


20XX年漳州一中高中自主招生考试 英语试卷 (满分150分,时间120分钟) 亲爱的同学: 欢迎你参加本次考试!请你细心阅读,用心思考,耐心解答。祝你成功! 答题时请注意: 1. 2.试卷分为试卷和答题卷两部分。 3. 4.第Ⅰ卷(选择题)1-74小题一律作答于机读答题卡上,用2B铅笔将选项涂黑。从75小题开始的所有题目作答于答题卷相应答题处。 第Ⅰ卷语言知识运用(98分) 一、选择填空:从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案。(每题1分,共30分) 1. --- I’m taking my geography exam tomorrow. --- __________! A. Come on B. Congratulations C. Well done D. Good luck 2. _______ of the flowers in my bedroom are pink. Pink is my favorite color. A. Three four B. Three fourths C. Third fours D. Third four 3. ---When shall we go shopping, this morning or this afternoon? --- _______ is OK. I’m free the whole day.

A. Either B. Neither C. None D. Both 4. We used to _______ along the river when we live in this village. A. walking B. walked C. walk D. walks 5. All of us will be happy _______ you can come to the party. A. while B. if C. but D. or _______ the piano for ten years, and she will join in a competition next week. A. plays B. will have played C. played D. has been playing talk of English history _______ in the school hall next Monday. A. is given B. is being given C. will give D. will be given 8. My father always asks me _______ out alone at night. A. don’t go B. not go C. not to go D. go 9. --- _______ I complete the check-in form right now, sir? --- No, you needn’t. You can finish it next week. A. May B. Can C. would D. Must 10. Sorry, we have already had 4 people in the car, so there _______ for this big box. A. is a little room B. is little room C. are a few rooms D. are few rooms 11. _______ it is today! Let’s go hiking, shall we? A. What a fine weather B. What fine weather


2019年漳州一中自主招生考试 化学试卷 (满分:50分考试时间:40分钟) 说明:1.全卷共4页,满分为50分,考试用时为40分钟。 2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑,如改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案不能答在试题上。 3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔作答。 4.考生务必保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束时,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。 可能需要的相对原子质量: H1 Li7 N14 O16 Na 23 Al 27 Cl 35.5 Fe 56 Cu 64 Zn 65 S 32 一、选择题(共8题。每题2分,共16分。每题只有一个选项符合题意) 1.氧化铈是稀土元素铈(Ce)最稳定的氧化物,为淡黄色或黄褐色粉末。在催化、化妆品等领域有重要用途。已知,氧化铈中铈的化合价为+4价,则氧化铈的化学式为 A. Ce4O B .CeO C. CeO2 D .CeO4 2.半水煤气是重要的工业原料,其主要成分是H2、CO、CO2、N2和水蒸气。在铜作催化剂的条件下,半水煤气能发生反应,且反应的微观示意图如下所示。下列说法错误的是 A.半水煤气属于混合物 B.若没有铜,图示反应无法进行 C.参与反应的反应物分子个数比为1:1 D.两种生成物分别为单质和化合物 3.氢化钠(NaH)是有机合成中用途很广泛的强碱性物质,可以夺取很多化合物中的H+生成相应的钠化合物,能与水反应生成氢氧化钠和氢气且放出大量热。下列有关NaH说法,错误的是 A.与水反应时有一种元素价态会变化

B.从物质类属看,NaH属于碱 C.块状NaH投入适量水中可能会爆炸 D.必须隔绝空气密封保存 4.毛巾用久将变硬,是因为毛巾吸附了自来水中的Ca2+、Mg2+与肥皂作用产生的沉淀物(沉淀物可溶于酸)。下列有关说法正确的是 A.含有Ca2+、Mg2+的水均为硬水 B.通过沉降、过滤操作可软化硬水 C.白醋浸泡用久的毛巾可变软 D.使用硬水洗衣服,可提高肥皂去污效果 5.《物理小识》有如下记载:“青矾厂气熏人,衣服当之易烂,栽木不茂”。已知,青矾厂气是指青矾(一种盐)分解产生的SO2和SO3,它在空气作用下转化为硫酸。下列分析肯定错误的是 A“青矾”组分的化学式为Cu2(OH)2CO3 B:“农服当之易烂”是因为硫酸有腐蚀性 C青矾厂周围“栽木不茂”与酸雨有关 D. “气熏人”说明含硫氧化物有刺激性气味 6.为检验某药品中是否含选项中的四种物质,进行如下实验:取适量该药品溶解于水并测得pH为13,取其上层清液,加入足量硝酸钡,产生白色沉淀,过滤,往所得沉淀中加入稀硝酸,白色沉淀部分溶解,往滤液中加入硝酸银溶液和足量稀硝酸也出现白色沉淀。无法肯定该药品中含有的物质是 A.KOH B. K2CO3 C. KCI D.K2SO4 7.将ag铜锌合金粉末加入到盛bg稀硫酸的试管中,充分反应后试管中有固体剩余,且共收集到cg氢气(a、 b、c均为已知)。下列有关量:①合金中锌的质量②稀硫酸的溶质质量分数③反应生成硫酸锌的质量,肯定可以通过计算确定的是 A.只有① B.只有② C.只有③ D.①②③ 8.FeCl3与Cu反应生成CuC12和另一物质,工业上常用这一反应蚀刻铜电路板。为研究FeCl3与Cu如何发生反应,研究小组将一铜块放入试管并加入FeCl3溶液,测得消耗的铜与试管中溶液所含FeCl3、CuCl2的量


芜湖一中2018年高一自主招生考试 英语试卷 (满分:100分) 一、单项填空(共10小题,每小题2分,共20分) 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.—Who is your English teacher? —Mr. White,European working in Nanjing University. A.an; the B.a; the C.an, / D.a; / 2.As the plane came down through the clouds, green fields and white houses came into . A.light B.eyes C.sight D.effect 3.—I hear local people are trying to stop some businesses building factories here. —Yes. They say the place if some factories in the future. A.will pollute; will build B.will be polluted; will be built C.is polluted; are built D.will be polluted; are built 4.Yesterday Mr. Green went to his hometown and visited the old house he was born in. A.which B.where C.what D.it 5.Be quick. The monitor for you in the library. A.was waiting B.waits C.is waiting D.waited 6.—So many problems! I’m tired. —You should try to them by yourself. You are not a child any longer. A.get up B.get from C.get into D.get over 7.—The tall man with glasses over there looks like our English teacher. —It be him. He has gone abroad. A.may not B.mustn’t C.can’t D.needn’t 8.I can’t help the room, for I am very busy now. A.to clean B.cleaning C.have clean D.cleaned 9.How beautifully she sings! I have never heard . A.the better voice B.a good voice C.a better voice D.the best voice 10.—Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the British Museum? —Sorry, I am a stranger here. —. A.It doesn’t matter B.No problem C.Thanks, anyway D.Never mind 二、完形填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 A When Dave was eighteen, he bought a secondhand(二手的) car for $200 so that he could travel to and from work more 11 than by bus. It worked quite well for a few days, but then it got so old, and it was costing him 12 much in repairs that he decided that he had better 13 it.


2019年漳州重点高中排名,漳州所有高中学校分数线排名榜 2019年漳州重点高中排名,漳州所有高中学校分数线排名榜 每年漳州中考前,很多家长都关心漳州所有的中考学校名单及排名,那么2019年漳州中考已经就要来了,中考填报志愿选择一所好的高中学校是一件非常重要的事情,本文爱扬整理了关于2019年漳州重点高中排名,漳州所有高中学校分数线排名榜的相关信息,希望漳州的考生和家长在填报志愿的时候可以参考。 一、2019年漳州高中学校排名 排名学校名称学校类型人气1漳州三中公办、省级示范高中15212漳浦道周中学公办、省级示范高中13613诏安县第一中学公办、省级示范高中13504福建省漳州第一中学公办、省级示范高中12255福建省龙海第一中学公办、省级示范高中12216福建省云霄县第一中学公办、省级示范高中11977诏安县桥东中学公办、省级示范高中11958龙海市角美中学公办、省级示范高中11819诏安县四都中学公办、省级示范高中117010福建省华安县第一中学公办、省级示范高中1158 2019年南平重点高中排名,南平所有高中学校分数线排名榜 每年南平中考前,很多家长都关心南平所有的中考学校名单及排名,那么2019年南平中考已经就要来了,中考填报志愿选择一所好的高中学校是一件非常重要的事情,本文爱扬整理了关于2019年南平重点高中排名,南平所有高中学校分数线排名榜的相关信息,希望南平的考生和家长在填报志愿的时候可以参考。 一、2019年南平高中学校排名 排名学校名称人气所在市类型1南平一中1587南平市省级示范高中2建瓯二中1525南平市省级示范高中3建瓯三中1276南平市省级示范高中4南平市第八中学1265南平市省级示范高中5福建省邵武第一中学1224南平市省级示范高中6福建省南平市高级中学1192


2017年漳州一中自主招生考试试卷模拟试卷 (满分:100分;建议完成时间:60分钟) 姓名______________ 准考证号______________ 初中校_______________________ 一、积累与运用(25分) 1.根据提示,写出相关句子。(10分) ⑴“以人为鉴,可以知得失”,要想在与他人的交往中受益,就要做到如《〈论语〉十则》中所说的那样:“,”。 ⑵王维在《使至塞上》中描绘塞外奇特壮美风光的千古名句是: “,”。 ⑶《爱莲说》一文中用以表达不受环境影响、保持洁身自好品格的句子是:“,”。 ⑷王勃在《送杜少府之任蜀州》中表达朋友间只要感情深厚、路遥情也近的句子是:“,”。 ⑸《破阵子·为陈同甫赋壮词以寄之》中,从视觉、听觉两方面表现激烈战斗场面的句子是:“,”。 2.阅读下面一段文字,根据要求答题。(6分) ①经验告诉我们,一个人要有书卷气,不但要爱读书,也要善于读书。②读书妙诀千条万条,但最重要的一条就是“通”字。③茅盾的“穷本(sù)源”,是为求通; ④钱钟书的“(甲)”(吸取别人的长处,来弥补自己的不足之处。),是为求通; ⑤秦牧的“牛嚼.鲸吞”,是为求通。⑥把握了“通”的原则,我们在读书中就能做到学贯中西、识透古今。 ⑴根据拼音写出汉字或给加点字注上汉语拼音。(2分) ①穷本(sù)源②牛嚼.鲸吞( ) ⑵根据文中括号提示,画横线甲处应填上的成语是:(1分) ⑶文段中有一个病句,它的序号是, 应将修改为(3分) 3. 请结合语境将下面的语段补充完整。(4分) 读一本书,如同结交了一位益友,寻得了一位良师。读《老人与海》,我明白了什么是敢于和命运抗争的铮铮铁骨;读________________,____________________;读 ________________, _____________________。 4.阅读下面三句话,按要求回答问题。(5分) ①柏拉图说:征服自己需要更大的勇气,其胜利也是所有胜利中最光荣的胜利。 ②卢梭则说:人要是惧怕痛苦,惧怕种种疾病,惧怕不测的事件,惧怕生命的危险和死亡,他就会什么也不能忍受的。 ③鲁迅说过:伟大的心胸,应该表现出这样的气概——用笑脸来迎接悲惨的厄运,用百倍的勇气来应付一切的不幸。 上面三句话,既有共同点,又各有差异,请分别回答。 (1)以上三句话谈论的共同点是_____________________________。 (2)柏拉图侧重的是________________,卢梭侧重的是________________,鲁迅侧重


英语学科试卷 考试时间:90分钟满分100分 一.单项选择(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分) 1. Have you heard news? The price of petrol is going up. A. the ; the B. /; the C. the ; / D. /; / 2. To stay awake, he finished a cup of coffee and ordered . A. the other B. other C. the others D. another 3. The fine day our pleasure, we had a good time in the country. A. added up B. added in C. added up to D. added to 4. English is a language shared by several different cultures, each of uses it differently. A. which B. what C. whom D. that 5.—Will he go to the concert tonight? —No, he won’t, because he for an important competition. A. prepared B. was preparing C. has been preparing D. has prepared 6.—How’s your new babysitter? —We ______ ask for a better one. All our kids love her so much. A. should B. might C. mustn’t D. couldn’t 7.—Tom, would you please lend me some paper? —Sorry, mine . A. has run out B. is run out C. have given out D. has used up 8. One Friday, we were packing to leave for a weekend away my daughter heard cries for help. A. after B. while C. since D. when 9. The boy was led while crossing the road. A. in the hand B. by his hand C. by hand D. by the hand 10. They had a pleasant chat a cup of coffee. A. with B. during C. over D. for 11. It is generally believed that teaching is it is a science. A. as art much as B. much an art as C. as an art much as D. as much an art as 12. You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is I disagree. A. why B. where C. what D. how 13. When she came several days later, she found that all things still where she had _______ them. A. lay; laid B. laid; laid C. lay; lain D. lying; laid


2020年漳州一中高一生物网上阶段 光合作用测试 一.单选题 1.绿叶在光下合成淀粉的实验中,把盆栽的天竺葵放在暗处一昼夜,其目的是() A. 便于检验淀粉的多少 B. 有利于除去叶绿素 C. 让叶片内原有的淀粉运走耗尽 D. 便于用碘液检验 【答案】C 【解析】 【分析】 验证绿叶在光下制造淀粉的实验,可以从三个方面去考虑:一个是实验前的处理,二是对照组的设计,三是实验结果的处理。 1.实验前的处理:要先把盆栽的天竺葵或其他绿色植物放到暗处一昼夜目的是将原有的淀粉除去,以免干扰实验结果的分析; 2.对照组的设计及处理:设计对照组用不透光的纸从上下两面遮盖叶片的一部分;把实验材料放在光下照射2-3小时;摘取一片部分遮光的叶片,除去不透光纸; 3.实验结果的处理:最后一环节是把叶片放入盛有酒精的小烧杯中隔水加热,目的是除去叶中的叶绿素,以免影响观察实验现象;用清水漂洗后,滴加碘液。 【详解】本实验的目的是要检测绿叶在光下是否合成了淀粉,实验的自变量是有无光照,因变量为是否有淀粉生成,故此需要把盆栽的天竺葵中原有的淀粉消耗完,题目中把盆栽的天竺葵放在暗处一昼夜的目的就是要消耗掉原有的淀粉对实验结果的干扰,即C正确。 故选C。 2.下图为叶绿体结构与功能示意图,下列物质中,可以在叶绿体“A”上被消耗的有()

A. 水、二氧化碳、ATP B. 氧气、水、ATP C. 水、ADP 、Pi D. ADPC 分子、水 【答案】C 【解析】 【分析】 光合作用的具体的过程: ①光反应阶段:场所是类囊体薄膜 a .水的光解:2H 2O →光能4[H]+O 2 b .ATP 的生成:ADP+Pi →酶ATP ②暗反应阶段:场所是叶绿体基质 a .CO 2的固定:CO 2 +C 5 →酶2C 3 b .三碳化合物的还原:2C 3 →酶(CH 2O )+C 5+H 2O 题图分析:图中的结构为叶绿体,A 表示类囊体薄膜,其上有色素,是光合作用光反应进行的场所;B 为叶绿体基质,其内有多种酶,是光合作用暗反应进行的场所。 【详解】由分析可知,在A 上进行了光反应,光反应中的物质变化是水的光解以及ATP 的生成,不难看出其上消耗的反应物是水、ADP 与Pi ,即C 正确。 故选C 。 3.在“叶绿体色素的提取与分离”实验中,所用试剂和作用不符的是 A. 碳酸钙——保护叶肉细胞 B. 二氧化硅——研磨充分 C. 无水酒精——溶解色素 D. 层析液——分离色素 【答案】A 【解析】 【分析】 色素提取和分离过程中几种化学物质的作用:(1)无水乙醇作为提取液,可溶解绿叶中的色素;(2)层析液用于分离色素;(3)二氧化硅破坏细胞结构,使研磨充分;(4)碳酸钙可防止研磨过程中色素被破坏。 【详解】在色素的提取实验中,研磨时加碳酸钙的目的是防止色素被破坏,A 错误;


2007年湖南省长沙一中自主招生考试数学试卷 一、填空题 1.设a为的小数部分,b为的小数部分,则的整数部分为_________. 2.下列两个方程组与有相同的解,则m+n=_________. 3.如图,在Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,∠B=60°,∠A的平分线AD交BC于D,则=_________. 4.已知a是方程x2﹣2002x+1=0的根,则=_________. 5.A、B是平面内两个不同的定点,在此平面内找点C,使△ABC为等腰直角三角形,则这样的点C有_________个. 6.某工程队要招聘甲乙两种工种的工人150名,甲乙两种工种工人的月工资分别是600元和1000元,现要求乙种工种的人数不少于甲种工种人数的两倍,问甲乙两种工种的人数各聘_________时可使得每月所付工资最少,最小值是_________. 7.已知,则分式=_________. 8.如图,D、E分别是△ABC的边AC、AB边上的点,BD、CE相交于点O,若S△COD=3,S△BDE=4,S△OBC=5,那么S四边形ADOE=_________. 9.三边长为整数且最长边是11的三角形共有_________个. 10.已知方程:x3+4x2﹣11x﹣30=0的两个根的和等于1,则这个方程的三个根分别是_________.

11.若函数当a≤x≤b时的最小值为2a,最大值为2b,求a、b的值. 12.函数,其中a为任意实数,则该函数的图象在x轴上截得的最短线段的长度为 _________. 二、解答题(共8小题,满分0分) 13.已知关于x的方程x2﹣(2m﹣3)x+m﹣4=O的二根为a1、a2,且满足﹣3<a1<﹣2,a2>0.求m的取值范围.14.在△ABC中,AD⊥BC于点D,∠BAC=45°,BD=3,DC=2,求△ABC的面积. 15.一个三角形的三边长分别为a、a、b,另一个三角形的三边长分别为a、b、b,其中a>b,若两个三角形的最小内角相等,则=_________. 16.求方程组的实数解. 17.如图,在半径为r的⊙O中,AB为直径,C为的中点,D为的三分之一分点,且的长等于两倍的的长,连接AD并延长交⊙O的切线CE于点E(C为切点),求AE的长.

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