当前位置:文档之家› 冀教版-英语-七上-第41课学案






1.掌握本课出现的新单词:present, international, national, festival, usually, during,mountain climb


(1) Happy New Year! (2)What do you like to do on holidays? I like to do......










1.What do you like to do on holidays/ weekends/ New Year’s Day? I like to.......

三.1.归纳总结present的不同用法。birthday present______ present his report_______ 2.归纳总结学过的节日。国际劳动节____________ 春节_______ 国庆节__________

国庆节________ 节礼节_______ 圣诞节_________ 教师节__________儿童节_______ 巩固练习:

一. 翻译下列短语:

1. 新年 ________

2. 国际劳动节_________

3. 春节_______

4. 国庆节___________

5. 圣诞节_______

6. get together with ______

7. play sports_______


9. 祝你好运_______ 10 go mountain climbing _________ 11.购物______________ 二.句型转换

1. My birthday is onOctober 11th .(划线提问) your birthday?

2. It is July 12 today .(划线提问) ______ ______ _______ today? .

3. It is Friday today .(划线提问) _____ _____ ____ it today? .

4. I like to go shopping .(划线提问) _____ ____you like to _____?

5. She likes to watch a movie on weekends.(一般疑问句)

_____ she ____ to watch a movie on weekends?

6. Happy New Year. (写出答语) _____ _____ _______. / The ____ to you!


1.June 1 is ___ . A.Children Day B. Childrens Day C. Children’s Day D. Childrens’ Day

2.We eat dumplings ____ the Spring’s Festival. A. at B. in C. about D. during

3. My father _____ to play sports on National Day. A. likes B. like C. to like D liking

4. They are talking ____ holidays in China now. A. in B. on C. to D. about

5. International workers’ Day is ___ May. A. in B. on C. during D. at

6. She would like ___ English classes. A. to have B. to has C. have D. has

7. I like _____ together with my families. A. to get B. get C. gets D.geting

8.My family___ to the zoo on weekends. A. to go B. goes C. go D.going


外研版 七年级下册英语课文全翻译.doc

Module 1 Lost and found M1U1 Whose bag is this?这是谁的书包? 李老师:欢迎大家回到学校!首先,来看看失物招领箱!里面有好多东西。这是谁的书包?玲玲:哦,对不起!是我的。我的蜡笔也在里面吗? 李老师:这些蜡笔是你的吗? 玲玲:是的,是我的,还有这块橡皮也是。谢谢你。 李老师:这些磁带是谁的? 大明:是我的。 李老师:这里有一个紫色的钱包。 托尼:它是我的。看!这里有我的名字“托尼”!谢谢。 李老师:不客气!看这块不错的表,也是你的吗,大明? 大明:不,不是。我想它是贝蒂的。 玲玲:是的,是她的。 李老师:同学们,从现在开始,请大家注意保管好自己的物品。 大明:这里有一些漂亮的手套。他们是谁的? 李老师:让我看看,哦,他们是我的!谢谢你! 2 M1U2他们是你的吗? 纽约市失物招领处 欢迎来到纽约市失物招领处。 人们在旅行时或者是匆忙之间经常会丢弃东西。 他们把东西落在飞机上、火车上、汽车上或出租车上。 那就是为什么机场和车站会设有失物招领处。 纽约市失物招领处非常大。每天会有上百人来到这里。

他们来找他们的电话机、照相机、手表、计算机和许多其他东西。 我们通常大约有两千部手机和一千部照相机。 此时此刻,在纽约市失物招领处还有一些不同寻常的东西。那里大约有一百辆自行车和一艘大船。还有许多动物。 本周有三只狗,两只鸭子和一头猪!它们是谁的?它们是你的吗?我们不知道。 你正在寻找十五公斤重的香肠吗?它们也在这里! 3 Module 2 What can you do?你会做什么? M2U1 I can play the piano.我会弹钢琴。 大明:看,本学期的新社团公布在布告栏里了。我想参加音乐社团,因为我会弹钢琴。你呢,贝蒂? 贝蒂:我喜欢烹饪,所以我能参加吃喝社团。你会做饭吗,大明? 大明:不,我不太会。嗯,我会做鸡蛋,不过仅此而已。玲玲呢?她能参加哪个社团? 贝蒂:我想她会参加舞蹈社团,因为她跳舞跳得很好。托尼,你呢? 托尼:我想参加汉语社团。我的汉语说不好。 大明:别担心你的汉语。我们可以教你汉语!所以选个你最喜欢的社团吧! 托尼:那好吧。我打乒乓球,所以我选择乒乓球社团。那是我最喜欢的。 4 Module 2 What can you do? 你会做什么? M2U2 I can run really fast. 现在是新学期的开始,我们正在选新一届的班委。 (choose: v.选择) 我想当班长。我和每个人,无论同学还是老师都相处得很融洽。 我学习刻苦,成绩优秀。我很善良,总乐于助人,甚至还能帮老师的忙。 (be ready to do sth.乐于助人) 选我做你们的班长吧,我保证会帮助你们的!


课课练初中英语七年级上册答案 当你觉得自己满怀希望,对未来充满信心,别人看到的就是有魅力,风华绝代的你。没有人可以你的高度,只有你自己可以,学好是基础。下面就是为大家梳理归纳的内容,希望能够帮助到大家。 一.1-5.CBCCA 6-10.BACAB 11-15.ABBCC 16-20.BACCA 二.1-5.BBADC 6-10.DCADC 11-15.CBACC 16-20.DDDCC 三.1- 5.BCDAA 6-10.ADBDC 11-15.CABDC 四.1-5.DCDAB 6-10.ACBBD 11-15.CDBDB 16-20.DADCB 五.1.There used to be a river in front of my house. 2.home 3.但是现在随着村子的发展,一切都发生了很大的变化。 4.Because the trees have been cut down. 5.But now,with the development of my village,everything has changed a lot.

六.1.southern 2.impossible 3.action(s) 4.taking 5.harmful 6.have taught 7.factories 8.attraction 9.marriage 10.clapped 11.development 12.Unluckily 13.natural 14.unpleasant 15.was having 七.took excited more view wonderful theme gift also enjoyed visit 一、题目略 1、mymother 2、hissisters 3、haveagoodday 4、youruncle 5、thesefriends


冀教版七年级英语上册教案全集 Lesson 1 Hello 一、Teaching content: 1. Greetings: hello, hi 2. Self-introduction: My name is… 3.Asking for others’ names: What’s your/his/her name? 二、Teaching goals 1. Understand the text 2.Remember the words: hello, name, my, your, his, her, I, is, what 3. Make sure the Ss can introduce each other in English 三、Key points: What’s your/his/her name? My /his/her name is … 四、Difficult point: What’s his/her name? 五、Preparation:A map of China and a map of Canada; some pictures of characters such as Sun Wukong, LanMao and so on. 六、Teaching aids: Recorder, pictures or cards 七、Type of the lesson: Listening and speaking 八、Teaching procedure Step 1.Warming up. Discuss the following questions with the Ss in Chinese 1. Why do we learn English? 2. Where is English spoken? 3. Do you know any English words? 4. Is English interesting? 5. Do you often come across English words? Step 2. Lead in. Discuss these questions: 1. What do you say when you meet someone? 2.Do you know what Canadians say when they meet? 3. How do you introduce yourself or someone else in Chinese? 4.Do you know how to introduce someone in English? Today we’re going to learn something about them. Do you want to know? Step 3. New lesson: No. 1 Hello/Hi, my name is 1. Presentation Pretend to meet someone. Say “Hello” or “Hi”, my name is…. Make sure the Ss can understand it. Encourage them to repeat. 2. Practice Work in pairs. Encourage the Ss to greet each other and introduce themselves. Then ask some pairs to act it out. No. 2. What’ your/his/her name 1. Presentation Say “My name is___. What’s your name?” Translate if necessary. Then repeat a few times. Encourage the Ss to follow until they can say it correctly. 2. Practice Work in chain like this: A: (to B) My name is ___. What’s your name? B: My name is ___. (to C) What’s your name? C: … Then ask some Ss to act it out. 3. Presentation and practice: What’s his/ her name? Show a picture of LAN Mao and say, “What’s his name? His name is Lan Mao”. Ask the question and help the Ss to answer. Then repeat. Work in pairs to practice the dialogue and ask some pairs to act it out.


章节:Unit 7 课题:Lesson 38:Nick’s Busy Month! 一课前回顾: 1.It is ______ (snow) in winter. 2.Jim likes r_______ days. 3.I like summer because I can wear shorts and play o___________. 4. Let’s go _____________(滑冰)。 5.We will have a meeting on ___________(星期四)afternoon. 6. As we know, __________(星期一) is the second day of a week. 7.It’s warm and rainy. (就划线部分提问) _______ is the _____________? 8.Today is Tuesday.(对划线部分提问) ______ ________ is it today? 二、教学目标: 1.掌握词汇:mark, calendar, December, best, Friday, Christmas, Sunday, sale, 接触词汇:Nike, Tony, eve, midnight 2. 词组和句子:big sales, Happy New Year! Boxing Day, count down 三、教学过程 (一) 听力写 I am marking my calendar and I can see…___________ is a very _______ month for ______. My best friend Tony’s birthday is on ___________, December 6. And my birthday is on __________, December 9. I have two birthday ___________ in one week. (二)Learning notes 1.On Christmas eve, I have a big dinner with my family and eat lots of good food.在圣诞前夕,我们总是会和家人一起享受一顿盛宴。 eve常用来表示“重大节日的前夜,前夕”。例如:Christmas eve圣诞前夕,New Year’s eve新年前夕,Lunar New Year’s Eve (除夕) 2. Many stores have big sales.很多商店都有大的促销活动。 sale 是名词,表示“出售,促销”。 3. And just before midnight, all of us count down---- three, two, one在午夜之前,我们所有的人都在倒计时,三,二,一。 count down表示“倒读数”。 四、课堂小结 五、课堂检测: 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子 1.Do you have a ____________( 日历表)for us, Lily? 2. My friends and I like ___________(圣诞节)very much. 3. My birthday is ___________(十二月) 20th. 4. _____________(星期五) comes after Thursday. 5. My favourite day is ___________(星期日) 六课下作业: 基础题: 1. Happy New Year______ you, Dad and mum!

七年级英语上册课课练 Unit 7

七年级英语上册课课练 Unit 7 主备人刘彦平审核人王爱琴第 1 课时 Ⅰ.单词检测 1.毛衣______ 2.裙子______ 3.颜色_______ 4. 价格______ 5.任何人______ 6.每个_______ Ⅱ.用划线词的反义词填空 7.Bring your math book here and ________ away your exercise books. 8.I like short hair. I don’t lik e ________ hair. 9.My shoes are too old. I want to buy ________ ones. 10.The store sells school things. You can ________ some coloured pencils there. 11.I think this book is very easy and that book is very ________. 12.Watching TV is too boring. But playing sports is very ________. 13.His first name is John and his ________ name is Green. 14.The shirt is too big for me. Give me a ________ one, please. 15.The blackboard is black. The words on it are ________. Ⅲ.用英文数字填空 16.four + eight = ___________ 17.seven + eight= ___________ 18.thirteen + seven = __________ _ 19.fourteen + sixteen = ___________ 20.seventy - fourteen = ___________ 21.eighty - sixteen = ___________ 22.sixty - thirteen = ___________ 23.eighty - forty= ___________ 24.forty-eight - twelve= ___________ 25.ninety + five = ___________ Ⅳ.将下列短语译成英语 26.各种颜色的___________ 27.运动包___________ 28.亲自___________ 29.看一看___________ 30.出售___________ 31.价格合理___________ 32.服装店___________ 33.到达___________ 34.愿意……便宜___________ 35.不只这些___________


Lesson 43 Directions 一.选择题(共16小题) 1.Tom, Where's your book ? ——I think it's in my____room. A.grandparent B.grandparents C.grandparents'D.grandparents's 2.Mrs Wang is very kind.We all like ____. A.it B.her C.him D.them 3.Can you ________ your city on the map? Yes.I see it. A.look B.watch C.read D.see 4.Gansu is ________ the west of China. A.on B.in C.at D.to 5.Don't ________ these words while(当…时候)you are reading.A.point at B.point over C.point down D.point up 6.We can see China is red ________ the map. A.in B.on C.at D./ 7.Russia(俄罗斯)is ________ of China and Japan(日本)is ________ of China. A.north;west B.west;south C.north;east D.east;south 8.________ the picture on the wall.

A.Look B.Look at C.To look D.To look at 9.You had better not point ________ anyone ________ your chopsticks.It's not polite . A.at;by B.at;with C.to;by D.out;with 10.I often get lost when I go somewhere new.I have a bad sense of ________. A.direction B.smile C.fun D.problem 11.Heilongjiang is ________ the north of Beijing. A.in B.on C.to D.at 12.Let's have a look at the countries ________ the world on the map.A.all B.around C.over D.to 13.I think a compass needle ________ north. A.points B.pointing C.point D.are pointing 14.This is a map ________ China.Let's ________ it. A.from;see B.of;look C.of;look at D.from;watch at 15.The sun comes up in the ________. A.east B.west C.south D.north 16.What's your plan for your holiday? We ________ to Hong Kong for a visit. A.flew B.fly C.will fly D.flies


v1.0 可编辑可修改 《新概念英语》第一册第43课Hurry up! 快点! 【课文】PENNY: Can you make the tea, Sam SAM: Yes, of course I can, Penny. SAM: Is there any water in this kettle PENNY: Yes, there is. SAM: Where's the tea PENNY: It's over there, behind the teapot. PENNY: Can you see it SAM: I can see the teapot, but I can't see the tea. PENNY: There it is! It's in front of you! SAM: Ah yes, I can see it now. SAM: Where are the cups PENNY: There are some in the cupboard. PENNY: Can you find them SAM: Yes. Here they are. PENNY: Hurry up, Sam! The kettle's boil ing! 【课文翻译】彭妮:你会沏茶吗,萨姆 萨姆:会的,我当然会,彭妮。 萨姆:这水壶里有水吗 彭妮:有水。 萨姆:茶叶在哪儿 彭妮:就在那儿,茶壶后面。 彭妮:你看见了吗 萨姆:茶壶我看见了,但茶叶没看到。 彭妮:那不是么!就在你眼前。 萨姆:噢,是啊,我现在看到了。 萨姆:茶杯在哪儿呢 彭妮:碗橱里有几只。 彭妮:你找得到吗萨姆:找得到。就在这儿呢。 彭妮:快,萨姆。水开了! Lesson 45 The boss's letter 老板的信 THE BOSS: Can you come here a minute please, Bob BOB: Yes, sir THE BOSS: Where's Pamela BOB: She's next door. She's in her office, sir. THE BOSS: Can she type this letter for me Ask her please. BOB: Yes, sir. BOB: Can you type this letter for the boss please, Pamela PAMELA: Yes, of course I can. BOB: Here you are. PAMELA: Thank you, Bob. PAMELA: Bob! BOB: Yes What's the matter. PAMELA: I can't type this letter. PAMELA: I can't read it! The boss's handwriting is terrible! 参考译文 老板:请你来一下好吗鲍勃 鲍勃: 什么事,先生 老板:帕梅拉在哪儿 鲍勃: 她在隔壁,在她的办公室里,先生。 老板:她能为我打一下这封信吗请问她。 鲍勃: 好的,先生。 鲍勃: 请你把这封信给老板打一下可以吗, 帕梅拉 帕梅拉:可以,当然可以。 鲍勃: 给你这信。 帕梅拉:谢谢你,鲍勃。 帕梅拉:鲍勃! 鲍勃: 怎么了怎么回事 帕梅拉:我打不了这封信。 帕梅拉:我看不懂这封信, 老板的书写太糟糕了! lesson 47 MRS YOUNG: Do you like coffee, Mrs Price MRS PRICE: Yes, I do. MRS YOUNG: Do you want a cup MRS PRICE: Yes, please. Mrs Young. MRS YOUNG: Do you want any sugar MRS PRICE: Yes, please. MRS YOUNG: Do you want any milk MRS PRICE: No, thank you. I don't like milk in my like black coffee. MRS YOUNG: Do you like biscuits MRS PRICE: Yes, I do. MRS YOUNG: Do you want one MRS PRICE: Yes, please. 参考译文 克里斯廷:你喜欢咖啡吗,安


Starter Unit1 Good morning! 课课练测 Section A Ⅰ写出下列字母的左邻右舍,注意字母的大小写: 1、 B 2、 d 3、 f 4、 E 5、 C 6、G Ⅱ按要求写出字母的大小写 1、英语字母表中的第5个字母是。 2、字母A—H中能独立成词的字母是。 Ⅲ按要求完成下面问题 1、按字母表顺序排列下列大写字母 D C E H G B F 2、按字母表顺序写出以下字母的小写形式 Ⅳ单项选择题: ()1、将下列字母按其在字母表中的顺序排列,错误的是 A、DEF B、ABC C、ADF D、CFD ()2、在字母A—H中,两个元音字母是 A、AC B、BE C、AE D、EH ()3、表示铅笔笔芯“硬黑”的字母是 A、HB B、CD C、BBC D、IBM

()4、/si:/是下面哪个字母的发音 A、Bb B、Cc C、Dd D、Ee ()5、—Hello Jim! —,Li Ming! A、Good B、How C、Hello D、Ok ()6、当你在吃过晚饭后遇见老师时,应该怎样打招呼? A、Good morning! B、Good afternoon! C、Good evening! D、Good night! ()7、当你的同学问候你时说:“Good afternoon!” 你的回答应是“!” A、Good morning! B、Good afternoon! C、Good evening! D、Good night! Ⅴ从B栏中找出A栏各句的答语 A B ()1、Good morning ,Eric! A、Good afternoon, Bob! ()2、Good evening,Cindy! B、Good morning, Frank! ()3、Hello, Helen! C、Good evening, Dale! ()4、Good afternoon, Grace! D、Hi, Alice! Ⅵ根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 1、G morning Bruce! 2、Good a , Amy! 3、Good e , Alice!

新冀教版七年级英语上册Unit8 Lesson 43 Directions 精品教案

Unit8 Lesson 43 Directions 精品教案 1.单元及课文分析 本单元的主要内容是谈论中国以及一些以英语为母语的国家的概况。旨在通过听力、对话练习、讨论、游戏等活动形式帮助学生了解几个以英语为第一语言的国家的地理位置、国旗、标志性建筑物、特有动物、自然景观等主要情况;同时,复习本册书所学到的特殊疑问句,这也是本单元的语法重点;本单元的写作任务是能用简短的语言介绍本国或某个以英语为母语的国家的概况。 Class opening Teacher: Good morning, class. S: Good morning, teacher. T: Now please let’s sing a song “How are you”. (师生齐唱歌曲How are you.) (设计思路:通过唱歌营造一种轻松愉快的课堂气氛,使他们很快地投入到课堂中) Ask and answer(师生问答,检查) T: What day is it today? What’s the weather like today? Do you like the Spring Festival? When is the Spring Festival? (设计思路:通过师生问答练习口语,为引入新课做准备) 检查完后,引入新课. T: Ok, My little friends. Today we’ll learn Lesson 43 “Directions” Step1: At first. Please look at the screen.(出示一张地图) T: This is a map.(教师领读, 学生跟读map)


冀教版英语七年级上册重点知识总结 Unit 1 四会:Canada four five over around classroom office lab eraser wall OK two three later thing list ten six seven one nine eight classmate plan guess may borrow need student show fun first excuse store 三会:thanks home room visiting 常考短语:be from=come from over there have lessons/have classes have fun=have a good time=enjoy oneself good morning show …around play sports shopping list make a plan (for…) go first borrow …from… homeroom teacher visiting student guessing game 经典句型:What’s your name ? My name is Wang Mei.=I’m Wang Mei. How are you? I’m fine, and you? Excuse me. May I have a book,Jenny? What about your new school?(what about doing sth) Nice to do sth. plan to do sth. have fun doing sth. It’s one’s turn (to do sth.take turns to do sth. need sth./ need to do sth. want sth./want to do sth./want sb. to do sth. how to do sth与what to do tell sb sth =tell sth to sb /tell sb (not)to do sth introduce sb to sb/introduce oneself(to sb) Let sb do sth Sb be in +班级/年级


Unit 2 What time do you go to school? Section A 2a— 2d(P8) * 教师寄语:No man can do two things at once. 一心不可二用。 【学习目标】【学习重点】: 1. 熟练掌握本课单词和短语. 2. 学会谈论自己及他人的日常生活及日常作息习惯,并能合理安排. 【体验学习】: 用适当的词填空,补全下面的短文: My Day I usually _____ ____(起床)at 6:30. I have breakfast ______ (在) seven o’clock . After breakfast, I ______ ____ _____(洗澡)and then I ____ ___ ____(上学)at 7:30. I get to school at 7:40. I have five classes in the morning. And then I ______ _____ (吃午饭) at 12:00. In the afternoon, I have two classes. I ____ ______(回家)at 6:20. I get home at 6:30 p.m. I ______ _______(吃晚饭)at about 7:00. After dinner, I do my homework(做作业). I go to bed(睡觉)at 10:00. I am very busy(繁忙的)and happy every day. 【课堂导学】: 学习任务一:完成活动2a 1.听录音,完成2a中的句子。 2.再听一遍录音,自己核实答案。 3.小组相互核对答案,检查所听结果。 4.小组为单位,谈论对话中的内容。 学习任务二:完成活动2b。 1.听录音,完成时间表。 2.再听一遍录音,自己核实答案。 3.小组相互核对答案,检查所听结果。 4.小组为单位,谈论2b中的内容。 eg. A:What time does Bob take a shower? B:She takes a shower at 5:30. 学习任务三:完成2c部分。 1.以小组为单位, 编新对话。 2.小组竞赛,展示新对话。 学习任务四:完成2d部分。 1.要求学生边读对话边翻译。 2.学生质疑,师生共同解惑。 3.教师领读或听录音带跟读课文。 4. 学生大声朗读并背诵课文。 【自主检测】: I、精挑细选 1. Scott has _____ interesting job. A. an B. a C. /


2017-2018冀教版英语七上Lesson 43同步测试题(基础)及(解析)答案 Lesson 43Directions基础同步练习 一、单项选择 1.Can you help me buy ________ map? I need one. A.a B.an C.the D./ 2.Miss Smith is very kind. We all like ________. A.it B.her C.him D.them 3.Let's look at the countries ________ the world on the map. A.all B.around C.over D.to 4.Harbin is ________ the north of Beijing. A.in B.on C.to D.at 5.Don't point ________ anyone ________ your chopsticks. It's not polite (礼貌的). A.at; by B.at; with C.to; by D.out; with 6.Russia(俄罗斯)is ________ of China and Japan(日本) is ________ of China. A.north; west B.west; south C.north; east D.east; south 7.—Where's the map? —I think it's in your ________ room. A.grandparent B.grandparents C.grandparents' D.grandparents's


章节:Unit 6 Seasons 课题:Lesson 33课型:新授课 一课前回顾: 1) Mr Smith enjoys________( play) basketball at weekends. 2) Don’t forget________(give) me a letter 3)He I going to ______ (write) an email to his cousin in Canada.. 4)What a hot day! Look, Sam _______(swim) in the river.. 5)The worker looks _______ (tire) . 6)Welcome to the hotel and I hope you’ll have a good time d_______ your stay here. 7)The flower smells g________and I like it very much. 8)W _______a nice day it is today.. 9)She is w _______ her uniforms at school today. 10) The car is waiting f __________us there. 二、学习目标 词汇:temperature, pie, clap, happily, 短语及句型:It’s a good season for 语法:一般现在时态 三、教学过程 1.On weekends, my family goes to the farm and picks apples On weekends为固定词组,意为“在周末”在使用中注意三种不同的表达方法on weekends ,at weekends, on the weekend(s)在特指的某个周末 I often go to visit my aunt______ ______ .我常在周末去看望我姑母 2 It is a great season for apple picking. It is a great season for……意为“对……是个好季节”,for后面可以接名词或动名词 It is a great season for_______ 它是个钓鱼的好季节 It is a great season for ________ _________,远足是个好季节。 3 How fun it is! 感叹句的另一种构成方法,构成方式为:How +形容词或副词+(主语+谓语)! How ______the apple is好大的苹果啊 _______ _______it rains!雨下的好大啊! 四.课堂小结 五. 课堂检测 1 We are_________(excite)to hear the important news 2 I want to buy two________(scarf). 3 The weather in South China is __________(different) from that in North China. 4 We are playing__________ (happy)on the playground. 5 It’s bad for us __________ ____(eat)too much junk food 课下作业 I给词填空(temperature, excite, happy, sun, leaf) 1)They danced______ . 2)He left on a _______day . 3)We are_______ at our vocation. 4The _______will stay above zero in the daytime. 5) The________start to fall in fall 二.单项选择


教师:Jenny 学生:David 日期: 2012.11.29 星期:五 时段:19:00-21:00 课题 Lesson 43 Hurry up ! 学情分析 根据他们学习的快,上的内容新颖活泼激发他们兴趣,同时复习巩固旧知识来防止遗忘。 教学目标与 考点分析 1. 巩固41,42课的知识点和句型 2. 教会学生43课的词汇和课文里的表达 3. 和学生一起演示复述课文 4. 重要语法点:情态动词can 的用法 教学重点 难点 教学重点:1.巩固41,42课的知识点和句型 2.教会学生43课的词汇和课文里的表达 3.和学生一起演示复述课文 4.重要语法点:情态动词can 的用法 教学难点:情态动词can 句型的转换 教学方法 讲授法、练习法、互动法 教学过程 Lesson 43 Hurry up ! Step1. Warm-up 1. Greeting 2. Sing a song “Ten little fingers ”复习一下可数名词复数及不可数名词复数 3. 巩固42课,复习一下单词和there be 句型 Step2.Presentation 一.New Word and expressions 生词和短语: of course 当然 kettle n. 水壶 behind prep.在……后面 teapot n. 茶壶 now adv. 现在,此刻 find v. 找到 boil v . 沸腾,开 词汇解析: 龙文教育个性化辅导授课案 ggggggggggggangganggang 纲

--Can you sing English song for us? --Yes. --Can I skate? --Yes, you can. --Can she climb the hills? --Yes, she can./ No, she can’t. c.特殊疑问句型: A:who+can+动词原形+其它 例如: --Who can sing in English in your class? --Lily can. B:特殊疑问词(作定语)+名词+can+主语+加动词原形加+其它特殊疑问词how many / how much --How many boats can you see in the river?


新人教版七年级上册英语第七单元精选练习题附答案 Unit 7How much are these socks? 第一课时Section A(1a~2e) 01基础过关 Ⅰ.根据句意及图片提示填写单词。 (1题图) (2题图) (3题图) (4题图) (5题图) 1.His brother's ________ are black. 2.The red ________ is Mike's.It's very nice. 3.Sally's yellow ________ are on the sofa. 4.What color is your brother's ________,Alan? 5.That green ________ is only 15 dollars. Ⅱ.根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。 6.The ________(鞋) are very nice.I like them. 7.—Can I help you? —Yes. I ________(需要) a bag for school. 8.Jack,do you know the two ________(女子)? 9.We will ________(买下) two red cups. 10.I don't like the small T-shirt.I like the ________(大号的) one. Ⅲ.单项选择。 ()11.-How about this blue skirt? -It's too________.I want a long one. A.big B.tall C.short D.fat ()12.My T-shirt ________ blue and my shorts ________ black. A.is;is B.are;are C.are;is D.is;are ()13.—________ is that jacket? —________ 80 dollars. A.How much;It's B.How much;They're C.What color;It's

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