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三年级语文周清测试题(5)) 姓名 1.读拼音,写词语。 2.读句子,用“√”标出加点字的正确读音。 (1)小娟的字写得匀称(chēng chèn)美观,受到很多人的称 (chēng chèn)赞。 (2)小虫在蜘蛛网上挣(zhēng zhèng)扎着,却怎么也挣(zhēng zhèng)脱不了。 (3)看着妹妹撒(sǎsā)娇的样子,妈妈不禁(jīn jìn)笑了 起来。 3.词语巧填空。 (1)把下列词语补充完整。 自相( )( ) ( )( )盗铃杞( )忧( ) 邯郸( )( ) 画( )添( ) ( )( )蛇影(2)照样子,写词语。

①源源不断(AABC式)_________ _________ __________ ②无忧无虑(ABAC式)_________ __________ __________ _____________________________________________________ 4.根据下面提供的信息写一份通知。 (1)会议时间:5月20日下午一点; (2)参会人员:各中队中队长; (3)会议地点:少先队大队部; (4)事情:参加“六一”联欢会的预备会; (5)出通知时间:5月15日; (6)出通知单位:少先队大队部。 5、课本直通车 (1).《守株待兔》是一篇________故事,这个成语的意思是__ ______________________________,这个故事告诉我们____ __________________________________________________。(2).《鹿角和鹿腿》选自《________________》。__________ __差点送了鹿的命,这个故事告诉我们:________________ _________________________________________________。6、阅读检阅台


第三周九年级数学周测(2017年9月20日) 班级__________ 姓名__________ 分数_____________ 一、选择题:(每小题3分,共30分) 1.下列函数中是二次函数的是( ) A .21y x = B . 21y x =+ C . 231 22 y x x =+ D . 245y x =-+ 2.函数22y mx x m =+- (m 为常数)的图象与x 轴的交点有( ) A . 0个 B .1个 C .2个 D .1个或2个 3.抛物线y =x 2 –2x –3 的对称轴和顶点坐标分别是( ) A .直线x =1,(1,-4) B .直线x =1,(1,4) C .直线x =-1,(-1,4) D .直线x =-1,(-1,-4) 4.把抛物线2 y x =-向左平移1个单位,然后向上平移3个单位,则平移后抛物线的表达式是( ) A .2 (1)3y x =--+ B . 2 (1)3y x =-++ C .2(1)3y x =--- D . 2 (1)3y x =-+- 5.函数2 ax y =与b ax y +=(0a ≠,b<0)在同一坐标系中的大致图象为( ) 6.如图,已知抛物线c bx x y ++=2的对称轴为2=x , 点A ,B 均在抛物线上,且AB 与x 轴平行, 其中点A 的坐标为(0,3),则点B 的坐标为 ( ) A .(2,3) B .(3,2) C .(3,3) D .(4,3) 7.已知函数222--=x x y 的图象如图所示,根据其中提供的信息, 可求得使y ≥1成立的x 的取值范围是 ( ) A .-1≤x ≤3 B . -3≤x <1 C . x ≥-3 D . x ≥3 或x ≤-1 8.二次函数2y x ax b =++中,若0a b +=,则它的图象必经过点( ) A . (—1,—1) B . (1,—1) C . (1,1) D . ( —1,1) 9. 已知二次函数772--=x kx y 的图象与x 轴有两个交点,则k 的取值范围为( ) A .47->k B .47 >k C .4 7 ->k 且0≠k D .0>k 10. 已知抛物线y=x 2-4x+3与x 轴相交于A.B (A 在B 左侧),顶点为M ,平移该抛物线,使点M 平移后对应点M ’落在x 轴上,点B 平移后的对应点B ’落在y 轴上,则平移后的抛物线解析式为( ) A.y=x 2+2x+1 B.y=x 2+2x-1 C.y=x 2-2x+1 D.y=x 2-2x-1 二、填空题:(每小题3分,共24分) 11.二次函数24(1)3y x =-+的图象的顶点坐标是 ,开口方向 . 12.二次函数y =222k kx x ++的图象与x 轴的一个交点坐标为(2-,0),则k 的值是 . 13.已知二次函数的图象开口向下,且与y 轴的正半轴相交,请你写出一个满足条件的二次函数表达 第7题 O x y A x = 2 B


完形阅读周周练 Test 1 Push! At midnight Peter was awakened by heavy knocks on the rolled over and looked at his __1__,and it was half past one.“I’m not getting __2__ at this time,”he __3__,and rolled over. Then,a __4__ knock followed.“Aren’t you going to __5__ that”said his wife. So he dragged himself out of bed and went opened the door and there was a man __6__ at the didn’t take Peter long to__7__the man was drunk. “Hi,there,”slurred(嘟囔) the stranger.“Can you give me a push” ` “No,get ’s half past was __8__.”Peter said and slammed the door. He went back __9__to bed and told his wife what had happened. She said,“That wasn’t very __10__of that night we had a__11__ in the pouring rain on the way home and you had to __12__that man’s house to get our car __13__again What would have happened if he’d told __14__to get lost” “But the guy was __15__,”said Peter. “It doesn’t matter,”said the wife.“He needs help__16__ it would be the Christian thing to help him.” So Peter went out of bed again, got dressed, and went opened the door,and not being able to see the stranger anywhere he shouted,“Hey,do you still want a __17__” And he heard a __18__cry out“Yeah,please.” So,still being unable to see the stranger he shouted,“__19__are you” The drunk replied,“Here,on the__20__.” 、 1.B.clock C.wife D.window 2. of bed B.out of the house C.down to work D.into trouble 3.B.explained C.replied D.thought 4.B.louder C.longer D.angrier @ 5.B.stop C.answer D.refuse 6.B.lying C.knocking D.looking 7.B.show C.realize D.doubt 8. bed B.in surprise C.at home D.at work ) 9.B.up C.inside D.home 10.B.foolish C.typical D.generous 11. time B.quarrel C.fight D.breakdown 12. to B.pass by


八年级上学期英语第一次周清试题 班级__________ 姓名_________ 一. 完形填空题(本大题共10个小题,每小题1分,共10分) We all know that reading is quite important in __1__ English. So pleasure(快乐)reading becomes more popular __2__ us. Pleasure reading is to read something for pleasure. Some students don’t want to do this. They think it’s not helpful and only want to __3__ the rules of the language and new words. In fact some experts(专家)on languages say that pleasure reading __4__ people learn many important things __5__ English. It can help students learn more grammar, new words and more about good writing. Pleasure reading can help each student in a __6__ way. Each student needs to learn __7__. Reading for pleasure makes __8__ possible for each student to learn what he or she wants to know. Reading for pleasure is __9__ studying. There are no __10__ on your pleasure reading books. And you just need to enjoy your reading. In a word, pleasure reading is the best way to make you become a better reader. 1. A. learning B. learned C. learns D. to learn 2. A. with B. in C. at D. on 3. A. have B. obey C. make D. learn 4. A. helping B. helped C. helps D. to help 5. A. for B. of C. in D. about 6. A. difficult B. different C. simple(简单的) D. good 7. A. something different B. different something C. anything different D. different anything 8. A. him B. it C. them D. this 9. A. the same to B. the same as C. not the same as D. not the same to 10. A. jobs B. ideas C. ways D. tests 二. 阅读理解题(本大题共5个小题,每小题2分,共10分) Many students feel it difficult to remember new words when they study English. Now I will give you some advice. Don’t waste time in learning English words. How do you learn to speak Chinese? You did it by listening carefully to other people. You must find radio programmes, TV programmes and records, and listen to them carefully. The best way to learn all new words is through your ears. As you listen to more and more dialogues(对话), you will learn how English is pronounced. Also you must learn how words are put together and why some words in English are emphasized(加强语气). Some people knew that they can learn the names of everyday objects such as box, bottle, cup, desk, chair and so on. And they write the names of the objects; they


三年级英语第二模块周清题 听力部分 一、根据你所听到的录音,给下列图片排列顺序。 ____________ _________ ______________ _____________ ____________ _____________ 二、听录音,选择你所听到的单词或句子,将其标号填入题前括号内。()1、A、favourite B、kite C、fish ()2、A、kite B、cat C、car ( ) 3、A、doll B、computer C、dog ()4、A、fish B、ship C、nose ( ) 5、A、panda B、elephant C、tiger ()6、A、What’s your favourite song? B、What’s your favourite color? C、What’s your favourite toy? ()7、A、It’s an elephant. B、It’s a panda.

C、They ‘re lions. ()8、A、This is a tall tree. B、This is a short tree. C、This is a thin monkey. 笔试部分 一、写出下列单词的反义词。 1、big_____ 2、tall_____ 3、fat______ 4、thin _____ 5、short_____ 6、small______- 二、连连看。 1、tiger 2、lion 3、monkey 4、panda

5、tree 6、elephant 三、选择填空。 ( ) 1、------ What's this? ------______a tiger. A、It's B、it C、its ( ) 2、------What are they? ------ _______monkeys. A、It's B、They is C、They're ( ) 3、It's _____ elephant. A、a B、an C、the ( ) 4、This lion is thin. That lion is_____. A、fat B、thin C、tall 听力材料 一、根据你所听到的录音,给下列图片排列顺序。 panda tree elephant monkey tiger lion 二、听录音,选择你所听到的单词或句子,将其标号填入题前括号内。


十五周九年级数学上册周周清 班级 姓名 得分 一.选择题(3515?=分) 1. Rt △ABC 中,∠C=90°,已知cosA=,那么tanA 等于 ( ) A . B . C . D . 2.△ABC 中,a 、b 、c 分别是∠A 、∠B 、∠C 的对边,如果a 2+b 2=c 2,那么下列结论正确 的是 ( ) A .bcosB=c B .csinA=a C .atanA=b D . 3.(2015南通)如图,在平面直角坐标系中,直线OA 过点(2,1),则tanα的值是( ) A .5 B C .12 D .2 4.(2015乐山)如图,已知△ABC 的三个顶点均在格点上, 则cosA 的值为 ( ) A B C D 5.(2015崇左)如图,在Rt △ABC 中,∠C=90°,AB=13,BC=12,则 下列三角函数表示正确的是 ( ) A .sinA= 1213 B .cosA=1213 C .tanA=512 D .tanB=125 二.填空题(3515?=分) 6.计算:2020cos 45sin 45+= 。 7.在△ABC 中,若角A ,B 满足2cos (1tan )0A B +-=,则∠C= 8.在Rt △ABC 中,∠C=90°,sinA=,则tanA= . 9.(2015桂林)如图,在Rt △ABC 中,∠ACB=90°,AC=8,BC=6,CD ⊥AB ,垂足为D ,则sin ∠BCD 的值是 10.如图,当小杰沿坡度i=1:2坡面由B 到A 行走了 AC= 米.(可以用根号表示)

三.解答题(共3个小题,共20分) 11.计算:(4×2=8分) (1)0020 14sin302cos60tan 60-+- (2000145sin60(2)--+-g 12.如图,在△ABC 中,∠BAC=Rt ∠,AB=AC=4,D 为边AC 的中点,DE ⊥BC 于点E ,连接BD ,求tan ∠DBC 的值 (5分) 13.如图,AD 是△ABC 的中线,tanB=,cosC= ,AC=.求: (1)BC 的长;(4分) (2)sin ∠ADC 的值.(3分)


吉林省长春市实验中学高二英语周周练(7)新人教版 I.单项填空 1? _______ , I think, and you will settle the problem. A. So long as you keep up your spirits B ? If you make your effort C ? Making great efforts D ? A bit more effort 2? The football player had __________ gift for football when he was a child ? Now he is _____________ second to none in the football field ? A. the; the B ? the; a C ? a; the D ? a; / 3? To our disappointment, the trip we had been looking forward to ________ in the pouring rain ? A ? starting B ? start C ? to start D ? started 4?一 _________ you called yesterday evening? —My sister .Why? A ? Who it is that B ? Who is it that C ? Who was it that D ? Who it was that 5? 一Why didn ,t you come to the cinema with us last Saturday? 一Oh, sorry .But I ________ the film ? A. see B ? saw C ? have seen D ? had seen 6? Li Na returned to Wuhan after the Games? _____________ , as is known to us, she had been brought up and trained to be a gold medalist of tennis ? A ? when B ? that C ? there D ? where 7? Do you think that bridge __________ 2,000 meters long? It doesn* t appear _________ long ? A. measures; that B ? is measured; so C ? is measured; such D ? measures; much 8? Look at the sweat on her face.She ___________ the house since she got up this morning ? A. is cleaning B ? has been cleaned C ? was cleaning D ? has been cleaning 9? The research mainly deals with the difficulty the students have _______________ their attention on their study all the time ? A. to focus B ? to be focused C ? focusing D ? focused 10? It's wise of you to _________ your father* s advice when you come to any difficulty ? A. ask B ? seek C ? try D ? attempt 11 ? Their mother ________ dinner at the kitchen when a quarrel _____________ among the children ? A ? was preparing : was broken out B ? prepared : was broken out C ? was preparing : broke out D ? prepared : broke out 12? It has been announced recently that all the schools ______________ not have the students attend school if the students have high temperatures. A. need B ? shall 13. —Mom, may I play — ________ ! Dad A. Help yourself 14. He lost both of his parents in the big earthquake, but kind couple adopted him and took good care of him. C ? could D ? ought to computer games just for a while? is writing his paper ? B ? It's up to you C ? Behave yourself D ? Go ahead for him,


八年级英语周清试卷 Ⅰ. 单项选择(30分) ( )1. I _______ a museum with my friends at this time yesterday. A. am visiting B. was visiting C. visited D. will visit ( )2. He is _______ small _______ to school. A. too; to go B. can’t; go C. too; go D. so; to go ( )3. Many people read newspapers on the train to _______ the time in Britain. A. save B. waste C. pass D. take ( )4. It was raining hard _______ I got up this morning. A. if B. when C. after D. until ( )5. —Look! The girl is playing with a snake. —How _______ she is! A. brave B. happy C. strong D. excited ( )6. The old man died _______ a cold snowy night. A. in B. on C. at D. over ( )7. —You look very sa d. What’s wrong? —It’s OK. There is _______. A. something serious B. serious something C. nothing serious D. serious nothing ( )8. “Now I told you a secret,”he said to me _______ a low voice. A. with B. at C. in D. use ( )9. —Which team _______ the match, Team One or Team Two? —Team One _______ Team Two. A. won; won B. beat; beat C. beat; won D. won; beat ( )10. I feel tired, but I don’t want to stop _______. A. work B. to work C. works D. working ( )11.—Hello,may I speak to Ken? —_______She’s in the next room now. A.Yes,please. B.Who are you? C.Hold the line,please. D.Yes,I’m ken


三年级英语下册第九模块周清题 听力部分 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或句子。 ()1、A、have B、five C、has ()2、A、have got B、has got C、got ()3、A、sweater B、shirt C、T-shirt ()4、A、present B、sing C、eat ()5、A、by car B、by bike C、on foot ()6、A、Tom has got a blue T-shirt. B、Tom has got a blue sweater. C、Tom have got a blue T-shirt. ()7、A、Ms smart goes to work by car. B、Mr smart goes to work by car . C、Ling ling goes to school by bike. ()8、A、Ling ling goes to school by bike. B、Ling ling walk to school. C、Ling ling walks to school. 二、根据你所听到的录音,给下面的图片排列正确的序号。 1、 ———————————————————

2、 ———————————————————— 笔试部分 一、选择填空。 ()1、It’s a book ______ sports. A、about B、for C、to ( ) 2、I ______ a book about animals. A、have got B、have C、got ( )3、Amy _______ a new skirt. A、have got B、has got C、having ( ) 4、Mr. smart goes to work ______ car. A、on B、by C、at ()5、Lingling goes to school _____ foot. A、on B、in C、by 二、看一看,读一读,为下面的问句选择正确的答案。 1、Have you got a book? ________ 2、Has Sam got a T-shirt? ________ 3、Do you like monkeys?_________ 4、Does Lingling like apples?________

九年级数学下学期第10周周清试卷(含解析) 新人教版

2015-2016学年广东省河源市中英文实验学校九年级(下)第10周 周清数学试卷 一、选择题(每小题5分,共40分) 1.平行四边形、矩形、菱形、正方形都具有的是() A.对角线互相平分B.对角线互相垂直 C.对角线相等D.对角线互相垂直且相等 2.两条对角线相等且互相垂直平分的四边形是() A.平行四边形B.矩形 C.菱形 D.正方形 3.菱形具有而矩形不一定具有的性质是() A.内角和等于360°B.对角相等 C.对边平行且相等D.对角线互相垂直 4.下列判断正确的是() A.有一个角是直角的四边形是矩形 B.有三个角是直角的四边形是矩形 C.两条对角线互相平分的四边形是矩形 D.两条对角线互相垂直的四边形是矩形 5.菱形的边长为5,一条对角线长为8,则此菱形的面积是() A.24 B.30 C.40 D.48 6.如图,菱形ABCD中,对角线AC、BD相交于点O,H为AD边中点,菱形ABCD的周长为28,则OH的长等于() A.3.5 B.4 C.7 D.14

7.如图.矩形纸片ABCD中,已知AD=8,折叠纸片使AB边与对角线AC重合,点B落在点F处,折痕为AE,且EF=3.则AB的长为() A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6 8.如图,在四边形ABCD中,对角线AC、BD相交于点O,若AO=C0=BO=DO,AC⊥BD,则四边形ABCD的形状是() A.平行四边形B.矩形 C.菱形 D.正方形 二、填空题(每小题5分,共30分) 9.已知矩形ABCD中,AB=8,AD=6,点M、N分别是对角线BD和边BC上的动点,则CM+MN的最小值为______. 10.如图所示,两个全等菱形的边长为1厘米,一只蚂蚁由点A开始按ABCDEFCGA的顺序沿菱形的边循环运动,行走2016厘米后停下,则这只蚂蚁停在点______. 11.如图,P为正方形ABCD内一点,PA=1,PB=2,PC=3,则∠APB=______.12.如图,O是矩形ABCD的对角线AC的中点,M是AD的中点.若AB=5,AD=12,则四边形ABOM的周长为______. 13.如图,把一张矩形纸片ABCD沿对角线BD折叠,使C点落在C′,且BC′与AD交于E点,若∠ABE=40°,则∠ADB=______. 14.如图,在正方形ABCD中,点E是AD边的中点,F是CD边上一点,且∠EBF=45°,则tan∠EFB的值为______.


高二英语周练Dec.18 命制人:单晓玲审核人:审核组 一、完型填空 In a village near Nuremberg lived a family with eighteen children. Merely to keep food on the table, the goldsmith father worked eighteen hours a day. Despite their 1 condition, two of Durer's children had a dream to seek their talent for 2 , but they knew well their father would never be able to send 3 of them to Nuremberg to study at the Academy. The two boys finally worked out an agreement. They would toss(扔)a coin. The 4 would work in the nearby mines to support his brother. Albrecht Durer __5 the toss and went off to Nuremberg. Albert went into the dangerous mines and, for the next four years, financed his brother, 6 work at the academy was almost an 7 success. Albrecht's woodcuts and oils were 8 better than those of his professors and he soon was earning considerable fees 9 his works. When the young 10 returned home, the Durer family held a festive dinner. Albrecht rose to toast to his beloved brother, "Now, Albert, it is your 11 to seek your dream. I will support you." All heads turned to the far end of the table, 12 Albert sat, tears streaming down his pale face, while he sobbed and repeated, "No ...no." Finally, Albert rose and 13 the tears from his cheeks.He said softly, "I cannot go to Nuremberg, brother. It is too late for me. Look 14 four years in the mines have done to my hands! The bones in every finger have been smashed at least once, and I cannot even hold a glass to 15 your toast." Today, Albrecht Durer's masterful works 16 in every great museum in the world, but chances are great 17 you, like most people, are familiar with only one of them. Albrecht Durer drew his brother's abused hands with palms together and thin fingers stretched skyward. He 18 it "The Praying Hands." Next time you see that touching creation, take 19 second look. Let it be your reminder, if you still need one, that no one ever makes it 20 ! 1. A. hopeful B. lucky C. disappointed D. hopeless 2. A. music B. farming C. mining D. art 3. A. all B. neither C. each D. either 4. A. painter B. loser C. winner D. failure 5. A. lost B. got C. won D. beat 6. A. who B. his C. whom D. whose 7. A. obvious B. immediate C. attractive D. ordinary 8. A. far B. quite C. very D. a lot of 9. A. for B. after C. out D. at 10. A. miner B. worker C. artist D. professor 11. A. luck B. turn C. move D. moment 12. A. where B. which C. there D. when 13. A. recovered B. wept C. wiped D. handed 14. A. what B. that C. where D. how 15. A. hold B. return C. move D. turn 16. A. hang B. represent C. present D. visit 17. A. when B. that C. which D. as 18. A. said B. loved C. told D. called 19. A. its B. the C. a D. 不填 20. A. yet B. out C. alone D. before 二、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


八年级英语上学期阅读训练一 姓名:____________ 班级:____________ 得分:_____________ 一、完形填空(每小题2分,共20分) A few years ago, I was about fourteen or fifteen years old. One 1 ,my parents went out for a walk. So I stayed at home alone watching TV. Later I heard my cat, Aster, meowing(喵喵叫) at the 2 . She was a funny and proud cat. She was good at catching mice and sometimes, she would like to show me her “prize”. I went over to 3 the door. She ran in quickly with 4 in her mouth. After she dropped it on the floor, I found it was a mouse, again. It 5 died. My mother always liked to keep the floor 6 ,so I had to find something to pick the mouse up and 7 it away. When I came back, I found the mouse disappeared(消失) . I looked everywhere but couldn't find it. We had a basement(地下室) under the house, so there were so many places and holes for it to stay. I 8 looking for it at last. But that was not the 9 of that. About a year later, I was helping my mom clean up the basement. And you can guess what we saw. Yes, some bones(骨头) of a dead mouse. We could only believe and hope that it was that mouse. The one ran away from the floor on that night. We really hoped so 10 no one wants a house full of mice. ( )1. A. morning B. noon C. night ( )2. A. floor B. bed C. door ( )3. A. close B. open C. break ( )4. A. something B. anything C. everything ( )5. A. already B. almost C. still ( )6. A. dirty B. clean C. crowded ( )7. A. throw B. give C. wash ( )8. A. cheered up B. tried out C. gave up ( )9. A. training B. beginning C. end ( )10. A. if B. because C. though 二、阅读理解(11-20每小题3分,共30分;21-25每小题2分,共10分;合计40分) A Many parents make their children do chores around the house. For some families, teaching children what to do and how to do chores is easy. But in other families, getting children to do some housework can be a very big problem. It is a good idea for parents to teach their children at an early age. All family members must

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