当前位置:文档之家› 《外贸英语函电》教学大纲




二、The feature and students of the course

This is an application course for the students majoring in international finance to diversify their skills and enhance their ability for doing international business. We provide the students with lots of training in business letter-writing. By the end of the course, all the students are able to master business letter-writing skills.

三、The aim and requirements of the course

Aim of the course:English has become the language commonly adopted in international business. This course aims to improve students’ English so that they can use English effectively and confidently in future’s business communication.

Requirements:the students are required to have certain English foundation before taking the course. They should be diligent in doing assignments such as business letter-writing and translations. By the end of the course, the students’ writing ability will be remarkably improved.

四、Method of teaching

In class the teacher will introduce the elements of business letter-writing such as the principles and attitudes, the forms of business letters on various issues. With the help of useful sentences and expressions in the texts, the students will do lots of assignments of business letters writing and translations. Practice makes perfect!

五、Content of the course and time allocation

Unit One Business Letter-Writing

Class hour: 2

Requirements: to understand the essentials of business letter-writing


1. the essential qualities of business letters:

(1) Clearness,

(2) Conciseness

(3) Courtesy

2. the right attitude required for the addresser of a letter


1.Essentials of business letter-writing

https://www.doczj.com/doc/886559627.html,yout of business letters

3.Envelop addressing

4.The tendency of business letter-writing

5.the way to master letter-writing skills

6.the free-style of business communication by e-mail

Unit Two Establish Business Relationship Class hour: 2

Requirements: to grasp the way of establishing business relationship by writing effective letters.

Priority:how to arouse the address ee’s interest in entering into business relations.


1.the ways of obtaining business information

2.skills of writing letters for business relationship establishment

3.specimen letters and useful expressions

Unit three Status Enquiries

Class hour: 2

Requirements: to realize the importance of status enquiries and grasp the ways of obtaining relative information.

Priority: how to write a status enquiry in polite and appreciative terms.


1. basic elements for status inquiries

2. specimen letters for status inquiries

3. useful words and expressions

4. exercises

Unit four Enquiries and Replies

Class hour: 1

Requirements: learn to write enquires and replies regarding price, catalogue, delivery date and terms of payment, etc.

Priorities: how to write a brief, specific, courteous and reasonable enquiry.


1. basic requirement for enquiries and replies

2. specimen letters for enquires and replies

3. letter-writing guide

Unit Five Sending Proforma Invoices Class hour: 2

Requirements: to understand the function of a proforma invoice; to learn how to make a proforma invoice and write letters in regard to sending such kind of invoice.

Priority: to write short sentences and a concise but complete letter.


1. basic knowledge of proforma invoices

2. specimen letters relating to send a proforma invoice

3. useful words and expressions

Unit six Quotations, Offers And Counter-offers Class hour: 2

Requirements:learn to write quotations, offers and counter-offers in written-form business negotiation.

Priority: to distinguish the difference of offers from firm offers


1. the elements of quotations, offers and counter-offers

2. terms of trade in import and export

3. useful words and expressions

4. specimen letters

Unit Seven Sales Promotion

Class hour: 2

Requirements:to understand the role of sales letter and to grasp the skills of writing a good sales letter.

Priority: the four essential elements of a goods sales letter:

arouse interest

create desire

carry conviction,

induce action


1. the essential rules for drafting a circulation of sales promotion

2. useful words and expressions

3. specimen letters

4. letter-writing guide

Unit Eight Orders and Their Fulfillment Class hour: 2

Requirements:to understand the procedures of an order such as to place an order, to accept the order and to execute the order and learn to keep contacts with the customer during fulfillment of the order.

Priority: to stress accuracy and clarity regarding all details in the order.


1.:basic knowledge of orders and fulfillment

2. contract terms for orders and fulfillment

3. obligation of both trade partner once the order is placed

4. useful words and expressions

5.specimen letters

Unit Nine Terms of Payment

Class hour: 4

Requirements:to understand the methods of payments commonly used in international trade finance such as letters of credit, documentary collection (D/P & D/A) and T/T remittance. To compare the risks and advantages of various methods of payment.

Priority: the characteristics of a letter of credit and the operation of a credit.


1. basic knowledge of terms of payment for international trade

2. letters of credit

3. useful words and expression

4. specimen letters

5.urging establishment of L/C and specimen letters

6. letters relating to L/C amendment and extension

Unit Ten Packing

Class hour: 2

Requirements: to be familiar with various packing containers; to understand the importance of shipping marks and to master the skill of writing letters in question of packing.

Priority:how to describe accurately the packing requirements and packing

material, etc. and to distinguish an insurance policy from an insurance certificate.


1. basic knowledge of packing and packing containers

2. wording of shipping marks

https://www.doczj.com/doc/886559627.html,eful words and expressions

4. specimen letters

Unit Eleven Insurance

Class hour: 2

Requirements: to identify various risks covered in foreign trade and grasp the technical or special words used in insurance.


1. the three basic risks: FPA, WPA & All risks

2.the expressions such as TPND, SRCC, War Risk , I.O.P, etc.


1. basic knowledge of insurance

2. useful words and expressions

3.specimen letters

4. letter- writing guide

Unite Twelve Shipment

Class hour: 2

Requirements: to learn to write letters regarding the following aspects: to urge an early shipment; to excuse for the delay of shipment and request for extending shipment date in L/C; to amend shipping terms; to give shipping advice; to dispatch shipping documents and so on.

Priority:the useful words and expressions such as “expedite, advance, postpone; to hasten the production; to meet your urgent need; reach, ETD, ETA, etc.


1. basic knowledge of shipment

2. the importance of prompt shipment

https://www.doczj.com/doc/886559627.html,eful words and expressions

4. specimen letters

Unit Thirteen Agencies

Class hour: 2

Requirements:to understand two types of agents: general agent and sole

agent(exclusive agent); get familiar with the content of corporations as an agent and learn to write an enquiry and reply regarding agencies.

Priority:to read and study an agreement of an agency and a sole agency agreement.


1.basic knowledge of agencies

2. useful words and expressions

3.specimen letters

4.sole agency agreement

5.agreements of establishing an agency

Unit Fourteen Complaints and Adjustments Class hour: 2

Requirements:to grasp the ways of writing complaints and replies to complaints.

Priority:how to express complains properly as a buyer; but as a seller, to identify genuine complaints and to have a quick response to complaints; and how to politely reject unreasonable complaints without harming business relationship. It requires some tactics


1. basic knowledge of complains and adjustment

2. useful words and expressions

3. cases and specimen letters

4. letter-writing guide

Unit Fifteen Joint Venture

Class hour: 3

Requirements : to understand the nature of a joint venture and know the main types of joint ventures; to be acquainted with The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment and Law of the People’s Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Contractual Joint Ventures.

Priority: it involves concrete matter or program to start an enquiry and write a reply relating to joint venture;


1.basic knowledge of joint venture

https://www.doczj.com/doc/886559627.html,eful words and expressions

3.specimen letters

4. joint venture contract

5.The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Joint Ventures Using Chinese And Foreign Investment

6. Law of the People’s Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Contractural Joint Ventures

________The End ________


XXXXXXX卷面考核 XXXXXXX学年第 2 学期期末 《外贸英语函电》( B )标准答案 专业_班级经济命题教师 一、Fill in the blanks with the right word or words (2% for each, 20%) 1~5 C D B B B 6~10 B D C B B 二、Choose the appropriate word or words in the parentheses. (2% for each, 20%) 1~5 B A A B A 6~10 B A B A A 三、Translate the following sentences into Chinese.(3% for each, 15%) 1.从中国国际贸易促进委员会获悉,你们有意购买电器用品。 2.我们还想了解各类商品的每种颜色和花样的最低出口起售量。 3.所有报价以我方最后确认为准。除非另有规定或经双方同意,所有价格都是不含佣 金的净价。 4.另行寄上我方目录若干份,以便你方作出适当选择。 5.我方所报价格是经过紧密计算的。然而,为促进业务我们准备给你方5%的折扣。 四、Translate the following sentences into English.(3% for each, 15%) 1.We are one of the leading importers dealing in electronic products in the area, and take this opportunity to approach you in the hope of establishing business relations.


20春《外贸英语函电》作业4 一、单选题 1.We hope you will see your way clear to September shipment. A.accept B.acceptance C.accepted D.accepting 正确答案:D 2.We are in possession of your letter of the 11th July , which we note that you have established the L/C in our favour. A.through B.of C.from D.by 正确答案:C 3.If you are prepared to increase your to 15, we shall be pleased to purchase the complete stock. A.sales volume B.price C.discount D.cost 正确答案:C 4.It is our foreign policy to trade with foreign countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. A.trade B.market C.deal D.business 正确答案:A 5.The letter we sent last is an enquiry color TV sets. A.of B.for C.as D.about 正确答案:B 6.Will you please quote us the following items A.with B.in C.for D.about 正确答案:C 7.The goods you delivered are below the standard we expected the sample.


《英语短篇小说选读》教学大纲 作为一门选修课,《英语短篇小说选读》主要面向英语专业本、专科学生,同时兼顾非英语专业各科英语成绩优异并对英语文学感兴趣的学生。本课程旨在通过引导学生仔细研读英语短篇小说,欣赏其精美的语言和深邃的思想,提高学生的语言素养,帮助学生了解西方的思想与文化,培养学生阅读、欣赏英语文学作品、撰写读后感和简短评论的能力。 课时安排:每周两次,每次两小时,共授课一学期。 使用教材:姜晓梅(编著)《英语小说名篇赏析》,世界图书出版公司,1999年10月,西安具体教学内容: Chapter 1 I Want to Know Why by Sherwood Anderson Chapter 2 The Darling by Anton Chekhov Chapter 3 A Rose for Emily by William Faukner Chapter 4 The Snows of Kilimanjaro by Ernest Hemingway Chapter 5 The Cap and the Anthem by O. Henry Chapter 6 Araby by Jamse Joyce Chapter 7 The Magic Barrel by Bernard Malamud Chapter 8 Life of Ma Parker by Katherine Mansfield Chapter 9 The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant Chapter 10 The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin 参考书目: 叶华年《英语短篇小说导读—结构与理解》,华东师范大学出版社,1999 《英国短篇小说选》(上、下),上海译文出版社,1982 王佐良,刘承沛《美国短篇小说选》,商务印书馆,1984

沈阳理工大学 英美文学选读

《英美文学选读》课程教学大纲 课程代码:070142012 课程英文名称:Selected Readings of British and American Literature 课程总学时:24 讲课:24 实验:0 上机:0 适用专业:英语专业 大纲编写(修订)时间:2010.7 一、大纲使用说明 (一)课程的地位及教学目标 本课程为英语专业高年级的选修课,目的在于使学生了解英美文学的历史,并通过选读部分作品,提高其文学修养,扩大其知识面,提高其欣赏及阅读理解能力。 (二)知识、能力及技能方面的基本要求 1.知识方面的基本要求: 能大致清楚各个时期的历史背景、文学思潮情况及主要作家 2.能力技能方面的基本要求: 学会从欣赏的角度去阅读文章,分析重要作家一些著名作品的内涵。 (三)实施说明 授课时教师要着重介绍各个时期的文学思潮以及代表人物及其作品,尤其重点讲述重要作家的写作风格、代表作品并提供相关评论。通过选读部分名篇,教师在教学中启发学生,让其试着去欣赏、理解原文,课上学生参与讨论,课后留此类的赏析阅读作业,逐渐使学生学会如何看英语原版小说,并从中受益。 (四)对先修课的要求 无 (五)对习题课、实验环节的要求 教师留一定的时间给学生进行课上讨论,在发表见解的同时他们会渐渐发觉自己在文学以及理解方面的进步。同时留相关论文及阅读材料,让学生学习写评论,有助于其写作能力的提高,以促进未来八级考试的复习和毕业论文的撰写。 (六)课程考核方式 1.考核方式:考查 2.考核目标:重点考核学生理解、欣赏及评论能力。 3.成绩构成:本课程的总成绩主要由两部分组成:出勤占20%,平时考核四到六次,共占80%。 平时成绩由任课教师视具体情况按百分制给出;平时考核以论文、课上讨论、课上或课下作业完成情况为准;无故旷课三次则取消学生总评成绩。 (七)主要参考书目: 《英美文学选读》吴翔林中国对外翻译出版社,2005 《英美文学选读》张伯香外语教学与研究出版社社,2000 二、中文摘要 本课程是英语专业高年级学生的专业选修课,重点在于让学生知晓英美文学历史、各个时期的重要作家及其重要作品、文学术语;并让学生学会欣赏文学作品的美和内涵,以此来逐渐


外贸英语函电试卷及标准答案 最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻!太平洋英语,免费体验全部外教一对一课程:https://www.doczj.com/doc/886559627.html, 外贸英语函电试卷(A卷) Ⅰ.Translation of terms 术语翻译(10%): A.Translate the following terms into Chinese 将下列术语译成汉语(5%): 1.mediation of dispute 2.DEQ, Delivered Ex Quay 3.acts of God 4.continental bridge 5.exclusive sales B.Translate the following terms into English in full 将下列术语译成英语(请用全称)(5%): 1.亚洲开发银行 2.电子商务认证 3.银行密押 4.机电产品 5.内包装 Ⅱ.Make the best choice for each of the following sentences 单项选择(20%):(提示:请在各题所提供的四个选项中选择一个,并将所选中的答案相对应的选项字母填入句中横线上。) 1.The boxes must be strong enough to withstand transport ____ very bad roads. A. along B. for C. in D. over 2.Enclosed are two copies of our Sales Confirmation No. DTE0607 ____ out against your Order KK02736. A. got B. made


1.对这些商品他们尤其关心的是包装方式。 They are particularly concerned about the mode of packing for this kind of goods. 2.顺便问一下,你们接受中性包装吗? By the way, do you accept neutral packing? 3.外包装应坚固,以适合运输。至于内包装,必须具有吸引力,以促进销售。The outer packing should be strong enough for the transportation. As for the inner packing, it must be attractive and helpful to the sales. 4.由于纸板箱相对来说轻便坚实,因此更便于装卸。 Since cartons are comparatively light and compact, they are more convinenet to handle in the course of loading and unloading. 5.我们相信,为防运输途中受损,你方会特别注意包装。 We trust that you will special care to the packing in order to avoid tha damage in transit. 6.我们高兴地通知你们,你方所订购的货物已备受待运。请通知包装及装运要 求。 We are glad to inform you that the goods you ordered are ready for shipment. Please let us have your instructions for packing and shipment.


英国文学选读》课程教学大纲 课程编号: 01120280 学分:2 学时: 34(其中实践学时: 0) 授课学期:第 5 学期 一、课程的性质、地位、作用及与其他课程的联系 该课程的目的在于培养学生阅读、欣赏、理解英语文学原著的能力,掌握文学批评的 基本知识和方法。通过阅读和分析英国文学作品,使学生了解英国的历史、地理、社会、政 治等方面的情况及文化传统, 促进学生对西方文学及文化的了解, 提高学生对文化差异的敏 感性、宽容性和处理文化差异的灵活性, 培养学生的跨文化交际能力。 授课的内容包括: ( 1) 文学导论;英语文学常识;( 2)英国文学史;( 3)英国文学经典作品导读;( 4)英国文 学批评。选用《新编英国文学选读》(上、下册),罗经国 编著;北京大学出版社; 2005。 期望达到如下教学要求: 1. 对英国文学的发展概况有清晰的了解; 2. 对重要的文学术语有相当的了解并能在文学批评中加以运用; 3. 能读懂英语国家出版的有一定难度的历史传记和文学作品; 4. 熟悉英国主要作家代表作、其写作风格和所属流派; 5. 要求在理解的基础上分析文章的思想观点、篇章结构、语言特点、修辞手法、文体 风格; 6. 要求学生有较强的跨文化交际的能力。 二、课程的教学内容与要求 Chapter One The Anglo-Saxon Period (450-1066) 教学目标】帮助学生了解古英语诗歌的源泉及其韵律特点 教学内容】 1. Historical background 2. Northumbrian School and Wessex Literature 3. Anglo-Saxon Poetry : Beowulf 教学重点与难点】古英语文学的代表人物 King Alfred; Beowulf Chapter Two The Norman Period (1066-1350) 教学目标】帮助学生了解诺曼时期英国骑士文学和法国文学对英国文学的影响。 4. Romance and the influence of French literature 教学重点与难点】骑士文学和宗教文学的特点。 教学内容】 1. Historical background 2. Middle English 3. Religious literature 4.


海南师范学院本科英语专业理论课教学大纲:美国文学 课程编号:03101026 学时:36 学分:2 一、课程的性质和任务 《美国文学史及选读》是英语语言文学专业(本科)的一门专业知识必修课。它简要介绍了美国文学从十七世纪殖民时期到二十世纪的发展历史及其主要作品。本课程是英语专业的专业基础课,目标是:通过文学史的教学拓宽学生的知识面,提高学生的文学修养,使学生了解英美文学各个历史时期的文艺思潮、文学流派、主要作家和作品; 通过美国文学作品的教学,提高学生对英文原著的理解能力、鉴赏能力,培养学生发现问题、分析问题和解决问题的能力; 通过课外实践活动,激发学生的文学兴趣,培养学生的文学鉴赏和批评能力及论文写作能力 二、相关课程的衔接 本课程是为英语专业高年级学生开设的,学生必须具有良好的英语阅读和理解基本功方能顺利地学习该课程,与此同时,它与美国历史、文化、社会背景等关系密切,因此,学生先期完成英语听说读写等技能训练基本课程,相关衔接课程有《英国文学》,《英语国家概况》《跨文化交际》等课程。 三、教学的基本要求 1.了解美国文学发展史上的重要时期和阶段,包括殖民地时期、独立战争时期、浪漫主义时代、南北战争时期和两次世界大战前后文学现象及特征。 2.了解各个重要发展阶段的代表作家及作品,熟知其内容、风格和艺术价值及其在世界文学史上的重要地位。 3.了解伴随美国文学各个阶段产生的文艺批评思潮,提高学生的文艺理论水平。 四、教学方法与重点、难点 教学方法:教学方法以课堂讲授为主,辅以讨论,并要求学生在课外大量阅读参考书,撰写读书报告及评论课上充分利用网络资源及现代化教学手段,使学生能够积极主动地进行学习 本课程的重点与难点相对来说是一致的 从时段上来说,19世纪20年代以后的美国文学由于处于第二次繁荣时期,对于美国文学的历史走向曾发生了相当重要的影响,自然是本课程的重点而这一阶段的文学语言丰富、色彩各异,且与哲学、史学、艺术学等结合得比较紧密,所以这一时期的文学作品在语言上和思想上都具备一定的难度,是本课程的难点所在另外,后现代文学作品的出现也增加了学生阅读的难度,因此了解后现代作品的创作手法,写作动机也是本科的一个难点解决的办法主要是在专业基础课之外,定期安排专家讲学,题目多涉及与课程难度相关的内容,旨在拓宽


外贸英语函电试卷及标准答案 1.Ⅱ.Make the best choice for each of the following sentences The boxes must be strong enough to withstand transport ____ very bad roads. A. Along B. For C. in D. over 2.Enclosed are two copies of our Sales Confirmation No. DTE0607 ____ out against your Order KK02736. A. Got B. Made C. put D. taken 3.Some customers requested us to ____ our price because they consider it too high. A. bring down B. get down C. put down D. take down 4.We can allow you a special discount of 2% on orders exceeding $60,000. The word “allow” can be replaced by the following words EXCEPT A. Give B. Grant C. offer D. permit 5.The consignment was shipped ____ on the S.S. “Changfeng” which left Shanghai for Singapore on June 16. A. Clean B. Cleaned C. cleaning D. cleanly 6.For your own ____ please expedite the L/C, which must reach us before August A. Advantage B. Benefit C. consideration D. profit 7.In the ____ we would ask you to dispatch the replacement to us as soon as possible. A. Meantime B. Meanwhile C. time D. occasion 8.This will enable us to arrange speedy passage through the Customs on ____ of the consignment. A. arrival B. Arriving C. reception D. receiving 9. A container holds 240 bicycles; the whole cargo would therefore comprise 5 containers, ____ 8 tons. A. and each weighing C. each weighing B. each to weigh D. each weighs 10.The cases should be ____ they can easily be made tightly closed again after being opened. A.as such so as C. of such a type that B.B. like this so that D. of such a type which 11.We deal in decorative fabrics ____ different varieties. A. On B. In C. of D. for 12.It is possible to extend this Letter of Credit, which expires ____ January 28. A. On B. in C. at D. for 13.We trust you will look ____ the matter without delay upon receiving the data concerning the damage. A. On B. Upon C. in D. into 14.Please quote us your lowest price ____ CIF Singapore basis for 1,500 pieces for early delivery.


1.We are( ) in the import and export of chemicals. A.interesting B.interest C.of interest D.interested 【参考答案】: D 2.While we appreciate your order, ( ) we very much regret that we are unable to accept any fresh orders at present owing to heavy commitments. A.and B.but C.therefore D.nor 【参考答案】: B 3.We regret the need for you to write to us and hope the steps we are taking( ) the safe arrival of all your orders in future. A.ensure B.assure C.insure D.sure 【参考答案】: A 4.The good you enquire for are ( ) now A.Out B.Not stock C.Out stock D.Out of stock 【参考答案】: D 5.We shall( ) you again, as soon as we resume offering. A.contact with B.contact to C.contact D.contact by 【参考答案】: C 6.We cannot see any possibility of business( ) your price is too high.


高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲 为了规范全国高等学校英语专业的英语教学,特制订本教学大纲。本大纲所作的各项规定,对全国各类高等学校的英语专业均有指导作用,也是组织教学、编写教材和检查与评估教学质量的依据。 一、培养目标 高等学校英语专业培养具有扎实的英语语言基础和广博的文化知识并能熟练地运用英语在外事、教育、经贸、文化、科技、军事等部门从事翻译、教学、管理、研究等工作的复合型英语人才。 21世纪是一个国际化的知识经济时代。我们所面临的挑战决定了21世纪我国高等学校英语专业人才的培养目标和规格:这些人才应具有扎实的基本功、宽广的知识面、一定的相关专业知识、较强的能力和较高的素质。也就是要在打好扎实的英语语言基本功和牢固掌握英语专业知识的前提下,拓宽人文学科知识和科技知识,掌握与毕业后所从事的工作有关的专业基础知识,注重培养获取知识的能力、独立思考的能力的创新的能力,提高思想道德素质、文化素质和心理素质。 二、课程设置 英语本科专业学制为4年。根据英语专业教学规律,一般将4年的教学过程分为两个阶段,即:基础阶段(一年级和二年级)和高年级阶段(三年级和四年级)。基础阶段的主要教学任务是传授英语基础知识,对学生进行全面的、严格的基本技能训练,培养学生实际运用语言的能力、良好的学风和正确的学习方法,为进入高年级打下扎实的专业基础。高年级阶段的主要教学任务是继续打好语言基本功,学习英语专业知识和相关心业知识,进一步扩大知识面,增强对文化差异的敏感性,提高综合运用英语进行交际的能力。在两个教学阶段中课程的安排可以有所侧重,但应将4年的教学过程视为一个整体,自始至终注意打好英语语言基本功。 英语专业课程分为英语专业技能、英语专业知识和相关专业知识三种类型,一般均应以英语为教学语言。三种类型的课程如下: (1)英语专业技能课程:指综合训练课程和各种英语技能的单项训练课程,如:基础英语、听力、口语、阅读、写作、口译、笔译等课程。 (2)英语专业知识课程:指英语语言、文学、文化方面的课程,如:英语语言学、英语词汇学、英语语法学、英语


教务处发[2009]23号 关于宿州学院2009级新生大学英语课程 分级教学的通知 各系(院): 为贯彻教育部于2004年1月颁布的新《大学英语课程教学要求》,推动我校大学英语教学改革,不断提高大学英语教学水平,培养学生英语综合运用能力,以及满足学生不同层次的学习需求,结合我校实际,决定在2009级新生大学英语教学中实行分级教学。 现将分级教学实施办法(试行)通知附后,望各系(院)按分级教学的办法与要求,认真做好本系(院)2009级新生的大学英语课程的分级工作,保证新生大学英语课程按级进行教学。

附件1:宿州学院2009级大学英语分级教学实施方案(试行)附件2:宿州学院2009级大学英语分级教学管理实施细则 附件3:09级新生大学英语教学课程总表 教务处外语系 2009年9月22日

附件1: 宿州学院2009级大学英语分级教学实施方案(试行) 一、指导思想 为推动大学英语教学改革,不断提高大学英语教学水平,培养学生英语综合运用能力,教育部于2004年1月颁布了新《大学英语课程教学要求》,(以下简称新《课程要求》),基本特征之一是大学英语分层次教学。为构建适合学生个性发展的《大学英语》课程教学新体系,切实提高学生的语言综合运用能力,满足学生不同层次的学习需求,贯彻教育部关于大学英语教学改革的精神,落实本科教学质量工程,深化教学改革,提高教学质量,特制订大学英语教学实施方案。 二、教学目标 《大学英语课程教学要求》分别制定了大学英语课程1、2、3、4级(以下简称“大学英语分级课程”)的教学大纲和教学要求。本科学生应在两年内修完大学英语分级课程并通过水平测试,学校鼓励学生提前完成大学英语分级课程的学习,确保不同层次的学生在英语应用能力方面得到充分的训练和提高。 根据教育部2004年颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求》(试行),结合我校的办学指导思想和办学特色,我校大学英语教学的目标是使非英语专业本科学生通过学习,毕业时英语能力达到教育部提出的相应层次要求。针对需要达到“一般要求”、“较高要求”和“更高要求”的学生,各类必修课程的教学内容和教学目标有所不同。


《外经贸英语函电》试题库I. Translate the following terms into English 目录按照要求 订单实盘 市场经济虚盘 电子邮件汇票 询盘装运 报盘还盘 报价利润 信用证折扣 你处形式发票 供你参考一式两份 信誉以……为准 支付条款唛头 代理与……建立业务关系 确认保险费 即期索赔 投保保险单 电子商务装船通知 集装箱托收 汇付成交 检验证书已脱销 毛重净重 纸箱捆 一切险发票金额 提单运输单据 仲裁会签 II. Choose the best answer for each of the following questions. ( ) 1. We thank you for your letter of March 13 and the _____ catalogue.

A. given B. sent C. enclosed D. presented ( ) 2. They found an opportunity to purchase six _____ leather shoes. A. thousands pairs B. thousand pair of C. thousands of pair D. thousand pairs of ( ) 3. The letter we sent last week is an enquiry _____ digital cameras. A. about B. of C. for D. as ( ) 4. What kind of products do you think _____ particularly interested _____ A. are they, in B. they are, in C. are they, / D. they are, / ( ) 5. We owe your name and address _____ Italian Commercial Bank who informed us that you are in the market _____ table-cloths. A. from, for B. to, with C. from, with d. to, for ( ) 6. While _____ an enquiry, you ought to enquiry into quality and price etc.. A. making B. sending C. offering D. giving ( ) 7. In order to obtain the needed information, the inquirer should simple, clearly and concisely write _____ he wants to know. A. that B. so C. what D. because of ( ) 8. We are a specialized corporation, _____ the export of animal by-products. A. dealing with B. dealing C. handling D. dealt in ( ) 9. We are willing to enter into business relations with you on the _____ of equality and mutual benefit. A. base B. basis C. bases D. based ( ) would not give you any lower price _____ you could place an order for more than 500 tons. A. expect B. until C. unless D. besides ( ) 11. We _____ some brochures _____ to illustrate the types of materials we manufacture. A. enclose you, / B. enclose, you C. enclose, / D. enclose, to you


(单选题) 1: Please( ) us posted( ) the developments of your market. A: keep, by B: let, of C: keep, of D: let, by 正确答案: (单选题) 2: We wish to receive your shipping advice soon for the goods under the captioned ( ). A: letter B: cable C: contract D: communication 正确答案: (单选题) 3: We hope to receive your quotation with details ( ) the earliest date of shipment. A: including B: to be included C: being included D: include 正确答案: (单选题) 4: We offer you our lowest price, ( ) we have done a lot of business with other customers. A: which B: that C: with which D: at which 正确答案: (单选题) 5: We are establishing the relative L/C with the Bank of China, Shanghai and shall let you know by cable ( ) it is opened A: until B: before C: unless D: as soon as 正确答案: (单选题) 6: In ( ) of quality, our make is superior. A: terms B: term C: connection D: connections 正确答案: (单选题) 7: Our corporation handles exclusively the import and export business of light industrial ( ). A: products B: goods



《英美文学史及选读(一)》课程教学大纲 (适用于外语系英语专业本科) (英国文学部分) 课程编码:120413030 学时:64学分:3 开课学期:第五学期 课程类别:专业方向课 先修课程:英语国家社会与文化 教学手段:多媒体课件、课堂讲授、讨论 考核方式:笔试(闭卷) 成绩构成:总成绩== 平时成绩*30%+期末考试成绩*70% 一、课程的性质、目的与任务: 本课程是英语专业本科高年级学生的专业必修课。本课程的目的在于使学生对英国文学形成发展全貌及其主要内涵有一个大致了解:通过阅读具有代表性的重点作品,理解作品的内容,学会分析作品的艺术特色,掌握正确评价文学作品的标准和方法,提高文学欣赏水平及其文学批评能力;通过了解英国文学创作的社会背景和文学思潮及其他们之间的相互关系来把握文学作品的文化内涵,提高对英国文化的认知能力;与语言教学相结合,增强学生语言表达能力。 二、课程的基本内容: Part One Medieval English Literature 教学内容:The Anglo-Saxon Literature The Anglo-Norman Literature Age of Chaucer Literature in the 15th century 重点:The Anglo-Saxon Literature; The Anglo-Norman Literature; Age of Chaucer

难点:romance, ballad, epic, Chaucer Part Two The English Renaissance 教学内容: Background information English Renaissance Literature in Renaissance period 重点:English Renaissance; Spenser; Shakespeare 难点:drama; heroic couplet; sonnet Part Three The Period of the English Bourgeois Revolution 教学内容: The English Revolution and the Restoration Milton, Bunyan Metaphysical poets and Cavalier Poets Restoration Literature 重点:Milton; Bunyan; Metaphysical poets and Cavalier Poets; Restoration Literature 难点:Conceit; Carpe Diem; Miltonic style Part Four The Eighteenth Century 教学内容: The Enlightenment and Classicism in English Literature Pope Novel writing in the 18th century 18th Century and Sheridan Sentimentalism and Pre-Romanticism in Poetry 重点:Classicism; Pope; Novel writing in the 18th century; 18th Century and Sheridan; Sentimentalism and Pre-Romanticism in Poetry 难点:Classicism; Realism; Conceit; Sentimentalism; Pre-Romanticism


《英国文学》课程教学大纲 课程编号:ENGL2017 课程类别:专业必修课程 授课对象:英语、英语师范专业 开课学期:春(第5学期) 学分:2 主讲教师:秦伟刚 指定教材:《英美文学选读》,张伯香编。外语教学与研究出版社,2000年。 《英国文学简史》,刘炳善编著。河南人民出版社,2001年。 教学目的:英国文学历史悠久,自中远古至今,尤其是文艺复兴以来,名家名作迭出,卷轶浩繁,为世界文学的发展与繁荣做出了突出贡献。莎士比亚,雪莱,狄更斯,勃朗特姐妹,哈代等,即便对于一般读者来说都已成为耳熟能详的名字,他们的作品以各自不同的角度,各自不同的手法,对英国的社会生活、文化,乃至人类的命运等重大问题,进行了艺术的表现和诠释。作为英语专业的学生,有选择、批判性地阅读一些英国名家名篇的原作,对于提高英语阅读和写作的基本技能,丰富自身的文学素养,大有裨益。在全球化成为一种不可逆转的趋势、国际交往日益增多的今天,透过英国文学这一窗口,对英国的风土人情和英国的社会文化有一个基本认识和了解,对于将在不同程度上以英语作为工具从事学习和工作的英语专业学生来说,不仅必要,而且具有重要的现实意义。 本课程选取英国作家具有代表性的经典名篇为内容,以课堂精讲、小组讨论、独立研究等形式,从社会、历史的角度,解读作家与作品,引入心理学、人类学、语言学、社会学、伦理学、哲学等方面的最新成果,引导学生加深对所读作家作品的理解和认识,着重培养学生的分析思辩能力和语言表达能力,为学生写以文学为主题的毕业论文奠定基础。同时,通过本课程的学习,提高学生理解欧美文学和文化的鉴赏能力,加深学生对社会人生的思考,体现素质教育的特点。 第一课Introduction to English literature. 课时:第一周,共2课时 教学内容Introduction to English literature. 第一节 Why should we take this course. The importance of studying literature. English literature from the medieval period to the present 思考题: 1.What do you know about English literature? 2.Are you interested in literature?


《文学翻译》课程教学大纲 一、说明 (一)课程基本信息 [课程代码]032210101 [课程性质]限选 [课程类别]专业方向课 [总学时]32学时。其中理论 32 学时、实践 0 学时。 [学分]2学分 [适用对象]英语专业本科三年级学生 [开课学期]第六学期 [先修课程与后续课程]先修课程:《翻译理论与实践》后续课程:无 (二)课程介绍 本课程就是英语专业高年级学生得专业方向课,目得在于培养与训练学生对于文学作品得理解、翻译与鉴赏能力,进一步提升学生对文学得感悟、欣赏与热爱。课程主要以文学作品翻译实践为主,适当兼顾文学翻译理论教学。通过大量文学作品欣赏与翻译练习,使学生掌握文学翻译得各种技巧,打下扎实得笔译基本功,进一步促进中西方文学得交流。 本课程旨在让英语专业高年级学生了解文学翻译与非文学翻译之间得差异,掌握中国文学翻译史上得重大事件、主要思想、经典翻译标准、近现代著名翻译家以及代表翻译作品,按照小说、诗歌、文言作品、散文、剧本、通俗文学作品等类别,让学生熟悉不同文学体裁得翻译方法,如异化、归化等,提升她们对文学翻译得感性与理性认识,针对性地培养学生从事简单文学语篇英汉互译得能力,重点培养学生对文学翻译作品得鉴赏能力。 (三)教学目得与要求 本课程为英语专业本科三年级开设得选修课,就是英语专业高年级得一门重要得专业技能课程。通过对学生进行大量得文学作品鉴赏与翻译训练,培养学生亲自动手翻译文学作品得能力,以此激发学生对于文学得更深层次得理解与热爱,提升

学生得文学鉴赏力。 教学目得: 本课程得目得就是使学生了解较为系统得文学翻译基本理论,为文学翻译实践提供理论支持,通过大量得翻译实践,使理论与实践达到统一。本课程得学习将有效地培养与提高学生得文学翻译能力,熟练地在英汉两种语言间进行文学作品得互译,并达到较高得翻译质量,从而使学生得英语与汉语水平以及其她知识水平得到进一步得提升。 通过本课程得学习,应使学生达到: 第一、基本掌握文学翻译英译汉以及汉译英得理论并且进行一定得训练与实践。第二、达到翻译理论与实践得统一。教学要求 第一、知识、能力、素质得基本要求 知识要求:掌握文学翻译得技巧、理解文学翻译基础理论、掌握文学翻译质量标准。 能力素质要求:培养与训练学生对于文学作品笔头翻译能力,进一步提升学生对文学得感悟,欣赏与热爱。培养学生亲自动手翻译文学作品得能力,以此激发学生对于文学得更深层次得理解与热爱,提升学生得文学鉴赏力。 第二、教学模式基本要求 将课堂教学、课外作业、案例辅导、课后辅导等有机地结合起来,以提高教学效率。 (四)主要教学方法、手段 教学方法:讲授教学法、引导式教学法、习题讲解式。 讲授教学法:讲授每个单元所涉及得文体特征与翻译问题等。引导式教学法:引导


《英美文学选读》教学大纲 (Selected Readings in English and American Literatures) 一、课程的性质、目的和任务 该课程是英语专业学生的理论选修课程,其目的在于培养学生阅读、理解、鉴赏英美文学原著的能力,并介绍基本的文学知识。 该课程从英美历史、语言、文化发展的角度,介绍英美文学各个时期的主要文学、文化思潮,文学流派,主要作家生平、代表作、内容梗概、主人公形象、作品风格流派及其在英美文学史上的地位与影响等,使学生对英美文学的发展有一个大概的了解和认识。通过阅读具有代表性的英美文学作品,理解作品的内容,学会分析作品的艺术特色,主题思想,人物形象分析,文学叙事手法以及作品的写作风格,并结合当代西方文学批评理论,使学生掌握正确评价文学作品的标准和方法,提高阅读文学作品的能力、鉴赏水平和文学修养;提高语言水平和人文素质,增强对英美文学原著的理解,特别是对作品中表现的社会生活和人物情感的理解;增强学生对西方文学及文化的了解。 二、课程教学基本要求 要求学生了解、认识英国文学各个时期的主要文化、文学流派、主要作家及其代表作品,了解英国文学的发展历史,并能够用最基本的文化理论和批评方法,理解、分析文学作品,以期培养学生文学鉴赏力、语言表达能力,提高文学修养。 1. 课堂讲授 本课程总学时为16,但英美文学流派纷呈,名著浩繁、难度大,所以教学中将以英国文学为主,在概括介绍文学简史的基础上,着重帮助学生读懂名著,培养学生的文学欣赏水平。为此,课上教师将安排 (1)关于文学史的讲授(含历史背景、文学流派、文学常识等知识性和理论性内容); (2)通过布置思考题,要求学生在讲授每篇作品前对作品进行阅读和思考; (3)课上组织学生对作品进行讨论,讨论的问题将围绕某个作家、作品的突出特点,以便学生对其有所体会。 (4)课后要求学生对讨论加以总结。 2. 习题课、课外作业、答疑 因学时紧张,本课程不单设习题课和答疑课,课外作业除课后练习外,还包括教师在课堂上推荐的阅读书目。答疑采用平时上课老师当面回答和电子邮件两种方式。 三、课程教学内容 英国文学 第一章威廉?莎士比亚 1.英国文学各个时期的发展概况简介:英国文学古时期、中世纪、文艺复兴时期、17世纪资产阶级革命及复辟时期、启蒙时期、浪漫主义时期、现实主义时期和现当代文学时期的各阶段历史. 2.文艺复兴时代背景 2.1英国文艺复兴简介及人文主义思潮 2.2 英国文艺复兴的发展阶段和文学成就 2.3莎士比亚生平及莎士比亚戏剧及十四行诗主要作品简介 2.4莎士比亚作品的艺术特色 2.5哈姆莱特选读《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet)的思想、艺术特色和人物性格 2.6十四行诗及莎士比亚十四行诗,sonnet 18与18首首十四行诗 2.7 作品欣赏

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