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dear adam,

tonight i write of love to you. i know that in our course of 5 years we have been up and down and just about all around, but yet, through it all we still hold on - holding onto a dream that one day we will be happy together again, the way we were before.

i know a love like ours people often dream about; that's why i hold on. to ease my mind i need to know ... why do you still hold on? i cannot change the past but work towards the future. i see in my future you and only you. you're my sunrise and sunset - my whole being of myself, living only for you. you make my rainy day's seem happy and my sunny day's something to look forward to as i wake each day. i know i have yet to be perfect and maybe a little rough around the edges but i know that i can be all you want, desire, and need in a lady.

we created a lovely baby made completely out of love, for that is why every day i look at her, she

reminds me of the love we once held so dear. the day you packed your things and left, a part of my heart broke a little more through the endless tears and the unknowing of what is to become of us. it really had me afraid that this time, the end may truly be the end. but still we stay together, maybe not in sharing a home but still together, just to hold dear that true love can happen even to those whom have fallen a little out of love.

i am thankful we keep trying, for you are the most important person in my life and nothing will ever change that, my soul mate. i love you so deeply that even words tonight cannot express them enough. love always,



To: Kyle ~ From: Andréa

Dear Kyle,

You are here and we are together. We have plans, we have dreams, and we have love. Do you really want to leave - to let this go away? We have something special, something I almost messed up once, but would

never mess up again. What we have is special; many wish to have what we have, so why give up on something so real?

Baby, I may be leaving for college, but I will never leave you. I may not be around physically, but

in my heart you are there. Do not compare yourself to the guys in my past, because they would never amount to anything you have, and that's why they were so easy to forget. You are not so easy to forget; you are in every song, every movie, and in my every dream. When we are done with this little break, we can finally be together and make our dreams come true. Let's not destroy them before we give them a chance .... I love you baby, so don't run because of what you're scared of, just give us a chance, and you will see the love I have for you.

Love always,



Dear Leann,

I went to bed last night with a vision of you next to me. I slept like a baby all night, because I was

not feeling alone. When I awoke this morning to see if it was real or if it was a dream, realty hit me that it was only a dream. Very soon, I know that you will be right next me, and that I will not have to dream of it again because you will be right there so we can hold, hug and squeeze each other tight. Baby, I long to be there with you so I can help build you and support you, so that we can accomplish a whole lot together as husband and wife.

Love always,

Your Ansil


Dear Sharif,

I always thought that dreams were just dreams, but you made them all come true and even better, you built new dreams with me! I can not thank you enough for being more than perfect because you showed me that even all the things that seem wrong are actually opportunities to work at them together and bring us closer together. No matter how far you are and no matter what you do, I always want you to know how much you mean to me, and how much I truly love you and how

much I will always be yours forever.

I love you so much and wish I could be there to hug and kiss you all day and all night long but for now this love letter will have to be my message. but know that you are a big part of me and I think of you all the time. I love you, and I've loved you before I was born, because I believe I was made for you, and will be yours for all eternity.

Love always,



i feel in my heart and in my soul each thing that you say to me. it is something amazing because i think that you always know when i am sad, when i am very happy or when i think of you more than i usually do. your words show me how much you understand me you love me and how much we are connected to each other even with the distance between us, i realize each time more that we were born to each other.

when i met you for the first time, there was a day that i thought i would forget you forever, but i was wrong because i have still got your face painted

on my heart, on my soul, and in my memory. the first time i kissed you, much time has passed, but i still have your kiss burning on my lips and your cologne in all my senses.

maybe i dream too much but when i think of you i long to feel your touch, to whisper in your ears words that only you would hear if only you were mine. there is love so deep inside of me, my love, and in every part of me there is a part of you. you are everywhere i am and be sure that i will be standing by your side praying that you will always have a beautiful life.

like a star, you are already the star of my life, my sky, and my ocean. i will always need you because i cannot live without air, without water and without my soul, and you are all this for me. i love you and forever i love you. my body is still wanting to feel you and your hug and i will pray that this day won't come so late, but if it comes late, even this way i will be here for you and only for you. all my kisses to you my love, and dream of me... from a girl lost

in love for you.


最打动人的十首英文情书 老爸一直以追到有校花之称的老妈而自豪,但每次讲到俘获老妈芳心的致命关键的一封英文情书,老妈都笑的前俯后仰,经过我们一再催逼,老妈终于拿出老爸当年写给她的情书,看了真的是OH!MY GOD!很有一套喔! Dear wang litte sister:亲爱的王小姐 From see you one eye, I shit love you.自从看到你的第一眼,我就爱上你 Your eyes close, I die; your eyes open, I come back to live. Your eyes close and open again and again,I die again and again. 你的眼睛闭上,我就死了,你的眼睛打开,我又活过来,你的眼睛眨阿眨,我就死去活来 Maybe you do not remember me, no matter. When you carefully look at me, you will one see clock feelings. 也许你不记得我,没有关子,当你仔细看着我,你就会一见钟情 I think l should introduce myself to you. 我想应该介绍一下自己 I call Li big great. Toyear 25 我叫李大伟,今年25(今天是today,那么今年就是toyear.,至于伟,就翻成great吧!) My home have four mouth people-papa, mama, I and DD. 我家有四口人..爸爸、妈妈、我和弟弟。 I am a good man, in a big company work.


关于写情书的优美句子 关于写情书的优美句子 左手刻着我,右手写着你,心中充满爱,当我们掌心相对,心心相印时,所有的人都会看到 若不是情到深处难自禁,又怎会柔肠百转冷如霜。 我们从没有势均力敌过你居高临下,我落荒而逃多少年了有一美人兮,见之不忘,一日不见兮,思之如狂。 我遇见了猫在潜水,却没有遇见你。我遇见了狗在攀岩,却没有遇见你。我遇见夏天飘雪,却没有遇见你。我遇见冬天刮台风,却没有遇见你。甚至我遇见的猪都会结网了,却没有遇见你。——我遇见了所有的不平凡,却没有遇见平凡的你。 不论是我的世界车水马龙繁华盛世还是它们都瞬间消失化为须臾我都会坚定地走向你不慌张不犹豫。 后来我总算学会了如何去爱可惜你早已远去消失在人海后来终于在眼泪中明白有些人一旦错过就不再 向来缘浅,奈何情深。 如果不能哭,就一直微笑吧,如果能旅行,就一直流浪吧,如果能唱歌,就一直轻和吧,如果能原谅,就一直遗忘吧,如果能不分别,就一直在一起吧。 就像从不会分开地等待明天,就像永不曾离去地度过那年。时间停止,是因为时针爱上分针,再也不想分开,就如同,我,爱上,你。

每个人的生命中都应该曾有一次为了某个人而忘了自己不求有结果不求同行不求曾经拥有甚至不求他知道只求在最美的年华里遇见他 不愿清醒,宁愿一直沉迷放纵,不知归路,宁愿一世无悔追逐。 我的勇气和你的勇气加起来,对付这个世界总够了吧?去向世界发出我们的声音,我一个人是不敢的,有了你,我就敢你曾给过我一个蓝色气球,送了我一个华美的梦,使我的青春都变成了彩色,使我在以后所有做噩梦醒来的深夜都不会周身寒冷。 我行过许多地方的桥,看过许多次数的云,喝过许多种类的酒,却只爱过一个正当最好年龄的人。 一个人的孤独不是孤独,一个人找另一个人,一句话找另一句话,才是真正的孤独 世事如书,我偏爰你这一句,愿做个逗号,呆在你脚边。但你有自己的朗读者,而我只是个摆渡人。 你心中无爱,怎会懂珍惜二字。 你知道就算大雨让这座城市颠倒,我会给你怀抱。 和弦很美,声音很轻,就这样把我唱给你听。


女生给男生的情书英文 情书就像是爱的刺青,刺在回忆深处的心动瞬间,情书是不分语言的,那么关于英文情书要如何写呢?下面为大家了女生给男生的情 书英文,欢迎参考。 Dear Annan, Never did I imagine that I would ever meet you, especially not in the form of a chat friend. A year later I am leading my life with you as your fiance which I could never thought of this very time last year. God has got his own reasons for us to meet and e this far. But I hope our love will flourish beyond what it is right now. Distance maybe just a part of the reason why sometimes we think we can't handle this whole relationship, but I am sure our love for each other is way far stronger then any oceans can e across. I am writting you this letter to tell you that my love for you is so real that I can't find any words to describe my feelings for you. At the same time I would like to thank you for all your patience while our relationship had to go through


英文短篇情书大全 英文短篇情书大全 to: andrew ~ from: jovia dear andrew, its now been three years of us just talking on phone. you promise me every year that you are coming and when it reaches the end, you change your plans. im even getting old waiting for you. deep in my heart i feel that you are the only man i can love, the one with true love, but i feel so hurt whenever you keep on changing your plans of coming home. every day i feel so lonely, seeing my friends going out with their lovers while you instead just call. i sure am tired of your calls, i just want you here with me. please make any arrangements neccessary so that we can see each other. my love is fading, please ... life is very hard without you. love always, jovia 英文短篇情书大全to: jeremy ~ from: joleen dear jeremy, ive loved you so much all these years, and those feelings cant and wont ever leave this heart of mine.

英文三行情书 浪漫的短句情书大全

英文三行情书浪漫的短句情书大全 因为在古代互联网还没有发展,科技也不是特别的发达,所以那个时候人们的表白方式都是利用书信的方式,也就是写情书来表白自己的爱,除了情书还有古诗词,各种各样的情书方式,现在分享一些英文的三行情书给大家。 第一首 I love three things:the sun,the moon and you. the sun is for the day,the moon is for the nightand you forever. 我爱三样东西:太阳,月亮和你 太阳留给白天,月亮留给夜晚 而你留给永远 第二首 Our distance is not far away Just two dimensional and three dimensional distanceTears slide down 我们的距离并不遥远 只有二维和三维的距离 可眼泪却往下掉 第三首

I AM YOU YOU ARE ME WE ARE ONE 我就是你 你就是我 我们在一起 第四首 Your practical jokes I was deliberately move Because I want to see your smile 在你的恶作剧里 我故意中招 因为我想看见你的笑 第五首 I don't know the passion until i met youI don't know the sorrow until i left youBut now I do know the love when I cherish you遇见你之前我不知道热情 离开你之前我不知道悲伤 但是我现在知道要爱你在我珍惜你的时候 第六首 When you love somebody You don't need proof You can feel it


写情书中优美句子大全 写情书中优美句子大全1、爱情是移动的,所以我们应该去守护爱情。 2、爱情不是在下雨天为对方打伞,而是两个人一起淋雨…… 3、比起爱别人我更喜欢爱我的人,我也想被人爱;我可以成为逗你笑的人,会让你非常快乐的,不想成为被你取消的人。 4、要想接到玫瑰,就不可能不被刺,我想和你一起幸福的被刺。 5、只看天空中星星的人,是看不到脚底的鲜花的,尽管我不是一朵美丽的花,只求您看我一眼! 6、爱一个人的意义,是在他爱着另一个人的时候,能有放他走的勇气那才是爱。 7、比起被一个心里没有我的人抛弃,被一个更帅的人踢开更好。 8、有人说,只有给予爱情的人才能长久拥有爱情,我想为他付出一切,拥有这份爱情…… 9、我准备了一束花和一个硬币,无论什么样的硬币都有正反面,如果正反面不一直帖在一起就无法成为永远了,想成为你这样的硬币。 10、我觉得处处都有爱的悸动,我也想在这样的悸动中与他有一段纯净的感情。 11、爱情就是……失去理智,陷入爱情的话……眼睛会看不到,耳朵会听不到,变成只能看着那一个人的傻瓜。 12、我明知道那花是冲着他飞过去的,我横刀夺了过来,请接受

我的花,我会连同他的那份让你幸福的。 13、请问你是富翁吗?我不想来一段穷酸的爱情。不是因为没钱才叫穷酸的爱情,是没有浪漫的回忆的才叫穷酸的爱情。 14、我觉得爱情就象是一颗种子,你要给它浇水,给它阳光,细心呵护它,我想这就是爱情的力量,请成为我爱情的种子吧,让我们一起把它培养成大树。 15、把心爱的人送走,是个幸福的选择,如果你觉得幸福,那就走吧,可是要是觉得太累,那就回来吧! 16、我可以为了我爱的人什么都能做。象妈妈一样的女人,象朋友一样的女人,象妹妹一样的女人,比100句假话,不如用真实的接受我温馨的眼神和心…… 17、我是很爱你,我是不想成为你的包袱,我想知道我爱你的心,你是怎么想的? 18、你给我的爱情不管是同情还是爱情都不重要了,我宁愿做一个爱情傻子。 19、就算走向你的路多么坎坷多么吃力,我也会走到底的…… 20、据说如果每天读15分钟的书,命运就会发生变化,我觉得只要看着你就会改变命运的。 搜集整理,仅供参考学习,请按需要编辑修改


1. From see you one eye, I shit love you. 自从看到你的第一眼,我便爱上你。 Your eyes close,I die;your eyes open,I come back to live.你的眼睛闭上,我就死了;你的眼睛打开,我又活过来; May be you do not remember me,no you carefully look at me,you wil l one see clock. 也许你不记得我,没有关系。当你仔细看着我,你就会一见钟情。 Like Your people喜欢你的人情书 2. Dear Mine: Just for one reason, I love you so much. Nothing is impossible to a willing mind, love included. Therefore, day after day, I wonder why, I wonder how, I wonder wher e you are. Time to go, I want to tell you how much I feel, and how much I love you. When I think of you, the miles between us disappear. Seeing you will cause me an indescribable thrill, even at the sight of your handwriting will make me tremble. And the wonderful times we shared together shall always remain in my heart. You are my little angel. Just having you close fills me with love and hope; nothing is impossible by your side. It is only when I nearly lose you that I become fully conscious of how much I value you. Accordingly, I would say, “I love you”fo r millions and billions of times, and times and times again. Everything comes and goes, but love stays. When you need someone, re member that I’d be there. If I were in heaven, I’d write your name on every star for all t o see just how much you mean to me. No matter how long the road may be in the future, please cherish e very moment we shared together. No matter how many years will pass away, please treasure our love t ill the last day. Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence. 我亲爱的, 你知道, 每个早晨当我醒来的时候, 第一件事物我必须做想到你。你知道, 每个夜晚当我上床睡觉的时候, 我仅仅只去我的梦被埋首于想念你。 Dear Rodney,


拿破仑写给约瑟芬的情书英文版(Napoleon to Josephine) Napoleon to Josephine Dec. 29, 1795 I awake all filled with you. Your image and the intoxicating pleasures of last night, allow my senses no rest. Sweet and matchless Josephine, how strangely you work upon my heart. Are you angry with me? Are you unhappy? Are you upset? My soul is broken with grief and my love for you forbids repose. But how can I rest any more, when I yield to the feeling that masters my inmost self, when I quaff from your lips and from your heart a scorching flame? Yes! One night has taught me how far your portrait falls short of yourself! You start at midday: in three hours I shall see you again. Till then, a thousand kisses, mio dolce amor! but give me none back for they set my blood on fire. I have your letter, my adorable love. It has filled my heart with joy... since I left you I have been sad all the time. My only happiness is near you. I go over endlessly in my thought of your kisses, your tears, your delicious jealousy. The charm of my wonderful Josephine kindles a living, blazi ng fire in-my heart and senses. When shall I be able to pass every minute near you, with nothing to do but to love you and nothing to think of but the pleasure of telling you of it and giving you p roof of it? I loved you some time ago; since then I feel that I love you a thousand times better. Ev


情书中经典优美句子 1、我准备了一束花和一个硬币,无论什么样的硬币都有正反面,如果正反面不一直帖在一起就无法成为永远了,想成为你这样的硬币。 2、你给我的爱情不管是同情还是爱情都不重要了,我宁愿做一个爱情傻子。 3、爱情就是……失去理智,陷入爱情的话……眼睛会看不到,耳朵会听不到,变成只能看着那一个人的傻瓜。 4、爱一个人的意义,是在他爱着另一个人的时候,能有放他走的勇气那才是爱。 5、你的话已经锁在我的记忆里了那钥匙你就替我保管一辈子吧。 6、不是说有守门员就不会进球了,同样,我也会坚持喜欢他,就算他对我没有感觉。 7、爱情是移动的,所以我们应该去守护爱情。 8、据说如果每天读15分钟的书,命运就会发生变化,我觉得只要看着你就会改变命运的。 9、对你,我已经无条件投降了,你就签下爱情合约吧。 10、不管今世也来世也好,我所要的只有你。 11、我想要和你一起慢慢变老。 12、我恰巧所爱上的人是总统的千金,而不是因为你是总统千金,在我心里,你就是我的总统大人。

13、因为你,我懂得爱,而我懂了爱,第一个爱上的人就是你,只不过我自卑,所以我一直不敢承认。 14、我会爱你999年11个月29天23小时59秒,而你只要爱我一秒我们的千年之恋就实现了! 15、知道表为什么是圆的吗?你觉得到头了他还是会再次开始的我们从新开始吧。 16、只因你太美好令我无法坦白说出我爱你。 17、看着微笑的你,突然发现,我真是世界上最幸福的人。 18、就算走向你的路多么坎坷多么吃力,我也会走到底的…… 19、假如可以的话,我愿意花去生命中的每一分每一秒,陪着你。 20、我一直在找一个理由,来说明我爱你。但我找不到,因为我并不能将我对你的爱只局限在一个理由上! 21、我是星星白天只是因为太阳的存在,而遮掩了我的光芒我一直在发亮望着你。 22、爱情不是在下雨天为对方打伞,而是两个人一起淋雨…… 23、你知道喜欢和爱的区别吗?比如花,喜欢的人会采摘它,但是爱它的人就会给它浇灌。 24、我是一个重感情的人,一旦用心就不舍得放弃。我


篇一:高手写的英文版情书 高手写的英文版情书 dear wang little girl: from see you one eye, i shit love you. maybe you do not know me, no matter. one see clock emotion is pop. i think i should introduce myself to you. i call li old big. toyear 25. my home four mouth people: papa, mama, i and dd. i do early fuck every day, so that i can have strong body to protect you. 篇二:拿破仑写给约瑟芬的情书英文版 拿破仑写给约瑟芬的情书英文版(napoleon to josephine) napoleon to josephine dec. 29, 1795 i awake all filled with you. your image and the intoxicating pleasures of last night, allow my senses no rest. sweet and matchless josephine, how strangely you work upon my heart. are you angry with me? are you unhappy? are you upset? my soul is broken with grief and my love for you forbids repose. but how can i rest any more, when i yield to the feeling that masters my inmost self, when i quaff from your lips and from your heart a scorching flame? yes! one night has taught me how far your portrait falls short of yourself! you start at midday: in three hours i shall see you again. till then, a thousand kisses, mio dolce amor! but give me none back for they set my blood on fire. i have your letter, my adorable love. it has filled my heart with joy... since i left you i have been sad all the time. my only happiness is near you. i go over endlessly in my thought of your kisses, your tears, your delicious jealousy. the charm of my wonderful josephine kindles a living, blazing fire in-my heart and senses. when shall i be able to pass every minute near you, with nothing to do but to love you and nothing to think of but the pleasure of telling you of it and giving you proof of it? i loved you some time ago; since then i feel that i love you a thousand times better. ev [中文译文] 我收到了你的信,我祟拜的心上人。你的信使我充满了欢乐……自从与你分手以后,我一直闷闷不乐,愁眉不展。我唯一的幸福就是伴随着你。你的吻给了我无限的思索和回味,还有你的泪水和甜蜜的嫉妒。我迷人的约瑟芬的魅力像一团炽热的火在心里燃烧。什么时候我才能在你身旁度过每分每秒,除了爱你什么也不需做;除了向你倾诉我对你的爱并向你证明爱的那种愉快,什么也不用想了?我不敢相信不久前爱上你,自那以后我感到对你的爱更增一千倍。自我与你相识,我一天比一天更崇拜你。这正好证明了la bruyere说的爱,突如其来多么不切合实际。埃,让我看你的一些美中不足吧。再少几分甜美,再少几分优雅,再少几分温柔抚媚,再少几分姣好吧。但决不要嫉妒,决不要流泪。你的眼泪使我神魂颠倒,你的眼泪使我热血沸腾。相信我,我每时每刻无不想你,不想你是绝无可能的。没有一丝意念能不顺着你的意愿。好好休息,早日康复。回到我的身边,不管怎么说,在我们谢世之前,我们应当能说:我们曾有多少个幸福的日子啊!千百万次吻,甚至吻你的爱犬。 一七九六年七月十七日晚于麻密罗洛(marmirolo) 还是英文情书牛,各位好好学着。

英文版三行情书带翻译 浪漫的英文三行情书

英文版三行情书带翻译浪漫的英文三行情书 本文是关于英文版三行情书带翻译浪漫的英文三行情书,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 现在人们的想法越来越多了,表白的方式也越来越奇怪,有的人拿着一个大喇叭到人家的楼下大吼,某某某我喜欢你做我女朋友吧,这种方式在有些人眼里或许是很浪漫的,但是在有些人的眼里是很鄙视的,做女朋友这种事情还不如写一封三行情书表白。 英文的三行情书 1、I love three things:the sun ,the moon and you. the sun is for the day ,the moon is for the nightand you forever. 我爱三样东西:太阳,月亮和你 太阳留给白天,月亮留给夜晚 而你留给永远 2、Our distance is not far away Just two dimensional and three dimensional distanceTears slide down 我们的距离并不遥远 只有二维和三维的距离 可眼泪却往下掉 3、I AM YOU YOU ARE ME WE ARE ONE 我就是你 你就是我 我们在一起 4、Your practical jokes

I was deliberately move Because I want to see your smile 在你的恶作剧里 我故意中招 因为我想看见你的笑 5、I don't know the passion until i met youI don't know the sorrow until i left youBut now I do know the love when I cherish you遇见你之前我不知道热情 离开你之前我不知道悲伤 但是我现在知道要爱你在我珍惜你的时候 在表白的时候你要知道对方是一个什么样的人,能接受怎样的告白,不能接受怎样的告白,如果选错告白方式那么成功率就大大的减少。


短小唯美的情书句子 短小唯美的情书来感动对方,那么短小唯美的情书句子怎么写?小编今天收集了短小唯美的情书句子,希望得到大家的共鸣! 短小唯美的情书句子 1.如果有一个人因为爱你,收起他的顽固脾气。把你的兴趣也变成是他的兴趣。不会说许多爱你的话却会做许多爱你的事。过马路时下意识的拉你的手。吵架时依然不忍心让你伤心,即使错在於你。常因为你的小体贴而感动。请你你一定要好好珍惜。这个人,错过了有可能就再也找不回来了。 2.世上,并没有命定的情缘。凡缘,皆属偶然。现实和网络对于情缘的聚散起落并没有什么本质区别。现实中所有的甜蜜和默契,网络也具有;网络中所有的心痛和失败,现实亦存在。区别的只是程度而已。因为,不论是现实还是网络,情缘的载体都是活生生的人。倒是网络为缘分的聚散提供了无限广阔的空间。 3.爱情是什么?是一日不见如隔三秋的思念?是刻骨铭心撕心裂肺的爱恋?是神魂颠倒意乱情迷的感觉?是朝朝暮暮相依相偎的拥有?是一见钟情生死相许的诺言?是愿为对方付出一切的心甘情愿?是体贴周到关怀备至的细心?是牵手一生并肩向前的信念?

4.一见钟情,是种近似于奇迹的东西。你喜欢我我喜欢你,然而这样的奇迹似乎常发生,你时常觉得自己幸运的碰到另一半,而不久便分道扬镳。其实你该明白什么都不了解的两个人,见到的只是激情,一切深厚的东西都来自于最微小的积累,尤其是感情,迫不及待的去确定去试探,永远是我们最常犯的错误。 5.你的爱人,你要用心的去体会,去明白他的心,去思考他到底需要的是什么,在你思考他需要什么的时候,你已经得到了他的尊重。你的爱人,你要用心去保护,不要因为他比你强或者是个大男人,就以为你保护不了他,你的爱比任何鼓励都要壮大,你足以保护你爱的人。 6.最伤心的的是,爱的需要人安慰,她却不让你靠近。最难过的是,知道爱的人不爱你,依然心不变爱着她。最令人感动的是,让不爱自己的人,因为自己长久的陪伴,而最终走到一起。真正的爱情并非在一见钟情,奇人奇遇中产生,流年的平淡往往最能考验一个人的心。爱情,让人成熟,也让人单纯为对方给与全部。 7.最诚挚的感情,往往词不达意,无言许是心灵深处的最高境界吧!真正的爱,是没有边界没有距离的,天涯两相望,心的距离还是在咫尺。三更相思,两端无奈,一帘幽梦,欲理更乱。 8.爱情就是这样一段长长的路和一段难熬的过程,和繁


Fleeting time does not blur my memory of you. Can it really be 1 years since I first saw you? I still remember, vividly, on the beautiful Zhuhai Campus, 1 years ago, from the moment I saw you smile, as you were walking out of the classroom and turned your head back, with the soft sunset glow shining on your rosy cheek, I knew, I knew that I was already drunk on you. Then, after several months’ observation and prying, your grace and your wisdom, your attitude to life and your aspiration for future were all strongly impressed on my memory. Y ou were the glamorous and sunny girl whom I always dream of to share the rest of my life with. Alas, actually you were far beyond my wildest dreams and I had no idea about how to bridge that gulf between you and me. So I schemed nothing but to wait, to wait for an appropriate opportunity. Till now —the arrival of graduation, I realize I am such an idiot that one should create the opportunity and seize it instead of just waiting. These days, having parted with friends, roommates and classmates one after another, I still cannot believe the fact that after waving hands, these familiar faces will soon vanish from our life and become no more than a memory. I will move out from school tomorrow. And you are planning to fly far far away, to pursue your future and fulfill your dreams. Perhaps we will not meet each other any more if without fate and luck. So tonight, I was wandering around your dormitory building hoping to meet you there by chance. But contradictorily, your appearance must quicken my heartbeat and my clumsy tongue might be not able to belch out a word. I cannot remember how many times I have passed your dormitory building both in Zhuhai and Guangzhou, and each time aspired to see you appear in the balcony or your silhouette that cast on the window. I cannot remember how many times this idea comes to my mind: call her out to have dinner or at least a conversation. But each time, thinking of your excellence and my commonness, the predominance of timidity over courage drove me leave silently. Graduation, means the end of life in university, the end of these glorious, romantic years. Y our lovely smile which is my original incentive to work hard and this unrequited love will be both sealed as a memory in the deep of my heart and my mind. Graduation, also means a start of new life, a footprint on the way to bright prospect. I truly hope you will be happy everyday abroad and everything goes well. Meanwhile, I will try to get out from puerility and become more sophisticated. To pursue my own love and happiness here in reality will be my ideal I never desert. Farewell, my princess! If someday, somewhere, we have a chance to gather, even as gray-haired man and woman, at that time, I hope we can be good friends to share this memory proudly to relight the youthful and joyful emotions. If this chance never comes, I wish I were the stars in the sky and twinkling in your window, to bless you far away, as friends, to accompany you every night, sharing the sweet dreams or going through the nightmares together.

古风情诗句子【40条】 最经典唯美的古风情诗

古风情诗句子【40条】最经典唯美的古风情诗 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 古风情诗句子【40条】最经典唯美的古风情诗 古风情诗句子 1、此情可待成追忆,只是当时已惘然。——李商隐《锦瑟》 2、落花人独立,微雨燕双飞。——晏几道《临江仙二首其二》 3、泪眼问花花不语,乱红飞过秋千去。——欧阳修《蝶恋花二首其一》 4、从别后,忆相逢,几回魂梦与君同。——晏几道《鹧鸪天三首其一》 5、深知身在情长在,怅望江头江水声。——李商隐《暮秋独游曲江》 6、相思相见知何日?此时此夜难为情。——李白《三五七言》

、平生不会相思,才会相思,便害相思。——徐再思《折桂令》 8、十年生死两茫茫,不思量,自难忘,千里孤坟,无处话凄凉。——苏轼《江城子》 9、直道相思了无益,未妨惆怅是清狂。——李商隐《无题六首其三》 10、相思本是无凭语,莫向花牋费泪行。——晏几道《鹧鸪天三首其二》 古风情诗句子 1、明月不谙离恨苦,斜光到晓穿朱户。——晏殊《鹊踏枝》 2、执手相看泪眼,竟无语凝噎。——柳永《雨霖铃》 3、忍把千金酬一笑?毕竟相思,不似相逢好。——邵瑞彭《蝶恋花》 4、凄凉别后两应同,最是不胜清怨月明中。——纳兰性德《虞美人》 5、别来半岁音书绝,一寸离肠千万结。——韦庄《应天长》 6、天不老,情难绝。心似双丝网,

中有千千结。——张生《千秋岁》、不知魂已断,空有梦相随。除却天边月,没人知。——韦庄《女冠子二首其一》 8、相见争如不见,有情何似无情。——司马光《西江月》 9、人如风后入江云,情似雨馀黏地絮。——周邦彦《玉楼春》 10、寻好梦,梦难成。况谁知我此时情。枕前泪共帘前雨,隔个窗儿滴到明。——聂胜琼《鹧鸪天》 11、入我相思门,知我相思苦,长相思兮长相忆,短相思兮无穷极。——李白《三五七言》 12、滴不尽相思血泪抛红豆,开不完春柳春花满画楼。——曹雪芹《红楼梦》 13、还君明珠双泪垂,恨不相逢未嫁时。——张籍《节妇吟》 14、一场寂寞凭谁诉。算前言,总轻负。——柳永《昼夜乐》 古风情诗句子


史上最伟大的10封情书 1. Johnny Cash wishes wife June Carter Cash a happy 65th birthday in 1994 约翰尼·卡什在妻子琼·卡特65岁生日时写给妻子的情书(1994年) 'We get old and get used to each other. We think alike. We read each others minds. We know what the other wants without asking. Sometimes we irritate each other a little bit. Maybe sometimes take each other for granted. But once in awhile, like today, I meditate on it and realise how lucky I am to share my life with the greatest woman I ever met.' “我们渐渐变老,也早已习惯了彼此。我们想法一致、灵魂互通。无需询问我们便知道对方想要什么。偶尔我们也会惹对方不高兴,但那或许是因为我们真正把对方视作了理所当然的伴侣。有时候比如今天,我沉思之后意识到,能够与你这样一个我所见过的最伟大的女人共度余生,我是多么的幸运。” 2. Winston Churchill tells wife Clementine Churchill of his undying love (1935) 温斯顿·丘吉尔写给挚爱的妻子克莱芒蒂娜·丘吉尔的一封情书(1935年) 'My darling Clemmie, in your letter from Madras you wrote some words very dear to me, about having enriched your life. I cannot tell you what pleasure this gave me, because I always feel so overwhelmingly in your debt, if there can be accounts in love.' “我亲爱的克莱米,你在来信中提到的那些丰富你生活的话语对我来说非常珍贵。我无法向你形容这带给我的快乐。如果爱情也有账户,那我已经淹没在这份情债中。” 3. John Keats tells next door neighbour Fanny Brawne he can not live without her (1819) 约翰·济慈写给邻居芬妮·布朗的一封情书(1819年) 'I cannot exist without you - I am forgetful of every thing but seeing you again - my Life seems to stop there - I see no further. You have absorbed me.' “如果没有你,我要怎么活呢?看不到你的时候,我记不起任何事情,我的生活似乎停滞了,我什么也看不到。你吸引了我的全部注意。” 4. Ernest Hemingway professes his love to Marlene Dietrich (1951) 欧内斯特·海明威写给演员玛琳·黛德丽的一封情书(1951年) 'I can't say how every time I ever put my arms around you I felt that I was home.' “每次我将你搂在怀中时,我的感觉就像是回到了家中。” 5. Napoleon Bonaparte sends his love to Josephine de Beauharnais (1796) 拿破仑·波拿巴写给约瑟芬·博阿内斯的一封情书(1796年) 'Since I left you, I have been constantly depressed. My happiness is to be near you. Incessantly I live over in my memory your caresses, your tears, your affectionate solicitude. The charms of the

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