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大多欧美企业都非常重视presentation skills,不懂得这一点,是许多在外企工作的人认为自己怀才不遇的原因。我不敢自称presentation高手,但我深谙外企presentation之道,这不是自吹自擂,而是十年外企工作经验的所得。

所谓presentation,不一定非是powerpoint presentation不可。外企对管理人员的衡量指标之一有一个selling skill,其实大多便是从presentation里面得来的印象。外企看重的presentation 是所有外企员工展示自己能力最好的平台,不懂得这个道理便做不好presentation.


1. Title page或Front page(封面/首页)




(3)演示人姓名:常用的排版方式是全居中,也可以采用full block或half block,但要与选用的powerpoint template背景配合。


2. Introduction(简介)


3. Agenda(演示专题目录)


4. 演示正文页面


5. 目录页插入


6. Visual aid

适当使用视觉辅助手段很重要,但不要太多,以免喧宾夺主。所谓视觉辅助指的不是office 自带的那些剪贴画,而是各种图形、图标等。office的各种图标也尽量不要使用。

7. 动画效果与transition




如果是培训,要大量使用visual aid,否则枯燥的文字内容很难吸引听众的注意力。







第七,演示人body language






Today i want to introduce you a film named___WALL-E. The story happened in a distant, but not so unrealistic future, where mankind has abandoned earth because it has become covered with trash from products sold by the powerful multi-national Buy N Large corporation. WALL-E, a garbage collecting robot has been left to clean up the mess. Mesmerized with trinkets of earth's history and show tunes, (2 WALL-E is alone on Earth except for a sprightly pet cockroach. One day, Eve, a sleek (and dangerous re-connaissance robot, is sent to earth to find proof that life is once again sustainable. WALL-E falls in love with Eve. WALL-E rescues Eve from a dust storm and shows her a living plant he found amongst the rubble. Consistent with her "directive" Eve takes the plant and automatically enters a deactivated state except for a blinking green beacon. WALL-E, doesn't understand what has happened to his new friend, but true to his love, he protects her from wind, rain, and lightening, even as she is unresponsive. One day a massive ship comes to reclaim Eve, but WALL-E, out of love or loneliness hitches a ride on the outside of the ship to rescue Eve. The ship arrives back at a large space cruise ship, which is carrying all of the humans who evacuated earth 700 years earlier. The people of earth ride around this space resort on hovering chairs which give them a constant feed of TV and video chatting. They drink all of their meals through a straw out of laziness and/or bone loss, and are all so fat that they can barely move. When the auto-pilot computer , acting on hastily given instructions sent many centuries before, tries to prevent the people of earth from returning, by stealing the plant, WALL-E, Eve, the portly captain, and a band of broken robots stage a mutiny.

英文presentation ppt 演示讲稿引导句[教学]

英文presentation ppt 演示讲稿引导句[教学] 开场白祝贺语: “Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.“ “On behalf of our company I’d like to welcome you here to ...” “Thank you all for coming here.” 介绍开场白: “Let me introduce myself. I’m Ulrike Huber, Manager’s Assistant ...” “I am a consultant to ...” 引出主题: “The subject of today’s presentation is ...” “I’ll give you an overview of ...” “Today I want to update you on ...” 内容概述: “Let me first give you a brief overview.” “I’ll start off by explaining ..., then focus on ...” “I’ll be talking about ... first, then move on to ...” 英文邀请信范本 (Salutation), I would like to invite you to visit ____ for a period of ___ (days, weeks or months), beginning on or about ___ (date). This visit will provide an opportunity for you to contribute your expertise to the ___


转帖一 成功英语演讲的秘诀:开场白、结束语 应对问题 -I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have at the end of the present ation. -Please can you save your questions till the end. -If you have any questions, I will be pleased to answer them at the end of the pre sentation. -there will be time at the end of the presentation to answer your questions-so plea se feel free to ask me anything then. -Don't hesitate to interrupt if you have a question. -Please feel free to interrupt me at any time. -Please stop me if you have any questions. -If you need clarification on any point, you're welcome to ask questions at any time. -Can I come back to that point later? -I will be coming to that point in a minute. -That's a tricky question. -We will go into details later. But just to give you an idea of... -I am afraid there's no easy answer to that one... -Yes, that's a very good point. -Perhaps we could leave that point until the questions at the end of the presentatio n -I think I said that I would answer questions at the end of the presentation---perha ps you wouldn't mind waiting until then. -I think we have time for just one more question 欢迎听众(正式) - Welcome to our company - I am pleased to be able to welcome you to our company... - I'd like to thank you for coming. - May I take this opportunity of thanking you for coming 欢迎听众(非正式) - I'm glad you could all get here... - I'm glad to see so many people here. - It's GREat to be back here. - Hello again everybody. Thank you for being on time/making the effort to come to day. - Welcome to X Part II. 受邀请在会议上致词 - I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this pre


做presentation的技巧 所谓presentation,不一定非是powerpoint presentation不可。外企对管理人员的衡量指标之一有一个selling skill,其实大多便是从presentation里面得来的印象。外企看重的presentation是所有外企员工展示自己能力最好的平台,不懂得这个道理便做不好presentation. 不论是怎样的presentation,目的都一样——说服别人接受某一个观点,告诉别人他们不了解的事。下面从技术上谈谈几个步骤及要点: 1. Title page或Front page(封面/首页) 以powerpoint为例,一个好的presentation的封面页上要有以下几个要素: (1)演示题目(长度不超过一行的60%,如太长,应精简文字或设为两行。三行为大忌。) (2)副标题(不一定要有) (3)演示人姓名:常用的排版方式是全居中,也可以采用full block或half block,但要与选用的powerpoint template背景配合。 (4)日期 2. Introduction(简介) 演示内容的简要介绍。 3. Agenda(演示专题目录) 这一点至关重要,目的是给听众一个清晰的脉络,给人条理性强的印象。但agenda的页面排版要注意:最好不要超过6行,每行注意长度不要超过页面一行的80%,保证页面整体的视觉效果清晰。 4. 演示正文页面 字数最忌太多。注意给页面给白,并且要按照信息的重要性排好次序,每行字数不要差别太大。正文页面不要使用全局中方式。有一种理论说,每行不要超过6个字,有一定的道理,但不一定。 5. 目录页插入 根据演示进程插入刚开始时的目录页,标明进程。以免观众忘记脉络。 6. Visual aid 适当使用视觉辅助手段很重要,但不要太多,以免喧宾夺主。所谓视觉辅助指的不是office自带的那些剪贴画,而是各种图形、图标等。office的各种图标也尽量不要使用。 7. 动画效果与transition Office页面动画效果要慎用。除非某个页面有特别强调内容,也不要使用页面转换动画效果。这些都是不专业的表现。 以上是powerpoint页面制作技术层面的要点,更重要的是演示时的理念。 第一,要明确做演示的目的。 如果是培训,要大量使用visual aid,否则枯燥的文字内容很难吸引听众的注意力。 如果是工作汇报,要通过各种指标的分析(使用分析图表和图形),引出分析结果。 第二,语速要变化。这一点不必多说。 第三,不要背对观众。许多做powerpoint演示的人常犯的错误是看屏幕的时间太多,与观众的目光交流太少。给人以看录像的感觉,而容易使观众忽视演示人的表现。还要注意目光交流不能偏颇,防止部分观众感到被忽视。 第四,适当发问。这是防止观众跑神的方法,但不能使用过多。 第五,切忌照屏幕念稿。演示的内容绝不等于屏幕显示的那些字,否则观众用不了三页就没人看演示人了。演示的全过程中始终要让观众的眼睛盯在演示人身上,而不是屏幕上。需要观众看屏幕时要及时提示。这样,观众始终被演示人引导着,演示效果最好,同时加深了演示人的形象。 第六,观察观众的反应,及时解惑,防止迷惑的观众注意力流失。 第七,演示人body language


英语Presentation演讲稿模板 internet environment. And these examples are far form enough, to create a good environment, there is a long way to go. 篇三:Presentation演讲稿 Good morning,everyone. It’s my pleasure to introduce my hometown,especially as the first to eat crab [kr?b]. Have you ever heard of the tower [?tau?]? Yes, it’s Yellow Crane [krein] Tower . (Chinese: 黄鹤楼). It is a famous and historic [his?t?rik] tower, and built in the year 223 AD. The tower is the landmark in Hubei province [?pr?vins]. Yes, I come from Hubei. At first, I will give an overview [???v??vju:] of Hubei. Hubei province, with a population of 60 million, is located [l???ke?t?d] in the middle reaches of the Yangtze river, and to the north of dongting lake, with Wuhan as the provincial [pr??v?n??l] capital[ ?k?pitl], and Qichun as my birthplace. Hubei covers an area of over 180,000 square kilometers with over 12 prefecture [?pri:fekt?u?] -level city, and 102 counties. It is well known as “a thoroughfare [?θ?:r???fe?] of 9


Life comes in a package. This package includes happiness and sorr ow, failure and success, hope and despair. Life is a learning proces s. Experiences in life teach us new lessons and make us a better p erson. With each passing day we learn to handle various situations. Love Love plays a pivotal role on out life. Love makes you feel wanted. Witho ut love a person could go hayward and also bec ome cruel and ferocious. In the early stage of our life, our parents are the ones who shower us with unconditional love and care, they teach us about what is right and wrong, good and bad. But we always tend to take this for granted. It is only after marriage and having kids that a person understands and beco mes sensitive to others feelings. Kids make a person responsible and m ature and help us to understand life better. Happiness and Sorrow Materialistic happiness is short-lived, but happiness achieved by bringing a smile on others face gives a certain level of fulfillment. Peace of mind is the main link to happiness. No mind is happy without peace. We rea lize the true worth of happiness when we are in sorrow. Sorrow is basic ally due to death of a loved one, failure and despair. But these things a re temporary and pass away. Failure and Success Failure is the path to success. It helps us to touch the sky, teaches us to survive and shows us a specific way. Success brings in money, fame, pride and self-respect. Here it becomes very important to keep our hea d on out shoulder. The only way to show our gratitude to God for besto wing success on us is by being humble, modest, courteous and respectf ul to the less fortunate ones. Hope and Despair Hope is what keeps life going. Parents always hope their children will do well. Hope makes us dream. Hope builds in patience. Life teaches us n ot to despair even in the darkest hour, because after every night there i s a day. Nothing remains the same we have only one choice keep movi ng on in life and be hopeful. Life teaches us not to regret over yesterday, for it has passed and is be yond our control. Tomorrow is unknown, for it could either be bright or d ull. So the only alternative is work hard today, so that we will enjoy a b etter tomorrow.


英语演讲稿 Presentation 中的衔接句 Opening Statements 开场白 First of all, I 'd like to thank you all for coming here today. My name is X and I am the (your position) at (your company). Points to Remember 你需要记住的是 Try to make eye contact with everyone you are speaking to if possible. You can also smile at individual memberso f the audience to put them at their ease. 要注意跟在场的每位听众保持眼神交流,你也可以保持微笑,这样观众才不会感到局促不安。 I 'd briefly like to take you through today ' s presentation. First, we 're going to ... After that, we ' ll be taking a look at ... Once we' ve identified our challenges we will be able

Finally, I ll outline what ... Make sure to indicate each point on your presentation as you introduce each topic. This can be done with a slide (Power Point) presentation, or by pointing to each point on the display device you are using. 确保你所介绍的每个观点都与主题相关。你可以通过幻灯片来完成,也可以使用其他展示设备来完成。 Asking for Questions 提出问题 Please feel free to interrupt me with any questions you may have during the presentation. I ' d like to ask you to keep any questions you may have for the end of the presentation. Points to Remember 你需要记住的是 You can also request the participants to leave questions to the end of the presentation. However, it is important to let participants know that you are willing to answer any questions they


转帖:英文演讲常用语 成功英语演讲的秘诀:开场白、结束语 应对问题 -I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have at the end of the presentation. -Please can you save your questions till the end. -If you have any questions, I will be pleased to answer them at the end of the presentation. -there will be time at the end of the presentation to answer your questions-so please feel free to ask me anything then. -Don't hesitate to interrupt if you have a question. -Please feel free to interrupt me at any time. -Please stop me if you have any questions. -If you need clarification on any point, you're welcome to ask questions at any time. -Can I come back to that point later? -I will be coming to that point in a minute. -That's a tricky question. -We will go into details later. But just to give you an idea of... -I am afraid there's no easy answer to that one... -Yes, that's a very good point. -Perhaps we could leave that point until the questions at the end of the presentation -I think I said that I would answer questions at the end of the presentation---perhaps you wouldn't mind waiting until then. -I think we have time for just one more question 欢迎听众(正式) - Welcome to our company - I am pleased to be able to welcome you to our company... - I'd like to thank you for coming. - May I take this opportunity of thanking you for coming 欢迎听众(非正式) - I'm glad you could all get here... - I'm glad to see so many people here. - It's GREat to be back here. - Hello again everybody. Thank you for being on time/making the effort to come today. - Welcome to X Part II. 受邀请在会议上致词 - I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation... - I am grateful for the opportunity to present... - I'd like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to...


good afternoon,everyone. he is my favorite singer---vae.do you know the chinese meaning of ‘vae’?he does not look handsome at all.sometime,just like your neighborhood,but he is very talented. his was born on 14th march,in 1986.he graduated from anhui medical university.attention,he is a doctor.isn’t it amazing that xusong turns to be a famous musian finally? roses funeral,the burial of your memorise.(玫瑰花的葬礼,埋葬关于你的回忆。) star light,and water thrawn up by the fold.(星光点亮了,海水泛起褶皱) sad lyrics,sad melody,vae’s interpretation (艺术表现)of the plain with a little bit sad. vae is a man who can tell us what is independence.he is my idol.his perserverance,his effort,his great idea,always inspire me.篇二:英语presentation 演讲稿 before i start my presentation, let’s see some pictures;. yes, thesepictures lead us into my topic today: to be good netizens. nowadays we have stepped in a totally new age, in which we mainly receive the information from the internet. and we can see,the netizen population is growing fast the last decade. by 2000 it was just several millions of netizens in china but now, ten years later, we have more than 50 million. this number increased so fast that we have no time for preparing, so this lead to the situation that i show you before. and why that situation is so bad, let’s look at this picture. we can see, besides the large number, we have another problem: most of the netizens are young people; in other words, the next generation. such a bad internet environment can really influence their future, which means: influence our nation’s future. and although there is many benefits, we should first know whether our movement helps (even if just help a tiny little.) these are four big events which we netizens make many contributions: the event of south china tiger, the 2008 olympic, the train event, and the event of extracting bile from live bears. with our effort, a lot more people know these four events and that really helped to force the government to deal with it more properly. so we now know a good harmonious environment is important and we do can take actions to help create it. so why do we move right now. and these examples are far form enough, to create a good environment, there is a long way to go.篇三:presentation演讲稿 at first, i will give an overview [???v??vju:] of hubei. hubei province, with a population of 60 million, is located [l???ke?t?d] in the middle reaches of the yangtze river, and to the north of dongting lake, with wuhan as the provincial [pr??v?n??l] capital[ ?k?pitl], and qichun as my birthplace. hubei covers an area of over 180,000 square kilometers with over 12 prefecture [?pri:fekt?u?] -level city, and 102 counties. it is well known as “a thoroughfare [?θ?:r???fe?] of 9 provinces(chinese:九省通衢)”for its networks of transportation by air, water, highway and railway. hubei is the birthplace for chu culture. chu culture is a highly developed and


做presentation,我们要注意对话题的准备以及态度和身体语言等等,除此之外,我们还应该掌握一些常用句型。 1. Right, let's get started. 2. Let me introduce myself. 3. I've divided my presentation into three main parts. 4. Just to give you a brief overview. 5. I'll be saying more about this in a minute. 6. I'm sure the implications of this are clear to all of us. 7. There's an important point to be made here. 8. OK, let's move on. (go on to make your next point) 9. As you can see, the figures speak for themselves. 10. To go back to what I was saying earlier. 11. Are there any questions you'd like to ask at this point? 12. I'd like to look at this in more detail. 13. Let's put this into perspective. (to explain it this way) 14. Perhaps I should expand on that a little. 15. To digress for a moment? (to depart from your plan) 16. So, to sum up? 17. That brings me to the end of my talk. 18. Thank you. I'm sure you all have lots of questions.


The Broadcast Drifting of JB At first, let me introduce sth about the director. Jing Bao,yes it’me. Many friends consider me as their close friends like Chicken soup,while I think I am just bird flu.Sometimes I am a child with weak intelligence,and sometimes I am a patient with mental disorder. Yes, you are right. I like to defame myself. Fortunately, I am normal most of the time, definitely including now. But have you ever seen one said he was not drunk when he was drunk. Haha~I am just an ordinary person in a crow. Some people like to be different, unique, superman, while I just want to be an ordinary man. I have obsessive-compulsive disorder ( 强迫症ocd ),Procrastination拖延症,acrophobia惧高症,Choice Phobia Disorder选择恐惧症,接手机恐惧症Fear to answer the phone/ answering phone phobia. Ok, let’s go back to the actors, JB, means Jing Bao.Is it interesting? Before we appreciate the splendid masterpiece, let’s watch one advertisement. Jing Bao’s necklace. Wearing it ,you’ll be more charming, attractive, sexy. Jing Bao’s necklace. You deserve it Story starts on a warm winter noon in my senior middle school. I just took my step out of the classroom after arguing fiercely with my


Presentation开场白及结束语 1. 张刚 开场白: -I am delighted to stand here and have this opportunity to share something with you. Today I will focus on... -It's my pleasant duty to report my research. Today I'd like to say something about... -I'd like to thank you for giving me the chance to stand here. Well, the topic I'm going to deal with is... 结束语: -That's all. Thanks for your attention. -I am afraid that the clock is against us, so we had better stop here. 2. 王一越 开场白: -Mr. Chairman, teachers and classmates, my name is Wang Yiyue. I come from the school of management. The title of my presentation is… -Good morning, everyone, my name is Wang Yiyue. I come from the school of management. I am so glad to have the opportunity to give to a speech to you on such an occasion. My speech is about… -Good morning, everyone! My name is Wang Yiyue. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to stand here. My subject is … 结束语: -That’s all. Thank you for listening. -That’s all for my talk. If there are any questions, I would like to give further explanations. 3. 李慧颖 开场白: -Good morning, everyone. I am B from C. I appreciate the opportunity to be here to attend this mini-symposium [session]. The topic of my paper is (about) D. My presentation will be divided into the following three parts. -Mr. Chairman, distinguished colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for your gracious introduction. I am honored to have the chance to address you on this special occasion. I would like to divide my talk into three parts: 1) background of …; 2) recent results in my group; 3) conclusions. -Prof. A, Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you very much, Professor A, for your kind introduction. I am delighted to be here (with you this morning). I am going to give this talk in four parts. First…. Second…. Third…. Finally…. 结束语: -Once again I would like to thank you for the opportunity of talking to you on the subject. I hope you will give me your comments and suggestions. That will help me improve my work. -Thank you for your attention. If there are any points that I didn’t make clearly, please point them out and I would like to give further explanations.

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