当前位置:文档之家› 中式错误英语句子




我们中国人学英文,经常喜欢把中文直接翻译成英文,最近我听到一位学生讲“let me see see.”( 让我看看),是典型的chinglish(中式英文)。为了避免犯这种错误,我们在学习英文时,应该要注意地道表达法的积累。下文列举了学生在日常口语中经常犯错的句子,以及对应的正确表达方法,以供大家学习:

1. 我很喜欢它。

I very like it.

I like it very much.

2. 这个价格对我挺合适的。

The price is very suitable for me.

The price is right.

Note:suitable(合适的、相配的)最常见的用法是以否定的形式出现在告示或通知上,如:下列节目儿童不宜。The following programme is not suitable for children. 在这组句子中用后面的说法会更合适。

3. 你是做什么工作的呢?

What’s your job?

Are you working at the moment?

Note:what’s your job这种说法难道也有毛病吗?是的。因为如果您的谈话对象刚刚失业,如此直接的问法会让对方有失面子,所以您要问:目前您是在上班吗?Are you working at the moment?接下来您才问:目前您在哪儿工作呢?Where are you working these days? 或者您从事哪个行业呢?What line of work are you in? 顺带说一下,回答这类问题时不妨说得具体一点,不要只是说经理或者秘书。

4. 用英语怎么说?

How to say?

How do you say this in English?

Note:How to say是在中国最为泛滥成灾的中国式英语之一,这决不是地道的英语说法。同样的句子有:请问这个词如何拼写?How do you spell that please?请问这个单词怎么读?How do you pronounce this word?

5. 明天我有事情要做。

I have something to do tomorrow.

Sorry but I am tied up all day tomorrow.

Note:用I have something to do来表示您很忙,这也完全是中国式的说法。因为每时每刻我们都有事情要做,躺在那里睡大觉也是事情。所以您可以说我很忙,脱不开身:I’m tied up.

6. 我没有英文名。

I haven’t English name.

I don’t have an English name.

Note:许多人讲英语犯这样的错误,从语法角度来分析,可能是语法功底欠缺,因为have 在这里是实义动词,而并不是在现在完成时里面那个没有意义的助动词。所以,这句话由肯定句变成否定句要加助动词。明白道理是一回事,习惯是另一回事,请您再说几话:我没有钱;I don’t have any money.我没有兄弟姐妹;I don’t have any brothers or sisters. 我没有车。

I don’t have a car.

7. 我想我不行。

I think I can’t.

I don’t think I can.


8. 我的舞也跳得不好。

I don’t dance well too.

I am not a very good dancer either.

Note:当我们说不擅长做什么事情的时候,英语里面通常用not good at something,英语的思维甚至直接踊跃到:我不是一个好的舞者。

9. 现在几点钟了?

What time is it now?

What time is it, please?

Note:What time is it now这是一个直接从汉语翻译过的句子,讲英语的时候没有必要说now,因为您不可能问what time was it yesterday, 或者what time is it tomorrow? 所以符合英语习惯的说法是:请问现在几点了?What time is it, please?

10. 我的英语很糟糕。

My English is poor.

I am not 100% fluent, but at least I am improving.

Note:有人开玩笑说,全中国人最擅长的一句英文是:My English is poor.实话说,我从来没有遇到一个美国人对我说:My Chinese is poor. 无论他们的汉语是好是坏,他们会说: I am still having a few problem, but I'm getting better.当您告诉外国人,您的英语很poor,so what(那又怎么样呢),是要让别人当场施舍给我们一些英语呢,还是说我的英语不好,咱们不谈了吧。另外一个更大的弊端是,一边不停的学英语,一边不停地说自己的英语很poor,这正像有个人一边给车胎充气,又一边在车胎上扎孔放气。您可以实事求事地说,我的英语还不算十分流利,但至少我在进步。


最常见的10种中国式英语错误,你中招了没? 成龙的“Long time no see.”戏剧性地将中国式英语带上了世界的舞台;后起之秀“no zuo no die.”光荣地被美国在线俚语词典收录。越来越多的中国式英语慢慢被世界人民所接受,但这却并不代表所有的中国式英语都将成为一种潮流。今天,我们就来研究一下10个最典型的中国式英语错误吧~ 1. 我没有经验。 误:I have no experience. 正:I don't know much about that. 提示:I have no experience这句话听起来古里古怪,因为您只需要说那方面我懂得不多,或者这方面我不在行,就行了:I am not really an expert in this area. 2. 现在几点钟了? 误:What time is it now? 正:What time is it, please? 提示:What time is it now是一个直接从汉语翻译过的句子,讲英语的时候没有必要说now,因为您不可能问what time was it yesterday, 或者what time is it tommorow?所以符合英语习惯的说法是:请问现在几点了?还有一种说法是:How are we doing for time?这句话在有时间限制的时候特别合适。 3. 明天我有事情要做。 误:I have something to do tomorrow. 正:I am tied up all day tomorrow. 提示:用I have something to do来表示您很忙,这也完全是中国式的说法。因为每时每刻我们都有事情要做,躺在那里睡大觉也是事情。所以您可以说我很忙,脱不开身:I'm tied up.还有其他的说法:I can't make it at that time. I'd love to, but I can't, I have to stay at home. 4. 我的英语很糟糕。 误:My English is poor. 正:I am not 100% fluent, but at least I am improving. 提示:有人开玩笑说,全中国人最擅长的一句英文是:My English is poor. 外国人遇到自己外语不好的情况,他们会说: I am still having a few problem, but I am getting better. 5. 你是做什么工作的呢?


英语知识:容易理解错误的英语句子 1.It is a wise man that never makes mistakes. 误:聪明人永远不犯错。 正:无论多么聪明的人,也难免犯错误。 ★分析★ “It is a 形容词名词that…”的句式结构是一个特殊的习惯用法,意思是“无论怎样的……也不……”。真正的句子意思与字面意思正好相反,并具有含蓄的让步意味,而不是字面上的强调句型。如: It's a good horse that never stumbles. 再好的马也有失前蹄的时候。(引申意义为:金无足赤,人无完人。)2.I'm too anxious to know the result. 误:我太焦急反而不想知道结果了。 正:我极想知道结果。 ★分析★ 英语中“too…to…”结构表示“太……以致不……”的意思。例如: My sister is too young to attend school. 我妹妹年纪太小没法上学。 但是如果too后面的形容词表示主语的状态、心理活动、情感态度(常见的有glad, easy, ready, anxious, eager, willing, happy等),并与其后的不定式构成固定搭配,这时too含有肯定意义,表示“very,extremely”的意思。如:

We are only too happy to take care of your dog for the weekend. 我们非常乐意周末帮你照顾狗狗。 3.All that glitters is not gold. 误:所有闪光的都不是金子。 正:闪光的东西不一定都是金子。 ★分析★ 在句中当不定代词all,both, every…,或者副词always, often, entirely与not一起使用时,表示部分否定,意思是“并非都是”,“不是每个人都”等。如: I don't remember all these formulas. 这些公式我并非全都记得。 I don't completely agree with you. 我并不完全同意你的看法。 4.The mountain is not valuable because it is high. 误:山没有价值因为它高。 正:山并不因为高而具有价值。 ★分析★ 含有原因状语从句,且主句有否定词的复合句,形式上虽然否定主语,然而意义上则是否定该原因状语,译为“并不因为……而……”。如:Galileo was not ready to accept it just because Aristotle had saidso.伽利略并不只是因为亚里斯多德说过某事如何,就轻易接受它。



句型一:分词作状语 Moved by the kids in the village, I decided to donate all my money to them. 被汶川的孩子们感动了,我决定把我所有的钱都捐给他们。 Seeing Dad working so hard, I could not help bursting into tears. 看到父亲工作这么辛苦,我忍不住怆然泪下。 点评:分词作状语可以用来替代时间、条件、原因等状语从句,让文章显得更加简洁,同时功底更深。 分词作状语的用法: 当状语从句的主语与主句的主语一样时,可直接省略从句的主语,并把从句的谓语改成分词(主动语态改成现在分词,被动语态改成过去分词),从而构成分词作状语结构。 【例1】When I see Dad working so hard, I could not help bursting into tears. →Seeing Dad working so hard, I could not help bursting into tears. 【例2】Because I was moved by the kids in Wenchuan, I decided to donate all my money to them. →Moved by the kids in Wenchuan, I decided to donate all my money to them.

句型二:副词提前 Obviously, one of the best ways to keep healthy is to do sports. 显然,保持健康最好的方法之一是做运动。 Eventually, every child will leave home to lead his own life as a fully independent adult. 最终,每一个孩子都会离开家庭去过自己的生活,成为一个完全独立地成年人。 点评:如果要选一种最让人心生感触的句型,副词提前的做法即使不是最好,也是之一了。前置的副词让作者还没说出具体的事件,内心的想法已经呼之欲出。这正是这种无比简单的语法现象所焕发出的魅力所在。 除了提升情感效果之外,副词提前也是让文章结构清晰的一个非常好的办法。我们常用的firstly, furthermore, finally等等所谓的“逻辑词”都是属于这一种类型,童鞋们要时刻想着去用它。 注意事项: 用来提前的必须是——副词! 除了上面给出来的2个例句之外,再分享一篇作文里一个较难的句子,作文题目是“我最难忘的回忆”。 【例】... Oddly enough, my most precious memory lies in the days when I was ill in hospital...


英语作文常见错误(病句) 一、不一致(Disagreements) 所谓不一致不光指主谓不一致,它还包括了数的不一致时态不一致及代词不一致等。 例1. When one have money ,he can do what he want to . (人一旦有了钱,他就能想干什么就干什么。) 剖析:one是单数第三人称,因而本句的have应改为has ;同理,want应改为wants.本句是典型的主谓不一致。 改为:Once one has money ,he can do what he wants (to do) 二、修饰语错位(Misplaced Modifiers) 英语与汉语不同,同一个修饰语置于句子不同的位置,句子的含义可能引起变化。对于这一点中国学生往往没有引起足够的重视,因而造成了不必要的误解。 例1. I believe I can do it well and I will better know the world outside the campus. 剖析:better位置不当,应置于句末。 三、句子不完整(Sentence Fragments) 在口语中,交际双方可借助手势语气上下文等,不完整的句子完全可以被理解。可是书面语就不同了,句子结构不完整会令

意思表达不清,这种情况常常发生在主句写完以后,笔者又想加些补充说明时发生。 例1. There are many ways to know the society. For example by TV ,radio ,newspaper and so on . 剖析:本句后半部分”for example by TV ,radio ,newspaper and so on .”不是一个完整的句子,仅为一些不连贯的词语,不能独立成句。 改为:There are many ways to know society ,for example ,by TV ,radio ,and newspaper. 四、悬垂修饰语(Dangling Modifiers) 所谓悬垂修饰语是指句首的短语与后面句子的逻辑关系混乱不清。例如:At the age of ten,my grandfather died. 这句中”at the age of ten”只点出十岁时,但没有说明” 谁”十岁时。按一般推理不可能是my grandfather,如果我们把这个悬垂修饰语改明确一点,全句就不那么费解了。 改为: When I was ten,my grandfather died. 例1. To do well in college,good grades are essential. 剖析:句中不定式短语“to do well in college” 的逻辑主语不清楚。 改为: To do well in college,a student needs good grades.


xx英语作文多见错误分析 一篇优异的英语作文在内容和语言两方面应是一个统一体,任何一方面的欠缺都会直接影响到作文的质量。然而,很多考生在写作中或者由于粗心大意,或者由于基本功不结壮而经常出现名词不变复数、第三人称单数不加s,前后不一致,以及时态语态、句子统统性等方面的错误。学习方法网不希望看到你的英语作文中有如下的错误哟。 1.审题不清 如2004年中考作文要求写一项最喜欢的课外活动,有些考生将作文的主题定位为“我最喜欢的活动”,偏离了“一项、课外活动”这一主题。依据作文的评分原则,若文章内容不切题,则不管语言如何规范、用词如何确凿,都会被判为零分。 2.拼写错误 拼写是考生应该具备的最起码的基本功,但在考生的作文中却经常能发现很多拼写错误。有拼写错误的作文肯定会被酌情扣分,而且有大量拼写错误存在的作文不仅体现出语言基本功差,同时也直接影响内容的表达,通常会降低作文的档次。 3.名词单复数问题 误myfatherandmymotherisallteacher。 正myfatherandmymotherarebothteachers。 4.缺少动词 在汉语中没有动词的句子是允许的,但英语中每个统统的句子都必须有动词来构成,如:“我累了。”这个句子没有动词作谓语,而用形容词,但英语形容词不能作谓语,一定要写成:i“mtired。 误ihappyicancometobeijingzoo。 正iamhappyicancometobeijingzoo。

误theapplescheap.i“lltakesome。 正theapplesarecheap.i“lltakesome。5.缺少介词、冠词等 还有一些考生因为没有熟练掌握介词或者冠词的用法,不了解中英文语言习惯的例外,也会出现明明的错误,造成丢分现象。 误becauseheavyrainwecan“tholdthesportsmeeting。 正becauseoftheheavyrainwecan“tholdthesportsmeeting。 6.代词的误用 英语中代词的形式很多,包括主格、宾格、物主代词、反身代词等。而汉语中没有主格和宾格、形容词性物主代词和名次性物主代词之分;此外汉语中很多时候不用物主代词,而英语中物主代词是不可省略的,代词的误用是考生最简易发生的错误。 误imotherandiwenttotheshoptobuyapresentforifather。 正mymotherandiwenttotheshoptobuyapresentformyfather。 7.句子不统统 有的考生因为对句子结构认识含混,所以出现只写半句的现象,这也是造成失分的原因之一。 误 manystudentshaveahardtimepassingalltheteststogetintocollege.forexample,myf riendinhighschool。 (这段文章的第二句话没有动词,他不能独立构成一个句子。这是一个非常多见的错误,修改的方法是将两个句子连接起来。) 正 manystudentshaveahardtimepassingalltheteststogetintocollege,forexample,myf riendinhighschool。


英语写作好句的集锦 英语写作好句集锦 1. Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。 2. Nothing is too difficult in the world if you set your mind into it. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。 3. Every coin has two sides. 每枚硬币都有两面;凡事皆有好坏。 4. Don't troubles trouble until trouble troubles you. 不要自找麻烦。 5. No pains,no gains. 不劳无获。 6. Night had fallen before we knew it. 不知不觉夜幕就降临了。 7. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon. 希望早日收到你的来信。 8. You are always throwing things about. Look, what a mess in your room! 你总是乱扔东西。瞧,你的房间乱成什么样了! 9. Not until yesterday did I get to know that. 直到昨天我才知道那件事。 10. It was not until yesterday that I got to know that. 直到昨天我才知道那件事。 11. No sooner had he left home than it began to rain. 他一离开家天就开始下雨了。 12. Hardly had he left home when it began to rain. 他一离家天就开始下雨了。 13. It is obvious that China is getting more and more powerful. 显然,中国正变得越来越强大。 14. It is reported that a terrible accident happened on Highway 22. 据报道,在22号公路上发生了严重的交通事故。 15. It is said that another earthquake will hit this island. 据说,这个岛还会发生地震。


以下是一些中式英语的例子。 To take notice of safe: The slippery are very crafty. = Be careful, slipp ery slopes. (小心路滑。) To put out Xuanda Expressway(北京四环路). To put in Jingzhang Expres sway.(京张高速公路)= Now leaving Xuanda Expressway, now entering Jing zhang Expressway. Decimbing path. = Descent. (下坡路。) Rain or snow day. Bridge, slow-driving.(河北省所有高速公路)= Slow o n bridge in case of rain or snow. Oil gate. / Into. = Filling station.(加油站。)/ Entrance.(进口。) Smoking is prohibited if you will be fined 50 yuan.(字面意义:如果你被罚50元的话吸烟不被允许。)= Smoking is prohibited, penalties for violators is 50 yuan.(不可吸烟,违反者将被罚款50元。) Please come down from your bicycle. = Please dismount from your bicy cle. If you have trouble ask for the policeman. 或If in trouble find police = In case of trouble, dial the police. Being urgent call 110 quickly. (北京) = In cases of emergency, please c all 110. (110 = 中国大陆报案电话,等同香港的999) Complaining tel.(字面意义:抱怨电话)= Customer service telephone(客户服务电话). When you leave car, please turn off door and window, take your valuab le object = Be sure to lock your doors and windows and take all valuables with you. Engine room is serious place.(字面意义:机房是严肃的地方)= Engine r oom: No unauthorised access. (机房重地;重地的意思其实就是闲人免进,只是中文通常都省略了。) Don't forget to take your thing. = Don't forget your personal belongings. Visit in civilisation, pay attention to hygiene! = Attention to visitors: Be civilised and keep the public places hygiene. Deformed man toilet.(字面意义:变形的人厕所)= Public toilet for the di sabled(残疾人厕所). Carefully meet (字面意义:小心翼翼的见面) = Watch your head (小心碰头——注意不要撞到头) Crippled restroom. = Public toilet for the disabled(残疾人厕所). When you across hard you can ring TEL (号码). = In case of emergenc y, please call (号码).


英语作文常见典型语法错误归纳 1.句子成分残缺不全 we always working till late at night before taking exams.(误) we are always working /we always work till late at night before taking exams(正)we should read books may be useful to us. (误) we should read books which may be useful to us. (正) 2.句子成分多余 this test is end, but there is another test is waiting for you. (误) one test ends, but another is waiting for you. (正) the driver of the red car was died on the spot. (误) the driver of the red car died on the spot. (正) 3.主谓不一致 someone/somebody think that reading should be selective. (误) some think that reading should be selective. (正) my sister go to the cinema at least once a week. (误) my sister goes to the cinema at least once a week. (正)


高中英语常见句子错误分析 1.run-on sentence-串句- 标点使用和连词造成的语义混乱。 Rita decide to stop smoking she didn’t want to die of lung cancer.(wrong) Rita decide to stop smoking;she didn’t want to die of lung cancer.(correct) Rita decide to stop smoking. S he didn’t want to die of lung cancer.(correct) Rita decide to stop smoking, for she didn’t want to die of lung cancer.(correct) 2.fragmentary sentence-破句- 每个句子原则上都应有主语和谓语,否则就不能表达完整的 意思。 1)dependent-word fragments-从属连词引起 After I arrived in Chicago by bus.I checked into a room. (wrong) After I arrived in Chicago by bus,I checked into a room. (correct) 2)—ing fragment-动词的ing形式引起 I spent almost two hours on the phone yesterday. Trying to find a garage to repair my car. (wrong)


中式英语与美式英语对照中式英语与美式英语对照表表 转载自:https://www.doczj.com/doc/874665637.html,/c-mistakes.php 经我整理,排版。 Chinese Style: It's seven twenty o'clock . American Style: It's seven twenty . Chinese Style: Your coat is broken . American Style: Your coat is torn . Chinese Style: Susan didn't make a fault anyway. American Style: Susan didn't make a mistake anyway. Chinese Style: Would you mind posting this letter for me ? Yes, certainly . American Style: Would you mind mailing this letter for me ? Of course not . OR ( Not at all ) Chinese Style: He becomes better. American Style: He got better. Chinese Style: We'll have a hearing test tomorrow. American Style: We'll have a listening test tomorow. Chinese Style: I recommend you to take a long vacation. American Style: I recommend that you take a long vacation. Chinese Style: The last bus leaves at eleven o'clock. It's about eleven now, Hurry up! American Style: The last bus leaves at eleven o'clock. It's nearly ( almost ) eleven now, Hurry up! Chinese Style: It was still bright outside. American Style: It was still light outside. Chinese Style: Come to here . American Style: Come here . Chinese Style: Common students in US don't wear a uniform. American Style: The average students in US don't wear a uniform. Chinese Style: Who cooked this salad ? American Style: Who made this salad ? Chinese Style: Different from me, she is proficient in English. American Style: Unlike me, she is proficient in English. Chinese Style: Little children are difficult to understand that.


高中英语作文中常见的100个错误,必须避免!(上) 写作是对同学们英语综合能力的考查,是最能体现大家英语水平的一种检测 方式。学生在写作的过程当中经常会暴露一些弱点、犯一些错误。今天,我 们对大家英语作文中的常见错误进行简要归纳,并举以实例,大家在今后的 英语写作中要尽量避免这些错误的发生。 一. 名词 写作中,学生们常把握不好名词的数、所有格以及一些集合名词的用法。 1. He gave me a very good advice yesterday. 句中的a要去掉,因为advice是不可数名词。一些汉语概念为可数的词在英语中却是不可数的,表示数量时在要其前加a piece of,类似的词有:news, bread, work, paper, chalk, furniture, information等等。 2. That girl loves reading book. 可数名词单数不能孤零零地放在句子里,或前面加冠词,或将其变为复数。此处最好变为books. 3. He went into a book's shop and bought a dictionary. 一般表示有生命的东西的名词的所有格用’s,如my mother’s car, 而此处适宜用名词修饰名词,改为a book shop. 4. My family is watching TV. 一些集合名词如看成一个整体,则用单数的谓语动词,如My family is a happy one. 如果强调集合中每个个体的个人行为,则用复数的谓语动词。此处看电视是个体行为,应把is改为are。类似的词有:team, class, audience等。 5. I bought some potatos and tomatos at the supermarket. 中学阶段,以“o”结尾的名词中有四个词变复数时要加es,它们是tomato, potato, Negro, hero; 其余的都加s变为复数。 6. This has nothing to do with their believes.(这和他们的信仰没关系。)


英语写作中常见错误及分析 根据考试中心的评分标准,文章要切题、表达意思正确,无重大语言错误。学生容易犯的错误可以分为两大类:一、不切题;二、语言表达的错误。 (一)不切题 英汉不同的语篇思维模式是造成不切题的直接原因。一些外国人认为东方人写作善用迂回法,也就是总绕着主题的外围转,而不从主题入手展开讨论。 汉语语篇的思维模式是中国历史文化的产物,人们认为这种方式含蓄、委婉,容易使人接受,而英美人则喜欢开门见山的叙述主题;所以我国学生进行英语写作时,由于受汉语语篇思维模式的影响,阐述时不从主题入手,不能紧扣主题进行写作,致使文章主题不明确,观点不够鲜明。我们来看一篇以"Trees"为题目的作文: Trees are man's friends. We can see trees everywhere. We plant trees every year. We can make tables with trees. Trees also give us fruits to eat. I like to eat fruits very much. 该段的主题句是Trees are man's friends, 写作中心应围绕"friends ",也就是树的用途展开。但学生没有从friends入手阐明主题,而是绕圈子说了些无关紧要的话,第一、二、五展开句偏离了树的用途这个主题,而是说我们到处可以看见树木;每年都种树;喜欢吃水果等;而且段落框架松散,这样就属于主题句抓不住,中心思想不明确,而且句型单调。 再来看改写后的段落: Trees are man's friends. They provide man with timber, fruits and seeds. With timber, man can build houses and make furniture. Fruits are the food, which is necessary to us every day. As for seeds, they can be used to extract oil. 这样就克服了前面所犯错误,紧紧围绕了主题句来展开,算是一篇好的作文了。 (二)语言表达错误 英语写作中,所谓重大语言错误,通常是指语法和词汇错误,我们可以把学生易犯的语言错误归纳为:词汇问题、语法错误、中文式英语。这里我们重点讲述的是前两方面的问题: 1、词汇问题 词汇是英文写作的基本要素。如果把语法比作写作的框架,那么词汇就是写作的砖瓦。由于我国的中学、大学的英语测试形式主要倾向于


关于……人们有不同的观点。一些人认为…… 俗话说(常言道)……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用。,however, 现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。首先,……;其次,……。更为糟糕的是……。 现在,……很普遍,许多人喜欢……,因为……,另外(而且)……。 ,it is common to ______. Many people like ______ because ______. Besides,任何事物都是有两面性,……也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。 , 关于……人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为(说)……,在他们看来,…… ’ 人类正面临着一个严重的问题……,这个问题变得越来越严重。 ……已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年青人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。 , ……在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用,它给我们带来了许多好处,但同时也引发一些严重的问题。 根据图表/数字/统计数字/表格中的百分比/图表/条形图/成形图可以看出……。很显然……,但是为什么呢? ,it can be seen that______ while. Obviously,______, (二)中间段落句 相反,有一些人赞成……,他们相信……,而且,他们认为……。On the contrary,there are some people in favor of ___.At the same time, 但是,我认为这不是解决……的好方法,比如……。最糟糕的是……。 ,____.Worst ofall, ……对我们国家的发展和建设是必不可少的,(也是)非常重要的。 首先,……。而且……,最重要的是…… , 有几个可供我们采纳的方法。首先,我们可以……。 面临……,我们应该采取一系列行之有效的方法来……。一方面……,另一方面, ,we should take a series of effective measures to______. For one thing, ______For another, 早就应该拿出行动了。比如说……,另外……。所有这些方法肯定会……。 为什么……?第一个原因是……;第二个原因是……;第三个原因是……。总的来说,……的主要原因是由于…… 然而,正如任何事物都有好坏两个方面一样,……也有它的不利的一面,象……。 尽管如此,我相信……更有利。 完全同意……这种观点(陈述),主要理由如下:


错误的逻辑关联词 最常见的错误就是逻辑关系明明是转折,应该用"but"或"however",却用了"and"或 "also“: ?In our system the public sector is the major sector of the economy and there are also other sectors. 这个句子的意思是:诚然,在我们的体系中公共部门是经济的主要部门,但是并不只 有这一个部门。表达两个分句逻辑关系的词应是"but"而不是"and":?In our system the public sector is the major sector of the economy, but there are also other sectors. ?

Efforts will be made to introduce pensions, medical insurance, and housing systems, and the best way to get laid-off workers out of poverty is to help them find jobs, Li stressed. 这个句子的意思应该是:对,我们将采取其它措施来保障失业者的生活,但最重要的 事是帮助他们找到工作。两个分句之间的关系应用"but"来表达:?Efforts will be made to introduce pensions, medical insurance, and housing systems, but the best way to get laid-off workers out of poverty is to help them find jobs, Li stressed. 有时译者会犯相反的错误,将应该用"and"的地方,用了转折连接词:?In most of these new areas last autumn's public grain, which constitutes the greater part of national revenue, was collected only in January and February of this year.


中考英语作文十大常见错误分析 俗话说“千里之行始于足下”。英语书面表达能力的形成不是一日之功,必须从平时的课堂学习一点一滴抓起,持之以恒。 一篇优秀的英语作文在内容和语言两方面应是一个统一体,任何一方面的欠缺都会直接影响到作文的质量。然而,很多考生在写作中或者由于粗心大意,或者由于基本功不扎实而经常出现名词不变复数、第三人称单数不加s,前后不一致,以及时态语态、句子完整性等方面的错误。 1. 审题不清 如2004年中考作文要求写一项最喜欢的课外活动,有些考生将作文的主题定位为“我最喜欢的活动”,偏离了“一项、课外活动”这一主题。依据作文的评分原则,若文章内容不切题,则不管语言如何规范、用词如何准确,都会被判为零分。 2.拼写错误 拼写是考生应该具备的最起码的基本功,但在考生的作文中却经常能发现很多拼写错误。有拼写错误的作文肯定会被酌情扣分,而且有大量拼写错误存在的作文不仅体现出语言基本功差,同时也直接影响内容的表达,通常会降低作文的档次。 3.名词单复数问题 误 my father and my mother is all teacher。 正 my father and my mother are both teachers。 4.缺少动词

误 i happy i can come to beijing zoo。 正 i am happy i can come to beijing zoo。 误 the apples cheap. i'll take some。 正 the apples are cheap. i'll take some。 5.缺少介词、冠词等 还有一些考生因为没有熟练掌握介词或者冠词的用法,不了解中英文语言习惯的不同,也会出现明显的错误,造成丢分现象。 误 because heavy rain we can't hold the sports meeting。 正 because of the heavy rain we can't hold the sports meeting。 6.代词的误用 英语中代词的形式很多,包括主格、宾格、物主代词、反身代词等。而汉语中没有主格和宾格、形容词性物主代词和名次性物主代词之分;此外汉语中很多时候不用物主代词,而英语中物主代词是不可省略的,代词的误用是考生最容易发生的错误。 误 i mother and i went to the shop to buy a present for i father。 正 my mother and i went to the shop to buy a present for my father。


第一讲 英语句子结构分析 句子的划分 I. 根据结构划分:①简单句 S+V (主+谓) S+V+P(主+谓+表) S+V+O (主+谓+宾) S+V+o+O (主+谓+间宾+直宾) S+V+O+C (主+谓+宾+宾补) ②并列句 and, but, or ③复合句:名词从句(宾,主,表,同) 副词从句(状语从句) 形容词从句(定语从句) II. 根据功能划分: 陈述句 疑问句 (一般疑问句,特殊疑问句,选择疑问

句,反义疑问句,修辞疑问句) 祈使句 感叹句 III. 根据句子成分:单个词汇 短语 从句 一.陈述句(五种句型) 1.I am a webaholic.我是一个网虫。 Chatting on the internet is interesting. 我喜欢网上聊天。 2.Internet dating hurts.网恋有害。 3.I like chatting online.我喜欢网上聊天。 4.Chatting on the internet brings me a lot of fun.网上聊天给 我带来很多乐趣。 5.We can call internet addicts a webaholic.我们管网上一隐 君子叫网虫。

I. 常用作连系动词: ①变成,变得:become, come, fall, get, go, grow, run, turn 口诀:好是come,坏是go;天气、外貌慢慢grow; 流水、金钱缓缓run;颜色、天气大不同turn;Get\ become口语化,如果要说就用它. 口诀解读: 如:Dreams come true. 梦想成真。 如:It's such a hot day today that this dish has gone smelly. 今天太热了,菜都馊了。 化的静态形容词。 如:I want to grow old with you. 我想和你一起慢慢变老。 如:Still water runs deep.静水深流。


英语作文优秀句子 一、引出开头 1:It is well-known to us that……==As far as my knowledge is concerned, … 2:Recently the problem of…… has been brought into focus. ==Nowadays there is a growing concern over …… 3:Nowadays(overpopulation)has become a problem we have to face. 4:Internet has been playing an important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well. 5:With the rapid development of science and technology,more and more people believe that…… 6:I t is a common belief that……==It is commonly believed that…… 7:A lot of people seem to think that…… 8:It is universally acknowledged that + 二、表达不同观点 1:People's views on……vary/differ from person to person. Some hold that……However, others believe that…… 2:People may have different opinions on…… 3:Attitudes towards (drugs)vary from person to person.==Different people hold different attitudes towards(failure) 4: There are different opinions among people as to…… 三、表示结尾 1:In short, it can be said t hat…… 2:From what has been mentioned above, we can come to the conclusion that……3:Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally/reasonably come to the conclusion that……

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