当前位置:文档之家› 土的压缩性及固结理论







1. 掌握土的压缩性与压缩性指标确定方法;



4.1 概述(outline)


It is well recognized that the deformations will be induced in ground soil under self-weight or net contact pressure. The load-induced soil deformations can be divided into volumetric deformation and deviatoric deformation (namely, angular distortion or deformation in shape). The volumetric deformation is mainly caused by the normal stress, which compact the soil, resulting in soil contraction instead of soil failure. The deviatoric deformation is caused by the shear stress. When the shear stress is large enough, shear failure of the soil will be induced and soil deformation will develop continuously. Usually shear failure over a large area is not allowed to happen in the ground.










(2)孔隙水和孔隙气体的压缩,孔隙气体的溶解;孔隙水和孔隙气体的排出。由于纯水的弹模约为2×106kPa,固体颗粒的弹模为9×l 07kPa,土粒本身和孔隙中水的压缩量,在工程压力(100~600kPa)范围内,不到土体总压缩量的1/400,因此常可略不计。所以,土体压缩主要来自孔隙水和土中孔隙气体的排出。孔隙中水和气体向外排出要有一个时间过程。因此土的压缩亦要一段时间才能完成。把这一与时间有关的压缩过程称为固结。




反映土的压缩性的指标主要有压缩系数、压缩模量、压缩指数和变形模量。土的压缩性的高低,常用压缩性指标定量表示,压缩性指标,通常由工程地质勘察取天然结构的原状土样进行. Characteristic of soil compression

(1)Compression of soil is mainly due to the decrease of void volume.

(2)The compression for a clay increases with the times (consolidation)

Ground soil will deform vertically due to structure load. The contents on studying structure settlement include

1 The absolute settlement (final settlement)

2 Relationship between settlement and time. Introducing terzaghi’s 1D consolidation theory Reasons of volumetric reduction of soil mass

1 The compressive deformation of the soil particles.

2 The compressive deformation of the pore water and air. The partial discharge of the pore water and air.

The consolidation process of saturated soils is in effect a process of discharge of the pore water and corresponding reduction of the pore volume. For saturated sands, pore water is apt to discharge under pressure due to high permeability; hence the consolidation process completes in a short length of time. For saturated clays, pore water discharges slowly under pressure due to low permeability; hence the consolidation process completes in a long length of time.

To calculate the deformation of the soil mass, it is necessary to know the compression indexes. These indexes can be obtained from laboratory compression test (consolidation test) and field load tests.

4.2 土的压缩性(soil compressibility charateristic)

4.2.1 固结试验及压缩性指标(Oedometer test, Consolidation test and Compression indexes) 侧限压缩试验亦称固结试验。所谓侧限就是使土样在竖向压力作用下只能发生竖向变形,而无侧向变形。


Compression test with zero lateral strain is also called Oedometer test. In test, there is vertical deformation but no lateral deformation under vertical load.

The characteristic of a soil during one-dimensional compression can be determined by means of the oedometer test (see Fig.4-1). The test specimen (2 cm high and a diameter to height ratio of 2.5) is in the form of a disc, held inside a metal ring and lying between two porous stones. The upper porous stone, which can move inside the ring with a small clearance, is fixed below a metal loading cap through which pressure can be applied to the specimen. The whole assembly sits in an open cell of water to which the pore water in the specimen has free access. The ring confining the specimen may be either fixed (clamped to the body of the cell) or floating (being free to move vertically): the inside of the ring should have a smooth polished surface to reduce side friction. The confining ring imposes a condition of zero lateral strain on the specimen, the ratio of lateral to vertical effective stress being K0, the coefficient of lateral earth pressure at rest. The compression of the specimen under pressure is measured by means of a dial gauge operating on the loading cap. Usually the specimen is gradually loaded, and the load grades are often set as p=50kPa,100kPa,200kPa,300kPa, 400kPa。It should be noted that the relationship between the void ratio and the effective pressure shown in fig. is not fixed for the same soil. It depends on the magnitude of the applied load and the length of the loading period in the standard oedometer test, each load is normally maintained for a period of 24 hours for a 2 cm thick clay to complete the compression.

如下图,为求得土样稳定后的孔隙比,利用土粒子体积不变和土截面不变的两个条件,可得出:The soil compression characteristic has been discussed in the last section. This section discusses further the calculation method of the magnitude of the soil compression under an effective stress increment. In the current engineering practice, the widely used method for calculating the foundation settlement is the one-dimensional consolidation method, which is established based on the calculation formulae of soil compression under zero lateral strain condition, namely unidirectional compression. The basic assumptions made for obtaining the calculation formulae are:

(1)Soil compression is fully the result of the deformation of soil skeleton due to reduction in pore volume.

The compression of soil particle is omitted;

(2)Deformation is only in the vertical direction, without

lateral strain;

(3)Stress is uniformly distributed along the height of the soil


Fig. shows a saturated soil specimen after compression at

effective stress p1. assume the height of the soil specimen is h,

the volume of soil particle V s, the corresponding void ratio

e1,then the pore volume is v s and the total volume V1 is(1+e1) V s.

if the effective stress is increased to p2 equal to (p1+△p),the

height of the soil specimen after compression is H2,

As shown in the below figures, because the volume of soil

particle and the soil cross section do not change, the void ratio

after compression can be calculated as follows:


















V s=1V s=1

V v=e0 V


=e i

p i


















































are the specific gravity of solids, initial water content, initial density of soil and density of water. So that we can calculate the void ratio in stable state after compression/consolidation from the dial gauge readings and draw the compression curve.



e-p曲线可确定土的压缩系数,压缩摸量等指标,e-logp曲线可确定土的压缩指数等压缩性指标。压缩系数(compression coefficient)的定义为“曲线上任意两点割线的斜率”。

From the curve e-p, the coefficient of consolidation and the compression modulus can be determined. It is defined as the change of void ratio over unit pressure increment, the slope of two points in the curve e-p.






















a1-2< 0.1MPa-1时,低压缩性土(low compressible soil)

0.1≤a1-2<0.5MPa -1时,中压缩性土(intermediate compressible


a1-2≥0.5MPa -1时,高压缩性土(high compressible soil)

※自重应力p1增加到外荷作用土中应力p2 (自重与附加


In above equation, - means the void ratio decrease with the increase of the pressure p. For soils having different characteristic of compressibility, the curves of compression are different too. If the slope is large, it means the void ratio change is remarkable, and the soil is high compressible.

压缩指数(compression index):e-lgp坐标系统中的曲线上直线的斜率(slope of e-lgp curve)



211221lg lg lg p p e

e p p e e C c -=--=

※C c 是无量纲系数,同压缩系数a 一样,压缩指数C c 值越大,土的压缩性越高。虽然压缩系数a 和压缩指数C c 都是反映土的压缩性指标,但两者有所不同。前者随所取的初始压力及压力增量的大小而异,而后者在较高的压力范围内却是常量,不随压力而变。 ※ 卸载段和再加载段的平均斜率称为土的回弹指数C e ,而C e 《C c 。一般粘性土的C c 值在1.0左右,C e 值在(0.1~0.2) C c 之间。

Same as the coefficient of compression a, the larger the value of C c , the steeper the compression curve and the higher the soil compressibility will be. Although both the coefficient of compression a and the compression index are indicators of soil compressibility, they are actually different in the following aspects. The former varies with the initial pressure and the pressure increment applied, whereas the later is essentially a constant within a majority range of the applied load.

压缩模量(compression modulus ):土体在完全侧限的条件下,竖向应力增量与竖向应变增量的比值。(The ratio of vertical stress increment over vertical strain increment with no lateral strain)


S d dp

E εε



From the figure,


11111e H

H e H +?-=+

12111e e e H H +-=? 且p a e ?=?, 故有,11


e H +?

由此可推得侧限条件下的应力应变模量为(the compression modulus can be given as):


m a e H H p Es 11/11=+=??=


Es 的倒数成为土的体积压缩系数m v (coefficient of volume compressibility),它表示单位压应力变化引起的单位体积变化(MPa -1) 与土的压缩系数,土的压缩指数一样,体积压缩系数植越大,土的压缩性越高。

The compression coefficient a v , the compression index C c , the coefficient of volume compressibility m v , the compression modulus E s , and the deformation modulus E are all indicators of the compression characteristics of soil. These parameters can be used for the settlement calculation, although they have different meanings.



(1)卸荷时,试样不是沿初始压缩曲线,而是沿曲线bc 回弹,可见土体的变形是由可恢复的弹性变形和不可恢复的塑性变形两部份组成。

(2)回弹曲线和再压线曲线构成一迴滞环,土体不是完全弹性体; (3)回弹和再压缩曲线比压缩曲线平缓得多。

(4)当再加荷时的压力超过b 点,再压缩曲线就趋于初始压缩曲线的延长线.

Typical plots of void ratio (e) after consolidation, against effective stress (p) for a saturated clay, are shown in the Fig., showing an initial compression followed by expansion and recompression, namely a

p 1

loading-swelling-reloading sequence. During loading, the soil is compressed and becomes more dense, and therefore stiffer, so that the e-p relationship is curved and getting less steep. The shapes of the curves are related to the stress history of the clay. During compression, changes in soil structure continuously take place and the clay does not revert to the original structure during expansion. The plots show that a clay in the state represented by the recompression curve will be much less compressible than the same clay in a state represented by the virgin compression curve. All in all, the following features can be identified from the figure:

(1) during unloading or expansion, the soil specimen rebounds along the rebounding curve bc, rather than the virgin compression curve ab. This shows that the soil deformation is made up of two components, one is recoverable elastic deformation, another is irrecoverable plastic deformation;

(2)rebounding or expansion curve and recompression curve constitutes a hysteretic loop, which indicates that the soil is not a fully elastic material;

(3)the slope of the rebounding curve and the recompression curve are gentler than that of the virgin compression curve;

(4)the recompression curve ultimately joins the virgin compression curve: further compression then occurs along the virgin curve.

4.2.2 现场载荷试验及变形模量(in-situ load test and the deformation modulus)

现场载荷试验是在工程现场通过千斤顶逐级对置于地基土上的载荷板施加荷载,观测记录沉降随时间的发展以及稳定时的沉降量s ,将上述试验得到的各级荷载与相应的稳定沉降量绘制成p-s 曲线,即获得了地基土载荷试验的结果。

In-situ load test is performed in field, the relationship between the settlement and the time are measured and find the stable settlement under a given load. Finally, as the test results, the p-s curve (load-settlement) can be drawn. From the in-situ tests, the deformation modulus can be obtained.


Deformation modulus: the ratio of the vertical load to the vertical strain is called as Deformation modulus . The vertical strain includes the elastic strain and the plastic strain. 根据地基沉降的弹性力学公式(公式5-23)


112/1s bp s μω-= 来反求地基土的变形模量。


From the elastic solution of (



/1s bp s μω-=, the deformation modulus of the ground soil can be given as



0/1s bp E μω-=

E 0:土的变形模量,

ω:形状系数,对刚性板,应取r ω按表5-8查取(方形板0.88,圆形板0.79)。 b :承压板的边长或直径, p 1:所取定的比例界限荷载

s 1: 与取定的比例界限荷载相对应的沉降,在p-s 曲线不出现起始的直线段时,可取为(0.010—0.015)b



1120/1s bp I E μω-=

I :承压板埋深z 时的修正系数,当z>b 时,I=0.5+0.23b/z ,其余符号与上式同。 Where

E 0:deformation modulus

ω:coefficient of shape, for a rigid plate, the values of r ω are as shown in table 5-8(square: 0.88,circle:0.79)。

b :the length or the diameter of the plate, p 1:the given limit load

s 1: the settlement according to p 1,if in the curve p-s, the beeline cannot be seen ,the value is considered as (0.010—0.015)b

For the deep plate loading tests ,the deformation modulus is given as :


1120/1s bp I E μω-=

I :承压板埋深z 时的修正系数,当z>b 时,I=0.5+0.23b/z ,其余符号与上式同。 I :Modification coefficient of depth of plate ,when z>b ,I=0.5+0.23b/z.

变形模量与压缩模量的关系(Relationship between the deformation modulus and the compression modulus) z y x K σσσ0== 0==y x εε 0000=--=

E E E z



x σμ





z K


21K E E E E z




z μσσμ




Under laterally confined condition s


z E σε=

The relationship between the deformation modulus and the compression modulus is given as

s s E E E )121(2



4.3 饱和土中的有效应力


作用于饱和土体内某截面上总的正应力s 由两部分组成:一部分为孔隙水压力u ,它沿着各个方向均匀作用于土颗粒上,其中由孔隙水自重引起的称为静水压力,由附加应力引起的称为超静孔隙水压力(孔隙水压力);另一部分为有效应力s ’,它作用于土的骨架(土颗粒)上,其中由土粒自重引起的即为土的自重应力,由附加应力引起的称为附加有效应力。饱和土中总应力与孔隙水压力、有效应力之间存在如下关系。

The resistance or a reaction to the total stress in a saturated soil is provided by a combination of the stresses from the solids(effective stress) and water in pores(pore water pressure), the relationship between the total stress , the pore water pressure and the effective stress is





1)任一平面上受到的总应力等于有效应力加孔隙水压力之和; 2)土的强度的变化和变形只取决于土中有效应力的变化。

如下图,根据有效应力原理,C 点处的竖向有效应力为(as shown in the below figure, from the effective principle, the vertical effective stress at point C is),2112211h h h h h u w sat γγγγγσσ'+=-+=-='(γ'为浮重度)。这与第3章地下水位以下水对土柱体有浮力作用的概念是一致的。

1h γ21h h sat γγ+h h h w γγγ-'+21()

h h w +2γσu


h γ21h h sat γγ+h h h w γγγ+'+21)(2h h w -γσu σ'

4.3.2 水中水渗流时的土中有效应力(soil effective stress when seepage occurs) 当地下水渗流时,土中水将对土颗粒作用着渗流力,如下图所示的两种情况。

Under seepage condition, the seepage force to the soil particle will occurs, as shown in the below figures.


The distribution of total stress is same even under different seepage condition. The seepage can not influence the total stress. Due to the seepage force, the effective stress and the pore water stress will change. When the water seepage upward, the seepage force is opposite to the gravity, the effective stress will decrease. On the contrary, when the water seepage downward, the direction of the seepage force is same as the gravity, the effective stress will increase.


h γ21h h sat γγ+2

1h h γγ'+2

h w γσ




土的毛细性是指能够产生毛细现象的性质,土的毛细现象是指土中水在表面张力作用下,沿着细的 孔隙向上及其它方向移动的现象。


(1)毛细水的上升是引起路基冻害因素之一; (2)对建筑毛细水上升引起地下室过分潮湿;


(4)当地下水有浸蚀性时,毛细水上升对建筑物和构筑物的基础中的混凝土、钢筋等形成浸蚀作用。 其全应力,有效应力的分布形式如下图。

4.4 土的单向固结理论(1 dimensional consolidation theory)

4.4.1 饱和土体的渗透(流)固结(Consolidation of saturated soil) 定义:饱和土体在压力作用下,孔隙中水随时间的增长逐渐被排出,同时孔隙体积也随之减少的过程称为饱和土体的渗透(流)固结过程。

The compression of a saturated soil is a result of drainage of pore water and the corresponding contract of the void volume. The process of the drainage of the pore water is called the process of consolidation of saturated soil 压缩固结过程(process of consolidation): a )土体孔隙中自由水逐渐排出;b )土体体积逐渐减少;c )孔隙水压力逐渐转移到土骨架来承受,成为有效应力。以上三方面为饱和土体固结作用,即排水、压缩和压力转

移,饱和土体的渗透固结,可以用弹簧活塞模型来说明:以弹簧模拟土骨架,圆筒中的水模拟孔隙中水;活塞模拟土的透水性,活塞上作用σA 压力。

a) The free water gradually outflow. b) The volume of soil is gradually reduced. c) The pore water pressure is gradually transferred to soil fabric, changed as effective stress. The procedure includes: drainage, compression, pressure transition.

4.4.2 太沙基一维固结里论。(Terzaghi ’s theory of one dimensional consolidation) 基本假设:





5.渗透系数k 和压缩系数a 保持不变。


7.土体变形完全是孔隙水压力消散引起的。 Assumptions in the theory

1 The soil is homogenous and saturated.






h γ()

21h h h c sat ++2

1h h h c sat γγγ'++2

h w γσ



h 1 h 2



sat h h γγ+1c

w h γ-1

h γc w h h γγ+1c

sat h γγ+1

2 The solid particles and water are incompressible.

3 Compression and flow are one-dimensional (vertical, i.e., in the direction of the applied pressure).

4 Strains are small

5 Darcy ’s law is valid at all hydraulic gradient

6 The coefficient of permeability k and the coefficient of volume compressibility m v remain constant throughout the process.

7 There is a unique relationship, independent of time, between void ratio and effective stress.

单位单元体的流入水量(Flow in the unit element ) dxdy z h k kiA q ??



==' 流出水量(Flow out the unit element )dxdy dz z h z h k q ???



水量变化为(V olume change of water ) dxdydz z


k q q 22??=''-'




??+??-=??dxdydz e e t t V w 1, 根据固结渗流的连续条件,单元体在某一时间的水量变化应等于单元体中孔隙体积的变化,并考虑到单元体内土粒体积

dxdydz e


为不变的常数,因此可知: The rate of the void volume change of the unit element (Contraction) is



??+??-=??dxdydz e e t t V w 1. Since the volume change of water is equal to the void volume change, and the soil particle volume

dxdydz e


is constant, the follow equation can be obtained. * t e e z

h k ??+=??1122 (4-22)

再根据土的应力应变关系的侧限条件,有:σ'-=-=ad adp de 并将此公式代入上式,则有

From the stress-strain relationship under confined condition, σ'-=-=ad adp de , and substitute it into

equation (4-22),


z h m k z h a e k v ?'?-

=??=??+σ222211 (4-24) 根据全应力与有效应力的关系,且有单元体中的孔隙水压力为h u w γ=

以22221z u z

h w ??=??γ和t u t ??-

=?'?σ 代入4-24式即可得到一维固结的微分方程是4-25 From the relationship of the total stress and the effective stress, and the pore water pressure is h u w γ=,

substitute 2

2221z u z

h w ??=??γ ,t u t ??-=?'

?σ into equation 4-24, we can obtain the differential equation 4-25

of one-dimensional consolidation.



z u a e k w ??=??+2

21γ 4-25a t


m z u k v w ??=??2

2γ 4-25b

t u z

u c v ??=??22 4-25c


w v m k

c γ=:称为土的竖向固结系数(coefficient of consolidation)。

在如下初始条件和边界条件如下(under the follow initial and boundary conditions): t = 0和 0 ≤ z ≤ H 时, u =u 0=p 0 < t < ∞和 z = 0 时, u = 0 0 < t < ∞和 z = H 时,



t = ∞ 和 0 ≤ z ≤ H 时, u =0 式中 C v : 固结系数, w

v a e k C γ)


, a : 土的压缩系数,k :土的渗透系数 采用分离变量法,可求得满足初始条件和边界条件的解答如下(The solution for the excess pore water pressure at depth z after time t is)





22sin 14m T m t

z v

e H z m m p u πππ




C T v v =

:时间因素(time factor). H 土层最远的排水距离,当土层为单面(上面或下面)排水时,H 取土层厚度;双面排水时,水由土层中心分别向上下两方向排出,此时H 应取土层厚度之半。

H: the longest drainage distance. When the free drainage can only take place at one boundary surface, (i.e., one-way drainage), the layer is said to be half-closed layer, and the length of the drainage path equal the

thickness of the layer. If free drainage takes place on its upper and lower surfaces (i.e., two-way drainage), the layer is said to be an open layer and the length of the drainage path is equal to half the thickness of the layer. 4.4.3 土的固结系数

土的固结系数是反映土体固结快慢的一个重要指标。在地基土层的固结沉降计算中,土的竖向固结系数c v 是一个控制性指标,式(4-25c )表明c v 与固结过程中孔隙水压力消散的速度()t u ??/成正比。C v 值越大,在其他条件下相同的情况下,土体内孔隙水排出速度也越快。固结系数的确定方法有多种,如果能测出其某一孔隙比时的渗透系数和压缩系数,就可以计算出相应的固结系数[见式(4-25a )]。但最常用的方法是通过固结试验直接测定,得到某一级压力下的试样压缩量s 与时间t 的关系曲线,对土的竖向固结度U Z

(是指饱和土体在某一压力作用下经历时间t 时的固结沉降与最终固结沉降之比)与时间因素T V 的关系曲线(见第5章5.5.1节)进行拟合。由于试样压缩量与固结度U Z 成正比,而时间又与时间因素T V 成正比,因此这两种曲线有相似形状得以拟合。必须指出,所测定的固结系数是针对某一级压力的,应尽可能与实际工程的荷载相一致。

The indicator of the coefficient of consolidation reflects the rates of soil consolidation. In calculating the settlement of the ground settlement, the coefficient of consolidation is an definitive indicator. As shown in equation (4-25), the coefficient is proportional to the rate of the dissipation of pore water pressure. The larger the value of C v is , the higher the rate of drainage of water will be. The coefficient of consolidation can be determined by various way. If the coefficient of the permeability and the coefficient of compressibility

under a given void ratio can be measured, the coefficient of consolidation can be calculated from the equation (4-25a). But it is usually determined directly from the oedometer tests by curve fittling the settlement and the time relationship under a particular pressure. It should be noted that the coefficient of consolidation is under a particular pressure, it should be close to the load in practice engineering.


There are root time method , log time method to determine the coefficient of consolidation. In practice application, for the error is relatively small by using root time method , it should be used at first,. If the beeline can not be determined clearly in root time curve, then use the log time method.

时间平方根法是根据U Z -T V 理论曲线,见式(5-47)表达式()

4/ex p )/8(12

2v z T U ππ--=的首段为

抛物线的特征,而绘制成曲线图则首段成为一直线,此直线关系可用来v z T U 128.1=或2



v U T π


近似表达。现若将该直线延长到U Z =90%处,则其所对应T V =0.636或798.0=v T ,而理论曲线达到90%的固结度处则为曲线段上的一点,由式(5-47)算出T V =0.848或920.0=v T ,两者之比为0.920/0.798=1.15。

The root time method is based on the characteristic of the U Z -T V relationship. From the equation (5-47), we can see that the is a straight line at the initial stage, and the straight line can be represented by

v z T U 128.1=, or 2


z v U T π


approximately. If extending the straight line to the degree of

consolidation U Z =90%, the corresponding time factor is T V =0.636 or 798.0=v T . But in theoretical curve, when the degree of consolidation is U Z =90%, from the equation (5-47), the value of the corresponding time factor is T V =0.848 or

920.0=v T . The ratio of the two results is 0.920/0.798=1.15

平方根法室内固结试验利用以上特征(参照图4-18),推求出固结试验百分表读数d 与时间平方根曲线的理论零点和对应于90%固结度的时间t 90,据此计算竖向固结系数。固结系数与时间t 90的关系为: By using the above quality of the consolidation test, in root time method, the theoretical zero position and consolidation time factor corresponding to 90% degree of consolidation are estimated from the curve of the readings of dial-gauge d and root time t, so that the coefficient of consolidation can be calculated. The relationship of coefficient of consolidation and time t 90 is as follows.


/848.0t h c v =

()4/21h h h += (h 1:试料初始高度,h 2:试料终了高度)

同样通过时间对数法时,可通过d-logt 曲线求得对应于50%固结度的时间t 50,从而可按下式计算固结系数。

Same as the root time method , the time t 50 corresponding to the 50% degree of consolidation can be obtained ,the coefficient of consolidation can be calculated from the following equation 。


/196.0t h c v =

本章小结(Summarization )


反映土的压缩性的指标主要有压缩系数、压缩指数、压缩模量和变形模量。土的压缩性的高低,常用压缩性指标定量表示。任一平面上受到的总应力等于有效应力加孔隙水压力之和; 土的强度的变化和变形只取决于土中有效应力的变化。 习题

p .110, 4.1,4.3,4.6,4.7,4.8


土的压缩性实验报告 篇一:土力学实验报告 土力学实验报告 班级:姓名:学号:小组成员: 中国矿业大学建筑工程学院岩土工程研究所二〇一四年十二月 试验一含水量试验 一、目的 本试验之目的在于测定土的含水量,借与其它试验相配合计隙比及饱和度等;并查表确定地基土的容许承载力。 二、解释 (1)含水量w是土中水的质量与干土颗粒质量之比,用百分数表示。 (2)本方法适用于有机物含量不超过干土重5%的土。若土中有机物含量在5~l0%之间,应将烘干温度控制在65-70℃,并在记录中注明)。 三、设备 (1)有盖的称量盒数只;(2)天平,感量0.01克;(3)烘箱(温度100~110℃)(4)干燥器(内有干燥剂CaCl2)。 四、操作步骤 (1)选取具有代表性的土样l5-30克(砂土适当多取)

放入称量盒。盖好盒盖,称盒加湿土质量。 (2)打开盒盖,放入烘箱。在105~110℃下烘至恒重。烘干的时间一般为:粘土、粉土不得少于8小时;砂土不得少于6小时。 (3)将烘好的试样连同称量盒一并放入干燥器内,让其冷却至室温。(4)从干燥器内取出试样,称盒加干土质量。 (5)实验称量应准确至0.01克以上并进行2次平行测定,取平均值。(6)按下式计算含水量: 12 w?2??100% 式中: w——含水量,%; m1——称量盒加湿土质量,g; m2——称量盒加干土质量,g: m——称量盒质量,g(根据盒上标号查表)。 本试验须进行2次平行测定,其平行误差允许值;当含水量w小于5%时,允许平行误差为0.3%; 当含水量w等于或大于5%而小于40%时允许平行误差为l%;当含水量w等于或大于40% 时,允许平行误差为2%。 五、注意事项 (1)称量盒使用前应先检查盒盖与盒体号码是否一致,


试验七 固结综合试验 一、基本原理 (一) 土的压缩性 土在外荷载作用下,其孔隙间的水和空气逐渐被挤出,土的骨架颗粒之间相互挤紧,封闭气泡的体积也将缩小,从而引起土层的压缩变形,土在外力作用下体积缩小的这种特性称为土的压缩性。 土的压缩性主要有两个特点:①土的压缩主要是由于孔隙体积减少而引进的。对于饱和土,土是由颗粒和水组成的,在工程上一般的压力作用下,固体颗粒和水本身的体积压缩量都非常微小,可不予考虑,但由于土中水具有流动性,在外力作用下会沿着土中孔隙排出,从而引起土体积减少而发生压缩;②由于孔隙水的排出而引起的压缩对于饱和粘性土来说是需要时间的,土的压缩随时间增长的过程称为土的固结。 (二) 土的压缩曲线及有关指标 固结试验(亦称压缩试验)是研究土的压缩性的基本的方法。固结试验就是将天然状态下的原状土或人工制备的扰动土,制备成一定规格的土样,然后置于固结仪内,在不同荷载和在完全侧限条件下测定土的压缩变形。 由固结试验可得到土的压缩变形ΔH 与荷载 p 之间的关系,并可进一步得到相应的孔隙比e 与荷载 p 之间的关系 :e--p 曲线或e--lgp 曲线。 图7-1 固结试样中土样孔隙比的变化 如图7-1所示,设土样的初始高度为H 0,初始孔隙比为e 0 ,在荷载p 作用下,土样稳定后的总压缩量为ΔH ,假设土粒体积V s =1(不变) ,根据土的孔隙比的定义e=V v / V s ,则受压前后土粒体积不变,且土样横截面积不变,所以受 ) 17(111000 ?+Δ?=+=+e H H e H e H

压前后试样中土粒所占的高度不变,因此,根据荷载作用下土样压缩稳定后的总于是有: 压缩量ΔH ,即可得到相应的孔隙比e 的计算公式: ) 27()1(00 0?+Δ? =e H H e e 1) 1(0 0?+= w s w G e 式中 ρρ ,其中,G s 为土粒比重,ω0为土样的初始含水 量,ρ0 为土样的初始密度(g/cm 3),ρw 为水的密度(g/cm 3) 。 e ,从而可绘制出土的如此,根据式(7-2)即可得到各级荷载p 下对应的孔隙比e-p 曲线及e-lgp 曲线等。 1. e-p 曲线及有关指标 图7-2 土的压缩曲线 通常将由固结试验得到的直角坐标系绘制成如图(7-2)所示以看出,由于软粘土的压缩性大,当发生压力变化Δp 时,则相应的比由e 1 减小到e 2 ,当压力e-p 关系,采用普通的e-p 曲线。 (1) 压缩系数a 从图(7-2)可孔隙比的变化Δe 也大,因而曲线就比较陡;反之,像密实砂土的压缩性小,当发生相同压力变化Δp 时,相应的孔隙比的变化 Δe 就小,因而曲线比较平缓,因此,土的压缩性的大小可用e-p 曲线的斜量来反映。 如图(7-2)所示,设压力由p 1 增至 p 2 ,相应的孔隙变化范围不大时,可将该压力范围的曲线用割线来代替,并用割线的斜量来表示土在这一段压力


五 土的压缩性和固结理论 一、填空题 1.土体的压缩性被认为是由于土体中______________减小的结果。 2.土的固结系数表达式为_________,其单位是____________;时间因数的表达式为___________。 3.根据饱和土的一维固结理论,对于一定厚度的饱和软粘土层,当t=0和0≤z ≤H 时,孔隙水压力u=______________;当t=∞和0≤z ≤H 时,孔隙水压力u=__________________。 4.在土的压缩性指标中,s E 和a 的关系为____________________;S E 和0E 的关系为_______。对后者来说,其关系只在理论上成立,对_________土相差很多倍,对__________土则比较接近。 5.土的压缩性是指___________。 6.压缩曲线的坡度越陡,说明随着压力的增加,土孔隙比的减小愈___________,因而土的压缩性愈_________________。反之,压缩曲线的坡度越缓,说明随着压力的增加,土的孔隙比的减小愈___________,因而土的压缩性愈___________。《规范》采用21-a 来评价土的压缩性高低,当21-a _____________时,属低压缩性土;当21-a _____________时,属中压缩性土;21-a _____________时,属高压缩性土。 7.土的压缩指数的定义表达式为___________。 8. 超固结比OCR 指的是______和______之比;根据OCR 的大小可把粘性土分为______、______、______三类;1OCR <的粘性土属______土。 9.压缩系数______,压缩模量______,则土的压缩性越高。这两个指标通过______试验,绘制______曲线得到。 答案:1.孔隙体积 2.w a e k γ) 1(C 1V += 年2m 2T h t c v v = 3.z σ 0 4.a e E s 11+= s E E β=0 硬土 软土 5土在压力作用下体积减小的特征 6.显著 高 小 低 21-a <0.11 M -pa 0.11 M -pa ≤21-a <0.51 M -pa 21-a ≥0.51 M -pa 7.1 2 211 221C lg lg lg p p e e p p e e C -=--= 8.先期固结压力、现在土的自重应力、正常固结土、超 固结土、欠固结土、欠固结土 9.越大、减小、压缩、e p - 二、选择题 1.下列说法中,错误的是( )。 (A )土在压力作用下体积会缩小 (B )土的压缩主要是土中孔隙体积的减小


第二节 研究土压缩性的试验及指标 一、室内侧限压缩试验及压缩模量 土的压缩性是指在压力作用下体积压缩小的性能。从理论上,土的压缩变形可能是:(1)土粒本身的压缩变形;(2)孔隙中不同形态的水和气体的压缩变形;(3)孔隙中水和气体有一部分被挤出,土的颗粒相互靠拢使孔隙体积减小。 土的固结——土体在压力作用下其压缩量随时间增长的过程。 侧限压缩试验分为:(1)慢速压缩试验法;(2)快速压缩试验法 侧限——限制土样侧向变形,通过金属环刀来实现。 试验目的——研究测定试样在侧限与轴向排水条件下的变形和压力,或孔隙比和压力的关系,变形和时间的关系,以便计算土的各项压缩指标。 试验设备——固结仪。 (一)e -p 曲线及有关指标 要绘制e -p 曲线,就必须求出各级压力作用下的孔 隙比——e 。 如何求e ?看示意图: 设试样截面积为A ,压缩前孔隙体积为0v V ,土粒体积为0s V ,土样高度为0H ,孔隙比为0e (已测出)。压缩稳定后的孔隙体积为v V ,土粒体积为s V ,土样高度为H H H ?-='0,孔隙比为e ,H Λ为某级压力下样式高度变化(可以测出)。依侧限压缩试验原理可知:土样压缩前后试样截面积A 不变,s s V V =0,则有: e H H e H +Λ-+=11000 则可得:)1(00 0e H H e e +Λ-= 利用上式计算各级荷载P 作用下达到的稳定孔隙比e ,可绘制如图4-3所示的e -p 曲线,该曲线亦被称为压缩曲线。 1、压缩系数α dp de -=α α——压缩系数,MP a -1,负号表e 随P 的增长而减小。 当压力变化范围不大时,土的压缩曲线可近似用图4-4中的M 1M 2割线代替。


第4章土的压缩性及固结理论 基本内容 这是本课程的重点。在学习土的压缩性指标确定方法的基础上,掌握地基最终沉降量计算原理和地基固结问题的分析计算方法。 学习要求: 1. 掌握土的压缩性与压缩性指标确定方法; 2.掌握有效应力原理; 3.掌握太沙基一维固结理论; 4.1 概述(outline) 土在自重应力或附加应力作用下,地基土要产生附加变形,包括体积变形和形状变形。对于土来说,体积变形通常表现为体积缩小。我们把这种在外力作用下土体积缩小得特性称为土的压缩性(compressibility)。 It is well recognized that the deformations will be induced in ground soil under self-weight or net contact pressure. The load-induced soil deformations can be divided into volumetric deformation and deviatoric deformation (namely, angular distortion or deformation in shape). The volumetric deformation is mainly caused by the normal stress, which compact the soil, resulting in soil contraction instead of soil failure. The deviatoric deformation is caused by the shear stress. When the shear stress is large enough, shear failure of the soil will be induced and soil deformation will develop continuously. Usually shear failure over a large area is not allowed to happen in the ground. 土的压缩性主要有两个特点: (1)土的压缩性主要是由于孔隙体积减少而引起的; (2)由于孔隙水的排出而引起的压缩对于饱和粘土来说需要时间,将土的压缩随时间增长的过程称为土的固结。 在建筑物荷载作用下,地基土主要由于压缩而引起的竖直方向的位移称为沉降。 研究建筑物沉降包含两方面的内容: 一是绝对沉降量的大小,亦即最终沉降; 二是沉降与时间的关系,主要介绍太沙基的一维固结理论 土体产生体积缩小的原因: (1)固体颗粒的压缩; (2)孔隙水和孔隙气体的压缩,孔隙气体的溶解;孔隙水和孔隙气体的排出。由于纯水的弹模约为2×106kPa,固体颗粒的弹模为9×l 07kPa,土粒本身和孔隙中水的压缩量,在工程压力(100~600kPa)范围内,不到土体总压缩量的1/400,因此常可略不计。所以,土体压缩主要来自孔隙水和土中孔隙气体的排出。孔隙中水和气体向外排出要有一个时间过程。因此土的压缩亦要一段时间才能完成。把这一与时间有关的压缩过程称为固结。 土体的变形计算,需要取得土的压缩性指标,可以通过室内侧限压缩试验和现场原位试验得到。 室内压缩试验亦称固结试验,是研究土压缩性最基本的方法。 现场载荷试验是在工程现场通过千斤顶逐级对置于地基土上的载荷板施加荷载,观测记录沉降随时间的发展以及稳定时的沉降量s,并绘制成p-s曲线,即获得地基土载荷试验的结果。 反映土的压缩性的指标主要有压缩系数、压缩模量、压缩指数和变形模量。土的压缩性的高低,常用压缩性指标定量表示,压缩性指标,通常由工程地质勘察取天然结构的原状土样进行. Characteristic of soil compression (1)Compression of soil is mainly due to the decrease of void volume. (2)The compression for a clay increases with the times (consolidation) Ground soil will deform vertically due to structure load. The contents on studying structure settlement include 1 The absolute settlement (final settlement) 2 Relationship between settlement and time. Introducing terzaghi’s 1D consolidation theory Reasons of volumetric reduction of soil mass 1 The compressive deformation of the soil particles. 2 The compressive deformation of the pore water and air. The partial discharge of the pore water and air.


土的固结压缩试验 一、实验目的 1、测定试样在侧限与轴向排水条件下的变形与压力的关系,或孔隙比与压力的关系,变形与时间的关系。 2、由测得的各关系曲线计算土的压缩系数av、压缩模量Es、压缩指数Cc、回弹指数Cs、固结系数Cv、地基的渗透系数k及土的先期固结压力Pc等,测定项目视工程需要而定。 3、利用压缩试验所得的参数计算地基基础的变形量,预估地基承载力。二、实验设备、仪器 1、压缩固结仪:由环刀、护环、透水板、加压上盖、量表架等组成; 2、加压设备:采用量程为5,10kN的杠杆式加压设备; 3、变形量测设备:百分表量程10mm,分度值为0.01mm; 4、其他:快速烘箱(300?C,350?C)、电子天平(称量1000g,感量0.01g)、测容重用环刀、刮土刀、钢丝锯、铝盒、玻璃板、秒表、凡士林、盛水盆、滤纸等。 三、试验步骤 1、按要求取原状样或制备扰动土样。 2、取环刀样,测试验前的密度与含水量。 3、取压缩仪内的环刀,内壁擦抹凡士林使其光滑少摩擦。环刀刃口向下对准制备的圆柱土样中心,慢慢垂直下压且边压边削土样,使土样成锥台形。直至土样伸出环刀顶面为止,将环刀两边余土削去修平,擦净环刀外壁。 1

4、在压缩容器内放置透水石、滤纸和下护环,将带有环刀的试样小心装入护环,然后在环刀试样上放薄滤纸、上护环、透水板和加压盖板,置于加压框架下,并对准加压杆,使加压杆与加压盖板中心凹槽对正。 5、安装百分表,为保证试样与仪器上下各部分之间接触良好,应施加1kPa的预压压力,然后调整百分表,使百分度指针归零(表的毫米指针应控制在5,10mm之间,以保证有足够的量程测定试样的压缩量)。 6、加荷。按50、100、200、 400(kpa)四级荷重加荷,每级荷载历时10分钟,即每级荷重加上10分钟时,记测微表读数一次,然后加下一级荷载,依些类推,直到第四级荷载施加完毕为止。四、注意事项 1(首先装好试样,再安装量表。在装量表的过程中,小指针需调至整数位,大指针调至零,量表杆头要有一定的伸缩范围,固定在量表架上。2(压缩容器内放置的透水石、滤纸湿度尽量与试样湿度接近。 3(加荷时,应按顺序加砝码;试验中不要震动实验台,以免指针产生移动。 五、试验数据整理 1、按下式计算试样的初始孔隙比e: 0 0,(1,0.01,)G,s0,,1e0, 式中 e—土样的初始孔隙比; 0 G—.土粒比重,本实验取Gs =2.7; s 3ρ—土样的初始密度(g/cm),由试验测定; 0 3ρ—4?C水的密度,为1 g/cm; ω ω—土样的初始含水量(%),由试验测定。 0 2 h0h,s1,e0 2(计算试样的颗粒(骨架)净高hs式中:h —试样初始高度(mm) 0


第5章土中应力 一简答题 1.通过固结试验可以得到哪些土的压缩性指标?如何求得? 2.通过现场(静)载荷试验可以得到哪些土的力学性质指标? 3.室内固结试验和现场载荷试验都不能测定土的弹性模量,为什么? 4.试从基本概念、计算公式及适用条件等方面比较压缩模量、变形模量与弹性模量,它们与材料力学中杨氏模量有什么区别? 5.根据应力历史可将土(层)分为那三类土(层)?试述它们的定义。 6.何谓先期固结压力?实验室如何测定它? 7.何谓超固结比?如何按超固结比值确定正常固结土? 8.何谓现场原始压缩曲线?三类土的原始压缩曲线和压缩性指标由实验室的测定方法有河不同? 9.应力历史对土的压缩性有何影响?如何考虑? 二填空题 1.压缩系数= ,表示压力范围= ,= 的压缩系数,工程上常用评价土的压缩性的高低。 2.可通过室内试验测定的土体压缩性的指标有、、和。 3.天然土层在历史上所经受过的包括自重应力和其他荷载作用形成的最大竖向有效固结压力称为。 4.据前期固结压力,沉积土层分为、、三种。 5.在研究沉积土层的应力历史时,通常将与之比值定义为超固结比。 三选择题 1.评价地基土压缩性高低的指标是() (A)压缩系数;(B)固节系数;(C)沉降影响系数;(D)参透系数 2.若土的压缩曲线(e-p曲线)较陡,则表明() (A)土的压缩性较大(B)土的压缩性较小 (C)土的密实度较大(D)土的孔隙比较小 3.固结实验的排水条件为() (A)单面排水;(B)双面排水;(C)不排水;(D)先固结,后不排水 4.在饱和土的排水固结过程中,若外载荷不变,则随着土中有效应力() (A)孔隙水压力u相应的增加;(B)孔隙水压力u相应的减少 (C)总应力δ相应增加;(D)总应力δ相应减少 5.无黏性土无论是否饱和,其实形达到稳定的所需时间都比透水性小的饱和黏性土()(A)长得多;(B)短得多;(C)差不多;(D)有时更长,有时更短 6.在饱和土的排水固节过程中,通常孔隙水压力u与有效力将发生如下的变化()(A)u不断减少,不断增加;(B)u不断增加,不断减少 (C)u与均不断减少;(D)u与均不断增加 7.土体产生压缩的时() (A) 土中孔隙体积减少,土粒体积不变;(B)孔隙体积和土粒体积均明显减少 (C)土粒和水的压缩量均较大;(D)孔隙体积不变 8.土的变形模量可通过()实验来测定。 (A)压缩;(B)载荷;(C)渗透;(D)剪切;


参考书 《土工原理》 殷宗泽编著 《高等土力学》李广信主编 1. 土的压缩性和影响因素 土的压缩性是指土体在压力作用下体积缩小的特性 ? 土体产生体积缩小的原因: (1) 孔隙水和孔隙气体的排出 (2)孔隙水和孔隙气的压缩(3)固体颗粒的压缩 (4)孔隙气体的溶解 试验研究表明,在一般压力(100~600kPa )作用下,土粒和水的压缩量与土体的压缩总量之比(小于1/400)可以忽略不计,封闭的气泡很少量压缩也可忽略不计。 土的压缩实际上是由于孔隙水和孔隙气体的排出,孔隙体积缩小,土粒调整位置,重新排列,互相挤紧(土骨架变形) 影响土压缩性的主要因素 土的组成和结构状态 ? 土粒粒径大小、成分 ? 土体结构 ? 有机质 ? 孔隙水 环境影响 ? 应力历史 ? 温度 密实型 松散型 粗粒土基本上是单粒结构。在压力作用下,土粒发生滑 动与滚动,位移到比较密实、更稳定的位置。土的级配越好,密度愈高,压缩量愈小。如果压力较大,其压缩 有可能是部分土粒被压碎。 土体结构影响 本章提要 1. 土的压缩性和主要影响因素 2. 土的固结和固结试验 3. 一维固结理论 4. 三维固结理论 5. 次固结和流变 6. 沉降的计算方法 7. 工程应用问题和实例 高等土力学 土的固结理论

什么是土的固结? 在荷载作用下,饱和土体孔隙中的水逐渐排出,土的骨架颗粒相互挤紧,土体发生压缩变形,这一现象称为土的固结。 饱和土(土骨架+孔隙水) 关注两个问题: 压缩大小(压缩性)、快慢(固结特性) 2. 固结试验 Oedometer Test 常规固结试验/侧限压缩试验/Ko 压缩试验/单向压缩试验 Rowe Cell 固结仪 恒应变速率试验(Constant Rate of Strain ,CRS) 固结仪 11 12 有机质影响 土中有机质主要为纤维素和腐殖质,其存在使土体的压缩性与收缩性增大,对强度也有影响。 ? 举例:天然泥炭与泥炭质土(含水率很高,孔隙比大,比重低, 液、塑限大),压缩性极高,但固结较快。 在加荷后很短时间内,即完成大部分压缩; 随着荷载加大,压缩量急剧增加 细粒土土粒大多呈扁平鳞片状,其典型结构有两种:絮凝结构与分散结构。 絮凝结构的沉积粘土的变形,往往是颗粒相互滑移到新稳定位置和土粒发生弹性挠曲的结果。 分散结构的粘土颗粒接近于平行排列。这类土的压缩变形,主要由于颗粒间的水被挤出所引起。人工压密土的结构,多属此型。


研究土压缩性的意义 从工程意义上来说,地基沉降有均匀沉降和不均匀沉降之分。当建筑物基础均匀下沉时,从结构安全的角度来看,不致有什么影响,但过大的沉降将会严重影响建筑物的使用与美观,如造成设备管道排水倒流,甚至断裂等;当建筑物基础发生不均匀沉降时,建筑物可能发生裂缝、扭曲和倾斜,影响使用和安全,严重时甚至使建筑物倒塌。因此,在不均匀或软弱地基上修建建筑物时,必须考虑土的压缩性和地基变形等方面的问题。 对于道路和桥梁工程,一般来说,均匀沉降对路桥工程的上部结构危害也较小,但过量的均匀沉降也会导致路面标高降低、桥下净空的减少而影响正常使用;不均匀沉降则会造成路堤开裂、路面不平,对超静定结构桥梁产生较大附加应力等工程问题,甚至影响其正常和安全使用。因此,为了确保路桥工程的安全和正常使用,既需要确定地基土的最终沉降量,也需要了解和估计沉降量随时间的发展及其趋于稳定的可能性。 在工程设计和施工中,如能事先预估并妥善考虑地基的变形而加以控制或利用,是可以防止地基变形所带来的不利影响的。如某高炉,地基上层是可压缩土层,下层为倾斜岩层,在基础底面积范围内,土层厚薄不均,在修建时有意使高炉向土层薄的一侧倾斜,建成后由于土层较厚的一侧产生较大的变形,结果使高炉恰好恢复其竖向位置,保证了安全生产,节约了投资。 回弹曲线和再压缩曲线 上面在室内侧限压缩试验中连续递增加压,得到了常规的压缩曲线。现在如果加压到某一值(相应于下图曲线上的P点)后不再加压,而是逐级进行卸载直至为零,并且测得各卸载等级下土样回弹稳定后土样高度,进而换算得到相应的孔隙比,即可绘制出卸载阶段的关系曲线,如图中bc曲线所示,称为回弹曲线(或膨胀曲线)。可以看到不同于一般的弹性材料的是,回弹曲线不和初始加载的曲线ab重合,卸载至零时,土样的孔隙比没有恢复到初始压力为零时的孔隙比e0。这就表明土在荷载作用下残留了一部分压缩变形,称之为残余变形(或塑性变形),但也恢复了一部分压缩变形,称之为弹性变形


土的压缩性 5.1概述 土体压缩性——土在压力(附加应力或自重应力)作用下体积缩小的特性。 土体压缩包括:(1)土粒本身和孔隙水的压缩; (2)孔隙气体的压缩; (3)孔隙水、气排出,使得孔隙体积减小。 上面(1)的压缩不到压缩量的1/400,忽略;(2)的压缩量也很小,忽略。 地基土的压缩实质 土的固结——土体在压力作用下其压缩量随时间增长的过程。 土体的压缩性指标:压缩系数、压缩模量。 压缩性指标测定方法:(1)室内试验测定,如侧限条件的固结试验; (2)原位测试测定,如现场[静]载荷试验。 5.2固结试验及压缩性指标 一、固结试验及压缩性指标 1.压缩试验和压缩曲线 减少。会被压缩,也会被排出部分);)不变;但会被排出(孔隙水体积(不变;土粒体积(v a s V V V V ? ?? ?? ?????ω)a s E

(1)侧限压缩试验(固结试验) 侧限——限制土样侧向变形,土样只能发生竖向压缩变形。通过金属环刀来实现。 试验目的——研究测定试样在侧限与轴向排水条件下的变形和压力,或孔隙比和压力的关系,变形和时间的关系,以便计算土的各项压缩指标。 试验设备——固结仪(压缩仪)。 试验方法:逐级加压固结,以便测定各级压力作用下土样压缩稳定后的孔隙比。 (2)e -p 曲线 要绘制e -p 曲线,就必须求出各级压力作用下的孔隙比。 如何求?看示意图: 设试样截面积为A ,如图:依侧限压缩试验原理可知:土样压缩前后试样截面积A 不变,土粒体积不变,令,有 或 ——分别为土粒比重、土 样的初始含水量和初始密度。 利用上式计算各级荷载作用下达到的稳定孔隙比,可绘制如 i p i e i p i e i e s V 1=s V i i i i i i e H H e H e H e A H e A H +?-=+=+??? ?+=+=1111100000)1(1000000e H H e e e e e H H i i i i +?-=?+-=?1)1(0 00-+= ρρωw s G e 00ρω、、s G i p i e


地基土压缩性的判定,土的变形模量与压缩模量的关系1.压缩系数a 值与土所受的荷载大小有关。工程中一般采用100 ~200 kPa 压力区 间内对应的压缩系数 a 1-2 来评价土的压缩性。即 a 1-2 <0.1/ MPa 属低压缩性土; 0.1 /MPa ≤ a 1-2 <0.5/ MPa 属中压缩性土; a 1-2 ≥ 0.5/ MPa 属高压缩性土。 压缩模量是另一种表示土的压缩模量的指标,Es越小,土的压缩性越高。 Es<4MPa 高压缩性土 4MPa

当μ=0~0.5时,β=1~0,即Eo/Es的比值在0~1之间变化,即一般Eo 小于Es。但很多情况下Eo/Es 都大于1。其原因为:一方面是土不是真正的弹 性体,并具有结构 性;另一方面就是土的结构影响;三是两种试验的要求不同; μ、β的理论换算值 土的种类μβ 碎石土0.15~0.20 0.95~0.90 砂土0.20~0.25 0.90~0.83 粉土0.23~0.31 0.86~0.72 粉质粘土0.25~0.35 0.83~0.62 粘土0.25~0.40 0.83~0.47 注:E0与Es之间的关系是理论关系,实际上,由于各种因素的影响,E0值可能是βEs值的几倍,一般来说,土愈坚硬则倍数愈大,而软土的E0值与βEs 值比较

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