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资料来源:教育优选 https://www.doczj.com/doc/868325333.html,/ 2014年3月1日托福考试写作真题解析(新东方) 为大家搜集整理了2014年3月1日托福写作考试真题解析(新东方版),同时为大家带来了2014年3月1日托福考试真题解析(汇总),希望对大家托福考试备考有一定帮助!


IBT备考教材推荐 (2006年11月26日更新) 目前推荐大陆地区的考生可以考虑准备OG、Delta教程(这两本书当当网和卓越网上有比较便宜的引进版可以买,不过也有PDF可以在顶置下载贴下载)和新托福考试完全攻略。如果备考时间比较多(4个月以上)并且基础一般(CET4级左右),还可以准备Longman教程。身在海外的考生,还可以考虑在https://www.doczj.com/doc/868325333.html,购买kaplan教程、barron教程。另外,daviddalin指出amazon虽然便宜些但送货较慢,想快些拿到书的朋友可以去 https://www.doczj.com/doc/868325333.html,购买(当然,如果大陆地区的考生有美金和国际信用卡,也可以从海外购书网站购买原版书籍) 目前由于已经有很多的书籍可以选择,所以根据最近两个多月来大家的反馈意见,把教材分为三类,安装重要性依次是:必备资料,重点推荐,推荐。其中除了必备资料建议人手一份之外,重点推荐资料和推荐资料大家可以根据自己的情况,酌情准备。 P.S:1.本帖中的教材具体介绍可参考 https://www.doczj.com/doc/868325333.html,/ https://www.doczj.com/doc/868325333.html,/book/jichu/jichu.asp https://www.doczj.com/doc/868325333.html,/product_catlog.asp?pl=dbtl&type_id=4 2.目前还根据目前可以搜罗到地教材,编写了一个5个月的新托福复习计划(针对新人,有基础的朋友可以缩短),参见 https://www.doczj.com/doc/868325333.html,/dispbbs.asp?boardID=19&ID=189385。估计还有不成熟之处,欢迎大家谈论 3.本帖中介绍的教材,部分书的配套CD可以在下载贴中下载,比如Longman和Kaplan的模考CD,李笑来《TOEFL.iBT 高分作文》的MP3等 https://www.doczj.com/doc/868325333.html,/dispbbs.asp?boardID=19&ID=172397 一、针对IBT的教材 1.综合类教材 (1).The Official ETS Study Guide (俗称OG)【必备资料】 作者:美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)出版社:世界图书出版公定价:英语版98元双语版68元 ETS自己出的官方指南应该是目前最权威的备考材料了,题目虽然不多,但指导性、权威性应该是此书的最大亮点。据参加过IBT的朋友们反映此书还是很有用的,考试题目风格,难度都与之非常接近(阅读和听力比考试真题稍简单一些,口语和作文和考试很接近)。建议将此书的阅读和听力反复做几遍,吃透,并体会出题思路,口语和作文的录音、范文是非常有价值的参考资料,建议多听多看,认真体会,学习。


Listening 1.开头——复习+主旨 例外:①课堂复习——不考标志过去时态 开始标志:now,today,OK,while ②教师道歉 ③归纳法开头,先给出例子,再给出结论--记例子主体&论点 2.结尾——推断+细节 3.注意重复细节与观点 4.举例——记例子主体,注意提示词 5.定义解释——其中关系 6.注意可以停顿 7.注意课堂引导词——remember now OK while imagine today 8.授课中问答 9.因果关系 10.听清层次——firstly secondly... 11.注意转折 12.Listen again 专业术语不变避免原词重复 Speaking notes Q1&Q2 To start with I believe most of people would choose... However i would like to choose... today i have two arguments to supports to support my idea. Today i mainly have one important argument to back up my idea Take me for example... For instance... For example Furthermore what's more

To summarize to conclude all in all Based on the two points i have already mentioned ...will always be my choice... Q3 1.The school wants/plans to do The school policy is... The school wants to carry out a policy which is... 2.sb suggests/advises that the university should (stop) do... 3.In the conversation,the man disagrees,and he has two points In the listening material,the man agree with the policy because of the following reasons... 4.First,the school think,however the man think... Second... Based on the two points the man disagree. Q4 In this set of material,the reading passage introduce a theory/principle/definition...which means(suggests) that... In the lecture,the professor uses/gives us/provides us/offers us one/two examples to explain/illustrate/demonstrate/clarify this theory. The first is about... The second is ... Q5 1.time conflict ①to find sb else to replace/take place of you to find sb to help him


10月25日托福口语真题及答案解析(新东方版) Task 1 A lot of experienced and inexperienced climb mountains every year, which one of the following adjectives would you use to describe this experience? Adventurous, frightening or foolish? I would say mountain climbing can be a very adventurous experience to everyone, including experienced and inexperienced climbers. I’ve got two reasons. First of all, it’s an opportunity to get ourselves out of our repetitive life. Take my cousin as an example, from Monday to Friday, he’s an ordinary bank teller doing everyday work just like every other guy in this city, but every weekend, he gets together with a bunch of friends and they go hiking in the mountains in the suburb of Beijing. It’s a chance to get away from the city, and add a little spice to his ordinary life. Plus, it’s a way to challenge ourselves and it brings out the best in us. I’m not a big fan of climbing mountains, but I did rock-climbing once and it was fascinating, at first I was really nervous and I thought there was no way I could make it to the top, but then I started climbing and I did it one step at a time but I eventually made it. So I guess it’s similar when we climb a mountain, the sense of achievement we get from the experience is irreplaceable. Task 2 Some people believe technology has brought people closer and others believe that technology actually isolate people, which one do you agree with? Explain why. I think modern technology has brought people closer than ever for the following reasons. Firstly, it completely changed the way people communicate. Take my family as an example, 20 years ago my aunt went to Japan to further her education and even


一.雅思大作文的15大考察内容 考察频率最高专题: ? 1. 教育:儿童,中学,大学教育体制和方法 ? 2. 科技发展对生活的影响 ? 3.文化的组成因素和保护 ? 4.生活方式的转变和社会观念 ? 5. 全球化及其影响 ? 6. 环境问题和环境保护 ?7. 政府投资 考察次重点专题: ? 1. 艺术的价值 ? 2.媒体的作用 ? 3.广告的影响 ? 4.动物的保护和动物实验 ? 5.城乡差距和城市化 ? 6.犯罪 ?7.弱势群体:妇女的权利,妇女参军 ?8.体育 雅思写作错误检查表(10条) 1.使用了正确的语法结构:时态语态,主谓一致,从句,用词准确(名词,动词,形容 词的形式),介词,冠词 2.句式有变化 3.使用了一定量的词汇 4. 拼写没有错误 5. 观点明确,语意精准不模糊 6. 每段主题句都表明了该段中心思想,所有拓展句支持句都紧扣主题 7. 大量的过渡性词语(逻辑连接词),使句子间和段落间都具有逻辑性和条理性 8. 提供了足够的细节,例子或论据 9. 每一段话都得到充分展开 10. 每一段话都紧扣文章主题 如何应用: a.1347当做检查项目,其他当做考前提醒 b.时间紧,就改第一段和每段的前两句话 三.大作文首段基本写作策略---三步走 1.转述背景,扩展题目(setting/ background information ):把题目所提供的背景再用自 己的话拓展转述同义替换一下 题目:It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance for sports or music, and others are not. However, it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to be a good sports person or musician. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 考官写的开头段: The relative importance of natural talent and training is a frequent topic of discussion when people try to explain different levels of ability in, for example, sports, art or music. 2. 说明意图(statement of purposes):


2011年新托福写作北美机经 2011.1.15 Some people think university professors should spend more time doing research while others think they should spend more time educating students.What is your view? (Education) 2010年新托福写作北美机经 2010.1.15 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:In order to become financially responsible adults,children should manage their own money at the young age. (Money) 2010.1.22 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People who go outside are more successful and happier than people who stay in villages. (Success) 2010.1.30 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The government should support scientific research that does not have any practical use. (Government) 2010.2.13 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People holding different views cannot achieve success as a team. (Success) 2010.2.27 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: All high-school students should take basic economic courses. (Education) 2010.3.6 Which is better,challenging plans about one's future or practical plans about one's future? (Success) 2010.3.12 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:If parents want their children to do well at school,they should limit the time their children spend on watching TV. (Education&Media) 2010.3.20


09.02.01 翻译 专八真题+散文佳作108篇 听力特快 普特听力网 互相英语 特点: 1.较正式的文体 2.只翻译划线部分(汉译英不用看,英译汉最好看完整) 3.人生哲理,道德教育 注意: 1.时间分配 2.书写工整 3.难点应对相对难点绝对难点 英语与汉语对比: 1.英语重结果, 汉译英要还原逻辑关系,还原结构 2.英语重直线,汉语重螺旋 English meat with Chinese bones. 3.语重分析,汉语重综合 还原逻辑词(重点) 4.英语多长句,汉语多短句 5.英语多被动,汉语多主动 6.英语多省略,汉语多补充 E.g. Ambition is the mother of destruction as well as of evil. 野心不仅是罪恶的根源,同时也是毁灭的根源。

7.英语多前重心,汉语多后重心重心前置 8.英语多写实,汉语多联想 9.英语多引申,汉语多推理 “但是”的区别意义: 让步:对推论的否定 转折:直接否定 虚度年华:spend life in vain 翻译时,加插入语处理是一个很好用的方法。实践注意点: 1.理解清晰 字面→实质 例如:冷若冰霜→icy manners to their fans 词语的逻辑关系: 1)偏正 2)动宾 3)并列 2.表达困难 1)拼写 2)时态 3)虚拟域去 4)表达突破 例如:若有所失→a vague sense of loss

如果考试中遇到难点,要灵活处理 上下义改写+同义词替换 2009.02.02写作 教育的目的: Adequate expertise fd Professional commitment Upright conduct Competent mental condition 经典写作模式 Agree or disagree? Introductory paragraph(不写题目) 1. general statement →背景交代 开头先写一个与主题思想相反的观点(以第三人称的方式) ◆多用大词(3个或3个音节以上) 大词含量10%*400=40 Some /many /a number of people who think this view that……claim that…… Large /great /huge /certain/ considerable /infinite/tremendous /enormous /astronomical Hold /believe / insist / propose / assert/ maintain Idea /standpoint ◆实词要多样化variety


2020托福口语备考能不能用模板 托福口语备考能不能用模板?取决于你的期望分值,今天给大家带来了托福口语备考能不能用模板,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福口语备考能不能用模板?取决于你的期望分值 一.托福口语备考要不要用模板 1. 用不用托福口语模板,看你对分数的要求。模版的分数大概在18-20左右。如果你的分数要求是在23+,需要在模板之外加入更多不一样的内容。 2. 自己的模板。可以参考各种大牛总结的模板,但是一定要自己改一下。但是模板不要占用到总内容的30%以上。 3. 练习。这个练习不是我们喊口号,一定要把你自己的模板读书背会,并且用一个一个真题来套模板,每次回答都对模板做一些小的变动,看看好不好用。一边用一边磨合修改。 二.托福口语考试时间和练习方法 1. iBT对时间卡得有点死。一方面1.2题的准备时间只有15秒,是没有办法现场造句子的,所以反映到内容的准备上,就必须自己会用一些基本的表达,比如表达你的偏好,原因,引出原

因细节和例子等句子。一定要张口就来。再有就是内容上面,可以利用机经和官方真题Official的题目进行练习和准备。能够涉猎的范围越广,考场上大脑一片空白的题目就越少,还有很多题目是换汤不换药的。 2. 回答的时间有限,把倒计时当朋友。倒计时越看越紧张的话,是因为你对时间没有概念。到底45秒钟,1分钟,你能说多少?要对内容进行时间安排,比如我答第一道题,直接回答问题,用8秒左右,第9秒到30秒左右要说完第一个分观点,如果我的计时条现在只剩15秒了,我应该迅速结束第一个观点进入第二个观点。 3. 一定开口练习,可以写稿子,但是稿子的最后一步是张口说熟练的。有些发音组合长时间不用的话,肌肉会僵硬掉的说。所以一定逼迫自己开口。 4. 关于口音,如果你的追求是24以下,只要说了A不让别人误听成其他的什么的,口音就不是短期目标。OG上对口音的要求是doesnt cause listeners effort.所以如果是短期,需要的只是调整,不是从音标开始。 关于托福口语备考是否要使用模板就为大家介绍到这里,其实托福口语想要拿高分必须要摆脱模板的束缚,建议大家把握好答题时间,做好备考工作。


为了帮助大家高效备考托福,为大家带来托福TPO36综合写作阅读原文+听力原文+满分范文,希望对大家备考有所帮助。 托福TPO36综合写作阅读原文文本: Hail—pieces of ice that form and fall from clouds instead of snow or rain—has always been a problem for farmers in some areas of the United States. Hail pellets can fall with great force and destroy crops in the field. Over the last few decades, a method of reducing hail, called "cloud seeding," has been tried. In cloud seeding, the chemical silver iodide is sprayed on storm clouds from an airplane. This makes the clouds produce harmless rain or snow instead of hail. Several pieces of evidence suggest that cloud seeding has been effective in protecting crops from hail. Laboratory experiments Experiments in the laboratory support the idea that cloud seeding is effective. Hail usually forms water vapor that is close to the freezing point However, when experimenters added silver iodide to cold water vapor in the laboratory, they often observed light snow forming instead of hail pellets. Evidence from Asia There is evidence about the effectiveness of cloud seeding from several countries around the world. In some Asian countries, for example, cloud seeding has been successfully used to control precipitation in urban areas. These positive results suggest that cloud seeding should also be effective in protecting fields and farms in the United States. Local studies A few local studies also support the value of cloud seeding. One study conducted in a farming region in the central United States, for example, directly monitored crop damage due to hail. The study found that in an area where cloud seeding was used there was reduced hail damage compared to previous years. 托福TPO36综合写作听力原文文本: It’s not clear that cloud seeding is all that effective and there are reasons to question each of the arguments you just read. First, it may be true that under laboratory conditions silver iodide creates snow instead of hail. However, in real life, silver iodide can actually prevent any precipitation at all from forming in the cloud, snow, rain or hail. This is a bad thing. Because if you seed all the clouds in areas where it doesn’t rain very often, you ran the risk of causing a drought. In this case the crops simply get damaged for a different reason: lack of water.Second, it's not clear that positive result of cloud seeding in Asia can be repeated in the United States. The reason is that cloud seeding in Asia was tried in urban areas, in cities. And cities tend to have a high level of air pollution, from car, factory, etc. Surprisingly, pollution particles can create favorable conditions for cloud seeding because they interact with clouds and seeding chemicals. Such favorable conditions for cloud seeding may not occur in an unpolluted area. This means that the cloud seeding method that works in polluted cities may not work in unpolluted farming regions in the United States.Third, the local study mentioned in the passage isn’t very convincing either. That’s because the study found that hail damage


托福写作圣经: 1.写作的第一要务是把观点表达清楚;(就是解释) 2.习作考试不基于考试的真实身份;(可以作假,真情实感没有任何意义) 3.写作考试只考察语言水平,不考察思想水平(unique, critical ideas mean nothing) 4.写作考试不测试考生的真实想法; 5.写作是基于表达,而不是基于翻译; 6.写作考试不同于平时写作; 7.写作内容和语言同等重要; 8.观点的层次比观点的数目更重要; 9.逻辑错误比语法错误更严重; 10.跑题就完蛋(finish egg). “T he longer, the better.”------黄金规则 Use best structure and sentence Sentence: “我认为…………….” I feel/think/hold/claim/believe/deem/maintain/reckon/argue/assume that…………. In my opinion From my point of view From my perspective/angle As far as I am concerned I hold/share the opinion/belief/position/standpoint/idea that My viewpoint/belief/opinion is that……… As I see/view/perceive/ the problem/question/issue/case/discussion/argument/controversy……. 托福作文不需要标题 段落格式:缩行式,空行式 教材推荐: 俞敏洪:《托福词根》 张洪伟,戴云《托福词汇10000》 张道真,《实用英语语法》 戴云,《托福语法精要》 张洪伟,戴云《新托福写作词汇小伴侣》 句子训练方法 1.多种方法表达同一句意 e.g A 对B很重要 1) A is important to B


内容简介 新托福口语考试有难度吗? 是的,很有挑战性! 能迅速提高新托福口语考试分数吗? 是的,本书给你致胜妙法! 书中每个章节对于考生备考新托福口语都是必不可少的: “新托福的变化”——全面剖析ETS新托福口语考查能力和口语评分标准,帮助考生全面、综合认识新托福考试。 “中国考生应对新托福口语遇到的问题”——考生可以跟随书中所附MP3对元音、辅音以及中国考生最为头疼的连读进行逐一练习。同时,本章对考生在口语表达中常犯的语法错误及表达时的逻辑错误进行了详细的解析。 “如何在新托福口语中做笔记”——做笔记在口语考试中具有十分重要的作用,笔记做的好坏在某种程度上直接决定了是否能够得到高分,通过本章考生可以学会如何正确且快速做好笔记。为了凸显本书实战性,本章从阅读和听力角度对做笔记的方法进行了系统的讲解。 “模板式回答策略”——六大实用TST口语模板、“40大黄金句型”、“极速造句法”、新托福考试口语真题实战演练,以及模拟试题使考生真正突破口语瓶颈,高效备考。

“英语口语之平时训练”——笔者颇有心得的“模仿”及“口头复述”方法帮助考生提高日常口语训练的效率,为口语考试打下坚实的基础。 作者简介 翟少成:北京新东方学校国外考试部TOEFL,、GRE、GMAT主讲教师。长期的口语教学经验帮助众多TOEFL 考生在考试中获得了口语高分。曾获“新东方优秀教师”及“新东方优秀培训师”称号。 目录 Chapter 1 新托福的变化 UNIT 1 新托福综述 UNIT 2 新托福的五大特点 UNIT 3 新托福口语的特点 UNIT 4 综合任务的特点及意义 UNIT 5 题型介绍及评分标准 UNIT 6 新托福口语对中国考生的影响 Chapter 2 中国考生应对新托福口语遇到的问题 UNIT 1 发音篇 UNIT 2 语法篇 UNIT 3 表达篇 Chapter 3 如何在新托福口语中做笔记 UNIT 1 信号词 UNIT 2 如何在独立任务中做笔记 UNIT 3 如何在综合任务中做笔记 Chapter 4 “模板式”回答策略 UNIT 1 英语中常用的句型 UNIT 2 自由问答


摘自知乎: 说实话,个人觉得托福写作是四个单项里套路最深的。也就是说,写作其实是可以通过短时间的突击准备得到大幅度提升的一项。至于我为什么会这么认为,从下面分享的备考的方法和思路你们也就可以看出来了。既然你想知道综合写作,那综合写作我就一次性讲到你爽。 我不确定这个答案你们是否可以完整看完,毕竟很长,但我也很用心的写了,看完肯定有收获 这个答案,我就将其分为综合写作和独立写作两个部分,每个部分其实更加注重备考的思路和方法。 一、综合写作: 首先说下综合写作是什么样的东西吧,其实无非就是“一篇阅读+一段听力+总结”。 开头给你3分钟看下给出的阅读材料,之后听一篇听力,最后总结下听力和阅读都说了什么,以及它们之间的逻辑关系是什么。 这里给出一个我做综合写作会有的一个笔记图,整张草稿纸分成两半,左半部分是reading部分,右半部分是listening部分。

注意现在3分钟阅读开始了。这三分钟里你要做的事情就是尽可能快的从这三百个字左右的文章里提炼出各部分的核心内容。 只要是做过一两次独立写作的同学都知道你在读完第一段的时候会得到一 个main idea,即reading的主观点是什么,这个时候你就在草稿纸main idea 那一栏把它给记下来。之后一般会有三段阅读,每一段的内容和模式差不多是相同的。一般会给出一个supporting idea,这个supporting idea一定是用来支 持main idea的,就好像你平时写作文的时候第一段会给出一个观点,就好比:

我觉得A是个大好人(main idea),可是你光说A是大好人,不给出证明的点别人不信你啊,所以你接着说因为A是个诚实守信的好孩子(supporting idea),这里的诚实守信算是好人的一个标准吧。那考试给出的文章自然也是按这个逻辑走的,可是我们光说道理不行啊,为了论证文中给出的这个supporting idea,或是丰满文章内容,一定要给出一些evidence去支持这个supporting idea,就好比A是个诚实守信的好孩子,是因为他从来不欺骗同学、他从不食言等等,例子可多可少,具体数目不会有限制。现在你能看懂我记笔记的草稿纸中给出的格式了吧。 一般第一段我们得出了reading的main idea,算是文章主旨。然后从接下来的三段中我们会得到三个supporting idea去支持main idea,而针对每个supporting idea我们又会有几个或多个evidence去支持它。 好了,现在3分钟阅读时间到,你尽可能多的将内容都记下来了,你突然变得信心十足。为什么说你信心十足,因为你心里已经大概有了一个框架:你知道听力会以什么样的方式来反驳阅读。对,基本上95%都是听力反驳阅读的,出现听力赞同阅读的实在是太少了。就好比你看一个节目,两个新闻评审人针对某个问题展开讨论,当他们各持己见,针锋相对时你才会觉得我天!太精彩了!如果两个人都是你一句我一句互相说对方的是对的,或是嗯嗯,你说的很有道理,你就会觉得这个节目好像没那么有意思了。在综合写作里基本也是这样的,听力会觉得阅读你这么讲,那我偏偏不同意,我觉得你是错的,我就是来反驳你的,我要一点一点地,有逻辑,有顺序地否定你。 都说了是反驳了,那听力一定会针对阅读中提出的main idea, supporting idea, evidence来一一反驳。就像你和别人吵架,你肯定也会这样:你说的不对!什么什么不对!XXX不是这样的,XXX其实是这样的。是不是?!为了有逼格地吵架,你们双方会有逻辑上的交锋。那么自然listening肯定会说:“reading,你的main idea就是错的”,一般这个main idea也是listening 一开始就会说出来的,那这个main idea是什么?reading 中的main idea取个反就是了啊。 同样listening也要给出反驳的supporting idea,而这个supporting idea是一般都是和reading一一对应的,这也是为什么我爱在草稿纸上分成两栏来写,因为一一对应,看的很清楚。还是举例说明,前面reading 中说A是个诚实守信的好孩子,那listening肯定会说其实A一点都不诚实守信,而且针对reading给出的evidence它还会反驳的特别有道理,比如他从不欺骗同学是因为他怕其他同学打他,他从不食言?谁说的,上次就有人发现他食言了。这个例子可能说的不是很确切,但是我想说的意思就是:listening是个逻辑性,针对性很高的东西,reading怎么证明它自己的supporting idea是对的,listening就针对它提出的supporting idea以及支持这些supporting idea的evidence一个一个地反驳,反驳到你无话可说。反驳完了我还要自己另外加上一些evidence来支持我这么说不单单是因为你是错的,而且我还因为我也有自己的evidence。 到这里你大概就能够把草稿纸上的东西填满了。可有时你说你自己听力不是很好,漏听了一些东西,那么是不是根据这个草稿纸上的表格和我前面说的,你可以试试看猜一些听力会怎么反驳,你看下是否reading中的东西listening


新东方内容整理 7.11: Writing: A.托福写作主要是注重daily affairs,而不是political issues. 注重的是examples,而不是critical thinking and reasoning. 是低级写作,而不是高级写作。 注重vocabulary和sentence structure. B. score5: a.Effectively address the topic and task. b. well organized: Structure: Introduction Body1 Body2 Body3 Conclusion C. unity(切题),progression(层次),coherence(连贯,承接词) Firstly, . Theoretically speaking, . For instance, . Moreover, . Briefly, . d.Word choice, syntactic variety 词汇的转换: E.g. 好:good better best nice(低级) Excellent, perfect, (中级) Outstanding, brilliant, fantastic, awesome, remarkable, impressive, extraordinary, fabulous (高级)词组的转换:由低级结构向高级结构转化。 陈强调了由adj.+n.向n.+of+n.的转化。 E.g. A man of wisdom An individual of intelligence A man of respect A book of deep philosophy A magazine of good sales A flower of beauty Patriotism is the tree of liberty refreshed from time to time with the blood of tyrants and patriots. Thomas Jefferson It was the best of time, it was the worst of time; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity; it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair. We have everything before us, we have nothing before us; we are all going direct to the heaven, we are all going direct to the other way.


新东方版:2020年8月22日托福口语真题及答案解 析 新东方版:2020年8月22日托福口语真题及答案解析 s1: what should we do to help the elder in our community? Sample I like to help the old to do the following stuff. First, give them a hand with house chores. Some of them have trouble moving around, if I assist them with housework, they would be really grateful. Take my neighbor as an example, she has been lying on bed for years, I always help her cook and sweep the floor. Second, reading to the elder is a good way to help them get rid of loneliness. Some of the old people live far away from their sons and daughters, and they feel isolated. If I read stories to them, they will feel released and happy, and they rebuild their confidence in life. s2: which do you prefer? watch a movie silently or chatting with others? Sample I prefer to watch a movie silently for the following reasons. First, I'm a movie buff. Sometimes I go to the movie theatre by myself. That way, I can enjoy the movie and relate the story to my life. If I were accompanied by someone else, I would be disturbed while watching the movie. Last time, I went to the cinema with my classmates, they actually annoyed me. They kept talking during the movie, having popcorns and even taking photos during the movie. I was ashamed of staying

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