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A behavioral approach to play in mechanical networks

A behavioral approach to play in mechanical networks
A behavioral approach to play in mechanical networks

SIAM J.C ONTROL O PTIM.c 2008Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Vol.47,No.6,pp.2967–2990




Abstract.This paper shows that the treatment of play or backlash as an input-output operator in mechanical networks leads to solutions which are unsatisfactory from a physical point of view. This contrasts with a simple behavioral de?nition of ideal play.With this de?nition,play cannot be treated in isolation as an input-output relation.As a result,methods of nonlinear feedback systems are not readily applicable to establish well-posedness of solutions of mechanical networks incorporating this play element.By means of simple network examples,this paper explores the issues involved in establishing well-posedness of mechanical networks incorporating springs,dampers,masses,and inerters together with the behavioral model of ideal play.Connections with the approach of Nordin, Galic,and Gutman are analyzed and a model implementation given.

Key words.mechanical networks,backlash,behavior,well-posedness,inerter

AMS subject classi?cations.70K99,70Q05,93C05


1.Introduction.This paper is concerned with the mathematical modeling of mechanical networks made up of standard linear elements and a single nonlinear element,play.There are two main themes in the paper.The?rst is the question of how well the mathematical models match the behavior of actual physical devices.The second is a purely mathematical question of the well-posedness of interconnections of the linear dynamical elements with play.Our approach will exhibit a close connection between these themes.

A number of di?erent models for play have been proposed in the literature.Fig-ure1shows two di?erent de?nitions,the dead-zone model and the hysteresis model. These have been justi?ed by the expected behavior of a clearance in series with a spring and damper,respectively;see[3,p.122]and[7,p.68].The hysteresis model is commonly used as a basis for a formal mathematical approach to play[11,1].Both de?nitions aim to describe an apparently well-de?ned phenomena and give rise to two di?erent mathematical descriptions.This raises the question of which model,or indeed if either,is more satisfactory?The hysteresis model will be considered in de-tail in section2in its formal mathematical de?nition as the“play operator.”We will argue that this de?nition leads to behavior in mechanical networks which appears unrealistic from a physical point of view.A similar point can be made with respect to the dead-zone model(cf.[13]).

In section3we propose a formal de?nition of play,in which only the sign of the force at the extremes of relative displacement is speci?ed,and the force is zero between the extremes.This model can be thought of as a behavioral model of play in the sense of Willems[20],since it does not admit an input-output de?nition in isolation.This appears to be the simplest possible de?nition which avoids the objection raised in section2.We note that this de?nition does not seek to model the contact mechanics which might be relevant at engagement and disengagement.

?Received by the editors October5,2007;accepted for publication(in revised form)July21,2008; published electronically December5,2008.


?Department of Engineering,University of Cambridge,Cambridge,CB21PZ,UK(frank.scheibe@ https://www.doczj.com/doc/838048942.html,,mcs@https://www.doczj.com/doc/838048942.html,).



? x y (a)x y ?

(b)Fig.1.(a)Graph of dead-zone play model.(b)Graph of hysteresis play model.

v w H (a)(b)(c)Fig.2.The play operator.(a)Physical representation.(b)Input-output modeling symbol.(c)Terminal modeling symbol.Section 3goes on to examine the question of well-posedness of mechanical net-works incorporating this play element.So far it has not been possible to develop a general framework for well-posedness with this play element,such as the linear comple-mentarity framework for a class of hybrid systems developed in [18,12,9,2].Instead,we will examine a number of typical cases from ?rst principles.We will encounter situ-ations in which not only unique solutions are obtained,but also networks which admit

multiple solutions.In the latter case we are able to illuminate this nonuniqueness by energy considerations at transitions.A further perspective is provided by the incor-poration of compliance and bu?er networks and the study of their limiting behavior.These networks are strongly suggestive of models proposed for impact mechanics.Section 4considers a semi-ideal model for play which consists of a parallel spring-damper bu?er in series with our behavioral model of ideal play.We point out that the de?nition coincides almost always with a model of Nordin,Galic,and Gutman [13].The latter model is expressed as a dynamical system in input-output form.A numerical implementation of this semi-ideal play is described.The paper is structured as follows.Section 2is a critique of the play operator.

Section 3describes the behavioral de?nition of play and analyzes the well-posedness of a simple network.Sections 3.3–3.6examine the well-posedness of a network with play in series with an inerter.Section 4analyzes a semi-ideal play model and its relation to a model of Nordin,Galic,and Gutman and presents a numerical implementation.

Concluding remarks are given in section 5.2.The play operator:A critique.A standard treatment of play between

mechanical elements makes use of the play operator (hysteron).The formal de?nition of the operator is illustrated in Figure 2(a).The position

of the piston (v )is considered to be the input,and the position of the cylinder (w )is considered to be the output (follower).The behavior of the play operator is then characterized by the graph of Figure 1(b).Within the play region |v ?w |< the follower Q remains stationary.

Otherwise,it follows P with an o?set of ± .The input-output behavior of this model




v w

Fig.3.Input-output representation of play in feedback


Fig.4.Terminal and follower reversed.

can be de?ned formally for piecewise monotonic(continuous)inputs(see[1,pp.24–25] and[11,pp.6–8]).The model can then be extended to inputs which are continuous functions by a limiting argument(see[1,p.42]and[11,pp.14–15]).This de?nes the “play operator.”Two alternative modeling symbols are used to represent the play operator,depending on the need for an input-output or a terminal representation(see Figure2(b),(c)).

When the play element is connected to a network with dynamical elements,the well-posedness of the dynamical equations can be analyzed as shown in Figure3.

Proposition2.1.Let S be an linear time-invariant dynamical system with trans-fer function G(s).If G(s)is proper and|G(∞)|<1,then the dynamical system of Figure3is well-posed.

Proof.This relies on the notion of instantaneous gain in a feedback loop and makes use of the contraction mapping theorem in Banach spaces.General results of this type can be found in[19,sec.4.3.3]and[4,p.48].

The behavior of the play operator as shown in Figure1(b)can also be expressed as a condition on three hybrid states as follows:

G1(engagement–extension):w=v+ ,˙v=˙w≤0.

G2(engagement–compression):w=v? ,˙v=˙w≥0.

G3(disengagement):|v?w|< ,˙w=0.

If the terminals in Figure2(a)are reversed so that Q is the input and P is the follower as represented in Figure4,then the three hybrid states become the following: H1(engagement–extension):v=w? ,˙v=˙w≥0.

H2(engagement–compression):v=w+ ,˙v=˙w≤0.

H3(disengagement):|v?w|< ,˙v=0.

2.1.A network example.This section analyzes the behavior of the mechanical network illustrated in Figure5.The dynamical equations are





Eliminating z,we can then calculate the transfer function





which is strictly proper.Hence,from Proposition2.1the network in Figure5is well-posed.Next,the dynamical equations in each of the states H1–H3are evaluated explicitly,assuming the constants to be m1=m2=1kg,c=2Nsm?1,and k=5/2Nm?1.


Fig.5.Damped harmonic oscillator network.H1(engagement–extension).This corresponds to u =y ? and ˙u =˙y ≥0.The

dynamical equations can be written in the form ˙x (t )=A H1x (t )with x =[y,˙y,z,˙z ]T .Choosing the initial conditions x (0)=[A,B ?2A,?A,?B +2A ]T +[C,D,C,D ]T ,

(2.2)we can calculate x (t )=e A H1t x (0)to ?nd y (t )?z (t )=2e ?2t (A cos(t )+B sin(t )),(2.3a)y (t )+z (t )=2(C +Dt ).(2.3b)H2(engagement–compression).This corresponds to u =y + and ˙u =˙y ≤0.The equations for x (t ),y (t ),and z (t )are identical to those in case H1.

H3(disengagement).This corresponds to |y ?u |< and ˙u =0.The dynamical

equations can be written in the form ˙x (t )=A H3x (t )with x =[y,˙y,z,˙z ]T .In the fol-lowing,only the solution in the special case x (0)=[A,0,?A,0]is needed.By explicit computation we can ?nd x (t )=e A H3t x (0),which gives (2.4)y (t )=?z (t )=1/2e ?t A (2cos(2t )+sin(2t )).2.1.1.The force through the play element.Here,a particular solution for the network of section 2.1is calculated,which involves a transition from state H1to state H3.Consider an initial condition of the form (2.2)in which A =C =D =0and B >0.From (2.3a)and (2.3b)we ?nd that y (t )=e ?2t B sin(t ).It follows that a transition from state H1to state H3must occur at the ?rst time t 1=arctan(1/2)

for which ˙y (t 1)=0,since otherwise ˙y becomes negative in violation of the con-ditions for state H1.The corresponding displacement at disengagement is y (t 1)=B exp(?2arctan(1/2))/√5.For simplicity we choose B so that y (t 1)=1,and from (2.4)

we ?nd that for t >t 1,y (t ?t 1)=e ?(t ?t 1)(2cos(2(t ?t 1))+sin(2(t ?t 1)))/2.It is straightforward to see that this solution is consistent with a transition to state H3,

namely,|y (t )?u (t )|< for t ?t 1su?ciently small,since u (t )=1? for t >t 1in state H3.The solution can be continued forward in time until the next transition occurs to state H2when y (t 2)=1?2 .For t >t 1and in state H3,the force exerted by the damper is equal to (2.5)c ˙z (t ?t 1)=5e ?(t ?t 1)sin(2(t ?t 1))/2.This is also equal to the force through the play element.Equation (2.5)highlights our ?rst observation about the play operator in mechan-

ical networks that appears unsatisfactory;that is,during the disengagement state H3

the force transmitted by the play element is not necessarily zero.


Fig.6.Figure5with reversed terminals of H.

2.1.2.Dependence on inertial frame.Next,the particular solution of section

2.1.1is considered,but with a steady“drift”term added.Setting A=C=0we?nd

that y(t)=e?2t B sin(t)+Dt.This,and the corresponding solution for z(t),di?ers only from that in section2.1.1by the addition of a constant velocity D.As before,

a transition from state H1to H3occurs when˙y(t)=0.But it is easy to see that

˙y(t)>0for all t≥0if D is su?ciently large.In such a case there will be no transition to state H3.Even if a transition occurs,the transition time will be dependent on D. Evidently,the behavior of the system fails to be invariant to a simple translation of the inertial frame.This is the second property of the play operator that appears unsatisfactory from a physical point of view.It is also curious that the output of the play operator remains stationary during disengagement.

For this solution we now consider the force through the play element,which is

the same as the force through the damper,which equals

c(˙z?˙y)=?4e?2t B(cos(t)?2sin(t)).

Clearly the sign of this force oscillates.This again appears unsatisfactory from a

physical point of view,since we would expect the force acting on the play element to

be positive in the extension state.


3.Reversal of terminals of the play operator.The network in Figure5

is considered next,but with the terminals of the play operator reversed(see Figure6),

and with the same parameters as in section2.1.The dynamical equations are again given by(2.1),and on eliminating z we?nd that





Since this transfer function is nonproper,it is not possible to use Proposition2.1and give a general statement on well-posedness.However,we show below that solutions can be computed in speci?c cases.The dynamical equations in each of the states G1–G3 are as follows:

G1(engagement–extension).This corresponds to y=u+ ,˙u=˙y≤0.The equa-tions of u(t),y(t),and z(t)are identical to those in case H1in section2.1.

G2(engagement–compression).This corresponds to y=u? ,˙u=˙y≥0.The equations for u(t),y(t),and z(t)are identical to those in case H2in section2.1.

G3(disengagement).This corresponds to|y?u|< ,˙y=0.In this state y(t)≡y?(say)and the dynamical equations become





Adding both equations gives0=m1¨z,which implies z(t)=E1+E2t.From(2.6a)we can?nd an expression of˙u(t),which leads to


where E1,E2,and E3are constants.


Now consider an initial condition of the form(2.2)in which A=C=D=0 and B>0for the network of section2.1.3,and a transition from G2to G3.Again from(2.3a)and(2.3b)we?nd that a transition to G3occurs when t1=arctan(1/2). Once again B is chosen so that y(t1)=1(which is the same value as obtained in section2.1.1).In order that a solution for the dynamical equations in(2.1)exists through t1,it is necessary that y(t),z(t),˙y(t),and˙z(t)are continuous at t=t1. Therefore,a solution to the equations in the G3state is sought with the following initial conditions:y(t1)=?z(t1)=1,˙y(t1)=˙z(t1)=0.It follows that y(t)≡1,while the G3state persists.Since¨y(t)+¨z(t)=0we must also have z(t)≡?1,while the G3 state persists.From(2.7)we?nd that u(t)=1+ ?5t/2.Since y?u=? +5t/2, the solution is consistent with a transition to G3at t=t1.

It is interesting to make a comparison between this solution and the one in section 2.1.1without the terminals reversed.Dynamically,the two solutions are identical for 0

2.2.Summary of critique.For a simple mechanical network incorporating the play operator in series with a damper,we have identi?ed several properties of the network behavior which appear unsatisfactory from a physical point of view.These are summarized as follows:

1.During disengagement the force through the play element is not necessarily


2.The solutions of the network equations depend on the choice of inertial frame,

namely,the addition of a constant velocity to all states may change switching times or eliminate them altogether.

3.During engagement the force through the play element is not restricted in


4.The behavior of the network is not invariant to a switch of terminals of the

play operator.

A similar critique can be given for the dead-zone model of play.(See[13],where some similar points are made for the dead-zone model.)

3.The ideal play.This section proposes a de?nition of ideal play which does not su?er from the criticism identi?ed in section2.Since the ideal play does not admit an input-output graph,mathematical properties like well-posedness and the exclusion of limit points of switching are arrived at by analyzing individual transition scenarios.

3.1.A behavioral de?nition of the ideal play.Consider a physical repre-sentation of play as shown in Figure7(a)where z1,z2are the terminal positions and F is the equal and opposite force applied at the terminals.The ideal play is de?ned to be completely characterized by the following three states:

I1(engagement–extension):z2?z1= ,F≤0.

I2(engagement–compression):z2?z1=? ,F≥0.

I3(disengagement):|z2?z1|< ,F=0.

Note that the de?nition is invariant to terminal reversal(i.e.,the transformation z1→?z2,z2→?z1,F→F).Also,objections1and3in section2.2no longer ap-ply.Finally,we note that this de?nition allows the mechanical network to maintain invariance to the choice of inertial frame,since the three states depend only on the


29732(a)(b)Fig.7.(a)Physical representation of ideal play.(b)Terminal modeling symbol for ideal play.Fig.8.Damped harmonic oscillator network with ideal play.di?erence between z 1and z 2.We will use the network symbol shown in Figure 7(b)to represent the ideal play.It is important to remark that the ideal play cannot be represented as a function or

input-output operator since F does not determine z 2?z 1uniquely—nor does z 2?z 1determine F uniquely.Fundamentally,the ideal play will need to be connected to other elements in order that the complete network has a unique solution for given initial conditions.The issue of well-posedness for networks incorporating the ideal play will be ex-plored in the rest of this section.A number of typical cases will be examined from ?rst principles.So far it has not been possible to derive general conditions for well-posedness by,for example,exploiting general approaches to hybrid or switched sys-tems,e.g.,the linear complementarity approach of [18,12,9,2].The use of such

methods to consider well-posedness with ideal play is a topic for future research.

3.2.A network incorporating ideal play.Consider the network in Figure 8,which is the same as the networks considered in Figures 5and 6but with the new ideal model of play.The dynamical equations are m 2¨y

=k (z ?y )+F,(3.1a)m 1¨z =?k (z ?y )?F,(3.1b)F =c (˙z ?˙u ).(3.1c)We will now write down the form of the solutions in each state.I1(engagement–extension).This corresponds to y ?u = and F ≤0.The dy-namical equations for x =[y,˙y,z,˙z ]are identical to those in state H1in section 2.1.I2(engagement–compression).This corresponds to y ?u =? and F ≥0.The dynamical equations are identical to those in state H2in section 2.1.

I3(disengagement).This corresponds to |y ?u |< and F =0.It can be seen

directly from (3.1)that y (t )?z (t )=A cos(ω3t )+B sin(ω3t ),(3.2a)m 2y (t )+m 1z (t )=C +Dt,(3.2b)where ω3= k (m 1+m 2)m 1m 2.


We immediately see that the solution of the network of Figure8di?ers from the networks of both Figure5and Figure6as is seen from the purely oscillatory form of

the dynamical equations in the disengagement region.

3.2.1.A special well-posedness argument.We now establish a well-posedness property of the network in Figure8.The approach taken is to examine in detail all

possible transition scenarios and to show that there is a well-de?ned transition in all cases.The proposition describes only the transitions between I1and I3—the tran-sitions between I2and I3are analogous.The terminology“just before t0”means

formally“for t

Proposition3.1.Consider the network of Figure8in which the displacements y(t),z(t),u(t)are assumed to be continuous.

(a)For any solutions of the network,˙y(t)and˙z(t)are always continuous,includ-

ing transitions between states;however,˙u(t)need not be continuous at transitions.

(b)Suppose the system is in state I1just before t0and that F(t)↑0as t↑t0. Then there is a unique continuation of the system into either state I1or I3after t0.

(c)Suppose the system is in I3just before t0and y?u↑ .If˙y(t0)?˙u(t?0)>0,then there is a unique continuation of the system into state I1after t0.If˙y(t0)?˙u(t?0)=0, then there is a unique continuation of the system into either I1or I3after t0.

(d)Given any initial condition at time t=0,the solutions of the network exist, y(t)?z(t)is uniformly bounded on[0,∞),and there are no limit points of switching between the states I1,I2,I3.

Proof.(a)Suppose that there is a discontinuity in either˙y or˙z.By direct obser-vation of the di?erential equations(3.1a)–(3.1b)this implies aδ-function in¨y or¨z, which means that F must provide an impulsive force.From(3.1c)this can happen only if the displacement u(t)is discontinuous,which is excluded.Therefore,˙y(t),˙z(t) are always continuous,including transitions between states,whereas˙u(t)need not be continuous at transitions.

(b)Suppose the network is in state I1just before time t0and that˙z(t)?˙u(t)↑0

as t↑t0.Since y(t)?u(t)= just before t0,we have the following conditions:y(t0)?u(t0)= ,˙y(t0)=˙u(t?0)=˙z(t0).If the system remains in state I1,then˙u(t+0)=˙y(t0), whereas if there is a transition to I3,then˙u(t+0)=˙z(t0).Thus,in either case ˙u(t?0)=˙u(t+0).Let us therefore consider an“initial”condition x(t0)=[Y,D,Z,D]T. If the network were to continue in the state I1,then we could calculate that












,which is consistent with F≤0if and only

if Z?Y≥0.If the network were to continue in state I3,we could calculate that ˙y?˙u=˙y?˙z=ω3(Z?Y)sin(ω3(t?t0)),which is consistent with y?u< after t0 if and only if Z?Y<0.Thus,there is always an unambiguous continuation into I1 or I3.

(c)Suppose the network is in state I3just before time t0and that y(t)?u(t)↑ as t↑t0.It follows that˙y(t0)?˙u(t?0)≥0since y?u tends to from below.Let us sup-pose that˙y(t0)?˙u(t?0)>0.The network cannot remain in state I3after time t0since the condition|y(t)?u(t)|< would be violated.(Note that if the network remains in I3,˙z(t?0)?˙u(t?0)=˙z(t+0)?˙u(t+0)=0,so that˙u(t+0)=˙u(t?0).)For a transition to I1 we need the condition˙u(t+0)=˙y(t0),whereas˙u(t?0)=˙z(t0),which suggests a discon-tinuity in˙u at t=t0.For a valid transition to I1it is necessary that F≤0after t0,


Fig.9.(Ideal)inerter modeling symbol.

which must hold since˙z(t0)?˙u(t+0)=˙u(t?0)?˙y(t0)<0.The only remaining case is when˙y(t0)?˙u(t?0)=0.Since˙u(t?0)=˙z(t0)we expect˙u(t)to be continuous at t=t0 irrespective of any transition to I1or I3.This case therefore reduces to the precise situation analyzed in(b).

(d)Within I1or I2,


where m=m1m2/(m1+m2),and within I3,


We can check that V=(y?z)2+(m/k)(˙y?˙z)2is a common Lyapunov function for (3.4)and(3.5).Hence,



for all t≥0,independent of switching between states.

Suppose now that a switching occurs at t0as in(b).We will show that the“dwell time”in state I3is bounded from below.If there is a unique continuation of the system into state I1,then there is nothing to prove.So let us assume that there is a unique continuation in I3.As in(b)we can?nd that Y?Z>0and y?u= +(Y?Z)(cos(ω3(t?t0))?1).There are two possibilities.If Y?Z≤ ,then the system returns to I1after one oscillation cycle with t1?t0=2π/ω3.If Y?Z> ,

there is a transition to I2with






Since Y?Z is bounded above by the right-hand side of(3.6),the dwell time given by(3.7)is bounded from below.

Consequently,it is concluded that there can be no limit point of switching times

since the sequence of states occupied by the system must alternate between I3and either I1or I2.This in turn means that we can?nd solutions for y(t),z(t),u(t)for

all t≥0.

3.3.The inerter.In[16]an ideal modeling element termed the inerter was

introduced with the following de?nition.The(ideal)inerter is de?ned to be a two-terminal mechanical element with the property that the equal and opposite force

applied at the terminals is equal to the relative acceleration between them,i.e.,F=

b(¨z1?¨z2)in the notation of Figure9,where b is the constant of proportionality in kilograms.For the purpose of modeling mechanical networks we will assume that the

ideal inerter has zero mass(which is similar to the assumption that ideal springs and dampers have zero mass).Mechanical realizations of inerters have been described in [17,15].


Fig.10.Harmonic oscillator network with an inerter and ideal play.

3.4.A network incorporating an inerter with play.Consider the network in Figure10,which di?ers from Figure8only in that an inerter replaces the damper. The dynamical equations are







We will now write down the form of the solutions in each state.

J1(engagement–extension).This corresponds to y?u= and F≤0.The dy-namical equations have solutions given by







J2(engagement–compression).This corresponds to y?u=? and F≥0.The dynamical equations are identical to state J2.

J3(disengagement).This corresponds to|y?u|< and F=0.The dynamical equations have solutions given by








3.4.1.Well-posedness and the need for impulsive forces.We will now study the well-posedness of the network in Figure10.We will show that there is a qualitative di?erence in the behavior compared to the network of Figure8.In the ?rst place,the dynamical equations(3.8)do not imply directly that˙y(t)and˙z(t)are continuous(as was the case in Proposition3.1(a)).This leaves open the possibility of impulsive forces being generated at transitions between states.Physical intuition might suggest the absence of impulsive forces for transitions from engagement to disengagement(Remark1).With such an assumption we will show that there are uniquely de?ned transitions in such cases(Proposition3.2(a)).For transitions from disengagement to engagement it is not obvious that impulsive forces can be dispensed with.In Proposition3.2(b)we will show that impulsive forces are needed for there to be a well-de?ned transition.We will also see that the dynamical equations do not de?ne the strength of the impulse uniquely.Thus,multiple solutions of the dynamical equations exist and well-posedness is lost.Once again,the proposition is stated only for transitions between J1and J3.


2977Proposition 3.2.Consider the network of Figure 10in which the displacements

y (t ),z (t ),and u (t )are assumed to be continuous.(a)Suppose the system is in state J1just before t 0and F =b (¨z ?¨u )↑0(strictly)as t ↑t 0.Then the system undergoes a well-de?ned transition to J3at t 0under the assumption that no impulsive forces are generated.(b)Suppose the system is in state J3just before t 0and y (t )?u (t )↑ as t ↑t 0.Then ˙y (t ?0)?˙u (t ?0)=:α≥0.A well-de?ned transition to J1occurs under the following two conditions:(i)An impulsive force P δ(t ?t 0)occurs with P =P 0:=?(m 1m 2b )/(m 1m 2+b (m 1+m 2))αin the inerter;(ii)¨y (t ?0)?¨u (t ?0)>0.A well-de?ned transition to J3occurs under the following condition:(iii)An impulsive force P δ(t ?t 0)in the inerter occurs with P

P 0.Proof .(a)Suppose the network is in state J1just before time t 0and that

¨z (t )?¨u (t )↑0as t ↑t 0.Since y (t )?u (t )= just before t 0,we have the following conditions:y (t 0)?u (t 0)= ,˙y (t ?0)?˙u (t ?0)=0,¨z (t ?0)=¨u (t ?0)=¨y (t ?0).Within J1we can check from (3.8a)and (3.8b)that (3.10)z ?y =?m 1m 2+b (m 1+m 2)k (m 1+m 2)(¨z ?¨y ).This implies z (t 0)=y (t 0)(but there is no obvious relationship between ˙z (t ?0)and ˙y (t ?0)).This means y (t )?z (t )=B 1sin(ω1(t ?t 0))just before t =t 0,and we deduce from (3.10)that B 1≥0in order to respect the sign constraint on F in J1.By assumption,no impulsive forces are generated at t 0,so ˙z (t +0)=˙z (t ?0),˙y (t +0)=˙y (t ?0),and ˙u (t +0)=˙u (t ?0).We conclude that ˙y (t 0)?˙z

(t 0)=B 1≥0.Furthermore,there cannot be a continuation of the network after t 0in state J1unless B 1=0.Let us consider whether a continuation in state J3is always possible.From (3.9)we ?nd that y (t )?z (t )=(B 1/ω3)sin(ω3(t ?t 0)).Further,we have u (t )=z (t )? +B 1(t ?t 0)after t 0since ¨u =¨z in J3,u (t 0)?z (t 0)=? ,and ˙u

(t 0)?˙z (t 0)=˙y (t 0)?˙z (t 0)=B 1.Therefore,y (t )?u (t )=y (t )?z (t )+ ?B 1(t ?t 0)= +B 1 ω?13sin(ω3(t ?t 0))?(t ?t 0) ,which we can readily check to be decreasing after t 0,which is consistent with a tran-sition to J3.(b)We now consider a possible transition from J3to J1.Suppose the network is in state J3and y (t )?u (t )↑ as t ↑t 0and ¨z =¨u just before time t 0.Again we must have ˙y (t ?0)?˙u (t ?0)≥0since y (t )?u (t )↑ .Let us consider the case ˙y (t ?0)?˙u (t ?0)=:α>0.If there is a transition from J3to J1,it must be true that ˙y (t +0)?˙u (t +0)=0.Thus,there must be discontinuities in velocities.This in turn implies that there must be an impulsive force in the inerter.Let us consider an impulse of the form P δ(t ?t 0)in F .(On physical grounds we would expect P ≤0since J1is extensive.)From (3.8c)we

observe that (3.11a) ˙z (t +0)?˙u (t +0) ? ˙z (t ?0)?˙u (t ?0) =P/b,







We therefore?nd that


which means that P=P0and indeed we have P<0.For a valid transition to J1we must have F≤0for t>t0.If the state remains in J1,we must have¨z(t)?¨y(t)= A1cos(ω1(t?t0))+B1sin(ω1(t?t0))and¨u(t)=¨y(t).Therefore,F≤0after t0re-quires A1<0.Note that A1=y(t0)?z(t0)=?ω?23(¨y(t?0)?¨u(t?0)).This establishes the required conditions(i)and(ii)for a well-de?ned transition to J1.

Let us now consider the possibility that an impulsive force at t0allows a con-tinuation for the system in state J3after t0.We can check that if PP0,there is no valid solution.

Remark1.In Proposition3.2(a)the analysis was restricted to the case where no impulse occurs at disengagement.In the next paragraph we will show that if an impulse does occur at disengagement,the system experiences an overall increase in energy.Thus,it seems reasonable to exclude such behavior on the grounds that the system is passive.

Assume(3.11)applies.Without loss of generality we can restrict our attention to trajectories for which m2y+m1z≡0(cf.(3.8)),so we may take


Suppose the system transfers from J1to J3at t0,as in Proposition3.2(a).Then ˙y(t+0)=?(m1/m2)˙z(t+0)=P/m2+B and˙u(t+0)=B?P(m?11+b?1)from(3.11). Let E=(m1˙z2+m2˙y2+b(˙z?˙u)2)/2denote the kinetic energy of the system.Then we can verify that


























We observe that for any P=0,E(t+0)>E(t?0).

Remark2.It is interesting to calculate the change in kinetic energy of the system

when an impulse occurs at engagement as in Proposition3.2(b).In the next paragraph we will show that energy is dissipated,providing2P0

served when P=2P0.If P<2P0,then the impulse leads to an increase in kinetic energy.

To see this,consider(3.11)with(3.12)and˙y(t?0)?˙u(t?0):=α≥0.Then we can

verify that





2979P 02P 00E (t +0)?E (t ?0)P Fig.11.Change in kinetic energy due to an impulse of strength P at t =t 0.From Propo-sition 3.2,solutions of the system equations exist only if P ≤P 0.Energy is dissipated when 2P 0

https://www.doczj.com/doc/838048942.html,pliance in series with an inerter and play.Consider the network in Figure 12which di?ers from Figure 10by the insertion of a spring in series with the inerter and play.The dynamical equations are m 2¨y

=k (z ?y )+F (3.13a)m 1¨z =?k (z ?y )?F,(3.13b)F =b (¨z ?¨r ),(3.13c)F =k 1(r ?u ).(3.13d)We now write down the form of the solutions in each state.

K1(engagement–extension).This corresponds to u =y ? ,F ≤0.We can solve for ¨r and reduce the dynamical equations to ¨y =m ?12(k (z ?y )+k 1(r ?u )),(3.14a)

¨z =?m ?11(k (z ?y )+k 1(r ?u )),(3.14b)¨r =?m ?11(k (z ?y )+k 1(r ?u )(1+m 1/b )).(3.14c)These can be written in state-space form as follows:˙x (t )=A K1x (t )+B K1 with x =[y,˙y,z,˙z,r,˙r ]T .In section 3.5.2we will solve the equations symbolically by means of the expression (3.15)L ?1{X (s )}=L ?1{Ψ(s )}x (0)+L ?1 s ?1Ψ(s ) B K1 ,where the resolvant of A K 1,Ψ(s )=(sI ?A K1)?1,is obtained using Maple.


K2(engagement–compression).This corresponds to u=y+ ,F≥0.The dy-namical equations are identical to state K1but with a sign change in .

K3(disengagement).This corresponds to|y?u|< and F=0.The dynamical equations for y and z are identical to case J3and we have¨z(t)=¨r(t)and r(t)=u(t).

3.5.1.A special well-posedness argument.This section shows that there is a qualitative di?erence between the behaviors of the networks of Figures10and 12.In the?rst place,the inclusion of the series spring prevents impulsive forces from being generated.Second,the modeling equations specify a unique transition from disengagement to engagement.

Proposition3.3.Consider the network of Figure12in which the displacements y(t),z(t),u(t),r(t)are assumed to be continuous.

(a)For any solutions of the network,˙y(t),˙z(t),˙r(t),¨y(t),¨z(t),and¨r(t)are continuous including transitions between states.However,˙u(t)is not necessarily con-tinuous at transitions.

(b)Suppose the system is in state K1just before t0and F↑0(strictly),i.e.,˙r(t?0)?˙u(t?0)>0.Then there is a well-de?ned transition to state K3.

(c)Suppose the system is in state K3just before t0and y?u↑ (strictly),i.e.,˙y(t?0)?˙u(t?0)>0.Then there is a well-de?ned transition to state K1.

Proof.(a)Substitution of(3.13d)into(3.13a)and(3.13b)shows that¨y,¨z are continuous,and equating(3.13c)and(3.13d)shows that¨r is continuous.Hence,˙y,˙z, and˙r are continuous,but it is not necessarily true that˙u is continuous.



a continuation in state K1is not possible,as this would violate the condition that F≤0.A well-de?ned transition to K3occurs if


By de?nition of state K3we must have˙r(t+0)=˙u(t+0).From(a),˙y(t+0)=˙y(t?0)and ˙r(t+0)=˙r(t?0).Therefore,˙y(t+0)?˙u(t+0)=˙y(t?0)?˙r(t?0).Hence,(3.17)follows from (3.16).Incidentally,we have also shown that˙u is discontinuous at t0since˙u(t+0)?˙u(t?0)=˙r(t?0)?˙y(t?0).This follows since y=u+ just before t0so that˙u(t?0)=˙y(t?0).




a continuation in state K3is not possible,as this would violate the condition|y?u|< . For a well-de?ned transition to K1we need F≤0after t0.For this to happen it would be su?cient to have



By de?nition of state K3we must have˙r(t?0)=˙u(t?0).Therefore,from(a)˙y(t?0)?˙u(t?0)=˙y(t+0)?˙r(t+0).Hence,(3.19)follows from(3.18).As in(b)we have shown that˙u is discontinuous at t0.

Remark3.In the following we extend Proposition3.3(b)to the case˙r(t?0)?˙u(t?0)=0when the system is in state K1and F↑0.For a transition to K3we require y?u< for t>t0.We now derive a condition for this to hold.For a transition to K3,˙r(t+0)?˙u(t+0)=0.Since˙r is continuous(see Proposition3.3(a)),˙u


2981is continuous at t 0.This gives ˙y (t ?0)?˙u (t ?0)=˙y (t +0)?˙u (t +0)=0.Hence it is necessary to consider ¨y (t +0)?¨u (t +0).From Proposition 3.3(a)and F ≡0for t >t 0it follows that ¨r (t ?0)=¨r (t +0)=¨u (t +0).Also,without loss of generality,we can restrict our attention to trajectories for which m 2y +m 1z ≡0so that y (t ?0)=A ,z (t ?0)=?(m 2/m 1)A ,and r (t ?0)=A ? .We can calculate (3.20)¨y (t +0)?¨u (t +0)=¨y (t ?0)?¨r (t ?0)=?m 2k m ?11+m ?12 2A,where the right-hand side follows from (3.14a)and (3.14c).Thus,from (3.20)there is a transition to K3if A >0.(Note that the sign of A is the opposite to the sign of the force in the spring k since z (t ?0)?y (t ?0)=?(1+m 2/m 1)A .)

Now let us consider the possibility that there is no transition to K3,but the

system remains in K1(again with F ↑0and ˙r (t ?0)?˙u (t ?0)=0).For this to occur it

is necessary that F <0after t 0,i.e.,¨r ?¨u <0after t 0.Note that ¨u is continuous at t 0since ¨y is continuous and ¨y =¨u in K1.Therefore,¨r (t +0)?¨u (t +0)=¨r (t ?0)?¨u (t ?0)=? ¨y (t ?0)?¨r (t ?0) .(3.21)Comparing (3.21)with (3.20)we see that the system remains in state K1if A <0.To conclude,even in the pathological case that F ↑0from state K1and ˙r (t ?0)?˙u (t ?0)=0,we have a well-de?ned transition to K3or K1,depending on the sign of the force in the spring k .The case where A =0requires consideration of ...y (t +0)?...u (t +0)and ...r (t +0)?...u (t +0)to determine whether there is a transition to K3or whether the system remains in K1.The details are cheerfully left to the reader.1Similarly,we can extend Proposition 3.3(c)to include the case ˙y (t ?0)?˙u (t ?0)=0when the system is in state K3and y ?u ↑ .We will now show that the conditions are identical to the ones laid out above.For a transition back to K3,¨r (t ?0)=¨u (t ?0)and ¨r (t +0)=¨u (t +0)and the case is identical to the one analyzed in (3.20),namely,

the situation occurs if A >0.For a transition to K1,F ≤0for t >t 0and we require again r ?u <0for t >t 0.Since ˙y (t +0)=˙u (t +0),˙u is continuous at t 0,and we also have ˙y (t 0)=˙r (t 0).Therefore,for a transition to K1,we need ¨r (t +0)?¨u (t +0)<0.We can check that ¨r (t +0)?¨u (t +0)=¨r (t +0)?¨y (t +0)=¨r (t ?0)?¨y (t ?0)=? ¨y (t ?0)?¨z (t ?0) =?k m ?11+m ?12 z (t ?0)?y (t ?0) =m 2k m ?11+m ?12 2A,(3.22)where the right-hand side follows from (3.13a)and (3.13b)with F ≡0in state K3.Equation (3.22)is the same condition as in (3.21)and (3.20).Thus,there is a well-de?ned transition to K1if A < to a solution of section 3.4.1.The networks in Fig-ures 10and 12are similar and di?er only by the spring k 1.In this section we investi-

gate the convergence behavior of the latter network when k 1→∞.We will focus on the transition from disengagement to engagement,where impulsive forces were needed

for the network in Figure 10.We will show that the “dwell time”in the engagement state tends to zero as k 1→∞.Furthermore,the force through the play element in the engagement state approaches an impulse in the limit as k 1→∞.Finally,the strength of the impulse is uniquely determined and implies conservation of energy through the 1We are pleased to cite Professor Harry Dym as the originator of this useful sentence [5,p.454].


impulsive impact.For simplicity we carry out the analysis with numerical values for the parameters m 1,m 2,b ,and k .First,consider the solution in case K1.The determinant of sI ?A K1is given by s 4+m 1m 2k 1+b (k +k 1)(m 1+m 2)m 1m 2b s 2+kk 1(m 1+m 2)m 1m 2b s 2.With m 1=m 2=1kg,b =1/2kg,and k =1Nm ?1,two roots are at the origin,and the roots of the quadratic in s 2are ? 2k 1+1± 4k 21+1 =?k 1 2+1k 1±2 1+18k 21+O (k ?41) .Thus,the natural frequencies are given by s =±jω1,±jω2,where ω1=1+O (k ?11),ω2= 4k 1+1+O (k ?3/21).From (3.13a)and (3.13b)we see that m 2¨y +m 1¨z =0.Without loss of generality we

can restrict our attention to trajectories for which m 2y (t )+m 1z (t )≡0.We there-fore consider a transition from K3to K1,with the initial condition for the dynamic equations in state K1equal to (3.23)x 0=[A,B,?(m 2/m 1)A,?(m 2/m 1)B,A ? ,B ?K ]T .We then solve (3.15)to ?nd that there is a single dominant term in the force through the inerter given by ?bKω2sin(ω2t )/2.We observe that this dominant term is nega-tive for 0

(3.25)˙y (t +0)?˙u (t +0)=?K in the limit as k 1→∞.Using the method of section 3.4.1,(3.25)together with the assumption that ˙y (t ?0)?˙u (t ?0)=K requires (3.26)P =?2K m 1m 2b m 1b +m 2b +m 1m 2

,which gives the same value as (3.24).It is also interesting to note that this limiting solution is one in which energy is conserved through the impulsive impact,as discussed

in Remark 2.


https://www.doczj.com/doc/838048942.html,work with an inerter,a parallel spring-damper bu?er,and ideal play.

3.6.Bu?er in series with an inerter and play.Consider the network in Figure13,which di?ers from Figure10by the insertion of a bu?er consisting of a parallel spring-damper in series with the inerter and play.The dynamical equations are









We now write down the form of the solutions in each state.

L1(engagement–extension).This corresponds to u=y? ,F≤0.We can solve for¨r and reduce the dynamical equations to







These can be written in state-space form with x=[y,˙y,z,˙z,r,˙r]T.In section3.6.2we will solve these equations symbolically.

L2(engagement–compression).This corresponds to u=y+ ,F≥0.The dy-namical equations are identical to state L1but with a sign change in .

L3(disengagement).This corresponds to|y?u|< and F=0.The dynamical equations for y and z are identical to case J3,and we have¨z(t)=¨r(t).

3.6.1.A special well-posedness argument.This section shows that there is a qualitative di?erence between the behaviors of the networks of Figures10and 13.In the?rst place,the inclusion of the parallel spring-damper prevents impulsive forces from being generated.Second,the modeling equations specify unique transitions between system states.

Proposition3.4.Consider the network of Figure13in which the displacements y(t),z(t),u(t),r(t)are assumed to be continuous.

(a)For any solutions of the network,˙y(t),˙z(t),and˙r(t)are continuous,includ-ing transitions between states,and no impulsive forces may occur.Furthermore,˙u(t) is continuous for a transition from engagement to disengagement as also are¨y,¨z, and¨r.On the other hand,˙u may be discontinuous for a transition from state L3to engagement.

(b)Suppose the system is in state L1just before t0and F↑0(strictly),i.e.,


0)>0.Then there is a well-de?ned transition to state L3.

(c)Suppose the system is in state L3just before t0and y?u↑ (strictly),i.e.,˙y(t?0)?˙u(t?0)>0.Then there is a well-de?ned transition to state L1.


Proof.(a)Substitution of (3.27d)into (3.27a)and (3.27b)shows that ˙y

,˙z are continuous;otherwise impulsive behavior occurs,which would violate the continuity of r and u .Equating (3.27c)and (3.27d)shows that ˙r is continuous.For a transition from state L1to L3,we expect the force through the bu?er to be continuous,i.e.,F (t ?0)=F (t +0).Since r ,u ,˙r are continuous,˙u has to be continuous through the transition from (3.27d).Consequently,(3.27a),(3.27b),and (3.27c)show that also ¨y ,¨z ,¨r are continuous.For a transition from state L3to L1,F (t ?0)=0and F (t +0)≤0.Since r ,u ,and ˙r are continuous,˙u will be discontinuous if F (t +0)<0from (3.27d).(b)A continuation in state L1would require that F (t )≤0for t >t 0,which is not possible since F (t 0)=0and ˙F (t ?0)>0(solutions not leaving L1will have ˙F continuous).A well-de?ned transition to L3requires that y (t )?u (t )< for t just after t 0.We will now verify that this holds.Let us assume that a transition to L3occurs.We ?rst observe that F (t )=0for t just after t 0and F (t ?0)=0so that F (t )is continuous at t 0.(There cannot be an impulse in F (t )at t 0since this would violate continuity of displacements using (3.27d).)Since r ,u ,and ˙r are continuous at t 0,then ˙u is continuous at t 0from (3.27d).Therefore,˙y (t +0)?˙u (t +0)=˙y (t ?0)?˙u (t ?0)=0.Hence,we need to consider ¨y (t +0)?¨u (t +0).By assumption,F ≡0after t 0,which means that ˙F (t +0)=k 1 ˙r (t +0)?˙u (t +0) +c 1 ¨r (t +0)?¨u (t +0) =0.Now observe that ¨y (t +0)?¨u (t +0)=¨y (t ?0)? k 1/c 1 ˙r (t ?0)?˙u (t ?0) +¨r (t ?0) =? k 1 ˙r (t ?0)?˙u (t ?0) +c 1 ¨r (t ?0

)?¨u (t ?0) /c 1=?˙F (t ?0)/c 1<0,(3.29)using the facts that ˙r ,˙u ,¨r are continuous and that ¨y (t ?0)?¨u (t ?0)=0.Equation (3.29)shows that y (t )?u (t )< after t 0.(c)A continuation in L3would require y ?u < ,which is not possible since

˙y (t ?0)?˙u (t ?0)>0(solutions not leaving L3will have

˙y ?˙u continuous).A well-de?ned transition to L1requires that F ≤0after t 0.We will now verify that this holds.In L1,y (t )≡u (t )+ so that ˙y (t +0)=˙u (t +0).Hence F (t +0)=k 1 r (t +0)?u (t +0) +c 1 ˙r (t +0)?˙u (t +0) =k 1 r (t ?0)?u (t ?0) +c 1 ˙r (t ?0)?˙u (t ?0) +c 1 ˙u (t ?0)?˙u (t +0) =c 1 ˙u (t ?0)?˙y (t ?0) < to solutions of section 3.4.1.The networks in Fig-ures 10and 13are similar and di?er only by the spring k 1and damper c 1.In this section we investigate the convergence behavior of the

network of Figure 13when c 1=a √k 1and k 1→∞.This choice of c 1renders imaginary all (four)nonzero roots of the characteristic equation corresponding to state L1in the interval a ∈[0,1).We will focus on the transition from disengagement to engagement where impulsive forces were needed for the network in Figure 10.We will show that the “dwell time”in the engagement state tends to zero as k 1→∞.Furthermore,the force through the play element in the engagement state approaches an impulse in the limit as k 1→∞.Fi-nally,the strength of the impulse is uniquely determined and covers a range of impulse


2985strengths P as a function of a as determined in Remark 2.For simplicity we carry out the analysis with numerical values for the parameters m 1,m 2,b ,and k .Consider ?rst the solution in case L1.The determinant of sI ?A L1is given by s 2 s 4+c 1m 1m 2+b (m 1+m 2)m 1m 2b s 3+m 1m 2k 1+b (m 1+m 2)(k +k 1)m 1m 2b s 2+k m 1+m 2m 1m 2b (c 1s +k 1) .Two roots are at the origin,and with m 1=m 2=1kg,b =1/2kg,and k =1Nm

?1the roots of the quartic are s 1,2=±j +O k ?1/21 ,s 3,4=?2a k 1±j 2 k 1 1?a 2+O k ?1/21 .From (3.27a)and (3.27b)we see that m 2¨y +m 1¨z =0.Without loss of generality we can restrict our attention to trajectories for which m 2y +m 1z ≡0.We therefore consider a transition from L3to L1with the initial condition for the dynamic equations in state L1as in (3.23).We then solve the state-space

equations for L1to ?nd the dominant term in the force through the inerter given by b (¨z ?¨r )Dom =?b 1?2a 2√1?a 2sin(ω2t )+2a cos(ω2t ) k 1K exp ?2a k 1t ,where ω2=2√k 1√1?a 2(subscript Dom means dominant term).In order that F ≤0in state L1,it is necessary that K >0.We calculate that this dominant term is negative for 0

ment with an immediate transition back to state L3.This is similar to behavior that was identi?ed in section 3.4.1.We can further calculate the expected strength of the impulse as follows:P (a ):= t 10b (¨z ?¨r )Dom dt (3.30)=?bK 2e ?2a √k 1t 2a 1?a 2sin(ω2t )?a cos(ω2t ) ?1?2a 2√1?a 2 1?a 2cos(ω2t )+a sin(ω2t ) t 10.The function is strictly monotonic with P (0)=?K/2and lim a →1P (a )=?(1+e ?2)K/4.In summary,we have determined a range of unique solutions for network Fig-ure 13,depending on the amount of damping c 1,which approximate an impulse in the limit as k 1→∞.The bu?er network provides impulse strengths in the range 2P 0

where P =P 0is not captured.

2986FRANK SCHEIBE AND MALCOLM C.SMITH Fig.14.Semi-ideal play model.

(a )(b )Fig.15.Surface compliance models.(a)Standard linear solid model.(b)Maxwell ?uid.4.Semi-ideal play.We de?ne a semi-ideal play model as having an ideal play element in series with a parallel spring-damper network (Figure 14).The parallel spring-damper bu?er was used in section 3.6for the study of well-posedness,and it is also related to the Kelvin–Voigt model of solids [6,p.7]to account for the elasticity and friction of bodies in contact.We mention that other bu?er networks have also been proposed,e.g.,the standard linear and the Maxwell models [8,p.24],[10,p.184]shown in Figure 15.Consider the displacement across the semi-ideal play element to be z d =z 1?z 3,the displacement of the parallel spring-damper bu?er network to be z n =z 1?z 2,and the displacement of the ideal play element to be z p =z 2?z 3,with corresponding velocities.Then we can write the following equation for the force:(4.1)F (t )=k 1(z d (t )?z p (t ))+c 1(˙z d (t )?˙z p (t )).Three disjoint cases follow from the description of the ideal play element introduced in section 3.1:(engagement–extension):F ≤0,z p (t )=? ,(4.2a)(disengagement):|z p (t )|< ,F =0,(4.2b)

(engagement–compression):F ≥0,z p

(t )= .(4.2c)4.1.Connections to an approach of Nordin,Galic,and Gutman.In [13,

sec.2.1],[14,sec.2.2]a rotational backlash model is proposed consisting of a compliant shaft in series with a clearance gap.In translational form this can be represented by a network of the type shown in Figure 14,namely,a parallel spring-damper in series with some play element.The corresponding mathematical model given in [13]is as follows:˙z p =?????(a)max(0,˙z d +(k 1/c 1)(z d ?z p ))if z p =? ,(b)˙z d +(k 1/c 1)(z d ?z p )if |z p |< ,(c)min(0,˙z d +(k 1/c 1)(z d ?z p ))if z p =

(4.3)with output (4.4)F = 0if |z p |< ,k 1(z d ?z p )+c 1˙z d if |z p |= .


play a part (in) 重要程度:★☆☆☆☆难易程度:★★☆☆☆ Have you realized the part computers have ___________ in the daily life? A. made B. given C. caused D. played 【参考答案】D 【拓展延伸】 1. play a part (in) 在……中扮演一个角色;参与;在……中起作用 2. play the role of 扮演……的角色 play an important role / part in...在……中起重要作用 play the leading role / part主演;起带头作用 3. take part in 参加 for the most part多半;在很大程度上 for one’s part就某人而言,对某人来说 1. Colors play an important ___________ in the way you look. A. part B. form C. effect D. pride 2. Mr. Huang will ___________ in the movement. A. play a leading part B. take parts C. play leading part D. take a part 3. __________ part that women ___________ in society is great. A. The; plays B. A; takes C. A; plays


有时造句大全 [标签:栏目] ,有时造句大全 1、人们有时候是在做正确的决定,有时候是在证明决定正确。 2、家不只是房子,更重要的是人。有时候你会想方设法的离开他,有时候你却要不顾一切地回归他的怀抱。 3、再高的人有时也需踮足,再矮的人有时也需屈身。 4、人生啊,是这样不可预测,没有永恒的痛苦,也没有永恒的幸福,生活象流水一般,有时是那么平展,有时又是那么曲折。 5、使你惨败的,有时是你的朋友;使你成功的,有时是你的敌手。我们应学会感恩;更应该学会感怨。 6、这雨让我懂得了,父母是爱我么的,虽然有时很罗嗦,虽然有时脾气会很大,但是他们是爱我们的。 7、爱情是缘,就像瞌睡碰到了枕头,久旱遇到了雨天;爱情是思念,有时想着会失眠,有时梦里笑得甜。愿你爱情甜蜜! 8、没有比时间更容易浪费的,同时没有比时间更珍贵的了,因为没有时间我们几乎无法做任何事。 9、一阵春风吹来,小草跳起欢快的舞蹈,有时舒展双臂,有时弯腰触地,有时左右摇晃,有时拥抱春风,真是姿态万千。 10、天鹅们同临一乱湖水,有时心怀幽情,咯守规行,有时也会意会神,雌雄彼此呵护。 11、月亮有时候象圆盘,有时候像西瓜,有时候象镰刀,有时候又像个光环。 12、炒股和赛车一样,有时候要停,有时候要冲,不要永远想着冲那样会撞死的。 13、最高明的骗子,可能在某个时刻欺骗所有人,也可能在所有时刻欺骗某些人,但不可能在所有时刻欺骗所有的人。 14、天空由于多变化,又是晴朗的天空是蓝蓝的,有时天空是黑沉沉的,有时天空像披上了雪白的衣服。 15、世界上没有原则,只有世故,没有法律,只有时势,高明的人同世故跟

时事打成一片,任意支配。 16、身体偶尔的背叛可以原谅,心灵的长期背叛不能容忍。有时要难得糊涂,有时要当机立断,这是婚姻的大智慧。 17、天空中的白云,有时像飞腾的巨龙,有时如威武的雄狮,有时又似奔腾的骏马。 18、小明正在做回家作业,只见他有时抓耳挠腮,有时写写画画,正急得满头大汗。 19、含羞草的**力是不可抵。有时,它的魅力甚至比牡丹还强,它的风格是典雅的,它的性格是独一无二的!含羞草,是真正值得我去爱的。 20、天上的云彩变化多端,有时候像一匹骏马在奔驰,有时候像一条狗在摆头摇尾,有时候像一只鸡在找食,有时候又像一头大象在喝水。 21、**常常走向自己的反面:吝啬有时导致挥霍,挥霍有时导致吝啬;我们常常经由软弱而达到坚强,经由怯懦而达到勇敢。 22、春雨,有时像飘渺的云烟,有时像如丝的针线,有时像密织的罗莎。 23、我的爸爸长着乌黑的头发,浓浓的眉毛下长着一双大大的眼睛,唱闪烁着智慧和机敏的神采,有时还使人感到几分诙谐和幽默。 24、对小钱不要过分去计较。金钱是生着羽翼的东西,有时它会自行飞去,有时必须将它放出去,才能带更多回来。 25、鸟们有时在天空中展翅高飞,有时停在树枝上婉转啼叫,有时在林间欢蹦乱跳。 26、我课余生活很丰富,有时看书,有时跳绳,有的画画。 27、春雨有时像牛毛,有时像花针,有时像细丝,像细小的珍珠,有时像细小的尘埃。 28、我很好奇,有时候我仿佛尝到了爱的味道,有时候爱很甜。 29、伤心有时是一种动力,失望有时是一种解脱,执迷不悟有时是一种磨练。 30、有时候相爱是一种无奈,有时候离开是另一种安排。为了爱你和你爱的人,请不要吸烟。 31、有时可能别人不在乎你,但你不能不在乎自己。 32、金翅雀唱着、跳跃着,有时也扑打着,像一群不知疲倦的孩子,给这幽


但是造句大全 1、你可以选择坚持,也可以选择放弃。没有对错。我是说对爱情来说,但是重要的是坚持你的选择。 2、我站在窗前,静静地欣赏着,天空中下着一群可爱的小精灵,虽然都是雪花,但是,你只要仔细观察,就会发现有许多形状、图案不同的雪花。 3、以和蔼亲切的态度说话并不会伤到舌头,但是,以愤怒和不悦的态度说话,则可能招致不幸。 4、有自己的人生观和价值观。出现问题可以忍让并寻求解决,但是触及原则,要保持自己原则。丧失原则会让你失去生活的目的。 5、秋天,柳树的叶儿慢慢变黄,继而掉落,让人感到无限凄凉。这时的风也变得恶了,是不是柳树姑娘和风姐姐吵架了呢?我不知道。但是,我见到,秋天到处是落叶缤纷,仿佛一场自然界的葬礼。 6、虽然他不聪明,但是他学习十分的用功。 7、想要获得成功,不像数学题一样,没有一个绝对的公式。但是如果知道一些原则的话,可以离成功更近一步。 8、生活过,而不会宽容别人的人,是不配受到别人的宽容的。

但是谁能说是不需要宽容的呢? 9、虽然这是你亲手做的巧克力蛋糕,但是我不喜欢。 10、虽然万物好像逝去了,但是,你瞧!那火红的枫叶在树枝上摇摆着,就像是一大群顽皮的孩子在手拉手一起跳着欢快的舞蹈呢。有些枫叶因跳舞不慎,从树枝上跌了下来,瞬间化作了一只只飞舞的蝴蝶,在空中飞来飞去。 11、对于18岁的我们来说,有些事情的确会影响我们的一生,但是没有一件事能决定我们的一生!高考试卷是一把刻度不均匀的尺子:对于你自己来说,难题的分值不一定高。 12、她虽然态度冷淡,但是还算客气。 13、是人都有惰性,这是与生俱来的,但是我们后天可以改变这种惰性,谁改变的越多,谁就越成功。 14、我们前进的脚步虽然会让挫折绊住,但是我们要做生活的主人,不要坐在绊脚石的面前唉声叹气而耗尽了自己。让我们学会微笑着用有限的生命来超越无限的自己!我坚信,挫折让我更自信,更成功! 15、夏天是个多姿多彩的世界。在这个季节,是最充满快乐的。也许,尽管很枯燥;也许,令人热得无法忍受;也许,植物们懒洋洋


play a part in的用法 Do you know this pretty girl Right! She is Audrey Hepburn who played many classic roles in a great many famous films. For example, < Roman Holiday> is the one of the films which earned Hepburn her first Academy Award for Best Actress. Audrey Hepburn played the part/role of Princess Ann in this film. play the part/role of…扮演……角色

Audrey Hepburn played a leading part in directed by Steven Spielberg.( Always 直到永远/天长地久) play a part in…在……中扮演角色,在……中起作用

Audrey Hepburn also played leading roles in < Funny Face>and < My Fair Lady〉.( My Fair Lady 窈窕淑女影片讲述下层卖花女被语言学教授改造成优雅贵妇的故事,从头至尾洋溢着幽默和雅趣 .Funny Face 甜姐儿) Play a role in…在……中扮演角色,在……中起作用 play a part/role in doing sth. 在做某事方面起作用,参与做某事 We can?all?play?a?role/part?in?reducing?our?dependence?on?plastic, if we started to?take some small?steps?in?our?everyday?lives?to?be


一会一会造句大全 导读:本文是关于一会一会造句大全,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、天上的云,颜色一会儿红通通的,一会儿半紫半黄的,一会儿金灿灿的。 2、科学家们好勤奋,一会儿观察自然现象,一会儿观察天气,一会儿做实验,一会儿相互提问,忙得不可开交。 3、小明一会儿打扫房间一会儿拖地,忙着手忙脚乱。 4、灯下的影子一会儿变长,一会儿缩短,可真有趣。 5、她起身站着想,神经质地一会儿把两手绞在一起,一会儿又松开。 6、不知在远处的什么地方,一辆汽车一会儿起动,一会儿熄火,一会儿起动,一会儿熄火,终于无声无息了。 7、火烧云的变化形态万千,一会儿就变成了一只可爱的小狗,一会儿又变成了一匹飞奔的骏马。 8、他一边走,头一边不停地来回转动,一会儿看看桥,一会儿看看桥后面的树。 9、健身房里,人们一会儿跑步一会儿做仰卧起坐,快乐的挥洒着汗水。 10、妈妈一会儿在家织毛衣,一会儿在厨房里做饭,我回到家很快就可以吃饭了。

11、白云飘飘一会儿东一会儿西一会儿左一会儿右。 12、秋高气爽的时节,一群大雁正往南飞,一会儿排成一字形,一会儿排成人字形。 13、他像只调皮的猴子,一会儿挠腮一会儿跳上跳下。 14、我做作业老是不专心,一会儿做作业,一会儿又吃东西,一会儿又看电视。 15、上课时他一会儿东张西望,一会儿交头接耳,结果什么也没有学到。 16、美丽的小燕子一会儿蜻蜓点水般掠过湖面,一会儿像离弦的弓箭飞向远方。 17、小蜜蜂一会我采集花粉回来,一会儿采信蜂蜜回来。 18、我也不明白是怎么回事,一会儿觉得丧气,一会儿又觉得轻快。 19、动物园里的猴子一会儿爬上,一会儿窜下,可调皮了。 20、数学课上,小明一会儿跟同桌小刚聊天,一会儿和邻桌小红聊天,最后被老师批评了。 21、小猫钓鱼很不专心,一会儿捉蜻蜓,一会儿捉蝴蝶。 22、野鸭悠闲自在地浮着,一会儿跌入水底,一会儿又立在浪尖上,像孩子在打秋千。 23、小花狗跑到楼顶上,一会儿大声叫,一会儿趴在那不动。 24、我好喜欢我的语文老师,读课文的时候一会儿大声,一会儿小声,一会儿神色飞扬。


用2个有时有时造句大全 用有时有时造句 1、天上的云彩变化多端,有时像一匹骏马在奔驰,有时像一条狗在摆头摇尾。 2、大白菜的价格有时高有时低。 3、小狗豆豆有时很温驯,有时又很顽皮。 4、在这个竞争激烈的社会里,我们有时会感到压力重重,而有时会感到生活很充实。 5、乐曲有时高昂,有时低沉。 6、鸟们有时在天空中展翅高飞,有时停在树枝上婉转啼叫,有时在林间欢蹦乱跳。 7、一分钟有时很长,有时又很短。 8、放学后,我有时直接回家,有时留在学校做作业,有时和同

学去打球。 9、课间休息时间,我有时去操场散步,有时和同学跳皮筋。 10、天上的月亮有时像一把镰刀,静静地挂在天空,懒得动一下;有时像一的大银盆,又圆又大的。 11、人生总是包含着五味杂陈,有时你会感到快乐,有时你会遭遇困难,有时你会期待梦想,有时也会充满感伤,必须每样都经历才算完整。 12、观看比赛的观众有时鼓掌为运动员加油,有时呐喊为选手鼓劲。 13、喷泉有时像百花怒放,有时像凤凰一飞冲天。 14、我的爸爸有时候严厉,有时候慈祥。 15、小猫咪有时淘气,有时可爱。 16、我有时可笑,有时悲伤。 17、在周末,小明有时在家里看电视,有时去爷爷奶奶家玩。 18、一群大雁往南飞,它们有时排成一字,有时排成人字。

19、天气千变万化,有时晴天,有时阴天。 20、人生际遇总是变幻莫测,有时如顺风行船,喜笑颜开;有时如雪中登山,凶险万分。 21、月亮有时像圆盘,有时像镰刀。 22、亮有时象圆盘,有是象镰刀,有时又象个光环。 23、我有时步行去学校,有时骑车去。 24、妈妈去外地出差了,我有时给妈妈打电话,有时我还给妈妈发短信。 25、这些天,她有时高兴,有时悲伤,有时又整天沉默无语,一定是发生了什么事。 26、生命如水,有时潺潺的流动,有时静静的盘桓。 27、仙女们在这片神奇的绿野上游戏,有时跳舞,有时歌唱,有时漫步,有时飞翔。 28、小鸟们有时在天空中展翅高飞,有时停在树枝上婉转啼叫。 29、他的课余生活丰富。有时打篮球,有时上网。


出现造句大全 导读:本文是关于出现造句大全,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、你们同学白天上课时的音量比晚自习时小多了,这是极不正常的,如果这种情况出现在野生动物身上,那就意味着大的自然灾害即将到来。 2、我不是带着将失败的情绪走进赛场的。我回来的时候满怀信心,我相信仍然能够有所作为。如果我只是坐在这里听别人告诉我不能复出,那我肯定不会出现在这里。 3、小贝,我去向琛哥要我的明天,全身上下最值钱的东西,我都留给你,谢谢你给了我一个值得活下来的理由,为了这个理由,我愿意用生命去赌我们的未来,如果没回来,不要来找我,就当我从来没出现在你的生命里。 4、夏天的晚上,太阳太劳累了,又钻回了云朵被窝去睡觉了,星星和月亮,养足了精神,出现在了天空,发出动人的光芒,蟋蟀和没有睡觉的青蛙知了,在草丛里池塘里大树上唱着歌。 5、曾经也有一个笑容出现在我的生命里,可是最后还是如雾般消散,而那个笑容,就成为我中心深深埋藏的一条湍急河流,无法泅渡,那河流的声音,就成为我每日每夜绝望的歌唱。 6、知道自己出现在别人的梦里是很让人开心的事,这能证明你的存在,而且在某种程度上,还可以证明你在别的地方也具有实体和

价值。 7、正当我高兴的流下泪水时,闹钟忽然响了,它把我从梦中拉出来,才知道原来是场梦,但我坚信,在不久的将来,我一定会出现在奥运会上,为中国队努力拼搏。 8、世界上没有谁选择谁,只有谁遇到谁,所以我不选ABCD,只看着时间刚刚好的时候,出现在你面前,然后,牵着手,去哪里那里,然后,就是一辈子。 9、只见月亮像一个害羞的姑娘,羞答答地从一片乌云背后伸出半个脑袋,偷偷地向下窥探,发现没有什么动静,一扭身,出现在天空中,天空就好像出现了一盏明亮的灯,周围的乌云被白色的月光照着。 10、情痴先生,多谢你的痴情。对于我在你的梦中出现这件事,令我十分震惊。你没有征求我的同意,便让我出现在你的梦里,侵犯了我的自由,我保留所有法律上追究的权利跟赔偿。还有,你没有告诉我在梦里你对我做了什么? 11、到19世纪70年代,那些实际生活中的作奸犯科者、道德沦丧者,竟然已经堂而皇之地出现在歌舞表演中,这一幕与如今八卦电视节目何其相似,文化垃圾商品的真人版而已! 12、以前只是一种经历与感觉,而不是证据,不需要为以前的喜欢付出现在或以后的责任。不要揪住以前的事情不放。现在的事实比以前的回忆更有实效性与说服力。 13、法律不等于正义,这是一种非常不完美的机制,如果你按

Unit 7 Will people have robots-知识点整理

Unit 7 Will people have robots?知识 点整理 Unit7willpeoplehaverobots?知识点整理 一、词组、短语: 、oncomputers在电脑上, 2、onpaper在纸上, 3、livetobe200yearsold活到200岁, 4、freetime空闲时间, 5、indanger 在危险中, 6、ontheearth在世界上 7、playapartinsth在某方面出力/做贡献, 8、spacestation太空站, 8、lookfor寻找, 9、computerprogrammer电脑程序师, 10、inthefuture 在将来, 11、hundredsof成百上千的, 12、thesame…as与…一样, 13、overandoveragain反复, 14、getbored 无聊,

15、wakeup醒来/唤醒, 16、looklike 看起来像, 17、falldown倒下/落下 二、重要句子(语法) 、will+动词原形 将要做 2、fewer/more+可数名词复数更少/更多… 3、less/more+不可数名词 更少/更多 4、trytodosth. 尽力做某事 5、havetodosth 不得不做某事 6、agreewithsb. 同意某人的意见 7、such+名词(词组) 如此

8、playapartindoingsth 参与做某事 9、makesbdosth 让某人做某事 10、helpsbwithsth 帮助某人做某事 11、Therewillbe+主语+其他 将会有…. 12、Thereis/are+sb.+doingsth 有…正在做… 13、Itis +形容词+forsb+todosth 做某事对某人来说… 语法: whatwillthefuturebelike? citieswillbemorepolluted.Andtherewillbefewertrees. willpeopleusemoneyin100years?


人教版八年级英语上册Unit7知识点归纳整 理 Unit7illpeoplehaverobots? 短语归纳 onputer在电脑上2.onpaper在纸上3.aeup醒 livetodo200yearsold活动200岁5.freetie空闲时间indanger处于危险之中7.ontheearth在地球上 playapartinsth.参与某事9.inthefuture在未 0spacestation太空站11.puterprograer电脑编程员 loofor寻找13.hundredsof许多;成百上千 thesae…as…与……一样15.getbored感到厌烦的 overandoveragain多次;反复地17.falldon倒塌 ill+动词原形将要做…… feer/ore+可数名词复数更少/更多…… 0.less/ore+不可数名词更少/更多…… 1.havetodosth.不得不做某事 2.agreeithsb.同意某人的意见 3.such+名词如此…… playapartindoingsth.参与做某事 Thereillbe+主语+其他将会有…… Thereis/are+sb./sth.+doingsth.有……正在做某事

aesb.dosth.helpsb.ithsth.帮助某人做某事 trytodosth.尽力做某事 It’s+ad+forsb.todosth.对某人来说,做某事……的。 语法讲解 Boosillonlybeonputers,notonpaper.书将只在电脑里,而不是在纸上。 Thereillbeorepollution.将会有更多的污染。 ).Thereillbe+n=Thereis/aregoingtobe+n将会有…ThereisgoingtobeafootballatchthisFriday. ).pollution:污染;公害pollute:污染;弄脏polluted:受污染的 Everyoneshouldplayapartinsavingtheearth.每个人应该参与挽救地球。 Todaytherearealreadyrobotsoringinfactories.现在已经有机器人在工厂里工作了。 Therebesb.doingsth.有某人正在做…Thereisabirdsinginginthetree. Theyagreeitaytaehundredsofyears.他们同意这可能花费几百年的时间。 Ittaes+时间+todosth.某人花费时间区做某事。 Ittooehalfanhourtofinishyhoeor. agreetodosth.eagreetoeetuplaterandtalthingsover


一下子造句大全 导读:本文是关于一下子造句大全,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、幼稚的眼睛常常看不清楚。小鸟怀着热烈的希望展翅向天空飞去,但一下子就碰着铁丝网落了下来。 2、瞧!当我给小金鱼喂鱼食时,有的鱼迫不及待地跳上来;好像鲤鱼跃龙门;有的鱼摇着头,翘着尾巴慢慢地吃鱼食;还有的鱼很胆小,专门吃别人剩下的。整个鱼缸一下子因为我这几个鱼食而沸腾了。 3、忽然,一颗豆大的雨点恰好重重地打在了这嫩生生的细条上。它猛地一颤,弯下了腰。我正担心它被打折了,不想它马上像摆脱了重担似的,一下子直起了腰,晃了两晃,又像先前一样,直立在树的断口处。 4、俗话说“六月的天,娃娃的脸说变就变。”刚刚还是晴空万里,一下子就变得阴沉沉的,乌云布满了整个天空,风也吹起来了,吹着树叶沙沙作响。不远处传来几声雷响,仿佛正告诉人们要下雷雨啦! 5、小偷认为自己的谎言天衣无缝,一点破绽都没有,可**一下子就看出了他是坏人。 6、花瓣一片一片地绽放,花朵也不是一下子全开的,我明白昨天是与今天紧密相连的,好高兴。

7、过了一会儿,雨变小了,微风吹来,雨帘斜了,像一根根针线似的刺向草木、墙壁。雨落在小草上,看,草儿轻轻地在微风中摇动,雨珠顺着它那翠绿的茎滚下来,有一滴一下子钻到土里,又一滴钻到小草的嘴里,找不着了。 8、妈妈的手也是温柔的手。每当我生病了,妈妈便用她的手无微不至地照料着我,我感觉病一下子好了许多,心中无比温暖。每当我受到挫折感到委屈时,妈妈也会用她那双手轻轻拍拍我的肩膀,鼓励我,给我勇气和力量。 9、只见他嘴张得像箱子口那么大,一下子就愣住了,接着他就咽了两三口唾沫,好像是嗓子里发干似的。 10、突然门外传来嘈杂声,接着是敲门声,一下子又给大叫声所覆盖。我连忙去外面看看发生什麽事,当我看到我家门外的几个人时,我呆在那儿了,那陌生又熟悉的脸庞,都带着亲切的微笑,我不禁也露出微笑,请他们进家中。 11、早上起雾了,小溪里最浓,什么也看不见,我便高兴了,走下去,哪知它们一下子便将我拥围起来。慢慢地太阳升起,穿过树林,溪边的小草显得更加鲜嫩油滑了。我坐在木屋窗口下读书,让这一切陪我畅想。 12、蒋百里在宜山的南边路上,汽车坏了,他受了一下子凉,就有一点半身不遂的样子。 13、在座的人全都受到他影响,一下子也都变得严肃起来。就像钢水突然落到冷水里,一下子整个脸都凝固了。


一年级有造句大全 [标签:栏目] ,一年级有造句大全 1、一个人有再大的权力、再多的财富、再高的智慧,如果没有学会去关怀别人、去爱别人,那他的生命还有多少意义呢! 2、做任何事情都有一个临界点,可惜很多人倒在临界点前,离成功已经不远了! 3、这些野**都是浅蓝色的。我仔细数了数发现它们都有十六片细长的小花瓣,花瓣整齐地围着浅黄色的花芯。 4、下课了,同学们在操场上有踢毽子的,有跳绳的,也有打篮球的。 5、迎春花的花瓣是嫩黄色的,分为两层,都有六片花瓣。用鼻子一闻,啊,你会闻到一片芳香,沉浸在花香之中。 6、人生就像一出自导自演的戏剧,随时都有可能改变里面的戏节,只不过到头来的结局不同了。 7、一切伟大的行动和思想,都有一个微不足道的开始。 8、银杏是木本植物,它们年复一年地生长着。在每一个季节中,他们都有自己独特的变化。 9、人格是信用的基础,逆境往往使人有所建树,人都有长处与短处,看人看长处短处不看。 10、抹布,工作平凡的无人问津,但默默无闻地给人以美的清净。只要思想是有出息的,任何工作都有崇高的意义。 11、**的形状很特别,有像过年时放的烟花、有像妈妈打毛线衣的毛线团、还有的像少女头上的卷发。美丽极了! 12、冬天下了一场大雪,雪地里有活蹦乱跳的小狗,有开心的在地上画画的猫儿,还有几只小鸡在高兴地走来走去。 13、爸爸有时像挺拔的松树,有时像巍峨的大山。 14、蜻蜓有时在高空飘落,像一架飞机在飞,有时在树上飞,仿佛在思考。 15、男人要有钱,和谁都有缘,女人长的好,不怕没人找。 16、千万人的失败,都有是失败在做事不彻底,往往做到离成功只差一步就

终止不做了。 17、这个乌烟瘴气的行列就像这样行进着,有人喝啤酒,有人抽烟斗,有人哇哇地唱,还有人没完没了地装出椎心泣血的样子。 18、任何问题都有解决的办法,无法可想的事是没有的,要是你果真弄到了无法可想的地步,那也只能怨自己是笨蛋、是懒汉。 19、每个宿舍都有一个磨牙的,一个说梦话的,一个打呼噜的,一个睡很晚纵观全场的。 20、星星闪烁的星空,月亮有时像圆盘有时像香蕉。 21、每个人的一生都有许多梦想,但如果其中一个不断搅扰着你,剩下的就仅仅是行动了。 22、每个人都有优势,由自己发现并加以利用便成为老板;由他人发现并加以利用便成为千里马。 23、是人都有惰性,这是与生俱来的,但是我们后天可以改变这种惰性,谁改变的越多,谁就越成功。 24、手,谁都有一双。是妈妈,赋与我们生命;是妈妈,呵护我们成长;是妈妈,教育我们人生的道理。 25、我要离家了,耳旁有妈妈絮絮的唠叨,肩上更有爸爸期盼的目光。 26、猫的性格实在有些古怪。说它老实吧,它的确有时候很乖。 27、五月的天气有时像个乖宝宝,风和日丽,暖意融融;有时仿佛又像个淘气的小坏蛋,狂风大作,暴雨倾盆。 28、那翠绿的颜色,明亮地照耀着我们的眼睛,似乎每一片绿叶上都有一个新的生命在颤动。 29、任何科学上的雏形,都有它双重的形象:胚胎时的丑恶,萌芽时的美丽。 30、每一朵都有它自己的姿势,有的张着半张脸,有的少几瓣花瓣,还有的像小孩子在树枝上跳舞。 31、做学问要在不疑处有疑,做人要在有疑处不疑。 32、在有骨气的人看来,送礼的要是变了心,礼物虽贵,也会失去了价值。 33、不敢去刻意追求什么,只是希望所有美好的开端都有一个美好的结局,一如这春夜长长远远。


XX九年级英语上册Unit13教案(新版人教 版) 学科English年级9班级 课型fresh课时1/6媒体ataperecorder,cAI 课题Unit13e’retryingtosavetheearth!SectionA1a~1c 话题Protectingtheenvironent 功能Talaboutpollutionandenvironentalprotection 教 学 目 标 知识 技能1.Targetlanguage: e’retryingtosavetheearth. Peoplearethroinglitterintotheriver. Theriverusedtobesoclean. Everyoneshouldhelptocleanuptheriver. Graar: Presentprogressive,usedto,odalverbs ordsandexpressions;

curriculuords:litter,botto,fisheran Usefulexpressions:befullof,put…into,thro…into,cleanup,playapartin,closedon 过程 方法Accordingtodesigningsoetass,totrainstudents’listeningabilityandtotrainstudents’unicativepetence. 情感 态度Everyoneshouldeepourriversclean. 学习策略Listeningforeyords,transforinginforation. 重点TargetLanguage 难点1.Hototrainstudents’listeningability. .Hototrainstudents’unicativepetence. 教学内容及问题情境学生活动设计意图 a.TointroduceSstotheunitgoal,talaboutpollutionanden vironentalprotection. Picture: Thefourpicturesshodifferentforsofenvironentalpollut


八年级上册英语单元知识点归纳 Unit1Wheredidyougoonvacation? 短语归纳 1.goonvacation去度假 2.stayathome待在家里 3.gotothemountains去爬山 4.gotothebeach去海滩 5.visitmuseums参观博物馆 6.gotosummercamp去参加夏令营 7.quiteafew相当多 8.studyfortests为测验而学习 9.goout出去10.mostofthetime大部分时间11.haveagoodtimedoing=havefundoing=enjoyoneself玩得高兴 去购 物because+句子 查明22.goon上上下下 用法: 3.nothing 4.seem+ 13.dislikedoingsth.不喜欢做某事 14.keepdoingsth.继续做某事keepondoingsth不停做某事 15.Whynotdo.sth.=whydon’tyoudosth为什么不做……呢? 16.so+adj.+that+从句如此……以至于…… 17.tellsb.(not)todosth.告诉某人(不要)做某事 18.enough+名词,形容词+enough 19.notreally.真的没有。 20.seemtodosth似乎好像做某事 21.Byefornow!到这该说再见了。

22.Howdoyoulike…=Whatdoyouthinkof…=Whatdoyouthinkabout… Unit2Howoftendoyouexercise? 短语 1.helpwithhousework帮助做家务 2.onweekends=ontheweekend在周末 3.howoften多久 一次howsoon多久(回答in10years)4.hardlyever几乎从不 5.onceaweek每周一次twiceamonth每月两次everyday每天three/four…timesaweek每周三四…次 6.befree=beavailable有空 7.gotothemovies去看电影 https://www.doczj.com/doc/838048942.html,etheInternet用互联网ontheInternet在网上surftheInternet 上网 9.swingdance摇摆舞10.playtennis打网球play+ 球类/棋类/中国乐器playthe+西洋乐器11.stayuplate熬夜;睡得很晚12.atleast至少atmost最多 擅长 根本firstofall 21.suchas看牙医 用法 少…? 5.主语 7.It’ 10.What Unit3I 短语 和……相同;与……一致bedifferentfrom与……不同5.careabout关心;介意takecareof=lookafter照顾6.belikeamirror像一面镜子7.themostimportant最重要的8.aslongas只要;既然 9.bringout使显现;使表现出10.getbettergrades取得更好的成绩11.reachfor伸手取12.infact 事实上;实际上13.makefriends交朋友14.one…,theother…一个…,另一个15.touchone’sheart 感动某人16.betalentedinmusic有音乐天赋 17.shareeverything分享一切18.talkabout谈论19.primaryschoolstudents小学生middleschoolstudent中学生https://www.doczj.com/doc/838048942.html,rmation是不可数名词,一则消息:apieceofinformation 21.theEnglishstudycenter英语学习中心 用法


XX八年级英语上册第七单元导学案(人 教版) 本资料为woRD文档,请点击下载地址下载全文下载地址Unit7 willpeoplehaverobots? Period8 SectionBSelfcheck 教师复备栏或 学生笔记栏 【学习目标】 .熟练掌握本单元词汇: 2.熟练掌握本单元句型: 5) In20years,IthinkI’llbeanewspaperreporter. ontheweekend,I’lllooklesssmartbutIwillbemorecomfortable. whatwillyour…belike? 【学习重点 难点】 本单元的单词、短语、语法 【学法指导】 及时练习与巩固

【教学过程】 一、 导入(启发探究 3分钟) 对话复习: Nick:whatareyoureading,jill? jill:It’sbookaboutfuture. Nick:Soundscool.Sowhatwillthefuturebelike? jill:well,citieswillbemorecrowdedandpolluted.Therew illbefewertreesandtheenvironmentwillbeingreatdanger. Nick:Thatsoundsbad!willwehavetomovetootherplanets. jill:maybe.ButIwanttoliveontheearth. Nick:me,too.Thenwhatcanwedo? jill:wecanuselesswaterandplantsmoretrees.Everyonesh ouldplayapartinsavingtheearth. 二、自学(自主探究 6分钟) 用法:


9、这条够的腿很短,奔跑的时候步子又快又小,十分有趣, 它只要一发现一张彩色的纸片,就用后腿支起全身,两眼盯着你看,表示恳求。 10、春天它会开满许多像毛毛虫的花朵,这时也是蜜蜂最多的 时候,就算你站在树的远处你也会清晰的听见喔喔的声音,刚出的 绿芽衬托着绿色的花,使它有种特别的可爱。 11、不知在什么时候,雨,悄悄地停了。风,也屏住了呼吸, 山中一下变得非常幽静。远处,一只不知名的鸟儿开始啼啭起来, 仿佛在倾吐着浴后的欢悦。 12、文化长廊和教学楼中间是半圆形的花坛,当春天来临的时 候红的、粉的、白的、红的似火,粉的像霞,白的像云,这些花朵 争奇斗艳的竞相开放,为学校增添了绚丽的色彩。 13、当万物复苏的时候,她会用那双娇嫩的手牵着我的小手去 外面玩,我觉得,妈妈的手就像春风一样轻柔。 14、无论什么时候,不管遇到什么情况,我绝不允许自己有一 点点灰心丧气。 15、中国有许多传统节日,其中我最喜欢的是春节。每到春节,人们喜贴春联,敲锣打鼓,张灯结彩,辞旧迎新的活动热闹非凡。 这时是小孩子们最高兴的时候,每个人脸上都洋溢着节日的喜悦。 16、晴天的时候,云朵象雪一样白飘在蓝天上,它有时候象一 匹大马在奔驰,有时象一条鱼在自由自在地游泳,有时象一片羽毛 在天空飘荡,真是千姿百态,变化多端。 17、春天的时候,荷叶从淤泥中探出头来,尖尖的小头刚伸出 水面,就惹来蜻蜓驻足于上。那丛小小的竹笋突破泥土的障碍,向 着父辈的头顶拼命生长,沐浴着温暖的阳光。

18、音乐喷泉的音乐低的时候,喷泉就小,音乐高的时候,喷 泉就四处溅起,像下雨似的。由于当时烈日当照,又喷着喷泉,所 以地下就像温泉一样暖和。 19、有时候,风是一种心情,一种失落的心情,如同狂风中的 苦涩,有时候,风像一种心情,风吹过之后,也许会留下一点痕迹,伤痛也会留存在心间。 20、星星已经淡下去了,东方天边上开始放白了,这时候天际 变化得很快,渐渐白得晃眼,接着从地平线上开始一抹一抹地放射 出红纹。 21、致失败者倒下的时候,生命又怎能屹立!歪歪斜斜的身影,又怎耐的住风雨的洗礼。你若有一个不屈的灵魂,脚下才会有一方 坚实的土地。昨天的失败已经过去,胜利不仅仅是一个美好的话题。 22、海是一个空问,一个“伟大的存在”,海里的珍珠与珊瑚 水藻与水族遗宝与沉船,是非陆地所拥有的。海的呼唤越远越清晰。当风吹起海鑫千层浪的时候,大海犹如一个瑰宝吸引着更多的爱海 的人。 23、你出生的时候,你哭着,周围的人笑着;在生命的尽头, 你笑着,而周围的人在哭着。 24、友情本是超越障碍的翅膀,但它自身也会背负障碍的沉重,因此,它在轻松人类的时候也在轻松自己,净化人类的时候也在净 化自己。其结果应该是两相完满:当人类在最深刻地享受友情时, 友情本身也获得最充分的实现。 25、我的成长过程有快乐也有烦恼,快乐的时候我是多么幸福,烦恼的时候我也不会悲观。你的成长过程是否也是这样呢?千万要 记住,烦恼的时候不要悲伤,高兴起来,烦恼就会在你成长中消失。

八年级英语上册Unit7 Will people have robots-知识点归纳

八年级英语上册Unit7 Will people have robots?知识点归纳 课 件www.5y https://www.doczj.com/doc/838048942.html,八年级英语上册Unit7willpeoplehaverobots?知识点归纳 八年级上Unit7willpeoplehaverobots? oncomputer在电脑上 onpaper在纸上 livetodo200yearsold活动200岁 freetime空闲时间 indanger处于危险之中 ontheearth在地球上 playapartinsth.参与某事 spacestation太空站 lookfor寻找 computerprogrammer电脑编程员 inthefuture在未来 hundredsof许多;成百上千 thesame…as…与……一样 overandoveragain多次;反复地 getbored感到厌烦的

wakeup醒来 falldown倒塌will+动词原形 将要做…… fewer/more+可数名词复数 更少/更多……less/more+不可数名词 更少/更多…… havetodosth.不得不做某事 agreewithsb.同意某人的意见 such+名词(词组) 如此…… playapartindoingsth.参与做某事 Therewillbe+主语+其他 将会有…… Thereis/are+sb./sth.+doingsth.有……正在做某事makesb.dosth.使某人做某事 helpsb.withsth.帮助某人做某事 trytodosth.尽力做某事 It’s+adj.+forsb.todosth. 对某人来说,做某事……的。 1.ThestudentsinourschoollearnEnglish computers. A.at


总的造句大全 1、他来了一封信,尽管是片言只语,但总算有了下落了。 2、她那两撤淡淡的长眉毛,立时竖起来,原来总是眯着的眼睛也瞪得和杏子一样圆。 3、艰难的日子在后头,可是我们总能勉强对付过去。 4、一首伟大的诗篇象一座喷泉一样,总是喷出智慧和欢愉的水花。 5、我妻子一旦下定决心做某事,就总能设法完成。 6、他的修养真到家,无论处理什么事总是从容不迫。 7、你总能完成任务,不管前面有多大困难。 8、不管受到夸奖还是批评,不管遇到顺境还是逆境,他总是坦然应对,那么从容,那么冷静,不骄傲,也不自卑。 9、他办事考虑周到,一丝不苟,总能做得滴水不漏。 10、每次考试的时候,我的心总是很紧张。 11、不管天气如何恶劣,他总是很早起床读书。 12、小草不管是卑微还是渺小,不管是柔嫩还是脆弱,它总是那么不屈不饶,不屈服,也不放弃。

13、无论刮风下雨他总是第一个到校。 14、他真是个聪明的人,考试总能过关。 15、无论是夏天还是冬天,它总是那么蓬蓬勃勃。 16、十年的辛勤努力,总算让他如愿以偿地当上单位主管。 17、他总是给人一种高深莫测的感觉。 18、眼看她美丽的谎言就要被戳穿,她急中生智,转移了话题,总算转危为安。 19、虽然经历了一番惊吓,但我们总算安然无恙地被放在了一个小河边。 20、电影里的魔鬼总是张牙舞爪的。 21、书籍如人,都是人类最好的朋友人总是与最好的伙伴为伍,不管这伙伴是书还是人。 22、父母无论做什么,总是为了儿女好。 23、在发言时我总是感到紧张。 24、一旦遇到困难,他总能在第一时间冲上去,不管有多么危险。 25、在我家里,妈妈是个和事佬,遇事她总是委曲求全。 26、这位先生对我有再造之恩,每年圣诞节,我总是去看他,以表谢意。


八年级英语上册Unit7Willpeoplehaverobots?知识点归纳puters在电脑上, 2、onpaper在纸上, 3、livetobe200yearsold活到200岁, 4、freetime空闲时间, 5、indanger在危险中, 6、ontheearth在世界上 7、playapartinsth在某方面出力/做贡献, 8、spacestation太空站, 8、lookfor寻找, 9、computerprogrammer电脑程序师, 10、inthefuture在将来, 11、hundredsof成百上千的, 12、thesame…as与…一样, 13、overandoveragain反复, 14、getbored无聊, 15、wakeup醒来/唤醒, 16、looklike看起来像, 17、falldown倒下/落下 二、重要句子(语法) 1、will+动词原形将要做

2、fewer/more+可数名词复数更少/更多… 3、less/more+不可数名词更少/更多 4、trytodosth.尽力做某事 5、havetodosth不得不做某事 6、agreewithsb.同意某人的意见 7、such+名词(词组)如此 8、playapartindoingsth参与做某事 9、makesbdosth让某人做某事 10、helpsbwithsth帮助某人做某事 11、Therewillbe+主语+其他将会有…. 12、Thereis/are+sb.+doingsth有…正在做… 13、Itis+形容词+forsb+todosth做某事对某人来说…语法: Whatwillthefuturebelike? Citieswillbemorepolluted.Andtherewillbefewertrees. Willpeopleusemoneyin100years? No,theywon’t.Everythingwillbefree. Willtherebeworldpeace? Yes,Ihopeso. Kidswillstuffyathomeoncomputers. Theywon’tgotoschool.

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