当前位置:文档之家› ABAP实例之ALV





*& Report ZLG_ALV *

*& *


*& 测试alv各项参数 *

*& 未完全 - v01 - 20081212 *

*& 未完全 - v02 - 20090731 *


*& ALV显示可以用的FM包括: *




*& *

*& ALV显示相关FM包括: *

*& 1、REUSE_ALV_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE - 制作类型的 fieldcatalog *

*& 2、LVC_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE - 制作 LVC_T_FCAT 类型的 fieldcatalog *




*& *



*& 1、output itab *

*& 2、fieldcatalog *


*& 相关FM注意事项 *


*& 1、I_INTERNAL_TABNAME所用的变量对应结构体必须用DATA+BEGIN申明, *

*& 不可以使用DATA+TYPE line type,否则不会返回Fieldcatalog。 *

*& 2、修改了I_INTERNAL_TABNAME对应结构体后, *

*& 必须/N后重新进去SE38时,才会生效。 *

*& 3、程序代码每行不能太长,不然容易报错, *

*& 具体内容见FORM f_fieldcatalog。 *

*& *

*& *



*& 2、标准GUI中的&OLO中显示的列名取决于fieldcatalog中的设置 *

*& *





*& *


*& 参考自:

*& https://www.doczj.com/doc/8a8035066.html,/viewthread.php?tid=1051462&highlight=ALV%2B%D7%DC%BD %E1

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT zlg_alv .


*& 导入 *




* Instead of statement 'INCLUDE .', please use

* statement 'TYPE-POOLS: icon.' directly.



*& 类型池引用申明 *

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* TYPE-POOLS:slis.

TYPE-POOLS:icon."代替 include


*& 类型定义 *




icon TYPE icon-id,

box(1) TYPE c,

c10(10) TYPE c,

n10(10) TYPE n,

n5(5) TYPE n,

c TYPE c,

d TYPE d,

t TYPE t,

x TYPE x,

i TYPE i, "普通I型数字

i2 TYPE i, "负数普通显示

i3 TYPE i, "no_sign

i4 TYPE i, "负号前置

quantity TYPE p DECIMALS 5,"数量

qunit TYPE meins,"数量参考单位


cp(33) TYPE c, "放置P,32+1?

currency TYPE p DECIMALS 5,

cunit TYPE bkpf-waers,

cunit2 TYPE c LENGTH 5,

f TYPE f,

string TYPE string, "内表型类型?

xstring TYPE xstring,"内表型类型?

bname TYPE bname,

bnamel(30) TYPE c, "与bname对齐方式不同

bnamel2(30) TYPE c, "热点

matnr TYPE matnr, "F4help - 1 datum TYPE datum, "F4help - 2 linecolor(4) TYPE c, "用于保存行颜色代码

cellcolor TYPE slis_t_specialcol_alv,"用于保存单元格颜色代码END OF typ_alv.

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& 变量定义 * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *ALV输出用内表相关


wa_alv TYPE typ_alv.

*ALV Layout相关

DATA:wa_layout TYPE slis_layout_alv.

*ALV Sort相关

DATA:itab_alv_sort TYPE slis_t_sortinfo_alv,

wa_alv_sort TYPE slis_sortinfo_alv.

*ALV Event相关

DATA:itab_alv_event TYPE slis_t_event,

wa_alv_event TYPE slis_alv_event.

*ALV Fieldcatalog相关

DATA:itab_alv_fieldcatalog TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv,

wa_alv_fieldcatalog TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv.


DATA:BEGIN OF cns_alv,

icon LIKE icon-id,"这里只能用like,用type会无效

box(1) TYPE c,

c10(10) TYPE c,

n10(10) TYPE n,

n5(5) TYPE n,

c TYPE c,

d TYPE d,

t TYPE t,

x TYPE x,

i TYPE i,

i2 TYPE i, "负数

i3 TYPE i, "显示no_sign效果

i4 TYPE i, "显示负号前置效果

quantity TYPE p DECIMALS 5,"数量

qunit TYPE meins,"数量参考单位

p TYPE p,

cp(33) TYPE c, "放置P,32+1?

currency TYPE p DECIMALS 5,

cunit TYPE bkpf-waers,

cunit2 TYPE c LENGTH 5,"货币单位没有被FM加入fieldcatlog中

f TYPE f,

string TYPE string, "内表型类型?

xstring TYPE xstring,"内表型类型?

bname TYPE bname,

bnamel(30) TYPE c, "与bname对齐方式不同

bnamel2(30) TYPE c, "热点

matnr TYPE matnr, "F4help - 1 datum TYPE datum, "F4help - 2 linecolor(4) TYPE c, "用于保存行颜色代码

cellcolor TYPE slis_t_specialcol_alv,"用于保存单元格颜色代码END OF cns_alv.


DATA:itab_alv_excluding TYPE slis_t_extab ,

wa_alv_excluding TYPE slis_extab .


DATA:cns_tabname TYPE slis_tabname VALUE 'CNS_ALV',

cns_repid TYPE sy-repid VALUE 'ZLG_ALV'," sy-repid cns_pf_status_set TYPE slis_tabname VALUE '',

cns_user_command TYPE slis_formname VALUE 'F_USER_COMMAND',

cns_html_top_of_page TYPE slis_formname VALUE 'F_HTML_TOP_OF_PAGE', cns_grid_title TYPE lvc_title VALUE 'ALV title',

cns_l(1) TYPE c VALUE 'L',

cns_c(1) TYPE c VALUE 'C',

cns_r(1) TYPE c VALUE 'R',

cns_a(1) TYPE c VALUE 'A',

cns_u(1) TYPE c VALUE 'U',

cns_x(1) TYPE c VALUE 'X',

cns_space(1) TYPE c VALUE space,

cns_half TYPE i VALUE '0.5'.


DATA:g_color_id(1) TYPE c,

g_cellcolor TYPE slis_specialcol_alv,

g_datum TYPE datum,

g_flg_alv TYPE i,"ALV类型标识

g_flg_random TYPE i."分歧变量

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& 选择屏幕 * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *与form f_check_alv_type相关


fagdlvc TYPE c RADIOBUTTON GROUP alv,"alv grid lvc

fabl TYPE c RADIOBUTTON GROUP alv."alv block list

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& 初始化 * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* INITIALIZATION.



PERFORM f_get_random.

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& 填充数据及部分设置 *

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* START-OF-SELECTION.

*ALV输出用内表 - 填充

PERFORM f_get_data.

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& 设置及显示 * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* END-OF-SELECTION.


PERFORM f_check_alv_type CHANGING g_flg_alv.

*ALV Fieldcatalog - 设置

PERFORM f_fieldcatalog_all .

*ALV layout - 设置

PERFORM f_layout_all.

*ALV Sort - 设置

PERFORM f_sort_all.

*ALV Evnet - 设置

PERFORM f_event_all.

*ALV GUI - 设置

PERFORM f_gui_all.


PERFORM f_show_alv_all.

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form f_get_data

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text

*----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM f_get_data .

g_datum = sy-datum.

DO 100 TIMES .

CLEAR wa_alv."清空内表型组件(如cellcolor)的值

wa_alv-icon = '@0A@'."red light 可以查看类型池ICON中的值

wa_alv-c10 = sy-index.

wa_alv-n10 = sy-index ** 2.

wa_alv-i = sy-index.

wa_alv-i2 = wa_alv-i * -1.

wa_alv-i3 = wa_alv-i2.

wa_alv-i4 = wa_alv-i2 * wa_alv-i * wa_alv-i.

CASE sy-index.


wa_alv-p = 1.


wa_alv-p = '1.5436'.


wa_alv-p = '0.5436'.


wa_alv-quantity = sy-index * 1000.

wa_alv-qunit = 'MT'.

CASE sy-index.


wa_alv-qunit = 'MT'.


wa_alv-qunit = 'MT'.


wa_alv-qunit = 'KG'.


wa_alv-cp = wa_alv-p.

wa_alv-currency = 1000.

CASE sy-index.


wa_alv-cunit = 'RMB'.


wa_alv-cunit = 'CNY'.


wa_alv-cunit = 'JPY'.


wa_alv-cunit2 = wa_alv-cunit.

wa_alv-datum = g_datum.

g_datum = g_datum + 1.

wa_alv-bname = sy-uname.

wa_alv-bnamel = sy-uname.

wa_alv-bnamel2 = sy-uname.


PERFORM f_alv_color.

APPEND wa_alv TO itab_alv.


ENDFORM. " f_get_data

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form f_check_alv_type

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * 判断显示哪种ALV

*----------------------------------------------------------------------* * <--P_FLG_ALV ALV种类

*----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM f_check_alv_type CHANGING p_flg_alv.

*----------------------------------------------------------------------* * 注意修改各个ALL中的CASE语句:

*FORM f_layout_all .

*FORM f_fieldcatalog_all .

*FORM f_sort_all .

*FORM f_gui_all .

*FORM f_show_alv_all .

*----------------------------------------------------------------------* IF fagd = 'X'.

p_flg_alv = 1.

ELSEIF fagdlvc = 'X'.

p_flg_alv = 2.

ELSEIF fabl = 'X'.

p_flg_alv = 3.


ENDFORM. " f_check_alv_type

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form f_layout_all

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * 各种ALV处理LAYOUT相关设置

*----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM f_layout_all .

CASE g_flg_alv.

WHEN 1 OR 3.

PERFORM f_layout CHANGING wa_layout.




ENDFORM. " f_layout_all

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form f_fieldcatalog_reuse

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * REUSE_ALV_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE

*----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -->P_REPID text

* -->P_TABNAME text


*----------------------------------------------------------------------* *form f_fieldcatalog_reuse tables

* PT_FIELDCATALOG1 structure wa_alv_fieldcatalog

FORM f_fieldcatalog_reuse USING p_repid TYPE sy-repid

p_tabname LIKE cns_tabname

CHANGING pt_fieldcatalog LIKE

itab_alv_fieldcatalog. *----------------------------------------------------------------------* *即使是注释也不能太长。


* line:363

* read report l_prog_tab_local into l_abap_source.

* check sy-subrc eq 0.

*----------------------------------------------------------------------* *& 其它功能实现相关处理内容:

*& 1、颜色设置

*& 2、F1帮助


*----------------------------------------------------------------------* *& 1、不能使用structure line of:系统提示参数数量不匹配

*& 只能使用structure

*& 2、对于REUSE_ALV_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE,只能用changing传内表,

*& 因为tables产生的是带有表头的内表参数

*& 3、不同名但同数据元素(数据库字段)会作为重复而排除

*& 但基本类型不会有这个问题

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE'


i_program_name = p_repid

i_internal_tabname = p_tabname

* i_structure_name = ' '


i_inclname = p_repid

i_bypassing_buffer = 'X'"



ct_fieldcat = pt_fieldcatalog


inconsistent_interface = 1

program_error = 2



IF sy-subrc <> 0.

MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno

WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.


LOOP AT pt_fieldcatalog INTO wa_alv_fieldcatalog.


PERFORM f_fieldcatalog_single.


MODIFY pt_fieldcatalog FROM wa_alv_fieldcatalog

* TRANSPORTING seltext_l

* emphasize




ENDFORM. " f_fieldcatalog_reuse

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form f_fieldcatalog_all

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * 各种控制ALV列显示

*----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM f_fieldcatalog_all .

CASE g_flg_alv.

WHEN 1 OR 3.

PERFORM f_fieldcatalog_reuse USING cns_repid


CHANGING itab_alv_fieldcatalog.




ENDFORM. " f_fieldcatalog_all

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form f_layout

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * 处理LAYOUT相关设置

*----------------------------------------------------------------------* * <--P_LAYOUT ALV的LAYOUT结构体变量

*----------------------------------------------------------------------* *& 其它功能实现相关处理内容:

*& 1、颜色设置

*& 2、求和(数字、字符型数字)


*----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM f_layout CHANGING pa_layout LIKE wa_layout.

*types: begin of slis_layout_alv.


* dummy,

* no_colhead(1) type c, " no headings

* no_hotspot(1) type c, " headings not as hotspot

* zebra(1) type c, " striped pattern

* no_vline(1) type c, " columns separated by space

* no_hline(1) type c, "rows separated by space B20K8A0N5D * cell_merge(1) type c, " not suppress field replication * edit(1) type c, " for grid only

* edit_mode(1) type c, " for grid only

* numc_sum(1) type c, " totals for NUMC-Fields possib. * no_input(1) type c, " only display fields

* f2code like sy-ucomm, "

* reprep(1) type c, " report report interface active * no_keyfix(1) type c, " do not fix keycolumns

* expand_all(1) type c, " Expand all positions

* no_author(1) type c, " No standard authority check

** PF-status

* def_status(1) type c, " default status space or 'A'

* item_text(20) type c, " Text for item button

* countfname type lvc_fname,

** Display options

* colwidth_optimize(1) type c,

* no_min_linesize(1) type c, " line size = width of the list * min_linesize like sy-linsz, " if initial min_linesize = 80

* max_linesize like sy-linsz, " Default 250

* window_titlebar like sy-title,

* no_uline_hs(1) type c,

** Exceptions

* lights_fieldname type slis_fieldname," fieldname for exception * lights_tabname type slis_tabname, " fieldname for exception

*lights_rollname like dfies-rollname," rollname f. exceptiondocu

* lights_condense(1) type c, " fieldname for exception

** Sums

* no_sumchoice(1) type c, " no choice for summing up

* no_totalline(1) type c, " no total line

* no_subchoice(1) type c, " no choice for subtotals

* no_subtotals(1) type c, " no subtotals possible

* no_unit_splitting type c, " no sep. tot.lines by inh.units * totals_before_items type c, " diplay totals before the items * totals_only(1) type c, " show only totals

*totals_text(60) type c, " text for 1st col. in total line

* subtotals_text(60) type c, " text for 1st col. in subtotals ** Interaction

* box_fieldname type slis_fieldname, " fieldname for checkbox

* box_tabname type slis_tabname," tabname for checkbox

* box_rollname like dd03p-rollname," rollname for checkbox

*expand_fieldname type slis_fieldname, " fieldname flag 'expand'

*hotspot_fieldname type slis_fieldname, " fieldname flag hotspot

* confirmation_prompt, " confirm. prompt when leaving

* key_hotspot(1) type c, " keys as hotspot " K_KEYHOT

* flexible_key(1) type c, " key columns movable,...

* group_buttons(1) type c, " buttons for COL1 - COL5

* get_selinfos(1) type c, " read selection screen

* group_change_edit(1) type c, " Settings by user for new group * no_scrolling(1) type c, " no scrolling

** Detailed screen

* detail_popup(1) type c, " show detail in popup

* detail_initial_lines(1) type c, " show also initial lines

* detail_titlebar like sy-title," Titlebar for detail

** Display variants

* header_text(20) type c, " Text for header button

* default_item(1) type c, " Items as default

** colour

* info_fieldname type slis_fieldname, " infofield for listoutput * coltab_fieldname type slis_fieldname, " colors

** others

* list_append(1) type c, " no call screen

* xifunckey type aqs_xikey, " eXtended interaction(SAPQuery) * xidirect type flag, " eXtended INTeraction(SAPQuery) * dtc_layout type dtc_s_layo, "Layout for configure the Tabstip *types: end of slis_layout_alv.


* dummy,


* no_colhead(1) type c, " no headings

* pa_layout-no_colhead = 'X'.


* no_hotspot(1) type c, " headings not as hotspot

* pa_layout-no_hotspot = 'X'."效果?


* pa_layout-zebra = 'X'.


* pa_layout-no_vline = 'X'.


* pa_layout-no_hline = 'X'.


* cell_merge(1) type c, " not suppress field replication *--ALV处于可编辑状态,会自动出现最前端的BOX

* pa_layout-edit = 'X'." for grid only


* edit_mode(1) type c, " for grid only


* numc_sum(1) type c, " totals for NUMC-Fields possib. * pa_layout-numc_sum = 'X'.

* no_input(1) type c, " only display fields


* f2code like sy-ucomm,

* pa_layout-layout-f2code = '&ETA'."设置成双击

* reprep(1) type c, " report report interface active * no_keyfix(1) type c, " do not fix keycolumns

* expand_all(1) type c, " Expand all positions

* no_author(1) type c, " No standard authority check



* def_status(1) type c, " default status space or 'A'

* item_text(20) type c, " Text for item button

* countfname type lvc_fname,

**--------Display options--------------------------------------------


* pa_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'.


* no_min_linesize(1) type c, " line size = width of the list * min_linesize like sy-linsz, " if initial min_linesize = 80

* max_linesize like sy-linsz, " Default 250


pa_layout-window_titlebar = 'window_titlebar'."like sy-title


* no_uline_hs(1) type c,


* lights_fieldname type slis_fieldname," fieldname for exception * lights_tabname type slis_tabname, " fieldname for exception

*lights_rollname like dfies-rollname," rollname f. exceptiondocu

* lights_condense(1) type c, " fieldname for exception


* no_sumchoice(1) type c, " no choice for summing up

* no_totalline(1) type c, " no total line

* no_subchoice(1) type c, " no choice for subtotals

* no_subtotals(1) type c, " no subtotals possible

* no_unit_splitting type c, " no sep. tot.lines by inh.units *--求和

pa_layout-totals_before_items = 'X'." 在ALV最顶端显示求和结果

* pa_layout-totals_only = 'X'."只显示总和(无效?)

*totals_text(60) type c, " text for 1st col. in total line

* pa_layout-totals_text = '最长60字符,总和'."无效?

* subtotals_text(60) type c, " text for 1st col. in subtotals **--------Interaction------------------------------------------------

* box_fieldname type slis_fieldname, " fieldname for checkbox

* box_tabname type slis_tabname," tabname for checkbox

* box_rollname like dd03p-rollname," rollname for checkbox

*expand_fieldname type slis_fieldname, " fieldname flag 'expand'

*hotspot_fieldname type slis_fieldname, " fieldname flag hotspot

* confirmation_prompt, " confirm. prompt when leaving

* key_hotspot(1) type c, " keys as hotspot " K_KEYHOT

* flexible_key(1) type c, " key columns movable,...

* group_buttons(1) type c, " buttons for COL1 - COL5

* get_selinfos(1) type c, " read selection screen

* group_change_edit(1) type c, " Settings by user for new group *--无效?

* no_scrolling(1) type c, " no scrolling

* pa_layout-no_scrolling = 'X'.

**--------Detailed screen--------------------------------------------


* pa_layout-detail_popup = 'X'."无效?

* detail_initial_lines(1) type c, " show also initial lines


* detail_titlebar like sy-title," Titlebar for detail

pa_layout-detail_titlebar = '详细内容'."系统默认为“细节”

**--------Display variants-------------------------------------------

* header_text(20) type c, " Text for header button

* default_item(1) type c, " Items as default


*----颜色具体设置见FORM f_get_data、FORM f_alv_color


* 指定颜色字段指定后fieldcatalog中该字段失效

* pa_layout-info_fieldname = 'LINECOLOR'." infofield for listoutput


* 注意该字段为内表,可以添加该行多个字段名

* pa_layout-coltab_fieldname = 'CELLCOLOR'.


* list_append(1) type c, " no call screen

* xifunckey type aqs_xikey, " eXtended interaction(SAPQuery) * xidirect type flag, " eXtended INTeraction(SAPQuery) * dtc_layout type dtc_s_layo, "Layout for configure the Tabstip ENDFORM. " f_layout

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form f_alv_color

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * ALV颜色相关处理

*----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM f_alv_color .

*----------------------------------------------------------------------* *颜色设置的优先级顺序从大到小:






*----------------------------------------------------------------------* *& ALV中的颜色代码共有4位,

*& 第1位是固定为“C”(代表COLOR),

*& 第2位代表是颜色编码(1到7),

*& 第3位是加强颜色的设置(1表示打开,0表示关闭),

*& 第4位是减弱颜色(1表示打开,0表示关闭),

*& 在强化关闭的情况下,相反的作用是背景和字体的变化。

*& CX00:底色较柔和、前景色为黑色

*& CX01:底色为灰色、前景色为较肉色彩色

*& CX10:底色为强彩色、前景色为黑色

*& CX11:同CX10

*----------------------------------------------------------------------* *--行颜色相关

PERFORM f_row_color.


*fieldcatalog-emphasize = '颜色代码'.


PERFORM f_cell_color.

ENDFORM. " f_alv_color

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form f_row_color

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text

*----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM f_row_color .

*----------------------------------------------------------------------* *& 必须在layout的info_fieldname中设置颜色字段名

*& 本例为:layout-info_fieldname = 'LINECOLOR'.

*----------------------------------------------------------------------* g_color_id = g_color_id + 1 .

IF g_color_id = 8 .

g_color_id = 1 .


CONCATENATE 'C' g_color_id '00' INTO wa_alv-linecolor .

ENDFORM. " f_row_color

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form f_cell_color

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * 控制单元格显示颜色

*----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM f_cell_color .

*----------------------------------------------------------------------* *& 必须在layout的coltab_fieldname中设置颜色字段名

*& 本例为:coltab_fieldname = 'CELLCOLOR'.

*----------------------------------------------------------------------* *& 可以设置多个字段显示成不同的颜色

*& 只要向组件cellcolor(内表)中添加多条记录

*----------------------------------------------------------------------* CLEAR:g_cellcolor.

CASE wa_alv-c10+8(1).

WHEN 1 OR 3 OR 5 OR 7 OR 9.

g_cellcolor-fieldname = 'C10' . " 要修改颜色的字段名

g_cellcolor-color-col = 6 . " 颜色(1-7)

g_cellcolor-color-inv = 1 . " 前景字体(int代表背景颜色)APPEND g_cellcolor TO wa_alv-cellcolor .

WHEN 2 OR 4 OR 6 OR 8.

g_cellcolor-fieldname = 'C10' . " 要修改颜色的字段名

g_cellcolor-color-col = 5 . " 颜色(1-7)

g_cellcolor-color-inv = 1 . " 前景字体(int代表背景颜色)APPEND g_cellcolor TO wa_alv-cellcolor .


g_cellcolor-fieldname = 'C10' . " 要修改颜色的字段名

g_cellcolor-color-col = 1 . " 颜色(1-7)

g_cellcolor-color-inv = 1 . " 前景字体(int代表背景颜色)APPEND g_cellcolor TO wa_alv-cellcolor .


ENDFORM. " f_cell_color

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form f_fieldcatalog_single

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text

*----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM f_fieldcatalog_single .

*----------------------------------------------------------------------* *& 其它功能实现相关处理内容:

*& 1、颜色设置

*& 2、F1帮助

*& 3、求和

*----------------------------------------------------------------------* *types: begin of slis_fieldcat_alv.

* row_pos like sy-curow, " output in row

* col_pos like sy-cucol, " position of the column

* fieldname type slis_fieldname,

* tabname type slis_tabname,

* currency(5) type c,

* cfieldname type slis_fieldname, " field with currency unit * ctabname type slis_tabname, " and table

* ifieldname type slis_fieldname, " initial column

* quantity(3) type c,

* qfieldname type slis_fieldname, " field with quantity unit * qtabname type slis_tabname, " and table

* round type i, " round in write statement

* exponent(3) type c, " exponent for floats

* key(1) type c, " column with key-color

* icon(1) type c, " as icon

* symbol(1) type c, " as symbol

* checkbox(1) type c, " as checkbox

* just(1) type c, " (R)ight (L)eft (C)ent.

* lzero(1) type c, " leading zero

* no_sign(1) type c, " write no-sign

* no_zero(1) type c, " write no-zero

* no_convext(1) type c,

* edit_mask type slis_edit_mask, "

* emphasize(4) type c, " emphasize

* fix_column(1) type c, " Spalte fixieren

* do_sum(1) type c, " sum up

* no_out(1) type c, " (O)blig.(X)no out

* tech(1) type c, " technical field

* outputlen like dd03p-outputlen,

* offset type dd03p-outputlen, " offset

* seltext_l like dd03p-scrtext_l, " long key word

* seltext_m like dd03p-scrtext_m, " middle key word

* seltext_s like dd03p-scrtext_s, " short key word

* ddictxt(1) type c, " (S)hort (M)iddle (L)ong

* rollname like dd03p-rollname,

* datatype like dd03p-datatype,

* inttype like dd03p-inttype,

* intlen like dd03p-intlen,

* lowercase like dd03p-lowercase,

* ref_fieldname like dd03p-fieldname,

* ref_tabname like dd03p-tabname,

* roundfieldname type slis_fieldname,

* roundtabname type slis_tabname,

* decimalsfieldname type slis_fieldname,

* decimalstabname type slis_tabname,

* decimals_out(6) type c, " decimals in write statement * text_fieldname type slis_fieldname,

* reptext_ddic like dd03p-reptext, " heading (ddic)

* ddic_outputlen like dd03p-outputlen,

* key_sel(1) type c, " field not obligatory

* no_sum(1) type c, " do not sum up

* sp_group(4) type c, " group specification

* reprep(1) type c, " selection for rep/rep

* input(1) type c, " input

* edit(1) type c, " internal use only

* hotspot(1) type c, " hotspot

*types: end of slis_fieldcat_alv.

* row_pos like sy-curow, " output in row

* col_pos like sy-cucol, " position of the column

* fieldname type slis_fieldname,

* tabname type slis_tabname,


* currency(5) type c,

* cfieldname type slis_fieldname, " field with currency unit * ctabname type slis_tabname, " and table PERFORM f_currency_setting.


* perform f_filed_ifieldname.


* quantity(3) type c,

* qfieldname type slis_fieldname, " field with quantity unit * qtabname type slis_tabname, " and table PERFORM f_field_quantity.


* round type i, " round in write statement PERFORM f_field_round.


* exponent(3) type c, " exponent for floats


* key(1) type c, " column with key-color PERFORM f_field_key.


* icon(1) type c, " as icon

PERFORM f_field_icon.

* symbol(1) type c, " as symbol


* checkbox(1) type c, " as checkbox

PERFORM f_field_checkbox.


* just(1) type c, " (R)ight (L)eft (C)ent.

PERFORM f_field_just.


* lzero(1) type c, " leading zero

PERFORM f_field_lzero.


* no_sign(1) type c, " write no-sign

PERFORM f_field_nosign.


* no_zero(1) type c, " write no-zero


* no_convext(1) type c,


* edit_mask type slis_edit_mask,

PERFORM f_field_editmask.


* emphasize(4) type c, " emphasize PERFORM f_column_color.


* fix_column(1) type c, " Spalte fixieren PERFORM f_field_fix.


* do_sum(1) type c, " sum up

PERFORM f_field_dosum.


* no_out(1) type c, " (O)blig.(X)no out


* tech(1) type c, " technical field


* outputlen like dd03p-outputlen,

PERFORM f_field_outputlen.


* offset type dd03p-outputlen, " offset


* seltext_l like dd03p-scrtext_l, " long key word

* seltext_m like dd03p-scrtext_m, " middle key word * seltext_s like dd03p-scrtext_s, " short key word PERFORM f_field_seltext.

* ddictxt(1) type c, " (S)hort (M)iddle (L)ong *--F1帮助

* rollname like dd03p-rollname,

PERFORM f_field_f1help.

*--ABAP 字典中的数据类型

* datatype like dd03p-datatype,

*--ABAP 数据类型(C,D,N,...)

* inttype like dd03p-inttype,


* intlen like dd03p-intlen,


* lowercase like dd03p-lowercase,

PERFORM f_field_lowercase.


* ref_fieldname like dd03p-fieldname,

* ref_tabname like dd03p-tabname,

PERFORM f_field_f4help.

* roundfieldname type slis_fieldname,

* roundtabname type slis_tabname,

* decimalsfieldname type slis_fieldname,

* decimalstabname type slis_tabname,


PERFORM f_field_decimalsout.

* text_fieldname type slis_fieldname,

* reptext_ddic like dd03p-reptext, " heading (ddic)

* ddic_outputlen like dd03p-outputlen,

* key_sel(1) type c, " field not obligatory

* no_sum(1) type c, " do not sum up

* sp_group(4) type c, " group specification

* reprep(1) type c, " selection for rep/rep

* input(1) type c, " input

* edit(1) type c, " internal use only PERFORM f_field_edit.


* hotspot(1) type c, " hotspot

PERFORM f_field_hotspot.

ENDFORM. " f_fieldcatalog_single

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form f_column_color

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text

*----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM f_column_color .

*----------------------------------------------------------------------* *&




*----------------------------------------------------------------------* CASE wa_alv_fieldcatalog-fieldname.


wa_alv_fieldcatalog-emphasize = 'C711'.



ENDFORM. " f_column_color

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form f_field_f1help


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