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例:What is the man going to read?

A.A newspaper. B.A magazine. C.A book


1.What is the man going to do tonight?

A.Go to the cinema. B.Attend a meeting. C.Watch TV at home. 2.Where does the conversation take place?

A.In a shop. B.In a museum. C.In a restaurant.

3.What time will the speakers get to Beijing?

A.At 11:00. B.At 12:30. C.At 12:45.

4.Is the man going to the party?

A.No. B.Sure. C.Maybe.

5.What does the woman ask the man to do?

A.Tell her what the problem is.

B.Repair the computer for her.

C .Send someone to help her.


听下面6段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项中选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有6秒钟时间阅读每小题。听完后。每小题将给出5秒钟的做答时间。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6.How is the man feeling? A .Disappointed. B .Encouraged. C .Delighted. 7.What will the man probably do tonight?

A .Have a meeting.

B .Go to a party.

C .Fly to the US.


8.What did the speaker want to be when she was little? A .A doctor. B .A banker. C .A teacher.

9.What helped the speaker decide to take her present job?

A .Her schooling.

B .Her parents’ wish.

C .Her work experience.


10.To listen to film or ticket information, which button should you press?

A .

B .

C .

11.How many people can go and see a film if you pay $ 17?

A .3.

B .4.

C .5.

听第9段材料,回第第12至14题。 12.What are the speakers talking about? A .An interview. B .A meal. C .A job. 13.What time of the day is it now? A .Morning. B .Afternoon. C .Evening. 14.How is the man feeling?

A .Tired.

B .Nervous.

C .Hopeless.

听第10段材料,回答第15至17题。 15.Who is the woman speaking to? A .A police officer.

B .A man on the street.

C .A newspaper reporter.

16.Where wa s the woman’s camera stolen?

A .

Outside an ice cream place.

B .Outside a restaurant.

C .Outside her home.

17.What does the thief look like?

A B C 听第11段材料,回答第18至20题。

18.What are the students going to do on Wednesday? A .See a film. B .Play sports. C .Go sightseeing. 19.When are the students leaving for London? A .Friday.

B .Saturday.

C .Sunday.

20.What is the purpose of the man’s talk?

A .To welcome the students to the center.

B .To inform the students of the arrangements.

C .To tell the students the rules they should follow.


第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)

从每题所给的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

例:It’s so nice to hear from her again. , we last met more than thirty years ago.

A .Wha t’s more

B .That’s to say

C .In other words

D .Believe it or not


21.It is often said that teachers have very easy life.

A .不填;不填

B .不填;a

C .the; 不填

D .the; a

22.—Somebody wants you on the telephone.

— no one knows I’m here. A .For

B .And

C .But

D .So

23.This girl is Linda’s cousin.

A .pretty little Spanish

B .Spanish little pretty

C .Spanish pretty little

D .little pretty Spanish 24.He more than 5,000 English words when he entered the university at the age of 15.

A .has learned

B .would have learned

C .learned

D .

had learned

25.It’s the present situation in poor areas that much higher spending on education and training.

A.answers for B.provides for C.calls for D.plans for

26.He have completed his work; o therwise, he wouldn’t be enjoying himself by the seaside.

A.should B.must C.wouldn’t D.can’t

27.Scientists think that the continents always where they today.

A.aren’t; are B.aren’t; were C.weren’t; are D.weren’t; were 28.It’s necessary to be prepared for a job interview. the answers ready will be of great help.

A.To have had B.Having had C.Have D.Having

29.As soon as he comes back, I’ll tell him when and see him.

A.you will come B.will you come C.you come D.do you come 30.When asked by the police, he said that he remembered at the party, but not .

A.to arrive; leaving B.to arrive; to leave

C.arriving; leaving D.arriving; to leave

31.—Why did you leave that position?

—I a better position at IBM.

A.offer B.offered C.am offered D.was offered

32.The prize of the game show is $30,000 and an all expenses vacation to China.

A.paying B.paid C.to be paid D.being paid

33.I’d like to arrive 20 minutes early I can have time for a cup of tea.

A.as soon as B.as a result C.in case D.so that

34.I couldn’t do my homework with all that noise .

A.going on B.goes on C.went on D.to go on

35.—Why does she always ask you for help?

—There is no one else , is there?

A.who to turn to B.she can turn to C.for whom to turn D.for her to turn



Dear Laura,

I just heard you tell an old story of gift giving and unselfish love in your program. You doubted that such unselfish love would happen in today’s world. Well, I’m here to give you 36 .

I wanted to do something very 37 for my fifteen – year – old

son, who has always been the perfect child. He 38 all summer to

earn enough money to buy a used motorcycle. Then, he spent hours and

hours on it 39 it looked almost new. I was so 40 of him that

I bought him the shiniest helmet and a riding outfit.

I could 41 wait for him to open up his gift. In fact, I barely slept the night before. Upon awakening. I went to the kitchen to 42 the coffee, tea, and morning goodies. In the living room was a beautiful keyboard with a 43 : “To my wonderful mother, all my love, your son.”

I was so 44 . It had been a long – standing joke in our family that I wanted a piano so that I could 45 lessons. “L earn to play the piano, and I’ll get you one” was my husband’s 46 .

I stood there shocked, crying a river, asking myself how my son could 47 this expensive gift.

Of course, the 48 awoke, and my son was thrilled (激动的)with my reaction. Many kisses were 49 , and I immediately wanted him to 50 my gift.

As he saw the helmet and outfit, the look on his face was not 51 what I was expecting. Then I 52 that he had sold the motorcycle to get me the keyboard.

Of course I was the proudest mother 53 on that day, and my feet never hit the ground for a month.

So I wanted you to know, that kind of love still 54 and lives even in the ever – changing world of me, me, me!

I thought you ’d love to 55 this story. Yours, Hilary P.S. The next day, my husband and I bought him a new “used” already shiny motorcycle. 36.A .hope B .advice C .support D .courage 37.A .polite B .similar C .special D .private 38.A .played B .studied C .traveled D .worked 39.A .after B .before C .unless D .until 40.A .sure B .fond C .proud D .confident 41.A .perhaps B .really C .almost D .hardly 42.A .start B .cook C .set D .serve 43.A .note B .notice C .word D .sign 44.A .disturbed B .confused C .astonished D .inspired 45.A .give B .take C .draw D .teach 46.A .reason B .request C .comment D .response 47.A .present B .afford C .find D .order 48.A .neighbor B .building C .home D .house 49.A .exchanged

B .experienced

C .expected

D .


50.A.tear B.open C.check D.receive 51.A.purely B.basically C.obviously D.exactly 52.A.realized B.remembered C.imagined D.supposed 53.A.only B.still C.ever D.even 54.A.works B.exists C.matters D.counts 55.A.send B.publish C.share D.write





I really love my job because I enjoy working with small children and like the challenges and awards from the job. I also think my work is important. There was a time when I thought I would never have that sort of career(职业).

I wasn’t an excellent student because I didn’t do much schoolwork. In my final term I started thinking what I might do and found I didn’t have much to offer. I just accepted that I wasn’t the type to have a career.

I then found myself a job. Looking after two little girls, It wasn’t too bad at first. But the problems began when I agreed to live in, so that I would be there if my boss had to go out for business in the evening. We ag reed that if I had to work extra hours one week, she’d give me time off the next. But unfortunately, it didn’t often work out. I was getting extremely tired and fed up, because I had too many late nights and early mornings with the children.

One Sunday, I was in the park with the children, and met Megan who used to go to school with me, I told her about my situation. She suggested that I should do a course and get a qualification(资格证书)if I wanted to work with children. I didn’t think I would be accepted bec ause I didn’t take many exams in school. She persuaded me to phone the local college and they were really helpful. My experience counted for a lot and I got on a part – time course. I had to leave my job with the family, and got work helping out at a kindergarten.

Now I’ve got a full – time job there. I shall always be thankful to Megan. I wish I had known earlier that you could have a career, even if you aren’t top of the class at school.

56.What is the author’s present job?

A.Working part – time in a college.

B.Taking care of children for a family.

C.Helping children with their schoolwork.

D.Looking after children at a kindergarten.

57.When staying with the two girls’ family, the author .

A.was paid for extra work B.often worked long hours

C .got much help from her boss

D .took a day off every other week

58.Why did the author leave her first job?

A .She found a full – time job.

B .She was fed up with children.

C .She decided to attend a part – time course.

D .She needed a rest after working extra hours. 59.What has the author learned from her own experiences?

A .Less successtul students can still have a career.

B .Qualifications are necessary for a career.

C .Hard work makes an excellent student.

D .One must choose the job she likes.


Good tool design is important in the prevention of overuse injuries. Well – designed tools and

equipment will require less force to operate them and prevent awkward (别扭的)hand positions. They will allow the worker to keep the elbows (肘)next to the body to prevent damage to the shoulder and arm.

Overuse injuries can therefore be prevented or reduced if the employer provides, and workers use:

●power tools rather than having to use muscle (肌肉)power

●tools with specially designed handles that allow the wrist (手腕)to keep straight (See Figure 1). This means that hands and wrists are kept in the same position as they would be if they were hanging relaxed at a person’s side

Figure l. Bend the tool, not the wrist

●tools with handles that can be held comfortably by the whole hand. This means having a selection of sizes – remember that tools that provide a comfortable firm hold for a person with a very large hand may be awkward for someone with a very small hand. This is a particularly important consideration for women who may use tools originally designed for men.

●tools that do not press fingers (or flesh) between the handles, and whose handles do not have sharp edges or a small surface area.

60.What is the best title for the passage?

A.Good Tool Design for Women.

B.Importance of Good Tool Design.

C.Tool Design and Prevention of Injuries.

D.Overuse of Tools and Worker Protection.

61.Which of the following describes a well-designed tool?

A.It’s kept clos e to the body. B.It fully uses muscle power.

C.It makes users feel relaxed D.It’s operated with less force.

62.What is Figure 1 used to show?

A.The effective use of the tool.

B.The way of operating the tool.

C.The proper design of the handle.

D.The purpose of bending the wrist.

63.In choosing tools for women, _________ of the handle is the most important.

A.the size B.the edge C.the shape D.the position


How could we possibly think that keeping animals in cages in unnatural environments-mostly for entertainment purposes-is fair and respectful?

Zoo officials say they are concerned about animals. However, most zoos remain “collections” of interesting “things” rather than protective habitats(栖息地). Zoos teach people that it is acceptable to keep animals bored, lonely, and far from their natural homes.

Zoos claim(声称) to educate people and save endangered species(物种), but visitors leave zoos without having learned anything meaningful about the animals’ natural behavior, intelligence, or beauty. Zoos keep ani mals in small spaces or cages, and most signs only mention the species’ name, diet, and natural range(分布区). The animals’ normal behavior is seldom noticed because zoos don’t usually take care of the animals’ natural needs.

The animals are kept together in small spaces, with no privacy and little opportunity for mental and physical exercise. This results in unusually and self-destructive behavior called zoochosis. A worldwide study of zoos found that zoochosis is common among animals kept in small spaces or cages. Another study showed that elephants spend 22 percent of their time making repeated head movements or biting cage bars, and bears spend 30 percent of their time walking back and forth, a sign of unhappiness and pain.

Furthermore, most animals in zoos are not endangered. Captive breeding(圈养繁殖) of endangered big cats. Asian elephants, and other species has not resulted in their being sent back to the wild. Zoos talk a lot about their captive breeding programs because they do not want people to worry about a species dying out. In fact, baby animals also attract a lot of paying customers. Haven’t we seen enough competitions to name baby animals?

Actually, we will save endangered species only if we save their habitats and put an end to the reasons people kill them. Instead of supporting zoos, we should support groups that work to protect animals’ natural habitats.

64.How would the author describe the animals’ life in zoos?

A.Dangerous. B.Unhappy. C.Natural. D.Easy.

65.In the state of zoochosis, animals _________.

A.remain in cages B.behave strangely

C.attack other animals D.enjoy moving around

66.What does the author try to argue in the passage?

A.Zoos are not worth the public support.

B.Zoos fail in their attempt to save animals.

C.Zoos should treat animals as human beings.

D.Zoos use animals as a means of entertainment.

67.The author tries to persuade readers to accept his argument mainly by _________.

A.pointing out the faults in what zoos do

B.using evidence he has collected at zoos

C.questioning the way animals are protected

D.discussing the advantages of natural habitats

68.Although he argues against zoos, the author would still agree that __________.

A.zoos have to keep animals in small cages

B.most animals in zoos are endangered species

C.some endangered animals are reproduced in zoos

D.it’s acceptable to keep animals away from their habitats


Language as a System of Symbols

Of all systems of symbols(符号), language is the most highly developed. It has been pointed out that human beings, by agreement, can make anything stand for anything. Human beings have agreed, in the course of centuries of mutual(相互的) dependency, to let the various noises that they can produce with their lungs, throats, tongues, teeth, and lips systematically stand for certain happenings in their nervous systems. We call that system of agreements language.

There is no necessary connection between the symbol and that which it stands for. Just as social positions can be symbolized by feathers worn on the head, by gold on the watch chain, or by a thousand other things according to the culture we live in, so the fact of being hungry can be symbolized by a thousand different noises according to the culture we live in.

However obvious these facts may appear at first glance, they are actually not so obvious as they seem except when we take special pains to think about the subject. Symbols and the things they stand for are independent of each other, yet we all have a way of feeling as if, and sometimes acting as if, there were necessary connections. For example, there are people who feel that foreign languages are unreasonable by nature: foreigners have such funny names for things, and why can’t they call things by their right names? This feeling exhibits itself most strongly in those English and American tourists who seem to believe that they can make the natives of any country understand English if they shout loud enough. Like the little boy who is reported to have said: “Pigs are called pigs because they are such dirty animals,” they feel the symbol is inherently(内在地) connected in some way with the things symbolized.

69.Language is a highly developed system of symbols because human beings _________.

A.have made use of language for centuries

B.use our nervous systems to support language

C.have made various noises stand for any events

D.can make anything stand for anything by agreement

70.What can we conclude from Paragraph 2?

A.Different noise may mean different things.

B.Our culture determines what a symbol stands for.

C.The language we use symbolizes our social positions.

D.Our social positions determine the way we are dressed.

71.In Paragraph 3, “take special pains” probably means “________”.

A.try very hard B.take our time

C.are very unhappy D.feel especially painful 72.The example of the little boy is used to show that ___________.

A.adults often learn from their young

B.“pig” is a dirty word because pigs are dirty

C.words are not connected with the things they stand for

D.people sometimes have wrong ideas about how language works

Road accidents take costly toll

Traffic accidents kill more than one million people each year, injure tens of millions more and cost developing countries twice as much as they receive in international aid, the

pavement: 人行道

swerve: 突然转向

insurance: 保险

73.What does Passage ①tell us about the boy?

A.He was injured in the head when he was 14.

B.He has waited for the payout for a long time.

C.He has lived in the same place since the accident.

D.He was run over by a taxi when riding on the pavement.

74.What can we learn about Lee and Collier counties from Passage ②?

A.They both became safe places.

B.They won the same place in a race.

C.They had the same number of accidents.

D.They joined hands in reducing accidents.

75.Which passage would give more information on the prevention of road accidents?











Dear Jeff,

I’m Li Hua from Beijing Hongxing Middle School. I’m very happy to learn that you’re going to stay with my family while you’re in Beijing.

Best wishes,

Li Hua



In your English class, the teacher shows this picture of a little boy looking into a mirror, and asks the class to discuss it. Your classmates have different understandings.

Look at the picture carefully and tell the class how you understand the picture. Write what you would say on the next page.



1—5 CABCC 6—10 ABACA 11—15 BAABA 16—20 BCBCB

21—25 BCADC 26—30 BCDAC 31—35 DBDAB 36—40 ACDDC

41—45 DAACB 46—50 DBDAB 51—55 DACBC 56—60 DBCAC

61—65 DCABB 66—70 AACDB 71—75 ADBCD











三、One possible version:

Dear Jeff,

I’m Li Hua from Beijing Hongxing Middle School. I’m very happy to learn that you’re going to stay with my family while you’re in Beijing.

While you are here, we’ll provide you with a room of your own with a bed, a d esk, a couple of chairs and a TV. You’ll also have your own bathroom. Our school is quite close to our home, so we could go to school together by bike. At noon we’ll eat at the school dining hall. I’m sure you’ll like the delicious Chinese food there, and enjoy talking with friends over lunch. Classes in our school usually finish at 4 in the afternoon. You can then join other students in playing ball games or swimming. It’ll be a lot of fun.

If you have any questions or requests, please let me know. We’ll t ry our best to make your stay here in Beijing a pleasant experience.

Best wishes,

Li Hua


One possible version:

We can see in the picture a little boy standing in front of a mirror. He’s letting his imagination fly. What he sees in the mirror is not his physical self but what he will be like in twenty years. Although he is small and short now, he believes he will grow up to be a tall and strong young man like Yao Ming, who he admires. I think this picture tries to tell us that we should always look into the future with hope and confidence.


上海交通大学英语水平考试样题 Part II Integrated Reading (30%) Section 1 Banked Cloze (10%) Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. Give your answers to the questions on your ANSWER SHEET. Attention:You need to change the forms of the words in the word bank where necessary. (注意:请把答案写在答题卷上,否则以零分处理) A name might tell you something about a person's background. Names can be 1) __________ of class and race. Data show African Americans are far more likely than other 2) __________ groups to give their children uncommon names. White people tend to 3) ________ more familiar names that were formerly popular with more affluent white people. The new study purports to show a link between name and outcome of life: The more 4) _________ your name, the more likely you are to land in juvenile hall. That's because we know that boys with uncommon names are more likely to come from a socio-economically 5) _________ background, which means that they also are more likely to get involved with crime. Even the researchers readily admit that it's not a name alone that 6)_______ a child's outcome, but rather the circumstance underlying the name. The researchers first assigned a popularity score to boys' names, based on how often they showed up in birth records in an undisclosed state from 1987 to 1991. Michael, the No. 1 boy's name, had a Popular Name Index score of 100; names such as Malcolm and Preston had index scores of 1. The researchers then assessed names of young men born during that time who landed in the juvenile justice system. They found that only half had a rating higher than 11. By 7) __________, in the general population, half of the names scored higher than 20. "A 10% increase in the popularity of a name is associated with a 3.7% 8) _________ in the number of juvenile delinquents who have that name." Still, the study theorizes that teenagers named Malcolm might also 9) ___________ because their peers treat them differently or they just don't like their names. And since the study's release last week, the name-crime 10) ___________ has been written or talked about in major media outlets. Section 2 True or False Judgement & Sentence Completion (10%) Directions:In this part, you will find 7 statements and 3 incomplete sentences followed by the reading passage. For questions 1-7, mark Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Attention: For questions 1-7, one more point will be deducted if you do n’t answer


精心整理 大学英语(一) 行政班级分级班级姓名学号 I II III IV V 总分 (请将答案写在答题卡上) 得分 PartⅠListening Comprehension (15%) 听力题(共15题,每题1分,共15分) Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections. Section A Directions:There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The question will be spoken only once. 1. A. A testing system. B. A monitor system. C. A measuring system. D. A control system. 2. A. Car prices. B. Car services.

C. The company’s business. D. The company’s culture. 3. A. It’s easy to do. B. It’s challenging. C. He can get a high pay. D. He did the same job before. 4. A. She’ll meet a friend. B. She’ll take a flight. C. She’ll attend an interview at 5:00. D. She’ll see a doctor before 5:00. 5. A. She will report the complaint to the manager. B. The manager refused to talk to the man. C. The manager was on a business trip. D. She will deal with the complaint. Section B Directions:There are 2 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there are some recorded questions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. Conversation 1


2010年6月高等学校英语应用能力考试(PRETCO)2010-06-A Part I Listening Comprehension ( 15 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your listening consists of 3 sections. Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short are 5 recorded dialogues in each dialogue, there is a recorded the dialogues and questions will be spoken only you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A) , B) , C) and D) given in your test you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Example: You will hear: You will read: A) New York City. B) An evening party. C) An air trip. D) The man’s joB) From the dialogue we learn that the man is to take a flight to New , C) An air trip is the correct should mark C) on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. [A] [B] [C] [D] Now the test will begin. 1. B A) The man can have a room with a shower. B) The man can’t have a room at present. C) The man should come tomorrow. D) The man booked a double room.


<大学英语语法>考查试题 一.选择正确答案填入相应的空格处:(70%) forest guards often find campfires thet have not been ______completely. down B. put out C. put away over 2..Of all the economically important plants, palms have been______. least studied the least less and less study the less is a continuous supply of fuel oil. things needed is needed is needed their need 4.The survey indicates that each Chinese family averaged_____of daily television usage in 1994than in 1993. many as 60 minutes B. 60 minutes more C. 60 minutes C. more 60 minutes 5.All evidence the court has collected boils_____to the fact that he is a spy. A. down B. off C. up D. overluggage, the group of tourists hurried to the airport.2009-2010学年第二学期() A. After packed packed packing was always nervous_____ in city traffic. driving B. driving driving driving 8. I saw Alan skimming over the water and, finally, ____ into it.


Model Test 3 Section A Directions:In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. 1. A. $25. B. $13. C. $30. D. $26. 2. A. Right away. B. Surely he is. C. He’s not sure. D. Certainly not. 3. A. In a supermarket. B. In a restaurant. C. At the airport . D. At the bank. 4. A. To read. B. To move. C. to travel. D. To relax. 5. A. She exercises. B. She listens to music. C. She watches TV. D. She makes phone calls. 6. A. A customer and a waitress. B. A librarian and a student. C. A teacher and a student. D. A boss and a secretary. 7. A. Jack took the second place in the sports. B. Jack was in perfect health when he attended the sports. C. Jack had taken the first place in the sports. D. Jack couldn’t have taken the second place in the sports. 8. A. The woman’s. B. The man’s. C. Mary’s. D. The friend’s. Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 9. A. Switzerland. B. Cyprus. C. New Zealand. D. Rome. 10. A. By sea. B. By road. C. By air. D. By rail. 11. A. Because people can enjoy the view along the road much better. B. Because it’s cheap. C. Because it’s comfortable. D. Because it’s fast. Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 12. A. To the supermarket. B. To the bank. C. To the office D. To the cinema. 13. A. Once a month. B. Twice a month. C. Once a week. D. Twice a week. 14. A. To the country. B. To the sea. C. To his wife’s mother’s. D. To a foreign country. 15. A. She can get a job. B. She can take classes at a community college. C. She can do internship to get experience. D. She can help with the family business to get some experience. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will


Test Seven, Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension (15 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections. Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper answers to questions. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A) , B) , C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1. A) Mary is not here, because she is ill. B) No, it isn't. C) Yes, it is. D) We are ready. 2.A) I am not hungry. B) But the price is too high. C) I like doing some cooking. D) I want to have a rest. 3.A) No, you can't. B) Yes, you can. C) I want a seat near the window. D) That's all right. 4. A) Thank you. B) I agree with you. C) Me, too. D) A little better. 5.A) It's snowing now. B) I like it. C) Yes, the grounds are white. D) it sounds good. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A) , B) , C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 6.A) $16. B) $32. C) $8. D) $64. 7.A) Patient and doctor. B) Waitress and customer. C) Wife and husband. D) Secretary and boss. 8. A) Worried and frightened. B) Quite unhappy. C) Very relaxed. D) Angry with the professor. 9. A) The woman was late for coming. B) The woman asked the man to wait. C) The man was annoyed by her late coming. D) The man was quite all right. 10. A) Young people are quick in making decisions. B) They seldom stay long on one job. C) They are easy to lose jobs. D) They are too eager to succeed. Section C Directions: In this section you will hear a recorded passage. The passage is printed in the test paper, but with some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times. During the second reading, you are required to put the missing words or phrases on the Answer Sheet in order of the numbered blanks according to what you have heard. The third reading is for you to check your writing. Now the passage will begin. Dick was a sailor on a big ship. It went to Japan and Australia, so Dick was often on the ship for some months at a time. When he (11) up in the morning and looked out, he only (12) the sea, or sometimes a port. When he was twenty-three, Dick married and bought a small (13) with a garden in his wife's town. It was (14) away from the sea. Then he had to go back to his ship, and was away (15) home for two months. He went from the port to the town by bus, and was very happy to see his wife again.


高等学校英语应用能力考试(A级) (2015年12月) Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections. Section A Directions:This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Example:You will hear: You will read: A. New York City. B. An evening party. C. An air trip. D. The man’s job. From the dialogue we learn that the man is to take a flight to New York. Therefore, C. An air trip is the correct answer. You should mark C on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. [A] [B] [C] [D] Now the test will begin. 1.A) The price of the product. C) The delivery of his order. B)The charge of the service. D) The packing of the goods. 2.A) Giving a lecture. C) Preparing a party. B)Taking an interview. D) Having an exam. 3.A) Its food is delicious. C) It is close to his office. B)Its price is reasonable. D) It provides good service. 4.A) By sea. B) By air . C) By train. D) By truck. 5.A) Asking the way. C) Buying air tickets. B) Renting a car. D) Booking hotel rooms. Section B Direction:This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions .Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Conversation 1 6.A) Open a new shoe store. C) Invite the woman to his company. B) Participate in a trade fair. D) Pace an order with the woman. 7.A) An advertising brochure. C) An invitation letter. B) A price list. D) A few samples. Conversation 2 8.A) At a hotel. C) In a restaurant. B) At the airport. D) In a bank. 9. A) To buy a ticket. C) To place an order.


英语 考试时间:120分钟满分:150分 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。现在你有5秒钟的时间阅读第一小题的有关内容。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £ 19. 15. B. £ 9. 18. C. £ 9. 15. 1. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a library. B. In a bookstore. C. In a classroom. 2. How does the man feel now? A. Relaxed. B. Excited. C. Tired. 3. What will Lucy do tomorrow afternoon? A. Surf online. B. Give a talk. C. Write a report. 4. Where are the speakers going after work? A. To a restaurant. B. To a street. C. To their work. 5. Why did Susan quit her job? A. To go back to school. B. To start her own firm. C. To find a better job. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What does the man want to do? A. Go to the grocery. B. Watch TV at home. C. Clean the freezer. 7. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Husband and wife. B. Employer and employee. C. Shop assistant and customer. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8. Where are the speakers?


试卷四 评卷人(签名)复核人(签名) 试卷说明:请考生仔细阅读本说明,按要求答题。 1.本试卷满分100分,考试时间120分钟。 2.客观题请按题号顺序用2B铅笔涂在机读卡上,主观题写在随后附带的答题纸上,写在试卷上作废。 Part I Listening Comprehension (1*10=40 points) Section One Directions: You are going to hear ten short conversations between two speakers. After each conversation, there will be a question. You will have 10 seconds to choose your answer. Both the materials and questions will be read only once. (1*10=10 points) 1. A. More than 18,000 B. About 20,000 C. More than 2,000 D. Fewer than 2,000 2. A. 5:00, Saturday B. 5:00, August 26 C. 5:00 Sunday D. 5:30, October 26 3. A. fruit; cookies B. strawberries; apples C. cookies; fruit D. strawberries; cookies 4. A. $ B. $ C. More than $ D. It’s not mentioned in the dialogue 5. A. 3 hours B. 2 hours C. hours D. 1 hour 6. A. medium chicken with rice B. medium steak with rice C. chicken with meat rice D. steak with meat rice


大学英语一级期末考试试题(B卷) 课程名称:《大学英语读写I 》任课教师签名: 大学英语教学部(一教) 出题教师签名: 题库审题教师签名: 张文君_____ 考试方式(闭)卷适用专业 07级化工与制药学院、材料学 院、理学院、经管学院和 法学院共58个班 考试时间( 120 )分钟 Part I. Reading Comprehension (2’X20=40’) Directions: Read the following three passages carefully and do the multiple-choice questions. Passage One Dogs are social animals and without proper training, they will behave like wild animals. They spoil your house, destroy your belongings, bark excessively, fight other dogs and even bite you. Nearly all behavior problems are perfectly normal dog activities that occur at the wrong time or place or are directed at the wrong things. The key to preventing or treating behavior problem is learning to teach the dog to redirect its normal behavior problems, but it is the foundation for solving just about any problem. Training opens up a line of communication between you and your dog. Effective communication is necessary to instruct your dog about what you want it to do. Training is also an easy way to establish the social rank order. When your dog obeys a simple request of “come here, sit”, it is showing obedience and respect for you. It is necessary to establish yourself as top dog or leader of the dog pack by using extreme measures. You can teach your dog its subordinate role by teaching it to show submission to you. Most dogs love performing tricks for you pleasantly if they accept that you are in charge. Tainting should be fun and rewarding for you and your dog. It can enrich your relationship and make living together more enjoyable. A well-trained dog is more confident and more safely allowed a greater amount of freedom than an untrained animal. 1. Behavior problems of dogs are believed to _______. A) worsen in modern society B) be just part of their nature C) occur when they go wild D) present at threat to the community 2. The primary purpose of obedience training is to ________. A) enable the dog to regain its normal behavior B) teach the dog to perform clever tricks C) make the dog aware of its owner’s authority D) provide the dog with outlets for its wild behavior 3. Effective communication between a dog and its owner is _______. A) an extreme measure in obedience training B) a good way to teach the dog new tricks C) the foundation for dogs to perform tasks D) essential to solve the dog’s behavior problems 4. Why do pet dogs love performing tricks for their masters? A) To show their willingness to obey. B) To show their affection for their masters. C) To avoid being punished. D) To win leadership of the dog pack. 5. When a dog has received effective obedience training, its owner________. A) will enjoy a better family life. B) can give the dog more freedom C) can give the dog more rewards D) will have more confidence in himself Passage Two: Once upon a time there was a wise man that used to go to the ocean to do his writing. He had a habit of walking on the beach before he began his work. One day he was walking along the shore. As he looked down the beach, he saw a human figure moving like a dancer. He smiled to himself at the thought of someone who would dance on the beach. So he began to walk faster to catch up. As he got closer, he saw that it was a young man and the young man wasn't dancing, but instead he was reaching down to the shore, picking up something and

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