当前位置:文档之家› 词组辨析




1.elder 与elderly

两者都为“年老的”,但有细微的差别。 elderly 指中年与暮年之间的年龄,表示人已过中年,因此,这词常

用来代替 old。如:an elderly gentleman. 一位年长的


如: Tom is the elder of the two. 汤姆是两个孩子中


2.precious 和 expensive

expensive 表示“昂贵的”。如:The drink was cheap , but the food was very expensive . 饮料很便宜,但食

物很贵。 precious 表示“珍贵的,宝贵的”。如:The

children are precious to me . 孩子们对我来说很重要。

3.regret to do 和 regret doing

regret doing 表示“做了某事而感到遗憾或后悔”,v-ing 动作发生在regret 之前。如:I regretted missing the train. 我为没有赶上火车而感到很懊恼。 regret to do 指“当时或现在遗憾地做什么”。如:I regret to tell

you that we can't stay here any longer. 我遗憾地告诉你,我们不能在这儿多呆了。

4.day by day 和 day after day

两词组意思很近,但有区别:day by day 只用作状语,表示“一天天地”, 有逐渐转变的意思。如:Day by day she seems to grow a little taller.她似乎一天天地长高了。day after day 可作主语,宾语等,亦可作状语,表示“一天又一天”,强调动作的重复,表示时间的长久。如: We do the same work day after day. 每天我们做着同样的事情。/ Day after day went by , and I still don't receive her letter. 一天天过去了,我还是没有收到她的来信。

5.damp 与 wet

两者都表示“潮湿的”,但有细微差别。wet 指曾浸泡在液体中或布满了液体的东西,或指多雨的天气。如:It's a wet day. 今天是一个雨天。/ wet clothes 湿衣服。 damp 指未湿透但潮湿的东西。 The damp in the air makes me uncomfortable. 潮湿的空气使我感到不舒服。

6.hunger 与 starvation

两词都表“饥饿”。 hunger 指人对食物的迫切要求,是一种正常的生理现象。如: Hunger is the best sauce.

肚子饿了吃什么都香。而 starvation 指长时间缺乏食物引起痛苦,与 hunger 相比是不正常的生理现象,而是人为的灾难。如: The old man died of starvation. 那个老人活活饿死了。

7.boring 与 dull , tiresome

三词都为“令人厌烦的”,但有区别:boring 概念最广,尤指引起人厌倦、枯燥的谈话文章,也指令人生厌的人。如:The talk was very long and boring. 这篇谈话冗长,毫无趣味。 dull 与 boring 极为相近,也指因呆板或缺乏趣味性而令人感到厌倦。如: a dull book 一本枯燥的书。 tiresome主指单调沉闷而产生疲倦厌烦。如:It's tiresome to be funny for a whole evening整晚上都逗笑取乐是很疲劳的。

8.gift 与 present

两词都为“礼物”,但有细微的差别。 gift 既指免费捐赠给团体或机构的物品,也指亲友间互赠礼品。如: a gift to the museum一件捐给博物馆的赠品。present 指亲友间互赠, 如: Here is a little present for you. 这儿有你一份小小的礼物。

9.handsome 与 beautiful

两词都表“美丽”,但有区别。 beautiful 指优美和谐、高贵,多形容妇女、地方、事物,很少用来形容男子。如: a beautiful woman 一位美丽的妇女 / a beautiful scene美景。而 handsome 用于形容男人,表示英俊潇洒。如: He is a tall and handsome man. 他是一个高大英俊的男人。

10.country 与 nation

country 表示国家,包括领土和人民,着重指疆土。该词概念极为广泛,可用于各种文体,有时作“祖国”讲,带感情色彩。如:China is a great country with a long history .中国是一个历史悠久的伟大国家。/ His father's country was France. 他父亲的祖国是法国。/ After many years abroad,he wanted to return home to his country. 在国外呆了多年以后,他想回到自己的祖国去。country 来源于拉丁文contra,是对立的意思,即某地区与其他地区极不相同从而独立存在。nation指在某一国土上定居的人民,以及代表他们的独立政权。nation 来源于拉丁文nasci,意思是出生,nation原指具有相同血源的民族,因此它强调一个国家中的人民,概念较country 狭窄。如: the Chinese nation 中华民族。The whole nation rose to resist aggression. 全民奋起抗击侵略。/ The president

spoke on radio to the nation. 总统通过广播向全国人

民讲话。但在国际交往正式场合下,ation 语体庄重,较

country 用得多。如:the United Nations 联合国/ a most

favoured nation 最惠国 / the law of nations 国际公


11.among 与 between

between 的意思是在……中间,在……之间,一般指在两者之间。例如:There is a table beween the two windows. 在两扇窗户之间有一张桌子。/ We have our breakfast between seven and half past seven. 我们在七到七点半之间吃早饭。between 有时也表示在多于两个以上的事物之间,但那是指在每二者之间。例如:therelationship between different provinces and municiplities 省市和省市之间的关系(这里是指每两个省市之间的相互关系。) among 的意思是在……中间、在……之中,一般是在三个或三个以上的同类事物之中。例如:Divide these among you three. 这些东西你们三人分吧。/ Theteacher distributed them among the students. 教师把这些东西分给了学生。

12.disease 与 illness

disease 泛指各种原因已查明的急性或慢性疾病,又可指传染病,甚至动植物的各种病害,概念十分广泛。如:an acute disease 急性病/ a

chronic disease 慢性病/plant diseases 植物病害/ His suffering is caused by the wound and not by the disease. 他的痛苦是由创伤而非疾病所引起的。/ The ultimate causes of cancer and other diseases are still unknown. 癌症与其他某些疾病的根本原因始终不明。illness 泛指疾病,极为普通常用,多指慢性病,或身体的极度虚弱等,但不影响日常的活动。它有时可与disease 交替使用。如:There has been a lot of illness in the family recently. 最近以来这家人常生病。/ An illness that caused him little difficulty in his youth beganto take its toll as he reached middle age. 有种


13.university 与 college

university 大学,综合性大学,通常指由多个学院( college)组合而成的综合性大学。它概念广泛,指最高水平的学校,可授予各种学位,也指大学的全体教师和学生。如:Beijing University 北京大学/ Harvard University 哈佛大学/ He graduated from YaleUniversity in 1965. 他在1965年从耶鲁大学毕业。/ The whole university is against the changes. 整个大学都反对这种变革。college 既可广泛地指高等学校,也可专门指独立的学院或附属于综合性大学的学院。在美国college 可以授学士学位,在英国规模庞大的中学也可称college。a medical college 医学院/ teachers training college 师范学院/ business college 商学院/ There are many colleges at Oxford and Cambridge.牛津大学和剑桥大学有很多学



这两个词都有“获胜,打败”的意思,但其后宾语不同。beat是“打败,优于”的意思,后面接人或队,如:We beat them.我们赢了他们(打败了他们)。Class 1 beat Class 3 at football.一班踢足球赢了三班。win指“赢,获胜”,后面接比赛、名次,如:We won the match/game/race/the first place. 我们赢了这场比赛(获胜了第一名)。

https://www.doczj.com/doc/807761541.html,ed to和would do

used to do和would do都可用来表示过去习惯性动作。used to用于客观表示过去的一种惯常化了的行为状态。而would只表示过去一直反复发生的动作,且感情色彩较浓。如:I'm surprised to see you smoking, you didn?t use to.看到你吸烟,我很吃惊。你以前不吸烟的。John would sit for hours without saying a word.约翰总是一声不吭地一坐就是几个小时。再者,used to不仅表示“过去经常性的习惯”,也可用于表示“过去的状态”,而would则无表示“状态”的用法。He used to be a quiet boy. He would be a quiet boy.



pleasant①指(物)“快乐的”“畅快的”“愉快的”。如:a pleasant summer day一个愉快的夏日。②(人、态度、性情)“给人好印象的”“令人满意的”。如:a pleasantperson to talk to令人愉快的谈话对象。pleased“高兴的”“满意的”。多指人的心情或因人的心情而产生的反应。如:It?s pleasant to see

a pleased smile on his face.看到他脸上有微笑,令人快乐。


specially adv.“特别地”“特地”“专为”,如:I came here specially to see you.我特地来看你。especially, adv.“特别地”“格外地”“尤其”,如:Our garden is beautiful, especially in fall.我们的花园很漂亮,尤其在秋天。This time I came back specially to see my family, especially my little daughter who was ill.这次我专程回来看望我的家人,尤其是我生病的小女儿。



area与district两个词都有“地区”的意思,但所指地区有所不同。area 指(地球表面的)地域,(城市等的)地区,如:an industrial area工业地区,

a picnic area野餐区。district主要指行政区域。如:Wuchang District武昌区。


这两个词都有“劝说”之意,两者不同的是:persuade是“劝说”并使之“听从”,若只有劝说的动作而没强调“使之服从”的结果,便要用advise 或try to persuade。即advise为“劝说”但不一定说服。如:We advised him to leave Mary, but he was not persuaded.我们劝他离开玛丽,但他并没被说服。


receive是“收到”的意思,有“客观地收到……”之意;而accept是“接受”之意,有主观接受之意。如:receive a gift收到礼物(是否接受没提)。accept侧重于以“愉悦的态度”或是“由自己去争取来”而得到,强调取得的事实。如:I received an invitation from them, but I didn?t accept it.我接到他们的邀请,但并未答应。



21.build / put up / set up



例107:A new bridge was built in this village last month.

例108:We are building a socialist country.

put up:建设,搭建。侧重于搭盖临时性的建筑物;在现代英语中,可与build通用。还有“张贴,挂起,举起”等意思。例如:

例109:They had to put up the tents before dark.

例110:If you have any questions, please put up (=raise) your hands.

例111:Why not put up a notice on the wall there?

set up:建设,创建。常用于创立组织、机构、团体、学校、工厂、公司等。例如:

例112:Another night school was set up. (又一所夜校建起来了。)

例113:They set up a committee to look into the matter. (他们成立了委员会来调查这件事。)

22.care / mind

care:关切,忧虑,在乎。care about:在乎,关心。care for:喜欢,照顾。例如:

例114:He failed in the exam, but he doesn’t seem to care (about it).


例115:Tom doesn’t care what they say.

例116:He cares about nothing but money. (他只在乎钱。)例117:Would you care for another drink? (想再来一杯饮料吗?)

例118:The children are being well cared for (=looked after). Mind:当心,注意(用于肯定句);介意,反对(用于疑问句或否定句)。例如:

例119:Mind your own business.

例120:Would you mind my/me turning on the radio? (介意我打开收音机吗?)

23.catch / catch up with


例121:He got up early in order to catch the first bus. catch up with:赶上。指经过努力赶上同类水平,与keep up with 同义。例如:

例122:We must double our efforts to catch / keep up with the developed countries.


24.catch / seize / hold / catch hold of


例123:He caught the ball and shot the basket. (他抓住球,投篮。)

例124:We caught lots of fish today.

例125:I got up early so that I could catch the first bus. seize:抓住(指用力猛抓);捉拿,逮捕。例如:

例126:It’s a pity that I didn’t seize the chance.

例127:Immediately the thief was seized and sent to the police station.


例128:She was holding an umbrella.

例129:At that moment I held him by the arm. (就在这一刻我抓住了他的手臂。)

catch hold of:抓住,抓牢。指抓住某物不放手,相当于get hold of。例如:

例130:Be sure to catch hold of the rope.

25.catch fire / be on fire / cause fire / set fire to sth / set sth on fire

catch fire:着火(指自然着火,无被动结构)。be on fire:着火(指状态)。cause fire:起火(引起火灾)。set fire to sth / set sth on fire:放火,纵火(指人为的)。例如:

例131:The store caught fire at 5:00 this morning, and it was on fire for nearly half an hour. Nobody knows what caused the fire or who set it on fire / set fire to it. (商店早上5点着火,烧了近半个小时,没人知道是什么引起这场火灾或是谁放了这把火。)

26.collect / gather


例132:She is gathering wild flowers in the field.

例133:Please gather the students for me.

例134:He wants to gather money for a motorbike. (他想攒钱买一辆摩托车。)


例135:Are you fond of collecting stamps?

例136:They are collecting money for the kids in those poor areas.



例137:We’ll gather / collect at the gate of the school at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow.

27.compare with / compare to

compare with:把……和……相比。例如:

例138:Can you compare this word with that one?

compare to:比喻为,把……比作;把……和……相比。例如:例139:Young people are usually compared to the rising sun. (年轻人常被比作初升的太阳。)

例140:Don’t compare your toys to / with others’ all the time.


compared to / with:比起来,与……相比。过去分词短语作状语,介词用to / with均可。例如:

例141:Compared to / with other people, you were indeed very fortunate.


28.contain / include

contain:包含(全部),容纳。include:包括(部分)。例如:例142:Senior Book One contains twelve units, including two (units) chosen from the old textbook.

例143:This atlas contains forty maps, including three of Great Britain.


例144:How much does this bottle contain? (这瓶能装多少?)29.cost / spend / pay / buy / charge / sell

cost:花费,付出代价。通常以事物作主语,即sth+ cost + (sb) + 金钱、时间、劳力或其他代价。例如:

例145:The book cost me $10.

例146:Careless driving cost him his life. (粗心驾驶使他付出了生命的代价。)

spend:花费。主语是人,可以指花金钱,也可以指花时间。spend 的用法:sb + spend +时间+ (in) + v-ing / sb + spend +金钱 (时间) + on sth。例如:

例147:I spent $10 on the book.

例148:I spent two hours (in) finishing the composition. 比较:

例149:It took me two hours to finish the composition. pay:付款。例如:

例150:I paid $10 for the book.


例151:I bought the book for $10.


例152:They charged me $10 for the book. (买这本书,他们收我十美元。)


例153:They sold me the book for $10.

30.cure / treat / heal


例154:The new medicine cured (him of) his heart trouble. (这种新药治愈了他的心脏病。)


例155:It was difficult to treat patients (for their diseases) because of a shortage of medicine.


例156:He treats the orphan as his own son. (他把那个孤



例157:It took three months for my arm to heal properly.

31.die of / die from

die of:死于。常指由于疾病、饥饿、情感等原因而死亡。例如:例158:Many of them died of hunger during the voyage.

例159:The old woman died of grief soon after her husband’s death.

die from:死于。常指除了疾病或情感以外的原因造成的死亡,及因某种具体疾病造成的死亡。例如:

例160:In big cities during cold winter months, many old people die from the polluted air.

例161:It is said that he died from / of heart attack.

32.discover / invent / create


例162:It is well known that Madame Curie discovered the element radium.

例163:As is known to all, Thomas Edison invented the electric lamp.

例164:As we know, Shakespeare created quite a number of wonderful characters in his plays.

33.disturb / interrupt / trouble


例165:The loud noise disturbed his thought.


例166:Sorry to interrupt you, but I have an urgent message. trouble:使麻烦(指心情上苦恼或行动上带来不便)。例如:

例167:Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. (别自寻麻烦。)

34.dress / put on / wear / have on / be in

dress:穿衣,穿着。可用作及物动词,“人”当宾语;可用作不及物动词;可用be dressed表示穿着状况。例如:

例168:The baby isn’t old enough to dress itself. (这孩子还小,无法自己穿衣服。)

例169:He rose, dressed quickly and hurried to school.

例170:She is well dressed today.

例171:The girl was dressed in pink last night. (昨晚这女孩穿着一身粉红色的衣服。)

例172:The girl dressed herself in pink last night.

put on:穿上(衣服),上演。表示动作。例如:

例173:Better put on your coat; it’s cold outside.

例174:A new play will be put on at the Grand Theatre. wear:穿着,佩戴。表示状态,包括穿着衣物、佩戴首饰以及留头发、胡须等。例如:

例175:Can you recognize the woman wearing sunglasses over there?


例176:I don’t understand why he wears long hair now. have on:穿。表示状态,穿着衣物,不用于进行时态;也意为“有事;有约会”。如:

例177:The foolish emperor had nothing on that day.

不说:We’re having on school clothes today.

例178:Sorry, I can’t help you this weekend. I’ve too much on already.


be in:穿。表示状态,其后常接表示颜色或服装、眼镜的词作宾语。例如:

例179:The boy in white is one of my classmates.

例180:He is in uniform today. (他今天穿着制服。)

35.employ / hire / rent

employ:雇用。较正式用语,指较长期雇用,宾语一般是人。例如:例181:Karl was employed by a car rental agency. (卡尔受雇于一家汽车出租公司。)


例182:The store-keeper hired 10 girls for the Christmas rush.


例183:During the holiday they hired a boat and went fishing. rent:出租。指长时间租用、出租房屋、场地等。例如:

例184:She has rented the house to a young couple. (她已把这房子出租给一对年轻夫妇。)

36.fall / drop


例185:He suddenly fell / dropped to the ground.

例186:The price of oil has fallen / dropped by $ 2 each barrel. (油价每桶下降了两美元。)

例187:Hundreds of soldiers fell in this battle. (数以百计的士兵在这次战斗中牺牲。)

例188:He dropped in the chair the moment he got home. (他一到家就累倒在椅子上。)

37.feed on / feed with

feed on:靠……为生。相当于live on。例如:

例189:Sheep feed mainly on grass. (绵羊主要吃草。)

feed with:喂养。指喂养的具体动作。例如:

例190:He is now feeding his sheep with grass. (他在用草喂羊。)

38.fight against ( with) / fight for

fight against:与……战斗, 反对……的战争,可与fight with 互用;但fight with还可表示“和……并肩作战”。例如:

例191:They are making great efforts to fight against / with pollution.

例192:In World War II, the British fought with the French and the Americans against the Germans.(在第二次世界大战中,英国人同法国人、美国人一起与德国人交战。)

fight for:为(争取)……而战斗。例如:

例193:The slaves were fighting for freedom.

例194:He said he would fight for his motherland.

39.find / find out / look for

find:发现(无意识地);找到(有意识地,是look for的结果)。例如:

例195:When I got there, I found my pocket picked. (当我到那里时,发现口袋被扒了。)

例196:Scientists have found new ways to clean waste. (科学家已找到清理废物的新途径。)

find out:查明,查出。指经过探听、询问、调查之后查明、弄清。例如:

例197:Please find out who broke the window. (请查清楚是谁打破窗户的。)

look for:寻找。例如:

例198:I have been looking for my pocket dictionary, but I haven’t found it yet.


40.forget / leave / remain


例199:Oh no, I’ve forgotten my key to the office. leave:把(某物 / 某人)忘 / 留在某地(后面要跟地点)。例如:

例200:Oh no, I’ve left my key at the office.

例201:Don’t leave your child alone at home.


例202:The refugees were allowed to remain in that area. (允许难民留在那个地区。)

例203:The boy remained silent.

41.go out / be out / put out

go out:熄灭(自然熄灭,无被动结构)。be out:熄灭(表示状态)。put out:扑灭。例如:

例204:The light went out suddenly, and it has been out for quite a long time.

例205:The big forest fire was put out at last.

例206:Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to go out.


例207:When the firefights arrived, the fire had gone out / been put out.


42.happen / occur / take place / come about


例208:This happened on a December evening.

例209:What happened to him?

例210:I happened to meet Tom in the street when I went shopping today.

例211:It happened that I met Tom in the street when I went shopping today.

occur:发生(既表示偶然地,也表示必然地);被想到。例如:例212:When did the accident occur?

例213:The tide occurs this time every year. (潮水每年这个时候出现。)

例214:A fresh idea suddenly occurred to me. (我突然有个新主意。)

take place:发生。指事先布置或策划好而后发生。例如:

例215:The May 4th Movement took place in 1919.

come about:产生。指自然产生。例如:

例216:How do the differences between British English and American English come about?

43.hear / listen


例217:I was walking along the street when I heard my name called. (此处是无意识听到)

例218:I hear (that) he’ll be back in an hour. (此处是听说)

例219:He listened but could hear nothing. (此处是有意识听的结果)

例220:Speak louder so that everyone can hear you clearly.例221:Speak louder to make yourself heard. (讲大声点,以便能使你的声音让别人听到。)

例222:The music is well worth listening to.

44.hear of / hear from

hear of:听说(人或事)。其后常接名词或代词。例如:

例223:I’ve never heard of such a man.

hear from:得到(某人的)音信,收到(某人的)来信。例如:例224:Have you heard from him recently?

例225:I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.

45.help / aid / assist


例226:May I help you with your luggage?

例227:We helped him (to) mend his bicycle.


例228:The flooded areas were aided by many countries. (灾区得到许多国家的援助。)


例229:She assisted me in the experiments. (她协助我做实验。)

46.hope / wish / expect / long / desire


例230:I hope to visit China again.

例231:I hope you’ll visit China again.

不说:I hope you to visit China again.


例232:I wish to visit China again!

例233:I wish you to visit China again!

例234:I wish you would visit China again! (此处有虚拟的含义)


例235:I am expecting you to visit China again!


例236:I am longing to visit China again!

例237:I am longing for you to visit China again! (意思同235)

例238:She is longing for the chance to speak to him in private.


desire:愿望,欲望。相当于hope for,wish for,long for。例如:

例239:We all desire happiness and health.

47.hurt / injure / wound / harm / damage / destroy


例240:I hurt myself in the leg when I fell off the bike the other day, and it still hurts now.


例241:I am afraid your words have hurt him.


例242:Several people were injured in the traffic accident. wound:受伤。常指战争场合的伤害,如枪伤、刀伤等。例如:

例243:His father was wounded in the war 30 years ago. harm:危害。例如:

例244:In my point of view, the rain will harm our crops.(依我看来,这雨对我们的庄稼有害。)

例245:Reading in dim light will harm your eyes. (在昏暗的灯光下看书会损害眼睛。)


例246:The car was slightly damaged in the accident. destroy:毁坏。常指严重地,甚至毁灭性地摧毁;侧重外界力量;可用于指人或物。也可以指希望、计划等破灭。例如:

例247:Thousands of houses were destroyed in the earthquake.

例248:His hope of being a writer was destroyed. (他想成为一个作家的希望破灭了。)

48.interview / cover / report / broadcast


例249:The winner was interviewed by a lot of reporters there.例250:We’re interviewing six candidates(候选人)for the job.


例251:He was sent to cover the whole event.


例252:We aim to report news to the people as fairly as possible.


例253:Journalists in Cairo reported that seven people had been shot.


例254:The interview was broadcast live across Europe. (这次采访在全欧洲现场直播。)

49.join / join sb in / join in


例255:When did you join the Party? (你是什么时候入党的?)join sb in:参加。指和某人一起参与某种活动。

例256:Will you join us in the party? (要不要和我们一起参加晚会?)

join in:参加。指参与某种活动。

例257:Will you join in our party? (要不要参加我们的晚会?)

50.know / get to know / recognize

know:认识,了解。既可以表示“认识”的那一刻,也可以表示“认识”的过程。get to know:认识,结识。表示“认识”的那一刻。recognize:认出。例如:

例258:I got to know him three years ago, that is, I have known him for three years. But strange enough, I couldn’t recognize him the other day when I met him. (三年前我认识他,也就是说,我已认识他三年了;但很奇怪,那一天我遇到他时,却认不出他来。)

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