当前位置:文档之家› 人教版高中英语选修七unit2-Robots-词汇篇



第3讲Robots 词汇篇


一. 重点词汇

1. desire n. 渴望vt. 想要


desire sth. 渴望得到某物

desire to do sth. 希望/渴望做某事

desire that sb.(should) do 要求……

have a desire for sth./to do sth. 渴望得到某物/希望做某事

at one’s desire 照某人的希望


1)We all desire happiness and health. 我们都希望幸福健康。

2)Everyone has a desire for success, but no everyone desire to get rich. 每个人都渴望成功,但并非人人都渴望金钱。

3) He desires you to go to see him at once. 他要求你马上去见他。

=he desires that you should go to see him at once.

2. alarm n.警报vt.使```惊恐


give /raise the alarm发警报

ring the alarm敲警钟

sound the alarm发警报; 吹警报号

take (the) alarm at对...感到吃惊; 因...而惊恐

be alarmed at ... 被...吓一跳


1) We were much alarmed by the fire in the forest. 森林失火使我们大为惊慌。

2) As soon as he saw the smoke, he sounded the alarm. 看见火灾爆发,他鸣响了警报。

3. Sympathy n.同情


feel /have sympathy for 同情某人

in sympathy with 同情; 赞成; 和......一致

out of sympathy with 对...不同情; 不赞成; 对......没有同感, 和......不一致

win sympathy of 博得......的同情


1) He gave the poor child some money out of sympathy. 出于同情,他给了这个穷孩子一点钱。

2) He is in sympathy with their beliefs. 他与他们的信仰一致。

4. accompany vt.陪伴


accompany sb. to a place 陪伴某人去某地

accompany sth. with/by sth. 与...…同时存在


1) He accompanied his old father to the hospital to see what’s wrong with his stomach. 他陪他的老父亲去医院查看胃部出了什么问题。

2) Thunders accompanied by heavy rain in this season are very common. 这个季节,雷鸣常常伴有大雨。

5. declare vt.宣布


declare sth. 宣布……

declare sb./sth. (to be) +n./adj. 宣布……为……

declare that

declare war on/upon 对…宣战

declare against/for… 声明反对/赞成


1) She declared that she didn't want to see him again. 她宣称她再也不愿见到他。

2) Soon they will declare him the owner of the house. 很快他们就会宣布他为房子的主人。

3) The government passed a law that declared it illegal to catch and sell this kind of animals.


6. envy vt.嫉妒


envy sb. sth. 妒忌/羡慕某人某物

become the envy of sb. 成为令人嫉妒/羡慕的事物

be in envy of one’s success 羡慕某人的成功

out of envy 出于嫉妒/羡慕


1) All her workmates envied her (for) her promotion. 所有的同事都羡慕她的晋升。

2) His talent for music becomes the envy of the other competitors. 他在音乐方面的天分让其他人对手感到羡慕。

二. 重点词组

1. test out 考验;试验


1) This model had been tested out before it was put into production. 这个型号经过试验后才进行大批量生产。

2) Before the lecture, the professor is used to testing out the whole experiment. 上课前,这个教授习惯先将整个实验试验一番。


test on sb./sth. 在……(身上)做实验/试验

have/take a test in 参加……考试

2. ring up 打电话给……


ring back 回电话

ring off 挂断电话;停止讲话

ring a bell 唤醒经常是模糊的记忆


1) I have to ring off now because my friend is waiting for me. 我朋友在等我,我得挂电话了。

2) On arriving at the airport, he rang up his mother to say everything was ok. 一到达机场,他就打电话给他母亲报平安。

3. turn around 转向


1) He heard a voice but when he turned around, he saw nobody. 他听到声音,但转身却没发现有人。

2) As he walked towards the hotel, he suddenly turned around and found an old lady following him. 当他朝旅馆走去时,突然转身发现一个老妇人跟着他。


turn away 把(脸)转过去

turn against 背叛,反抗

turn on/off 打开/关掉

turn up 出现/调大(音量)

turn down 拒绝,调小(音量)

turn out 结果是;证明是

4. leave…alone 不打扰


leave behind留下,遗留

leave aside(把某事)搁置一边

leave for出发前往

leave out省去,遗漏,不考虑


1) Leave him alone and he will produce. 别打扰他,他会写出来的。

2) He was asked to leave for another city in 24 hours. 他被要求24小时内离开到另一个城市去。

3) The teacher required us to leave out some unnecessary words in our essays. 老师让我们将论文中不必要的词语省去。

4) You shouldn’t have left Andy alone in the mountains; it was very dangerous. 你不该将Andy留在山上,因为那非常危险。

5. set aside 将……放在一边;节省或保留(时间,金钱)


set down 写下,记下

set off 开始动身(for a place)

set up 创立,建立,搭起

set out 出发,着手做某事(to do sth.)

set about doing 着手做,开始做……


1) Would you please set aside some time to listen to my real idea? 你可以腾出点时间听听我的想法吗?

2) The department set aside the things they were doing and concentrated on a more urgent task. 这个部门的成员放下手头的事情,全力以赴一项更紧急的任务。

6. be bound to 一定做……


1) We missed the bus. We're bound to be late. 我们错过了那趟车,我们肯定要迟到了。

2) She's bound to be mayor. 她注定会成为市长。

三. 重点句子

1. Claire didn’t want the robot in her house, especially as her husband would be absent for three weeks, but Larry persuaded her that the robot wouldn’t harm her or allow her to be harmed.


[解释] to be harmed: 动词不定式的被动语态。


1) All these gifts must be mailed immediately so as to be received in time for Christmas. 所有的这些礼物必须及时邮寄,以便在圣诞节及时收到。

2) It remains to be seen whether Jim’ll be fit enough to play in the finals. 吉姆最后是否适合演出仍将拭目以待。

2. As she turned around, there stood Gladys Claffern. 当他转过身时,(她发现)Gladys站在那儿。[解释] there stood Gladys Claffern倒装句。在谓语为动词go, come, run, stand, live等表示位置转移的动词及be动词的句子中,为了强调句子中一些副词there, here, up, down, in, out, away等,可将副词置于句首,若这时主语是名词,句子用全倒装;若是代词,则不用倒装。


1) There comes the teacher and her students. 老师和她的学生们来了。

2) Out rushed the boys. 男孩们冲了出去。

3. Asimov began having stories published in science fiction magazines in 1939. 1939年,阿西莫夫开始在科幻杂志上发表文章。


have sth. done 表示“请某人做某事”,或“遭遇到某事”(宾语与宾补为被动关系)

have sb. do 让某人做……

have sb./sth. doing 让……不停地做……


1) We had our photo taken by a passer-by. 我们请了个过路人给我们照相。

2) Be careful. It’s easy to have your pocket picked in a crowd like this. 小心点,在这样的人群中容易被


3) The coach has us doing the same thing all day. It’s boring. 教练让我们整天做同样的事情,真乏味

4) As you have never been there before, I’ll have someone show you the way. 既然你以前没去过,那我找人带你去。


1.(2014湖南高考) Childre n, when by their parents, are allowed to enter the stadium.

A.To be accompanied

B. to accompany

C. accompanying

D. Accompanied

答案: D

解析: 此句考查非谓语动词的用法,因为children和accompany之间是被动关系,所以应该用过去分词。

2.(2015河北衡水中学高二下) A smile of appeared on her face when she was told that her child behaved well at school.


B. inspiration

C. regulation

D. tension

答案: A

解析: 此题考查名词辨析,A为“满意”,B为“灵感”,C为“规则”,D为“紧张”,根据句意,答案应为A。

3.(2015陕师大附中高二下) ---What about inviting Mary to our party?

---You’d better not. She prepared to be , so far as I know.

A.tested out

B. rung up

C. left alone

D. turned out

答案: B

解析: 此题考查词组辨析,A为“考验出”,B为“打电话”,C为“不管”,D为“结果是”,根据句意答案应为B。

4.(2015东北师大附中高二下)To improve her spoken English, she would half an hour practising reading aloud every day.

A.leave out

B. take up

C. set aside

D. focus on

答案: C

解析: 此题考查词组辨析,A为“泄漏”,B为“从事”,C为“留出”,D为“集中精力在......”,根据句意答案应为C。

5.(2015甘肃兰州一中) You have worked so hard---you’re to pass the exam.


B. addicted

C. accustomed

D. devoted

答案: A

解析: 此题考查词组辨析,A为“一定”,B为“沉迷”,C为“适应于”,D为“投身于”,根据句意答案应为A。



一. 根据句子结构,用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空

1) We had a ______ meal together last Sunday. All the guests are very ______. (satisfaction)

2) I was sleeping soundly in the early morning when a telephone _______ me awake. I was even ______to hear the ______ news that another bombing had hit London. (alarm)

3) What ______ the women most was that when they were talking about the _______ new about the girl, she became so _______ that she ran away as soon as she heard this. (embarrass)

4) The newly-elected president _______ his support for the terrorists. He must be responsible for his______. (declare)

5) He ______ to his friends why he was late but none of them thought his _______ believable. (explain) keys: 1. satisfying; satisfied 2. alarmed; alarmed; alarming 3. embarrassed; embarrassing; embarrassed 4. declared; declaration 5. explained; explanation


二. 根据课文内容完成下面语法填空,注意单词拼写和词语用法:

A robot used for housework was tested 1 in a family. He looked like a tall and handsome man with smooth black hair, 2 (speak) in a deep voice. Larry was going to be away from home so he hired such a robot to 3 (陪伴)his wife Claire. Claire didn’t like the idea at the beginning, but she 4 to it at last. At the first sight of Tony, Claire felt embarrassed. 5 (渐渐地), Tony began to win Claire’s trust. He helped Claire realize her dreams 6 making her home elegant, giving her a new haircut, changing the makeup she wore and giving her advice on her dresses. Therefore at the party all she guests 7 were invited were filled with admiration 8 they saw her house was completely changed. 9 the test, the company was satisfied with Tony’s report because he had successfully made a woman regain her confidence 10 fall in love with him.

Key: 1. out 2. speaking 3. accompany 4. agreed 5. Gradually 6. by 7. who 8. when 9. After 10. and



1. those cakes . They're for the guests.

2. The Ferrari team wanted to their new car on the racetrack.

3. We Henry but got no reply.

4. and let me look at your back.

5. We have 13 subjects to learn .

6. I warned them not to do it,but my objection was .

7. He come for he always keeps his word.

8. They only say such unkind thing about you .

Key: 1. Leave; alone 2. test; out 3. rang up 4. Turn around 5. in all 6. set aside 7. is bound to

8.out of envy

二. 单词拼写

1. She asked me to a her to the supermarket.

2. She has got a well-paid job. I really e her.

3. We are all in f of his view that we should communication more with our children.

4. Much to our s , we will have a three-day holiday to Shanghai.

5. She never expressed any s when I was injured.

6. No one is permitted to leave the room until the chairman d the end of the conference.

7. You are b to fail if you keep on working like this.

Key: 1. accompany 2. envy 3. favor 4. satisfaction 5. sympathy 6. declare 7. bound

三. 阅读理解


A bad Working Memory ( 大脑的工作记忆) – the brain's temporary storage box -- may explain, new research suggests, why one child cannot read his or her history book and another gets lost in math. As many as 10 percent of school-age children may suffer from poor working memory. British researchers said in a report last week, yet the problem is rarely identified.

"You can think of working memory as a pure measure of your child's potential. Many psychologists consider working memory to be the new IQ (智商), because we find that working memory is one of the most important predictors (预示物) of learning ability,' said Dr. Tracey Alloway of Britain’s Durham University.

Many children with poor working memory are considered lazy or dull. Working memory allows people to hold in their minds and deal with a few items, such as telephone numbers, over a short period of time. Alloway compares working memory to a box. For adults, the basic box size is thought to be three to five items. It's important, therefore, to put in the right things. Irrelevant (不相关的) information will clutter working memory.

The question many researchers are struggling with is how to help children with this problem, which appears to be closely, related to a lack of attention.

"In children with learning difficulties, it becomes a huge issue, especially around middle school, when the demands on working memory really grow," said Dr. Mel Levine, co-founder of All Kinds of Minds, a nonprofit organization in North Carolina that studies learning difficulties.

Memory training may help improve working memory. Alloway has a tool that allows teachers to assess (评定)the working-memory capacity of children as young as 4; it has been used in 35 schools across Britain.

Levine’s organization trains teachers through a program called Schools Attuned, which is working with several thousand schools across the United States, Canada and Europe. While he is not sure working memory can be expanded, Levine said children can be taught ways to do better in school.

1. Which of the following is a characteristic of working memory?

A. It has a limited capacity.

B. It is usually better in children than adults.

C. It improves with use.

D. It can cause a lack of attention.

2. According to the new research, ___________.

A. the importance of working memory has been long recognized

B. working memory is becoming recognized as a factor in intelligence

C. laziness can weaken working memory

D. working memory helps people remember things forever

3. What does the underlined word "clutter" in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A. Change.

B. Improve.

C. Strengthen.

D. Confuse.

4. Which of the following may help improve a child' s working memory?

A. Expanding the brain' s storage box.

B. Training the memory.

C. Remembering more things.

D. Being reminded frequently.

5. According to the passage, Dr. Mel Levine has ___________.

A. invented tools to help improve a child's working memory

B. founded an organization to train teachers to help students with this problem

C. identified the problem clearly

D. compared working memory to a box



人教版新课标高中英语选修7课文原文 Unit 1 Living well-Reading MARTY’S STORY Hi, my name is Marry Fielding and I guess you could say that I am "one in a million". In other words, there are not many people like me. You see, I have a muscle disease which makes me very weak, so I can't run or climb stairs as quickly as other people. In addition, sometimes I am very clumsy and drop things or bump into furniture. Unfortunately, the doctors don't know how to make me better, but I am very outgoing and have learned to adapt to my disability. My motto is: live One day at a time. Until I was ten years old I was the same as everyone else. I used to climb trees, swim and play football. In fact, I used to dream about playing professional football and possibly representing my country in the World Cup. Then I started to get weaker and weaker, until I could only enjoy football from a bench at the stadium. In the end I went into hospital for medical tests. I stayed there for nearly three months. I think I had at least a billion tests, including one in which they cut out a piece of muscle from my leg and looked at it under a microscope. Even after all that, no one could give my disease a name and it is difficult to know what the future holds. One problem is that I don't look any different from other people. So sometimes some children in my primary school would laugh, when I got out of breath after running a short way or had to stop and rest halfway up the stairs. Sometimes, too, I was too weak to go to school so my education suffered. Every time I returned after an absence, I felt stupid because I was behind the others. My life is a lot easier at high school because my fellow students have accepted me. The few who cannot see the real person inside my body do not make me annoyed, and I just ignore them. All in all I have a good life. I am happy to have found many things I can do, like writing and computer programming. My ambition is to work for a firm that develops computer software when I grow up. Last year invented a computer football game and a big company has decided to buy it from me. I have a very busy life with no time to sit around feeling sorry for myself. As well as going to the movies and football matches with my friends, I spend a lot of time with my pets. I have two rabbits, a parrot, a tank full of fish and a tortoise. To look after my pets properly takes a lot of time but I find it worthwhile. I also have to do a lot of work, especially if I have been away for a while. In many ways my disability has helped me grow stronger psychologically and become more independent. I have to work hard to live a normal life but it has been worth it. If I had a chance to say one thing to healthy children, it would be this: having a disability does not mean your life is not satisfying. So don't feel sorry for the disabled or make fun of them, and don't ignore them either. Just accept them for who they are, and give them encouragement to live as


选修7 英语单词 Unit 1 disability n. 伤残;无力;无能 disabled adj.伤残的 hearing n. 听力;听觉 eyesight n. 视力 △syndrome n. 综合病征;综合症状 △infantile paralysis 小儿麻痹 # △Rosalyn n. 罗莎琳(女名) lap n. 跑道的一圈;重叠部分;(人坐着时)大腿的上方ambition n. 雄心;野心 ambitious adj. 有雄心的;有野心的 dictation n. 口授;听写(的文字) △Sally n. 萨利(女名) noisy n. 吵闹的;嘈杂的 suitable adj. 适合的;适宜的 entry n. 项目;进入;入口 beneficial adj. 有益的;受益的 } △Marty 马蒂菲尔丁 in other words 换句话说 clumsy adj. 笨拙的 △bump vi. 碰撞;撞击 outgoing adj. 外向的;友好的;外出的; 离开的 adapt vt. 使适应;改编 adapt to 适合 bench n. 长凳 cut out 切去;省略;停止(做某事) / microscope n. 显微镜 out of breath 上气不接下气 absence n. 缺席;不在某处 fellow adj. 同伴的;同类的 n.同伴;同志;伙伴 annoy vt. 使……不悦;惹恼 annoyed adj. 颇为生气的 △annoyance n. 烦恼 all in all 总而言之 firm n. 公司 ?

adj.结实的;坚固的;坚定的 software n. 软件 sit around 闲坐着 as well as 和;也 parrot n. 鹦鹉 tank n. (盛液体、气体的)大容器;缸; 大桶 tortoise n. 陆龟;龟 in many ways 在很多方面 psychology n. 心理(学) 】 psychologically adv. 心理(学)地;精 神上地 make fun of 取笑 encouragement n. 鼓励;奖励 conduct n. 行为;品行 vt.指挥;管理;主持 △mainstream n. 主流;主要倾向 △fulfilling adj. 令人满意的;令人愉快的 never mind 不必担心 politics n. 政治(学) ^ abolish vt. 废除;废止 △abolition n. 废除;废止 resign vi. & vt. 辞职;辞去(工作、职位等) slavery n. 奴隶制 literature n. 文学(作品);著作;文献 △Barry Minto 巴里明托 △Mount Kilimanjaro n. 气力马扎罗山(位于坦桑尼亚;非洲最高山)companion n. 同伴;伙伴 assistance n. 协助;援助 congratulate vt. 祝贺;庆贺 * congratulation n. 祝贺;贺词 bowling n. 保龄球 graduation n. 毕业;毕业典礼 certificate n. 证书 all the best (口语)(祝你)一切顺利 architect n. 建筑师 △Sanders n. 桑德斯(姓) adequate adj. 足够的;充分的 access n. (接近的)方法;通路;可接 近性 ]


选修六 Unit 1 1.adj. 现实主义的;逼真的;现实的 2.adj. 抽象的;深奥的n. 摘要 3.n. 雕塑 4.n. 雕刻家;雕塑家 5.n. 美术陈列室;画廊 6.n. 信任;信心;信念 7.adv. 忠实地 8.adv. 所以;因而 9.n. 目标;目的vi. & vt. 瞄准;(向某方向)努力 10.adj. 常规的;传统的;因循守旧的 11.adj. 典型的;有代表性的 12.adj. 明显的;明白的 13.n. 新生;复兴;复活 14.vt. 采用;采纳;收养 15.adj. 人道主义的 16.vt. 拥有;具有;支配 17.n. (尤作复数)所有;财产 18.adj. 卓越的;杰出的;极好的 19.n. 透视画法;透视图;观点 20.n. 技术;方法;技能 21.n. 巧合(的事);(事情、口味、故事等)相合 22.巧合地 23.n. 杰作;名著 24.n. 印象主义;印象派 25.adj. 印象派的 n.印象派艺术家 26.adj. 后印象派的n. 后印象派艺术家 27.大量28.n. 阴影;影子 29.adj. 荒谬的;可笑的 30.adj. 争论的;争议的 31.n. 努力;尝试;企图vt. 尝试;企图 32.(可是)另一方面 33.vt. 预言;预告;预测 34.n. 风景;景色 35.adj. 确切的;特定的 36.n. 画像;身材;数字 37.n. 黏土 38.n. 评论家;批评者 39.n. 青铜;青铜色;青铜制艺术品 40.n. 大理石 41.vt. 雕刻;刻记 42.adj. 脆弱的;容易生病的;精致的 43.n. 帆布;画布 44.n. 咖啡馆;小餐馆 45.adj. 过敏性的;对……过敏的 46.adv. 有效地 47.n. 展览;陈列;展览会 48.adj.敢做敢为的;侵略的;好斗的 49.n. 学者 50.n. 肉;肌肉;肉体 51.活着的;本人 52.n. 几何学 53.n. 束;串 54.n. 林荫道;道路;大街 55.n. 喜爱;偏爱


Unit 1 Living well 知识目标 1.Get students to learn the useful words and expressions in this unit. eyesight,ambition,disabled,beneficial,in other words,clumsy,adapt,microscope,out of breath,absence,stupid,fellow,annoyed,all in all,industry,tank,make fun of,encouragement,adapt to 2.Help students to learn about disabilities and life of the disabled. 能力目标 1.Let students read the passage Marty's Story to develop their reading ability. 2.Enable students to know that people with disabilities can also live well. 情感目标 1.By talking about disabilities and life of the disabled,make sure students can learn some positive stories of the disabled. 2.Help them understand more about how challenging life can be for the disabled. 3.Develop students' sense of cooperative learning.

高中英语选修7单词 - 中文

高中英语选修7单词 Unit 1 n. 伤残;无力;无能 adj.伤残的 n 听力;听觉 n. 视力 n. 综合病征;综合症状 小儿麻痹 n. 罗莎琳(女名) n. 跑道的一圈;重叠部分; n. 雄心;野心 adj. 有雄心的;有野心的 n. 口授;听写(的文字) n. 萨利(女名) n. 吵闹的;嘈杂的 adj. 适合的;适宜的 n. 项目;进入;入口 adj. 有益的;受益的 马蒂?菲尔丁 换句话说 adj. 笨拙的 vi. 碰撞;撞击 adj. 外向的;友好的;外出的;离开的vt. 使适应;改编 适合 n. 长凳 切去;省略;停止(做某事) n. 显微镜 上气不接下气 n. 缺席;不在某处 adj. 同伴的;同类的 n.同伴;同志;伙伴 vt. 使……不悦;惹恼 adj. 颇为生气的 n. 烦恼 总而言之 n. 公司 adj.结实的;坚固的;坚定的 n. 软件 闲坐着 和;也 n. 鹦鹉 n. (盛液体、气体的)大容器;缸;大桶n. 陆龟;龟 在很多方面 n. 心理(学) adv. 心理(学)地;精神上地 取笑 n. 鼓励;奖励 n. 行为;品行vt.指挥;管理;主持n. 主流;主要倾向 adj. 令人满意的;令人愉快的 不必担心 n. 政治(学) vt. 废除;废止 n. 废除;废止 vi. & vt. 辞职;辞去(工作、职位等)n. 奴隶制 n. 文学(作品);著作;文献 巴里?明托 n. 气力马扎罗山 n. 同伴;伙伴 n. 协助;援助 vt. 祝贺;庆贺 n. 祝贺;贺词 n. 保龄球 n. 毕业;毕业典礼 n. 证书 口语)(祝你)一切顺利 n. 建筑师 n. 桑德斯(姓) adj. 足够的;充分的 n. (接近的)方法;通路;可接近性adj. 可接近的;可进入的;可使用的n. 轮椅 adj. 方便的;有用的 n. 耳机 t. 削弱;损伤 n. 一行;一排vt . & vi.划(船)n. 地下室 adv. 向外 n. 出口;离开;退场 遇到;经历;会晤 n. 赞成;认可 n. 尊严;高贵的品质 n. 收益;利润;盈利 n.(pl)斜体(字) n. 社区;团体;社会


第一单元 路永在前方 阿什利塔·福曼是一位热衷挑战并总想争创吉尼斯纪录的运动员。在过去25年中,他大约(approximately)已经打破了93项吉尼斯世界纪录,至今,他仍然是其中20多项纪录的保持者,还包括拥有最多的吉尼斯纪录这一项。但是这些记录并不是像游泳或足球等一般运动项目那样创建的,而是阿什利塔试图在非常有趣的地点,在富有想像力的运动项目中打破的。 最近,阿什利塔完成了他的梦想:在所有七大洲破一项纪录,其中包括在澳洲玩呼啦圈,在南美洲的水下做弹簧单高跷游戏,在北美洲的热气球中做膝部深弯曲运动。 虽然这些活动看起来孩子气且令人发笑而不是让人肃然起敬,但实际上(in reality),完成这些活动需要强大的力量,健康的体格和坚定的决心。 想想吧,你一边走路,一边还要把一瓶牛奶顶在头上,你的脖子需要的多好的适应力。你可以停下来休息或吃东西,但瓶子必须呆在头上。 当阿什利塔站在75厘米高的瑞士球上时,看起来虽然很轻松容易,其实不然。呆在球上得一直全神贯注,还需要有极强的注意力和极好的平衡感。特别是在双腿开始抖动的时候,你还得使劲呆在球上。 然而沿着12英里的马路翻筋斗,情况又是怎样的呢?翻筋斗是一项艰苦的运动,因为你必须克服头晕、极度疲劳和痛苦。每翻滚一个小时,只允许休息5分钟,不过也可以短暂地停下来呕吐(vomit)。 做标准的体操(gymnastically)弓箭步动作向前,以最快的节奏走完1英里的路程是阿什利塔又一个出色的项目。弓箭步冲刺对你的双腿是一个极端艰苦的考验。开始时呈站立姿势,然后右脚向前迈一步,同时左膝触地,然后再站起来,左脚向前迈出一步,同时右膝触地。想想吧,这个动作要反复做1英里远! 然而,这位有才能的运动员并不是天生的。小时候,他很不健康(unfit),而且对运动毫无兴趣。但他却对《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》非常着迷(fascinated)。 阿什利塔究竟是怎样成为一位运动员的呢?这是一个有趣的故事。少年时,他就开始探究人生的深层的意义。他研究过东方宗教,16岁时,他发现了一位名叫斯里琴摩的印度静坐功(mediation)导师,住在纽约市他家附近。自从20世纪70年代初,阿什利塔就一直是斯里琴摩的学生。斯里琴摩指出,人们发展他们的体魂与发展他们的头脑、心灵和精神上的(spiritual)自我具有同等的重要性,并且他相信人的体能是没有局限的。 当阿什利塔1978年在纽约市中央公园进行的24小时自行车马拉松(marathon)比赛中获得第三名时,他就知道总有一天他将进入《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》。尽管从没有训练过,他还是受到他的精神领袖的敦促参加了马拉松比赛。因此,当他取得第三名的时候,他开始有了这样的认识:他的身躯只不过是他的精神的工具,而且他似乎能够利用他的精神力量去完成任何事。从那时起,阿什利塔就拒绝接受任何身体极限的说法。 由于有了这种新的信心, 阿什利塔于1979年第一次打破吉尼斯纪录——跳爆竹27000次。不断努力打破纪录的动机源来自他对斯里琴摩思想的虔诚。每次试图破纪录的时候,阿什里塔都会达到一个体力不可逾越的极限点。这个时候,他就会进入自己的内心深处,与他的灵魂(soul)和他的老师相沟通。 在创纪录的努力中,阿什利塔总是要感谢他的老师。事实上,他常穿着一件T恤衫,后背上有斯里琴摩的名言: “完美的道路只有一条,它就在你前方,永远在你前方。” 集中精力于……


选修七 Unit1 1.profit n.收益;利润;盈利→ profitable adj. 有益的;有利可图的 https://www.doczj.com/doc/8611585790.html,panion n.同伴;伙伴→ company n. 公司;商号;陪伴;同伴 3.adapt vt.使适应;改编→adaptation n.[U,C]适应;改编;改编的作品 4.absence n.[C,U]缺席;[U]缺乏→absent adj.缺席的;缺乏的→(present adj.出席的;在场的 5.access n.[U](接近的)方法;通路;可接近性(熟词生义) vt.进入;使用→accessible adj.可接近的;可进入的;可使用的 6.annoy vt.使……不悦;惹恼→annoyed adj.颇为生气的→annoying adj.使人烦恼的→annoyance n.[U]恼火 7.congratulate vt.祝贺;庆贺→congratulation n.[C]祝贺;贺词 8.beneficial adj.有益的;受益的→benefit n.& v.利益;好处;使受益 9.approval n.[U,C]赞成;认可→approve v.支持;赞成;同意→(disapprove v.不赞成→approving adj.赞许的 10.encouragement n.[U,C]鼓励;奖励→encourage v.鼓励;鼓舞→encouraging adj.鼓舞人心的 →encouraged adj.受到鼓舞的→courage n.[U]勇气;胆量 11.disability n.[U,C]伤残;无力;无能→disable vt.使残废;使失去能力→disabled adj.伤残的 12.ambition n.[U,C]雄心;野心→ambitious adj.有雄心的;有野心的 13.noisy adj.吵闹的;喧闹的→noisily ad v.吵闹地→noise n.[U,C]噪音 14.resign vi.& vt.辞职;辞去 15.conduct n.[U]行为;品行vt.指挥;管理;主持→ conductive adj. 传导性的;有传导力的→ conduction n.传导;输送 16.entry n.项目;进入;入口→ entrance n. 入口;进入;登场→ enter v.进入 17.abolish vt.废除;废止→ abolition n.废除;废止 18.resign vi. & vt.辞职;辞去(工作;职位等)→ resignation n.辞职;辞呈 19.slavery n.奴隶制→slave n.奴隶 20.assistance n.协助;援助→ assist vt. 帮助;协助→ assistant n.助手,助理 21.architect n. 建筑师→ architecture n. 建筑学 22.adequate adj.足够的;充分的→ adequately adv.足够地;充分地→ adequacy n. 足够;适当 23.handy adj.方便的;有用的→hand n.手;协助;手艺v. 给;传 24.basement n.地下室→base n. 底部;基地;基础;基数;vt. 以... 作基础


Unit 1 disability n. 伤残;无力;无能 disabled adj.伤残的 hearing n. 听力;听觉 eyesight n. 视力 △syndrome n. 综合病征;综合症状 △infantile paralysis 小儿麻痹 △Rosalyn n. 罗莎琳(女名) lap n. 跑道的一圈;重叠部分;(人坐着时)大腿的上方ambition n. 雄心;野心 ambitious adj. 有雄心的;有野心的 dictation n. 口授;听写(的文字) △Sally n. 萨利(女名) noisy n. 吵闹的;嘈杂的 suitable adj. 适合的;适宜的 entry n. 项目;进入;入口 beneficial adj. 有益的;受益的 △Marty 马蒂?菲尔丁 in other words 换句话说 clumsy adj. 笨拙的 △bump vi. 碰撞;撞击 outgoing adj. 外向的;友好的;外出的; 离开的 adapt vt. 使适应;改编 adapt to 适合 bench n. 长凳 cut out 切去;省略;停止(做某事) microscope n. 显微镜 out of breath 上气不接下气 absence n. 缺席;不在某处 fellow adj. 同伴的;同类的 n.同伴;同志;伙伴 annoy vt. 使……不悦;惹恼 annoyed adj. 颇为生气的 △annoyance n. 烦恼 all in all 总而言之 firm n. 公司 adj.结实的;坚固的;坚定的 software n. 软件 sit around 闲坐着 as well as 和;也 parrot n. 鹦鹉 tank n. (盛液体、气体的)大容器;缸;


1、 Blindness is a very serious disability. 失明是非常严重的残疾。 2、 Though he is disabled, he is a gifted artist. 尽管身残疾 (的 ),他是一个有天赋的艺术家。 3、 person with a hearing and eyesight disability misses many things. 一位听力和视力残疾的人会错过很多东西。 4、 Beware of the love syndrome.当心恋爱综合症。 5、 Rosalyn had been there frequently in past years for treatment for infantile paralysis. 罗莎琳在过去的几年中频频来这里治疗小儿麻痹。 6、 Harris went on top in the last lap. 哈里斯在最后一圈跑到了最前面。 7、 He had a high ambition to be a headmaster. 他的抱负是想成为一名校长。 8、 I will love the ambitious for they can inspire me!我爱雄心壮志的人,因为他们能激励我! 9、 We will have dictation today.我们今天要听写了。 10、 I wrote the letter at Sally's dictation . 我照萨利的口述写信。 11、 The campus is noisy today.今天校园里很吵。 12、 Do believe there is no best man, only much suitable one. 要相信没有最好男人,只有更适合的。 13、 Trees hid the entry of the cave. 洞穴的入口被树丛遮掩。 14、 Fresh air is beneficial to people's health. 新鲜空气对人的健康有好处。 15、 In other words, a classic fudge. 总之一句话,一派胡言。 16、 Mother reproached me for being too clumsy. 母亲责备我笨手笨脚。 17、 He used to be quiet, but now he is very outgoing. 他以前性格沉默少言,但现在很外向。 18、 How do you adapt to this new environment? 你要怎样适应这种新环境呢?。 19、 The bench often does duty for a table. 这条长凳经常当桌子用。 20、 The doctor told me to cut out meat for my fat. 由于肥胖,大夫叫我停止吃肉 21、 He applied his eye to the microscope. 他把眼睛贴近显微镜。 22、 She was out of breath from climbing the stairs. 爬楼梯使她上气不接下气的。 23、 A servant is known by his master's absence.主人不在就可以看出仆人的品行来。 24、 You are a milk-livered fellow!你真是一个胆小的家伙! 25、 Thank you, my fellow colleagues. 谢谢,同事们。 26、 No joy without annoy. 没有无烦恼之快乐。 27、 I am really very annoyed about it. 我对此事真是很生气。 28、 I felt annoyance at being teased.我恼恨“别人”取笑我。 29、 I let go of all annoyance. 我放下所有烦恼。 30、 He has his faults, but all in all , he is a good guy. 他有缺点,但总的来说,他是不错的人。 单词拼读举例:Di sa bi li ty di sa bled syn drome in fan tile pa ra ly sis am bi tion am bi tious


高中英语选修7词组总结(人教新课标) 选修7 Unit 1 重点短语 1. adapt to 适应 https://www.doczj.com/doc/8611585790.html,ed to do 过去常常 3. at least 至少 4.out of breath 上气不接下气 5. get annoyed 恼火 6.make fun of 取笑 7. live a normal life 过着正常的生活8.in other words 换句话说 9. cut out 切掉,删掉10.all in all 总而言之 11. depend on 依靠12.all the best 一切顺利 13. in particular 特别地14.resign from 辞词…职务 15. adapt sb./oneself to sth 使某人/自己适应于 16. be accessible to 能接近… 17. have a word with sb. 与某人谈话18.have words with sb. 与某人吵架 19. cut in 插嘴20.not at all 根本就不 21. be to do sth. 准备做某事 22. be about to do when… 表示即将发生 Unit 2 重点短语 1. test out 考验7. fall off 从```掉下来 2. allow sb. to do 允许某人做某事8. leave```alone 不打扰 3. write out 写下9. be pleased 感到高兴 4. fall in love with 爱上10. search for 寻找 5. give up 放弃11. set aside 将```放在一边 6. ring up 打电话给12. turn around 转向 Unit3 重点短语 1. ahead of (表示空间)在……前面;(表示时间)先,预先,比……提前比…… 更早 2. aim at 向……瞄准 3. help out 帮助……(摆脱困难或危难);协助;使……脱离困境 4. be/become aware of 对……知道,明白;意识到…… 5. (be) scared to death 吓死了 6. sort out 整理;挑出 7. float up to 浮到……上来 8. look forward to 渴望……,盼望 9. stop sb. (from) doing sth. 阻止某人做某人 10. in the meantime 在此期间,与此同时 11. upside down 上下翻转过来 12. in the distance 在远处 13. get close to 靠近……,接近…… 14. a witness to sth. 某事的证人 15. reflect on/upon sth. 认真思考某事,沉思某事 16. a reflection on 是……的反映 17. be/become ware of 知道……;明白;意识到 18. be/become aware that 明白……;意识到……


人教版高中英语必修7内容全解 话题素材——好好生活 好词 1.sympathy n. 同情 2.overcome vt. 克服 3.determination n. 决心 4.optimistic adj. 乐观的 5.progress n. 进步 6.be confident of sth. 对某事有信心 7.work together 共事;共同努力8.be active in 积极从事于 9.dream of/about 梦想…… 10.be sorry for 为……感到难过/愧疚 11.make it a rule to do sth. 做某事成为规定 12.be skilled in/at sth. 在……方面熟练 13.be available 可以利用的;有空的;可获得的 14.be in the lead 领先

15.live/lead a...life 过……的生活 佳句 1.It_is_also_a_virtue_to forgive and forget, especially in such a competitive and stressful society. 原谅和宽恕也是一种美德,尤其是在这样充满竞争和压力的社会。 2.In the past decades, advances in medical technology have made_it_possible_for_people_to_live longer than in the past. 在过去的几十年,医疗技术的进步已经使人们比过去活的时间更长成为可能。 3.In fact, we have to admit the fact that the quality of life is as_important_as life itself. 事实上,我们必须承认,生命的质量和生命本身一样重要。 [精美语篇] Wang Hong is my classmate. She is a lovely girl. But at the age of ten,she became disabled in a big fire,which made her left eye blind and right arm lost. She didn't give up anything in spite of her disability. Not only has she learned to take care of herself,but also she encourages other disabled people to face life bravely and lead an active life. Wang Hong learns hard and takes the head in our class. And we are all inspired by her. We hope other people don't look down upon the disabled. What healthy people should do is do what we can to help them,such as making public equipment more convenient for them to use. 高频单词 1.disability (n.) 伤残;无力;无能→disabled (adj.) 伤残的 2.adapt (vt.) 使适应;改编→adaptation (n.) 适应;改编;改写本


语篇提能 阅读理解 A Lobsters (龙虾) can be found throughout the world's oceans, with the exception of the north and south polar regions. Different types of lobster choose different areas to live. Many lobsters live in shallow water in the coastal areas around islands. One group of lobsters, called deep-sea lobsters, lives in the cold, deep sea. When it comes to predators (捕食者), humans have to be placed first on the list thanks to a multi-billion dollar fishing industry. In the oceans lobsters face threats from a range of fish and sea mammals. Atlantic Cod Atlantic cod are found throughout the Atlantic Ocean at depths of between 200 and 440 feet. Small cod are primarily bottom feeders. Fully-grown cod will eat pretty much anything they can swallow whole including lobsters. Summer Flounder The summer flounder is a flat fish. What is unique about the fish is that both its eyes are on one side of its body. They stay close to the sea beds in the Atlantic waters off the coast of North America. They are effective predators that search for food on the sea floor. The flounder has sharp teeth capable of crushing (粉碎) small lobsters. Harbor Seals Found in Arctic and sub-arctic waters in both the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, the harbor seals rest on sandy beaches and take to the water to hunt. Seals have a varied diet, eating a range of fish. They also eat lobsters. Wolffish The wolffish is found in coastal waters on both sides of the North


Unit 1 Living well -Reading Hi, my n ame is Marry Field ing and I guess you could say that I am "one in a million". In other words, there are not many people like me. You see, I have a muscle disease which makes me very weak, so I can't run or climb stairs as quickly as other people. In additi on, sometimes I am very clumsy and drop thi ngs or bump into furn iture. Unfortun ately, the doctors don't know how to make me better, but I am very outgoing and have learned to adapt to my disability. My motto is: live One day at a time. Un til I was ten years old I was the same as every one else. I used to climb trees, swim and play football. In fact, I used to dream about playing professional football and possibly represe nti ng my country in the World Cup. Then I started to get weaker and weaker, until I could only enjoy football from a bench at the stadium. In the end I went into hospital for medical tests. I stayed there for n early three mon ths. I think I had at least a billion tests, including one in which they cut out a piece of muscle from my leg and looked at it un der a microscope. Eve n after all that, no one could give my disease a name and it is difficult to know what the future holds. One problem is that I don't look any different from other people. So sometimes some childre n in my primary school would laugh, whe n I got out of breath after running a short way or had to stop and rest halfway up the stairs. Sometimes, too, I was too weak to go to school so my education suffered. Every time I returned after an abse nee, I felt stupid because I was beh ind the others. My life is a lot easier at high school becausemy fellow students have accepted me. The few who cannot see the real pers on in side my body do not make me annoyed, and I just ignore them. All in all I have a good life. I am happy to have found many things I can do, like writing and computer programming. My ambition is to work for a firm that develops computer software when I grow up. Last year inven ted a computer football game and a big compa ny has decided to buy it from me. I have a very busy life with no time to sit around feeling sorry for myself. As well as going to the movies and football matches with my friends, I spend a lot of time with my pets. I have two rabbits, a parrot, a tank full of fish and a tortoise. To look after my pets properly takes a lot of time but I find it worthwhile. I also have to do a lot of work, especially if I have bee n away for a while. In many ways my disability has helped me grow stro nger psychologically and become more independent. I have to work hard to live a normal life but it has been worth it. If I had a chance to say one thing to healthy children, it would be this: having a disability does not mean your life is not satisfying. So don't feel sorry for the disabled or make fun of them, and don't ignore them either. Just accept them for who they are, and give them en courageme nt to live as rich and full a life as you do. Tha nk you for read ing my story.

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